Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020
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Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Risk[Full-Text ] Syeda Mariyam Sikander, Dr. Asim, Salman ManzoorThis study will talk about about the assessment of supplier risks within a purchase department of pharmaceutical industry of Karachi, Pakistan with the aim to study how it is possible to efficiently manage these supply chain risks and to present an appropriate method for the purchase departments. Pharmaceutical supply chain is a major element of the healthcare system in supply of drugs, mainly in countries where major medicins are provided by national pharmaceutical companies.
Awareness on protocol for all ceramic crowns and bridges in restorative therapy among dental practitioners[Full-Text ] K. Thirumagal, Dr. Vinay, Dr. Marian AnandDental crowns or other wise known as cap which covers the tooth structure that is made of ceramic or porcelain it is placed just on the top of tooth surface. This can be joined along with the dental implants or bridges. Dental bridges can be used for one or more missing tooth.
ESTIMATING ADDIS ABABA TAX OFFICES EFFICIENCY: A DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS APPROACH[Full-Text ] JEMAL ESLEMAN JIBRIL, ZERAYEHU SIME, YIFRU YIRDAWGovernments have preferred to implement new taxes and increase tax rates in the expectation of finding a solution to its diminishing tax revenue, while improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the body responsible with managing taxation might offset this need. Efficiency can simply be defined as the ratio of output to input and is evaluated against a best practice frontier Data Envelopment Analysis model.
Analysis of YouTube of Videos: A Literature Survey [Full-Text ] Neha Reddy, Piyush Gupta, Prasham Mehta, Puneet Gupta, Vikranth BMConsumption of content from YouTube (Lanyu Shang, 2019) and other OTT(over-the-top) platforms is constantly increasing. YouTube (Lanyu Shang, 2019) being a source of education, entertainment and promotion, is a very lucrative platform. YouTubers tend to unethically attract viewers into clicking their video by manipulating their title and/or thumbnail. In this paper we present a method to train a model to classify a video as Clickbait (Lanyu Shang, 2019) video or non-Clickbait (Lanyu Shang, 2019) video.
Zero to IPO [Full-Text ] I would like to request an opportunity to discuss a possible academic association with your team. Essentially, it consists of hearing about the free will and what not the preachers are saying. As every activity is just a theory until being practiced in the physical world, there is a certain natural instinct towards the creator which is being felt by most of the human people as there has been a lot of chaos about the existence and how did we arrive here along with the purpose of existence.
FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF THIN RECTANGULAR CCSS PLATE USING THE FORMULATED FLEXURAL ELEMENT STIFFNESS MATRIX IN FINITE ELEMENT METHOD[Full-Text ] O. M. Ibearugbulem, L. Anyaogu, M.U. Ndukwu, J.I. Arimanwa, K.O. NjokuThis study presents free vibration analysis of thin rectangular CCSS plate. The formulated flexural element stiffness matrix using finite element method for a selected shape function was used to determine the fundamental natural frequency of CCSS plate under vibration.
Social Media Marketing and Organisational Efficiency of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria[Full-Text ] ENYIOKO, Newman ChintuwaThe study examined the effect of social media marketing on organizational efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Blog, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn were used as the dimensions of social media platforms in this study. The study used conversion rate, web traffic and customer engagement to measure organisational efficiency of banks. Also, trust was used as a moderating variable in this study.
Collision of Financial Statement Discrepancy of Monetary Escalation: A Case Study of SAARC Countries[Full-Text ] Muhammad Masood, Ghazala Akhtar, Raja Asad Azad, Muneeb Ahmad SAARC nation’s locale is confronting poor monetary conditions and the serious issue is unevenness in their spending limits. Spending assumes a key job in economy and prepares to advance. Positive and develop settings of spending assume a functioning job in the economy, the factors charge; swelling; obligation and sparing influence the monetary development.
The Effect of Processing On the Nutritional Values and Glycemic Values of White Irish Potato and Livingstone Potato Cultivated In Plateau State Using Albino Rats as Animal Model[Full-Text ] Grace Okenmor Avuwa; Ibrahim Abdulnafiu; Sangari Joel Sunday, Dung hauwa MuhammedThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of processing on the nutritional values and Glycemic values of Livingstone Potatoes and Irish potatoes cultivated in Plateau State using albino rats as animal model. Eighteen (18) Wistar Albino rats weighing 150g were randomly selected into 3 groups of six (6) animals each. Group A was a control group fed with glucose (50 g) dissolved in water while group B and C were fed with boiled samples and the composite samples respectively.
Evaluation of particle settling in flow chamber[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman AleneziThe investigation of fluids containing particles or filaments includes a category of complex fluids and is vital in both theory and application. The forecast of particle behaviours plays a significant role in the existing technology as well as future technology.
BUSINESS ETHICS[Full-Text ] VATTEM MYTHRIBusiness Ethics is a form of profession ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and business organization as a whole. Applied ethics is a field of ethics that deals with ethical questions in many fields such as medical, technical, legal and business ethics.
MODELING AND EFFICIENCY OPTIMIZATION OF COMBINED GAS AND STEAM POWER PLANT USING MULTI-LAYER PERCEPTRON[Full-Text ] ODOKWO, V. E; ANDEM, K. EThis paper is a research that deals with modeling and efficiency optimization of a Combined Gas and Steam Turbine (COGAS) using Multilayer Perceptron. Two different models are developed and compared by using both thermodynamics and a black-box based approach. They are implemented using the MATLAB tools including Simulink and Neural Network toolbox respectively.
AN INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING FUZZY LOGIC IN PORT HARCOURT CITY[Full-Text ] N. Amaruchi, Dr. N.D. Nwiabu, Dr Daniel MatthiasTraffic problem is one of the major problems in Port Harcourt city. This traffic problem can affect the economy, slow down development, reduce production, increase cost of transportation, and hamper people’s daily life. There are several causes of traffic problem in a big city. Among them are, increasing number of vehicles, shortage of sufficient roads and highways, and traditional traffic light system.
‘Attitudes of Allied Health Sciences’ students towards people with Disability[Full-Text ] Dr. Warsha Baby, Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Vashista Raj, Dr. Seemab Mughal, Dr. Mehak Ali Lakho, Dr. Fatima MufaddalThe objective of this study was to see the attitudes of Allied health Sciences, students towards peope with Disability. It was a cross sectional study and sample size of 240 medical students were selected for the study. On-probability convenience sampling technique was used. Data was collected through Performa. SPSS version 21 was used for data analysis.
Impact of Facebook Usage on Classroom Jealousy[Full-Text ] Sajjad Abdullah, Malik M. Saad Missen, Abdul Hakeem, Tahir Hussain, Zahid LatifThe social media sites especially Facebook is impacting the lives of people in many different social aspects. A large number of users around the world use Facebook on daily basis. This study observes the intensive use of Facebook on the jealousy among the class fellows in a school, college or university. Earlier research work regarding Facebook usage impact, mostly deals with the romantic and sexual jealousy.
Emerging concept of Climate finance in Nepal[Full-Text ] Shristi TandukarClimate change is uncertain due to the multifaceted nature of environment. The climate change affects the biological system which is evident that it impacts the economy of country. Nepal being a landlocked country is extremely vulnerable to climate change with climate induced disasters.
ENHANCING RIVEST SHAMIR ADLEMAN ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM WITH SIMPLE SYMMETRIC KEY FOR CLOUD DATA SECURITY[Full-Text ] O.O. Kolawole, N.D. Nwiabu, E.O BennettAlthough cloud is the future, but its security is of utmost important. With serious security issues and breaches recorded all over the world daily and yearly, there is need to review and see where improvement can be made to the current security system. For this reason modifying or remodeling of the current system will be of great gain for all cloud users.
Enhancing Software Deployment Release Time Using DevOps Pipelines[Full-Text ] Zeinab Shoieb, Laila Abdel-Hamid, Manal A. Abdel-FattahDevOps is a software development method that focuses on communication, integration, and collaboration among IT professionals to enables the rapid deployment of products. DevOps is a culture that promotes collaboration between Development and Operations teams.
RAINFALL PREDICTION FOR A REGION IN KARNATAKA USING RANDOM FOREST CLASSIFIER[Full-Text ] Prajwala T R Rainfall is one of the major sources of water; hence prediction of rainfall is of vital importance. Data mining of time series prediction data like rainfall data can be done using the classification algorithm. The paper focuses on using Random forest classifier for rainfall prediction. The data is collected from IMD(Indian Meteorological Department) for period of 10 years. The input parameters considered are cloud cover, Vapor Pressure(VP),temperature and Potential Evapo Transpiration(PET).
Investigating the influence of globalization on the architecture of Oraon ethnic community in Patnitala, Naogaon, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Amit Imtiaz and Adity ImtiazThis paper has discussed how the architecture of the houses of Oraon ethnic group transformed with the course of time. Oraons came in Patnitala, Naogaon from Rachi, Jharkhand India. From census of 1891 there have been only 776 members of Oraon tribe. Now a few clusters of families live in PatnitalaNaogaon. They live in plain land usually. They used to employ traditional techniques to build their houses which they can avail locally.
ENDOPHYTIC FUNGAL DIVERSITY FROM FOUR WOODY LIANAS PLANTS OF GARBETA AND BISHNUPUR WEST BENGAL,INDIA[Full-Text ] Reshmi Dubey, Sagnik Bose, Aaheli MitraFour woody lianas- Bauhinia vahlii, Celastruspaniculatus, Combretumroxburghii and Ventilagodenticulata were studied for screening of endophytic fungal diversity of these plants. Aerial tissues (leaf, petiole and bark) were assessed for endophytic isolation. A total of 218 tissue segments out of 375 were infested with fungi and 245 endophytic fungi were isolated. Average colonization frequency (CF%) was 58.13% and petioles of the climbers were colonized by a great number of endophytic fungi.
PATHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON VISCERAL ORGANS OF EXPERIMENTALLY INFECTED ALBINO RATS[Full-Text ] S. Y. Argungu and B. LimanThis study was carried out to investigate the pathological effects of Trypanosoma evansi infection on the visceral organs of albino rats. Twenty albino rats were used for this study and grouped into A, B, C, D. and E (control). Except those in control group, each animal was intraperitoneally infected with 0.5 ml containing 4.0 x106 trypanosomes/ml.
Investigating the Determinants Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption in Public Sector Organizations of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shakeel Ahmad, Amanat Ali, Shahid Iqbal, Aleena SyedCloud computing is one of the latest technological trends that deals with consolidating, sharing and standardizing IT infrastructure and applications through a central facility. Although cloud computing provides many benefits to the organizations including cost reduction and disaster recovery etc., at the same time, its adoption faces many challenges due to interoperability issues and slow adoption rate.
The Impact of Poverty on Students at Graduation Level in District Okara (Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Farkhanda Siddique, Waris Ali, Asma Qadeer, Iqra MalikPoverty, both directly and indirectly affects a student’s progress and education at every level through different processes. It is a social factor that plays a pivotal role to create obstacles and hurdles in achieving educational goals. It also reduces the economic growth and productivity because it is out of control in the rural areas of the Pakistan, where people are in a state of deprivation with regards to their incomes, clothing, housing, health care and education facilities.
Academic Use of Smartphone among University Students[Full-Text ] Farkhanda Siddique, Muhammad Ashir Azeem, Abdul Qudus Baig, Usmat UllahThis study was conducted to examine the academic use of smart phone among university students. The objective of the study was to study the effects of use of smartphone on academic performance. Academic use of smartphone effects on academic performance. This cross-sectional study was conducted in University of Sargodha sub-campus Bhakkar. The population of study was students of University of Sargodha sub-campus Bhakkar. The sample size was 250 students from different departments of University and it is selected by simple random sampling.
Smart Power and Its Implications For Pakistan[Full-Text ] Farkhanda Siddique, Waqas Siddique, Muhammad Adnan Khan, Shahid AzizSmart Power is a term which is beginning to enter the lexicon of mainstream government, politics and wider public. As armed forces, governments, nations and alliances re-examine the use of the various levers of national and international power, this dissertation has tried to investigate the utility of the spectrum of such levers ranging from the high end of hard military capability through to softer policy options and whether the application of more varied mixes of such power can deliver smarter effect.
Foreign Inputs and Chinas Export Boom[Full-Text ] Nwagwu, Chinedu John, Edet, Samuel Benedict, Ononokpono, Nyong JoeThis paper examines the concept of foreign influence and its effects on China’s export boom generally. The paper also focuses on imported intermediate goods (IIG) and share of global export (SGE). The paper adopted Ex-Post Facto research design, using already existing secondary data from reliable and relevant sources. A total of 21 years’ data from 1997 to 2017 of IIG& SGE were sampled and collected for analysis for this research paper.
AN ANALYSIS OF UNEMPOLYED EDUCATED YOUTH IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CONTEXT: A CASE STUDY OF RAWALPINDI AND ISLAMABAD[Full-Text ] MUHAMMAD ASIF MAHMOODThe current study was conducted to investigate the impacts of unemployment on socio economic and political context of unemployed educated youth in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The characteristics, magnitude and direction of changes in social relationships, political participation expectations and the attitude of unemployed people towards the society has explored under present research.
SHORELINE CHANGE DETECTION AT THE ELEM TOMBIA SECTION OF THE NEW CALABAR RIVER USING GEOSPATIAL TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] Dr. Hart Lawrence, Frank Bikume, Eke StanleyThe shoreline change detection analysis is an important task but its delineation is always difficult and time consuming when using traditional ground survey techniques. However, the advents of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques have made it relatively easy with the use of satellite imageries.
Mughal Aesthetics: arabesque and geometric splendour of two 17th century tombs[Full-Text ] Soma GhoshThe Mughal era in India is an important part of the history of India. The period between 1526 A.D to 1857 A.D is well remembered and many works of art and architecture along with miniature paintings, found across the world, bear testimony to the artistic splendour of the times. The Mughals have made a major contribution to India’s visual art practices and left behind a plethora of patterns and traditions.
ESTIMATION OF VARIANCE IN CLIMATE PATTERN USING BAYESIAN ALGORTHIM[Full-Text ] D.k.APARNA,K.KRITHIKA,MRS.EBENAZER ROSELINIncreasing evidence of climate change worldwide is becoming the reason to understand a lot more about weather. To forecast weather, we need to analyse a large set of data. For efficient analysis of this big data, the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File Systems) and MapReduce concepts are used. The proposed system designs principles for estimating variability in climate simulations using a probabilistic classification algo-rithm called Bayesian Classifier and an efficient inference mechanism.
Assess the factor affecting of hypertension among young adults (18to35yr) at DHQ hospital Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Sidra Ghafoor, Atia Adil, Sumaira GhafoorHypertension is a vital health problem in global and increasing burden of disease.In developing and low income countries facing varioushealths’ related issue such as communicable and non communicable diseases.High blood pressure is a prime adverse factor many cardiac diseases e.g. stroke, cardiac failure and renal failure among young generations.The young adults are at risk because sedentary life styles, no exercise, junks food, alcohol and smoking.
Systematic Review of Organic Nanoparticle as Antibacterial Agents[Full-Text ] Gurmeet Kaur, RamnikBacterial contamination continues to draw public attention. It is estimated that approximately 48 million cases of pathogenic diseases occur in the United States (Morris 2011; Jin and He, 2011).1(a-b) Therefore, in order to solve this problem, it is highly necessary to develop effective antimicrobial agents to control the bacterial population (Kumar et al., 2008; Li et al., 2006).2 Organic Nanoparticle consists of organic compounds in solid form in nano size.
Mycotoxins; a burden in Africa[Full-Text ] Orole Olukayode Olugbenga, Aisoni Erasmus Japhet, Fadayomi VictorFood shortage and contamination of the little available had been a challenge facing the African continent for centuries. Mycotoxins produced by fungi on agricultural produce all over the world are poisonous compounds, and these metabolites are stable under most food processing stages, and responsible for reduced food quality and value in addition to causing mycotoxicosis and other health conditions in man and animals, while the farmer loses huge profit due to rejected produce.
BRIDGING RIGHT FOR HEALTH AND GLOBAL PARTICIPATION: NEED OF THE HOUR?[Full-Text ] PROF DR RADHAKRISHNAN PRADEEP KUMARHuman rights is the most globalized political value and contentious current outlook, is now being widely criticized on the grounds that it is legal, individualistic and universal with assumptions being particularistic. The relative advantage by framing health as an entitlement rather than a commodity with attending problems and the possibilities of a rights approach in addressing health ethics issues are addressed in write up.
A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH FOR PLANT DISEASE CLASSIFICATION AND PESTICIDE SUGGESTION USING RANK BASED ATTRIBUTE SELECTION[Full-Text ] T.Bhavatarini, V.Priyadharshini, M.Radhakrishnan, C.MuraleAgriculture productivity is something on which economy highly depends. But plant disease causes reduction in quality and quantity of crops. Farmers usually detect the symptoms visually but they are difficult to identify at a single glance. We capture images of infected plants using a digital camera from a ï¬eld. Some of the automatic techniques are used to process and find the disease which reduces a work of farmer in monitoring the crops and at very early stage itself it detects the symptoms of diseases i.e.
Graph Based Model for Recommending Financial Products[Full-Text ] Olakunle Temitope, Awodele Oludele, Adekunle Yinka, Eze MondayRecommendation techniques have gradually been integrated into e-commerce systems, helping clients find certain products that better match their needs. Unfortunately, there has been no attempt to incorporate such methods into the banking domain. Many Recommendation Systems (RS) are based on subjective assessment and user ranking, resulting in inaccurate recommendations for banking institutions in particular.
Numerical Investigation of Flow Over a Spherical Body at High Reynold’s Number[Full-Text ] Md. Mamunur Rashid, M.G.M. Al FaruqueThe paper gives a detail description of flow around a spherical body and its effect many engineering applications under high Reynolds number based on diameter of the sphere. Flow over a sphere at Reynold’s number Re≈30000 is investigated in this work with a proper numerical technique.
ADVANCED BIOMETRIC VEHICLE SECURITY SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Mr. KAUSHAL S. PATHAREIn today’s world the facilities are increasing but with the increase is a facility there is also increase in theft, robbery and many more vehicle related issues. Just to improve the security of our vehicle we are inventing a new way of car inter locking system and vehicle security controlling system. In our project we are using one of the most unique thing that we have in our body ie. the finger prints. Every human present in earth have different finger prints
Bioethanol production from Sweet Potatoes[Full-Text ] Anaele, John Vitus and Ipeghan Jonathan OtarakuIn this study, sweet potato starch was used to produce ethanol. After undergoing purification by distillation, the ethanol produced during the fermentation process was characterized to ascertain its originality. The characterization of ethanol was done by determining some selected physical properties of ethanol and the values obtained were compared with standard physical property data for ethanol.