Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017.
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Magnesium and preeclampsia/eclampsia. Monitoring common risks or protection and their role in oxidative damage[Full-Text ] David Calderón Guzmán, Hugo Juárez OlguÃn, Ernestina Hernández GarcÃa, Mayra Santillán GarcÃa, Monica Punzo Soto, Gerardo Barragán MejÃaMagnesium sulfate is a widely used therapy in patients with preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The newborn children of mothers, who received parenteral magnesium sulfate during labor state, may exhibit toxicity with serum magnesium levels, and low levels of magnesium are associated with chronic inflammatory stress. Mg+2concentrations in plasma or serum may be monitored for efficacy and safety or to confirm the diagnosis in potential poisoning victims. The most common symptoms of overdose are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; other symptoms include hypotension, confusion, slowed heart and respiratory rate, deficiencies of other minerals, coma, cardiac arrhythmia, and death from cardiac arrest.
Determination of Sugar Biomarkers in Different Plant Parts of Lasiurusscindicus Henrard (Poaceae) through High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography[Full-Text ] Navjot Kaur, Raghbir Chand guptaThis study is a first attempt to present the report of TLC densitometric method, which has been developed and validated for quantification of sugars i.e. Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose and Maltose from hydro-methanolic extracts of leaves (HML), stem (HMS), inflorescence (HMI) and roots (HMR) of desert plant known as Lasiurusscindicus Henrard. The best results were obtained by using the mobile phase Propanol: Ethyl acetate: Water (6:3:1 v/v) and the plates are post derivatized with diphenylamine, aniline and orthophosphoric acid, densitometric scanning at 600 nm in absorbance/ reflectance mode. This method gave best resolution of bands at Rf 0.47, 0.48, 0.40 and 0.26, corresponding to glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose, respectively. The maximum contents of glucose (3.05 w/w), fructose (14.01 w/w), sucrose (7.69 w/w) and maltose (11.42 w/w) are obtained in stem extractions.Sucrose is determined in all parts, whereas, glucose, fructose and maltose areabsent in inflorescence and root extracts.
Design and Fabrication of a Compact U-slot Dual-Band Antenna for WLAN/Wi-MAX and RFID Applications[Full-Text ] U.S.Modani, Avinash GarhwalThis work deals with the design and fabrication of a U-slot antenna for radio frequency identification (RFID) and WLAN/Wi-MAX operating in the low microwave frequency range. A new antenna design methodology has been developed with the purpose to minimize the amount of both substrate material and patch size. The first goal is achieved by reducing, for a given frequency, the antenna size. The second goal, instead, is pursued by studying the surface current density distribution along the antenna and removing the metal material where such a current density is negligible. The proposed antenna can provide two separate impedance bandwidths of 927MHz(2.071GHz-2.998GHz) and 3.03GHz (5.1760GHz-8.38GHz) respectively. Consistent omnidirectional radiation patterns have been observed in both the frequency bands. The proposed antenna is simple in design and compact in size. It exhibits broadband impedance matching, consistent omnidirectional patterns and appropriate gain characteristics (>2.8 dBi) in the RFID and WLAN/Wi-MAX frequency regions.
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Rice Husk Ash[Full-Text ] Daddan Khan Bangwar, Manthar Ali Keerio The research article relates to properties of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) manufactured by burning of locally available rice husk and its potential use as a cementitious material in concrete. RHA was extracted from burning of rice husk using a simple technique developed in the laboratory. The chemical characterization was carried out with the help of the Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) to check the silica content and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis was done to authenticate the existence of amorphous silica in the ash. To establish the suitable proportion of RHA for part cement replacement, the concrete mixtures with 0 to 15% cement replacement with RHA were cast and their compressive strength were found out. A noteworthy enhancement in the compressive strength of mix at 10% cement replacement with RHA as compared to control mix has been noticed and workability remained within the required range.
SOCIO- ECONOMIC FACTORS INFLUENCING SMALL RUMINANT PRODUCTION IN ADAMAWA STATE; POLICY IMPLICATIONS FOR LIVESTOCK TRANSFORMATION IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] MOHAMMED IBRAHIM GIREI, JOSEPHINE BOSEDE AYOOLAThe paper examined the socio-economic factors influencing small ruminant production in Nigeria. Livestock subsector has an enormous contribution to developing countries economy, especially in the provision of food, raw materials, employment, foreign exchange earnings, and provision of market for the products of the industrial sectors. Structured questionnaire were distributed to one hundred and twenty small ruminant farmers using multi stage random sampling techniques. The data obtained were analysed by the use of simple descriptive statistics (mean, average and percentages) and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the analysis shows that, majority (84.167%, 57.5%, 67.5 % and 58%) of sheep and goats’ farmers were male and fall within the age range of 44- 56 years, were married and obtained primary education respectively. The majority of the farmers practiced extensive system of management. The study reveals that lack of capital/credit, insecurity, poor management system, pest and disease, lack of assess to drugs were the most serious constraints, others were lack of contact with extension staff, in adequate feed and lack of favorable market also affect sheep and goats production in the area. The regression result reveals that Sex, Accessibility to market, Educational level, Farming experience, Membership of Association and Access to credit facilities, were having positive impact on small ruminant production (R2 ) = 0.864. The findings suggest that improved small ruminant production could be achieved by giving considerations to those significant variables and the major constraints faced by the farmers, and also creating enabling environment through the provision of micro-credit will be of paramount importance in small ruminant production.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GIAD CHISEL PLOW CP007 UNDER DIFFERENT TYPE OF SOILS[Full-Text ] Abdalla N. O. Kheiry, Mysara Ahmed Mohamed, Elnogomi A. Omer, Abbas E. Rahma and Abualgasim AlbahiChisel plow is widely used by farmers as a primary tillage tool. Performance data for chisel plow operation is essential in order to optimize its performance and reduce the cost of tillage operation. Field experiments were conducted using Armatrac852e tractor to evaluate the performance of GIAD chisel plow (CP007) in two types of clay soils (a light clay soil in Khartoum state (soil-1) and heavy dark clay soilGadarif state(soil-2)). The fuel consumption, effective field capacity, and field efficiency were measured and recorded.
Accounting of Optimum Working Capital in Pakistan: Evidence from Manufacturing Sectors[Full-Text ] Saqib HussainThe persistence of this study is to examine the relationship between working capital managementandFirm performanceto determine their significance of working capital optimum, where performance could be achieved maximum or minimum across the seven industrial sectors namely Cement, Food, Tobacco, Oil and Gas Exploration, Textile, Pharmaceutical and Fertilizer Sector. Panel data have been used of manufacturing firms in Pakistan (Karachi stock exchange index 100). The study reveals about the assigned levels of the each sector, with the help of quadric function. If each sectors will sustains their assigned level of working capital then they will get optimization level of the performance. Our result examined that, if manager sustain the given assigned level of cash conversion cycle and current ratio then they can know and achieve the optimize profits and also create positive value for shareholders by maximization of profit.
Hybrid clustering and classification methods to improve intrusion detection[Full-Text ] Mazhar B. Tayel, Mohamed R. M. Rizk, Sherine K. MohamedeeThe principle of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is the most critical part of networks security infrastructure, because there are diverse ways to compromise stability and security of the network. Different soft-computing based methods have been proposed in recent years for development of intrusion detection systems. Many researchers have argued that Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can improve performance of IDS, when compared with traditional methods. However, detection precision, especially for low-frequency attacks, still inaccurate for ANN-based IDS mechanisms. Others used fuzzy clustering algorithms because of the uncertainty nature of such attacks. This paper presents a solution for low frequency attacks using hybrid approaches relying on Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means clustering (PFCM) technique and ANN.
DETECTION OF FIRE ACCIDENTS USING GSM & GPS TECHNOLOGIES[Full-Text ] N.Bharath, G.Harika, A.Sai Susmitha,L.N.Adithya teja, K.V.V.KumarThe trains are the vehicles used for transportation. Most of the trains we have are induction trains there is a chance of fire mishaps. Fire on a running train is more catastrophic than on a stationary one, since fanning by winds helps spread the fire to other coaches. These fire accidents are causing serious threat to lives of people. There are no sophisticated protection parameters in existing system protecting people’s lives from the fire accidents, have become a serious concern now. For avoiding fire accident in prior we can use the automatic fire detecting system which measures the current and load constantly and alarms the passenger, driver and guard the train if there is abnormal increase in it, so that the driver and guard can halt the train. The block diagram consists of a GSM & GPS modems, Arduino, a LCD display, sensors buzzers and power supply. A GSM modem is used to get the messages from the mobile as well as reading the message also. In this system mainly we have microcontroller, power supply, LCD, GSM. The total controlling action will be done through this Arduino. When the current or load increases, or when heat was detected by sensor then it automatically sends a message to the driver and guard indicating to halt the train immediately and the location of the train to the nearby control station to take further action, with the help of Arduino, GSM and GPS modems.
Effect of Glass Powder on Geopolymer Concrete[Full-Text ] Nimisha Sasindran C, Vidya JoseCement production process is one of the major cause of CO2 emission into the atmosphere which leads to global warming. In order to reduce the environmental effects associated with these, there is a need to develop an alternative binder for producing concrete. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is an innovative construction material synthesized predominantly from alumino silicate material activated by alkaline solution which emits lesser green house gas to the atmosphere. Waste glass, when ground to very fine powder shows pozzolanic properties which can be used as a partial replacement for binder in concrete. In this work an attempt has been made to study the effect of utilization of glass powder as partial replacement for fly ash in Geopolymer concrete. The fly ash in Geopolymer concrete was replaced by glass powder in the range of 5 to 25% with an increment of 5%. All the specimens were tested for its workability, compressive strength and split tensile strength, then the values are compared with those of normal fly ah based Geopolymer concrete. The test results indicated that the workability increased with increase in amount of glass powder. Also the maximum compressive strength was obtained for samples with 15% replacement of glass powder. The maximum tensile strength was obtained for 10% replacement of glass powder.
In vitro bioactivity and mechanical properties of zirconium dioxide doped 1393 bioactive glass[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kumar Yadav, Vikash Kumar Vyas, Sarthak Ray, Md Ershad, Akher Ali, Sunil Prasad, Manas Ranjan Majhi and Ram PyareBioactive glasses are commonly used in biomedical applications due to their capability to bond both hard as wells as soft tissues. Bioactive glass having general composition (53-X) SiO2.XZrO2.6Na2O.12K2O .5MgO.20CaO and 4P2O5 (wt %) where X= (0-2 wt% ZrO2) were melted 100 ml in alumina crucible at 1400 ºC in an electric furnace with air as furnace atmosphere. The Zr4+ ion arranging from 0-2.0 wt% of ZrO2 was used to replace Si4+ ion and yield a charge balanced bioactive glass. The addition of Zr4+ion was expected to form Si-O-Zr and P-O-Zr linkages in the bioactive glass. Bioactivity of the 1393 bioactive glass samples was determined by immersing the sample in the simulated body fluid (SBF) for different period of times. The hydroxyapatite (HA) layer was developed on the sample surface and recognized by FTIR and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). pH was also measured. Density and mechanical properties of the samples were determined and found to increase significantly with an increase in the concentration of zirconium dioxide.
Implementation of Information Dissemination Policy in Central Java Province[Full-Text ] Galih Wibowo, Y. Warella, Sri Suwitri, KismartiniInformation dissemination policy is the policy of the government to disseminate information to public on a reciprocal basis as a part to fulfill the right to know. As an information delivery attempt of the government to public, information delivery is not a one way affair. Almost all of dissemination study only focuses to understand the role of mass media, has not been thoroughly using a study of implementation of the policy. Dissemination in Central Java is very interesting, because the Government of Central Java Province is the first provincial government in Indonesia, which established an information commission. By policy implementation and communication approach is gotten some aspects that are used in this study. Triangulation and validation of data would be done and using peer debriefing that was broadcast on air to get final result. The result descript that implementation of dissemination of information is not optimal in Central Java Province.
Morbus Botulism: Manifestation in digestive system.Misunderstanding in diagnosis and treatment[Full-Text ] Dr. Astrit Xhemali, Dr. Drini Shehi, Earta Gega, Dr.Arvit Llazani, Prof. Xheladin DraciniBotulism is a rare but potentially life-threatening neuroparalytic syndrome resulting from the action of a neurotoxin elaborated by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The microbiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of botulism will be discussed here. Here we will discuss too cases in which this pathology can be misdiagnosed. All our attention is concentrated at food borne botulism. It’s the first type of botulism that we have wrote below.
The Relationship between Macroeconomic Factors and the Level of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) of Commercial Banks in Vietnam[Full-Text ] Nguyen Huu Quang, Nguyen Xuan NhiThe purpose of this article is to estimate the effects of macroeconomic factors on the the level of non-performing loans (NPLs) of Commercial Banks in Vietnam by using econometric model on the commercial banks for the 2004-2015 periods. It is obvious that banks have to take risk all the time and there are three major risks, including credit risk, market risk and operational risk (Perez, 2014). Credit risk is one of the most important kinds of risk in commercial banking sector. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision defines credit risk as the potential that a commercial bank borrower, or counter party, will fail to meet its payment obligations regarding the terms agreed with the commercial bank (Perez, 2014). This study also finds that NPLs are not the problem of the commercial bank but the government must consider it carefully. It is clear that commercial banks must have a right thought about NPLs as well as analyze the reasons to give the reasonable solutions to solve the issue. In addition, this study also points out that if the commercial banks in Vietnam try to hide the bad debt, the real status of the commercial bank will be reflected unexpectedly, leading to the results will affect to the capital supply of national economics.
Urban Sprawl Mapping and Land use Change Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS[Full-Text ] Ch Vijay Kumar, Dr. SS Manugula, Budda Harish Kumar, Ch PraveenThis paper examines the use of Remote Sensing and GIS in mapping of urban sprawl variation of different years and landuse /landcover change detection So as to detect major changes that has been taken place between two different periods. Subsequently, an attempt was made at projecting the observed urban built-up due to increase in population .For advanced ecosystem management Remote sensing and GIS are now providing new tools. The data which is collected remotely facilitates the synoptic analysis of earth’s system function patterning and change at local, regional and global scales.
Analysis of environmental cost and economic benefits of sport hunting in Zimbabwe[Full-Text ] Gashirayi L. Chinopfukutwa,Zhibo Lu, Ephias M. Mugari and Takawira GaraSport hunting is being criticized by animal welfare activists on ethics and moral grounds. They argue that the practice does not respect the intrinsic value of the animals. However, conservationists support sport hunting for socio-economic benefits gained from it. This resulted in the on-going debate on whether the big five animals should be treated as commonly preserved for the intrinsic value to nature or as privatized commodities which can be traded. The study is based on Zimbabwe’s debate on sport hunting after the controversial killing of the famous “Cecil the Lion” using a bow and arrow at a cost of $55 000 United State dollars. The study compares the benefits and the environmental cost of hunting in order to recommend sustainable trophy hunting mechanisms. The study used published articles available on Google scholar, Web of Science (WOS) and Taylor and Francis (T&F) because they are authentic and easily accessible. The study gives a critique online comments from Zimbabwe’s main newspapers (The Herald and Newsday), showing opinions of the Zimbabwean citizens and non-citizens regarding the killing of Cecil the lion. The study recorded a total of 54 online comments which were either supporting or against sport hunting. Results from the study suggest a mixed opinion on the issue as some people accept trophy hunting for the socio-economic benefits that the country derive whilst others criticise the hunting on the basis that animals possess intrinsic value not instrumental value. The study’s recommendation is that hunting policies must have provisions to account for sustainable utilisation of wildlife resources and proper management of the finance derived from wildlife resource to support wildlife conservation programmes.
Hardware Development and Implementation of High Frequency Non-Isolated DC/DC Converter for Switched Mode Power Supplies[Full-Text ] Zahad Liagat, Muhammad Farooq, Farid UllahA Hardware protoype is developed in the research work for a DC/DC buck Converter, whcih is one of the switched-mode power supply (SMPS) topology.
Role of some bioagents and inducer resistance chemicals in management of potato dry-rot caused by Fusarium species[Full-Text ] Ashour A.M.A, M.M. Saber, Tomader G. Abdel Rahman and K.I. AlsaidiDry-rot of potato caused by Fusarium species is a serious disease, which causes significant losses in potato tubers all over the world. A survey of diseased potato tubers in markets and seed production storage facilities was carried out in four Egyptian Governorates during 2012 and 2013. Twenty-eight fungal isolates were collected from diseased potato tubers showing typical dry rot symptoms. The isolated fungi were purified and identified as F. culmorum, F. oxysporum F. sambucinum, F. semitectum and F. solani. Pathogenicity tests showed clear variations among the 28 Fusarium isolates on potato tubers (cv. Spunta), eighteen isolates were pathogenic to potato tubers and ten isolates were non-pathogenic. In vitro tests were conducted in Petri-dishes to evaluate the antagonistic effect of twelve bioagents against F. culmorum growth. Obtained results revealed that T. viride-1 and T. harzianum caused the highest reduction to the mycelial growth of the tested F. culmorum isolate. Moreover, in vitro tests were conducted to determine the inhibitory effect of three inducer resistance chemicals(IRCs), i.e. catechol, chitosan and salicylic acid, against F. culmorum mycelial growth. In this concern, results cleared that chitosan and salicylic acid were more effective more than catechol, which had no effect against the mycelial growth of tested fungus. On the base of the aforementioned results, in vivo experiments were conducted to evaluate the antagonistic effect of six bioagents and three IRCs against dry-rot disease on potato tubers (cv. Spunta). Results showed that the tested IRCs have high ability to reduce dry-rot disease compared with the tested bioagents, which show a moderate ability.
Investigation on Leakage Loss in Multiple Via Row SIW Structures[Full-Text ] Abdelrahman M. El-Akhdar, Ayman M. El-Tager, Hadia M. El-HennawyThis paper presents a study of SIW based structures utilizing single via rows and multiple via rows with staggered via configuration. An expression to calculate the leakage ratio is deduced for the presented SIW structures utilizing double via row configuration. Moreover, parametric analysis is studied to relate other design parameters to the structure leakage ratio. Different case studies are introduced to obtain an optimized structure with certain via diameter, via pitch and row to row separation. The proposed configuration provides enhancement in the SIW power handling capability and operating bandwidth as well as a recognizable reduction in the insertion loss. To verify this approach, prototypes operating at the X-band are fabricated and measured. Measurements are in good agreement with simulations and calculations which verify the design approach as well as the paper outcomes.
THE KINETICS OF CONVERTATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE TO CARBON DIOXIDE ON THE SURFACE OF MIXED NANO-CATALYST IN THE CLOSED SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Hasanov S.H., Маhmudov H.M., Mustafayev I.I.In this article,the kinetics of oxidation process of carbon-monoxide on the nano-catalyst surface was investigated. The investigation conducted in the different flow conditions and the temperature range of 70-350oC depending on the kinetic convertation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide in the closed system. İt is determined that the speed of conversion process increases 1.30-1.32 times as temperature increases on the surface of catalyst. The conversion of carbon-monooxide to carbon-dioxide runs more rapidly at the low flow rates. Nano-catalyst introduced and tested in a process of neutralizing harmful emissions is presented in this investigation.
Design of a Wearable Textile Antennas for Body Centric Wireless Communication and Performance Analysis at Different Textile Materials[Full-Text ] Raja Rashidul Hasan, Sayed Muhammad Baker, Abedul Hadi, Sharmin JahanIn this paper, we have presented a circular micro-strip patch antenna with radiation characteristics which is suitable for on-body communications. Eight different types of textile materials is tested along with circular micro strip patch antenna to observed antenna performance and also modified the antenna design. These designed antennas are operated at 2.4 GHz ISM band frequency. Using CST simulation tool Return losses, Radiation Patterns, S-Parameters is measured to analyze the antenna performances.
Solar Based Cell Phone Signal Strength Amplifier on GSM 900 Frequency Band[Full-Text ] Aditya Bahl, Nikhil Kumar, Nishant Pandey, Mrs. M.V. PatilThe aim of the cell phone signal strength amplifier is to increase the range of the preexisting signal which is powered by a solar power supply. The operation of the cell phone signal amplifier is to take preexisting cell phone signal which is found everywhere but varying in range inside and outside your house or office, due to increase in number of obstructions a signal loses its strength, amplify this signal and then transmit it to an area which has low signal. This paper deals with a system which consists of an outer antenna, a signal amplifier unit and an inner antenna, with connecting cables all of the components.
Artistic and Aesthetic Elements of Advertising in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ferdous Khan ShawonAdvertising, mainly an aid for branding products, services or events to people commercially, plays a great role to construct the society, economy and state. It is not only a medium of publishing the content, also a subject of art and industry. Besides it plays a vital role in economic sphere. A successful or effective advertisement contains artistic and aesthetic elements to catch the attention of its audience. One can find useful information, source of entertainment and various beauty tips from advertisements and thus it becomes popular. It provides message to the customers or consumers. This research mainly aims to operate on various types of advertisements in Bangladesh, such as- newspaper advertisements, billboard promotion, Television Commercial (TVC) and digital advertising. The prime objective of the research is to evaluate the artistic and aesthetic elements of advertising in Bangladesh.
Impact of Supervisors’ Characteristics on Quality Research Project Supervision of Pre-service Teachers[Full-Text ] Akintoye Hakeem and AkapoTijaniAbayomiThis study investigated theimpact of supervisors’ characteristics on quality supervision of pre-teachers research project.The study adopted a mixed-methods design to data collection and analysis. The quantitative part of the study employed a descriptive survey approach to assess pre-teachers’opinions and trends using a questionnaire titled impact of supervisors’ characteristics on quality research project supervision of pre-service teachers. Unstructured Interview approach was used to collect data for the qualitative part of this study. The sample consists of seventy four male and fifty six female students making a total number of one hundred and twenty students that participated in the study. The students were randomly selected from two purposively selected tertiary institutions running education programmes in Lagos state.
SMART CANE FOR ALZHEIMER’s PATIENT[Full-Text ] Pooja Kamble, Komal Shinde and Aniruddha DeshmukhOur project aims to tackle the difficulties faced by the Dementia patients. Most common form of dementia is the Alzheimers disease. The position tracking of everyday objects for Alzheimer patients and old age homes is a system which will track the lost objects of Alzheimer patients and elderly people. This system uses RFID technology for the detection of their lost objects. All the object sensors and object indicators are interfaced to Peripheral interface control (PIC) Microcontroller to which RFID Scanner is also connected. Microcontroller is used to control all the blocks of this system. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an accurate positioning system. The GPS has an accuracy that varies from 4mm up to 11m.
Screening and Isolation of Lactobacillus from Novel Sources for Production of Bacteriocins[Full-Text ] Isha Mahajan, Meghana Teli, Sojal Mahajan, Jitendra Rajput, Sarita MahajaniBacteriocins are primary metabolites which are synthesized in the ribosome of bacteria. These antimicrobial bioactive peptide substances kill or inhibit the growth of other closely related bacteria. The antimicrobial property of bacteriocins is used in the food industry, treatment of pathogen associated diseases, cancer therapy etc. Along with these applications of bacteriocins, they are also referred as next wave of conventional antibiotics. Bacteriocins fall under ‘GRAS’ (Generally Recognised as Safe) category as they usually have no side effects on the humans. In this study, bacteriocin producing bacteria were isolated with an aim of identifying a novel bacteriocin. The sources selected were paneer (cottage cheese) and Sauerkraut as they are rich in Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). The bacteriocin produced from these sources was tested for their inhibitory activity against food spoiling pathogens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus using Agar Well Diffusion Technique. Properties of the obtained bacteriocin were also tested. Future studies include extraction and SDS PAGE, HPLC of the extracted bacteriocin.
RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM AND WTP IN FISAT[Full-Text ] Rinu J Achison, Nikhil Bennet, Reshma R Pillai, K M Nandukrishnan, Paul JohnyIndia is expected to be the world's most populous country by 2022, surpassing China and thereby it would lead to larger consumption of water. While water is a renewable resource it is now turning out to be finite resource. In order to conserve water we need to think of new innovative, cost effective and relatively easier methods and rain water harvesting is one among them. Recycling and desalination are other methods but the cost involved is very high. The technical aspect of this paper is to collect the rainwater from the rooftops which is considered to be the catchment area from hostels, canteen, institutional department buildings, gymnasium and laboratories at FISAT campus. First of all the catchment area details from the authority and also the daily rainfall data from Indian Meteorological Department were collected from which the storage tank was designed using a software Samsamwater Rainwater harvesting tool. To check the accuracy of the software manual computation was also carried out. The well water which was being used for drinking purposes in the campus was acidic and was also slightly hard and turbid. The project aimed not only rain water harvesting but also providing the entire campus with clean and fresh drinking water for which a sedimentation tank followed by a rapid sand gravity filter are also used. Finally the gutter size and also the laying of pipe all around FISAT are also dealt in detail.
Minimum Chargeable Weight Estimation in Less-Than-Truckload Freight using Monte Carlo Simulation[Full-Text ] Wayne PereiraThrough the years there has been an increasing demand of the customer for high quality road freight at the most competitive prices. These trends have increased the competition between businesses to deliver supreme quality at the best price in the market. The Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) service offering can be a lucrative business in the freight industry. However, there is a lot of uncertainty present when it comes to the selection of the minimum chargeable weight slab for a new project with no prior record of demand. This minimum chargeable weight slab can be a crucial key for increasing your revenue gains by chosing an appealing costing structure for the customer. In this paper, we will use Montecarlo simulation to estimate the various revenue gains against multiple minimum price slab considerations to estimate the best slab to choose from. The simulation is done on a new two stage consolidation trucking route project using Excel.
A review on optical fiber sensors for biomedical sensing[Full-Text ] Farhana Fateh, Dr R L SharmaThe development of optical technology for sensing purpose is growing extensively. Its applications are varied, ranging from field like aerospace equipment, military, security, process control and in later years, in health and medicine. Tremendous research work and advancement has led to the development of various optical sensors which is suitable for biomedical industries. This paper gives an overview of optical sensing technologies and advantage that it provides to biomedical field. Study of characteristics of biomedical optical sensors and different parameter like temperature, pressure, humidity etc, which have been successfully measured using fiber optical sensor.
Speaker recognition using pattern recognition neural network and feedforward neural network[Full-Text ] Neha ChauhanSpeaker Recognition is the computing task of validating a user’s claimed identity using speech characteristics. Main objective of speech recognition system is to communication with a device through our voice. Mel frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) features are combined with pitch and root mean square values and tested for improvement in efficiency. Feed forward artificial neural network and pattern recognition neural network is used as a classifier. System was tested for 30 speakers. Better efficiency is obtained when MFCC features are combined with pitch and rms value over single MFCC features. Feed forward neural network gives better efficiency over pattern recognition neural network.70% of total samples are used for training and 30% of total samples are used for system testing. Simulation is done using matlab software. Accuracy of system is calculated using confusion matrix.
Conversionof Turbojet Engine Jet Cat P200to Turboprop Engine[Full-Text ] Aly M. Elzahaby, Mohamed K. Khalil, Bahaa El BadryThis paper processes the conversion of Micro Turbojet Engine to Micro Turboprop Engine through describingthe Aerothermodynamics analysis of both engine cycles and design of a Low-pressure single-stage axial flow turbine suitable for driving the propeller using computational methods. The specifications of turbine are based on the typical geometric restrictionsand specifications of small gas turbine engine Jet Cat P200. Baseline design parameters such as flow coefficient, stage-loading coefficient are close to 0.95 and 1.04 respectively with maximum flow expansion in the NGV rows. In the preliminary design mode, the mean line approach is used to generate the turbine flow path. While the turbine blades design is achieved by considering three blade sections at hub mean and tip,using developed code to meet the design constraints based on free vortex law of blading. An average exit swirl angle of less than 5 degrees is achieved leading to minimum losses in the stage. Also, NGV and rotor blade numbers are chosen based on the optimum blade solidity. Detailed design to Free Turbine is introduced which include Bearing, Gearbox selection, shaft oil system. Also Micro Turboprop engine Performanceis evaluation
Protective Effects of Green tea, Clove and Thyme against Mullet (Mugil cephalus) Lipid Hydrolysis and Oxidation: Role of Natural Antioxidants[Full-Text ] El-Shahat A.Toson, Mohamed I. Abouâ€Dobara, Rasha F. Zahran, Eman A. El-NilyFish is one of the healthiest sections of food. Therefore, the enhancement of the shelf life of fish during freezing storage is important for their quality and toxicity. For these reasons, water extracts with concentration of 10% of three plants; namely green tea, clove and thyme were tested for their abilities to enhance period of shelf life of mullet (Mugil cephalus) during a storage period of six months. To fulfill of this requirement, both biochemical and microbiological examinations were done. From the biochemical point of view; peroxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values and free fatty acid (FFA) were estimated. Microbiologically, total viable bacterial count (TVBC) and the count of Staphylococcus spp., lactose fermenting and non-lactose fermenting bacteria, Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp. and Vibrio spp. were done. The three plants extracts showed an obvious antioxidant effects via reduction in PV and TBA. Also, this preservation system led to lowering FFA.
Human Capital and the Brain Drain Phenomenon: A Study of the Immigration and Emigration of Canada’s Knowledge Workers[Full-Text ] Roy Della SaviaThis research discusses the relationship between the migration of skilled professional and managerial workers from Canada to the United States, the so-called “brain drain,” and seeks to determine if and how the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) may have affected bilateral flows of permanent and non-permanent immigrants between the two countries. Classical economic theory suggests that trade and factor movements are substitutes, so that freer trade between Canada and the United States could be expected to reduce incentives for bilateral migration.