Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020
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Solution of Volterra’s Integro-Differential Equations by Using Variational Iteration Method[Full-Text ] Samsun Nahar Ananna, Abdulla – Al – MamunIn this paper, we introduce some basic idea of Variational iteration method for short (VIM) to solve the Volterra’s integro-differential equations. The VIM is used to solve effectively, easily, and accurately a large class of non-linear problems with approximations which converge rapidly to accurate solutions. For linear problems, it’s exact solution can be obtained by only one iteration step due to the fact that the Lagrange multiplier can be exactly identified. It is to be noted that the Lagrange multiplier reduces the iteration on integral operator and also minimizes the computational time.
The Influence of Corporate Governance on Earnings Management in Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] R.A.S Rajapaksha, K.K. ThilakasiriThe main objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of corporate governance on earnings management in listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanak. The most of prior studies were conducted in US and Newzealand. . However, very few studies have taken place in emerging economies like Sri Lanka. The Study used Secondary data of 30 manufacturing companies (2013-2017). Data were analyzed using regression analysis and E-views Packages
Aerobic bacterial deterioration of gas oil by Pseudomonas oleovarans isolated from hydrocarbons contaminated soil[Full-Text ] Wesam A.Z.Al-taherA total of (198) isolates belong to (10) different genera of microorganisms were isolated from (30) fuel stations contaminated soil samples . The dominant genus was Pseudomonas and represents (23.7%) of the total isolates and the most frequently isolated strains among them were diagnosed as being Ps. oleovarans and Ps. formicans . The effect of these two strains on gas oil was studied by determining the relative viable counts of cells and hydrocarbon utilization using G.L.C. apparatus .
ROAD ACCIDENT ANALYSIS ON STATE HIGHWAY-18 - A CASE STUDY FROM DEWAS TO BHOPAL”[Full-Text ] Ankit gupta, Mr.H.S. GoliyaAccidents are the bane of any Industrial Society. The no. of motor vehicles on the road have doubled in the last 5 years duration and the existing road network is not capable of tackling this much traffic. In India, the magnitude of the road accidents in relation to the no. of motor vehicles on the road appears to be significantly higher than in developed countries.
Critical Success Factors for Post Disaster Housing Recovery: A Community Perspective from Central Hills of Nepal[Full-Text ] Mukti Suvedi Earthquake in Nepal comes among the top 10 hazards types in Nepal . Devastating earthquake, epicenter in Barpak of Gorkha dis-trict on 26th April, 2015 has impacted vast communities in Nepal. Out of 75 districts, 14 districts were badly affected. Nepal as a state and national government agencies struggled to cope with the scale of death and destruction, rescue workers, citizen groups and non-governmental organizations from around the world poured into Kathmandu within few days to provide immediate Search and Rescue and emergency relief.
Facial Emotion Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network[Full-Text ] K. Shirisha , Mahidhar BuddhaFacial emotion detection is an emerging field which is used in many applications such as social robots, to find customer satisfaction and games. Non-verbal communication methods like facial emotion expressions, eye movement and hand gestures are used in many applications of human computer interaction, which among them facial emotion expression is widely used because it tells about the feelings of persons.
Design and analysis of chourasia sapphire building using etabs[Full-Text ] Sreeleha P, M Samuel ThanarajStructural Analysis is a branch which involves in the determination of behaviour of structures in order to predict the responses of different structural components due to effect of loads. Each and every structure will be subjected to either one or the groups of loads, the various kinds of loads normally considered are dead load, live load, earth quake load and wind load. ETABS (Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building System) is a software which is incorporated with all the major analysis engines that is static, dynamic, Linear and non-linear, etc.
Neural Network Based Control Of Hydraulic System[Full-Text ] Murk Baloch, PROF Dr.Dur Muhammad Pathan, PROF Dr. Mukhtiar Ali unar,Batool memonIn a heavy equipment hydraulic support system, the oil pressure must be a constant value. The hydraulic support system would not be stable due to disruption from the external environment and the running process; hence, we present a closed loop feedback system with an artificial neural network control system to stabilize the oil pressure by controlling the hydraulic pump motor’s rotational speed. The response and stability in this hydraulic system are key factors in determining whether the control method is successful or not .It demonstrate in our simulation that this artificial neural network system can meet the requirements of design. It has good properties of responseandstability.As the neural network mimics the functionality of the brain and can deal with the complexity and non-linearity of the system when properly trained. It should be remembered that the hydraulic control system is not appropriate for high speed cycling.ANN time series is chosen as a suitable tool to provide future driving condition based on past driving conditions and is used for dynamic programming to optimize energy management for a series of hydraulic hybrid vehicle.
Comparative Analysis of Joint Venture and Production Sharing New Contractual System in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ubani Chikwendu, Ikpaisong Ubong The Petroleum industry is not static but dynamic, defined by large capital investment with a low probability of commercial discovery, but with considerable financial returns when successful. Globally, there are constant modifications in the fiscal frame work to adjust to varying goals of the government and multinationals. Nigeria is not left out in these modifications since government wants to allure additional proceeds from the growth of its petroleum reserves.
Investigating Some of the Engineering Properties of the Soil Found in Segen Town[Full-Text ] Hashim WareTo become safe from any failure of civil structure due to geotechnical problem investigation and analyzing the engineering properties of a soil is a key. Therefore this research is aimed to give a clue on the engineering properties of soil found in Segen town. These studies has addressed analyzing the visual identification, index property determination, compaction, consolidation and shear strength analysis by taking both the disturbed and undisturbed samples from ten test pits.
Decision Table: A Procedural Approach to Making Decisions in Complex Situations[Full-Text ] Edward E. Ogheneovo, Promise A. NlerumDecision tables are used to model complicated logic. Building and maintaining knowledge base is not a trivial task. Knowledge acquisition, verification efforts are major problems in construction process. Decision table is a recommended tool for verification and validation processes in knowledge bases due to the fact that it has the ability to detect incompleteness and inconsistency. Thus a decision table is used to represent conditional logic by creating a list of tasks depicting business.
The effectiveness of six sigma quality technique on construction projects in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Syed Farqaleet Kausar Bukhari, Shahid Iqbal, Saad bin Munim, Malik Muhammad Irfan AslamThe purpose of this paper is to develop the interdependence of quality measure six sigma (SS) and construction projects in Pakistan. How effective SS can be if applied on construction projects and how continuous improvement methods can help towards improvement and stability of the processes of construction.
ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM USING AADHAR[Full-Text ] C.GOWSALYA,S.MANIMOZHI,R.RAGAVI,K.VISALIThis paper provides the electronic voting machine using aadhar card details and providing webpage to the people who can’t able to come and vote at their voting polls. This enhance the election voting without any fails. It will identify the person by using the fingerprint and iris of that person and check eligibility of vote and provide voting.
A REVIEW OF TRAFFIC FLOW PREDICTION BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES[Full-Text ] Nadia Shamshad, Danish SarwrThe traffic flow prediction has wide application in the city transportation and area management. In big cities, it is very difficult to manage traffic. But the prediction under consideration of some physical conditions of environment and weather is found more effective. In this study, we designed a traffic flow prediction system model to predict the traffic data with a time interval of 1 hour to 24 hours. The prediction algorithms have been used for research in the past, but there are not many platforms found on which traffic flow prediction has easy access to public users.
Assess the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Infection Control amongNurses of Intensive Care Unit at District Head Quarter Hospital (DHQ) Faisalabad, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Atia Adil,Sidra Ghafoor, Sumaira Ghafoor,Amina ZahoorInfection control is a major problem in health care setting over the world, especially in those hospitals which have not proper equipment and awareness’ regarding infection control measures. Most of the people who work in health care units they are not know about infection control technique and process. Health care provider Nurses, Doctor and Paramedic staff are most susceptible host for infectious agent they can carry infection easily because they have direct contact with patient and infected, blood or other infected material. Nosocomial infection is very common in health care places. In hospital infection spread by spoil syringes, contaminated hand, direct contact to infected material.
COMO COMPREENDER A RELAÇÃO EXISTENTE ENTRE O PROCESSO DE ORAÇÃO NO ISLÃO E A COMUNICAÇÃO NÃO LOCAL, NA PERSPECTIVA DA MECÂNICA QUÂNTICA?[Full-Text ] PAULINO FERNANDO CUNHAA todos os habitantes do mundo, em particular os que dedicam a sua vida académica no campo da Mecânica Quântica, produzindo uma energia vibracional positiva.
DevOps-Driven Approach to Development in Cloud[Full-Text ] Anita NairDevOps, a prevalent terminology in organizations today, has evolved as a paradigm that once was SDLC. From the mammoth concept of the “WaterFall Model” to the more recent Agile Framework and the emerging DevOps methodology, the Software Development Life Cycle saw a huge business win in “Time to market”, over several other advantages like risk aversion, flexibility, requirement readjustments, collaboration etc. to name a few.
DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED FISH FEED PELLETIZING MACHINE[Full-Text ] P.B. Mogaji, J.I. Kehinde and A.M. JimohThis study focuses on various types of fish pelletizing machine that are in existence with particular interest on the areas of deficiencies like; choice of electric motor, size of hopper, size of pellet plate, diameter of Auger shaft and the diameter of pellet holes which eventually affected the overall performance of the machines.
Arbitrage Pricing and Investment Performance in the Nigerian Capital Market[Full-Text ] Mark-Egart, Dorah BudonyefaThis paper applied the multi factor Arbitrage Pricing Theory to explore the relationship between investment performance and selected macroeconomic variables in the Nigerian Capital market.
Sag and Tension Evaluation of a 330kV Overhead Transmission Line Network for Upland and Level land Topographies[Full-Text ] Crescent O. Omeje, Roland UhunmwanghoThe objective of this research paper is to evaluate the effects of sag and tension on a 330kV transmission line network for equal and unequal level topographies. The selected upland for this study in Nigeria is the Asaba-Onitsha 330kV overhead transmission line network in the South-East while a level land topography from New Haven transmission network in Enugu to Abakaliki injection substation in Ebonyi state was considered in the Sag and Tension analysis. The resultant effect of increased temperature above the ambient value on the conductor span length and on the sag was presented. Simulation was carried out on the sag equation at different stages of temperature increase with corresponding changes in the span length for different wind loading. All simulation was carried out in Matlab 7.14.
An Improved Authentication and Monitoring System for E-Learning Examination Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms[Full-Text ] Adetoba, B.T, Awodele, O, Kuyoro S.O, Nwaocha O.VThe development in Information and Communication Technology and the introduction of Internet enabled examinations, have generated security and reliability issues in e-learning. A lot of academic dishonesty, fraud and identity theft have been constantly reported in literature. Over the years, biometric authentication was used but this was susceptible to fake biometric input and biometric-database modification. Hence, the need to develop a model that will curb the vulnerabilities of e-examination in e-learning environment.
Time Domain Approach to identify the System Properties of a Couple Structure[Full-Text ] Nagib Mehfuz, Abu Shaid SujonPrinciple method is commonly used in a time domain to identify the system properties of a vibrating source. The source is coupled to a receiving structure with a resilient mount. To solve an inverse problem it is an alternative to the existing frequency domain. Free mobility and free velocity of the source and receiver structure are determined by Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm.
Coupler for a Hybrid Prototype Applied to Civil and Environmental Protection and Further Space Exploration Missions[Full-Text ] Espinoza-Zepeda, L.O., Orozco-Serna, B, Zavala-Ortiz, S, Hernández-Capuchin, I, Moreno-Rochin, JThis paper presents the design and development of a coupler to mount a drone over a rover. The main applications will be civil and environmental protection purposes and further space exploration missions. The coupler device was made using a permanent electromagnet.
INHIBITION OF MILD STEEL CORROSION IN ACIDIC MEDIUM USING THEOBROMA CACAO POD[Full-Text ] Izionworu, Vincent Onuegbu, Ukpaka, Chukwuemeka Peter and Oguzie, Emeka Emmanuel Corrosion inhibition effect of cold water extract of Theobroma cacao pods - Cocoa pod (TCP-CP) on mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl base stock solution has been studied. The study was conducted using weight loss measurement narrowed down to the effect of immersion time, inhibitor concentration and temperature on the corrosion behavior of mild steel in 1 M HCl in the absence and presence of TCP-CP.
Evaluation of Radionuclides Concentration in Soil and Sediment Samples from Warri Refinery and Petrochemical Company (WRPC) and Environs In Delta State Nigeria[Full-Text ] Edomi .O. and Esi, O. E. Evaluation of radionuclides concentration in soil and sediment samples from Warri refinery and petrochemical company (WRPC) and environs in Delta State, Nigeria have been conducted using NaI (TL) spectrometer with the purpose of proving a baseline data on the radiation level and the distribution of activity concentration in this region were a lot of oil and gas activities are taking place.
EVALUATION OF FLOOD INDICES IN SELECTED AREAS OF PORT HARCOURT METROPOLIS USING ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) MODEL[Full-Text ] Ajoku, Chrys U, Ugbebor, John NThe increasing spread of seasonal and flash flood in residential and commercial areas of Port Harcourt in Rivers State of Nigeria has become issue of great concern. The study therefore evaluated the causes of flooding in selected areas of Port Harcourt metropolis using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) decision-making approach.
Factors Related to Pulmonary Disorders in Waste Transport Officer in District Temanggung[Full-Text ] Dian Probowati, Mursid Raharjo, SuhartonoWaste that is not managed properly will cause problems for the environment and the population around it. The result of the decay of organic waste can cause the appearance of dust and dangerous toxic gases. The Waste Transport Officer is the person who has a potential to be affected, because of the nature of his work which requires direct contact with the waste. The aim of research was to analyze the relationship between concentrations of H2S and dust in the working environment, and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and pulmonary disorders in the Waste Transport Officers in District Temanggung.
Statistical Energy Analysis of structural vibrations: A review[Full-Text ] Sridhar N Shastry, S Subrahmanya SwamyThe paper presents futuristic review on statistical energy analysis of structural vibrations. Statistical Energy Analysis is a structural-acoustic method that is widely used for response prediction at high frequencies. Statistical energy analysis arose during the 1960´s in the aerospace industry to predict the vibrational behaviour, while designing spacecrafts. Statistical energy analysis has been used as an estimation technique for mid and high frequency vibration and sound transmission. Statistical energy analysis has been proven successful and has a wide application ranging from buildings to spacecrafts. Statistical energy analysis is a method for predicting the transmission of sound (energy levels) and vibration through complex structural acoustic systems.
Automation in Intra cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)[Full-Text ] Dr Sahil Gupta, Rishina Bansal, Navin Desai ICSI is a clinical procedure performed worldwide in fertility clinics, requiring pick-up of a single sperm and insertion of it into an oocyte (i.e., egg cell). Since its invention 20 years ago, ICSI has been conducted manually by a handful of highly skilled embryologists; however, success rates vary significantly among clinics due to poor reproducibility and inconsistency across operators. (1)
Relationship Between Price and Rate of Production of Crude Oil in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ogunyemi Ephraim Oluwole, Ajibade Bright. It is expected that significant relationship should exist between price and production of crude oil. However, production may not necessarily determine price or production may not have significant relationship with price due to some factors. Irrespective of the relationship between the key factors, production can be studied independently as well as fluctuation in price of crude oil to determine the future occurrence. In this study, the effect of production was investigated on price of crude oil using scientific approach.
A Descriptive Cross Sectional Study to Access the knowledge and practice of Nurses Regarding Needle Stick Injury in Allied Hospital Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Nadia Sial ,Asma Zarish The waste which is generated from medical activities can be toxic and dangerous for the health of the health care provider. Blood borne diseases are spreading through these activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the exposure to work related sharp injuries among nurses and the frequency of contact with the needles and other sharp devices.
Human Resource Management in Japanese Enterprises and the Co-operative Model in Israel[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi Nga, Pham Quy LongIn the trend of integration with the World economy, in order to be able to develop rapidly, strongly and sustainably, Vietnamese and other countries’ organization and businesses need to have the direction in human resource management. Japan has so far been an economic power, a leading Asian in terms of development level.