Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017.
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Thermodynamic behavior of volatile species during high temperature and pressure gasification of Pakistani lignite char[Full-Text ] Gul-e-Rana JaffriThermal conversion of coal especially at elevated temperature and pressure during gasification released of some volatile species (Na-,K-,Cl-, and S).These species badly affected in the colder part of heat recovery systems, on super heaters and gas turbines by causing severe problems such as fouling, slagging and corrosion. Thermodynamic study of released inorganic compounds is helpful to carry out experimental work. Therefore thermodynamic equilibrium has been calculated using Fact Sage 5.2, simulating gasification conditions at elevated temperature (1000,1400 and 1600°C) and elevated pressure (5, 10 and 15 bar).Their releasing order of various volatile species was estimated by plotting mole fraction of each species at temperature 1000°C and pressure 1 bar. These calculations predict that H2S is the most stable species for gasification. The release of SO2, NaCl, KCl, and HCl is lowest at all pressure than temperature. The volatilization of NaCl, KCl, and HCl is depends on the amount of Cl- present in LKH and THR lignite char.
AN OFFLINE HUMAN SIGNATURE CAPTURE SYSTEM USING A MOBILE STATION[Full-Text ] Oyinloye Oghenerukevwe Elohor, Akinbohun Folake O., Ojedayo Benson OHuman signatures are so vital in determining the validity of a document hence it is seen as a critical security mechanism. Several variations to produce an exact digital version of signature has resulted in capture systems ranging from light pen machine, scanned signatures. This has led to further extraction approaches (online and offline) such as iterative selection methods (threshold selection), integration of a CNP method and sliding windows which is done on computer system, classification of segmented image region using a set of representative features, document image analysis system, quasi-multi resolution technique based on distance statistics description of signature envelope.
Artificial Intelligence[Full-Text ] Aadesh GindodiyaArtificial intelligence is based on disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. AI is the key to future. The purpose of AI is simply smoothen one’s life. The problems that we are facing in present and upcoming future could get solved through AI.
The Impact of Financial Ratio and Financing Constraint of Firm; a Study of Pakistan Refineries Perspective[Full-Text ] Mr. Muhammad Atif, Asad Hussian, Waseem Ullah, Tahir Saeed This study is projected to examine and evaluate the financial performance of the two crude oil refineries i.e. Attock Refinery Limited (ARL) and Pakistan Refinery Limited (PRL). The presumption grants an impression of the performance of both processing plants, in the past seven years, based on financial ratio. The ratio analysis implied for both refineries illustrate favorable consequences in general and special Moreover, Pakistan Refinery Limited has strong capacity to congregate its current liabilities than Attock Refinery Limited. What’s more, the income of both the refineries has exposed rapid enhancement except they have demonstrated decline in the year 2009. ROA and ROE have shown that Pakistan Refinery Limited (PRL) has performed competently in administration of its assets and shares’ holder money to generate sales as compared to Attock Refinery Limited (ARL). This study recommended that ARL has liquidation dilemma and the management ought to invest in liquid assets to heighten confidence of the shareholders and lenders. Many activities in these refineries necessitate decidedly specialized capability, expertise and acquaintance that are not readily available in Pakistan. This study has provided an unyielding foundation for in depth and rigorous research in oil refining in general and in Pakistan in particular. T-statics has been applied as a tool to get the inferences.
Quantitative Determination of Metformin in Human Plasma Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography[Full-Text ] Bello, S. S,Usman, M. AA simple HPLC assay method for the determination of metformin in human plasma was developed and validated. The plasma proteins were precipitated using perchloric acid: acetonitrile (50%v/v) mixture and the supernatant liquid was removed, and stored at -40C before analysis. The separation was achieved with Agilent Technologies 1120 Compact LC model of HPLC, column type ODS Hypersil C18 4.6 x 125mm,5um . Mobile phase was Acetonitrile: potassium di-hydrogen orthophosphate: Methanol (13:80:7), buffer with (0.025M, pH 5.6) phosphoric acid. The temperature was ambient and the Detector was UV at 238 nm. The retention time, (RT) were 1.11 and 4.99 minutes for metformin and sulfadoxine respectively. The response was linear over a range of 0.1-3µg ml-1
Prediction Model for School Readiness[Full-Text ] Iyad Suleiman, Maha Arslan, Reda Alhajj, Mick RidleyStudy the school readiness is an interesting domain that has attracted the attention of the public and private sectors in educa-tion. Researchers have developed some techniques for assessing the readiness of preschool kids to start school. Here we benefit from an integrated approach which combines data mining and social network analysis towards a robust solution. The main objective of this study is to explore the socio-demographic variables (age, gender, parents' education, parents' work status, and class and neighbourhood peers influence) and achievement data (Arithmetic Readiness, Cognitive Development, Language Development, Phonological Awareness), data that may impact the school readiness.
Challenges of Millennials (Generation Y) with non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes in an increasingly “Diabetogenic” World[Full-Text ] Krishan KumarThe significant increase of diabetes incidence since the 1980’s is a cause of concern by health professionals and organisations. This global epidemic widely affects the millennial generation (1980-2000) because they are the largest generational cohort today. The increase of diabetes incidence among millennials coincides with significant environmental, cultural, work, lifestyle and diet revolutions which is rarely seen in the previous generational cohorts. This paper states the various challenges faced by millennials during the process of prevention and managing diabetes in their daily lives and the factors which could have led to the rise of this epidemic. Analysis of diabetes incidence data from previous generational cohorts is studied to uncover what factors could be linked to this rise of diabetes cases among millennials. Additionally, this paper explores the ways latest technology can play a bigger role in prevention and cure of diabetes in an effective manner. Such as harnessing the effectiveness of latest innovations like fitness tracking and big data for chronic disease data analysis for improved treatment and care.
EFFECT OF POTASSIUM AND NITROGEN ON YIELD OF PEPPER (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.) CV CHARISMA UNDER PROTECTED CULTIVATION[Full-Text ] RAZZAQ OWAYEZ IDAN, SALEAM ABBAS HASAEN, MAHDY ABDALAZIA SAKRThe present investigation entitled Effect of potassium and Nitrogen on yield of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cv charisma under protected cultivation .The experiment was carried out at the desert region in karbala during winter 2014 with following treatments of which was K 1 ( 0 ), K 2 ( 10 ), K 3 (15 ) and K 4 ( 20 ) kg potassium sulfate per poly house ( 504 m2 ) and N1 ( 0 ), N2 ( 30 ) and N3 ( 60 ) kg urea per poly house ( 504 m2 ) .The cultivar of pepper was CHARISMA . the highest number of fruit (22.100),fruit weight (184.100 g ), yield per plant ( 4.069 kg) and total yield per poly house ( 3.255 tones) was obtained in Urea 60 kg + potassium sulfate 20 Kg ( 504 m2 ) .
SHARING EXPERINCE OF REALTIME ON ONLINE[Full-Text ] S.vigneshwarThis project consist of website, people can share their reviews, experience , debates ,advices on any activities , fields on online. Here people took part with all kinds of topics, discussions, current trends etc. This project also helps, to know the different fields by the same person. User can choose their categories and post their post in two ways. One is public , which means shown to all users. Another one is group post, It means post will be send to their groups . every post will be seen by the user, he gives likes and rating star. Based on their rating and likes, post will be displayed as top 10 post ,review ,memes ,topics on main homepage on the website.By using sentiment analysis with emotional similes, an accurate result only displayed on the site.
Impact of Corporate Governance and perceived CSR towards Consumer Loyalty and Corporate Reputation: Do Consumers’ Trust Matter?[Full-Text ] Nadia Zubair Ahmed Khan, Aizza Anwar Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has increasingly attracting and flattering its importance more day by day in the world of leading business corporations. The following research study was conducted to verify the contact and an effect of the CSR related issues on consumer loyalty and also its rising interest in creating and building corporate reputation. Though many previous studies have discussed the effect of CSR on consumer loyalty but it was never enough for testing and discussing the effect on corporate reputation also the moderating effect of corporate governance between the bond of consumers’ trust and perception of CSR concerning regular public consumers. A conceptual framework is developed to test the prediction of Perceived CSR towards the customers and the company that mediates the relationship between consumer trust and consumer loyalty in the chain stores context. The research at the similar time will repeat and check the relationship between consumer trust and consumer loyalty; also the relationship between consumer trust and corporate reputation. The research also verified the moderating effect of corporate governance factors providing evidence in the context of companies governing CSR activities. A sample of 103 respondents was selected by simple random sampling techniques generated enough data to analyze the proposed relationships. Particularly it was noted that having corporate governance as moderating agent; Perceived CSR directing towards the company has a strong effect between Consumer Trust and Corporate Reputation than the Consumer Trust and Consumer Loyalty relationship.
Heat Treatment of Steam-Turbine Rotor Blade by Induction Hardening[Full-Text ] Prof. KRUNAL K RATHOD, Prof. PRAFUL G PATIL, Prof. PURVIK R PATELThe moving blade working in wet steam is exposed to the steam of small water droplets that cause the erosion of blade's leading edge. Hardening of blade's leading edge improves the resistance of material to erosion effect. Flame hardening process is used to achieve hardness in required depth at leading edge, but it is not achieved consistently in first attempt so by using induction hardening, required depth will be achieved.
Design and Fabrication of a Compact G-shaped Dual Band Antenna for WLAN/Wi-MAX and RFID Applications[Full-Text ] U.S.Modani, Avinash GarhwalIn this paper, a G-shaped dual-band monopole antenna with a shorted strip fed by a coupling microstrip line for wireless communication in the wireless local-area network (WLAN) band has been designed and fabricated. The proposed antenna can provide two separate impedance bandwidths of 510MHz (2.29GHz-2.8GHz) and 1.92GHz (4.73GHz-6.65GHz) respectively. Consistent omnidirectional radiation patterns have been observed in both the frequency bands. The antenna is simple in design and compact in size. It also exhibits appropriate gain characteristics (>2.8dBi) in the RFID and WLAN/Wi-MAX frequency regions.
Survival of the Brick & Mortar in the E-Commerce Era: A Seller’s Perspective[Full-Text ] MrBhupendra Mishra, Ms Aishwarya Kelkar Despite the advent of digitalization and this new era of E-commerce today’s consumer is looking for so much more than just product fulfillment. The business houses in a holistic way are looking for fulfilling happiness and strive to curate a variety of synergistic businesses and experiences that collectively enhance the visits by customers. In-store retailing has been under rising pressure from increased costs of doing business, as well as the growth of online shopping. Yet, bricks-and-mortar sales still accounts for most retail spend.
A STAND ALONE SOLAR ENERGY PLANT BY USING PV MODULES[Full-Text ] ABHIJEET KUMAR SINGH World is at the age of high energy requirements and leading to the path of SMART world with full of Green energy source available. This paper is the advanced presentation for the methodology of PV modules installation at Dehradun site, INDIA. It will provide the accurate results concerning the number of PV modules, batteries & inverter placements at particular location which will completely fulfill the demand of power consumption of the location .As Solar energy is an renewable energy, this paper also provide an information about the different Solar energy principles ,site selection as Bidholi , Dehradun receives maximum solar irradiance of 5.5 KWh/m2/d which is maximum intensity as per area in Dehradun and accuracy on the basis of power consumption which had been satisfied by Solar system design using low cost PV modules. This paper gives an efficient data of installing solar panels for 15 years as compared to Power supplied from UPCL, also the cost analysis too.
Wavelet Analysis in Prediction and Identification of Cancerous Genes[Full-Text ] T.Thillai Gayathri., Dr.S.Allin ChristeCancer is one of the biggest causes for mortality worldwide. In earlier days, the cancer detection was the most important and difficult task too. The classical methods for cancer detection have some disadvantages such as more system complexity, increased time consumption and also high cost. Therefore, researchers developed an idea of applying signal processing concepts in Deoxy Ribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) sequence analysis. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is an important technique used in various analysis of DNA sequences, like exon and intron region identification, detection of gene expression and also predict the abnormalities in the exon region. DSP solves this task with less complexity and more accuracy. Nowadays, among all DSP concepts, Wavelet Transform (WT) plays an important role for analyzing DNA sequences with wide range of applications. The main objective of this paper is to predict and identify the cancerous genes using wavelet technique. The implementation is done by using MATLAB R2014a with bioinformatics toolbox. The databases are collected from NCBI website and tested for various normal and abnormal DNA sequences of Homosapien Chromosomes.
Method for range calculation based on empirical models of proton in liquid water: Validation study using Monte-Carlo method and ICRU data[Full-Text ] M. Krim, N. Harakat, A. Khouaja, J. Inchaouh, M. R. Mesradi, H. Chakir, A. Kartouni, A. Marouan, M. Benjelloun, S. Boudhaim, M. Fiak, M. L. Bouhssa and Z. HoussniThe biological damages are mainly produced by direct ionization and excitation of bio-molecular DNA electrons or by indirect chemical reaction of water radiolysis products with DNA. In this work, we restricted our study on the interaction of energetic ion proton beams with liquid water; since the water represents over 80% of the most-soft tissues. The proton collisions with water molecules are estimated from the ionization, excitation,and charge-changing processes. We studied the Bragg-Kleeman rule R = N × Eß , between the range (R) and the incident kinetic energy (E), in the range of 1 − 300 MeV. We also approximated the range-energy relationship from a fourth degree polynomial. The Bragg peak profile and position (range) were determined from an analytical approach. The obtained results were compared with the experimental data from ICRU and the calculated ones from Monte-Carlo method using GEANT4-DNA, SRIM and DOSIMEX toolkits. The results are in well agreement to be used a basis for a forwarded estimation of the Bragg peak in the biological material H2O + DNA.
Evaluation of Potentials of some selected seeds’ flours as partial Substitute for Wheat in Cookies production[Full-Text ] OlorodeOmobolanle, Idowu Michael,BamgboseAdefunke, AnimashaunOluwatoyin,AdedejiOlamijiIncrease in the consumption of fruit pulp usually result into seeds referred to as waste meanwhile these seeds could be of value.Main objective of this study was to determine qualities of cookies from wheat partially substituted with some selected seeds’ flours. Pawpaw, benoil, golden melon and water melon seeds’ flours were substituted with wheat flour at ratios 50:50. Functional properties of the flour blends were determined. Cookies were produced from the blends using standard method. Nutrient composition, physical, sensory properties and microbiological stability of the resulting cookies were determined. All these results were subjected to statistical analysis (SPSS 17.0) and means separated. Incorporation of different seeds’ flours resulted into high oil absorption capacity and least gelation capacity but there was no significant (p>0.05) difference in bulk density. Incorporation of each seeds’ flours into wheat flour for cookies production improved its fibre, ash, protein and virtually all the minerals examined. The increase was mostly significant in cookies made with goldenmelon and watermelon flours incorporation. Phytochemical such as flavonoid, alkaloid and tannin were high in cookies from the blends which show that incorporation of these seeds’ flours in cookie making could help prevent some diseases. Cookies made with watermelon and golden melon was accepted next to cookies from wheat flour whereas cookie from pawpaw was least accepted. This study confirmed that great potential exist for these seeds.
Mobility Management in Heterogeneous wireless network using Adaptive Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] J.A. Obajuluwa,O.A Daramola, K .G. AkintolaEveryday brand new smart phones are produced for people to use . These devices have become lighter and smarter. There are several wireless networks in operation by different service providers. Most of these wireless networks can provide internet connectivity and they allow users to move around freely when they are connected. These networks have their area of strength and weakness which can be enhanced if they can be used interchangeably in order to have an efficient internetworking system. When users move from one network based station to another there is need for handover so that connection can be sustained. This calls for an efficient handover system which will not just transfer user’s session to a new network base station but also select a network that will provide quality of service compared to the previous one. In this research work, a network assisted handover model was developed using fuzzy logic and a dynamic programming method called Technique Order of Preference with Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). It is a multi-criteria decision model which can be used in the ranking of wireless networks based on their performance. The handover decision is modeled using fuzzy logic technique while the network selection is done using TOPSIS algorithm.
Automatic contrast enhancement using fuzzy logic for real time object recognition system[Full-Text ] Pradeep Jain, MeenuLow contrast images occur often due to poor or non- uniform lighting conditions and sometimes due to the non-linearity or small dynamic range of the imaging system. The quality of an image should be improved to support the real-time object recognition system. The aim of the automatic contrast enhancement is to process a given image in real time so that the result is more suitable for analysis and object recognition. In this paper, a method for contrast enhancement based on the contrast intensification operator and automatic selection of the value of the exponential fuzzifier has been proposed.
Enterprise Information Security Architectures[Full-Text ] Madhavi DhingraSecurity world within the enterprises are continuously changing due to the evolving attacks and threats faced by them. Cyber threats and security breaches are the biggest issue which cannot be ignored. In the recent years, many organizations have faced severe attacks due to the new developed technologies. Previously, data was stored at only one location and protection of such data is easier. Nowadays, when data is stored over the cloud, it becomes difficult to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the enterprise data and information. Thus, organizations are taking a step forward for preventing their information from leakage and considering the security architectures as solution. This paper has shown the need of Enterprise security, the existing enterprise security architectures and the upcoming trends in the area of enterprise security.
Transmission and Backscatter Coefficients of 1 to 160 keVPositrons incident on a semi-crystalline polymer target film[Full-Text ] Jamal M.R.AbdaThe aim of this research is to investigate the behavior of the backscattering, transmitted and absorbed coefficients as a function of the positrons beam primary energy. The absorbed, backscattering and transmitted probability coefficients has been calculated and studied graphically via Monte Carlo simulation technique PsMCS (positronium Monte Carlo Computer Simulation ) for a high energetic positrons from 1 to 160 keV, implanted normally into a semi -crystallinePolytetrafluoroethylene target ( PTFE ) with it’s the two components of the target. Comparison with available references yields good quantitative agreement for dynamics factors.
Influence of 904L steel shot peening on residual stress distribution and fatigue life of welded joints[Full-Text ] PhD Barbara Nasiłowska, PhD Zdzisław Bogdanowicz, PhD Joanna ZdunekThe paper presents an influence of shot peening of joints made of 904L austenitic steel, welded with a laser beam CO2 and with GTAW method, on residual stress distribution in subsurface layers. Structural changes due to shot peening caused an increase in fatigue life. The fracture strength initiation, revealed during the microfractographic tests of the shot peened specimens, occurred in the subsurface layers dependently on resultant stress of a working cycle and residual stress.
Terraforming - Application of Projected Polaroids to Minimize Electromagnetic Radiations[Full-Text ] NavneetChandranTerraforming aims at altering the environmental conditions of a planet or a body in space, and help it sustain life by developing indigenous species. The application of polaroid crystals to minimize the harmful effects of the electromagnetic radiations, such as UV rays and Infrared rays from the sun, will help in providing a suitable environment for any ecosystem to develop and sustain life in planets such as Mars. The basic principle of polarization of light similar to our sunglasses is being employed in this technology.
TERRAFORMING APPLICATION OF PROJECTED POLAROIDS TO MINIMIZE ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS[Full-Text ] Navneet ChandranTerraforming which literally translates to “earth-like’’ is a hypothetical process of deliberately modifying a planet or a body’s atmosphere, ecology, temperature or surface topography. Terraforming still maybe a combination of science fiction and actual science , but there are various technological solutions to achieve terraforming . To increase the core temperature of the planet , the amount of Carbon Dioxide has to be increased which can be reached through the means of greenhouse gas emission systems , this in turn will thicken the atmosphere of Mars and provide with suitable temperature .
The role of insurance in development of economy in India[Full-Text ] HosseinNiavand, FarzanehHaghighat NiaIn this paper, we introduce the type of insurance is making development of economy in India, despite the all of the types of risks the importance of insurance.If there had not been insurance at the back of all innovators the world would have never progressed.India’s rapid rate of economic growth over the past decade has been one of the more significant developments in the global economy. This growth has its roots in the introduction of economic liberalization in the early 1990s, which has allowed India to exploit its economic potential and raise the population’s standard of living.
Performance of nanofluids using artificial neural network[Full-Text ] D.M.HabashyIn this study, neural network was used for simulation and prediction of thermal efficiency of solar collectors when we use various nanofluidsas absorbers in solar collectors. Effects of nanoparticle size, temperature and mass flowrate on the thermal efficiency of nanofluids were studied, and the standard efficiency curves of collector under different operating conditions were compared to the experimental data. Different networks and many runs were trying to obtain good performance. Good agreement between the numerical predictions and experimental data was observed.
X Band W-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna Design and Simulation with U-Slotted Ground Plane for the Wireless Communication Systems[Full-Text ] Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury , A. M. Jehadul IslamIn this paper, a X Band with W-shaped microstrip patch antenna is proposed and analyzed.The antenna is probe feed with an impedance matching of 50 ohms.A parametric study is performed by the probe feed location and the Return Loss is observed. The simulation results of the parameters like VSWR, Return loss, Radiation pattern etc.,satisfied the theoretical conditions. The frequency of antenna is 10.5 GHz with a ground plane having multiple inverted U-shaped slots. Designing and simulation of this antenna has been done by IE3d Software.This frequency is used for Satellite communications, Radar,Terrestrial communi-cations and networking,Space communications,Amateur radio,Motion detectors and traffic light crossing detectors.
Walking Narratives in a Hybrid Urban Space[Full-Text ] Dimitra Riza, Elisavet MandoulidouWalking, as an active, continuous, and embodied process of experiencing the urban environment, spans from an everyday activity to an urban design method. Re-reading the city and re-using it, in terms of a narrative kinesthetic experience, evokes social participation and shared experience – practices that have become very popular in the contemporary hybrid city. New technologies change the way that the urban space is perceived, experienced, and interpreted, as they link the material urban space to digital realms. This hybrid condition, where the physical and the digital aspects of the city are interconnected, forms, at the same time, an abstract and concrete place, where “here” and “there” fall into “now” and call for design strategies that create a single engaging reality.
Optical switching in MEMS controlled ECTL containing nonlinear optical materials[Full-Text ] Ahmed Fawzy, M. Nady, Osama M. EL-ghandour, and Hesham F.A. HamedOptical switching which used a grating structure as an external reflector in the External Cavity Tunable Laser (ECTL) is studied in this paper. ECTL consists of the laser cavity and switching cavity. The laser cavity emits the laser beam and the switching cavity contains a nonlinear optical material which used in the switching. A bistable behavior is observed, which result in a significant switch effect. The study of this switching structure shows great advantages of smaller size. Therefore, this model can be achieved by the Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) technology. We show that a laser cavity directly coupled to a cavity filled with a material with a tunable absorption coefficient can act as an absorptive switch, in which the on / off states correspond to the absence / presence of biasing. This paper also studies the effect of the variations in the imaginary part of the refractive index of the nonlinear material.
Assessing sources of stress, coping strategy and its effect to the academic performance of Grade 9 students in Cagayan de Oro National High School[Full-Text ] Lucy Pajo-SogocThis study was conducted to assess sources of stress, coping strategy and its effect to the academic achievement of grade 9 students in Cagayan de Oro National High School. The study focused on the three sources of stress which are Physical stress, Social Stress and Academic Stress and how students cope with it and its effect to academic performance. This study was based on Lazarus and Folkman’s conceptualization of stress, appraisal and coping. The study used a descriptive research design specifically the survey method. This was to examine the relationship between stress level and the academic performance. The tool used were adopted from the study of: Assessing Stress among University Students by Dr. Ahmad. M. Thawabieh and Dr. Lama. M. Qaisy (2012). However, the tool for coping strategies is adopted from the study of Stress Coping Style Inventory of students at Universities and Colleges of Technology by Ying Ming Lin & Farn Shing Chen (2010).The grade point average was used to determine students’ academic performance. The selection was done through the proportionate random sampling. There was a random selection of 279 respondents’. The statistics used were frequency, percentage and multiple linear regression. Findings revealed that, Physical stress and Academic stress were the students’ source of stress .The result indicated that the two sources of stress are correlated to the academic performance of the students. The coping strategies do the students most employ is the Emotion-Focused Coping. It is therefore concluded that, although students were stressed, but the academic performance was influenced by the coping strategies used by individual students. Given the findings of the study, it is highly recommended for the school to maintain a positive and safe learning environment. Students should have a “brain Breaks” to process learning. Guidance and Counselling services should have a depth programs to assess students stress. Teachers are recommended to teach and model a stress management skills to fight stress.
Effect of Video and Image as Positive Feedback in Neurofeedback for Stressed Elderly[Full-Text ] M. Kalaivani, M.S Jeyalakshmi, M. Thanga AarthySlowing down of thought, memory and thinking is a normal part of aging. Mental exercise can help the brain to stay sharp. Neurofeedback training is a mental exercise which can improve the cortical activity. The neurofeedback process is a self-regulation training which allows the central nervous system to function better. Neurofeedback training is helpful with certain classes of problem such as attention, anxiety and depressions and also helps in improving the flexibility and resilience of brain. The training is given to elderly patients to treat age related cognitive decline such as stress.The brain wave frequencies are measured and analyzed in the course of training and the patients gradually learns to stay in the desired brain wave state by visualizing image and animated videos cues designed using LabVIEW software which are fed back to the subject via computer screen. 12 subjects were trained whose age range from 55-65. During the course of training beta wave is enhanced and theta wave is suppressed. As the training progresses, the threshold value is increased which is based on beta/theta ratio. After 30- 40 sessions, the efficacy is analyzed using the threshold and time.
A Study on Ground Water Quality Analysis in the District of Idukki, Kerala[Full-Text ] Dhiraj SinghaThis study has been done in a district of Kerala, Idukki. Here to check the quality of Ground water, data are taken from where the samples are taken from 12 dug wells of this district. The quality of Ground Water (WG) will be measured in the term of drinking and irrigation purpose along with the changeability of seasons and space. So for that, some parameters and calculations are done like PH, EC, TDS, SAR, TH, % Na, SSP, Potential Salinity, Permeability Index, Mg Hazard, Mg Ratio etc. Otherwise Wilcox and Richard’s diagram has been used to know the quality of water for the irrigation purpose. Gibb’s diagram has been used and it has been found that the GW chemistry of this region is controlled by the rock dominance.
WIRELESS WINDMILL DIRECTION CONTROL USING SERVOMOTOR[Full-Text ] Vishakha Gamit, Ankita Bhagat, Hinal PatelOur project idea is to control the wind mill direction by using the servo motor and technical possibilities while building a wireless communication network for wind mill. At present the people who work with windmill are using a stepper motor for control the direction of wind mill. Compare to the stepper motor it is most effective for control the direction while replace the stepper motor is replaced by servo motor. The wind blades are moves depend upon the availability of wind force. The wind blades are not moves continuously because the air flows in a various direction in a time by time so this time wind blades are idle. Our system is used to optimize the idle time of the wind mill and produce the continuous power supply by using servo motor.
A Novel Enhanced Mutual Coupling Reduction in Patch Antenna[Full-Text ] Mehdi Karimi Mehr, Ahmad Emadeddin, Amin DarvazehbanA novel method by using Defected Ground Structures (DGSs) and Embedded Split Ring Resonators (ESRRs) to reduce mutual coupling between microstrip patch antennas is proposed. Using two band gap structures have improved the mutual coupling reduction in a low-profile volume. The proposed antenna has been fabricated and measurements show more than 40 dB and 50 dB isolation at 5% and 1% frequency bandwidth, respectively. Thus, the isolation has been improved more than 15 dB compare too array without band gap structures.
Prevalence and Determinants of Tobacco use in Nigeria: A one year review, 2014[Full-Text ] Baffa Sule Ibrahim, Rabi Usman, Mercy Niyang, Bola Gobir, Ubong Akpan OkonBackground: Tobacco is the single most preventable cause of death in the world today. It is projected that some 70% of tobacco deaths will be in low-income and middle-income countries by 2030. Africa faces the greatest threat in terms of future growth in tobacco use. We conducted this study to determine prevalence, distribution and factors associated with tobacco use in Nigeria. Method: We did a secondary data analysis of 2013 Nigeria Demographic Survey data. We extracted variables on tobacco among households using SPSS-18 and Microsoft Excel 2016. We conducted both univariate and bivariate analysis. Results: A total of 119,386 responses on tobacco use were recorded, 86.8% males. Mean age of tobacco users was 35.9yrs (SD±1.7years). Prevalence of tobacco use was 0.64%, with higher prevalence in females (1.0%) than in males (0.6%). Tobacco use was higher in rural settlements (0.41%), compared to urban settlements (0.26%). Prevalence of tobacco use was highest among respondents without formal education (0.42%), and persons with poor wealth indices (0.27%). Factors significantly associated with tobacco use include; age (X2=217.5,p-value<0.00000), type of settlement (X2=21.8,p-value<0.00000), religion (X2=236.7,p-value<0.000000), level of education (X2=46.1,p-value<0.00000), and wealth index (X2=16.21,p-value<0.000). Conclusion: We found lack of formal education, poverty, older age and living in a rural settlement as factors associated with increased use of tobacco and its products, while inclination to religious faiths appears to reduce the use of tobacco. Public enlightenment campaign on the dangers of tobacco use, which will include both media jingles, should be prioritized across states.
STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF REPLACEMENT OF PORTLAND CEMENT BY SUGAR CANE BAGASSE ASH AND EGG SHELL POWDER ON HPC[Full-Text ] Amrutha K Francis, Sahimol EldhoseOrdinary Portland Cement (OPC) an essential constituent in concrete increases drastically with the development and growth of world in terms of engineering. Production of cement as part is one of the major causes of CO2 emission in to the atmosphere which leads to global warming and environmental pollution. So to reduce the pollution effects due to the production of cement, alternatives are to be finding as binders. Concrete made with mineral admixtures can provide adequate alternative. Sugarcane bagasse ash is the byproduct of sugar industry which is being produced above 3 millions each year. Where as egg shell powder can be easily collected from the waste egg shells.The use of egg shell powder (ESP) and sugarcane bagaasse ash (SCBA) as a replacement of cement is a fruitfull study.High performance concrete (HPC) is an engineered concrete which possess all desirable properties in fresh and hardened stages of concrete. This study tries to investigate the mechanical properties of high performance concrete made with SCBA and ESP. Different mix proportions are designed for further investigation. In all the concrete mixtures, the one with 5% ESP and 10% SCBA produced the best HPC in the experiment. Essential mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strengths are examined.
An optimal Home Energy Management System based on Time of Use pricing scheme in Smart Grid[Full-Text ] Fahad Nawaz, Gulzar Ahmad, IhsanUllah, Khalid Javed, Intekhab Khan, Wahab KhanSmart Grid came to the fore with developing technology, getting the attention of mostusers,because it is the most efficient, reliable and user friendly technology. Smart Grid (SG) supports the concept of dual communication between the users and utility; thus, managing the energy demands of the user in a sophisticated way. The most authentic part of the Smart Grid is Home Energy Management System (HEMS), whose core incentive is to reduce the electricity expense of the consumers and minimize Peak to Average Ratio (PAR). Time of Use (TOU) pricing is that part of the HEMS, which mainly describes the electricity tariff for the consumers in a time horizon. For TOU pricing, the main initiative, which has to be taken, is the scheduling scheme for the home appliances. In this paper we proposed an authentic, reliable and cost-effectivemodel for scheduling of the home appliances in an optimal way. Our simulation model depends upon three cases with two different evolutionary algorithms i.e. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO). This model completely describes the best scheduling for the home appliances with minimum delay, reducing the electricity bill in an efficient way. All the comparison is made in proper way for making trade-off between the two main algorithms.