Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017.
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USE OF DISCRIPTOR FINGERPRINTS TO SIMILARITY AND CLUSTER ANALYSIS OF BIODIESEL FUELS ON THE BASIS OF THEIR COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES. INTRODUCTION OF FUZZY DESCRIPTOR FINGERPRINTS[Full-Text ] Z.A. Mustafa, M.N. Moskovkina, R.S. Milina, I.P. BangovA novel approach for similarity search of different objects in clusters, the fuzzy descriptor fingerprints has been devised. Each cluster is characterized by a fuzzy descriptor fingerprint which is formed of real values instead of Boolean values 0=false and 1=true. A novel similarity index for similarity comparison between Boolean and fuzzy fingerprints, the Fuzzy Factor (FF) has been introduced. This method has been applied to the similarity and cluster analysis of biodiesel fuels
Conceptual Study of the Factors Motivating the Adoption and Use of an Information and Communication Technology System in Institutions[Full-Text ] Frank Amoani Arthur, Angela Aba Otchere, Louisa Sheeta ArthurThe adoption and use of Information and Communication Technology Systems (ICTS) is increasingly gaining currency in organizations as well as educational institutions. The purpose of this paper is to find out the factors that motivate the CEOs of institutions to adopt and use an ICTS. In order to achieve this goal, one hundred (100) staff was randomly sampled from management, teaching and non-teaching departments of Takoradi Technical Universityto complete both open and close-ended questionnaires designed to ascertain the researcher’s objective. The variables of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were used as the base theory for the study. The result of this study revealed that a CEO’s intentions to adopt and use an ICTS is motivated by his behavioral intention to satisfy both internal and external consumers of information from his institution and the capabilities of the ICTS to be user friendly, useful and contributes to staff efficiency and effectiveness in the work environment.The paper concludes that the factors that motivate adoption and use of ICTS are the CEO’s behavioral intention to satisfy his consumers, the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the ICTS.
Trumponomy - The New Fundamentals[Full-Text ] Dr. Rajib Kumar SanyalThese current socio-economic situation over the world is not anymore worthy, especially when we look into the US economy and the current decision taken by Mr. Trump in confining US economy, US also withdrew from TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)what else are there and what about antidote.
Solutions for mobile localization with hybrid TOA/AOA and GPS/IMU[Full-Text ] Rabaa Ibrahmi, Tahar Ezzedine Nowadays, the position information is precise and required by many professionals communities.Therefore, in one device various technologies for location are integrated.
The Comprehensible Universe[Full-Text ] J.S.RawatThe Universe perhaps may look and can be modeled as Earth like body and thus the origin of different natural features and their functions, based on certain physical laws, on the Earth can be compared and explained with formation of different features and their functions, based on somewhat same processes and physical laws, in the Universe.
Hazards Identification and Control in Workplace: A Case Study of Fibre Cement Roofing Sheet Manufacturing Company[Full-Text ] Bello, K.A, Igboanugo, A.CThis study seeks to identify various hazards in workplace and specify necessary control measure. To achieve the aim of this study, safety tour was carried out in workplace to test the level of compliance with safety regulations and factory acts. The outcome of the safety tour revealed thirty five observable workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) related issues which comprises of 91% hazards and 9% good practices. The identified hazards were classified as follows: Electrical, Ergonomics, fire, manual handling, pollution, unsafe practice, slips and trips, vehicular/pedestrian collusion and working at height. The result showed that unsafe practices recorded the highest hazards in workplace with 28.12% follow by fire hazards with 21.12%, slips and trips was 12.5%, pollution was 9.37%, working at height, manual handling, Electrical hazards and Ergonomics have equal hazards rate of 6.25% and the least hazard rate was vehicular/pedestrian with 3.13%. Hazard awareness campaign, use of warning signs, dedicated pedestrian walkway, installation of fire detection system and fire-fighting equipment, provision of handling aids for lifting heavy object, and provision and enforce the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are recommended to control hazards in workplace.
Factor affecting Brand Loyalty in Telecommunication Industry: A case study on Robi Axiata Limited in Chittagong[Full-Text ] Sultana Razia ChowdhuryThe purpose of this study is to explore factors or determinants of brand loyalty in telecommunication industry in Chittagong city. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 225 subscribers of Robi Axiata took by using non- probability (judgmental & convenience) sampling technique. It is causal & primary data based research. Structured questionnaire on Likert Five point scaling technique is used in this study. There are three independent variables as perceived quality, perceived value & service quality; two variables are dominant as customer satisfaction & brand trust; dependent variable or output as brand loyalty. It was selected and analyzed during the use of descriptive, reliability, correlation and multiple regressions’ analysis by using (SPSS) version 17.0. It investigates 26 items in measurement of 6 variables and this reliability indicates that all items are more reliable & valid (α=0.822 to α=0.898) than standard (suggested value 0.65 to 0.8.)
Effects of Rice Husk Ash and Recycled Aggregates on Mechanical Properties of Concrete[Full-Text ] Salim Khoso, Manthar Ali Keerio, Abdul Aziz Ansari, Jam Shahzeb khan,Daddan Khan Bangwar This study investigates the possible replacement of naturally obtained coarse aggregates with recycled concrete for production of concrete where also the cement is partially replaced with rice husk ash. To achieve this objective, aggregates achieved from demolition of column, beams, lintels and culverts were collected from the old structures in Larkana city, whereas rice husk ash, which is a waste material and is usually dumped, was collected from brick kilns. Controlled concrete mixture and modified concrete mixture using 100% recycled aggregates and replacement of cement with 10% rice husk ash with 1:2:4 ratio and water/cement (w/c) ratio of 0.5, were prepared. 30 cubes and 30 cylinders were cast to check the compressive and tensile strengths of normal and modified concretes at 7, 14 and 28 days. The results revealed that modified mixture prepared with 10% of rice husk ash and 100% of recycled aggregates has significant improvement in compressive and tensile strengths at all three curing periods of 7, 14 and 28 days.
MS-Excel based application for security of English texts with 4×4 matrix Hill cipher[Full-Text ] Md. Kamal HossainThis paper aims to protect the confidential English texts access by the parties that do not have permission. The process of encryption and decryption of English text using 4×4 matrix Hill cipher provides more security.
Study of Pratt Truss bridge with post-tension members of different layouts for strengthening[Full-Text ] Yogish C.B, Devaraj VMajority of steel bridges in India and abroad are structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. The total no of bridges in India is 127154, out of which 56169 or more bridges are more than 80 years old. Thus 44.0 percent of bridges that we commute have outlived their life. These bridges are strengthened by post tensioned tendon layouts to meet the current and future loading and traffic requirements. The stiffness method of analysis is suggested. The layouts are straight, one-drape, and two drape tendon layouts are proposed and the tendons do not coincide with the truss members. However the tendon layout can be internal or external. Applications of these methods are rare in steel structures, but high-strength steel cables can be used effectively to increase the working capacity of steel structure.
Optical Character Recognition for Running C Code[Full-Text ] Upendra Mishra, Shiva Panwar, Deeksha Upadhyay, Kamal Deep Gupta‘Tesseract’ is an OCR (optical character recognition) engine for various operating systems. In the following paper, using the concept of ‘Tesseract’, a new code runner has been proposed, named as, which can also be used to run handwritten codes. An Android application is developed which enables a person to take a picture of a piece of code by an android phone and within seconds, the output of the code is displayed on the screen. Earlier, it has been observed that the OCR engine works only for the printed text with good accuracy. But the newly developed code runner helps in detecting handwritten codes by customizing and training the system. This code runner reduces the problem and saves the time for the coders by directly clicking the picture and getting the output simultaneously on the mobile screen itself.
Preliminary Tunes of PYTHIA to the Minimum Bias data from Hadron Collider Experiments[Full-Text ] Nameeqa Firdous, M Junaid Malik, Gerald RudolphCurrent high energy event generation softwares combines Quantum Chromodynamics and phenomenological models which re-quires many free parsamters. These relatively free parameters need to be tuned to describe the experimental data well. We present tuning of Monte Carlo event generator PYTHIA6 to the published Minimum Bias data from high energy proton-(anti)proton collider experiments, Large Hadron Collider and Tevatron. Five parameters of Multiple Parton Interactions model are selected and tuned using two different parton density functions. The results are compared to the tunes from ATLAS called AMBT1 tune. Studies have shown that the parameter values depend sensitively on the chosen hadronisation tuning and the chosen PDF set.
OFDM Based Full Duplex Radio Over Fiber System[Full-Text ] Vibhuti Sharma,Neena GuptaRadio over Fiber (ROF) is the recent technology in the Optical Fiber System which promotes efficient wireless communication .ROF is a combination of both RF communication system as well as the optical communication system. As the demand for high-speed wireless communications is increasing rapidly, use of OFDM in ROF has helped a lot for the same. Optical link can generate certain disadvantages like dispersion ,non linearity, attenuation which can be reduced to certain extent with the use of OFDM. To increase the capacity of our optical communication system WDM is required . In this paper complete OFDM based ROF system has been realized.
Classification of normal and anomalous regions in 3D human cerebrovascular phantom[Full-Text ] Pranati Rakshit, Nirmal Das , Mita Nasipuri, Subhadip BasuDetection of anomaly in cerebrovasculature is a vital job as it can lead to predict and assess the cerebrovascular diseases. Classification of anomalous part in human cerebrovascular phantom can help to detect some of the vascular diseases. Disease like aneurysm causes a number of deaths worldwide and so it is very crucial for clinicians to predict or assess it. Hemodynamics is commonly thought to play an important role in the mechanisms of development, progression, and rupture of aneurysm. It is reasonable to assume that rupture risk assessment can be improved by incorporating hemodynamic analysis on the parameter like wall shear stress(wss), velocity, static pressure information. So to compare the hemodynamic parameters on different cerebrovascular phantoms with and without aneurysm and to find some features from that for pattern classification, carries a significant role in prediction of occurrence of aneurysm and subsequently rupture risk of the same.
Experimental Study on the use of Nano Chemical and Cement in the modification of Subgrade[Full-Text ] Roshni S, Dr. S. P. JeyapriyaWeak soils are most likely to cause damage to all structures including road pavements. Stabilization of soil is done to avoid these damages and improve strength. It also helps in improving the compaction characteristics of soil. In this work, chemical stabilization of black cotton soil was done to improve the subgrade. Soaked CBR test was conducted on soil treated with nano chemical Terrasil with Cement as binder. The percentage addition of Terrasil was varied from 0.03%, 0.05%, 0.07% and 0.09% inorder to find the optimum content of the nano chemical. With optimum percentage of Terrasil and with varying percentage of cement such as 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% on soil, CBR test was conducted.The maximum CBR value is obtained at a combination of 0.07% Terrasil and 3% Cement. CBR percentage was increased by 3.6 times when compared to soil without stabilizer. SEM and EDAX analysis was done to know the morphology and chemical composition in the unstabilized and stabilized soil sample.
Impact of National Security on Food Security: Evidence from Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ujala SiddiqPakistan is one of the country in the developing countries which is known for its agricultural and economic growth but still the food security conditions are not satisfactory. Although the country is trying to meet the MDG’s by increasing the food security and reducing the hunger in the country. All the scholars and philosophers are agreed on the point that food insecurities occur when there are insecurities at national level and when we talk about security at national level then it not only include use of force and military might to protect the country from conventional foes and other non-state elements but also include multidimensional security. These dimensions include economic, environmental, security of society, security of natural resources and war risks. This study targets to measure the relationship between national security and food security conditions in Pakistan. For getting results, quantitative regression analysis is used and correlation is checked between all the variables of the food security and national security. For analysis the collection of data is done by the assistance of World Bank, Pakistan Statistical Bureau, UNDP, UCDP, FAO, and the Pakistan Economic Survey. This study allows us to analysis the economic instability, an increase in war risk, insecurity in society, security of environment and insecurity of natural resources and its correlation with food insecurity. Analysis of the results, help us to draw recommendation which are most appropriate and feasible according to the need of the country.
INFLATION VIA MODIFIED GRAVITY & INFLATION IN THE MODIFIED STAROBINSKY MODEL AND IN THE EINSTEIN FRAME[Full-Text ] Rajib Karmaker, Professor Dr. Md. Abul Kalam AzadIn the present paper we consider the Starobinsky model of inflation, and find that it is connected to matter scalar field models with a non-minimal coupling to gravity. We then consider quantum induced marginal deformations of the Starobinsky action, and find that such deformations significantly shift the predicted tensor-to-scalar towards higher values. At last we discuss sources for these corrections. In this paper, we review inflation in modified gravity, particularly F(R) gravity, based on Ref. [33]. The deviation of F(R) gravity from general relativity may be interpreted as a kind of quantum corrections in the early universe, or such a modification of gravity could be motivated by the so-called ultraviolet (UV) completion of quantum gravity. In fact, the Starobinsky inflation [32] can be regarded as inflation induced by the modification term of R2 from general relativity. We here attempt to examine inflation by the other forms of modification of gravity.
Analysis of Major, Minor and Trace elements related to Ethiopia Cereal crops using EDXRF technique[Full-Text ] W. Wubishet Gezahegn, A.Srinivasulu, B. Aruna, S. Banerjee, M. Sudershan, P.V. Lakshmi Nariyana, A.D.P. RaoThe elemental analysis of cereal crops grown in Ethiopia namely Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Maize (Zeama mays), Finger millet (Eleusine coracana), Sorghum (sorghum bicolor) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum) samples were carried out using EDXRF spectrometer. The concentration of 16 elements (Ca, K, S, P, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, As, Pb, Sr, Rb and Br) were obtained in the above mentioned five selected cereal crops. The results demonstrated that the relative concentrations of obtained elements in these cereal crops are different from one another. Ca is more in millet while it is least in maize. Contrary to this, K is found high in maize and low in wheat but high concentration of P was present in barley and minimum quantity was obtained in sorghum. Significantly in the present work the concentration of heavy metals were found to be with low level concentration besides the absence of P and Mn elements in maize and P in sorghum were noticed. On the other hand high content of calcium, potassium, zinc and Iron micronutrients were found in all cereal species.
A coastal Lake’s Hydro-chemistry: Sidi Boughaba Case, North Western Morocco[Full-Text ] M. Lachhab, D.Belghyti, M.Najy, S.M.M.O.S Fatimetou, H. ECH-CHAFAY, O. Akkaoui, R. Ben Aakame, K. El Kharrim In order to determine the factors and the mechanisms which control the chemistry and the salinity of the waters of SidiBoughaba Lake, the waters of the lake environment and those taken from a well near the lake, we subjected these waters to a hydro-chemical control at a trimestrial sampling rate. The analyzes revealed a basic pH between 8.38 and 9.03, an electrical conductivity in the range of 12.40 to 17.41 mS/cm and high Sodium and Chloride contents up to the respective values of 3698 mg/L and 6625 mg/L for the waters of the lake on the one hand, and a neutral pH and a low mineralization for those of the wells, on the other hand. The results’ projection on the Piper Diagram revealed the presence of a hydrochloric-sodium facies for the lacustrine waters and a mixed facies for those of the wells. The comparison between the chloride content with the rest of the main elements and the increasing levels of Sodium and Chlorides mentioned above shows that the hydrochemistry of the lake’s water is due to the effect of marine spray, evaporation’s cycles, while the Ca2+- Mg2+ exchange is due to the water-carbonate interaction, and Na+ - Ca2+ or Na+ - Mg2+ exchange is due to the basic exchanges, and the sulphates’ reduction. The calculation of saturation indices revealed that SidiBoughaba Lake waters are under-saturated with evaporite minerals (halite, gypsum and anhydrite) and supersaturated with carbonate minerals (calcite, aragonite and dolomite).
Strategic Information SystemsCutting-Edge Change Management For Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources (MRMWR),Sultanate of Oman[Full-Text ] BoumedyenShannaq, Richmond Adebiaye, AbdullahBawainThe objective of this research study is to provide analysis which justifies the need for continuous improvement in the strategic information systems at the Ministry. Research has shown that maintaining the traditional information systems development without improvement often ends in failure. In modern contemporary business operations, changes have strong effect or impact on the success of any project. Change management has become a huge factor and a vital component of information system development and implementation which in most cases have increased the chances for success in both management and project implementation. This is a conceptual study on the effect of information systems to change management in the field of Regional Municipalities and business management. The study justifies the importance of Strategic information system’s support in organizational change. This study includes: the justification of the need for implementation of information systems change management; analysis of restraining forces change; Different strategies to overcome resistance to change; stages and evaluation of information systems implementation results. The study results generate framework to overcome change management challenges and barriers in the field of regional municipality activities as related to the implementation of information systems in the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources in the Sultanate of Oman
Review On Gain and Directivity Enhancement Techniques of Vivaldi Antennas[Full-Text ] S. A. Adamu, T. Masri, W.A.W .Z. Abidin and K. H.PingContinued developments in wireless communication technologies have necessitated the demand for antennas with ultra wide bandwidth. Aside from this feature, the Vivaldi antenna also has many other advantages that made it the favorite of ultra-wide band communication system. These class of antennas, however, also suffer from some drawbacks such as low or inconsistent gain and directivity which tend to limit their wide spread utilization. Different techniques and methods have generally being proposed over the years by researchers in a bid to overcome these limitations. This paper therefore provides a review on some of the various techniques utilized for enhancing the gain and directivity of the Vivaldi antenna.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF INTELLIGENT GROUND VEHICLE[Full-Text ] N.RISHI KANTH,Prof.A.Srinath,Dr. J. Suresh KumarCrawler robots are being developed for applications ranging from cleaning to inspection of difficult to reach constructions. These machines should be capable of travelling on different types of surfaces and to walk over such surfaces. Furthermore, these machines should adapt and reconfigure for various environment conditions and should be self-contained. Regarding the adhesion to the surface, they should be able to produce a secure gripping force using a light-weight mechanism. Bearing these facts in mind, this Project presents a survey of different technologies used for crawling robots adhesion to surfaces. We present a software architecture used to demonstrate the ability of a crawler robot to climb multiple flights of stairs,transportation use, rescue operations and suitable for different working conditions, the structure simplifies the overall design enables and promotes extensibility. The modular nature of design also allows for a wide interface modes with different levels of user autonomy. The robustness of our design allows us to ascend and descend stairs autonomously in many environments with different textures and configurations, all with minimal adjustment to the design. Our approach develops an extensible sensor and task models that reduces the effect of sensor inaccuracies and geometric constraints, uses minimal information about the environment and utilizes characteristic features in the environment for navigation.
Utilization of the Image Processing Concept for Serially Communicating an Image in Li-Fi Environment Using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Jitu Prakash DharThis paper is based on the implementation of MATLAB programming for processing an image and then interfacing it with a Li-Fi(Light-Fidelity) transmitter and receiver circuit. Also arduino programming is used here for interfacing of the hardware circuits with control signals that facilitate the serial communication. Image processing program should be given to both transmitter and receiver circuit. Data transmission rate is calculated from oscilloscope and performance of the network is observed..
Shift in the Role of the School Principal: Administrator to Instructional Leader[Full-Text ] Surajo HaliluSchool is the most important institution in the socialization of children because it can cause an impact on children’s development. Principal’s leadership is often viewed as a major focus of efforts to pursue and achieve excellence in education. In other words, excellence or success of a school is influenced by effective principal leadership. Schools can make a difference to the level of students’ academic performance; however, good or poor school depends on the person who leads the school. Students' academic performance is not only dependent on the performance of the school, but it is also influenced by the management and leadership of the principal. The paper discussed how to change the role of principal as an administrator to instructional leader. The method followed is by defining instructional leadership, knowledge and the instructional leader, skills and the instructional leader, instructional leadership and academic performance, and principal roles as instructional leadership. Going by these the paper recommended the redefinition of the role of principals, by eliminating bureaucratic structures and reinventing relationships in the school setting. And that principals should change their activities as instructional leaders by focusing on instruction; building a community of learners; sharing decision making; sustaining the basics scarce resources; leveraging time; supporting ongoing professional development for all staff members; redirecting resources to support a multifaceted school plan; and creating a climate of integrity for effective teaching and learning.
Power Management of RF Energy Harvesting for Healthcare Communication System [Full-Text ] Hafez Fouad and Hesham FaroukIn Telemedicine system, the automated vital signs collection and transmission can be implemented using set of medical sensors connected to wireless transmission system to be sent over internet. Vital signs include body temperature, blood pressure, and Heart rate sensing. This research work will use wireless sensors network to monitor body functions of a patient during daily activity. Possible implementation of personal healthcare can be seen where set of medical sensors are fitted into wearable fashion. The proposed system is wearable, easy to use, small medical devices, comfortable to wear, minimally obtrusive, Low cost, easy to clean, water -proof and combine Ultra Low Power (ULP) electronics with an efficient energy harvesting, generation and storage. T he proposed system acts as a portable gateway connecting sensors network to the Internet. The autonomy of power-source of sensors-nodes is still a major challenge in wireless sensor network (W SN) nodes. This paper provides the Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Technology RFEH that can increase the autonomy of wireless sensor network (W SN) nodes. It presents a wearable health-monitoring application and discusses the suitability of RF energy harvesting technology with respect to typical human activities. The hardware interface to the information network to establish telemedicine system with energy-efficient communication and optimization of power dissipation are also proposed. The constraints and assumptions of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting are considered. We discussed that how these constraints are tackled. And we analyze the short comings of our approach and how it would affect the overall performance of the proposed system.