Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018.
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Numerical Study of a Fluid Dynamic Traffic Flow Model[Full-Text ] Md. Shajib Ali,L. S. Andallah & Murshada Begum Fluid dynamic traffic flow model considered as macroscopic model is a mathematical model that formulates the relationships among traffic flow characteristics like density, flow, mean speed of a traffic stream etc. We consider a fluid dynamic traffic flow model first developed by Lighthill and Whitham (1955) and Richard (1956) shortly called LWR traffic flow model. In this paper, we study two finite difference schemes such as first order explicit upwind difference scheme- EUDS (forward time backward space) and second order Lax-Wendroff difference scheme-LWDS (forward time centered space) for solving first order PDE of LWR macroscopic traffic flow model appended with initial and boundary conditions. The traffic density is computed by solving LWR macroscopic conservative form of traffic flow model using both schemes. Stability conditions of the schemes are determined and it is numerically shown that LWDS is superior to EUDS in terms of time step selection. The conditions of stability are also numerically verified. Some numerical simulation results are presented for various parameters.
EMERGING FISHERIES TECHNOLOGIES ON GROWTH ENHANCEMENT AND DIET PREPARATION[Full-Text ] N. R. Chattopadhyay and Okyam Ering With the growing demand from aquaculture and foreseeable levelling off in fishmeal and fish oil production from fisheries, it appeared necessary to reduce the proportion of fishmeal in feeds for aquaculture. Research has therefore developed on other sources of protein to replace fishmeal and fish oil, in particular, using plant raw materials, while seeking to conserve the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of cultured fish.
Sustainability management in mining closure plan and its structural development demand in Mongolia[Full-Text ] Batzorig Uuganchimeg, Dr. Prof Li Guangming, Arturo Cortés, Anne Wambui Mumbi, Boudahri kawtarThe main assumptions presented in this paper are the main assumptions that relate to the sustainable development of the mining sector, specifically mining closure that will significantly shape the development of country’s environmental future.
BIOMASS PRODUCTION AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS ARE AFFECTED BY SULFUR DEFICIENCY IN TRIGONELLA FOENUM-GRAECUM[Full-Text ] Mariame Houhou, Khalid A. Joutei, Said LouahliaThe reduction in atmospheric inputs of S due to stricter emission regulations caused serious decrease in sulfur deposition and, as result, affected markedly growth and quality of numerous economically important plants. Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) is one of the most widely aromatic and medicinal cultivated plants used in the world. To explore the response of Fenugreek towards poor sulfur nutrition, we studied the effect of S-starvation on plants of Trigonella foenum-graecum grown in nutrient solution containing less sulfur. S-deprivation decreased the total dry matter of the plant by 36%, specially the aerial part. The chlorophyll content was reduced by 60% and the concentration of soluble sugars also decreased in both shoot and root by 50% and 56%, respectively. The measurement of in vivo nitrate reductase activity in the root tissues showed that sulfur deprivation reduced the capacity of plant to assimilate nitrogen by 68%.
Challenges of Virtualization with Security and Management[Full-Text ] Aqsa Bilal, Amina Islam, Kainat Nawaz, Amreena SadafWith the use of cloud computing the complexity and cost of owning and operating computers and networks can be significantly reduced. In the developing age of cloud computing demand of cloud services in almost all the areas like TV channel to online shopping to educational institution etc., the cloud infrastructure cost goes very high. The cloud services customization is now possible and it is flexible to use. Providers offer advance services so that an individual might not need to spend any cost or expertise to develop advance services. Cloud computing and virtualization has been briefly introduced for this purpose.
Genetic evaluation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) for yield of achene and its related traits[Full-Text ] Hina Saleem, Hafeez Ahmad Sadaqat, Muhammad Hammad Nadeem Tahir, Humera Razzaq , Bareera Nasir, Amna Javaid, Maryium Sajjad and Zeba AliTen accessions of sunflower were evaluated for achene yield and its related traits. The experiment was laid out following a randomized complete block design with three replications. Observations were recorded on quantitative traits i.e. plant height, leaf area, head diameter, 100 achene weight, achene weight per plant, stem girth, internodal distance and descriptive traits (Leaf shape, head angle, achene colour, achene stripes and seed sizes).
APPLYING IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY IN AVIATION TO DETECT FOREIGN OBJECT DEBRIS (FOD)[Full-Text ] Trieu Tran-Minh, Dung Nguyen-ThanhThe goal of the algorithms developed in this paper is the real-time detection of randomly shaped FODs damaging the airport runway, the surveillance zone used by the camera. This is achieved based on the results provided by subtraction.
Study the Recycling and use of Construction Waste in Concrete Mixtures in Yemen[Full-Text ] Khalil AL-Bukhaiti, Mohammed Hassan, AL-Koli Hamzah, Khaled Zaidi, ABDULRAHMAN ALIThe reuse of construction waste in the production of new concrete achieves two aims together, the first is the removal of large amounts of environmental pollution sources resulting from these wastes, and the second is to provide cheap sources of concrete aggregates. This study included testing the properties of a concrete mix equipped with coarse aggregate from the local natural concrete residues after removing the large pieces of gravel, meaning the use of mortar, these residues after grading and crushed and washed.
Digitally Reporting Students Progress: Implementation Guide In Indonesian Kindergartens Context[Full-Text ] Bambang HarmantoReporting students progress manually in Indonesian kindergartens is often perceived by teachers as a work that takes up time and energy. Due to the process, the students’ need to learning sometimes is neglected. This paper studies the application of digital report (DR), as an alternative solutions, for kindergarten teachers in an Indonesian context. The papers also provides an implementation guide for DR in helping teachers write a report more efficiently. Eventually, the teachers are advised to shift their habit of reporting into the introduced application for optimalizing the service to students.
The Role of Communities in Environmental Management: A Case study of Khana L.G.A., Rivers state, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Odunze, W. C; Dike John NimaaThe Role of Communities in Environmental Management in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers state is a study aimed to measure the extend of Communities awareness, involvement in environmental improvement on Industrial actions and Oil spill management promised by Government and Industrial administrators.
Effect of Mentha Longifolia L (Family Lamiacea) ethanol extract on Cercarea, miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni by scanned electron microscope and Biomphalaria alexandrina[Full-Text ] Hanan S. MossalemEffect of ethanol extract of Mentha Longifolia as antischistosomal factor on: 1- cercaria, miracidia of schistosoma mansoni by sccane electron microscope 2- Survival rate of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails 3- Infection rate of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails with schistosoma mansoni. Evaluate ethanol extract of Mentha Longifolia L (Family Lamiacea) as poisonous stuff from plant has antioxidant activity against cercariae and miracidia of schistosoma mansoni.
Treatment of Love in the play Naga-Mandala: Play with a Cobra[Full-Text ] Like American writing, Canadian writing, Australian writing, Indian writing in English has accomplished critical place in world writing. In the antiquated writing, author introduced himself through myth and legendary portrayal, a brilliant world where God and men existed together. However, present day time is being commanded by authenticity yet numerous authors have return about traditional myths. Where we can associate legendary stories with display time (Kalyug) where Karnad discusses craziness, duty, generosity, treatment of love, dreams and wants and numerous different things.
Natural Gas Fired Power Plant with Tri-Generation of Power, Process Heat and Refrigeration Using Waste Heat Recovery[Full-Text ] Prasad Laxman Kale, Dr. Lavendra S. Bothra, Dr. Rupendra M. AnklekarTri-generation is one of the most efficient ways for maximizing the utilization of available energy. This system is extremely useful for Energy Intensive Industry like Oleo-Chemical Process Plant. The utilization of waste heat (flue gases) liberated by the gas turbine power plant is analyzed in this research work for simultaneous production of: (a) Power (b)Process Heat in the form of hot thermic fluid and High pressure steam, and (c) Refrigeration using vapor absorption chiller (VAM).
In silico study of the drug oseltamivir and its interactions with influenza hemagglutinins 5C0r and 5C0s[Full-Text ] Helyson Lucas Bezerra Braz, Samara Sampaio Carneiro, Emanuelle Machado Marinho, Aurineide Ribeiro Lima, Márcia Machado Marinho, Carlos Lacerda de Morais Filho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoInfluenza is globally recognized for its capacity to generate epidemic and pandemic waves with annotations of the main virological, clinical and epidemiological characteristics, including its mortality and lethality and the context of its occurrence in a pandemic. However, the drugs currently produced, loses their efficacy to each viral mutation, becoming a problem in various economic and social sectors. Based on this context, this research aimed at the chemical-quantum evaluation of an anti-influenza molecule using molecular modeling.
On Markov chains for #Clustered-Monotone-SAT and other hard counting problems with easy decision version[Full-Text ] Eleni BakaliTotP is the class of all self-reducible counting problems in #P having decision version in P. Two TotP-complete problems under parsimonious reductions are Size-of-Subtree, and #CM-SAT. It is an important theorem that #SAT reduces to #CM-SAT under approximation preserving reductions. Sampling and approximate counting are often performed with the use of Markov chains. However for #SAT it is known that we cannot design irreducible Markov chains whose state space is the set of satisfying assignments of an input formula, due to a scattering phenomenon of the set of solutions. On the contrary, the set of solutions of #CM-SAT, as well as of Size-of-Subtree, is connected in a particular way that permits the design of irreducible Markov chains. We design and study some Markov chains whose state space is the set of solutions of the above problems. We analyse their mixing time, their stationary distributions, and the complexity of computing the normalizing factors and the size of the support of the stationary distributions. Finally, we discuss the results in relation to the hardness of counting in TotP, and to other open problems in complexity theory.
DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM NANOBEAMS UNDER MOVING LOAD CONSIDERING SHEAR DEFORMATION EFFECT[Full-Text ] A. ELMEICHE, M. BOUAMAMA, A. MEGUENIThis investigation focuses on the dynamic behavior analysis of functionally graded materials (FGM) nanobeams excited by a moving concentrated load, based on the nonlocal elasticity theory, taking into account the shear deformation beams effect. The government equations of motion are modeled by introducing weak forms into the forced vibratory system, under various orders beams theories, while including rotational inertia. The mechanical properties of FGMs nanobeams vary continuously through the thickness direction according to the power-law exponent form. Rayleigh-Ritz solutions are employed and combined with Newmark’s method to find dynamic vibration analysis responses. A convergence study is established and numerical results are validated with those available in the literature to show the reliability and efficiency of current model. Several examples are discussed and examined to determine the impact of the nonlocal parameter, material distribution, shear deformation beam effect, slenderness ratio and the velocity of the moving constant load on transverse dynamic responses of FGM nanobeams.
Analysis of Energy Performance of a Laboratory Tested Refrigeration System[Full-Text ] Julius ThaddaeusThis paper presents the experimental performance analysis of a laboratory tested chiller system performed at Brunel University London using R404A as a refrigerant. The effect of the different parameters of performance analysis: compressor power consumption, refrigeration cooling capacity, cooling COP, isentropic efficiency, volumetric efficiency, overall compressor efficiency, Carnot COP and actual COP were investigated for various evaporator water leaving temperature and condenser water leaving temperature. The results obtained from the laboratory test of the refrigeration system: Cooling Capacity of 27.05KW; Refrigerant mass flow rate of 0.2668 Kg/s; Carnot COP of 4.67; Actual COP of 2.28; isentropic efficiency of 57.23%; volumetric efficiency of 73.60%; and Overall compressor efficiency of 55.60%. These results could be compared to international standards values for performance improvement of the refrigeration system; maximum possible energy savings; and emission control in commercial buildings.
The Deep Web[Full-Text ] Radhika Bailurkar, Aniket GoswamiAlmost the entire world uses the internet these days and yet while browsing we come across short of information. This is due to the sole reason that the world wide web provides just a small portion of information. A lot more information is hidden in the so called Deep Web. The Deep Web has a lot of potential, such as it contains a lot of data useful for various activities. The Deep Web is as Bad as Good, allowing all illegal activities which should not be mentioned. Hence the Deep Web isn’t easily accessible. Our general search engines cannot access the data in Deep Web because these engines make use of the indexing technique which the Deep Web does not support. Therefore special search engines such as Tor, Infomine, Deep web tech etc. All though browsing in Deep Web is risky but with a bit of skill and some knowledge, you can illuminate a lot of valuable information.
Intelligent Greenhouse Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Nabiha Faisal, Ayesha Anees Zaveri, Naveera Sami, Shakila Sheikh, Salman Khan, Saba AkhterA Greenhouse effect ----- is one of the leading trends all over the world because of Global warming. It is usually a closed structure, controlled-environment bounded by glass or transparent, and at times translucent, fabric. Since technology is set to go Green making the use of greenhouse vaster than ever. The system so produced is designed in such a waythat will pro-vide constant monitoring of certain parameters (i.e Light, Humidity and Temperature) for better growth of plants.
Helicopter view of a Thesis on The Simulation of the detection of Breast Cancer[Full-Text ] Mohamed Soliman ElkomyThis ia an overview of a thesis submitted by me in 2016.
Comparative Study of Performance of Modified Asphalt Mixtures Using Different Traditional and Nano Additives[Full-Text ] Metwally G. Al-Taher, Hassan D. Hassanin, Mokhtar F. Ibrahim and Ahmed M. SawanThis study investigates the performance of Hot Mix Asphalt concrete mixtures modified using different types of traditional and Nano additives. The traditional modifiers include rubber, polyethylene and lime while the Nano modifiers include Nano Silica (NS) and Silica Fume (SF). The performance of the modified mixtures is comparatively evaluated in order to find the best modifier.
Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous- Lower Paleogene of the Hammam Faraoun, Gulf of Suez, Egypt[Full-Text ] Mohamed TawfikThe lithofacies types and associations of the Hammam Faraoun section in the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, have been examined and described in detail and used in sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous- Lower Paleogene rocks. Lithostratigraphy, three rock units have been noted: the Sudr Formation (Maastrichtian); Southern Galala Formation (Paleocene) and the Wasit Formation (Lower Eocene).
Evaluate The Efficacy Of A New Trap (ELECTRAP TM) to Mass Catching Red Palm Weevil ((Rynchophorus Ferrngineus) (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Comparing With Traditional Trap In Date Palm Orchards[Full-Text ] Mona Mohamad Mashal, Basil Faisal ObeidatThe efficacy of Electrap was evaluated to capture RPW adults under different field infestations, and a comparison of efficiency between the Electrap and the traditional traps was made, We also determined the importance of the traps in controlling management program, and the cause of effectiveness of the traps and determined male - female ratio, the experiment was conducted on 11/Sept/2017 and finished on 11/Jan/2018 (four months).
Dearomatization of lube oil using polar solvents[Full-Text ] N. S. Yousef, Ahmed Muhammad AliExtraction of aromatics from multi-component hydrocarbon mixtures is of great commercial importance in petroleum refining industry. There exists a number of commercial Extraction processes for the Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using high polar, high density, and high boiling point solvents such as dimethylsulfoxide, N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), N-formylmorpholine (NFM), glycols, and sulfolane. solvents for Extraction should have selectivity for aromatics, high capacity, capability to form two phases at Extraction temperatures, capability of rapid phase separation, good thermal stability, and should be non-corrosive, and non- reactive. in this study, the effect of adding different co- solvents to NMP solvent on the Extraction process for a medium waxy distillate obtained from Western Desert crude oil.
Smart City DDoS Attacks Maneuver Based on Identification, Heuristics and Load Balancers[Full-Text ] Elie Y. Nasr, Isam Shahrour, Farid E. Nakhle, Daniel R. Sakr, Liliane Y. Karam Smart cities are highly digitized cities by nature. They are characterized by large volumes of data stored digitally and large numbers of physical objects and IoT devices with online connections to the Internet. As the use of connected IoT devices constantly increases, so do the security concerns. The biggest challenge that we face nowadays is the hackers’ use of IoT devices (camera, DVR,thermostat, etc.) to launch high-profile Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks as it happened lately on September 2016 with the Mirai botnet [1,2] which generated up to 1.2Tbps of severe wave of network traffic. This kind of botnets not only affected the IoT devices themselves, but also every device connected to the Internet. As such, availability attacks have the greatest destructive effects and are considered the main cause for a smart city blackout. The purpose of this paper is to propose a defensive or self-protective framework used to lessen the impact of zero-day distributed denial of service attacks on the smart city network (IoT devices) and hence to avoid entire blackout. This framework mitigates the zero-day availability attacks based on Identification, Heuristics and Load Balancer in a reasonable time frame. Simulation results obtained after testing the solution showed that the heuristic approach associated with the backup load balancer led to substantial accuracy in mitigating DDoS attacks.
Towards Precision Agriculture Indian Perspective[Full-Text ] Krina J. Patel, Prof.Bhavesh A. Tanawala, Prof.Mosin I. HasanThe Agriculture sector in India one of the strongest sectors, but its contribution towards the Gross domestic product of India is only 7.1 percent, but India’s economic growth has lost its rate indicate a low pull factor on labor away from agriculture. In farming sector production problems arise due to illiteracy, lack of knowledge about the low input sustainable farming system, improper use of fertilizer, pesticides and water, poor forecasting of weather. Precision agriculture is the perspective of the to reduce over- application of farming inputs, optimize performance and enhance agriculture production. The Indian agriculture the farmers face the hazard of both production failure and market failure. The major issues in the Indian agriculture sector are low per hectare yield, outmoded techniques of production, fertilizers and pesticides used on an insignificant scale. We have proposed the drone-based precision farming system which helps to identify crop disease, increasing the crop production and also help to spray pesticides on crops..
Overcoming the challenges of terrain irregularity in portable water distribution in Enugu metropolis[Full-Text ] Ugwuoti, Amos .I, Prof. Ojinnaka, Oliver .C, Okorie, OluchiInhabitants of Enugu metropolis have over the years, suffered untold hardship accessing portable water. Unlike other cities in Nigeria, construction of bore holes is not attainable in the city of Enugu. This is because of the underlining coal deposits. The people now resort to private commercial water vendors that supply water from bore holes established at Ninth (9th) mile in Udi local Government of Enugu State and shallow water wells that sometime dry up during the dry season which are normally constructed within their premises.
Recognition Face Combined License-Plate Applying On Smart-Parking[Full-Text ] Trieu Tran-Minh, Dung Nguyen-Thanh, Duy Trinh-Hoang For a real system, there are many factors that must be combined to make the system usable and practical. Especially the systems of supervision and security. To recognize the face plate combination car too, want to keep the vehicle is basically not even practical, but also meet the requirements of face and number plate.In fact, to keep a car in a parking lot, always be the right person in the right car.
A Geo-spatial Model for Flood Hazard Mitigation[Full-Text ] K.G. A. Sonali & Rev. Pinnawala SangasumanaNatural disasters are becoming more frequent, growing more severe and affecting more people than ever before. Among them, flooding can be identified as a natural event which has always been an integral part of the geological history of the earth. Pre-disaster management has become more important in the field of contemporary disaster management plan; particularly disaster mitigation. Flood mitigation involves the management and control of flood water movement, such as redirecting flood run-off through the use of floodwalls and flood gates and using dry/wet proofing methods.
Potential therapeutic applications of novel metal complexes of (Z)-3-((2-((2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino)phenyl)amino)-3,4-dihydroquinoxalin-2(1H)-one[Full-Text ] Abdou S. El-Tabl, Moshira M. Abd-El Wahed, Prasad V.Bharatam, Mohammed H. H. Abu-SettaMono organometallic complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ag(I) complexes with (Z)-3-((2-((2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino)phenyl)amino)-3,4-dihydroquinoxalin-2(1H)-one ligand has much potential as therapeutic and diagnostic agents. The ligand allows the thermodynamic and kinetic reactivity of the metal ion to be controlled and also provide a scaffold for functionalization. Specific examples involving the design of metal complexes as anticancer agents are discussed.
Static and Dynamic Analyses of a Ship Propeller[Full-Text ] Arjun B Curam, Ejaaz Ahmed, M Vishaal Rao, AkashShips and underwater vehicles like submarine and torpedoes use propellers for propulsion. These propellers consist of a varying number of blades, and have also been constructed using different materials as time has passed by. The purpose of this project was to model ship propellers based on a standard 4 blade INSEAN E779a model, and varying it with respect to materials, number of blades and rake angles. Here, the procedure used to model and analyse the propeller blades have also been discussed. SOLIDWORKS v2013 was the software used to model the propellers, while ANSYS 14.5 was used to perform Static Structural and Computational Fluid Dynamic Analyses of these propellers.
3D GAME DEVELOPMENT USING UNITY GAME EN-GINE[Full-Text ] Pa.Megha, L.Nachammai, T.M.Senthil GanesanIn this paper, we present the design and implementation of the game called Cognitive Arenas. It is a very common game and was developed keeping the Mac OS X and Windows Operating Systems in mind. The aim behind the project was to promote education via innovation. The students playing our game can learn their given material in one of our modules and answer the questions asked in the game where simultaneously he play the shooter game. The player can move to three levels of scenes depicted in Unity3D Game Engine and 3ds Max to play the game interestingly.
Comparative Study of the Properties of Sandcrete Blocks Produced with Sawdust as Partial Replacement of Sand[Full-Text ] Donald Kwabena Dadzie, George Okyere Dokyi, Nicholas NiakohThe study explores and compares the properties of sandcrete blocks produced with sawdust as partial replacement to the traditional sandcrete blocks in an attempt to establish the percentage replacement of sawdust that yield properties and characteristics that meets acceptable standards. After a review of relevant literatures, samples of materials (sawdust, sand, cement and appropriate water cement ratio) required were collected and batched by volume to a mix proportion of 1:6.
STUDIES ON BIOSORPTION OF METHYL RED DYE WITH SARGASSUM VULGARE POWDER AND OPTIMIZATION THROUGH CENTRAL COMPOSITE DESIGN[Full-Text ] Dr. Ch. A. I. Raju, K. Satti BabuThe major three resources like Air, Water and Food have been polluted and are seeking a special attention for their originality which has to be reestablished. The present research was investigated using Sargassum vulgare powder as a potential biosorbent for the removal of Methyl red. The operating parameters involved are agitation time, biosorbent size, pH of the solution, initial concentration of solution, dosage of biosorbent and temperature of the solution. The optimization was also incorporated using Central Composite Design (CCD). The optimum size of biosorbent is 53 ïm, pH was obtained at 6.0 and initial concentration of MR is 20 mg/L were compared using one factor at a time with CCD. The kinetics and isotherm studies are also studied along with thermodynamic study.
Ten years of in-depth growth contribution by ADVETI in the vocational education system of the UAE[Full-Text ] Dr. Abdulrahman Jassim Al Hammadi, Syed S MohiuddinADVETI is investing in the youth education system so that the UAE does not have to rely on foreign labor [1]. ADVETI has been considered a significant component in the diversification of the economy of Abu Dhabi since it has a lower dependence on the oil and gas industry. ADVETI has a higher focus on service industries. ADVETI maintains a vision of developing itself as the hallmark for vocational and technical training and education in the UAE. The mission of the organization is to empower youths or Emiratis to develop to their competencies so that they can play a crucial role in the future enhancement of the labor market through a workplace focus on lifelong vocational and technical training and education [2].
Image processing in Python[Full-Text ] Muhammad Arif RidoyThe scikit-image is an inexorably prominent image processing library. Written in Python, it is intended to be basic and proficient, accessible to non-specialists, and reusable in different settings. In this paper, we show and examine our plan decisions for the application programming interface of the task. Specifically, we portray the basic and exquisite interface shared by all learning and handling units in the library and after that talk about its points of interest as far as structure and reusability.
Surgical treatment of a Ruptured Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysm[Full-Text ] PhD.Henri Kolani, Earta Gega, Dr.Ejona Celiku, Prof. Etmont CelikuIntroduction: Pancreaticoduodenal artery (PDA) aneurysm associated with celiac artery (CA) occlusion or stenosis is extremely rare, and occurs in 2% of all visceral aneurysms.
Improvement of Electric Power Supply to Port Harcourt Refining Company, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] D. C. Idoniboyeobu, E. Kingmate, B. A. WokomaThe study presents an improvement to electric power supply to Port Harcourt Refining Company, Rivers State, Nigeria. A combined Gas-Steam Turbine Power Supply System was proposed and modelled based on typical Rankine and Brayton Cycles used in the operation of gas and steam turbines respectively. MATLAB / SIMULINK, was used to model the gas turbine cycle and the steam turbine cycle with their respective governors to generate data for the analysis within a simulated environment, using tools from the SimPower Systems Toolbox.