Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021
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Numerical Computation of Natural Ventilation System at Different Floor for A Multistory Building[Full-Text ] M. Z. I. Bangalee, M. Ferdows, Roushanara BegumDhaka city of Bangladesh has its humble start as a city in 17th century, after the emergence of independent Bangladesh in1971. Natural ventilation system at different floor of a eight storied building is discussed in this study numerically. Mass flow analysis are discussed using velocity vector, and velocity contour. The k - e turbulence model is used for the computation of nature of the air flow at different height. ANSYS CFX software is used to solve the governing equations. Model is also validated by comparing the result with an experimental result published previously. Bangladesh national building code is applied for modeling the building. Ventilation rate for acceptable indoor air quality is assured by comparing the result with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004.
A REVIEW ON AROMATASE INHIBITORS FOR BREAST CANCER[Full-Text ] Sandhya Jain, Nidhi J PatelBreast cancer is cancer that forms in the calls of the cells of the breasts. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the United States. Breast cancer can occur in both men and women, but it’s far more in women. Aromatase inhibitors are the selective therapy for breast cancer Aromatase inhibitors are an anti-estrogen agent that targets specifically the aromatase enzyme. Aromatase, also called estrogen synthetase or estrogen synthase is an enzyme responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogen. It is CYP19A1, a member of the cytochrome p450 superfamily. Aromatase is responsible for the aromatization of androgen into estrogen.
THE EFFECTS OF INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY IN UTILIZING THE INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS ON PERFORMANCE OF PROJECTS IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES IN TANZANIA[Full-Text ] Amani Patrick MbogellaTanzania like other countries has been struggling to make various reforms including project reforms for sustainable socio and economic development. Despite these initiatives the performance of projects in Tanzania is still challenging.
Antivenom activities of methanolic leaf extract of Solanum dasyphyllum Schum & Thonn against Naja nigricollis venom mice-induced envenomation[Full-Text ] Adewunmi Rofiat Funmilola, Abubakar Gidado, Hassan ZannaSolanum dasyphyllum is a plant spicy often employed in ethnomedicine for the treatment of tooth pain, poisons and snakebite. The aim of this study is to evacuate the effect of methanolic leaf extract of S. dasyphyllum on toxicity induced by Naja nigricollis snake venom. There was a reduction in the mortality of albino mice treated with S. dasyphyllum after intra-peritoneal (i.p) administration of reconstituted venom when compared to those challenged with the venom only. Maximum protection was observed in animals exposed to the venom incubated with the different concentrations of the extract.
ASSESSING HEALTH BENEFITS OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING ON INFANTS AND ITS IMPACT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Alade, T. T, Bamidele, T. O.The study assessed the health benefits of exclusive breastfeeding on infants and its impact on sustainable development. Exclusive breastfeeding is the practice of feeding an infant with breast milk (including expressed breast milk) only, without any food or drink, nor even water except drops or syrups consisting of vitamins, minerals’ supplements or medicines when medically prescribed.
Liquefaction Resistance of Chitosan Treated Sand Using Cyclic Triaxial Test[Full-Text ] Rupa Dalvi, Vittal Shinde and Sunil DalviLiquefaction of saturated granular soils during earthquakes is one of the most important problems in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering. Various eco-friendly approaches have been attempted by researchers for liquefaction mitigation. In the present study, strain controlled cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on loose sand to investigate the effect of chitosan on pore water pressure ratio and cyclic stress ratio.
Low Resolution Image Enhancement Of Aerial Images Using Scikit Tools[Full-Text ] Sharmishtha Paliwal, Dr Vivek Sharma, Dr Bhupendra Verma, Dr Surabhi KarsouliaDigital Aerial image pre-processing is an operation with images at the lowest level of abstraction. The aim of image pre-processing is an improvement of the image data that minimizes distortions and enhances some image features which will be important for further processing in different applications like object detection and localization. In this paper, a procedure to polish up image contrast of aerial images, is proposed, in which transformation is performed with a combination of universal and local conversion functions.
Mathematical modelling of the surface roughness parameters Rp and Rv in hard turning of steel C 55 (DIN) using mixed ceramics MC 2 (Al2O3 + Ti C)[Full-Text ] Mevludin Shabani, Simeon Simeonov, Bujar Pira, Naim Ostergllava As the techniques for measuring the roughness profile and the roughness parameters changed, as well as the software capabilities for the realization of the DOE (Design of Experiments), so did the approach and techniques for predicting and developing mathematical models for the roughness parameters. The past has shown that the works or contribution of each new approach in this direction was recognized by the professional community and found direct practical applicability in academic and industrial circles.
A Conceptual Underwater Diving System for Pipeline Repairs in Nigerian Muddy Water Niger Delta Oil and Gas Locations[Full-Text ] Jasper AgbakwuruInspection and repair of leaking underwater pipeline in muddy water is generally difficult to perform in line with relevant engineering and construction standards. This is basically due to the requirement to closely and visually inspect the problem and then developing best strategy to fix it. It is therefore obvious that when the problem or the leak area or location is inadequately examined due to muddiness of the water mass, strategizing for repair becomes a trial and error operation.
RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE RISK ASSESS-MENT DUE TO 210PO FROM THE PROPOSED RADIOACTIVE WASTE STORAGE AREA OF PILIKWE, BOTSWANA[Full-Text ] Tshegofatso Solomon, Manny Mathuthu, Chamunorwa Oscar KurebaDetermination of 210Po activity concentration on the soil and water samples was given more emphasis for the radiological risk assessment as most studies focused on determining concentrations of 210Pb by alpha spectrometry through its granddaughter 210Po, assuming radioactive equilibrium between the two radionuclides.
E-Learning Management System for community schools during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond a review of some open source LMS software[Full-Text ] Yogendra Singh Parihar, Anand Srivastava, Inder Pal Singh SethiDuring COVID-19 pandemic the entire conventional learning and education sector faced an unprecedented shutdown. The schools were totally closed during the pandemic. The need of suitable E-learning system over Internet or Learning Management System (LMS) software for conducting managed distance learning at school level was felt during the pandemic period. Students sitting at distinct places can use the LMS for continuing their education.
Deformations of Bridge Pier Subjected to Blast Loading[Full-Text ] V. B. Dawari, P. S. Karmare, B. M. DawariThe events of numerous blast incidences illustrated the catastrophic damage that terrorists can inflict on civil structures. Before and after 2001, major events had followed worldwide of bombing to take down human life’s, overall economy and structures although there were many other events which describes that intentional/unintentional explosion doesn’t matter. The effects of these explosions over transportation systems are very vast.
Implementation of NoSQL Database in Data Mining Models for Educational Big Data[Full-Text ] Abdus Sattar, Sumon Deb, S. R. Sakib Ahmod, Bulbul Ahmed, Abdullah Al Munaim, Raihana Zannat, OhidujjamanData mining models of education system is limited to relatively small scope of researches and analysis. In the information era, it is the vital issue to retrieve and processing available data in real time. The education system based on relational database has lack capabilities of processing real time data for its large volume and unstructured format.
Enzymatic Catalysis of Xylitol Monoesters by Using Ultrasound and Microwave[Full-Text ] Alessandra Rodrigues Rufino, Sérgio Luiz de Lucena, Acácio Raphael Aguiar MoraesThe increasing social and political pressures related to the environmental problems generated by traditional chemical pro-cesses involving the use of toxic solvents, strong acids, and high energy demand suggest utilization of clean methodologies that follow the precepts established by green chemistry. Enzymatic catalysis promotes enantioselective syntheses operating under mild conditions of temperature and pressure. However, the process requires elevated times of reactions and the em-ploy of high-cost immobilized derivatives.
DISTANCE WARNING DEVICE FOR MOTORCYCLE[Full-Text ] Jake M. Quitasol, MATPraThis research study mainly aimed to develop a distance warning device which works as a warning system for motorcycles. The device utilizes an ultrasonic sensor which serves as detecting device of the object in front. It can notify the driver using sound and light indicator when it reaches the distance covered in order to take immediate action.
INQUIRY ON DATA COMMUNICATION AND ACCESS CONTROL IN MOBILE VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK[Full-Text ] R A Vinoth Kumar, Dr S SuganyaMobile computing is a collection of distributed computing systems or service provider servers to participate, link, and synchronize through mobile communication protocols. Virtual private network (VPN) transmits the data over unsecured and shared network infrastructure. VPN is a protected connection between two entities that not directly linked. Mobile virtual private network is a network configuration where mobile devices like notebook computers access intranet while moving from one location to another location.
Household Characteristics and Water Consumption among Residents of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Salvation U. Eteng, Simon K. AjomThe study assessed household characteristics and water consumption among the residents of Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State-Nigeria. The thrust of the study was to establish the nexus that household sizes across the neighbourhoods of the study area have in influencing water consumption quantity. Therefore, data for the study were collected through questionnaire administration. A total of 400 copies of questionnaire were designed and distributed randomly within the study area. The study selected 10 residential neighourbooods at random for data collection. One hypothesis was formulated and tested. The hypothesis was tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient based on SPSS.
Earthquake@Nadi Astrology[Full-Text ] C.Krishna kumarAstrological systems proved and gave best study reports many times unpredictable advance unknown science facts about astronomical celestial bodies on solar systems. In this connection here the scholar reformed the Nadi astrological rule and tells about the astrologically planetary connectivity involved during earthquake and affected place finding methods and its science facts.
Economic valuation on water and property rights using direct marked approach[Full-Text ] Tshering DendupSince farmers lack the knowledge on how environmental factor like water and socioeconomic factor like property right affect their rice production in terms of a monitory value, valuation of water and property rights is practiced in this paper using direct market approach where values can be obtained using the price of rice sold in the market. In association to the valuation, effect to the rice production when both environmental and socioeconomic factor (water and property right respectively) mixed together is also seen in this paper as no one has done research over this topic. In this paper, there are four objectives; to estimate the association between water and rice yield, to estimate the association between property right and rice yield, to evaluate if the effect of water discharge is heterogeneous between different property rights and to find the economic value of water and property rights.
A Review on Security Onion Tools for Intrusion Detection[Full-Text ] MAHAWISH, MOBEEN, BUSHRA, MISBAH PERVEEN, SOOMAL FATIMA, MAHAMIntrusion detection has always been the area of interest for network analysts as well as the research community. Especially with the adoption of sophisticated techniques employed by malicious adversaries, it is becoming more difficult to detect and block the malware and threat activities within a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). To better perform security jobs and acquiring network monitoring data, the Security Operations analyst focuses on the tools advantageous for Network Security Monitoring (NSM) which collects, maintains, process, and present the data helpful for detection of intrusions. The Security Onion (SO) is a proper low-cost solution for NSM, It is a Linux based distribution for managing logs, security, and provides multiple tools for intrusion detections including Network IDS and Host IDS.
Alternative Approach to Women Economic and Social Development[Full-Text ] Tessema BekeleStudies on women entrepreneurship have witnessed rapid growth over the past 30 years. The field is in an adolescence stage with a considerable number of journal articles, literature reviews, and books being published on women entrepreneurs. The article seeks to draw and shed light on the work of women in the community to set out an activity theory framework for the analysis of entrepreneurs engaged in the creation of new business ventures by women groups that are mediated through a range of strategies, initiating different business models implemented by women-led groups to ensure sustainable economic activities. Key stakeholders, women-led associations, corporate ventures, business development practitioners, civil society leaders, and local government officials are involved in brainstorming and discussion sessions to validate data and information.
Simulation and Comparison of different dielectrics in S-band antenna[Full-Text ] Christilda J, Harinee G V, Hemamala S, Hari Shankar R L, Meenakshi NAs the communication technology is thriving day by day, the number of satellites is shooting up in a faster rate. S-Band antennas have profound applications especially in the field of medical, military, mobile and satellite communications and their utilization has become diverse because of small size and light weight. S-band antennas are very versatile in terms of resonant frequency, polarization, radiation pattern and impedance at the particular shape.
Analysis Of The Effect Of Price Discount, Sales Person And Atmosphere Store On Impulse Buying Through Emotional Response To Hypermart Consumers In Madiun City Research[Full-Text ] Nurharibnu Wibisono, ML Endang Edi Rahayu, Zulin NurchayatiAims this study to analyze the effect of price discount, sles prson and store atmosphre on to analyze the effect of price discount, sales prson and store atmosphere on impulse buying through emotional responses to hypermart consumers in Madiun City. The population in this study wereMadiun City Hypermart consumers. The data collection technique used a questionnaire while the data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis with intensive variable analysis.
Assessment of Physicochemical Quality of Honey in the Wa Municipality Ghana[Full-Text ] Cornelius K.A Pienaah, Mahama DanganaHoney production in Ghana has in recent times winning a paradigm shift from ordinary subsistence production to commercialization. This is as a result of increasing global, national and local demand for honey and other by-products of apiculture. Honey production is a doable and sustainable trade that creates income, recreation, employment, nutritional supplements for people and reduce rural poverty in Ghana.
Smart Reply Prediction using LSTM[Full-Text ] SHIRISHA KAMPATI , HARIPRIYA MUPPIDI , S VIJAYA LAKSHMISmart Reply Prediction using LSTM model is used to predict responses to the queries. This model generates semantically diverse suggestions that can be used as a complete text response.Stanford Question and Answer Dataset(SQuAD) from Kaggle, Question and Answer Datasets related to Music,Groceries and Video games from Github were considered here.Questions and their respective replies were the only selected columns from the dataset.Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory model and Natural language processing steps were used here.
EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATION, WORK CULTURE AND WORK ETHIC ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT IMMIGRATION OFFICE CLASS I KENDARI IMMIGRATION CHECK POINT (ICP)[Full-Text ] Pangestu Kusuma Ardi, Hasanuddin Bua, Nofal SupriaddinThis research was conducted in Immigration Office Class I KendariICP which aims to determine and analyze the effects of: 1) Communication, organizational culture and work ethic on employee performance 2) commu-nication on employee performance, 3) organizational culture on employee performance, and 4) work ethic on employee performance. Populations in this research were all of the employees in Immigration Office Class I Kendari CPI, namely 55 people.
THE EFFECTS OF JOB CHARACTERISTICS, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND WORK ABILITY ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT IMMIGRATION OFFICE CLASS III NON ICP BAU BAU[Full-Text ] Teguh Santoso, Hasanuddin Bua, Nofal SupriaddinThis research was conducted at Immigration Office Class III Non ICP Bau Bau which aimed to determine and analyze the effects of: 1) Job characteristics, emotional intelligence and work ability on employee performance 2) Job characteristics on employee performance, 3) Emotional intelligence on employee performance, and 4) Work ability on employee performance. Population in this research was all of the employees at Immigration Office Class III Non ICP Bau Bau namely 33 employees.
RFID AND IOT BASED SMART TROLLEY[Full-Text ] Dr.Jeevanandham, Hariharan.P, Dhanraj PL S, Alex Amitraj Philips, Gokulapriya.NBackground-The main objective of our paper is to easy shopping experience of the customers. The idea is to avoid the time for standing in the billing section. So, we developed an embedded system combination of RFID and IOT to make a smart trolley.
Impact of Global pandemic on the consumer buying behavior: live or Die[Full-Text ] Ajayi Olalekan EzekielThe global pandemic, lockdown, and social distancing mandates have disrupted both the consumer's buying and shopping tastes. Consumers are learning to improvise and to learn new tastes. Consumers cannot go to the supermarket, so the store comes home. Although consumers are moving back to old tastes, it is possible that new rules and practices in the way consumers shop and buy goods and services will be changed by the government. As all elements of the economy are intricately interlinked with public health initiatives and lock-ups, this has resulted in the nation's economic turmoil hinting at a shift in market dynamics.
INFLUENCE OF AGE ON LEARNING STYLES AMONG POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS: A STUDY[Full-Text ] Dr. TejeswaraRao Gurugubelli, Vishnu Pramod Teja GurugubelliThe present study aimed at finding the Age influence on learning styles (in practicing to master the Communication Skills in English) among Diploma (Polytechnic) students of North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. To achieve the object of study Joy M Ried’s Learning styles instrument model Questionnaire is adopted. A Sample of 207 Polytechnic students of North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh was selected on the basis of random sampling method. Both Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The findings are noted as per the study.
Computational prediction of PTM in Biologics[Full-Text ] Vinod Devaraji, Reshma Mane, Rujuta Shinde, Raghu RangaswamyBiopharmaceuticals, also known as biologics, are products manufactured from biological sources and used to diagnose and treat diseases. It consists of vaccines, gene therapies, medicinal protein hormones, monoclonal antibodies, and growth factors. A majority of them are in-tricate mixtures that are not readily known or distinguished and are highly sensitive to their manufacturing and handling conditions. These are often made by genetically modifying cell constituents or cell lines, requiring stable conditions to remain sturdy and intact, which require enormous cost and resources. Even minor alterations lead to cell behavior changes and differences in the structure, stability, or other quali-ty features of the end product. This kind of product has enormous therapeutic potential.
Negative air pressure system for the control and management of air-borne infection for Isolation ward[Full-Text ] Ms. Anjum Kazi, Mr. Zakir Hussain MulaniBackground: During the pandemic situation like COVID-19 hospital environment requires specific attention to ensure healthier indoor air quality to protect healthcare workers and patients against hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections and cross-contamination. The aim here is to recommend negative air pressure system for the control and management of hospital indoor air quality.
A Comprehensive Review on Applications of Graphene in Water Purification[Full-Text ] Syeda Mahnoor Zehra Rizvi, Syeda Hijab Zehra Rizvi, Tanzila Mukhtar, Lubna Nawab, Tahira Amir, Asia BibiDeveloping the graphene-based membranes is gaining importance for use in wide range of applications including wastewater treatment, desalination, separation, and purification because of its unique properties of high mechanical strength, hydrophilic property, superior flexibility, simple processing, atomic thickness, and compatibility with other materials. In water purification basically high separation performance as well as stable graphene based laminar structures were pursued.
Microstructural and Functional group analysis of Polyphosphoric Acid-Modified Natural Bitumen[Full-Text ] Arogundade L. Obafemi and Ogunsuyi H. OlayinkaBitumen is made up of a variety of hydrocarbons of various sizes and polarities, as well as heteroatoms and metal traces. It has complex surface microstructures that influence its rheological properties and, as a result, its efficiency as a pavement binder. Bitumen is often modified to improve its consistency. However, bitumen modification poses a range of challenges, one of which is the modifier's compatibility with bitumen, which if not met could result in phase separation during long-term storage.
Manner of Utilization of Implementation Funds for the Greater Port Harcourt City Master Plan Implementation[Full-Text ] Johnbull Simeipiri Wenike and Ikiriko Tamunoikuronibo DawayePolicies, projects and programmes are adequately expressed through a plan and such plan can hardly be implemented in the face of paucity, inadequate and inappropriate disbursement of funds for implementation. This study engages both quantitative and qualitative investigations to ascertain the total amount of fund that was allocated and revenue generated in the Greater Port Harcourt City Development Authority from 2009-2019; and also ascertain the avenues these funds were distributed in the process of the implementation of the Greater Port Harcourt City Master Plan. This class of study belongs to the explanatory sequential mixed method research design.
Determinant factors influencing e-procurement adoption on construction projects in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Uche Moneke and Benedict AmadeElectronic procurement has the potential to change the narrative of the construction industry in both developed and developing countries around the world. However, its growth among construction industry practitioners in a developing country like Nigeria is still at its lowest point of adoption. The aim of this study was therefore to identify the determinants of electronic procurement and their impact on the adoption of construction projects in Nigeria.
ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METALS CONCENTRATION IN HAND DUG WELLS IN GERO COMMUNITY, JOS SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT OF PLATEAU STATE[Full-Text ] Ezemokwe Ifeanyi, Victor Istifanus, Ezra Vivan, Mbap GwakchanThe heavy metal assessment of water from in Jos South Local Government of Plateau State was studied for the purpose of ascertaining the water quality of the hand dug wells. Six hand dug wells were sampled. The location of the wells were these samples were collected were denoted as P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6. The concentrations of the following heavy metals were assessed; Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Chromium (Cr) and Cadmium (Cd) using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer method of analysis.