Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021
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UTILIZATION OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES BY LIBRARY USERS IN KWARA STATE UNIVERSITY, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Abdrahman Atanda MoustaphaThis study investigated utilization of electronic resources by the users in the Kwara State University Library, Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of 3,670 registered users with the library and a sample of 367 was selected using simple random sampling technique.
Software Testing Techniques & Quality Models: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] M. Subhan Dar, Shahra Asif Haafza, Saleem Zubair AhmadQuality indeed is the basic root in software innovation. Testing is a significant part of securing program reliability. Testing science is as ancient as contemporary computer technology. Testing applications is a critical technique for increasing the efficiency of software. Quality models are very useful in quality assurance, and each model acknowledges a crucial qualitative study of characteristics and interactions In this paper we have progressed through so many vital parts for software quality software testing methodology.
Secure Digital Documentation[Full-Text ] Narendra. M. JatheThe present era, digital documentation support the life cycle management of document based information. These systems consist of variety of technologies. Digital Documentation functions include capture, storage, classification, indexing, versioning, maintenance, use, security, and retention of documents.
Component Analysis based Hybrid Face Recognition System using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] D Kolhandai Yesu, Shivam Shandilya, Kumar AnkitDigital Face Recognition is a problem in Computer Vision, Computer Human Interface and especially in Biometrics for identifying and verifying the identity of persons. This paper presents a novel Hybrid Face Recognition System (FRS) basing on and modifying the existing component analysis based FRS.
Mathematical Simulation for Fluid Flow Analysis of a Tubercle Wing of an Aircraft[Full-Text ] Owais Rasool, Intizar Ali, Tanweer HussainThis research work centers around 3D Fluid stream investigation of the wavy wing on trailing edge and leading edge. The protuberance work as passive stream control gadgets improving their presentation at a higher AoA when contrasted with the smooth leading edge wing. The current research means to know the impact of heterogeneous waviness on the streamlined performance of rectangular airplane wing.
Efficiency Analysis of Archimedes Wind Turbine Using CFD Technique[Full-Text ] Abdul Salam Ansari, Tanweer Hussain, Arshad Hussain, Intizar AliWind energy is a renewable and clean form of energy with enormous potential for power production in Pakistan. The country is facing energy crisis as the demand of electricity is increasing at higher rate as compared with the supply. However, by using renewable resources in addition with fossil fuels the increasing electricity demand can be met. A total of 306 MW of wind-based generation capacity is installed in Jhimpir wind corridor in Pakistan. However, on the small scale or standalone wind system can have better application.
When does Machine Learning work in Time Series Forecasting?[Full-Text ] Sukhdeep Singh, Gaurangi GuptaThe study mainly focuses on the applications of Machine Learning techniques like Artificial Neural Network and Random Forests in time series forecasting which is a sequence of observations measured over time. We have simulated a time series and obtained predictions using Machine Learning methods like ANN and Random forest algorithms to check the accuracy and robustness of machine learning methods in making the predictions. Here we also compare the performance of these two methods.
A Study On Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problem by Using Euler’s Method, Runge-Kutta 2nd Order, Runge-Kutta 4th Order, And Runge-Kutta Fehlberg Method with MATHLAB[Full-Text ] Mst. Sharmin Banu , Irfan Raju , Ummay Habiba Mabsuma Zaman In this paper, Euler method, Runge-Kutta second order, Runge-Kutta fourth order, and Runge-Kutta Fehlberg methods are presented to solve the initial value problem of ordinary differential equation. These methods are effective enough to reach accuracy and well established for solving practical problems. To verify the accuracy, in comparison with the exact solution of our computed approximate solution, a standard initial value problem is taken as an example.
The effect of Hemocyanin Immuno-stimulatory in Innate and Adaptive Immunity and a potent tool in the development of Abs and Vaccines[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Dr. Martha Fekadu RahmethoHemocyanins induce a potent Th1-dominant immune response with beneficial clinical outcomes when used as a carrier/adjuvant in vaccines and nonspecific immunostimulant in cancer. Collectively, datas demonstrate that hemocyanins are able to trigger the release of proinflammatory factors with different patterns of cytokine expression, suggesting differential signaling pathways and transcriptional network mechanisms that lead to the activation of M1-polarized macrophages.
Taxonomy and Distribution of Neogene Radiolaria of Leg 119 Site 738B, Southern Indian Ocean[Full-Text ] Sharma G.K, Deepti and Soreingam A.SThis paper documents a comprehensive study on Neogene radiolaria from the Antarctic region. Seventy six well preserved taxa from ninety six core samples were identified and described from Leg 119 Site 738B of Southern Indian Ocean region. Their systematics, morphological variability and distribution in the samples are given and also compared with similar data available from other regions. First time, sixteen new taxa are encountered but not formally named. The detailed study provides a more extensive data base and new species for comparative studies of other parts of the ocean sectors of Antarctica.
CHALLENGES OF 5G DEPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ASIANUBA I. B.In Nigeria, there is increase in demand for wireless connectivity due to increase in population/data traffic over the cellular network. Therefore a corresponding support for fixed, mobile wireless and satellite access technology becomes a priority to achieve the present day globalization. Most network operators are challenged to cope with the high traffic demands such that cellular systems can be deployed within few meters to achieve increased mobile broadband services. This is implemented with the advent of 5G technology.
Power Line Noise Measurements and Analysis in an Indoor Environment[Full-Text ] Abraham NyeteIn this paper, results and analysis of a comprehensive power line noise measurements campaign in an indoor environment are presented, both in the time and frequency domain. A simple coupler designed for the noise measurements is also presented. For the frequency domain noise, we see that much of the noise is concentrated in the frequencies between 0 MHz and 15 MHz. A simple trend analysis of the frequency domain using polynomial fits show that, on average, as we go from 0 MHz towards 30 MHz, the noise decays.
Intelligent Transport System for Smart Mobility in Public Transport[Full-Text ] Prakash Mahto, Ar. Aasna AroraThe population boom along with the changing economic trends has led to the exponential rise of the vehicles all over the world where automobiles serve as a necessity as compared to a convenience. The automobile industry has focused on the private user ship than a shared commodity. It is non-compatible with the infrastructure on the roads in an overloaded region by the ever-increasing demands. It leads to the need for a comprehensive system to integrate the traffic measures with the road infrastructure and the technology to define measures to reduce the traffic.
Obstacles to the use of BIM technology in the construction sector in Kuwait[Full-Text ] Mohsen Saud Al-ghurairPrevious studies shows that BIM technology makes a huge exchange in construction sector in all stages starting from planning, design, analysis, coordination, construction, operating, data management and maintenance, the most important advantages for the technology was the coordination between project stakeholders, error detection, choosing material before work commencement and real time cost updating. A Questionnaire was prepared consisting of three topics to measure BIM technology awareness level in construction industry and to define importance and priority of applying this technology and to evaluate the barriers of BIM in Kuwait state.
Assessment of Contamination Factor (CF), Pollution Load Index (PLI) and Enrichment Factor (EF) in Otofure and Ikhueniro dumpsites, Benin-City, South-South, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oboshenure. K. K and Airen. O. JContamination Factor (CF), Pollution Load Index (PLI) and Enrichment Factor (EF) were examined in Otofure and Ikhueniro with a view to determining the level of heavy metal contaminations in the subsurface in the locations due to the presence of a dumpsite in each of these locations from which metals are suspected to have leached into the subsurface over the years.
Investigation of cutting weight impact on the cutting transport efficiency in deviated well[Full-Text ] Ashfaque Ali, Abdul Haque Tunio, Intizar Ali TunioCutting transport in horizontal and deviated drilling wellbore is the challenging task due reduced mud flow velocity vertical component. This result, accumulation of the cuttings on the lower side of the wellbore that, causes the formation of the cutting bed. Subsequently, relative problems occurs such as pipe stuck, excessive drill bit wear and increased torque and drag requirements. In this regards, present research work aim to analyze the effect of cutting weight on the cutting transport efficiency and bed development.
Bioinformatic approach to the model of nitrosative stress response in Candida glabrata[Full-Text ] Javier Montalvo-Arredondo, Miguel A. Perez-Rodriguez, MA Juárez VerdayesCandida glabrata is an opportunistic pathogen that produce systemic infection in immune-compromized patients. This yeast can internalize into the macrophage by means of phagocytosis, once this yeast is engulfed it changes the internal pH from acid to alkaline, to evade the lytic activity of phagosome, and overcomes other stresses such as oxidative and nitrosative stress. Linde et al. (2015) performed differentially expressed gene analysis under alkaline stress and nitrosative stress caused by thio-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) in C. glabrata.
Socio-Environmental Perspectives of Urban Development: The Case of Hyderabad, India[Full-Text ] Neelima A, Sudarshan Reddy A, Siddhartha AConcentration of urban populations in Metropolitan cities in developing countries like India, due mainly to the pull factors including impetus on production activities in the post liberalization period, is contributing to high growth but it is also showing up negative impacts on society, environment and health. This review paper addresses to the socio-environmental issues in terms of land, water, air, sanitation and hygiene taking place Hyderabad urban agglomeration as a case study based on secondary data sources such as public documents, study reports, published articles and media coverages and search engines like google scholar.
APPLICATION OF CONSTANT REFLUX BATCH DISTILLATION FOR ARTESAN CRUDE OIL REFINING[Full-Text ] Igbagara, P.W. and Akpa J.G.Crude oil which has dominated global energy supply in the last two and half centuries has developed the science of distillation being the basis of its refining process. Continuous distillation is the preferred mode of distillation operation given its inherent advantages over batch distillation, however, the latter is gaining acceptance and even prominence in some parts of the world for several reasons. The present work revisits batch distillation design with the aim of using it for the refining of crude oil in small quantities. A constant reflux batch distillation column was designed in this work to refine 100 litres of Bonnylight crude oil of Nigeria.
DEAD LOCK PREVENTION AND HYBRID SCHEDULING ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Zarwash Gulrez Khan, Marium RehanThe main focus of this research paper is the prevention and avoidance of deadlock. Multiple responsibilities and jobs like Input output, memory, and process and file management are the basic functionality of the operating System. A program of multiple instructions executed at run time is basically an operating and its most prioritized function is the management of processes. In a single processor system only on process can b executed at a time while the other process must wait for the CPU to be free and can be rescheduled.
Social Adjustment of Tuberculosis (TB) Patients in Okara, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Waris Ali, Farkhanda Siddique, Waqas SiddiqueAdjustment means the reaction to the demand and pressure of social environment imposed upon the individual. The concept of adjustment is originated from the biological term adaptation. Well-adjusted people consider every new situation as a challenge and meet it with intelligence, courage and wisdom. My investigating topic area is social adjustment of TB patients in Okara. This investigation proposed to inspect the social change accessible to TB patients. Their social change encounters and how these develops is identified with their consistently execution. Importance of social adjustment of TB patients in Okara because TB is global disease, found in every country in the world.
Chloride Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Containing Fly Ash[Full-Text ] Heba Abd El-Fattah, Mohamed Kohail, Yehia Abd El-Zaher Corrosion of embedded steel rebars is a worldwide problem that occurs in the reinforced concrete and greatly affects the concrete durability. To avoid chloride-induced corrosion, chlorides must be hindered from reaching the steel surface. This can be rechead by using pozzolanic materials that enhance the microstructure of the concrete and make it too dense to be penetrated by chloride ions. This paper compares the corrosional behavior between OPC concrete mix and concrete containing fly ash as a partial replacement of OPC. The experimental program includes carrying out half-cell potential test and accerelated corrosion test to assess the corrosion resistance between the two mixes. Results indicated that fly ash concrete mix has much better corrosion resistance than OPC concrete mix.
Study on New Social and Economic Activities after Getting Electricity Connection in the Newly Covered Area in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Arman AhsanThis study attempted to examine the role of service quality in measuring socio-economic impact after getting electricity in selected Rural Electrification Cooperatives(PBSs) in Bangladesh. Empirical in nature, the study focused on the distribution of electricity to the customers of selected PBSs.
Study on New Social and Economic Activities after getting electricity connection in the newly covered area In Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Arman AhsanThis study attempted to examine the role of service quality in measuring socio-economic impact after getting electricity in selected Rural Electrification Cooperatives(PBSs) in Bangladesh. Empirical in nature, the study focused on the distribution of electricity to the customers of selected PBSs. The survey took place in selected PBSs and data were captured from 40 customers. The study revealed that the overall consumer participation in this study was 40 from 8 PBSs .Overall socio-economic impact means it was 4.51 on a scale of 5.00. Standard point was 4.00.
Fake News Recognition using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing[Full-Text ] Abdus Sattar, Probir Bhowmik, S. R. Sakib Ahmod, Rishad Amin Pulok, Shamsuzzaman Miah, Raihana Zannat, Ohidujjaman Fake news is a real menace as it quickly spreads panic among the publics. Massive spread of fake news makes negative impact on individuals and society. In this internet era people spend more time in online and for more exact in social sites over the internet. Moreover with excessive use of social sites, individuals are habituated of getting news from random social platform, online resources, news agency homepages and search engines. The most terrifying things are some people and organizations make rumors and fake news for their own interest, and social platform makes it easy to spread. Top most social sites such as twitter, facebook and instagram have huge amount of users worldwide, and using these channel’s fake news not only spread but also it is laterally blowout. However users of these sites mostly believe this news since they have no prior knowledge about that topic. This study provides a computational tool to tackle this problem of quick and accurate classification of news while fake or authentic. The proposed system is to develop a model using machine learning and NLP techniques to determine the news fake or real.
Analysis of Successful Projects[Full-Text ] Zahid Ali Akbar, Yawar AbbasMany projects start with good ideas, huge investments and great efforts. However, most of them do not achieve much success. A major contribution to unsuccessful projects is the lack of understanding or defining project and product scope at the start of the project. Time, Cost, Scope and Quality are closely related, and change of one effect on the other. Simply completing the project by the given due date and within budget is not sufficient, because the project must also be of acceptable quality. In today's world with a distinct competitive in the business world, the quality is perhaps the most important element of competitive fighting. Problems can be constructed together with different dimensions to analyze the relations of these variables according to conditions given.
FACTORS INFLUENCING VIETNAMESE CONSUMERS’ BRAND LOYALTY ON THE VIETNAMESE GARMENT BRANDS IN THE PERIOD OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC[Full-Text ] Ha Anh, Dao ThiThe objective of the paper is to evaluate the impact level and test the factors affecting brand loyalty of Vietnamese consumers to the garment products of Vietnamese garment brands. The qualitative research has removed 3 observed variables out of a total of 29 observed variables to suit the current real situation of factors affecting brand loyalty of customers. The quantitative research with 394 consumers currently using apparel products of the garment brands in Viet Nam. The results show that customers' garment brand loyalty is influenced by four factors including: (1) Perceived quality, (2) Brand identity, (3) Brand reputation, (4) Relationship quality.
An Analytical Study on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction towards Stainless Steel Water Tank In Tamilnadu[Full-Text ] Dr. A.SIVAKUMAR, Mrs. ANURADHA C.AA good quality stainless steel water tank suit every household, business, industrials or agricultural need etc. The customers have right decisions to reflect to purchase a good quality of SS water tank. Now days a water storage system may not be a simple process, meanwhile various types of tanks available in market. Stainless steel water tank is a high quality fabrication is made of grade 304SS and its capacity make strong and durable. Stainless steel is an eco-friendly and recyclable, easy cleaning system, lockable lid, wide manhole, reinforced body.
PERSONAL ASSISTANT AND BODYGUARD FOR MENTALLY CHALLENGED PEOPLE[Full-Text ] In today world there has been a gradual increase in number of birth of mentally retarded children due to lack of nutrition, lack of rest to the woman during her pregnancy, food, unusual hormone variations etc. So it is necessary to protect and safeguard these kinds of people who are much innocent to understand the things happening in the society.
SUC’S COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION PERFORMANCE IN CALABARZON REGION[Full-Text ] BENJAMIN O. ARJONA, Ed.DQuality in general education has been defined through aims, key qualifications, organizational standards, didactic requirements, and also by learning outcomes which depend on students’ proficiency in the language of schooling and their cognitive academic skills. New challenges bring about changes in responsibilities of schools and teachers and have a strong impact on approaches to quality assurance in teacher education, a complex process not devoid of controversies, the most important of which will be identified in the present text. Implications for the curricular content of pre- and in-service language teacher education will also be sought. Komorowska, H. (2014)
Performance of SIMC Based PID Controller for Automobile Vehicle Temperature[Full-Text ] David Aborisade, Isaiah Adebayo, Oluyinka OgunkeyedeThermal comfort in vehicles was highly regarded as one of the most important factors when vehicular thermal environments were designed. These gives a subjective sensation of heat balance that occurs in the human body when environmental parameters such as air temperature, air humidity, radiant temperature, air velocity, human level activity, and clothing insulation are in a range of well-defined values
The Effects Of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment And Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance In Dprd Secretariat Office, Konawe Regency[Full-Text ] Awal Jaya, Samdin, Nofal SupriaddinThis research was conducted in DPRD Secretariat Office, Konawe Regency which aimed to determine and analyze the effects of: 1) organizational culture, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on employee performance 2) organizational culture on employee performance, 3) organizational commitment on employee performance4)job satisfaction on employee performance. The population in this research was all employees in DPRD Secretariat Office,Konawe Regency namely 52 employees excluding the leaders.
An Assessment on the Entrepreneurship Program Vis-À-Vis Employability Type of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Graduates: Basis in the En-hancement of Program Curriculum[Full-Text ] Rozalle H. Palacol MBA, Leomarc A. Lava MBA, Marissa L. Dimarucot MBAThe study assessed the relation of the current curriculum to the employability of the Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship graduates. The researchers used descriptive method in gathering the data by using a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire used was based from tracer studies in other universities whereby items were based on CHED mandates of tracing university graduates. The respondents were BS Entre-preneurship graduates of AY 2018 – 2019.
DEVELOPMENT STUDY OF COACHING MODEL IN THE EFFORT OF PROVIDING WORK SKILLS FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION INMATES IN WOMEN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION CLASS III KENDARI[Full-Text ] Asruli, Ibnu Hajar, Bahana AdamThis research aims to analyze the model of development in women correctional institution in the effort of providing work skills for correctional institution inmates and develop coaching model in the effort of providing work skills for correctional institution inmates in Class III-Women correctional institution Kendari. Results of the research show that prisoners’ behavior development in Class III-Women correctional institution focus on personal and self-reliance development as well as the facts show that women prisoners’ behavior was getting better and the coaching was implemented appropriate to the provision of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
PRIVACY PRESERVING KEYWORD BASED SEARCH FOR CIPHER TEXT RETRIEVAL IN CLOUD COMPUTING[Full-Text ] KASIVISWANADHAM Y, DR.CH.D.V.SUBBARAOPrivacy and data security is one of the major challenges in cloud computing. Cloud data owner convert the plain text into cipher text data, before outsourcing it on cloud server (CS). Privacy preserving Public Key Encryptionis to reduce the processing (computational) overhead of data owners while encrypting and decrypting the files without leaking any information about the plain text.A few methodologies have been given to enable searching the cipher text. In this paper, a novel technique to retrieve the cipher text from the cloud server, based on efficient keyword search scheme.
The Design Concept of Rotary Tray Dryer Machine to Dry Gepuk Beef Patties[Full-Text ] Iyus Hendrawan, Mohamad Haifan, Darti NuraniGepuk is a typical West Java Sundanese food made from cattle beef, tastes a little sweet and savory. Before being served, usually gepuk is fried first, so the effect of frying process can cause health problems due to the repeated use of cooking oil. This study aims to create a design concept for a rotary tray dryer for drying beef patties as an effort to replace the frying process. The research method used an engineering design approach which included design analysis, functional design and structural design of rotary tray dryer.
OPTIMIZATION OF PRISONER COACHING IN DETENTION HOUSE AS AN EFFORT TO PREVENT RECIDIVE IN STATE DETENTION HOUSE CLASS II B RAHA[Full-Text ] La Ode Muhamad Masrul, Abd. Azis Muthalib, Abdul RazakThis research aims to: 1) analyze the prisoner coaching system in correctional institution in the effort of preventing recidive in Detention House Class IIB Raha. 2) describe the forms of prisoner coaching in Detention House Class IIB Raha in the effort of preventing recidive. 3) describe the causative factors of recidive in Detention House Class IIB Raha. This research used descriptive research with qualitative approach. In this research, the data collection was conducted by in-depth interview, observation and documentation.
Experimental and Analytical Investigation on the Effectiveness of External Stiffeners on CHS T-Joints Subjected to Repeated Load[Full-Text ] Hanan H. Eltobgy, Emad Darwish, Mohamed A. AboshokAdding stiffener to Circular Hollow Section CHS connection is a common method to strength this type of connection. This manuscript investigated the effectiveness of using stiffener with CHS T-joint subjected to cyclic load. Four full scale specimens were experimentally studied under cyclic load, two specimens were unreinforced joints, and the others were reinforced with stiffener. Hysteretic curves were plotted from load displacement data and S curves were extracted from them.