Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017.
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The Differential Levels of Challenges in Using Forecasting Software [Full-Text ] Onu Fergus U, Akpan Abasiama GThis study focused on the differential levels of challenges in using forecasting software. In this way, high quality data set patterns are examined. On the other hand, various levels of challenges and their differentials among forecasters are discussed. One hundred and twenty – five (125) professionals were interviewed. Twelve percentage (12%) of the population being fifteen (15) persons were Software developers, Eight percentage (8%) being ten (10) persons were Lecturers and Eighty percentage (80%) being One hundred (100) were Graduate students. This formed the target population and was adopted as the sample size for this study. We collected data from both primary and secondary sources, to elicit information from stakeholder. It was unraveled that there is a high level of challenges in using forecasting software especially in understanding forecasting outcomes, absence of enterprise technology in most packages, errors in data sets used, computing environment not friendly ,software expensiveness, user competency requirements and stringent measures in activating users access rights . Finally, recommendations were made based on the findings to address these challenges which includes, designing friendly software interface, built – in enterprise technology, reduction in software cost, forecasters’ training for competency, improvement in data quality ,reducing complex forecasting outcomes and Proper definition of users access rights.
A Psychometric Assessment Method for the Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease[Full-Text ] Sandeep C S, Sukesh Kumar AGerontology deals with the different clinical problems that are common in older people, and some of these follow the tradi-tional system pattern of clinical practice. Patients characteristically have poor insight and often attribute their early symptoms of amnesia to normal ageing. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is common form of senile dementia. There are several causes for the disease. Although our understanding of the key steps underlying neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is incomplete, it is clear that it begins long before symptoms are noticed by patient. Any disease modifying treatments which are developed are most likely to be successful if initiated early in the process, and this requires that we develop reliable, validated and economical ways to diagnose Alzheimer’s type pathology. However, despite comprehensive searches, no single test has shown adequate sensitivity and specificity, and it is likely that a combination will be needed. There are lot of tests and imaging modalities to be performed for an effective diagnosis of the disease. Conventional clinical decision making systems are more manual in nature and ultimate conclusion in terms of exact diagnosis is remote. In this case, the use of advanced biomedical engineering technology will definitely helpful for making diagnosis. Profiling of human body parameter using computers can be utilised for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. There are several imaging techniques used in clinical practice for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s type pathology. Prominent of them are Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) ,Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Scanning (SPECT) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Apart from above, in this paper we have developed a psychometric assessment method based on Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) to find out the current stage of the disease. This method can be very useful as a medical aid as it saves time and money than the conventional method.
Readiness of Lifestyle Modification among Hypertensive Patients in a Regional Communi-ty at Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Hina Murad, Shazeena Virani, Abdul Rashid Khan, Muhammad Imran, Fazila Issani, Shahzeb Nazar AliIntroduction: According to a report from the WHO, worldwide raised blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths, about 12.8% of the total of all deaths. About 70 million American adults have high blood pressure that is 1 of every 3 adults5. The current study was conducted in Shireen Jinnah Colony Karachi Pakistan in May 2016, to assess the readiness of lifestyle modification among hypertensive patients. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted using a close ended questionnaire consisting of 12 questions. A convenient sampling technique was used (n=50). Participants diagnosed with hypertension since 2 years were included in this study. The questions were asked after taking a written consent.
IMPACT OF THE SOFTSKILLS ON THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS AND ON THE JOB PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES OF THE PRIVATE COMPANIES OF MYSORE[Full-Text ] ISSAC.RSoft skills are very important for all the professionals in junior, Mid-Level and senior cadre. Importance of soft skills depends on the context and personal perception. These skills are important for every person in an organization. They may be employees or staff members or even sales and marketing professionals also.
Experimental Modelling of a Wide Working Range Electrochemical Water Disinfection Cell[Full-Text ] J. Domingues Azevedo, A.Lopez Agüera, P.Cervera LloreThe experimental modelling of an electrochemical disinfection cell working on a wide range of natural waters is presented. The effective electric field intensity is parameterized as a product of independent functions from the electrolysis leading variables. The complete cell behaviour is described independently of the water characteristics either mineralization or electrical conductivity. A simple procedure to fix the optimal setting parameters has been performed. Model sensibility obtained is higher than 95%. The obtained results showed a promising feasibility for ensuring the commercial applications of the electrochemical water disinfection technique.
Determination of Optimal Droop Controller Parameters for an Islanded Microgrid System Using Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (AFSA)[Full-Text ] A. Ibrahim, Y. Jibril and Y. S. HarunaThis article presents the development of an optimized droop controller of microgrid during islanding using artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA). This is necessary in order to minimize the frequency deviation that occurs when microgrid switches to stand-alone mode or when there are changes or variation in loads. The optimized droop controller was developed using AFSA to optimally select the gainskp, kpv, kiv, kpi and kii in order to achieve a better response in the frequency output of the micro-grid during islanding. All modeling and analysis are implemented in MATLAB 2015b. Simulation results show that the proposed optimized droop controller improves the power quality of the micro-grid by ensuring that the deviation in frequency whenever the micro-grid switches to island mode or when there is variation in load is minimal.
The Barriers in Evidence Based Physical therapy with Stroke Patients[Full-Text ] Muhammad Asif, Shazia Abdul Hamid Khalfe, Muhammad Riaz Baig Chughtai, Muhammad Atif Khan Vinod KumarStroke is a problem of serious nature which has no known curative management available. Most part of the management of stroke patient comprises of rehabilitation strategies. Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is the usage of best recent evidence in clinical decision making for providing best care to the patient. This can be achieved by reviewing different available researches at different data bases. Its usage requires expertise and expertise acquires with experience. The most commonly identified obstacles applying EBP are that it is time consuming, lack of skills related to research, lack of knowledge related to statistical calculations, lack of availability of appropriate resources for acquiring knowledge. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the barriers of implementing EBP in the management of stroke patients. It was a cross-sectional study. Data collected from physical therapists working with stroke patients. The duration of study was 6 month. A modified form of questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results identified three major hurdles in applying EBP these are time constrain, lack of generalizability of findings, and inability to apply the findings of research on patients and also lack of support from the peers. The results show that time is the major issue according to the physical therapists but the fact is that the evidence based practice is the demand of to-day’s world and its usage is very important and one should try to manage the time if he/ she wants his/ her practice to improve and wants to leave a good and lasting impact on the patient.
Emotional Intelligence among University Of Karachi Students[Full-Text ] Shazia Tabussum (M.Phil), Muhammad Asif (PPDPT), Syed Nawaz Hussain Shah (M.Sc) HPESS, Erum Tanveer (PPDPT), Mazahir Zia (M. Phil), Muhammad Riaz Baig ChughtaiObjective: To determine the emotional intelligence among the students of Karachi University involved in different sports. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in Karachi University’s Gymnasium Hall from June 2013 to December 2013. Convenience sampling allows participants to want whether or not they participate in the study. 74 students from different departments and sports of Karachi University were selected for this study. Those participants who were physically fit and active and have age range below 18 to 29 years and involved in different sports at different levels were included in this study. Students not willing to participate were excluded from the study. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire –short form (TEQue-SF) used in this study assessed the self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills.The survey instrument was a twenty five-item, closed-ended questionnaire. Results: Participant identified their emotional intelligence. Result shows that those that 22% of people are motivated, 21% are self-aware, 20% have social skills, 19% are empathy and 18% have self-management. Conclusions: It is concluded that most of the participants were above than average scores of emotional intelligence and there is no significance difference in Emotional intelligence among male and female. Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Self- awareness, Motivation, Empathy, Social skills Self- management, Sports.
Mitigation of progressive collapse of buildings resulting from accidental explosions[Full-Text ] Atef Eraky, Tharwat A. Sakr, and Riham KhalifaAccidental explosions are frequently encountered nowadays due to several reasons as gas vehicles, military works and terrorist attacks. This paper introduces a study of the effects of accidental explosions in front of façade columns of RC buildings and their mitigation. Nonlinear finite element analysis is carried out on space frame due to the rapid release of energy in the form of light, heat, sound, and a shock wave resulting from explosion. The spherical free-air bursts of TNT detonation and expansion of the spherical charges are developed using a one dimensional Euler wedge through the ANSYS AUTODYN software. Different cases of charge weights (500 and 1000 kg TNT) and stand-off distances (3, 5 and 10 m) are used in the study. Overpressure, displacements, stresses, and damage index are the common response parameters investigated. Interior shear walls are applied as common mitigation techniques and their effects on the building damage are investigated.
DESIGN FOR FUEL THEFT PREVENTION IN AUTOMOBILES[Full-Text ] MOHAMMED ABDUL JUNAID , MOHAMED FEROZ AHMED , MOHD FAHAD BAIG , MOHAMMMED UL HAQ , SYED FAHAD.Motorcycles are popular mode of transport. All motorcycles are petrol driven whose costs have been increasing steadily. The motorcycles come with a simple fuel delivery mechanism which is nothing but a simple tap with main/reserve option. This system is susceptible to pilferage and anyone can remove petrol from the fuel tank without much trouble. Each petrol tank has a capacity of at least 10 Ltrs. A mechanism has been developed to prevent this fuel theft in this project. The mechanism uses power supply from the vehicle and so for the fuel to come out of the fuel tank, vehicle must be in ON condition.
Towards an Internet of Things Architecture for Air Quality Monitoring System in Kenya[Full-Text ] Mr. Victor Omondi Oburu, Mr. Christopher MoturiThe proliferation of smart objects in a communicating-actuating network creates the Internet of Things (IoT) that is made up of sensors and actuators which blend seamlessly with the environment around us collect data from the environment and allow the sharing of information across platforms. This has enabled cheaper and more scalable means of gathering, processing and presenting air quality data that is not only useful to the environmental authorities but also to the citizens. This research presents the IoT enabling technologies, architectures and how they have been used in developing air quality monitoring systems. An architectural framework based on these enabling technologies, architectures and the best practices from several cases previous cases was designed. Finally an air quality monitoring system based on this architecture was developed and tested. The research concludes that the benefits that can be realized by air quality monitoring systems based on this architecture include: sensing accuracy, large area coverage and monitoring, minimal human interaction through remote sensing and monitoring, ability to integrate these systems to the existing systems through the use of already implemented technologies that are regarded as the enablers of IoT and effective dissemination of air quality information.
First Record of Argulus foliaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus,1758) in Macedonian Waters with Scanning Electron Microscopy[Full-Text ] Dijana Blazhekovikj – Dimovska,Maria Doligalska,Julita NowakowskaThis study was carried out between January 2009 and December 2013. A total of 958 specimens of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the most significant and larger cyprinid aquaculture facilities in Republic of Macedonia were examined for parasitological investigations. Fish louse, Argulus foliaceus was found on fins and skin in 57 specimens of common carp from four different cyprinid aquaculture facilities. Total, the prevalence with Argulus foliaceus in Cyprinus carpio was 5,950%, while the mean intensity was 7,807. By seasons, prevalence with Argulus foliaceus was as following: spring - 1,587%; summer - 5,026% and autumn - 2,028%, while mean intensity: spring - 5,722; summer - 16,474 and autumn - 5,391. This parasite was not found in winter season. Our findings of fish louse Argulus foliaceus in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are first recorded for Republic of Macedonia. At the same time, common carp represent new host for Argulus foliaceus in Macedonian waters.
IMPROVEMENT ON CONCURRENCY CONTROL IN A DISTRIBUTED DATABASE[Full-Text ] C.C OGBONNA, P.O ODOThis paper presents an Improvement on concurrency control in a distributed database. Concurrency control approach provides rules, methods, design methodology and theories to maintain the consistency of components operating concurrently while interacting and thus the consistency and correctness of the whole system. It is shown that the problem of existing architecture of a distributed database uses bus topology that causes data collision and poor management of data transaction. The proposed architecture of the distributed database uses a star-wired topology with Intelligent Ethernet managed switches Network. This improved architecture ensures consistent and correct transaction, efficient data collection and management and recoverability of data in a distributed database. The mathematical analysis that uses Petri-nets and simulated results are also presented in the paper.
5G: An Idea Whose Time Has Come[Full-Text ] Youssef El Gholb, Najiba El Imrani El Idrissi, Hicham GhenniouiIn order to achieve the goal of “anybody who at anywhere can communicate with anyone at any time by any communication scheme”, broadband radio systems have ambitious objectives in terms of performance and quality of service. Moreover, new network topologies are likely to be introduced. Therefore, the physical layer has to evolve to meet the new requirements. Multicarrier systems are favored for contemporary and future, both stationary and mobile, communication systems. They promise high bandwidth efficiency and at the same time the capability to cope with frequency selective channels. Due to their numerous advantages, communications over multicarrier schemes constitute an appealing approach for broadband wireless systems. Especially, the strong penetration of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) into the communications standards has triggered heavy investigation on multicarrier systems, leading to re-consideration of different approaches as an alternative to OFDM. From sum-capacity and spectral efficiency points of view, orthogonal systems are never the achieving schemes. In this trend, many new multiple access schemes and waveform modulation technologies were proposed. Unfortunately, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is increased at the transmitter of multicarrier systems compared to single carrier systems. With this in mind, novel multicarrier modulation techniques, which aim at replacing OFDM for next generation wireless communication systems (5G) are discussed in this work.
A Study on Domestic Water Consumption in LashKar Gah City, Helmand, Afghanistan[Full-Text ] Ahmad Ansari, Ahmed Hussein El-ShafieeWater is vital natural resource and an essential component of life on earth. The availability of safe water and adequate sanitation is crucial not only for health reasons, but also for economic development (UNICEF & WHO, 2008). This study was conducted in district 1, 2 and 3 of Lashkar Gah city in Helmand province, Afghanistan, for the period of January 2014 to April 2014. The aim to assess various factors which affect domestic water consumption. Data from 100 households were collected from the three districts and analyzed using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) software. Household water consumption was found to be correlated with socioeconomic aspects such as size of household, distance of water source, household head’s age and educational and the household income. Statistical analysis has been done utilizing a Pearson correlation matrix between water being used as a socioeconomic factor with the objective of minimizing the complexity and simplifying the interpretation of data. Per capita consumption was found to vary from around 160 L/c.d in small households down to around 80 L/c.d in larger households. Per capita consumption also varied with household income with as little as 20 L/c.d being used in poor households .Only 8% of households surveyed had piped water whereas 76% of the households surveyed relied on private tube wells. It would be desirable to extend this work to cover different seasons and to also include investigation of water quality.
Experimental investigation on the use of alumina as filler material in ordinary sulfur concrete[Full-Text ] Varsha Shaji, Chinku Alphons TomThe demand for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) increases exponentially with the worldwide development of infrastructure. Increased cement production is one of the major causes of CO2 emission in to the atmosphere which leads to global warming and environmental pollution. In order to reduce the environmental effects associated with these, an alternative binder to make concrete needs to be developed. Concrete made with sulfur as binder material is a major alternative for this situation. The amount of sulfur yielded as a byproduct of petroleum refining process is increasing day by day. As an innovative solution, using sulfur as a binder in concrete has been recently pursued to replace entire cement and water. This study tries to investigate the mechanical properties of sulfur concrete made with alumina as filler material. Different mix proportions are designed for further investigation. In all the concrete mixtures, neither cement nor water is included. Essential mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strengths are examined.
Characterisation of Paper Egg Trays Used in Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Amoo K, Onilude M.A, Omoniyi T.E.This study characterised paper egg trays used in Southwestern Nigeria, on the basis of physical, mechanical and proximate properties. A purposefully selected most available and frequently used paper egg tray brands of local (Lagos, Power, Kano and Baba) and imported categories (KIWO, China, UK, Malaysia and Egypt) were obtained for characterization. The trays were of grey/white, light yellow, light brown and brown colour respectively. All tests were done in accordance with relevant technical and professional standards. The results of general characteristics show that trays with a dimension greater than 300mm is undesirable while tray cell diameter of 34mm considered average and most preferred by users; also, tray with cell diameter of 32mm and 39mm are considered lower and upper limit respectively.
Experimental Investigation of Using the Inversion of Thin Superplastic Tubes to Absorb the Energy of Car Collision[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidThe protection of car occupants in car accidents from injuries and the protection of the car from damage is of vital importance. The available literature reveals that most of the published experimental work is carried out under quasi-static loading condition. although it is well established that the behavior of materials under dynamic and impact conditions is very different from the quasi-static condition. In this paper, utilization of an inverted circular cross sectional tube made of superplastic tin-lead alloy which is rate sensitive at low strain rate, 10-4 to 1 / s is used as an absorber of the collision energy from a car accident. The tube inversion was carried out over two die blocks of 3 and 10mm bend radii. The mechanism and mode of deformation is presented and discussed. Finally the obtained results are presented and discussed. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Analysis of the effects of climate and anthropogenic pressures on land cover/ land use in the lower valley of Ouémé[Full-Text ] Charles C. HOUNTON, Attanda Mouinou IGUE, Claude CODJIA, Georges AGBAHUNGBAThis study aims to analyze the factors that influence the changes in land use in the Lower Valley of Oueme based on remote sensing and population data. The methodology is based on change detection in land cover using a series of satellite images of 30m of resolution between 1986 and 2015. These data are combined with demographic and climate data.
Quantitative Well-log Analysis and Petrophysical Evaluation of Port Fouad Field, Offshore, Nile Delta, Egypt[Full-Text ] Tharwat H.Abd El-Hafeez, Ahmed S.Salah and Mohamed S.MahrousThe present study deals with the evaluation of subsurface geology and hydrocarbon potentialities of the Miocene Wakar Formation, based on surface borehole geological, quantitative well-log analysis that was encountered in Six exploratory and development wells, These wells were distributed in the Port Fouad Marin Field in the eastern part of the offshore Nile Delta area Egypt.
The change in the coefficient of absorption and reflection irradiated GaP[Full-Text ] Sh. Sh. RashidovaStudied the spectra of absorption and reflection of single crystals of GaP, non -irradiated and irradiated Ф=1016el/cm2 and by E=6MeV with fast electrons dose found that after irradiation the plasma minimum shifts to the long wavelength side by 0.3EV and the absolute reflection is reduced by 10%.
Chemical Diffusion and Thermal Effects on MHD Stagnation Point Flow of Casson Fluids past a Porous Surface[Full-Text ] Hassan Waqas, Sajjad Hussain, Shamila KhalidA numerical study of chemical diffusion and radiative heat transfer effects on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stagnation point flow of Casson fluids due to a porous stretching boundary is considered. The governing model of the problem in the form of the non-linear partial differential equations is converted into ordinary differential form by using appropriate non dimensional function. The resulting model is then solved numerically by using a straight forward coding scheme in Mathematica software 11. The results for velocity, temperature and mass diffusion are computed and presented to elaborate the effects of pertinent parameters involved in the study.
SUITABLILITY OF HOUSEHOLD SOLID WASTE FOR CONVERSION TO ENERGY: A CASE STUDY OF JIMETA/YOLA, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Baba, M. T., Ibrahim, U. H., Zira A. J., Wada IbrahimThe study was carried out to determine whether the municipal solid waste generated in Yola metropolis would be suitable for energy production. The study area was classified into three different waste areas, namely waste areas A, B, and C known as high, medium, and low income areas, respectively. Ten households were selected at random from each waste area for the analysis of the waste. Site specific study method was used to characterize the waste, whereas the calorific value of the waste was determined by experiment using laboratory bomb calorimeter. The results obtained from the study showed that the waste generation per capita per day was 0.37kg/cap/day, 0.25 kg/cap/day, 1.72 kg/cap/day for waste areas A, B, and C respectively and that 75-90% of the municipal solid waste in Yola metropolis was of organic materials. The average moisture content analysis was found to be 61.33% whereas the calorific value was calculated at 3056.6kJ/kg. These results show that the municipal solid waste in Yola metropolis is of high moisture content and low calorific value indicating that the waste may not be suitable for use in energy production. However, it is recommended that since the municipal solid waste could not be suitable for energy production, it should be used for composting as viable recovery alternative; and also further research be carried out on annual basis for some number of years in order to take care of both short-term (seasonal) and long-term (e.g. 5 years period) variations in waste characteristics.
A Research on Error-Back Propagation Algorithm for Regression Software Testing[Full-Text ] Samuel Vanramthara, Abhay SharmaThis research is to provide a survey on using Artificial Intelligence method, the Error-Back Propagation algorithm for Regression Software Testing technique. The paper conveys the functionality of the Error-Back Propagation algorithm and Regression Software testing. The purpose of this paper is to research on making an optimized testing technique using AI.
Risk Assessment of Blast Furnace II using Failure Mode Effect Analysis tool in COREX Steel Plant[Full-Text ] Sarath Krishnan U, Rishi H Nair, Mr.Prasenjit Mondal, Mr.Dharani Kumar KSteel is produced from the raw materials iron oxide, coke, lime stone and metal scraps through various process. Blast furnacing, steel melting shop and hot strip mill are the main divisions of steel plant. Blast furnace is a tall reactor to process iron ore into pig iron, modern day blast furnace size range varies from 70 to 120 feet. Blast furnace iron making process is a complex task it has the potential hazards like fire and explosion, CO poisoning, hot metal sparks, heat stress, emission of air contaminants like particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides etc. Organization need to take necessary steps to manage the hazards and its consequences to perform work safely. . Failure mode effect analysis helps to identify all the possible system failure of these divisions and help in adopting control measures which are more efficient. Risk assessment through FMEA will help in increasing the safety of the system and there by the overall safety culture of whole plant is improved.
The Effect of Influential Outliers on Regression Analysis in Predicting Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations[Full-Text ] Muqhlisah Muhamad, Ahmad Zia Ul-Saufie Mohamad Japeri, Sayang Mohd Deni, Ahmad Shukri YahayaOutliers are data which deviate too far from other observations. The contamination of outliers in air pollution data are always associated with bias results which presents less accurate information of air pollution due to the non-reflecting conditions of the actual phenomenon. Most of data cannot be claimed to be free from influential outliers. However, the study of influential outliers received less attention and was not studied so frequently in order to check the adequacy of the regression model. Even a single observation of the influential outliers can have a severe distortion on the model of prediction: The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of outliers using standardized residual and Cook’s distance on the prediction of ozone (O3) concentrations level by excluding the point of outliers in the observation. The prediction models developed for Shah Alam, Pasir Gudang and Jerantut. The result will show the difference of regression coefficients between cases included (origin) and cases excluded for next day prediction (D+1) in Shah Alam, Pasir Gudang and Jerantut. The performance indicator of the models are measured by normalized absolute error (NAE) and prediction accuracy (PA). The average NAE and PA reduced by 0.26% and 0.23% respectively. The model developed could be implemented among local authorities and non-government organization (NGO) in order to prepare people with early action or precaution
Statistical Machine Translation[Full-Text ] Akanksha Gupta, Shubham Pathak, Kannadasan RWe will be talking about Statistical machine Translation as an Aspect of machine learning model. How the SMTs use a heuristics and various models based on probability distribution to translate large chunks of language to another language which is approximately close enough. SMTs generally work by examining the many instances of human¬¬-produced translation thus maintaining a heuristic of the historical data set. This research gives a brief summary regarding the various research models that are implemented in Statistical machine translation. We will describe the scope of current research in this field, a formal problem description and various sub problems. Finally, we conclude with an overview of evolutions as well as the future prospects.
Self-Reported Difficulties in Physics as Predictor of Students Achievement[Full-Text ] Dr. Corazon G. PardoThis study aimed to determine the self-reported difficulties and achievement in physics of the Second Year BSIE students, University of Northern Philippines. The students have an overall “average difficulty” in learning physics concepts. The most difficult physics concepts to learn by the respondents were explaining the elementary particles. The respondents’ achievement in physics is low and those with higher self-reported difficulties in physics tend to have lower achievement in physics.
Causes and Prevention of Flooding And Erosion in Urban Centres: A Study of Kube-Atenda Community, Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Joseph Sunday Onyemesim, M. K. C. Sridhar and A.O. CokerFlooding and erosion are common features of many communities in Nigeria, resulting into loss of lives and properties. Incessant flooding and erosion of these communities have been issues of concern for years to the residents. This study focused on Ibadan metropolis with particular attention to the flood and erosion prone community of Kube-Atenda along Queen Elizabeth II road in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State with the aim of finding its causes and proffering a lasting Engineering solution to it. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and Key Informant Interviews (KII) were conducted among selected residents in the community to know their perceptions on causes of flood and erosion and how they have been affecting them. In addition, the roads in the community were examined physically and the condition of the drainage channels were assessed.
Hybrid Power Optimization in St.Martin Island With Smart Grid Modeling[Full-Text ] Hasibul Jamil, Swarup Chakraborty, Md. Mamunur RahmanModern era is looking at the sustainable energy for a permanent solution to the future power demand all over the world whereas the countries of the third world like Bangladesh is still failure to meet the present basic power demand. St.Martin Island is one of those places which are still out of national grid in Bangladesh. More than 8000 inhabitants belonging to about 1200 families are living there but only 26.4% of them are connected to electricity. Moreover grid connected electric system is quite impossible even in future because of costs and geographic location. Present electricity demand is partially fulfilled by the stand-alone diesel generators only for four hours per day which are also badly affecting the ecological balance and environment with a large amount of CO2 emission. This paper has been documented as a small attempt to give a solution of the power crisis of St.Martin Island with optimizing hybrid power generation scheme concentrating on sustainable energy. Using HOMER analysis, an optimum configuration is established among a set of systems to supply electricity to about 1400 families, 150 shops, 100 hotels and various organizations. The load calculation for the whole island has an outcome of a demand of energy about 4000KWh per day with a peak load of 504KW. This system which is the best one chosen from the output results from HOMER, incorporates a combination of 600KW decentralized Solar PV, 3 wind turbines of 1.8KW each, 2000 batteries of 800Ah each, 300KW biomass generator and 15KW diesel generators to fulfill the whole power demand of St.Martin Island. This hybrid power generation system concentrating on renewable energy may be an effective solution to the present power demand of St.Martin Island without hampering the ecology and environment. Besides, it may be an ideal example of a renewable hub because of its high renewable fraction.
Semi Supervised Heterogeneous Graph on Health – Based Classification of Medical Records[Full-Text ] Rishin Roy, Abhisek Swain, Mrs. MrudulaOrugantiHealth is an essential part of life, without it a person can’t do his/her work properly and also can’t pay heed to the other essential responsibilities in life. For a patient to be healthy, there has to be some kind of universal medium where his/her health related issues all over the years will be stated and a system is needed for conjoining all of them. That helps the patient in using any sort of medical institution to get themselves checked without starting the whole check-up process again. If the patient loses the prescriptions by any means and is not able to access it, then the records stored in the database can be used to get the prescriptions back. This eases the efforts of both the doctor as well as the patient to work on the problem easily.
To Delay the Process of Blood Coagulation Using Electrolysis Technique in Sheep Blood[Full-Text ] Alireza Jahanbani, Seyed Mohamad Sajjadi Dezfouli, Ashkan Javaherifar, Mohammad Reza Yourdkhani, Mohammad GoudarziThe objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of electrolysis technique on blood coagulation process (BCP), hematological and biochemical parameters involved in BCP. A healthy ram was used as an experimental model. Using the electrical power-supply and two pieces of platinum as the non-reactive electrodes, a range of 200 to 1050 mV electric Charge induced to the blood sample that had been taken from the ram's jugular vein and then by means of capillary tubes, BCP was examined every 30 seconds during Electrolysis. After 12 minutes and 40 seconds, the control blood sample clotted while the blood of electrolysis container took 30 more minutes to coagulate. Partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time increased significantly. Prothrombin activity, calcium, fibrinogen and total protein decreased since other factors confirmed the delay in BCP. As an innovation it can be noted that the electrical current potentially can be used as an anticoagulants agents. But measuring the quality of the method and quality of the blood under the influence of the electric current, requires extensive experiments.
Assessment of water quality parameters of Moti lake, Motihari, East Chamapran, Bihar[Full-Text ] Sneha RashmiSome physicochemical characteristics of Moti Lake, were investigated. Physical parameters such as colour, odour, temperature, electrical conductivity(EC), total suspended solid(TSS), total dissolved substance(TDS), turbidity and chemical parameters such as pH, alkanility, hardness,chloride, sulphate, nitrate, fluoride, dissolved oxygen(DO), chemical oxygen demand(COD), biochemical oxygen demand(BOD), Iron, Copper & Lead and Microbiological Parameters such as total coliform & phytoplantons were examined. Results of the study indicated that lake water is highly contaminated and not suitable for drinking purpose as it receives a large amount of raw sewage from its densely populated habitation but suitable for bathing ,aquaculture and used for irrigation.
Comparison of Elevation Data of Unilorin for Designing Road Constructions[Full-Text ] S.A. Raji, G. A. Ogunkunbi, A. O. Omiyale, and S. Braimoh Field surveys or raw elevation data for designing roads and the equipment required are not readily available to potential users of a digital elevation model. The availability of accurate elevation data has thus been a challenge for highway engineers in the preliminary phases of road design. The paper deals with utilization of elevation data of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria for the designing of road constructions. It compares the current elevation data of the University of Ilorin obtained via in situ geodetic measurements with the USGS data set collected via Zonums and Google Earth elevation data. The results obtained establish that there are minor discrepancies between the data from the different sources and the in situ geodetic measurements when used in the geometric design of roads.
Modelling Analysis and Design of Multi storey Helipad Park[Full-Text ] S.A. Raji; J.S. Abolarin; B.J. Ibitolu; B.A. ChabiWith the increase in the number of road users and the need to transport personnel and goods to places of interest with convenience, alternative mode like the air transportation with no traffic and ease of its parking space features in commercial areas has been put forth in this paper. A Helipad park located on the top of a storey building would help to access a place of importance or a location with streams of people converging to it at the same time and with the same road network. This paper is aims to model, analyse and design a multi-storey helipad park. To achieve this aim, the results of two software applications were compared with the manual design. Autodesk Robot and CSI ETABS were the applications used. The building has a storey height of 3 metres with 4 floors and the helipad slab deck. The building was then subjected to both gravity and wind load for analysis. The result of a critical beam on the helipad deck was then compared using both the software applications and manual design. The maximum bending moment (Support) for the beam using the Robot Structural analysis software was found to be 305.66 kNm while that gotten from manual analysis was found to be 327.58 kNm. Also, the maximum shear force for selected beam using Robot software was found to be 362.73KN while that from manual analysis was found to be 390.48KN.
Usage of Hadoop on Twitter Data Analysis on Natural Disaster Management System[Full-Text ] M.V.Sangameswar, Dr. M.Nagabhushana Rao, N.S.MurthyThe occurrence of the natural disaster or national event emanates plenty of information through social media. The data generated by various social media is mostly vocal, which will not be useful for providing relief for the victims of the natural calamity. The vocal data prevents the victims from getting relief help. One of the most popular social media Twitter receives everyday data to the tune of zettabytes per annum. Meticulous use of such huge data helps for the developmental program of the country in different areas namely is Business, Industry, Education, Medicine etc. Data analysis of data emanating from twitter is HADOOP since it works for BIGDATA. An attempt is made in this paper to discuss the utility of flume and HDFS on the analysis of twitter data. Real time twitter data is extracted to HDFS through FLUME. A query language synnonium to the Hive is utilized for extraction and analysis of some data.
Applications of Data Mining Techniques in Faculty Performance Analysis: A Survey[Full-Text ] Suman Bhatnagar, Sahai PrashantEducational Data Mining (EDM) is one of the applications of data mining. In EDM, there are two key areas, one is related with students and the other is with faculty. A detailed research work has already been carried out in both domains. The purpose of this survey is to review the academic literature of the past three years in the area of data mining applied to the educational domain in a traditional classroom-based environment at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). We described Educational Data Mining (EDM) and its main methods and techniques as they are applied to Faculty Performance Evaluation, and we proceed then to review 16 primary-research papers on the subject. The data mining methodology used for extracting useful patterns from the higher educational institutions database for extracting certain unidentified trends in faculty performance when assessed across different parameters. We determine that classification is by far the most popular method used by the primary-research studies, followed by clustering and association rule mining.
OroRoots: Rule-Based Root Generation System for Afaan Oromo[Full-Text ] Wegari, Getachew MamoA root generator system for concatinative languages could be a starting point for natural language processing related works particularly for morphological analysis and information retrieval systems.Rule-based method was investigated to develop a root generation system for Afaan Oromo. Afaan Oromo is one of widely used language in Ethiopia as well as in Northern Kenya. The proposed system was evaluated with testing wordlist and has been experimentally shown that it improves the performance of state-of-the-art methods for the language.
Assessment of Arsenic and Iron in Road Dust in Khulna City of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Kazi ABM Mohiuddin, Md. Tanvir HossainAtmospheric arsenic and iron has been an increasing concern worldwide due the negative impacts on human health and the environment. This study reveals that arsenic was not detected in the road dust samples in Khulna city of Bangladesh. Iron concentration had in all the sampling areas with range of 290.3±25.9 μg/g to 836.7±98 μg/g. Bioavailable Iron concentration had in all the sampling areas with range of 27.7±4.2 μg/g to 45.3±8.5 μg/g. Percentage of bioavailability had in all the sampling areas with range of 8.0 to 9.6 %. This study suggested that iron metal pollutants in the road dust in Khulna city could be originated from automobile emission, welding of metal and exhaust from surrounding diesel generators.
Vernacular Architecture of Northern Nigeria: A Review[Full-Text ] I. I. Danja, Xue Li and S.G. DalibiNigeria, a country located in the Western part of Africa has been the site of numerous kingdoms and tribal states over the millennia and is divided in to Northern and Southern parts. The Hausa-Fulani are diverse but culturally homogeneous group of people (tribe) living in the northern part of Nigeria with a civilization dating back to a millennium; which was evident from their cultural heritages and ancient buildings/ structures. Vernacular Architecture of the Northern part of Nigeria like any other place in the world is characterized by certain features which was shaped by the people’s culture, tradition, religion, religion, artistry and the materials available within the region. The Aim of this study is to review and discuss the Vernacular Architecture of Northern Nigeria (VANN); its concept and features with a view of identifying the factors hindering the vernacular architectural practices in the northern part of Nigeria. The methodology adopted for this study was from the secondary sources such as journals, conference papers, text books, newspapers, magazines and the internet etc. The results shows that the main features of VANN as: the colorful, intricate and elaborate Engraving symbols, Building materials which were uniquely used and further subdivided into four: Earth, Timber, Reeds/Grasses, and Stones. Whereas, the main factors hindering the concept and practicing VANN were classified in to natural factors (such as weather and climate) and social factors (such as human neglect, economic conditions, modernization and discontinuity).