Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018.
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Impact of Social Media on Community Development in District Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa[Full-Text ] Razia Rashid, Ms.Nazia RafiqSocial media has an influence on development process. There are so many networking sites like Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn etc which have a great influence on community’s social, economic, educational sectors and many others. This study aims to assess the situation of population in rural areas of Pakistan and information facilities available to them.
Application of Geographical Information Systems and Chromatographic Analysis for Monitoring of Organic Derivatives Near the Petroleum Settlments in Alexandria[Full-Text ] Samah Abdel Monem Hawash, Moustafa Mohamed Saleh Abbassy, Mamdouh El-HattabThis research was objected to assess the potential of petroleum contamination in the surface soil near the industrial and municipal activities at the Iking Maryout regions, and to find out the origin sources of hydrocarbon contamination using n-alkane profiles and indices. During the year September. 2014; thirty-two surface soil sampling were collected along the Iking Maryout region in the southwestern parts of Alexandria and analyzed using gas-chromatography with flame ionization detector (FID) detector. Geo-statistical analysis of n-alkanes in soil samples, using Spline interpolation was conducted.
A Comparative study to determine the prevalence of infertility associated with Hyperthyroidism in women of different ethnic groups in Quetta, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Gulsika Kakar., Masroor Ahmad Bajwa., Irfan Shahzad Sheikh., Abdul Malik Tareen., Ferhat Abbas., Abdul WadoodHyperthyroidism has an important impact on infertility. Generally, infertility is a social, medical, and psychological as well as an extremely sensitive issue for females in all countries of the world. Hyperthyroidism interferes with the various indicators of reproduction and pregnancy. The objective of study was to find out the prevalence of Hyperthyroidism related infertility in women of different ethnic groups. The
IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Agwi Uche Celestine and Ogwueleka Francisca NonyelumSocial networking has become a common international trend which has spread its reach to almost every corner of the world. The use of Social media sites have exploded and evolved into an online platform where people create content, share it, bookmark it and network at a prodigious rate. Among the prominent users of the social media are the students.
A FUZZY LOGIC BASED ALGORITHM FOR ELECTRIC POWER NETWORK MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Chukwuagu .M.IfeanyiThis project work is aimed at developing an efficient Algorithm for the management of Electric Power network using fuzzy logic. The fuzzy logic model functions as a system operator in making decision for load shedding and transfer switching. The new developed algorithm will solve the problem of inefficiencies associated with the conventional methods for the management of the system. The new technique uses the system data frequency variation, load variation and voltage variation and the experience of the system operators to formulate fuzzy rules, which are then simulated using fuzzy logic toolbox in MATLAB.
Vulnerability Assessment and Evaluation of Associated Attacks on Physical and Virtual Networks[Full-Text ] Moses AshawaThere is no system in the 21st century that has no vulnerability. Most networks seem to be very secure because the vulnerabilities in them are yet to be discovered. However, these vulnerabilities decrease in networks that undergo regular checks and upgrade in their directories with embedded security parameters which have cryptographic primitives. Lack of network checks has fashioned various attack vectors in which hackers exploit to break into the security of private, public and even virtual networks. Network attacks such as brute forcing, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, social engineering and Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) occur as a result of the combinations of several vulnerabilities which are embedded in them.
AN IMPROVED ROUND ROBIN LOAD BALANCING ALGORITHM IN CLOUD COMPUTING USING AVERAGE BURST TIME[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Abdulkarim, Souley Boukari, Ishaq MuhammedCloud Computing is the collection of large number of resources like hardware and software that are provided by the cloud providers to the consumers as a service over the internet. In cloud computing every task requires to be executed by available resource to achieve minimum waiting time, reduce makespan, best performance and maximum utilization of resources. Considering the growing importance of cloud, finding new way to improve cloud services is an area of concern and research focus .
STUDY OF AIR TEMPERATURE PROPAGATION OF PARKED CAR[Full-Text ] Musthaq Ahmad; Jamshid Ali TuriThermal comfort is only one factor that affects the driving experience. Several infants/children death reported across the globe after left in the parked car and high temperature create heat stroke. The aim of the paper is to determine the temperature variation inside the car cabin under direct sunlight in Malaysia also to reduce the temperature variation inside the car cabin by installation of exhaust fans.
GENERALIZATION OF VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION TENSOR/VECTOR IN PARABOLOIDAL COORDINATES BASED ON RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY AND GREAT METRIC TENSOR[Full-Text ] Omonile, J.F; Yusuf, A.O; Egbunu, F and Howusu, S.X.KIt is well known that Euclidean metric tensor is the foundation on which theoretical physics and mathematics are built upon even before now. But with the discovery of a great metric tensor in Spherical polar coordinates in all gravitational fields in nature has made Riemannian Geometry to be unlocked for exploration and exploitation in theoretical physics and mathematics. In this paper, we are out to obtain the generalized velocity and acceleration tensor/vector in Paraboloidal Coordinate based upon the great metric tensor.
LONG-TERM IMPACT OF OIL POLLUTION ON VEGETATION DIVERSITY AND STRUCTURE IN A SECONDARY RAINFOREST, RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Tambeke Nornu Gbarakoro, Nsirim L. Edwin-Nwosu, Aline Mekeu Edith Noutcha, Odidika Christian Umeozor, Love A. Akonye, Samuel Nwabufo OkiweluPhytoremediative ability of plant and natural regeneration have been documented but there is no unanimity on the rate of regeneration at an unremediated site. During studies on the long-term effects of oil pollution on soil microarthropods eco-toxicology, assessment of above-ground vegetation was undertaken. Assessment comprised, determination of Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC) values in soil, plant form (Trees, shrubs, grasses and sedges) composition and relative abundance, and the evenness and unevenness of numbers of individuals from each species, an indicator of species diversity.
Comparative Analysis of the Source Parameter Imaging and Spectral Depth Techniques of Determining Depth to Magnetic Sources in a Sedimentary Environment, using Aeromagnetic Data[Full-Text ] M.T. TsepavThe results of Spectral Depth Analysis and Source Parameter imaging methods of interpreting Aeromagnetic data in some parts of the Bida basin have been presented and compared.The area falls within latitudes 7.300 N and 10. 000 N; and longitude 4.000E and 7.000E. Before using each method, the regional residual separation was done using Oasis montaj to get the residual data for onward processing. The SPI requires the gridding of the residual values and the conversion of this to image map from where depth could be read off easily.
Optical Properties of Bamboo Doped Cadmium Sulfide Thin Film for Industrial Applications[Full-Text ] Nwori Augustine, Okpala Uchechukwu.VThin films of bamboo doped cadmium sulfide were deposited on glass substrates using chemical bath method. The effect of deposition time on the optical properties of the films were studied. Cadmium chloride (CdCl22½H2O) and ammonium thiocynate (NH4CNS) were used as the sources of Cd2+ and S2- ions respectively. The dopant, bamboo fibre extract was whittled down using top down approach and sieved.
Mitigating the Challenges of Global Warming by Harnessing the Electric Power Generation Potential of Gas Flaring in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Lawal, Olatunji A, Akinyemi, Toluwanimi O, Ramonu, Olayinka JThe UN Framework Convention on Climate Change had its Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris, 2015. This availed Nigeria an opportunity to strengthen her leadership role in the international climate negotiations. Nigeria’s clarion voice was heard showing strong support for an equitably, just and legal binding climate change agreement that will provide the much needed support for developing countries to mitigate the global warming challenge. This study depicts the mitigation strategies of global warming and effects of gas flaring on the environment, economy and electric power generation capability of Nigeria as she hope to ratify the agreements made in Paris and meet up with the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to cut CO2 emission by 20%. The data of the gas flare taken in July, August, September, and October 2017 were selected to forecast for the year 2030 and a linear regression method was deployed for these analyses using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS 23.
Response of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Laying Hens to Dietary Threonine Levels in the Tropical Northern Savannah of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Samuel, I., Bawa, G. S. and Daudu, O. M. In order to describe the response of Japanese quails to dietary amino acids after sexual maturity, accurate estimates of the amounts of each amino acid required for maintenance and egg production are needed to exploit its production potentiality. This experiment was therefore carried out to investigate the response of Japanese quail Laying Hens to Optimum Dietary Threonine Levels in the Tropical Northern Savannah of Nigeria.
Effect of remittances on the real effective exchange rate: The case of Uganda (1999-2016)[Full-Text ] Nakijoba Sawuya, Lesego selotlegengAttaining sustainable economic growth and development is one of the fundamental goals for developing economies. Recent studies have shown that remittances can achieve this. However, it is also seen to be detrimental to the sustainability of the economy due to exertion of pressure on the real exchange rate. This paper investigates the effect of remittances on real effective exchange rate in the Uganda over the period 1999-2016, controlling for other fundamental variables like as, real interest rate, gross capital formation and trade openness.
Cervical Cancer Knowledge among Women in Rural India[Full-Text ] Mrs. Shyama Devi, Dr. Harindarjeet GoyalAccording to the registry data, at least 18,600 cases of cervical cancer are reported in UP in a year which is about 15% of all such cases reported annually in India. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates suggest that death rate for cervical cancer stands at 56%.
FPGA Design and Implementation of Convolution Encoder and Viterbi Decoder[Full-Text ] Mr.J.Anuj Sai, Mr.P.Kiran Kumar, Mr. V.Vamshi Krishna Reddy,Mr.L.Shiva Nagender Rao Communication system transmits data from source to transmitter through a channel which may be wired or wireless. In this paper let us see about wireless channel communication. Data transmission over wireless channel is affected by attenuation, distortion, interference and noise, which affect the receiver’s ability to receive correct information. Convolution encoding with Viterbi decoding is a powerful method for forward error correction.
Study the Relation between Homocystein and Some Physiological and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Iraqi Diabetics Patients Type2[Full-Text ] Saja M. Thakir and Alia H. Ali The aim of this study is to explain the effect of type2 DM on the concentration of blood glucose, HbA1c, serum uric acid. Lipid profile concentration, Homocysteine (Hcy) concentration, High sensitive CRP (hsCRP) concentration. Oxidative stress parameters that include Lipid peroxidation Malondialdehyde (MDA). Antioxidant parameters that include Glutathione (GSH), water soluble vitamin (vitamin C) and Lipid soluble vitamin (vitamin E). Sixty diabetic patients was used in this study with the range of age from 50 to 69 years from Specialized Center For Endocrine diseases and Diabetesof Baghdad Health Department/Al-Rusafa .
STUDY OF TRANSMISSION TOWERS AND PROPER SELECTION IN TERMS OF ITS EFFECTIVENESS, BEHAVIOR, DEFLECTION AND ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS[Full-Text ] Jemal Bedane Halkiyo, Sultan Bedane Halkiyu, Yemisrach Mulugeta, Dr Rajeshekhar AngadiA tower or mast is a tall skeleton structure with a relatively small cross-section, which has a large ratio between height and maximum width. A tower is freely standing self-supporting structure fixed to the base or foundation while a mast is tall structure, pinned to the base. Self-supporting latticed structures are used in a wide variety of civil engineering applications, most commonly to support transmission lines that transmit and distribute electricity. The towers are with various heights e.g. the height of television towers may vary from 100m to 300m, while those for radio transmission and communication networks the height may vary from 50 to 200m etc. In this research the height of tower is 100m.
Classification of Plant Communities of Sialkot District Punjab, Pakistan & the Determination of Effects of Environmental Variables on their pattern of distribution[Full-Text ] Arifa Zereen, Sheikh Saeed Ahmad, Zaheer-Ud-Din Khan, Almas JahanThis study is an endeavor to study different plant communities of Sialkot District and the effect of environmental variables on their pattern of distribution. A total of fifty one species after twenty seven families were recorded from the study area. Plants were properly identified with the help of flora of Pakistan and available literature. For statistical analysis of the data multivariate techniques were employed. For classification of plant communities Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) program was used, which divided vegetation of the area into two major communities.
Les propriétés mécaniques des mortiers renforcés par des fibres en acier[Full-Text ] MASMOUDI.ML’objectif de ce travail consiste en l’étude des mortiers renforcés par des fibres en acier dans le but d’amélioré les caractéristiques mécaniques à savoir la résistance à la flexion et à la traction, le comportement de l’interface fibre/matrice et son influence sur la résistance et enfin l’influence des propriétés de la matrice et les caractéristiques géométriques de la fibre sur la résistance.
Urbanization as a Transformative force[Full-Text ] Sarmada Madhulika KoneGrowth is a general phenomenon of any biological system. A settlement’s growth can either be a planned or a biological process. With cities in today’s context, whose power lies in financial ability, aim at economic growth which results a change in demographic distribution across its region. A rapid urbanization indicates a country’s economy in its developing stage towards a modernized and a matured one, with a regulating plan for urbanization avoids imbalanced distribution of man power and uneven development across the country. The study aims at identifying the need for regulated urbanization for balanced growth, which acts as a catalyst for nation’s development with supporting cases across the world.
Sustainability management in mining closure plan and its structural development demand in Mongolia[Full-Text ] Batzorig Uuganchimeg, Dr. Prof Li Guangming, Arturo Cortés, Anne Wambui Mumbi, Boudahri kawtarThe main assumptions presented in this paper are the main assumptions that relate to the sustainable development of the mining sector, specifically mining closure that will significantly shape the development of country’s environmental future. So that planning for mine closure should be undertaken progressively throughout an operation’s life cycle by systematic policy, social participation and license holder’s responsible. This paper will include correspondences between factors that are pillaring sustainable development and how should Mongolians implement international’s standard and strategy of its. As case study, one of Mongolian first coal mining Nalaikh’s negative condition is illustrating that how can mining without closure plan damage its environment but also economically. Some of suggestion implementation approaches based on developed countries standard for Mongolian mining industry will be given in this paper. Mongolian mining can be more environmental friendly by adopting those Social, Environmental, Economic and Responsible, Systematic development.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Rubber Cultivation in Kerala[Full-Text ] Lince Rachel Varghese, Dr.K.VanithaKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), an interdisciplinary area, focuses on methodologies, and extract useful knowledge from data. Data Science field comprises of everything related to data cleansing, preparation, and analysis.This combines statistics, mathematics, programming, problem-solving and capturing data in cleverly inventive ways. Data science looks at things differently, in the activity of cleansing, preparing and aligning the data.Hevea brasiliensis, the rubber tree is the source of Natural Rubber (NR) which is the most versatile raw material of nature, having multifarious uses This paper analyses and studies the factors that affect the yield of rubber in Kerala.
ICT and Innovative Practices in Higher Education[Full-Text ] Prof. Muttappa M. ManturInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is a vehicle to enhance the quality of the education. As the world is moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more important in the 21st century. The opportunities for education arising from developments in information and communication technology are very promising. In recent years, increased computing power, improved wireless and user-friendly technology, and reduced telecommunication costs have contributed to lowering barriers to information access and exchange. Changes in the economic and social fundamentals call for transformation in the skills, capabilities and attitudes of the masses. This requires a shift in the delivery and pedagogy used in the current education system.
Reserve Estimation of Beani Bazar Gas Field, Bangladesh Using Wireline Log Data[Full-Text ] Farzana Yeasmin Nipa, G. M. Ariful IslamReserve estimation is very important part for determination of gas field’s lifetime which is known as production duration of gas fields. Beani bazar gas field very rich in condensate has been discovered in October 1982. Although drilling was completed in May 1981, but in view of economic considerations the production testing of two potential gas sands detected from well logs were not conducted with the expensive parker rig at that time.
Performance Analysis of Different types of Decoders for MIMO Technique in Wireless Communication: A Review[Full-Text ] S.N.Raut, Rajesh M Jalnekar, Snehal G. KatreThe requirement of the high data rate in communication systems had a remarkable increase in the last decagon due to the rising interest in wideband services like video, especially in mobile functions. Although, several blockades must be burst to accomplish the need of future communication system.
Utilizing Fly Ash and Alccofine for Efficient Soil Stabilization[Full-Text ] Lovedeep Singh Sambyal, Neeraj SharmaThe main objective of this research work was to study the engineering characteristics of clay soil. 51.8 million hectares of land area in India are covered with Expansive soil. The property of these expansive soils, in general, is that they are very hard when in dry state, but they lose all of their strength when in wet state. In light of this property of expansive soils, these soils pose problems worldwide that serve as challenge to overcome for the Geotechnical engineers. One of the most important aspects for construction purposes is soil stabilization, which is used widely in foundation and road pavement constructions; this is because such a stabilization regime improves engineering properties of the soil, such as volume stability, strength and durability.
Red Soil Stabilization Using Silica Fumes and Alccofine[Full-Text ] Jeevan Singh, Neeraj SharmaThe main objective of this research work was to study the engineering characteristics of red soil. The engineering behavior of residual soils in the area, derived from the in-situ weathering and decomposition of parent rock, is determined by certain physical characteristics designated as engineering properties. For this work both Primary and secondary data from organizations were in use. Red soils occur mostly in tropical and sub-tropical regions with hot, humid climatic conditions. It has been suggested that a mean annual temperature of around 25°C is required for their formation, and in seasonal situations there should be a coincidence of the warm and wet periods.
Environmentally Sound Recycling Technology of Scrap Printed Circuit Boards for Developing countries[Full-Text ] P.Parthasarathy, Sandip Chatterjee, M.R.P. Reddy, Keshav A. BulbuleFrom the use of renewable resources and environmental protection viewpoints, recycling of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) receives wide concern as the amount of scrap PCBs increases. However, treatment for waste PCBs is a challenge due to the fact that PCBs are diverse and complex in terms of materials and components makeup.
Design and experimental characterisation of a solar dish with small rim angle[Full-Text ] Djelloul Azzouzi, Boussad Boumeddane, Abderahmane AbeneIn this study, a description of the geometrical and optical parameters of the designed solar parabolic concentrator is presented. A suitable choice of the aluminium facet sizes has been optimized and applied. The different steps of concentrator design process are implemented in order to obtain an acceptable adherence of the 152 aluminium facets with the concentrator primary surface. It is indicated that the reflective surface is affected by the number of facets. An azimuth-elevation tracking system was realized.
A Study on Subgrade Soil Using Locust Bean Pod Waste Ash as Admixture[Full-Text ] J.A Ige and W.O. OyeniyanLocust bean pod husk is by-product of agricultural processing of the African locust bean fruit. The husks are been abandoned in a dumping site and this causes environmental nuisance. The empty pods are the needed raw material which was burnt by furnace to become ash which was aimed at using as an admixture to improve the geotechnical properties of sub grade soil.
Transparency and Public Participation In Madagascar Environmental Law Case study: Mining activities[Full-Text ] Andriamirado RAKOTOThis article pointed out the importance of transparency and public involvement in decision-making process. Mining in Madagascar has tremendous potential to further the country’s development but is the most controversial area of economic development. So while although there are concerns about participation in decision-making more generally in Madagascar, participation in the mining sector is the most sensitive and high profile area and thus an appropriate field of study.
Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of enterococci isolated from clinical samples[Full-Text ] Soamyaa SrivastavaEnterococcus species are ubiquitous in nature and the primary habitation is considered to be gastrointestinal tract of human and animals. Urine and blood samples were collected from 100 patients showing symptoms of nosocomial infection. Females were found to have significantly elevated incidence of urinary tract infection.
Inspiration from the classics: Echoing the creativity in the Novels of Gloria Naylor[Full-Text ] P.K.Selvaraj , Dr. K. RajkumarThe creative work of Gloria Naylor’s was praised by literary critics for the richness of her language, depth and the variability of her characters. Her themes of wish, survival and individual redemption, has been articulated in a series of novels and essays that won her popular applause. Right from the beginning of her career, Naylor has fashioned a sense of place, a sense of community where people live together. According to Naylor, family and group of people portray her communal history as a black American. Gloria Naylor wrote novels that highlighted the strengths of women and men particularly African-American women, men and the possessiveness on the lives of people due to racism, sexism and survival.
Event Finder Based on Current GPS Location: The city of Madinah as Use-case[Full-Text ] Toqeer Ali, Turki Alghamdi and Hatem M. El-BoghdadiThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is widely used in many portable devices for positioning purposes. Many applications were developed to use this service for tracking of objects in different environments and wide range of applications. In big cities, there are always many kinds of educational, medical, cultural and religious events. Residents and visitors to these cities need to be aware of the ongoing and upcoming events in the city. In this paper, we employ the GPS and propose a framework to use mobile application connected with the GPS to deliver the activities and events in a certain geographical area within the city.
Variations in Forest Carbon Stocks along Environmental Gradients in Weiramba Forest of Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Implications of Managing Forests for Climate Change Mitigation[Full-Text ] Zelalem Teshager, Mekuria Argaw, Abeje EsheteClimate change, caused by global warming, is the most pressing environmental problem of the world today and it is a phenomenon partly resulting from the abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The problem of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide can be addressed in a number of ways. One of such actions is forestry development and forest management undertakings that can contribute to mitigation. This study was conducted in Weiramba Forest, with the objectives of estimating of the carbon stock and its variation along the environmental gradients in Weiramba Forest. A systematic sampling method was used to conduct the vegetation sampling.
Potential Metallopharmaceutical agents; synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and antiproliferative study of novel metal complexes of tetra thiosemicarbazon ligand[Full-Text ] Abdou S. El-Tabl, Moshira M. Abd-El Wahed, Prasad V.Bharatam, Abdelhaleam A. AlyThere has been much interesting in the development a new tetrathiosemicarbazone ligand and its Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Al(III), Ca(II), Ba(II), Sr(II), Mg(II), and Ag(I), complexes . Complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-Vis spectra , 1H-NMR spectra, Mass spectra, Magnetic moments, Conductances, Thermal analyses (DTA and TGA) and ESR measurements The spectral data show that the ligand behaves a neutral or dibasic –octadentate type. Molar conductances in DMF solution indicate non-electrolytic nature of the prepared complexes. The ESR spectra of the solid complexes indicate anisotropic or isotropic type (dx2-y2) ground state with considerable covalent bond character. To study the cytotoxicity of the ligand and some of its metal complexes against human liver cancer cell (HePG-2 cell line).
The prediction of moisture adsorption isotherm for commercial sodium bicarbonate powder[Full-Text ] Yué Bi Yao Clément, Bouatene Djakalia, Akmel Djédjro Clément, and Tano KablanThe quality of preserved sodium bicarbonate powder is largely dependent on its moisture content, moisture migration and moisture uptake of the sodium bicarbonate during storage. Therefore, the water activity level, which corresponds to a range of equilibrium moisture contents, must be determined by, for example, the use of moisture isotherms. Sorption isotherms are therefore of great importance in post-harvest procedures, especially for predicting drying and storage, which help to establish the final moisture content of the product under certain environmental condition.
Efficiency Analysis of UTME Registration Process in Nigeria: Case Study of a Typical CBT Centre in Ibadan, Oyo State[Full-Text ] Mojisola A. Bolarinwa, Ebenezer O. OlowolajuJAMB UTME, the only entry route for admission into any Nigerian tertiary institution has few accredited centres having adequate facilities where registration can be carried out. This has resulted in pressure on the few accredited centres within the short timeframe allowed for registration. Thus, there is need for efficiency in the registration process to ensure that as many students as possible are registered within the short timeframe, while maximising financial turnover of registration centre operators.
EVALUATING THE DEVELOPMENT ABOUT PROFESSIONAL PHYSICAL FITNESS AND BASIC TECHNIQUES OF FEMALE VOLLEYBALL ATHLETES AT AN GIANG UNIVERSITY AFTER A TRAINING YEAR[Full-Text ] Dao Chanh Thuc, Duong Ngoc TruongThe study aims to evaluate the development of professional physical fitness and basic techniques related to the effective training of female volleyball athletes at An Giang university after a training year. The study was conducted through some methods, namely integrated research and relevant literature reviews, pedagogical observation, interview, pedagogical examination, and statistic mathematics.The author has selected 11 tests about professional physical fitness and 7 basic techniques tests for female volleyball athletes in order to evaluate the effective training and the development of female volleyball athletes at An Giang University.
HYDROGEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE AQUIFERS OF BRINE FIELD OF AWE AND ENVIRONS, CENTRAL BENUE TROUGH, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nuhu Degree Umar, Ibrahim Giza Idris, Aliyu Itari AbdullahiGeophysical investigations, mainly vertical electrical sounding (VES) using Schlumberger electrode configuration array were performed at 21 locations across the study area. Results of the VES revealed that the study area is characterized by 3, 4 and 5 geo-electrical layers with 9 different curve type signatures. Also, results of the VES show that Awe area has the highest occurrence of saline zone within the central Benue Trough, compared to Keana and Giza saline zones.
Efficiency of differentiated human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in to neurons for treating Alzheimer disease[Full-Text ] Eglal El. Metwally A. Hassan, Magdy M Youssef, Nivin .A. Salaha, Farha .A. El-ChennawiAfter isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s jelly of umbilical cord. Using flow cytometry analysis showed positive in differently markers of cells (Cluster of differentiation (CD) 146, 90 and 105), and negative in (Cluster of differentiation (CD 45). Their differentiation under definite conditions indicated that they consumed multilineage variation potential. From the results we obtained which built cells of human umbilical cord involved, we inaugurated that after treatment with Neurobasal –A media for 12 days, hUCMSCs showed moderately MAP2 and highly choline acetytransferase using Immunocytochemistry staining this action should be enhanced when cells are in planted with Neurobasal® –A media, thus MSCs hold great promise for different neurodegenerative diseases. This work aimed to the efficiency of WJMSCs to differentiate into neurons and use these cells in the treatment of (AD).
Determination of the curie point Depth,geothermal gradient and heatflow of Guzabure and its environs,Chad Basin, Nigeria using Aeromagnetic data[Full-Text ] Nwobodo A.N, Ezema P.O and Ugwu G.Z The Curie point depth,geothermal gradient and heatflow of Guzabure and its Environs Chad Basin Northeastern,Nigeria was estimated from spectral analysis using Aeromagnetic data.Six aeromagnetic maps covering an area bounded by latitudes12° 00' to 13° 00' North and longitudes12° 30' to 14° 00' East were used as basic data for determining the nature of the of the magnetic anomalies over the area. Regional anomally was removed from the total magnetic intensity field to obtain the residual anomaly field using polynomial fitting.
The Innovation of Value Chain Model of Cocoa Oil Industry to Increase The Sustainable Value Added[Full-Text ] Sudirman Zaid, Dedy Takdir Syaefuddin, HalimThis research aims to innovation of value chain model of the cocoa oil industry based on resources event agent (REA) in the Lembah Lanipa Agropolitan Area of North Kolaka Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province in order to increase the value added of the business sustainably.
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI-INPUT UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY[Full-Text ] Olatoye N. O, Onwusuru I. M, Ekoko E. C, Uka C.S.The paper is on the design and implementation of Multi-Input Uninterruptible Power System (MIUPS). The system [1] [2] consists of the inverter section, the charger, the control circuit and the change over circuit. The inverter changes the DC voltage from the battery to AC voltage; the charger charges the battery when there is supply from the AC mains; the control unit monitors the battery against over charge and over drain; while the change over circuit select the AC input by changing from failed one to available one. The response time to overcome or detect any irregularity in power supply, the ease at which it harnesses various inputs and the ability to quickly change to its internal battery are of keen interest. This write up does not only discuss the design and construction of 1KVA MIUPS but also discusses the operation and limitation of the equipment.
Analysis of the Effect of Electrical Torque on Quadcopter Behaviour for Optimal Performance using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Dr K. F Akingbade, A.O SafiriyuThis paper focus on analyzing the behaviour of a Quadcopter from its general principle of operation considering the effect of electrical torque when current flows through its major control unit, motors. Detail analysis of the Brushless DC motor used on the quadcopter was carried out using Emax MT1806-2280Kv motor as guide and its transfer function derived considering the relationship between the current flowing and the applied Voltage.
Crypto Currencies and their future - The Destruction ahead[Full-Text ] Umar Fawad SharifCrypto currencies have become one of the main headlines in 2017 due to its parabolic rise in value and popularity. A Crypto Currency is an electric currency that uses cryptography for security. Due to crypto security feature it is difficult to counterfeit.