Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019.
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Use of Library Services by Engineering Students of University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore, Asurvey[Full-Text ] Syed Zia Hussain Shah, Ms. Azra RafiqueThe study attentive on use of library services by engineering students of University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. The resolve was to find out use of library resources and services, availabilities, library situation, information sources and assist library staff. Using the descriptive assessment design the population for the study consisted of all library users in the main Library University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. The study employed the probability simple method and stratified random sampling technique in selecting the sample size 10% for the study, and with a questionnaire data were collected. Use of library services was assessed through 5 pointsLikert Scale and in the analysis SPSS v.22.0.
Prevalence of Migraine (Headache) Among Physiotherapy Students and Its Impact on Daily Activities[Full-Text ] Manahil Zarar, Fareeha AmjadThe objective was to check the Prevalence of migraine (headache) among physiotherapy students and its impact on daily activities. The cross sectional observational study was conducted on physiotherapy students at University of Lahore. The sample size of this study was 260. Convenient sampling technique has been used in this study to collect the data. Verbal questioning and consent form were used for data collection by using The Migraine Disability Assessment Test -(MDAT) and Headache Impact Test (HIT).
POLICY EVALUATION PROGRAM OF VOCATIONAL VILLAGE IN PURBALINGGA REGENCY[Full-Text ] Rudiyanto; Endang Larasati; Sundarso; Ida Hayu DwimawantiProblems of high poverty and unemployment figures open the low numbers of school participation and the increasing urbanization of Purbalingga Region government currently deliver of village Commissioner Programs. This study aims to evaluate the achievement results of the Commissioner Conduct students in the village program. Research methods used by qualitative researchers are descriptive. The subject of research is the Managing Committee Program students in the village Commissioner, the village chief, and Chairman and program participants. Data collection is through interviews, observation and documentation.
Resilience Assessment: Case Study of District 13 of Kabul City[Full-Text ] Shabir Ahmad Kabirzad, Hiroshi Takabayashi, Neena JosephNatural and man-made disasters have been undermining the development efforts of the people of Afghanistan. This paper presents how resilient urban community is in the capital city of Afghanistan. Through the invented resilience assessment methodology, we analyzed the a few capitals that urban communities own in terms of human, social, physical, environmental and financial capitals. It is found that the communities of Kabul city have limited level of resilience against possible shocks they may suffer.
Implementation of scalable VoIP System over Cloud[Full-Text ] Tamer Elnawawy, Islam Hany HarbThe tremendous growth of internet and cloud computing systems puts enormous pressure on internet service providers to ensure quality of service for real time applications, such as voice over IP (VoIP) and video on demand. VoIP leverages the use of packets, therefore, much more information can be carried over the network to support/enhance our communication needs, compared to traditional telephony methods. This introduces scalability and reliability challenges to handle such massive data exchange over the internet. In addition, virtualization, in cloud computing, adds another dimension to the problem: distribution of the virtual machines (VMs) and their migration. The repeated use of Internet Protocol shortest path towards the same destination may lead to unbalanced traffic situations and degraded network performance.
SOIL STABILIZATION IN SKARDU REGION OF GILGIT BALTISTAN USING WOOD ASH[Full-Text ] Muhammad Mazahir Haider, Liaqat Ali, S. Muhammad JamilThis research is intended to examine the effect of locally produced wood ash on the engineering properties of soil found in Skardu region of Gilgit Baltistan area of Pakistan and to evaluate their potential use for the stabilization and improvement of engineering properties of soils. Two types of soil were selected from Skardu region, CL-ML and CL. Both types of soil were mixed with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% wood ash. XRD test result shows presence of clay minerals in both types of soil, both types of soil are reactive with wood ash. In unconfined compressive strength test optimum percentage of wood ash required for stabilizing the soil is in range of 5% to 10% by weight of soil for both type of soils. CBR test results shows at 10% wood ash mixed with both types of soil give higher CBR value.
Can Modern Roundabouts Improve Level of Service and Reduce Vehicular Emission? A Comparitive Analysis[Full-Text ] Mohibullah RahmatSteady growth of traffic over the years has put environmental stress on urban centers in various forms particularly causing poor air quality. Urban air quality is generally poor at traffic intersections due to variations in idle timing and vehicles’ speeds as they approach and leave.
Relationship between tax revenues and economic growth in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Nasrin IslamThe relationship between economic growth and tax revenues is a debate that has existed for a long time in the living history. The discussion on the two variables has exhibit contentions from academicians and policy makers with one school holding on the view that taxation is bad for the economy while the other school believe that taxation is good for the economy. Valuable empirical literature exists that studies the relationship between economic growth and tax revenues though most of them analyze the variable at cross - country level. However, not much literature exists exploring the relationship between the two variables at country specific level.
The Relationship between Performance Management Systems and Employee Performance in the IT Sector[Full-Text ] Dechamma. M. Subbaiah & Dr. P.M. Mathew The need for modern organizations to develop performance management systems underscores the importance of employees in an organization and their role in making any organization both efficient and effective. The objectives of the study were to find relationship between the Performance Management Systems and the employees’ performance. The major components of Performance Management Systems in this study were Performance Appraisal System, Performance Reward System, Performance Contract System; the study followed a quantitative approach and a descriptive research design.
A Survey of Tax Morale among Self-Employed Taxpayers in South-West Nigeria[Full-Text ] ENYI P. Enyi , ADEGBIE F. Folajimi , AGBETUNDE L. AyodeleSustainability of human societies hinges on social contract between the rulers and the ruled, whereby the rulers provide public goods and service for the ruled and the ruled pay tax as the price for the benefits derived. Meanwhile, tax compliance has been an issue of concern from its inception and may continue, as long as government needs funds for its projects. Studies have revealed the inadequacy of tax morale, the driver of tax compliance, in fully explaining tax compliance due to complexities in identifying latter’s causative factors. Not many studies have examined this tax morale among self-employed especially in developing country like Nigeria.
Preprocessing of Lower Limb Bone Based on Full Leg CT Scan[Full-Text ] Safaa M. Gamal, Nancy M. Salem, Ahmed F. SeddikNowadays, the medical digital image processing appeared in the diagnosis of various diseases. It considered as one of the most important tools in many disciplines of medicine which help the doctors to take the final decision on treatment or operations based on the processed image. In this paper, the accuracy and performance of various preprocessing filtering methods are compared. The (STD) Standard Deviation, (MSE) Mean Squared Error and (PSNR) Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio are used to evaluate the performance of filtered images. Results show that Gaussian filter provides better PSNR and lower STD and MSE values. Hence, we nominate that Gaussian filter is an efficient for preprocessing full leg CT medical radiograph images.
Transformation of Erbil Old Town Fabric[Full-Text ] Asmaa Ahmed Mustafa JaffThe historical cities in a time change with different factors. Like population growth, economical condition, social unconscious as can be listed many reasons. Erbil the capital located in the north of Iraq, a historic city. The most important factor in the planning and urban development of the city, and it was the focus point in the radial development of the city and iconic element is old town Erbil was entered on the World Heritage Sites (UNESCO) in 2014. In order to preserve and rehabilitation of the old historical city and conservation this heritage places and transfer for future generation and to prevent the loss of the identity of the city. This research focusing on the heritage places in the city and historical buildings, identifying the city, also the cultural and architectural characteristic.
Modeling To Calculate The Effect Of Cost Control On Risks In Construction Projects[Full-Text ] Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Azmi, Asst. prof. Ayman Nassar Engineers often focus on cost control and budget reduction while ignoring the impact on increasing risk, this relation between cost control and risk analysis is very important, neglecting or overlooking this relation will negatively impact the project, the main focus of this study is to strongly demonstrate the relation between cost control and risk analysis, the main risk to be demonstrated is the problem of cost overrun, this is done by showing real-life cases where engineers ignored cost overrun in favor of reducing budget and cost control, after each case solutions and measures are defined to avoid these problems.
Investigating the impact of green technology investment and waste management on distributor firm performance[Full-Text ] Amjad Ali, Dr Muhammad Asim The current study is an attempt to assess the impact of green technology investment and waste management on distributor firm performance in case of Pakistani FMCG firms. The study analyzed the relationship between a relationship between green packaging and improved green packaging materials, green distribution and elimination of environmental damages, green marketing and increased green promotion, hazardous waste handling and improved safe disposal of chemicals.
Trend of Optical Fibre in the Next Generation[Full-Text ] Siriaksorn JakborvornphanAccording to the requirements of high bandwidth capacity, low-latency cellular capability, gigabit high speeds, and more available spectrum for communications in both uplink and downlink bands, the ever-present 4G cellular network is poised to be restructured by 5G networks. The paper first considers the principles of optical fibre communications, and then focuses on the characteristics of different types of optical fibres. Finally, the paper considers key technologies in ever-more dramatic advances in the next generation of 5G wireless network. The ultimate objective of this paper is to highlight how optical fibre will be deployed in 5G systems as it plays a vital role in the transition toward the next mobile cellular network, supporting the exponential increase in both Internet of Things (IoT) devices and personal smart devices in the 5G network infrastructures.
Effect of Local Clays Substitution on Rheological Properties of Formulated Water Based Mud[Full-Text ] Wami Emenike Nyeche1,Nmegbu Chukwuma Godwin.J2.,Temple Emeline Adaoma2Filtration loss and rheological properties of drilling fluid significantly dependon the quality of bentonite clay and chemical additives used in formulating th emud.In search for suitable substitute for imported bentonite clay to be used in formulating drilling fluid in petroleum industry in Nigeria,physicochemical and rheological properties such as swelling index,cation exchange capacity,yieldpoint,gel-strength,Yieldpoint-plastic viscosity ratio of local bentonite clays from Andoni,Boloand Etche communities in Rivers State,Niger Delta of Nigeria were determined and compared with imported bentonite clay.
Study the Quality Control for Three Diagnostic X – Ray Machines[Full-Text ] Hamed I. Abdel kader, Hossam M. Gad, M. Mekhimar, Ayman M. Said, Mai Abed El – SaidIt is crucial to study the diagnostic X – ray machines characteristics and factors that affecting the quality of beam and dose delivered to patients like reproducibility of tubes voltage ,dose output ,exposure time ,accuracy of KVp , exposure time (msec) ,mAs linearity ,x-ray tube efficiency and half value layer to reduce the dose delivered to patients .
The Solar Synthesis-Deuterium Depletion-Hydrolase Transfiguration Principle[Full-Text ] Jere Rivera-DugenioOrganic, eternal living water does not exist on this finite-life planet. Modern scientists, meta-physicists and spiritualists claim they have either found or produced “living” water but what they are oblivious to the fact that the current state of water (H2O) on this planet is “dead” water due to certain energy mutations controlling the planetary grids and human bio-energy fields. Hydrolase is the real, atomic living water (DS3: H2O2He3, DS2: O2H2N3 organic, conscious, living water atomic matter), which is the “water-matter-base” (hydro-acoustic) compound element of which our 144 organic living elements are composed. This research paper will offer a revolutionary perspective on organic, living water and how to naturally produce hydrolase within the physical body.
In Vitro Bectriologic Study and Empiric Antibiotic Regimens for Diabetic Foot Ulcers[Full-Text ] Sarwat Nazir, Waqas A. Chaudhary, Ishrat BanoTo determine common pathogens isolated in diabetic foot ulcers and in vitro antimicrobial activity. The University of Leicester, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, The University of Cambridge, University of Lahore, Pakistan. Period: 1st January 2017 to 30th June 2018.
COMPLETE PHARMACOGNOSTICAL STUDY ON RED SEAWEED PORTERIA HORNEMANNII (LYNGBYE) P.C.SILVA[Full-Text ] M Ranjani Devi, P Arputharaj, A Suchithra, J. M. V. KalaiarasiAs marine algae have high potential in the pharmaceutical field and its importance made this study to evaluate the pharmacognostic, and to conduct the preliminary phytochemical, biochemical and inorganic mineral analysis of the successive extract of a red seaweed Portieria hornemannii. It was concluded from the study, that the Marine algae are the good source of unsaponifiable non-toxic steroids and other secondary metabolites that proved the evidence of pharmacognostic standards has been exposed to highlight biology importance in pharmaceutical line.
The Effect of Audit Quality, Firm Size, and Financial Expert CEO to Earnings Management in Indonesian Manufacturing Industry[Full-Text ] Yemima Marcya, Ancella A. HermawanThis study aims to empirically examine the effect of audit quality, firm size, and financial expert CEO to earnings management in the Indonesian manufacturing industry. The sample is manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with the study period 2012-2017. Data obtained from Data Stream and IDX website. The proxy used to calculate earnings management is discretionary accruals (DAC) by modified Jones model (1991), audit quality is categorized into audits by Big 4 auditor and Non Big 4 auditor, measurement of firm size by calculating natural logarithm (ln) on total assets, and financial expert CEO which is differentiated into financial expert CEO and not financial expert CEO. Using fixed effect panel regression, this research finds that there is a significant negative effect of audit quality to earnings management, no significant positive but negative effect on firm size to earnings management, and no significant effect of financial expert CEO to earnings management.
Elevated Serum Levels of CEA in Egyptian Female Breast Cancer Patients as Standing Tumor Biomarker[Full-Text ] Samar A. Ghonem, Rasha F. Zahran, Menha M. Swellam, Camelia A. Abdel-MalakTumor markers are substances produced by the tumors or by other cells of the body in response to cancer or certain benign conditions. Although most of these markers are made by the normal cells as well as by cancer cells, they are produced at much higher levels in cancerous conditions. These markers are used to evaluate the patient's response to treatment and to detect the presence of metastasis or recurrence. Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in females worldwide. The Carcinoembryonic antigen CEA is tumor marker that is often expressed in people with breast cancer. It plays a crucial role in diagnosis, monitoring response to therapy, early detection of metastasis and determination of recurrence in patients with breast cancer.
Ethics and Stakeholder Salience theory[Full-Text ] Rehan Akhtar, Shahzad khurramIn our study we have examined the stakeholder salience-attributes relationship with moderating role of IWE and EC. We have collected data from Managers of exporting and manufacturing industry of Sialkot, Pakistan through Questionnaires. Previous research by scholars examined the services firms of developed countries.
Technologies, Challenges and Applications of Internet of Things[Full-Text ] Akinbode K.B., Oguns Y.J., Egbedokun O.S., Ganiyu A.A., Oyerinde O.O.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm where things have identifying, sensing, and processing features that will allow them to communicate with other devices over the Internet to perform various tasks. IoT is a new technology that is used to express a modern wireless telecommunication network, and it can be defined as an intelligent and interoperability node interconnected in a dynamic global infrastructure network. The Internet of Things, which will transform the real world objects into intelligent virtual objects.
Enhancing the performance of photovoltaic module by water cooling[Full-Text ] Ekpo, C.E., Kogbe, K.O. and Udo, S.O.The efficiency of photovoltaic panel decreases with increase in temperature there by reducing the quantity of electricity generation. To enhance the performance of PV system, water –based cooling system is investigated by an experimental set-up.
Numerical solution of the Transient Free Convection in Magneto-Micropolar Fluid past vertical semi-infinite porous plate with Heat Generation, Mass Transfer and Constant Heat Flux subjected to Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] N.M. Mutua, M. N. Kinyanjui, J.K. Kwanza, F.K. GatheriNumerical solution of the Transient Free Convection in Magneto-Micropolar Fluid past vertical semi-infinite porous plate with Heat Generation, Mass Transfer and Constant Heat Flux subjected to Magnetic Field is studied. The plate considered is porous and the Micropolar incompressible fluid that is electrically conducting flows past the semi-infinite vertical inclined plate subjected to variable inclined magnetic field. Fluid is injected through the plate at a constant velocity.
Ethnopharmacological Investigations of Phytochemical Constituents Isolated from the Genus Atropa[Full-Text ] Mannawar Hussain, Waseem Akram, b Jaleel Ahmad, Taha Bin Qasim, Rukhsana BibiMedicinal plants play a vital role in the development of human culture. Medicinal plants are a source of traditional medicine, and many modern medicines come directly from plants. According to WHO the world's people in progressing countries 80 percent rely on traditional medicine for their primary health care more over about 85% of traditional medication involves the make use of plant extracts. Herb and shrubs of the genus Atropa (Solonaceae) inhabitate various ecosystems in worldwide.
Predicting (Nk) factor of (CPT) test using (GP): Comparative Study of MEPX & GN7[Full-Text ] Ahmed H. ELbosraty, Ahmed M. Ebid, Ayman L. FayedStatic cone penetration test (CPT) is a broadly satisfactory and dependable geotechnical in-situ apparatus that gives brisk and honest substantial measure of data about soil classification, stratification and properties. Un-drained shear strength of clay (cu) is one of the principle soil parameters that could be sensibly evaluated from the (CPT) results, as it is specifically connected to the tip resistance through the experimental cone factor (Nk).
Evaluation of the efficiency and benefits of a Pilot Scaled Decentralized Faecal Sludge Treatment System in Kampala[Full-Text ] George Otaka, Aldo Okullo, Charles B. Niwagaba, Robinah N. Kulabako, Alex Y. KatukizaMany peri-urban cities of Sub-Saharan Africa are overwhelmed with overloading the existing centralised wastewater treatment plants and high capital costs of operations and maintenance. In this work, a pilot decentralized faecal sludge treatment system (DEFASTS) was constructed in Kampala for assessing the performance and potential benefits of the treatment system
Metal complexes in cancer therapy: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and antitumor effect against breast cancer of new dihydroxy phenyl ethylidene amino benzoic acid complexes[Full-Text ] Abdou Saad El-Tabl, Moshira Mohamed Abd El-Wahed, Emad Mohamed El-Henawy, Omnya Ebrahim Abd El-Wahab and Shaimaa Mohamed Fahim HashimCr(III) , Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) and Ca(II), Fe(III), Hg(II), Pb(II), and Bi(III) complexes of (E)-2- ((1-(5-acetyl-2,4-dihydroxy phenyl) ethylidene) amino) benzoic acid were prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, IR, UV-Vis spectra, Magnetic moments, Conductivity, 1H-NMR and Mass spectra, Thermal analyses (DTA and TGA) and ESR measurements. The analytical and IR data showed that, the ligand behaves as neutral or monobasic tridentate. Molar conductivity in DMF indicate that, the complexes are non-electrolytes.
Physiotherapy Awareness Among Community Health workers-A Survey[Full-Text ] Dr. Fouzia Hussain, Dr. Hajra Ameer Shaikh, Dr. Muhammad Saad Khan, Dr. Saffa IbrahimThere are many researches on awareness of physiotherapy among medical practitioners but fewer researches on community health workers (CHWs). By this survey knew about awareness in CHWs which play important role in gynecological and pediatrics problems. The aim of the study to assessed awareness of physiotherapy among community health workers. Materials and Methods: The design of the study was cross-sectional and non-probability convenience sampling was used for data collection.
ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITIES OF NOVEL SYNTHESIZED Cu (II) and Co (II) MIXED LIGAND COMPLEXES OF PREDNISOLONE AND PARACETAMOL[Full-Text ] Olagboye S.A.Adekeye D.K. and Akinwunmi O.A.Cu (II) and Co (II) mixed ligand complexes of prednisolone and paracetamol were synthesized in water-isopropyl alcohol medium at varying degree of concentrations and characterized on basis of their physical properties such as % yield, colour, melting points and spectroscopic studies as well as anti-microbial evaluations of the metal complexes. Results of this study showed that % yield of the metal complexes were reasonably high.
Improved technique in Tic-Tac-Toe game to minimize the condition of draw using min-max over optimal strategy[Full-Text ] Siby Samuel, Kajal Mahawar, Isac Joao FrançaIn Tic-Tac-Toe game when it is played between two players, one player being the user and another player as the computer, it has been observed by us that applying optimal strategy it usually ends up in a win or draw condition for the first player. In this paper, we have developed a simulation model using min-max algorithm over optimal strategy by giving the players five more moves to change the previous input to minimize the draw scenario and to increase the complexity level of the game.
CRUDE OIL EXPLORATION AND NIGERIA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A REVIEW OF SHELL PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY[Full-Text ] Mary AmabiNigeria undoubtedly has one of the largest global crude oil deposit especially in the Niger delta region. Oil is therefore the primary source of Nigeria’s revenue and accounts for about 80% of the total revenue of the Federal and State Governments. There are several international oil companies operating in Nigeria, with major players such as Shell, Exxon/Mobil, Chevron/Texaco, Agip etc which accounts for over 99% of the total crude oil production (Asiodu, 1979).
Demographic Transition and saving behavior in developing countries[Full-Text ] Sidra Haroon, Sarfraz Ahmad, Mubashir Ahmad, Hafiz Muhammad ZahidThe objective of the research is to find out the "Demographic Transition and saving behavior in developing countries" In this research data is used from (1991-2017) and data is taken from WDI and various uses of the economic survey. In my study I use the variables gross saving is dependent variable and independent variables are Labor force participation (total rate) Life expectancy (at birth total years ) Population ages(15-64 of total ) School enrollment (secondary gross) Trade (%GDP) Population age (total) Secondary education (pupils) Fertility rate (women birth). In this research, the GMM Generalized Movement Method technique is used..
MALARIA PREVALENCE AND THE USE OF INSECTICIDE TREATED NETS AMONG STUDENTS OF TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN JALINGO,NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Agere H. I.J , Elijah B. B, Houmsou R.S, Dawuda M, Iorgema C., Agbo JMalaria remains a major public health problem particularly in many tropical countries, resulting in decreased productive capacity and increased poverty despite the intensive and extensive attempts exerted to control it. In this study, a total of 328 students from three tertiary institutions in Jalingo, were screened for malaria using a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) kit for Plasmodium falciparum. Of these, 46(14.02%) tested positive. College of Agriculture had the highest prevalence of 17.02%, with School of Nursing and Taraba State University having prevalence of 13.58% and 10.38%, respectively.
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polyethylene Wastes into Liquid Fuel using ZSM-5 as catalyst[Full-Text ] O. A. Ogundele, A. Jimoh, S. H. PaulPolyethylene waste was converted into liquid fuel in the presence of zeolite ZSM-5 catalyst at various conditions (temperature, residence time catalyst weight) for the study of derived fuel yield. TGA and FT-IR analysis was carried out on the polyethylene sample to describe the thermal properties, as well as change in mass of the sample as a function of temperature and the functional groups present respectively. BET and FT-IR analysis was used to characterize zeolite ZSM-5 catalyst to determine the surface area, pore size and pore volume and to identify the functional groups and their assignment. The surface area, pore size and pore volume of ZSM-5 was found to be 688 m2/g, 6.077 nm and 0.2445 cm3/g respectively.
Production of Biosurfactant from microorganism using tigernut as sole carbon source[Full-Text ] H.S Audu, A. Jimoh, S.H.PaulBio surfactants are structurally diverse group of surface-active compounds produced by microorganismsextracellularly or as part of the cell membranes by a variety of yeast, bacteria and filamentous fungi from various substances including sugars, oils and wastes. In this present study a bio surfactant producing bacterial strain was isolated, screened for bio surfactant production capabilities.The bio surfactant production was studied using a Minimal Salt Medium (MSM) with Tigernut Waste (1 %) as the carbon source. The produced bio surfactant was characterized by measuring the emulsification index; forming characteristics Drop collapse and produced biosurfactant Fourier Transform Infrared radioscopy (FTIR).The results which showed that the produced bio surfactant shares similar characteristics as to standard biosurfactant.
Analysing the Re-vitalization of Hazratganj[Full-Text ] Mohammad Laraib Ahmad, Pradeep Kumar, Muhammad ShahrukhRevitalization is a method to use the abandoned , left over , damaged and old structures maybe in working condition or not, in such a way that it not only reflects the past glory but also work accordingly and adaptable in the present condition, or we can say giving it a new life. It is a process to make the building or a particular area work again in better way. Hazratganj is a very important notable street and central business zone (CBZ) located centrally in the Lucknow.
Economic Analysis of Distributed Generation for Hybrid Renewable Energy System[Full-Text ] Fahid Javed Sattar Randhawa, Muhammad Bilal Sarwar, Muhammad Haseeb Shams, Abdul Rehman Saeed, The University of Faisalabad, Riphah International University FaisalabadBecause of the fossil fuel dominant energy mix operating cost of most of the power plants is high while the renewables have almost negligible Operating cost and emissions. Seasonal pattern of Pakistan is pro to renewable energy resources. Solar insolation and wind speed in Pakistan are enough to harness energy. It is preferable to use a standby diesel generator with Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES). Many distribution generators like natural resources several types of renewable energy sources can be integrated to entertain off grid and grid connected loads. Components of HRES are technically modeled and then HOMER Pro has been used on a specified given off grid location.
ENGINEERING SPATIAL AND GRAPH ANALYSIS FOR BIG DATA[Full-Text ] Folami Gbenga ObokhaiSpatial and Graph analysis is basically about understanding relationships. The evolution of applications and infrastructure allows new platforms and technologies to find distinct ways to incorporate and exploit locational and social information into the business and analytics workflows. The emergence of Cloud services, Internet of things, mobile tracking, social media and real time systems creates new challenges which allow the management of data and more predominantly Pattern Recognition in data types, connections and the relationships.
Overview of Fractal Microstrip MIMO Antenna for Wireless Communication[Full-Text ] Mr. Ningappa T Pujar, Dr.Jagadeesh S, Mr.Vijayakumar S MalagittiIn the recent year's antenna communication have more popularity due to its applications. Fractal antennas may be characterized by space filling and self-similarity properties which will result in a considerable amount of size reduction and multiband operation as compared to the conventional microstrip antenna. Today design technology of fractal microstrip antenna is improved more and more and can be used for multiple inputs and multiple output system. The researchers are dragged their attention to deploy wideband antenna to enhance the features of MIMO. MIMO has various features due to these better features MIMO has grabbed the considerable attention in the wireless communication system, because of it present significant increases in data throughput and link range without requiring extra bandwidth or transmit power, higher spectral efficiency, and reduced fading. A few techniques can be applied to improve the fractal microstrip antenna, this survey paper presents an overview of the fractal microstrip antenna.
An Intelligence Aided VANET System: A Development of its Ontology Knowledgebase and Rule Set[Full-Text ] S. K. Aina, O. N. OyeladeVehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a technology that uses moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. VANET turns every participating vehicle into a wireless router or node. Literature has revealed that information sharing among participating vehicles such as V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle), V2I (Vehicle to Infrastructure), lead vehicle and vehicle moving in opposite direction vehicle have been the challenges facing VANET system.
IoT based solution for monitoring of pollution through pesticide in fresh fruits and vegetable available in market[Full-Text ] Nikitha.R,Pavithra.T.K,Pavithra.V,Kavyashree.M, Mrs.Vijayalakshmi Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been identified as one of the emerging technologies which is widely used in all walks of life in the world. The IoT comprises such as Radio Frequency Identification(RFID),Wireless sensor networks(WSN),Global Positioning System(GPS), which is used for sensing, tracking ,etc in environment management.