Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018.
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Effects of Autocorrelation Function and Partial Autocorrelation Function in Financial Market Dynamics[Full-Text ] Maurice Nnamdi AnnorzieThe univariate data of the Nigerian All-Share Index (NASI) obtained from the Nigerian Stock Market (NSM), covering the period of 18 years (1990-2007), was stud¬ied and analyzed through time series to ascertain certain market dynamics. The result of the analysis in a long range dependent phenomenon showed that the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation func¬tion (PACF) agreed with their theoretical concepts. The observed stochastic dynamics of the NSM has the capacity to forecast future market trends. The descriptive nature of the trading activities of the NSM is further confirmed.
New Method to Control of Size Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized By Rotational Disk Electrode Arc Discharge[Full-Text ] Ahmed. M. El-Khatib, Z. F. Ghatass, Mohamed. S. Badawi, Mostafa El-Khatib, M. M. MohamedControlled sized Silver nanoparticles were efficiently synthesized by arc discharge powered by micro-electronic system method in deionized water using rotational disk electrode. Results of using rotational disk cathode leading to control silver nanoparticles size also maximize purification mass to 42mg\min by rotating cathode discharge. The silver Nano metal was characterized in terms of stability, morphology and particle size. All characterizations show that the prepared spherical silver nanoparticles have moderate stability (10 days) with controlled size 17nm at rotational speed 950 rpm produced by using rotating cathode.
Low Cost Large Area Laser Beam Induced Current Measurement System for Characterisation of Photovoltaic Modules[Full-Text ] M. Okullo, W. OkulloPhotovoltaic (PV) modules need to be free from current mismatch between cells for their optimal performance and longevity. Therefore, characterisation tools are essential for evaluation of the performance of individual cells in a PV module. In this study, a low cost, simple and handy large area laser beam induced current (LA-LBIC) measurement system was developed to assess the current levels of module cells. In this system, a laser source mounted onto a motorised scanning stage is used to illuminate a PV module, while measuring the module output current at different positions along the scanning line. The scan is executed across the module, perpendicular to the cells. The LBIC measurement is a non-destructive technique that produces a graphical representation of the photo-current with respect to position in a PV module. The line scan maps revealed the proportion of under-functioning cells to be 85.4% for single crystalline silicon (c-Si), 62.5% for multi-crystalline silicon (mc-Si) and 75% for amorphous silicon module (a-Si). Current variations (current mismatch) between the highest and the lowest performing cells were 99%, 97% and 90% for c-Si, mc-Si and a-Si respectively. Current variations within cells were 31%, 15% and 14% for c-Si, mc-Si and a-Si respectively. In all the different PV module technologies, variations in current between cells were significantly higher than within cells.
Virtual screening of phytochemicals that bind to dengue viral serotypes using molecular docking methods[Full-Text ] Vijayakumar. S, Ramesh. V, Prabhu. S, Nirajmohan. S, Manogar. P, Natanamurugaraj. G and Vathsala MohandDengue is the most common mosquito-borne viral illness in humans. Globally 2.5-3 billion individuals living in approximately 112 countries experience dengue transmission and/or infection. Annually 50-100 million individuals are infected with dengue virus and, currently, there is no specific antiviral treatment available. This study aimed to identify novel inhibitors for dengue serotypes from plant-derived bioactive compounds using protein-ligand docking methods. Molecular docking analysis was targeted at the dengue virus E and NS proteins. Of the 12 ligands tested, the flavonoid chalcone had the highest binding score and had promising interactions with E proteins of all four dengue serotypes and NS1.
Critics View on UGC Funded Project from St Albert's College, Ernakulam, Kerala[Full-Text ] Nishad TM"Solution of the Traffic Jam Problem through Fuzzy Applications" is developed by Dr. Shery Fernandez as a part of research project. In this article the method used to solve the traffic jam problem is criticized. It is observed that proper understanding and practical views are not applied in the project. In the first part of this paper Comparison method which is easy to layman is introduced and in the second part an introduction to mathematical model of vague network and literature review on that is explained.
A mathematical model to evaluate the establishment of school buildings projects[Full-Text ] Ameer A. Alraie and Hatem Khaleefah BreesamSchool buildings projects are characterized by a special nature because of plentiful, diversity, different designs and spread across the country. School buildings need to continuous expansion with the natural increase in the population and the actual need of the country to raise the level of education. The most important requirements are the advancement of the educational process infrastructure, which includes the provision of school buildings and facilities.
A Generalized Correlation for Predicting Gas Breakthrough Time[Full-Text ] Ramadan EmaraNumerous methods have been presented to avoid gas breakthrough because of coning. These approaches include: keeping oil production rates beneath a certain value, forming a gas-blocking region nearby the well by inserting crosslinking gels or creating perforation as far from the original gas-oil contact (GOC) as possible. In some cases, it is uneconomical to retain oil production rate below the critical rate. Perforating far above the GOC decreases the perforation interval length, thus, rises pressure drawdown nearby the bore hole. The increased pressure drawdown may increase gas coning. Since the fifties, the coning has been investigated broadly, but it is still difficult to answer to the following questions, how to perforate a well coming undergo to the coning? And what is the op-timum oil flow rate of the well?
Distribution Management for a Retail Chain "Shwapno"[Full-Text ] Ashik Takvir The proposal is to address the distribution management of a retail chain in Bangladesh known as “Shwapno”. Shwapno is operated by the company ACI Logistics Limited. Shwapno handles more than 30000 stocks keeping units (SKU) in the whole chain which includes perishable items such as vegetables, fish, meat, and grains (VFMG). One of the crucial factors of these VFMG products is their life cycle.
DROWSINESS DETECTION SYSTEM USING MATLAB[Full-Text ] Divya ChandanLife is a precious gift but it is full of risk. Therefore there is a need to take safety precautions in order to avoid accidents. Now-a-days, road accidents has become one of the major cause of insure life. It is very important to take proper care while driving. Carelessness for a single minute can cause major problems. Most of the road accidents occur due to carelessness and inactiveness of the driver while driving.
Context-aware Adaptive Delivery Mechanism and System Architecture[Full-Text ] Kalla MadhusudhanaAdaptive delivery mechanism is useful to provide learning resources based on individual contextual differences. The goal of such adaptive environments is to make learning material deliverable as per the device, domain and activity of learner. To tackle these problems this research paper discusses content delivery mechanism and proposes architecture of the context-aware adaptive delivery process. The proposed architecture differs from other architectures in using the Ontology for modeling of learner context and resource description. We describe the use of associated ontologies, and working process of context-aware system architecture.
The functional properties of Cellulose of Wheat offal (Tricium aestivum) on acetylation[Full-Text ] Badejo, O. Aderanti, Babarinde, N. A. Adesola and Ibikunle, A. AdeolaFunctional group modification of cellulose is very important to explore new applications for cellulose. In this study, acetic anhydride was used to modify the hydroxyl groups of cellulose. Cellulose acetate (CA) was prepared from cellulose isolated from wheat offal (WO) by esterification using acetic anhydride concentrations (0.112–0.518 M), pH (9.0-13.0), time (20-70 min) and temperature (30-100°C) respectively. Fourier Transfer Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques used to characterise the cellulose and cellulose acetate. The optimum conditions for acetylation were found to be concentration 0.305 M (DS 0.11), pH 12 (DS 0.27), temperature 60 °C (DS 0.30) and time 50 min (DS 0.11). FTIR spectrum showed the conversion of cellulose to cellulose acetate. XRD showed the crystalline pattern of cellulose and amorphous nature of cellulose acetate. SEM images showed smooth structure of cellulose while that of the cellulose acetate had a rough surface. Thus, the results showed a non-tedious method for isolation of cellulose and conversion of the WO cellulose to high quality cellulose acetate that can find various uses in the textile, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries.
Review of using statins in prevention and management of adverse cardiovascular events[Full-Text ] Malak A. AlmehmadiBackground: Cardiovascular diseases are a group of heart and blood vessels problems. More than 18 million persons who have cardiovascular diseases die every year.
Sustainability performance : The method of reporting by International companies[Full-Text ] Dr. Udayashankara TH, Deepa ChandranThe purpose of this paper is to ascertain the level of reporting of sustainability performances across companies in India and across the globe in textile and other industries. The content analysis method was used to identify and describe sustainability reporting patterns in web sites, annual reports and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports for the companies. Top companies across the world from various industries have been taken into consideration for the study.
Performance Evaluation of Opposition Based Genetic Algorithm to Serve Multi Objective of CNC Turning Process[Full-Text ] Prasad K K, Dr. D ChaudharyThe machining is about outward look, the basic of contemporary manufacturing industry and is concerned either directly or indirectly in the manufacture of approximately every product of modern growth. A term that covers a hefty anthology of manufacturing processes planned to remove unwanted material, usually in the form of chips, from a work piece to give wanted geometry, size and to satisfy design requirements.
COMPARISON BETWEEN FIXED PARTITIONED MEMORY MANAGEMENT AND RELOCATABLE MEMORY MAMAGMEMET[Full-Text ] LOIE NASER MAHMOUD NIMRAWIThis paper describes some of the main concepts of Fixed Partitioned Memory Management (fixed, variable and multiple) by relocating and compacting the partitions and, at the end of the paper; we come out with a comparison between departments.
Comparative study of Anti-oxidant and Alpha amylase Inhibitory Activity of Six herbs used in traditional medicine[Full-Text ] Quang- Ung Le, Horng-Liang Lay, Ming-Chang Wu, Tien – Dung Nguyen, Thi Thu-Dung CaoThe inhibition of α-amylase enzyme can be an important stratery in the postpradial blood glucose level in type II diabetes. In this study six traditional herbs were tested for α-amylase inhibition. Various concentrations of extracts were incubated with enzyme substrate solution and the activity of enzyme was measured. In addition, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and in vitro antioxidant activity (reducing power, ABTS+ and DPPH radical scavenging assay) were evaluated.
Fifth postulate of Euclid and the non-Euclidean geometries. Implications with the spacetime[Full-Text ] Jairo Eduardo Márquez DÃazThis article shows the results of the study conducted on Euclidean geometry, in particular the fifth postulate, which led to the emergence of non-Euclidean geometries. As a research methodology, we proceeded to carry out a study on the mathematical and geometric modeling that characterizes this type of geometry, establishing its differences framed in the theories formulated by its discoverers, simulating some of them, in order to show the spatial representation of the so-called geodesic shapes and curves. In the same way, the impact and diverse applications of these geometries in other sciences are exposed in a general way, in particular cosmology, where space is conjugated with time, generating another type of space-time metrics such as the Riemannian one, which allows explanation and support to theories such as the general relativity of Einstein, and other physico-theoretical models related to quantum physics, giving way to new approaches on the characteristics and incidence of matter and energy in the macro and micro context of the universe.
The Effect of Equivalence Ratios Variation on Gas Turbine Fuel Types During Combustion Instabilities[Full-Text ] Wilson Alli, Osagie Ighodalo, Christopher AjuwaThe study is set to determine the impact and contribution of Equivalence ratio variation on gas turbine fuel types during combustion instabilities occurrence in GTE-LP Combustors. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology with the ANSYS Fluent Code (Academic Research CFD) version 16.2 was adopted to conduct the direct numerical simulation (DNS) processes with the aim of investigating the effect of Equivalence ratios variation on gas turbine engine types during combustion instabilities. Four conventional gas turbine engine fuels (Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), Hydrogen gas, Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK) and Methane/Natural gas) were selected for investigation.
Analysis of coastal upwelling index along the Moroccan Atlantic coast using wavelets from 1967 to 2016[Full-Text ] Bessa Ismail , Makaoui Ahmed, Hilmi Karim, Idrissi Mohammed, Agouzouk Aziz, Afifi MohamedAn application of wavelet analysis is done with the monthly variability of the coastal upwelling index along the Moroccan Atlantic coast from 1967 to 2016, this study will be important to oceanographic science in order to analyze the upwelling variability observed in such area. We studied each latitude separately from 21°N to 36°N using the wavelet transform. The time series analyzed by the global wavelet spectrum revealed that the variability of the upwelling is composed mainly by an annual cycle along the studied region. We suggest that there is four regions characterized by the same variability and magnitude of the upwelling, this regions are as follows from 21°N to 25°N, from 26°N to 28°N, from 30°N to 32°N and from 34°N to 36°N. This study can be considered as an important tool to understand the trend of the upwelling activity in the region.
Investigation on Mechanical Strength of Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete (JFRC) Compared to Plain Concrete[Full-Text ] S. Rahman, A. K. AzadIn this study, jute fiber was used as fibrous material in concrete to improve the overall strength. Jute fiber of different lengths and percentages were selected. Three percentages of jute fibers were implemented here, such as 0.1%, 0.25% and 0.5% of the volume of plain concrete. Again, three lengths of jute fiber were selected such as 10 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm for each percentage to find out the best potential percentage along with length. All these were done to compare the compressive strength and split tensile strength of jute fiber reinforce concrete (JFRC) with plain concrete to find out the best results. Total 30 numbers of cube were prepared for compressive strength tests and 30 numbers of cylinder for split tensile strength tests. They were loaded in 7, 14 and 28 days respectively and the strengths were noted and compared with each other.
The Decline of Indian Economy After the Collapse of Mughal Empire[Full-Text ] Arijah SiddiquiWhen the East India Company took control of (India), in the chaos that ensued after the collapse of the Mughal empire, India’s share of world’s GDP was 25 per cent. When the British left it was just above 3 per cent.” This is the argument presented by Shashi Tharoor in his controversial new book an Era of Darkness. This reflection paper discusses how the shift from the precolonial to the colonial economy contributed to this decline in Indian economy.
Biosorption of Cr (VI) From Wastewater Using Dried Leaves of Jatropha Curcas[Full-Text ] Menbere Leul Mekonnen and Tesfaye Shiferaw BogaleThe sorption property of dried and powdered leaves of Jatropha plant for Cr(VI) from wastewater was investigated by conducting batch mode biosorption experiments. The effect of pH, contact time, dose of biosorbent and initial concentration of the sorbate was studied in a series batch mode sorption experiments. Acidic medium favored the sorption process with maximum sorption capacity of 79.23% at pH 2. The sorption experiment attained equilibrium or saturation at 1hr and the biosorption equilibrium data obtained at a pH 2 was found to better fit the Langmuir adsorption isotherm with maximum biosorption efficiency of 0.313 mg/g. The efficiency of the biosorbent was also tested in real wastewater collected from tannery following the same procedures and using the optimum conditions obtained in the laboratory-made sample and found to be reasonable with biosorption efficiency of 59.9%.
A Continuous Process for the Preparation, Characterization and Study Thermal Properties of Nickel Oxide Nanostructure[Full-Text ] Abdullah Hasan Jabbar, Maytham Qabel Hamzah, Salim Oudah Mezan, Nabeel Naeem Hasan, Mohd Arif AgamNickel Oxide nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method to nanopowder, which is a bottom up way of synthesis. The main materials was sodium hydroxide (NaOH), nickel acetate and cety trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), and extremely stirring until the pH becomes 7.5, and nanoparticles of (NiO) are prepared by chemical way of nickel hydroxide followed by heat treatment at 350oC. Nickel oxide is the kind of most important class of materials due to its interesting and important thermal properties and has many applications, such as in catalysis, sensors and so on. Structural properties were checked by X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) Structural and phases, transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The surface morphology of the sample was executed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the particle size of NiO increased with the increase in temperature. Compared with other methods, this method is simple and the materials were inexpensive. Finally our results showed that the chemical synthesis method leads to obtain nickel oxide nanoparticles with good microscopic characterization.
Atmospheric Humidity and Its Implication on UHF Signal over Gusau, North West, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ayantunji B.G, Musa B, Mai-Unguwa H, Sunmonu L.A, Adewumi A.S, Sa'ad L and Kado AStudies have shown that the variability of radio refractivity is largely driven by atmospheric Humidity and consequently the radio wave propagation in the lower atmosphere. In this study, the effect of atmospheric humidity variation on radio signal at Ultra High Frequency (UHF) was studied using four months (May, June, August and September 2017) meteorological data collected using Davis automatic weathr station and UHF signal strength data measured simultaneously at the premises of Federal University, Gusau (60 78' N, 120 13' E).
Influence of Posttraumatic Stress Reactions on Economic Activities of Victims of Cattle Rustling in Zamfara state – Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gidado Likko, LAWALThe study investigated the influence of psychological aspects of cattle rustling in Zamfara state focusing on posttraumatic reaction and its impact on the need of economic recovery in Nigeria. The objectives of this study was to present a realistic and up-to-date of the influence of posttraumatic disorder on the occupation of victims of cattle rustling, to determine its effect on national economy which might make significant impact on recovering the economy, and to establish the influence of literacy/illiteracy on posttraumatic reaction and occupational participation which could form the basis of efforts to support rehabilitating thousands of victims at different IDPs across the state. Descriptive survey was adopted. Out of 384 participants, 258 (67.2%) males and 126 (32.8%) were females.
INDECENT WORK AND WORKERS IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] TAMUNOMIEBI, MIEBAKA D, UKACHUKWU, CHUKWUMA C The expansion of informal sector activities in Nigeria provides an insight into how this sector has been serving as a safety-belt in providing employment and income to people outside the formal sector. The persistent and expanding informal sector offers a ray of hope for employment and earnings for unskilled and semi skilled labour as well as the skilled but unemployed. This study therefore investigated the nature of the environment of work in the informal sector and its impact on the workers in Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated for this study.
Study of NOX Modelling of HCNG engine by applying the Gaussian function[Full-Text ] Anas Rao, Roopesh Kumar Mehra, Hao Duan, Fanhua MaAddition of hydrogen to the natural-gas increases the NOx emission which is proved by previous researches of HCNG engines. One of the impressing way to predict NOx emission to save the time and cost is the numerical study. This article presents statistical approach of NOx prediction by using curve-fitting. Experiments have been performed on the Dongfeng engine from the air-fuel ratio (1 to 1.8), manifold absolute pressure (50 to 105 kPa) and hydrogen percentage (0 to 30%) at MBT (30o CA) and optimum speed (1200 rpm).
Explore the Reason behind Higher Fertility Rate in rural areas of Pakistan: A case Study of Rural Areas of Dera Ghazi khan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zeshan Ali, Zara Yasmin, Bilal Hasan, Muneeb KhalidHigher fertility is putting huge pressure on the resources of country and forcing people to living in worse standard of life. Pakistan’s high fertility rate is contributing to population growth that is estimated to more than double the population by 2050. This study was based on the objectives to find out the socio-cultural causes of higher fertility rate and economic cause of higher fertility rate in rural area of Dera Ghazi Khan. The researcher conducted this study to find out the socio- cultural and economic causes of higher fertility rate in rural areas of Dera Ghazi Khan. The samples of 200 respondents were selected by purposive sampling techniques from married males and females. Researcher found that more children are considered as support of old age and also societal or community and family pressure is also associated with fertility. The researcher investigated that social causes of high fertility include son preference, early age marriage, lack of knowledge, and unavailability of fertility control measures, labor force and poverty.
Efficiency Calculation of Space-Based Solar Power Generation[Full-Text ] Zunaira NazirIn the 21st century energy demand is increasing day by day to overcome this energy need Space-Based Solar Power generation proposed a new technique to fulfill the increasing energy demand. It has high efficiency as compared to the earth-based solar power generation. In this technique, we will establish satellite constellation at the geosynchronous earth orbit “GEO,”.
Analysis of the antiplane shear of certain materials[Full-Text ] Jérémie G Sambou, Edouard DioufIn this paper, the problem of axial shear of a hollow circular cylinder, composed of an elastic, homogeneous, isotropic material, is described. The inner surface of the tube is bonded to a rigid cylinder while the outer surface is subjected to axial shear. From some examples of energy functions, conditions on shear are set. These conditions are finally generalized for a certain class of potentials.
3G, 4G Antennas: What’s Next?[Full-Text ] Youssef El Gholb, Mohamed El Bakkali, Ahmed Mounsef, Najiba El Amrani El Idrissi Future wireless communication systems have ambitious objectives in terms of performance and quality of service under 5G’ umbrella. Moreover, new network topologies are likely to be introduced. It will include high frequency bands in the centimetre-wave bands and possible also at millimetre-wave bands. Therefore, the antenna design has to evolve to meet the new requirements. To design the future antennas for mobile terminals, not only the bandwidth and antenna efficiency need to be acceptable, but also beam pointing and beam coverage is essential and knowledge of the mobile channel will be needed. It is an object of the present paper to provide and discuss the main challenges that will have to be addressed by antenna engineers. For instance, the integration of different applications and platforms, Full Duplex, MIMO, the migration towards mmWave frequencies and the interaction with the human operator in terms of low Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).
Off-Line Secure Coin for Micro Payments Using Frodo[Full-Text ] ROJA YENAGANDULA, NAGELLI ARCHANA, Dr.H.BALAJICredit and platinum card information robbery is one of the most punctual types of cybercrime. In any case, it is a standout amongst the most widely recognized these days. Aggressors frequently go for taking such client information by focusing on the Point of Sale (for PoS) framework,i.e. the time when a retailer initially procures client information .A micropayment conspire is intended for giving proficient and secure answer for online installment environments. Micropayment applications have swings to be general use in electronic installment due to the fasted improvement of the Internet and the enhancing refinement of electronic trade.
Optimization of Inventory Cost for Stock Dependent Demand with Normally Distributed Lead Time Considering Complete Backlogging[Full-Text ] Md. Ashiful Alam, Zahid Hasan, Anik Ghosh, Nasib Al Habib, Marjia HaqueInventories are raw materials, work in process and completely finished goods that are considered to be the portion of business‘s assets that are ready or will be ready for sale. Formulating a suitable inventory model is one of the major concerns for an industry.
Multi Attribute Utility Theory - An Over View[Full-Text ] M.Shanmuganathan, K.Kajendran, A.N.Sasikumar, M.MahendranThis paper describes the evaluation of the Multi Attribute Utility Theory(MAUT), one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making(MCDM) techniques. It was introduced by Fishburn (1965,1970), Keeney(1969,1971,1973), and Raiffa(1969) who proposed a decision making technique designed for taking decisions under risk.
Forecasting of Peak Load Current In Transformer Using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Dewanto Indra Krisnadi, Rudy Setiabudy, Iwa Garniwa.In the operation of the transformer, peak load current control is crucial to maintaining the life of the transformer. The desire for information on forecasts for peak load currents for the expected days is needed. This research is attended to obtain the value of forecasts of peak load current on transformer by applying Fuzzy Logic which is carried out in short-term forecast method. Data employed for forecasting short-term loads are historical load current data and Temperature winding data. Historical data captures the peak load current data on a power transformer in the Substation employed as a reference for establishing the rules in Fuzzy Logic. The model is carried out by employing fuzzy logic where the forecast result of the peak load current is compared with the actual peak load current. The result is the percentage of error in fuzzy logic ranged from 0.374% to 15.789% with an average of 4.159%.
Outliers Elimination: A Modified Clustering Technique of K-means Algorithm[Full-Text ] Md.Mahfuz Reza, Tanoy Debnath, Sadee Ibn SultanData Mining refers to extracting or mining knowledge from a huge amount of data. Clustering is an important data analytic technique which has a significant role in data mining application. Clustering is the method of arranging a set of similar objects into a group. A widely used partition based clustering algorithm is k- means clustering. Among various types of clustering techniques, K-Means is one of the most popular algorithms. The objective of K-means algorithm is to make the distances of objects in the same cluster as small as possible. But this algorithm also has some limitations. These limitations can be reduced by some improvements in existing algorithm. This paper has been proposed a modified technique of K-Means clustering approach which is better in the process in large number of clusters. The proposed algorithm can give better result whether dataset contain outlier and also can handle large number of data set and produce result with a minimum period of time compare to the other clustering technique.
Proposal and Discussion on "Tangible management" Training for Class adviser of primary school in Compulsory Education Stage in China[Full-Text ] LIU CHENJIAOCompulsory education originated in Germany,In 1619, the school decree published in the Principality of Weimar, Germany, stipulated that parents should send their children aged 6 to 12 to school, which is the earliest compulsory education. From 1763 to 1819, Germany basically improved its compulsory education regulations.
Estimation of the Standard Minute Value of Polo Shirt by Work Study[Full-Text ] Mafzal Ahmed, Tarikul Islam, Golam KibriaThe aim of this project is to estimate the Standard Minute Value of a polo shirt. Traditionally operated garment industries are facing problems like low productivity, longer production lead time, high rework and rejection, poor line balancing, low flexibility of style changeover etc.
Study on 6S Method and Improving Working Environments in the Garments Industry[Full-Text ] Mafzal Ahmed, Tarikul Islam, Golam KibriaBangladesh is the second largest exporter of readymade garment (RMG) products trailing China. 80% of the country's total export is contributed by RMG sector which is 13% of the total GDP. Now a day this sector faces challenges to retain its prosperous position due to uprising of new competitors both in the national and international market. More than 70% of EU imports of textile and clothing come from Asia.
Enhancing The Efficiency of Terahertz Photoconductive Antenna for Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscope System[Full-Text ] Anthony Bawa, Rob DonnaThe use of Terahertz wave spectrum across several fields like the identification of chemicals, medical diagnosis, biological image processing and sensing is of significant benefits. However the problem of the Terahertz (THz) wave is that we cannot achieve enough of it due to the low efficiency of the optical to THz convection using Photoconductive antenna.
Research on the influence of knowledge diffusion on enterprise innovation ability——The regulation effect based on regional distance[Full-Text ] Wei GuorongBased on the theories of knowledge diffusion and innovation capability, this paper constructs a relational model of knowledge diffusion and innovation capability in universities, and puts forward the hypothesis of university knowledge diffusion, enterprise absorptive capacity, regional distance and enterprise innovation capability.