Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018.
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A Novel Hybrid Approach on Document Clustering and and its Importance on Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining[Full-Text ] Sandeep Singh Thakur, Aman KumarDocument clustering, one of the conventional information mining procedures, is an unsupervised learning worldview where clustering techniques attempt to distinguish inherent groupings of the text documents, so that a set of clusters is produced in which clusters display high intra-group comparability and low inter-cluster closeness. The significance of document clustering rises up out of the huge volumes of printed records being made. Here in this paper, we have implemented a hybrid approach in clustering texts using fuzzy c-means and PSO(particle swarm optimization). It shows better results that the individual performances of the algorithms.
A Review on Document Clustering and its Importance on Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining[Full-Text ] Sandeep Singh Thakur, Aman KumarDocument clustering, one of the conventional information mining procedures, is an unsupervised learning worldview where clustering techniques attempt to distinguish inherent groupings of the text documents, so that a set of clusters is produced in which clusters display high intra-group comparability and low inter-cluster closeness. The significance of document clustering rises up out of the huge volumes of printed records being made. Here in this paper, we are discussing some of the researches which are
Alkali-aided Extraction of Oil from Green Macro Alga - Cladophora rupestris: A Novel Method for Extracting Oil from Alga Cells [Full-Text ] Fasakin Adeyinka OlubunmiAlkalization is presented in this report as a novel addition to the methods that can aid extraction of oil from alga cells. Different concentrations of aqueous solution of sodium carbonate were infused into samples of dried and powdered thalli of macro alga - Cladophora rupestris. The alkalized samples were exhaustively extracted with hexane in Soxhlet extractors. Oil samples from the alkalized cells were analysed by GC. Oil sample from unalkalized (natural) cells was used as the control.
HCI Practices in Agile Software Development [Full-Text ] Saman Tariq, Gnevasheva Vera Anatolyevna, Dr Saad Masood Butt, Dr.Mustapha Bin Danqua Software development field is becoming more productive day by day with the wonderful model name Agile. Agile is the main focus of research now a days. It is because of its abilities of handling changes in efficient way through iterative and incremental practices. Although it became famous because of its capabilities still there are some issues in it, which is ignorance of usability engineering in different phases of agile that is an important aspect to understand the software. Usability has deep roots in software quality and is a core construct of HCI. To develop interactive and usable systems there is a need of such a model which can integrate HCI with Agile. To address this issue. To solve this issue we have proposed a model which will work with both User Centered (main focus of HCI) and Agile by assembling different practices from both fields which will result useable products. It will enhance software life with user satisfaction by giving them running software with usability.
Exact Solution of an Unsteady Boundary-Layer Flow Past a Wedge Considering the Magnetic Field Effects [Full-Text ] Shilpa PThe present paper is on the study of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic unsteady boundary-layer flow of an incompressible laminar viscous fluid over a wedge in which the outer freestream velocity is assumed to be proportional to the distance along the wedge surface. The model is described by the unsteady Falkner-Skan equation (UFSE) that accounts various physical parameters. Using time dependent similarity transformations the governing equations are transformed in to ordinary differential equation, and we explore the effects of magnetic fields on the flow analytically. In order to compare our exact solutions, the UFSE is also solved numerically. Obtained results show that effects of accelerated pressure gradient and magnetic parameter are to increase the velocity of the fluid and the momentum boundary-layer thickness and whereas the decelerated pressure gradient promotes the oscillatory type solutions. We note that suction and magnetic field suppress the oscillations of the velocity profiles. For unsteady parameter k, when we have decelerated flow we see initially the boundary-layer thickness increases and then it decreases. The effects of all the involved parameters on velocity profiles, skin friction coefficient are discussed and their results are interpreted with the aid of the graphs.
Quick Power Generation in Bangladesh to Reduce the Crisis of Electricity[Full-Text ] Sairatun Nesa Soheli, Md Saidul Hasan, Golam Rabbani BulbulBangladesh is an agricultural as well as developing country. In irrigation process and industrial sector, we need more electric power for better production. For this reason the demand of electrical power is increase day by day. But in present time generating electrical power is not enough for fill up this amount of demands. Here presents how the way fulfills the demand by generating quick electrical power without any environmental impact as well as by the using very less amount of fuel. How the way it will be very effective and helpful by producing electricity in our future life.
Artificial Intelligence Approach for Stock Market[Full-Text ] Mona Saad Khalil MorganStock market prediction has become an attractive investigation topic due to its important role in economy. Financial forecasting is a difficult task due to the intrinsic complexity of the financial system. This work aims to use artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for modeling and predicting the future price of a stock market index and achieving an effective model for predicting stock market future trends with Support Vector Machine (SVM)) and using Machine Learning. There is an urgent need to explore the stock market future behavior for avoiding risks of investment. Techniques of artificial intelligence are capable to take into account the complexities of the financial system. These techniques are employed as tools of financial time series prediction. The particular focus of our discussion is to develop and expand the techniques used in financial modeling to predict the future price of the stock market with accurate prediction result to optimize forecasting behavior in the market.
STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF BORDER AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY LAG (BP2DT) IN WEST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE IN THE MANAGEMENT AREA OF LAND BORDER[Full-Text ] Rusdiyanta, Y. Warella, Sri Suwitri and Hardi WarsonoThe management of the land border among West Kalimantan-Sarawak is still judged to have not been efficient and effective. The issue of institutional weakness is one of the important factors to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the management of the border.
CSR and Islamic Financial Innovation: What Interactions? Theoretical reflection[Full-Text ] Laila elloumani, Hajar BezouiThe financial crisis, which began in 2008, has left its marks, and the players in the world of finance have understood that ethics is essential to the survival of the latter. This is how the issue of ethics has become central to the debates related to the financial sector and its future. That is to say, this latter should no longer be concerned only by the search for profits, but must also question, on its social and environmental responsibility. In this respect, the Islamic financial system with its moral and ethical foundations is today a reliable and concrete innovation in order to remedy the various hazards that are shaking up the current economy and ensuring financial stability.
Application Service Provider LMS: an economic approach to ensure interoperability between learning management systems and the sharing of learning services and resources[Full-Text ] Macaire Ngomo In this paper, we propose an innovative concept of "Application Service Provider LMS (ASP LMS)" which promotes the opening and the interoperability of the learning management systems (LMS) and the sharing of learning services and resources. The goal of this opening is to make the interaction between systems easier, to facilitate the sharing of resources and services between systems. With the introduction of this economic model this system widens the market of the Open and Distance Learning (ODL).
The Identification and Measurement of The Concentration Red Dye in Sample Using Emission Spectrometer and Colorimeter Detector[Full-Text ] Cosmas Jerry Anggoro, Ign Edi SantosaThe experiments have been performed to identify and to determine the concentration of red dye in samples. The absorption spectra were measured using the Emission Spectrometer and were used to identify the samples. The Colorimeter was used to measure the absorbance. The concentration of sample was determined using the calibration data. The result showed that one sample contained (9.9±1.2)ml/l Eritrozine CI 16035. The Carmoizine CI 14720 were detected on the other samples and their concentration were (12.4±0.7)ml/l, (12.7±0,8)ml/l, (15.9±2.1)ml/l, (11.9±0.7)ml/l, (15.3±0.9)ml/l, respectively.
New Blind Signature Scheme Based on Modified ElGamal Signature for Secure Electronic Voting[Full-Text ] Monira M. khater, Ayman Al-Ahwal, Mazen M.Selim, Hala H. ZayedThe Blind signature is similar to digital signature except that a message is signed by a signer without knowing the content of the message. It is one of the most famous cryptographic techniques in E-voting system (EVS) that guarantee the anonymity of the voters. In this paper, first, we analyze a recently introduced blind signature scheme and show that, the attacker can forge a legitimate signature for any desired message without obtaining the signer’s private key. In other words, Mohsen et al.’s blind signature scheme is universally forgeable.
Evaluation of Memory Enhancing Activity of Methanolic Extract of Oxalis corniculata Linn on Dementia in Experimental Animals[Full-Text ] Dr. Monami Das, Dr. Kalpana GohainDementia, a known mental disorder , characterized by loss of intellectual ability and thereby interfering with one’s social and occupational activities; resulting in impairment of memory. Since the allopathic system of medicine is yet to provide a radical cure, the use of plants possessing nootropic activity have been practiced since ancient times in order to counteract the memory loss in many ways. Hence the present study aims to evaluate the memory enhancing activities of Methanolic extract of Oxalis corniculata Linn on dementia in experimental models.
DESIGN OF A SIMULATED AUTOMATED LIGHTING SAVING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] ADEYEMO, O.A, ABIOLA, O.B, AJIBADE, E. AThe management and conservation of power consumed through lightings could prove advantageous in modern day higher institutions of learning. Studies provided challenges of not considering the former which were payment of high energy bills despite little usage, over illumination among others. In order to control energy wastage, survey has it that different technologies are geared towards minimization of energy consumption such as daylight harvesting, occupancy sensing and personal control among others. In this paper, a prototype of light control system has been designed, fabricated and tested for stability.
Review on Phytochemical and Pharmacologi-cal Investigation of Piper chaba Hunter[Full-Text ] Md. Eyazul Haque, Anath Chandra Roy, Moly RaniPiper chaba is commonly known as “choi” in Bangladeh and belongs to Piperaceae family. The review is conducted in the species consider-ing all essential aspects namely, phytochemical and pharmacological activities.Isoflavanons and alkaloids are the main phytochemical constituents and anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic activity and hypolipidemic effects are the main pharmacological activities of Piper chaba Hunter.
HOW CPEC AFFECTED THE INDIAN ECONOMY[Full-Text ] SHREY VARSHNEYThis paper basically discuss the effects of CPEC on the Indian Economy. So CPEC refers to the China-Pakistan Economic corridor as a major part of the One-belt One-road policy of China proposed by Xi jimping in 2013 and which is expected to be completed by the year 2030.
Physicochemical properties modification of stain-less steels 304l by using sodium hypochlorite in disinfection procedures and consequences on Escherichia coli adhesion potential[Full-Text ] Kaoutar Elfazazi, Hafida Zahir, Chorouk Zanane, Mustapha Mabrouki, Mustapha Ellouali, Fatima Hamadi, Hassan LatracheThe aim of this study was to assess the effect of using sodium hypochlorite in disinfection protocols on surface properties (hydrophobicity, electron donor–electron acceptor (acid–base) properties and roughness) of stainless steel 304L known as the main materials of catering equipment and food processing industries.
Comparison of critical sliding velocity for different condition of pavement[Full-Text ] Visar BAXHUKU, Odhisea KOÇA, Alishukri SHKODRAThis paper presents the monitoring of vehicle movement, namely the developing of speed of vehicles during movement in a certain curve. The basic geometry data of curve are measured, with the purpose of calculating the critical sliding velocity. During the research was realized measuring developed speed of passenger vehicles, for the real conditions of the road surface – dry road with average damage. After setting values, the analysis was done in function of safety movement in curve.
Effect of Occupational Stress on Health of Workers in the Oil & Gas Industry in Nigeria[Full-Text ] COOKEY-GAM, IDAWARIFA FRANK, DOUGLAS, KINGSLEY and NKELE, CHINYEREThe research provides much sequence about occupational stress experienced by employees including those within the Oil & Gas industry. Subjective proof suggests that the effect of occupational stress on health is on the increase among workers of Oil & Gas industry in Nigeria.
Life Cycle Assessment of Rice Production at Farm Level Using ISO 14040/44 The Case Study of Kilombero Plantations Limited (KPL)[Full-Text ] Gladness Rwejumura, Deusdedit Kibassa, Nyangi ChachaThis study focused on assessment of environmental impacts associated with rice production using Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040/44) as a tool. The need for carrying out this LCA was due to the fact that rice farming in Tanzania is practiced on a large scale and yet the assessment of the potential environmental impacts caused by the release of emissions into the environment from rice production processes have not been established. The research was conducted at Kilombero Plantations Limited (KPL). The assessment was conducted following the guidelines identified in ISO 14040/44 including inventory analysis that is establishment of system boundaries and process flow charts, and identification of input and outputs in each stage or process involved in rice plantation; calculation of impact scores and themes based on the inventory outputs. The study found that rice production at farm level at KPL passes through four main stages; land preparation, planting, crop maintenance and upkeep and harvesting before its transportation to the processing unit. The process which was observed to cause the most environmental impact was land preparation, followed by crop maintenance and upkeep, planting, harvesting and lastly transportation.
Performance Analysis of Comparator using Different Design Techniques[Full-Text ] P. Sree latha, M. Arun kumarAs low power circuits are most popular now-a-days increment in scaling which results in incrementing the leakage power in the circuit, so to get rid of these kinds of leakages and to provide a more desirable power efficiency, we are using distinct types of power gating technique. In this paper, we are going to analyse the distinct types of circuits using low power VLSI design techniques and we are going to display the comparison results. By using this technique power is reduced to approximately 40% to that of GDI comparator. The simulations were done using Micro wind Layout Editor & DSCH software.
Energy Scenario of Bangladesh & Future Challenges[Full-Text ] Mohammed Adnan Noor Abir, Md. Tauhidur RahmanBangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world and its economy is in the swelling condition right now. It has manpower but the main problem for increasing industries are energy crisis. Day by day the gap between demand and production is increasing as the energy consumer is increasing gradually. Bangladesh has an alarm to exhaust it’s all gas reserves by 2026, if there is no newly discovered gas field or reserves. What can we do if our won natural gas is fully finished! Can our economy fully depend on imported petroleum? So we need optimized solution to solve the crisis. We should reduce gas consumption for power generation by using supplementary energy source such as coal, nuclear energy and other renewable energy and for transportation using oil. We can use LP gas for households instead of pipeline gas as there are greater misuse of pipeline gas. Beside these, it is mandatory to explore new prospecting areas for gas and coal reserves. The objective of the paper is searching for smart alteration of energy consumption pattern for better future.
Sequestrate Protection and efficient Invasion Elusion for Cloudlet-mesh based Iatrical Data Sharing[Full-Text ] S. C. Prabanand, M. Mangalapavithra, M. Suruthi, M. KaveriGenerally, Sharing of medical facts through online is a challenging and critical issue. In such case, a unique Healthcare system is built by using the features of Cloudlet. In the existing system, the Data collection is done using wearable devices like Smart watch, etc., This is done by using Number Theory Research Unit (NTRU) Algorithm. And then, the collected data is sent to the Cloudlet before storing it in the Cloud for securing the data. The Cloudlet is implemented with an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in each cloudlet to detect the entry of intruders. This secured data is then stored in the Cloud. This secured data will be accessed by doctors and patients. The main unhelpful side of the existing system preserves the privacy of data 35% only for each IDS. To overcome this drawback, in the proposed system, the data collection is done by using Bayesian Algorithm and also we implement Virtual Private Network (VPN) to prevent the Healthcare system from the hackers.
A Novel Robust Blind Watermarking for Color Images in the Wavelet Domain Achieving High Reversibility[Full-Text ] P. MANIMEHALAI, Dr. P. AROCKIA JANSI RANIWatermarking is a technique to protect the copyright of digital media such as image, text, music and movie. Reversible watermarking methods are used for copyright protection and able to recover the host image without distortion. Robust reversible watermarking technique should resist against intentional and unintentional image processing attacks. In this paper, a novel robust reversible blind watermarking scheme for color images is proposed.
Capacity Optimization and Energy Management in Rechargeable Lead Acid Batteries using Response Surface Methodology[Full-Text ] Aatif Jawad Khan, Salman HussainThe rechargeable or secondary battery is such battery where electrical energy delivered by source can be stored in the form of chemical energy and this chemical energy is then be consumed by load in the form of electrical energy according to the requirement. Batteries are being used for the backup purpose from more or less one century. The usage of a battery for the purpose of off grid power supply can increase the overall efficiency of the system and also provides the economic savings across the whole system life cycle. Reliability of the power supplied from renewable as well as conventional sources can be improved by using the battery as energy storing device or medium.
Study the Change in the Molecular Structure and Toxicity of Processed Frying Oils, in Vitro[Full-Text ] Marwa. A. Abdellatif and Monazah G. KhafagiIn the present work, we studied the cytotoxic effect and the change in the molecular structure of processed frying sunflower oil samples. The cytotoxicity results showed high level of peroxidase content in the cells exposed to the processed frying oils than the control one, at the same time The IR spectrum of the oil samples showed some variations in the intensity of some groups which; indicates a change in the molecular structures of the oil samples after used in frying food. The results given by the FTIR spectrums is greatly supported by measuring the cytotoxicity in the biological cells exposed to the different samples of sunflower oil individually.
Design and realization of a wireless self-resonant power transmission device based on a differentiator circuit to command the power switches of a primary series resonant circuit[Full-Text ] Fekou Kuekem Narcisse, Ndjiya Ngasop, and Alexis KuitcheThe work carried out consists to design and realize a wireless and self-resonant energy transmission device. To design our device, we make used of Pspice 9.2 simulation software. The realization is done on a printed circuit board. Voltages is been visualize through a 200MHz analog oscilloscope. The approach used to implement our auto-resonant device is based on the differentiation of the output voltage in view of command. To this end a literature review is done in other to know the previous work in the domain. From this literature review, we notice that most of the previous device use lock phase loops but none of them address the self-resonant principle. Nevertheless we face an important difficulty, namely the bandwidth of our operational amplificatory that was lower than the MHz, this then reduces the frequency of our device to a maximum of 50MHz.
Integrated Farmers Management Information System: A Case Study Pfunda Tea Company Factory- Rwanda[Full-Text ] Roger Nyiringabo, Janvier Nkundukozera, and Luc Einstein Ngend NgendThe study was carried out to develop a computerized farmer and production’s records management information system of Pfunda Tea Company factory, which replaced the manual system that the company was currently using. This was done with an intention of changing the current system, which was prone to errors, slow and no security controls to the Farmer and productions’ records.
Improvements in Inter-Domain Packet Filtering Method of IP Spoofing[Full-Text ] Archit Singh, Rahul Anand, Pragati SinghThe Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet. Prevention mechanisms are thwarted by the ability of attackers to forge, or spoof, the source addresses in IP packets. By employing IP spoofing, attackers can evade detection and put a substantial burden on the destination network for policing attack packets.
Design and Modeling of Improved Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Throughput[Full-Text ] KOLAWOLE S.F., CHUKWU C.C.Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the dominant transport layer protocol of the internet protocol suite. It is a connection oriented protocol that provides reliable data delivery for internet applications like e-mail, file transfer, and world-wide-web. The task of determining the available bandwidth of TCP packets flow is very tedious and complicated. The complexity arises due to the effects of congestion control of the network dynamics and TCP.
Abdominoscrotal Swelling in a Young Adult Male[Full-Text ] Rehan Nasir Khan, Shariq Anis Khan, Zaheer AlamThe abdominoscrotal hydrocele (ASH) is a rare condition, which constitutes a communication of a hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis with the abdomen. A 20 year old male, presented to the surgical clinic with a lower abdominal cystic mass, and left sided scrotal swelling. Computed tomography (CT) scan showed a large, thick walled cystic mass without any septation, communicating with the scrotal cyst through the inguinal canal .Exploratory laparotomy was performed and the cyst mass was removed, and hydrocele was repaired. On subsequent visits, the patient remained with no recurrence of the swelling.
Study on Balance of Urban Datum Land Price Among Cities Based on GIS Platform, In Sumedang District of West Java Province of Indonesia[Full-Text ] Achmad Rizal and Isni Nurruhwati The research aims at establishing system of urban land grade and datum land price of Sumedang District in Indonesia, which shows regional difference of land quality and land price level. The production of this research will provide important reference in constituting macro policy of regional land planning and promote balanced harmonious development of land transaction.
Explore the factors behind Juvenile delinquency in Pakistan: A research conduct in juvenile jail of Rawalpindi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Maryum Alamgir, Wajid Rahim, Muhammad Zeshan AliThe word juvenile delinquency is used for those children who are under the age of 18, where if they constrain any prohibited action, they are considered as delinquent due to age factor. The first objective of the study was to identify the characteristics of Juvenile Delinquency. Second is to investigate the Psychological reason of Juvenile Delinquency. And last one is to investigate the relationship between socio economic instability and Juvenile Delinquency.