Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019.
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Simple Hospitality: A Touch in Financial Technology[Full-Text ] Susminingsih, Rinda AsytutiThis paper focuses on hospitality integration concept on applied financial technology. Consumer satisfaction as the recipient of the service is largely an indicator of the success of business transactions.
Time and we[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaWe are now in front of artificial intelligence for which my thinking on time and thinking will help us.
Dimentions2(3)[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaTime, thinking are the main dimentions . thinking act by our five sense organs, eye,ear, nose, tongue, skin. when dT/dt= 1 then the person feels the world properly with time . when >1 then he is thinking higher. when <1 he thinks slowly. in case of different person the capital T (thinking) and small t changing rate is different.
Different view on set[Full-Text ] Prasenjit Janalet A={1,2,3} B={2,3} then A-B={1} , in that case set B is called the destructor set of A and A is the destructor of B. If the intersection of two set is null then for A and D={4}, if we get a new set of C={1,2,3,4} then the set D={4} is called the constructer set of A. AUB=A says B as a destructor but A is a constructor of B. like this way the thinking goes.
Computer logic 1[Full-Text ] Prasenjit Janalet 2345 is a number then we or the computer can remember the number as (2+3*4+5)or (2*3+3+5) so for different logic the differ user can see the different numbers whose initial number is same so in different position the result may be different , so by changing the logic the same number can be stored in different valuewise position, that helps the original user and other different.when sometime the result is same then by different logic put them differently. though sometimes the result and the original are same but the logic differs then we get a isotopical number or feature. in my point of view that also helps in case of letters also
A newly developed algorithm based on tabu search for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP)[Full-Text ] Yi Zhao, Gexing Wang, Shuying ZhangThe Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) is a difficult optimization problem in vehicle routing with unacceptable complexity by brute force. CARP is to find a solution that a given set of specified roads must be serviced by vehicles. Many search algorithms are introduced to solve CARP problem, including SA (simulated annealing algorithm), tabu algorithm, GA (Genetic Algorithm), MA (Memetic Algorithm). In this paper, a newly developed algorithm is proposed based on traditional tabu search algorithm. The computational results are shown in the experiment part of this paper, showing this algorithm can find high quality solutions efficiently.
Effect of exogenous estrogen treatment on gonadal morphology, morphometry and estro-gen receptor alpha mRNA expression in gon-ads of male chickens (Gallus domesticus)[Full-Text ] W.K. Ramesha Nirmali, Lakshan Warnakula, Ruwini Cooray, Nimanie Sachithra Hapuarachchi and Manjula P.S. MagamageThe current study was designed to investigate the post-hatching ER? expression in left gonads of male chickens along with gonadal mor-phology when the exogenous estradiol supply is continuous, assuming the gonadal ER? is the limiting factor to maintain the feminizing effects of the male to female sex reversal trials in chickens. Shaver brown chicken eggs were incubated with two in-ovo injections (0.1mg/egg) of estradiol cypionate. Males hatched from treatment eggs were raised with (T2) and without (T1) weekly post-hatching injec-tion of 0.1mg/chick estradiol cypionate intra muscularly. At 1, 4 and 8 weeks of age morphology and ER? mRNA expression of gonads were determined.
Possession of E-Learning Abilities for Enhancing Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) among Lecturers of Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State[Full-Text ] Onaga, Paul Okwudilichukwu, Nebo, Anne Nkemdilim, Oputa Nkechi Patience and Ene Ujunwa ElizabethThe research tends to determine the extent of e-learning abilities that could be found among lecturers in Tertiary Institutions to enhance teaching of Technical and Vocational Education. Two specific purposes of the study and two corresponding research questions in addition to one null hypothesis were formulated for the study. Survey Research Design was adopted for the study and a total population of 98 lecturers was used. The study was done with the entire population because the population was manageable.
Language Learning Strategy (LLS) Use among Senior Secondary School Students in Enugu Education Zone[Full-Text ] Casmir N. Chime, Oga Raphael O. and Mc-Okoronkwo JoyThe study of Language Learning Strategy (LLS) Use among Senior Secondary School Students was carried out with the intention of finding out if there is presence of meta-cognitive, affective and social strategies and whether the students use those mentioned strategies in the classroom. The study employed survey design.
Automation of the process of statistical analysis of the asymmetry of a quantitative variable[Full-Text ] NIANGORAN Aristhophane K, ACHIEPO Odilon Yapo M., MENSAH Edoété PatriceIn the field of statistical analysis, the study of the asymmetry of the distribution of a quantitative variable plays a very important role in the implementation of many methods. For example, it determines the validity of the use of arithmetic mean to describe phenomena, it is one of the main elements for choosing statistical tests appropriate for real data, etc. However, to date, the techniques used to assess the asymmetry of a quantitative variable require human interpretation, whether algebraic or graphical.
A Comparative analysis of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practice of Two Vulnerable Groups of Population - Marma Tribe of Bandarban and Dhaka City Slum Dwellers, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Musharrath Munir MouNation’s developmental process runs on the basis of three different factors, which are human resource development, economic development and also social development. All these developments are done by - human being and some other related factors.
The Effect of Temperature on Rheological Properties of Cement Slurry[Full-Text ] Nmegbu C.G.J, Dagde Kenneth, Amua Uchechukwu RoselineThis experimental work reveals the effect of temperature on cement slurry rheological properties. Understanding cement slurry rhe-ology is of critical importance for the design, execution and evaluation of oil or gas well cementing operations. The rheology de-pends on many factors which includes temperature. Temperature variations in oil and gas wells cause instability of rheological properties of cement slurries during cementing operations.
Study of Common Mode Voltage (CMV) in Three level NPC VSI using SVPWM Techniques[Full-Text ] Partha sarathi Behera, G. Vivek, Dr. Mukti BaraiPWM inverters are highly used in motor drive applications in industries. The PWM switching produces common mode voltage (CMV) which in terms produces Common Mode current (CMC). This CMC can cause many adverse effects like EMI and bearing current. The different switching sequences have varying magnitude of common mode voltages. In this paper a comparative study of common mode voltage values of double bus clamping and hybrid bus clamping SVPWM methods are carried out with conventional SVPWM in a Three level VSI. This study further indicates an insight of CMV performance of various switching sequences. The validation of the study is presented using MATLAB simulation and experimental results
Fault Detection and Diagnosis System for Centrifugal Compressor[Full-Text ] Mohamed El.boraei, Prof.Dr. M. Abdel-Geliel, Prof.Dr. Medhat El Singaby The world is changing, safety and environment impact became the most important thing, so all industries searching for reliable and fault tolerant control system that prevents and predict fault or to find a root cause for the fault to prevent a disaster. A system that assures the process doesn't go to its threshold limits. A lot of experimental researches have shown methods to detect and diagnose faults.
Blockchain Technology in Health Inusrance – Integration of 8 Stake Holders[Full-Text ] Nukala Poorna Viswanadha Sravan, Pallav Kumar Baruah, Sathya Sai Mudigonda, and Phani Krihsna KBlockchain is a progressive innovation technology that is impacting several domains, especially in the area of FinTech. The Health Insurance Company involves a number of stake holders for effective completion of various activities. All these stakeholders work in silo, there by data becomes dirty and may lead to errors as it moves from one stake holder to others. There are a considerable number of cases of fraud that goes undetected and measures to prevent fraud appears to be a distant goal. Insurance companies are incurring huge losses because of such errors due to unclean data and undetected frauds. Moreover consumers are loosing control over their own data. This leads to disintegration of trust between Insuree and Insured. Current system lacks transparency, takes lot of time for claim processing, settlement and underwriting process.
A Novel Method for Image and Video Dehazing based on Contrast Enhancement[Full-Text ] Dipali Bhajibhakre, Deepa Pawar, Poonam Pawar, Arjun NichalAs the revolution in the computational photography and computer vision applications facilitates fast and reliable information,quality of scene and visual perception and is being inceasingly used in various fields like, public safety,traffic accident analysis,crime forensics,remote sensing area and military surveillance. We make an investigation of dehazing effect of scene affected by weather phenomenon. ‘Dehazing’ has emerged as a promising technology to recover the clear image and video from an input hazy scene, such that the quality can be significantly enhanced.
Image Authentication Scheme with Self Repair Capability for Grayscale Images[Full-Text ] Anushri Shinde, Prital Salunkhe, Prajakta Mane, Arjun Nichal Image authentication is one of the methods which can detect the any tampering data. The original grayscale document image is converted into stego image by adding the alpha channel plane. The stego image is in the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. This stego image is transmitted over the network. The authentication process is applied on the stego image on the receiver side. In the authentication process the data extracted from this stego image is compared with the data computed from the binary version of the stego image.
The Effects of Intellectual Capital Components in Increasing the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)[Full-Text ] Agus Dwi Sasono, Arief Dwi Atmoko, Nurul AiniObjective: to analyze the impact of the connected components of the intellectual capital component from a static aspect and produce a performance leverage model to improve competitiveness and comparability for the survival of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Method: To answer the hypothesis, this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which is an integrated approach between Factor Analysis, Structural Models, and Path Analysis.
DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSLUCENT CONCRETE[Full-Text ] The Present investigation pursuits at producing the concrete specimens via reinforcing plastic optical fibers with different percentages and then evaluate different results got from particular tests and made comparison with the result of Normal concrete. Different Tests performed on the translucent concrete like compressive strength test, Lux test, Heat conduction test and so on. The Translucent concrete is likely one of the greatest discoveries in construction industry.
Impact of Environmental Sustainability Practices on Financial Performance of Listed Firms in Nigeria[Full-Text ] UCHEAGWU Chukwuma J. , AKINTOYE Ishola R. , ADEGBIE Folajimi F. Environmental Sustainability Practices is a contentious issue in Nigeria. Stakeholders have mounted pressure on listed firms to conduct their operations in an environmentally sustainable manner. However, firms are in business to maximize the value of shareholders therefore is not disposed to undertake initiatives that weigh on the bottom line. The study therefore examined the effect of environmental sustainability practices on financial performance of listed companies in Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto research design on population of 34 firm over 10 years’ observations (2008- 2017). The study employed multiple regression analysis to investigate the relationship.
BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT IN ROUTER FOR DHCP PROTOCOL[Full-Text ] MD. ABDULLAH YUSUF IMAM, MR.PRODIP KUMAR BISWASNetwork management and Performance management can be categorized as Bandwidth management. The process of administering and managing computer networks are Network management (NM) [1]. Ensuring that goals in an effective and efficient manner are consistently being met by Performance management (PM) includes activities. Network management & Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product or service [2],[3].
De la logistique a la chaine logistique : Determinant de la productivite des entreprises industrielles[Full-Text ] Samira EL HAFID ALLAHLa fonction logistique est une fonction transversale, qui influence la performance de la totalité de l’entreprise. Longtemps considéré comme une fonc-tion secondaire, son rôle a été remis en avant depuis une trentaine d’années. En effet, les entreprises utilisent des armes stratégiques pour se différencier de leurs concurrents. Parmi ces armes, l’intégration de la fonc-tion logistique qui joue un rôle très important.
Prognostic value of ABCA2 and ABCA3 Genes expression in pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia[Full-Text ] Amira Al-Ramlawy, Hanaa Abdel-masseih, Raida S. Yahya , Camelia Abdel-MalakAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a highly aggressive hematological-malignancy resulting from the proliferation and expansion of lymphoid blasts in the blood, bone marrow and other organs. Multidrug resistance (MDR) is an important cause of treatment failure in ALL. The role of ABCA2 and ABCA3 in drug transport is not entirely clear, but much of the evidence suggests that these carrier proteins have a role in MDR by causing an accumulation of drugs in the lysosomes and possibly their efflux from the cell.
ADDING SOLAR POWER FOR NET ENERGY ZERO BUILDING[Full-Text ] Jeykishan Kumar K, Engineering Officer, IEEE PES Member, CPRI, BengaluruThis paper deals with Building Energy Audit conducted at buildings located in a hilly region of West Bengal state and also provides the prospect of using solar energy to make all buildings achieve the status of Net Energy Zero Building. The study was conducted during the month of November-December 2017. This paper focuses on 13 identified buildings having roof of either flat or shed type which are shadow free and suitable to install roof top solar PV power plant.
Social responsibility and management ethics in business organizations[Full-Text ] Dr. Ibrahim Al Souleiman, Dr. Habib Al Souleiman, Dr. Zanna Al SuleimaneSocial responsibility and management ethics in business organizations
Blockchain Technology in Health Inusrance – Integration of 8 Stake Holders[Full-Text ] Nukala Poorna Viswanadha Sravan, Pallav Kumar Baruah, Sathya Sai Mudigonda, and Phani Krihsna KBlockchain is a progressive innovation technology that is impacting several domains, especially in the area of FinTech. The Health Insurance Company involves a number of stake holders for effective completion of various activities. All these stakeholders work in silo, there by data becomes dirty and may lead to errors as it moves from one stake holder to others
Knowledge, attitude and Practice among the Registered Nurses regarding universal precautions of hepatitis B working in four Hospital of Sargodha.[Full-Text ] Munawar Begum, Humera Zaib, Farhat Yasmin, Shahgufta ShaheenRegistered Nurses represent a population that is at high-risk group for acquiring and spreading hepatitis B infection (HBV). The aim of this proposed study is not to replicate any of the initial work already conducted, which emphasizes the spread and treatment of viral hepatitis. The purpose of this study is to identify any knowledge, attitude and practice deficits and developmental needs of the registered Nurses working in the acute care setting.
Structure des communautes de nematodes en fonction des caracteristiques physico-chimiques du sol dans la zone maraîchère de Bamako (Mali)[Full-Text ] Boubacar Kola Touré, Souleymane Dembé, Yacouba Maiga, Mohamed Maïga, Doulaye DembéléLe maraîchage est confronté à de multiples problèmes parmi lesquels il y a les nématodes phytoparasites. La collecte des échantillons de sol a eu lieu sur cinq sites autour de Bamako. Notre objectif est d’étudier la structure de la communauté de nématodes en fonction des paramètres physicochimiques du sol.
ROLE OF INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS AS A MODERATING INDEPENDENCE EFFECT ON AUDIT QUALITY OF INSPECTORATE APPARATUS IN SOUTHEAST SULAWESI [Full-Text ] Ferdinand, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, Nasrullah Dali, Arifuddin Mas'udThis study aims to determine and analyze Independence effects on audit quality and individual characteristic role as a moderating variable of independence effects on audit quality on Regional Inspectorate in Southeast Sulawesi.
A Surveillance of Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR) and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 (HER-2) Status in Malignant Female Breast Lesions in Bayelsa State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oduma-Sandy Cordelia I, Achukwu P. U, Ajani Mustapha AkanjiA three (3) year retrospective study of Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone receptor (PR) and Human Epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) status of previously diagnosed female breast cancers was done using immunohistochemistochemistry. Formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks of breast cancer cases from 2009-2011 were retrieved from the tissue block archives of the two major tertiary health institutions in the state; Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa and Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics, Knowledge Sharing and Resilience to The Organizational Citizenship Behavior in The President’s Strategic Unit[Full-Text ] Teguh Sulistyo, Niken ArdiyantiThis study analyzes the effects of perceived organizational politics, knowledge sharing and resilience to the organizational citizenship behavior in President’s Strategic Unit. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to all 129 Presidential Strategic Unit employees, with respondents giving answers was 56 respondents.
FACIAL AND HAND GESTURE BASED MEDIA PLAYER[Full-Text ] Nithin Kumar B, Akshay Chalwadi, Ananthraj Upadhye, DhanrajIn this project, we are developing an enhanced media player which plays and pauses the video by detecting the users face looking at screen or not and also the field of computer vision based hand gesture interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). System will continuously monitor whether the user is looking at the screen or not using a web camera.
Image Enhancement Techniques for Automated Histopathological Analysis[Full-Text ] Rucha Apte, Sanika Patange, Ishan Joshi, RD Komati, Gurunath KambleComputer-assisted analysis of the tissue biopsy samples is used in order to reduce the time consumed by pathologists while determining the results manually.
Wind Energy Data Analysis and Resource Mapping of East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region[Full-Text ] Addisu Dagne, Aynalem WorkuKnowledge of wind energy regime is a pre-requisite for any wind energy planning and implementation projects. The wind energy potential of Ethiopia is estimated to be about 10,000MW, but only less than 8 percent of it is utilized so far. One of the reasons for this low utilization of wind energy in Ethiopia is absence of a reliable and accurate wind atlas.
UNIQUE KEY IDENTIFICATION OF AUDIO[Full-Text ] Avantika Mussady, Parichita Ray, Lhaden Wongmu Sherpa, Sauvik BalObjective of this paper is to understand the need as well as the process how the identification of a particular song is done through different approach keeping in the mind the concept of uniqueness. Our idea focuses on the uniqueness of the song as every song comprise different music along with lyrics. Recognizing a particular audio by understanding its pitch and other details by using its audio sample is known as audio fingerprint.
Evaluatin of Body Weight And Some Morphometric Traits Of Laboratory Albino Rat (Rattus norvegicus)[Full-Text ] Shehu, M. A., Agere, H. I.J., Shehu, D. M., Elijah, B. B.This study was aimed at studying the body weight (BW) and some morphometric traits at birth, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of laboratory albino rats, Rattus norvegicus. Sex effect and the various phenotypic correlations between the traits were evaluated. Traits studied were Body Weight (BW), Head Length (HL), Tail Length (TL), Body Length (BL) and Heart Girth (HG).
A comprehensive study on Online Crime Investigation System[Full-Text ] Hemanth ErabelliThe main abstract of this system isto provide the solution for the bug posted by the customer within no time. The manager should be able to organize the entire bug efficiently and assign the bug to the concerned technical person. The system should provide the solution to the customer in possible proposed date. The objective of the proposed system is to build that provides the facility to the customer to post their complaints about the particular crime or criminal.
FRACTALS[Full-Text ] MD SEHAL HASANFractals represents a branch in mathematics which tends to abolish the barrier between mathematics and art. Fractals come under geometry and have a vast array of practical applications in the modern world.
Economic Viability of Introducing Renewable Energy in Poultry Industry of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Kaiser Habib, Md Nuruzzamal, Md Ebrahim Shah and ASM IbrahimIn present scenario, rapid increase of fuel cost and utility price in Bangladesh, is providing hindrance for the growth of poultry industry. Energy demand is very sensitive for the operation of poultry industry. However, a vast availability of roof top makes poultry industry a lucra-tive candidate for solar photovoltaic adoption.
EFFECTS OF VALUE FOR MONEY ON REGIONAL BUDGET (APBD) PERFORMANCE IN KONAWE ISLAN REGENCY AS A NEW AUTONOMOUS REGION IN THE PERIOD OF 2014-2016[Full-Text ] Isnawati P, Jalaluddin RumThis research aims to analyze and test effects of Value for Moneywith indicators of Economics , Efficiency and Effectiveness on Financial Performance of the Regional Government of Konawe Islam Regency. Data analysis methods is by descriptive method and hypothesis testing is by multiple linear regression analysis.
Wind Energy Data Analysis and Resource Mapping of East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Addisu Dagne, Aynalem WorkuKnowledge of wind energy regime is a pre-requisite for any wind energy planning and implementation projects. The wind energy potential of Ethiopia is estimated to be about 10,000MW, but only less than 8 percent of it is utilized so far. One of the reasons for this low utilization of wind energy in Ethiopia is absence of a reliable and accurate wind atlas. Development of reliable and accurate wind atlas helps to identify candidate sites for wind energy applications and facilitates the planning and implementation of wind energy projects.
Equalizing Visually Impaired Candidates in ESL Classrooms with Special Reference to Aligarh Muslim University[Full-Text ] Mirza AdamEffective teaching of English as a second language has always been challenging for a language teacher in the ESL classroom. But it becomes a greater challenge when it comes to teach visually impaired students as your regular learners. They are those with whom people usually do not come forward when it comes to formal teaching of a language.
(Non) Justification of Death Penalty (from a Philosophical, Religious, Moral, Psychological, Legal and Economic Standpoint)[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. D-r. Nikola Dacev The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is recognized as the most severe and cruel punishment that the court of law may im-pose for the most violent and unscrupulous crimes. Although it does not exist in most European countries, it still exists in a number of coun-tries in Asia and Africa, as well as in a number of states in the United States of America. There are several aspects that can be used to analyze the justification of the death penalty as the strictest form of sanction in a single legal system – philosophical, religious, moral, psychologi-cal, legal and economic aspect. This paper covers all these aspects in order to determine the need of existence of this type of criminal sanction, especially because the death penalty is standardized in many countries, but there are countries in which the authorities and law-makers continue to discuss the possibility of establishing the death penalty as punishment into the criminal codes.