Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019.
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Paleoclimatic Changes and Palynocycles of The Late-Tertiary Niger Delta, Southern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Thomas A. Harry, Wilson Osung, Ifiok Ibanga, Mike EnidiokPalynological studies in Nigeria in the past four and a half decades were primarily based on the needs of the oil industries and information from them has remained confidential. Most of the studies were largely concerned with systematic descriptions of pollen and spores, palynological zonations, and bio-stratigraphy. Apart from the published works of on the Late Quaternary Eastern Niger Delta. This study therefore, presents vegetational and climatic changes in the Late Tertiary Niger Delta, Nigeria based on pollen record from MIC 2 well.
Implementation of Hybrid Approach for Page Relevance Computation[Full-Text ] Kompal Aggarwal, Rajender Nath,Giridhar Gopal BansalThe Focused crawlers aim is to find out only the relevant pages which are related to some specific topic. The Topic specific weight table defines the crawling target. The weight of the page corresponding to each keyword in the topic specific weight table is calculated. The topic specific weight table can be created in many ways. The Crawler makes the decision regarding downloading of page or not from the Page weight. This paper proposes HAPRC model for page relevance calculation. The experimental result demonstrates that the proposed HAPRC model achieved a significant improvement over related state-of-the-arts approaches.
Modeling and Forecasting Infant Mortality Rates of Asian Countries in The Perspective of GDP(PPP)[Full-Text ] Mehwish Shafi Khan, Samreen Fatima, Syeeda Sadia Zia, Ehtesham Hussain, Tayyab Faraz, Farah KhalidIn recent researches infant mortality has been considered as an important factor to gauge health of society in any country. Infant mortality is one of the vital indicators of social development along with other parameters such as: infant health, mother's health and education. Infant mortality rate depends on different factors like environment, socioeconomic conditions, geographic location, and certain demographics.
Automatic Teller Machine Transaction Approach on the Basis of New era[Full-Text ] Muhammad Yasir Imam, Nabila Jannat, Muhammad Bilal Suleman, Ayesha RehmanThe main aim of this article presents a new idea of OTP (one-time password) and giving brief details of the close by ATM machine and the amount of cash presently now available in the close by ATM machine if there is a shortage of cash in ATM we are presently using for transactions.
Public Procurement Act 2007 and Contracting Business in Nigeria (Case study of Public Sector organizations)[Full-Text ] Mohammed Lawal Yahaya, Olukayode Sunday Oyediran, Onukuwbe .N. HenryIn Nigeria, the Public Procurement Act 2007 (PPA 2007) was enacted to drive and sanitize the implementation of the procurement of goods and services required. However, the effect of public procurement Act 2007 on contracting firms when tendering for a construction projects are capable of impeding the contracting business in Nigeria. In the context of eligibility documents, bidding expenses and contract administration dynamics, the impacts of implementation of the PPA 2007 requires investigation.
Comparison of different parameters of four selected industrial effluents in BSCIC industrial estate, Begumganj, Noakhali, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Tanuja Barua, Md Mehedi Hasan Munna, Sujit Kumar RoyThe present study was executed at BSCIC (Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation ) industrial estate, Begumgonj, Noakhali to examine the status of important criterions of industrial effluents (physical, chemical and trace metal concentrations) from four types of industries in that area, namely food, printing and packaging, pharmaceuticals and metals. The collected effluent samples were from three different discharge points, such as exact point of discharge, mixing point and afield points from randomly selected industries.
Performance of Gamma Stirling Refrigerator having Shell and Tube Condenser and Evaporator[Full-Text ] Eldesouki I. Eid, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Ahmed M. Soliman, Tamer M. Mansour Aml A. MohammedThis paper investigates the performance of a gamma-type Stirling refrigerator. The proposed refrigerator has shell and tube condenser and evaporator. In the proposed refrigerator, a wire net regenerator is suggested. The working fluid is selected to be Helium. A drive mechanism controls the synchrony of the reciprocation of both the displacer and the piston. A computer program in the form of a spreadsheet is prepared to solve the refrigerator cycle numerically.
A Survey on Unstructured Data Classification using Uncertain Nearest Neighbor Decision Rule[Full-Text ] NIJAGUNA GOLLARA SIDDAPPA, THIPPESWAMY KAMPALAPPAClassification over numerous real-world datasets has a peculiar drawback called unstructured class problem. A dataset is said to be unstructured when majority class have more samples insignificantly than the minor class. Such drawbacks results in an ineffective performance of data classification techniques. Classification is a supervised learning method which acquires a training dataset to form its model for classifying unseen examples. Mostly such concerns are often arose in real world applications since day-to-day situations constitute majority class in abundant nature.
Effect of mixing parameter on deterministic joint remote state preparation of a qubit state via a Werner channel[Full-Text ] A. Elkttaoui, R. El guerbouz, and M. El bazIn this paper, we study how the efficiency of deterministic joint remote state preparation (DJRSP) is a ected, when qubits involved in the protocol are subjected to noise or decoherence. The study is performed on the DJRSP pattern, for its reliability, in a mixed GHZ state, mainly focusing on both phase ip noise and bitip noise, which are both found in pragmatic implementations of quantum communication protocols.
Assessment of Physico-chemical Status of Coastal Seawater of the Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mir Kashem, Sultan-Al-Nahian and Abu Sharif Md. Mahbub-E-KibriaSaint Martin’s island is a beautiful tourist attractive place and a unique coral island in Bangladesh. Marine biodiversity of this island is very rich for its favorable environment but its marine environment is facing threats day by day due to natural calamities, various types of pollution, and other anthropogenic activities. So it is very important to know the present physico-chemical status of seawater around the island as a baseline scenario.
Ethics in Advertisement Portrayal of Women in two Weekly Fashion Magazines front page with Dress Code in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Kinza ArshadAdvancement is a basic bit of media and in print media, from magazines accept a central employment. This examination article investigated the depiction of women in advancements from surely understood magazines in Pakistan.. An advertisement is coded seeing whether women were presented as sex objects and an adornment piece. With the ultimate objective of test examination of form three magazines.
The Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment in Leadership, Job satisfaction and Organizational Culture with Organizational Citizenship Behavior[Full-Text ] Dr. Shiney Chib,Abhilash GomkarOrganizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to behavior that is not formally requested or directly rewarded but can be functional to the operations of an organization (Smith, Organ, & Near, 1983). Research shows that OCB can have a positive impact on organizational success through improvements in productivity, resource utilization, group activity coordination, performance stability, employee recruitment, selection and retention, and the ability to adapt to environmental changes (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine, & Bachrach, 2000).
TISSUE ENGINEERING -An Era of Regenerative Medicine[Full-Text ] Shivani KaraliaAnnually, 1.2 million people on an average need transplantation for end stage organ failure. The, then successful transplants are contingent upon immunosuppressants. This is probably due to allogeneic source of transplants. What if the autologous source gets appreciated? The answer to this query is the field of Tissue Engineering, which is an approach to repair or replace the damaged tissues and organs with their mimics. This multidisciplinary topic of Regenerative Medicine raises certain questions on the in vivo functioning of the native and the transplanted one.
Superovulation: Advancements in cattle[Full-Text ] Sapna Pal The major limiting factor to the development of embryo transfer technique in cattle is the variability in ovulatory response to FSH-induced superovulation. Protocols for the superovulation vary from one species to another and even in the same species of different strains. The advancement in the protocols of superovulatory treatment is highly evolved in past 50 to 60 years. The result of superovulation can be affected by type, source and half life of gonadotropin used. Various hormones like estradiol and progesterone are used to manipulate follicular waves which cause reduction in the variations caused by treatment of the cattle at the different stages of the follicular development. It has also been suggested that small antral follicles can be induced to grow by extending the treatment protocol.
Cytotoxicity assay:Drugs detection[Full-Text ] Shivani kumariThe property of drugs nanoparticle to penetrate or permeate through various biological barriers are widely used for testing therapeutic efficacy. This testing however provides an opportunity to hamper the normal biological functioning. A constant effort is currently in progress to develop alternatives to the use of the live animal for the toxicity test of these xenobiotics e.g. drugs, chemicals, micro-organisms. Cytotoxicity depends on various factors like doses, exposure time and route of administration. Number of assays is in use to screen the effects on cells or tissue.
Search space reduction in optimal thermal dispatch and hydrothermal scheduling using heuristic search methods[Full-Text ] Sunny Abraham , Dr. Abraham GeorgeThis paper presents an accelerated search technique applied to optimal thermal dispatch and hydrothermal scheduling. The normal Genetic Algorithm search process, searches for maximum/minimum in the defined search space by continuously modifying the population using genetic operators. In this paper, along with the above, the search space is reduced in each cycle such that optimal solution is obtained in minimum number of trials. The technique can be easily applied to Particle Swarm Optimization as well. A normal search can be highly time consuming, but this technique reduces the search time drastically.
SIMULATOR DEVELOPMENT FOR EVALUATION OF INFLOW PERFORMACE RELATIONSHIP (IPR) OF SOLUTION GAS DRIVE RESERVOIR[Full-Text ] Obia, Ronald Anyahie ; Ehirim, O. Emmanuel; Godwin Nmegbu This study evaluates the analysis of Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) of a solution gas drive oil reservoir system (i.e. Saturated Reservoir, case; Pr ≤ Pb ) using an ad-hoc (simulator Ronald Obia Simulator (ROS)) designed for the purpose of this research work. The computer program (ROS) was developed in the cause of this study to analyze a 6-Test point Inflow performance Relationship problem to give solutions with higher degree of accuracy and precision instead of solving the system manually. IPR describes the behavior of the well’s flowing pressure and production rate, which is an important tool in understanding the reservoir/well behavior and quantifying the production rate. The newly developed simulator is very easy and simple in terms of application.
Microbiological Studies for Investigating Nosocomial Infections in Urine and Stool Samples[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abdel-Raouf, Dalia Moemen, Hisham M. Aldeweik, Mohamed M. Zaki, Mohamed S. Albannan4 and Ahmed E. AbdelkaderNosocomial infections (NIs) are a noteworthy contributer of expanded diseases, mortality and emergency clinic costs, in spite of the fact they are regularly preventable. Most NIs are related with an obtrusive gadget amid hospitalization and excessively happen in older emergency unit patients. This study is concerned with determining the percentage of nosocomial infections and identifying the bacteria involved and then estimating the impact of different antibiotic disks on isolated bacteria in urine and stool samples.
The Characteristic of Management Information System Affecting the Decision of School’s director[Full-Text ] Daoprakai Raso, Abhichat Anukulwech,Kanporn Aiemphaya, Niwat NoymaneeThe objectives of this research was to study the characteristic of management information system affecting the decision of school’s director in Thailand. The sample group were 166 teachers, teaching in Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area 2. Schools under the office of the basic education commission (OBEC) in Thailand in year 2018. The samples were taken using Multi - Stage Sampling randomized technique.
Socio-Economic Problems of Female Workers and their contribution in Household Income and Poverty Alleviation[Full-Text ] Rabia Bukhari, Prof. Dr. Sarfraz Hassan, Atiq-ur-Rahman, Mahreen AlamPakistan is a developing and densely populated country where females are almost more than 50 percent of the total population. In Pakistan, female workers are contributing almost 40 percent of their services to economic growth by working in both formal and informal sectors. Females can be seen doing every possible work for their family subsistence although by joining hands with their working family heads they are contributing to poverty alleviation. The present study estimated the socio-economic problems of female workers and their contribution in household income and poverty alleviation.
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE, AND PRACTICES REGARDING RISK FACTORS OF PREGNANCY INDEUCED HYPERTENSION AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN[Full-Text ] Ayesha Wahab Khan, Muhammad Afzal, Kousar Perveen, Mohammad HusainINTRODUCTION: Hypertension control among pregnant mothers with pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) appears difficult to achieve. Part of the reason for poor control of hypertension in these women might be limited PIH self care knowledge. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between PIH self care knowledge and hypertension control among pregnant women. Hypertensive disorders are one of a major cause of maternal mortality and morbidity especially in developing countries. This cross sectional descriptive study was carried out to determine frequency of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and its impact on maternal and perinatal outcome.
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE REGARDING HEPATITIS B PREVENTION AMONG PEOPLE OF RURAL COMMUNITY, LAHORE[Full-Text ] Javid Arif , Muhammad HussainKnowledge, attitudes, and, practices towards Hepatitis B are important. The objective of this study was to assess knowledge, attitudes, and, practices among healthy population of Rural community of Lahore METHODS: This was descriptive cross-sectional study. Convenient sampling was used and data was analyzed by SPSS version 21. RESULTS: A total of 100 persons were recruited. Persons had good knowledge on aspects related to the hepatitis B. CONCLUSIONS: Persons have good knowledge, positive attitudes, and practices regarding hepatitis B, gaps in studied domains were identified. Educational interventions are needed to improve person’s knowledge, attitude and practices in the residents of rural areas and especially in Lahore. KEYWORDS- Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Hepatitis B, Prevention.
IP Protection and Hardware Assisted Security for IoT Devices[Full-Text ] Parvesh Kumar Chaudhary, Ravi KumarThe Internet of Things, which is also known as the IoT, is a collection of smart devices that are connected to the internet and in turn to each other, which send and receive user data. Examples include wearable devices, vehicles, home appliances and industrial appliances which contain electronics, software, actuators and connectivity which allow these things to connect, interact and exchange data.
Underwater Robot with Wireless Communication Module (Through Zigbee)[Full-Text ] Neelam R. Sattur, Parina K. N, Pushpanjali S.Development of an Underwater Robot which focuses on two main functions: the movement of the robot and image capture of the surroundings and transmission to the base station. Software written in Embedded C monitors functions of the underwater robot, communicating through Zigbee, ensuring controlled movement in all directions. For capturing and transmitting the images, a micro-controller board namely Raspberry Pi, is used which communicates with the computer through Wi-Fi. Image capture is through an underwater camera.
Study on Knowledge of Women on the Effect of Alcohol Consumption on the Fetus in Elimina-Ghana[Full-Text ] Irene Kafui Vorsah Amponsah, Bosou Foli, Hammond R. D. Nii AyiteyThe study seeks to find out women’s knowledge on alcohol consumption and its effects on the fetus. Women in Elimina who have children or currently pregnant within ages of 15-45 years were interviewed. The snowball sampling identified 200 respondents who were mostly artisans/traders, co-habiting/single, and lived in a family/rented house with basic education. The study revealed that women (60%) confirmed they were told not to take in alcohol during pregnancy and were also educated on FASDs.
Global Value Chain evolution, feature and significance: Literature Review[Full-Text ] Merertu W. Rundassa, Prof. Daniel K. AzeneIn every firm, products are produced through the collective value adding activities starting from product concept development to product delivery to the consumers and value chain describes these whole collective activities of firms which is said to be “global” (Global Value Chain) when it involves different actors from two or more different countries.
A Light Tracking Automated Guided Vehicle for Oil Pipeline Leakage Detection[Full-Text ] Nkolika O. Nwazor, Romanus ObagidiLeakages occur in oil pipelines due to several causes, e.g, weathering of the pipeline material, pipeline vandalism, etc. Tracking a leakage in an oil pipeline can be very cumbersome and unfruitful if carried out manually. An Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) is a set of cooperative driverless vehicle, used on manufacturing floor and coordinated by a centralized or distributed computer-based control system. AGVs-based Material Han-dling Systems (MHSs) are widely used in several Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) installations.
Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adams Oluwadamilola KemiThis study examines the impact of climate change on agricultural production in Nigeria. The country's economy is predominantly agrarian and agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources remain the driving force for the country's economic development. Fluctuations in national income are due not merely to the decline in oil price or to mistakes in economic policy making, but also to the vagaries of the weather.
Assessment of miR-223 fold change in Chronic Hepatitis C Egyptian Patients[Full-Text ] EL-Shahat A. Toson, Gamal E. Shiha, Mahmoud Al kazazChronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection is one of the causative factors of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) which is the third leading cause of all cancer-related death. A dozen of microRNAs have been reported as promising HCC biomarkers. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of plasma miR-223 as non-invasive diagnostic markers of CHC and HCV-related HCC. Correlation with α-fetoprotein (AFP) will also be evaluated. Methods, This study was conducted on 100 participants which were subdivided into; 25 HCC on top of HCV, 25 with HCV-related cirrhosis, 25 with chronic HCV without cirrhosis , and 25 healthy volunteers.
A Review of Modeling and Design of Intelligent Agent System[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, Nwagu, Chikezie Kenneth,Ugochukwu Okoro BethelIn this paper, we review the modeling and design of an Intelligent Agent System (IAS), in order to achieve this goal; we reviewed several kinds of agents that exhibit intelligent features. They are the main agent, management agent, watcher agent, report agent and application agent. We identify their features, areas of application and limitations.
An Expert System for Advising Undergraduate Students[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, and Nwagu, Chikezie KennethAcademic advising of the undergraduate students is playing a fundamental role and is one of the most important responsibilities for the academic staff in most of the leading universities. The expert system is considered as one of most achievement area in artificial intelligence.
Intelligent System: A Catalyst in Educational Development in Nigeria Educational Sector[Full-Text ] Nwagu, Chikezie Kenneth ,Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem,Ugochukwu Okoro BethelThe use of expert system as a tool in teaching and learning process in Nigerian educational systems is very much desirable as it will facilitate teaching and learning process. The introduction of computer aided instructon (CAI) in our classrooms is a welcome innovation but the use of expert system which is an integral part of CAI has not been fully utilized.
Postgraduate Advisory Expert System for Advising Postgraduate Students[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, and Nwagu, Chikezie Kenneth,Ugochukwu Okoro BethelProviding accurate advices to postgraduate students during their postgraduate program and directing them toward a proper courses selection with their interests are an essential process in postgraduate stage. In this paper, we propose and develop an expert system for advising postgraduate students instead of the traditional way in advising by the department’s advisors. The proposed system enables the students to select and get a plan to each semester without needing to consult advisors.
Heavy metals concentration of surface water, Sediments and some selected Fish species of Gurara reservoir, Kaduna State Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Auta, Y. I, Ojutiku, O.R, Kolo, R. J, Francis, O. A, Tsado, A.N and Ayanwale, A.VThe concentrations of Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd) and Chromium (Cr) in water, sediment and selected fish samples from Gurara water reservoir, Kaduna State, were assessed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS 220 FS). Three samples each of selected Fish species (T. Zillii, O.niloticus and S.Galileaus), water and sediment from each Station were collected and analyze for heavy metals.
Impactof Demographic Variables on QWL among GarmentWorkers in Dhaka City[Full-Text ] Shahria Sattar, Kamrul Laila, Monoara AhmedThe quality of work life depends on various socio-demographic factors, such as workers' family life, social life, and the factors relat-ed to work environment.Any attempt at improving the outcome of the organization can be successful only if the organization is able to develop a strong quality work life.
Studying the Vulnerability of Coastal Aquifers, Case Study Rafah-El-Arish area, Northern Sinai, Egypt[Full-Text ] Marwa M. Aly Recently, groundwater has been the backbone in sustaining the development of many regions in Egypt, especially in Sinai. Growing of population, increasing in water demands and uncertain impacts of climate changes are major challenges for groundwater management in Rafah, Zowayeid, Kharouba and El-Arish areas. In order to assess the effect of previous factors; a mathematical model (Modflow) is used to simulate the groundwater system in the study area.
Experimental Design of a Bidirectional Single Phasing Protection for a Three Phase Induction Motor with Voice Notification[Full-Text ] C.O. OMEJE, S.O. OKOZI, E.O. EZUGWUThis paper analyzes a protection scheme for a three phase induction motor based on a single phasing fault. Two stages were considered in the analysis of this work. The first stage presents the dynamic modelling of the induction motor under a healthy and a faulty running condition for simulation purposes.
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RGB LAMP SPECTRUM ON THE FISH BEHAVIOR IN THE LIFT-NET FISHERY[Full-Text ] Sumardi, Sugeng Hari Wisudo, Wazir Mawardi, Mulyono S. BaskoroThe use of lamp in the lift net is the success determinant in fishing. The RGB (red, green, blue) light, with the control system based on Arduino Uno microcontroller, is able to produce the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) value in adjusting the light intensity. The produced light intensity can be used to lure the target fish to the lift net. The aim to implement the RGB light is to find out the movement, density changes, and the fish behavior, to the changes of light colors and the different PWM value.