Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017.
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InvestigatingThe Use of Mobile Technology for Educational Purpose Among Engineering Students of the Polytechnic[Full-Text ] Oyewola, Yemisi Victoria, Adebisi, Oludare Adepeju, Busari, Olukayode AyodejiMobile devices with internet connectivity which constitutes the mobile technology make it possible to extend education beyond the physical confines of the classroom and beyond the fixed time periods of the school day. The peculiarity of the engineering field requires that it make use of different technologies other than the ones used in general education for its teaching and learning process, and access to these technologies can be made easy using the mobile technology. The mobile technology if properly employed has the potential to revamp the engineering education. A survey was carried out to investigate the use of mobile devices for educational purpose among engineering students of The Polytechnic, Ibadan in Nigeria to find out whether there are significant differences in the attitude of the students towards the use of mobile devices for educational purpose with respect to their academic discipline, gender or age. The study finds out that there is a significant difference in the students’ use of mobile phone for educational purpose with respect to their academic discipline which means academic discipline contributes to how engineering students use mobile devices for educational purpose. Meanwhile, no significance was recorded in their use of mobile phone for educational purpose with respect to their gender or age group.
Double Security algorithm for Network Security[Full-Text ] Shikhi Singh, Rohit SinghIn modern Internet routing architecture, the router doesn’t examine or validate the correctness of the source address carried in the packet, neither has it stored the state information when forwarding the packet. Therefore the DDoS attacks with spoofed IP source address can results in causing the security problems. In this paper, our aim is to prevent the attackers from attacking somewhere outside the IPv6 edge network with forged source address in the fine granularity. In this we have proposed a double security algorithm, when not only encrypt the message but also encrypt the key as well as IP to which the message is to be send. The IP address is splited into the four parts and similarly the key of 4 characters is used in our algorithm which is used for encrypting the IP by adding its ASCII value to the each of the IP part and the last portion of the IP address is concatenated with the key in order to further encrypt the key.
Security Enhancement for Military Intelligence Network using Honeypot[Full-Text ] Binu Kuriakose VargisHoneypot systems are those tools or a server which by definition captures all the intrusions directed towards a particular network in which it is placed. By integrating a honeypot based product with a system it can be converted into a high or low interaction honeypot system based on the product used. A simulation work demonstrating the use of honeypot for enabling a more secured network for military intelligence network is done in the research work. We observed that 49% of 4447 intrusions were from a unique IP. 18% and 12% of intrusions are from another IP. Military intelligence network both in India as well as in world are being attacked on a regular basis. Every threatful event against such organization’s try to get the valuable information’s from their network. For that regular intrusions are the starting process. This paper states steps to find out such events and finding out the suspected locations prior to attack.
Contaminants and Its Worldwide Reported Health Impacts on Consumption of Polluted Water A Review[Full-Text ] Amjad Hussain memon,Yongqin Wei, Allah Bux Ghanghro, Taj Mohammad Jahangir, Aftab.A.Khand, Mushtaque Ahmed Memon, Hao Liang, Qipeng YuanWater born diseases are becoming a global issue now days and especially becoming more severe for the low income countries. Children, old aged persons and with weak immune system are more susceptible to these diseases. Diarrhea is the first and rapidly appearing disease in water born diseases and became 6th burden disease on a global scale which is principally escapable. Same like other contaminants in drinking water as arsenic, lead, cadmium, silica etc also causing different water born diseases. We studied different contaminants in drinking water and their potential role in water born diseases besides its probabilistic health impacts in different countries. We tried to collect water born diseases which can be caused by contaminants in drinking water and observed that arsenic, nitrogen and other metals playing their dominant role in water born diseases. Chronic Health Quotient detected an insignificant range in different countries along with carcinogenic health quotient as well. There is no any reported insignificant dermal health quotient figure observed in any part of the world.
Survey on Anonymization using k-anonymity for Privacy Preserving in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Binal Upadhyay, Dr. amit ganatraK-Anonymity widely used in protecting privacy. By the definition we can say anonymization means a nameless for that take one example like a person should not identifiable untraceable or unreachable. Anonymization using k-anonymity for privacy preserving gives the best privacy for the data and more protective for the whole datasets. In this paper we used Hybrid anonymization for mixing some type of data. In this case we show that this model applied to various data mining problems and also various data mining algorithms. In the many paper we show that using the k-anonymity we reduce the more informationloss but here issue is that not satisfied with multiple sensitive attributes. Using the k-anonymity for privacy preserving the main motivation is removing or transferring personally identifiable information.
On empirical power of univariate normality testsunder symmetric, asymmetric and scaled distributions[Full-Text ] Muyombya Solomon MatovuThe study aims at conducting an empirical comparison of powers of the univariate normality tests under different distributions to obtain their ranking using a Monte-Carlo simulation for large sample sizes. A total of six normality tests selected. From the Empirical Distribution Function (EDF), Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Lilliefors correction) and Anderson-Darling normality tests were chosen. From the regression and correlation family of distributions, Shapiro-Wilk and Shapiro-Francia normality tests were chosen. Jaque-Bera and D’Agostino Pearson normality tests were chosen from the moment family. The empirical powers of these normality tests were studied using distributions that are symmetric, asymmetric and scale contaminated normal distributions. Findings show that for symmetric distributions, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test is the most powerful test,Anderson-Darling, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, D'Agostino-Pearson and lastly Jaque-Bera. For asymmetric distributions, Anderson-Darling normality test,Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Jaque-Bera, Shapiro-Francia and lastly D’Agostino. For scale contaminated distributions, Kolmogorov-Smirnov is the most powerful test, Anderson-Darling, Shapiro-Francia, Shapiro-Wilk, D'Agostino-Pearson and lastly Jaque-Bera. Thus, regardless of the nature of the distribution given a large sample size, Kolmogorov-Smirnov is the most powerful normality test, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Anderson-Darling, Jaque-Bera and lastly D'Agostino-Pearson. The study recommends that for distributions that have short tails like symmetric distributions, correlation/regression-based tests should be used. For long tailed distributions like symmetric distributions,Empirical-based normality tests should be used and moment-based tests should be used if interest is in kurtosis and skewness of the data.
Preparation and Studying Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) Material[Full-Text ] Sabah H. Sabeeh, Zahraa S.AhmedIn this work the Nano-magnetic materials (cobalt ferrite) with formula (CoFe2O4) as nano-powdereas prepared from (Ferric
Nitrite, Cobalt Nitrite and Citric Acid) by utilizing sol-gel combustion method, with different ph (3, 5, and 7) oC, then the powder were
calcined at different temperatures (300, 500, and 700) oC, and the samples sintered at different temperatures (1000, and 1100) oC. The
magnetic properties (saturation magnetization (Ms), Residual Magnetization (Mr), Remanence Ratio (R), coercivity (Hc) and the Relative
permeability (μr)) of these samples which formed from this material were studied. The saturation magnetization (Ms), Residual
Magnetization (Mr), and Remanence Ratio (R) seem to increase with the increasing calcining and sitering temperatures, at the same pH
(7), while the coercivity (Hc) decreases with the decrease in the particle size, because there is a direct relationship between the coercive
force and the particle size. The Relative permeability (μr) increases with increasing the calcining and sintering temperatures except the
samples with pH (5).
Broadcasting using LiFi[Full-Text ] Akshay Pathak, Marimuthu Padayachi, Rahul Kosamkar, Saritha LRA person gets frustrated when he faces slow speed as many devices are connected to the same network. As the number of people accessing wireless internet in-creases, it’s going to result in clogged airwaves. Li-Fi is transmission of data through illumination by taking the fiber out of fiber optics by sending data through a LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. As Li-Fi is considered to be the optical version of Wi-Fi, some label it as fast and cheap wireless communication system. When LED is on digital 1 is transmitted and when it is off 0 is transmitted. Data can be encoded in the light by varying the flickering rate to generate strings of 1s and 0s. The output appears to be constant to the human eye as the LED intensity is modulated rapidly. This method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly is technically referred to as Visible Light Communication (VLC). Advancements promise a speed of 10 Gbps. Li-Fi can work even underwater. If this technology can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used some-thing like a Wi-Fi hotspot to transmit wireless data and we will proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer and brighter future. As the growing number of device accessing wireless internet are coming into use airwaves are becoming increasingly clogged making it more and more difficult to get a reliable, high speed signal.
Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Spoken Letters Recognition[Full-Text ] Raidah S. Khudeyer, Zainab S. Jumaa, Noura H. AjamMachine learning techniques have been successfully applied to problems in pattern classification, function approximations, optimization and pattern recognition. In this work, we employ different machine learning techniques: two types of neural network structures, Probability Neural Network (PNN), Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN) and k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to investigate the performance of these techniques on recognition of spoken letters.
Digital Image Steganography based on Least Significant Bit method[Full-Text ] MD. Alamgir KabirSteganography is the art of concealing the data into the other data in a manner that the concealed data gives off an impression of being nothing to the human eyes. It plays a significant role for effective undercover contact. There are numerous approaches to shroud data inside an image,audio/video, archive and so forth. But Image Steganography has its own particular preferences and is most prevalent among the others.In this paper, an information concealing system that depends on digital image steganography is proposed to secure information exchange between the sender and receiver. Computerized picture with different file formats are utilized for the steganography and an LSB (Least Significant Bit) algorithm is utilized to encode the message inside the picture record. The proposed framework was assessed for viability and the outcome demonstrates that, the encryption and decryption techniques utilized for building up the framework make the security of the proposed framework more effective in securing information from illicit access.
Teaching Portfolios Using Data Mining Basedon WEKA Platform[Full-Text ] Md. Alamgir Kabir, Md ShahiduzzamanThe quality of education of a university depends on its teacher’s major strength and their performance. In a country there have several kinds of universities but their standards of educational qualities are not same. A university will be developed and well known around the world by its educational quality which is completely depend on the quality of an instructor’s teaching proficiency and his major strength as well as his motivation and devotion to the university and it’s students.Therefore, in this paper we compared and analyzed the faculty teachers’ major strength on the specific courses and their teaching proficiency and also their intimacy with the students by getting the feedback from the students of Computer science and engineering department in daffodil international university through online faculty evaluation form and then we do the data mining analysis using the data mining tools WEKA.
Magnetic properties of the perovskite NdNiO3: Monte Carlo Study[Full-Text ] M.Oumarou, N.Mohamedou , M.L.Ould Ne , N.Aknin In this work, we used Monte Carlo method simulation to study the magnetic properties of the perovskite NdNiO3 within Blume-Capel model. This perovskite has been modeled by a mixed system with spins (3/2, 1/2). The element Nd+3 corresponds to spin-3/2 while the spin-1/2 corresponds to the Ni+3 one.
Comparitive Structural Analysis of High Rise Build-ings with different Geometrical Plan using Floor Diaphragm[Full-Text ] Abhishek Soni, Aruna Rawat, Suresh Singh KushwahIn this study, comparative structural analyses of three-dimensional (3-D) G+20 high-rise buildings with and without rigid floor diaphragm have been considered. The three different building plans hexagonal, pentagonal and square are considered. The buildings are also considered with different elevation floors that are 5 floors, 10 floors, 15 floors and 20 floors. The building are analyzed for four different Indian seismic zones (zone II, III, IV and V) as per IS 1893-2002. Total 96 buildings are analyzed with 27 load combinations. The buildings are critically analyzed to quantify the effects of various parameters for maximum axial forces, bending moment and shear force in beams, seismic forces, wind forces and floor displacements. The results show that using rigid diaphragm is more efficient in reducing above parameters in buildings for lateral forces. Rigid diaphragm concept is reasonable for building square in plan rather than pentagonal or hexagonal building plan.
Assessment of the Level of Knowledge about Breast Cancer andRelated Symptoms, Screening and Treatment among Saudi Female[Full-Text ] Dr. Eyad , Mona Almofarej, Maram AlQahtani, Salma Jabarty, Raghad Almusfir , Haifa AldabjanObjectives:Breast cancer is the most common cancer for a female in Saudi according tocountry present at an early age and late stage.AS the only way to prevent thediagnosed or had family history of breast cancer with those who had notexamination with the demographic variable .also we compared between theknowledge of the breast cancer treatment and its side effect for the womenlived in Riyadh we analyzed the knowledge about breast cancer and breast self-National Campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness the majority of patients in ourprogression of breast cancer is the early detection of breast cancer we conductedstudy to assess the knowledge about breast cancer and breast self-examination
Emotional Valences During Critical Incidents in Sport[Full-Text ] Said Lotfi , Anas El-Jaziz, Mohamed Talbi The aim was to diagnose the emotional states in sport environment. From this study, we have extracted the kinds and the factors of pleasure-displeasure generated by critical events during sport activity. The survey was conducted on 100 subjects (74% male and 26% female) aged 18 to 26 years. The Critical Incident Technique (Flanagan, 1954) is used to identify and analyze critical incidents from a behavioral-cognitive retrospective, for describe the emotional states of pleasure (positive valence) and displeasure (negative valence) during the sport practices. The results show that five pleasure states and ten negative emotional states (physical discomfort, disappointment and failure, anger, sadness and unhappiness, anxiety and stress, fear, contempt and underestimation, demotivation, guilt, hatred). Level of intensity of sensations varies significantly (p<.000) according to the emotional states of which 81.7%. And there is no significant effect of sex and age on the intensity valence pleasure – displeasure and occur several times (46.7%), and vary significantly (p <.038) according to the nature of the sports: 55.8% of emotional cases are produced in team sports (30.23 %). And we observed a significant effect of nature exercise on producing emotional states pleasure (joy, self esteem, superiority achievement / motivation). The competition exercises as the most attractive source for feelings of pleasure with a percentage of 73.7%. So, for the discomfort states the subjects consider the rivalry exercises are the most promising the negative feelings. The female athletes react significantly (p <.28) more than males and are sensitive to the presence effect of the other (p<.002). The emotions in the practice of sport, are inescapable, with multi-faceted, and should thus be managed knowingly.
Influence of both Calcining and Sintering Temperature on the Structural Characteristics of Cobalt Ferrite Material[Full-Text ] Sabah H. Sabeeh, Zahraa S.AhmedIn this work the Nano-magnetic materials (cobalt ferrite) with forumla (CoFe2O4) as nono-powder was prepared from (Ferric Nitrite, Cobalt Nitrite and Citric Acid)
Vacuum in space or undetected matter?[Full-Text ] Weitter DuckssWhen comparing the formations of nebulae in the Universe and clouds on Pluto, on the moon of Titan, or on Earth, one can identify the commonality of the phenomenon, which does not depend on the laws of vacuum. The formation occurs under the same principles when talking about the formation of matter structure, due to the attraction and other forces that are present inside the milieu, known as matter. The fact that matter measuring in the space outside the atmosphere is impossible does not mean we have to shut our eyes before the evidence of its existence.
Financing Public Transit in the US, Sweden, and the UK[Full-Text ] Azad AbdulhafedhPublic transit systems have become a part of daily life in the US and around the world. Public transportation provides people with mobility and access to employment, community resources, medical care, and recreational opportunities. It benefits those who choose to ride, as well as those who have no other choice. The incorporation of public transportation options and considerations into broader economic and land use planning can also help a community expand business opportunities, reduce sprawl, and create a sense of community through transit-oriented development. By creating a locus for public activities, such development contributes to the development of the community and can enhance neighborhood safety and security. For these reasons, areas with good public transit systems are economically thriving communities and offer location advantages to businesses and individuals choosing to work or live in them. Public transportation also helps to reduce road congestion and travel times, air pollution, and energy and oil consumption.To better explore the transit funding and subsidies, and its workflow, this paper addresses the financing of public transit in three developed countries, namely the US, the UK, and Sweden.
Practice Trends of Therapeutic Ultrasound Used In Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy in Karachi[Full-Text ] Shazia Abdul Hamid Khalfe, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Riaz Baig Chugtai, Muhammad Atif Khan, and Vinod KumarThe purpose of this study is to check the practicing trends of therapeutic ultrasound used in Musculoskeletal Physical therapy in Karachi.It was a cross sectional study. The setting of study was physical therapy departments and clinics of Karachi. The duration of this study was 6 months from January 2013 to June 2013. A questionnaire based on study conducted in Brazil by Brito Vieira in 2011 was used to collect data. A face to face interview was conducted with the participants to get the questionnaires filled. The questions in the questionnaire, were regarding the practicing trends of the therapeutic ultrasound. The data collected was analyzed using SSPS version 14 and Descriptive statistics of different variables were calculated. Our data revealed that most of the physical therapists of Karachi’s hospitals and clinics use the therapeutic ultrasound. Mostly continuous mode and 1MHz was used. Ultrasound is the widely used modality and is being used for treating different disorders related to different body parts.
Investigate the Adsorption Mechanism of Aluminum Ions (Al+3) From Different Solutions Using Modified Chitosan[Full-Text ] Magdy A. Wassel, Anwar. A. Wassel, Mahmoud Fathy and R. HosnyOne of the significant developments in the new range of applications is the study of the ability of chitosan, as a potentially major environmental treatment material, to remove metal ions from wastewaters. Chitosan is the deacetylated form of chitin, and this process produces a chain of amino groups along the chitosan structure. The adsorption of Al (III) ions from unique solutions (Aqueous, Acidic, and Basic) onto modified chitosan granular adsorbent was studied. SEM and FTIR techniques were used to characterize the composition of adsorbent chitosan. The impact of number parameters has been investigated by means of the following batch adsorption technique. The quite a number variables studied include the initial attention of the adsorbate, agitation time, adsorbent dosage, chemical, as well as the solution methodologies to explain and model the rate of adsorption of the metal ions from solution, in addition to the influence of temperature values were studied. The experimental statistics used to be fit properly to the Freundlich isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters such as ΔH, ΔS and ΔG were calculated, indicating that the adsorption was spontaneous and endothermic nature.
Healthcare Mobile Application for Embedded Telemedicine System Design and Implementation[Full-Text ] Hafez Fouad, Hesham FaroukEmbedded systems have extensive applications in consumer, commercial, automotive, industrial and healthcare markets. Generally, an embedded device's operating system will only run a single application which helps the device to do its job. The system, which is completely enclosed by the object, may or may not be able to connect to the Internet. The heart of electronics system and also coordinator in communication is embedded system managing biometric data from numerous stationary and on body.
The Cytoprotective Effect of Crocin on Oxaliplatin Treated Colorectal Adenocarcinoma cell line in Vitro Study[Full-Text ] Assist prof. Dr. Sameer H. Abboud, L. Dr. Hamid N. Obied, and Hassanien F. HassanColorectal tumor is the third most regular malignancy and the third driving reason for growth demise in men and woman in the United States. In 2014, an expected 71,830 men and 65,000 women will be determined to have colorectal tumor and 26,270 men and 24,040 women were died from this disease. More prominent than 33% of all passing's (29% in men and 43% in woman). There is considerable variety in tumor area by age. For instance, 26% of colorectal growths in ladies matured more youthful than 50 years happen in the proximal colon, contrasted and 56% of cases in ladies matured 80 years and more seasoned.
Synthesis of new cation exchanger resins from chemically modified peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) testa extract[Full-Text ] Chukwu, Uche John, Uchechukwu, Theresa Orieji and Akaranta, OnyewuchiNew resins based on crosslinking of peanut testa catechin units with phosphorus oxychloride have been synthesized from abundantly available but menace-causing peanut testa waste. The synthesized resins were converted to strong and weak cation exchangers by functionalizing with chlorosulphonic and monochloroacetic acid respectively. FTIR spectra of chemically modified peanut testa catechin resins showed a disappearance/reduction in the intensity of –OH band at 3400 cm-1 and the formation of new ones at 1325, 1345, 855, 1240 and 990 cm-1 showing the stretching vibrations of O=S=O, --SO3, R-- O--S--, -P=O and -P-O-R bands respectively. New bands around 1743 and 1190 cm-1 reveal the presence of –C==O and –C—O- groups respectively on carboxymethylated phosphorus oxychloride crosslinked peanut testa extract. Specific gravities of the cation exchange resins lie between 1.08 and 1.79 g/cm3. The resins were stable above 300°C, insoluble in common organic solvents: methanol and ethanol, water and solutions of pH< 9 but were soluble in alkaline solutions of pH ≥10. The point of zero charge (pHpzc) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) values ranged between 2.2- 4.2 and 0.62- 5.9 respectively.
Broadcasting using LiFi[Full-Text ] Akshay Anil Pathak, Rahul Kosamkar, Saritha LR, Marimuthu Padayachi RaviA person gets frustrated when he faces slow speed as many devices are connected to the same network. As the number of people accessing wireless internet in-creases, it’s going to result in clogged airwaves. Li-Fi is transmission of data through illumination by taking the fiber out of fiber optics by sending data through a LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. As Li-Fi is considered to be the optical version of Wi-Fi, some label it as fast and cheap wireless communication system. When LED is on digital 1 is transmitted and when it is off 0 is transmitted. Data can be encoded in the light by varying the flickering rate to generate strings of 1s and 0s. The output appears to be constant to the human eye as the LED intensity is modulated rapidly. This method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly is technically referred to as Visible Light Communication (VLC). Advancements promise a speed of 10 Gbps. Li-Fi can work even underwater. If this technology can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used some-thing like a Wi-Fi hotspot to transmit wireless data and we will proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer and brighter future. As the growing number of device accessing wireless internet are coming into use airwaves are becoming increasingly clogged making it more and more difficult to get a reliable, high speed signal.
Monte Carlo Simulation of Load Flow Analysis of Power System[Full-Text ] Raheel Muzzammel, Haroon AliMonte Carlo simulation is a computerized practice of mathematics that enables individuals to consider the threat in quantitative study and decision building. This technique is used by specialists in such various areas like finance, project supervision, energy, manufacturing, engineering, research and development, insurance, oil and gas, transport and the environment. In power system, existing systems are always required to be modified in order to meet the growing load densities. Power flow studies are required. Power flow study has great importance in planning during the expansion of power system as well as for determining the best operational conditions. This study involves information related to real power, reactive power, angle and voltage on each bus. Monte Carlo simulation provides a conclusion with a range of possible results and the probability of happening for choice of anything that could happen. This shows the extreme options and the most conventional solutions at the same time with all the possible significances for focus solutions. In this research, probability of the states of the generators are calculated for IEEE – 30 bus system for load transferring and forecasting based on reserve capacity of generators. Simulation environment is created in Matlab. Different characteristics curves are plotted for decision building and understanding relationships between key parameters of power systems.
Design and Simulation of Active and Reactive Power Control of Double-Fed Induction Generator for Wind Energy Conversion[Full-Text ] Fazllul Karim Nadim, Akib Jayed Islam, Sadman Shahriar Alam, Tajwar Abrar Aleef, Khandoker Tanjim AhammadWind energy plays an increasingly important role in the world because it is friendly to the environment. During the last decades, the con-cept of a variable-speed wind turbine has been receiving increasing attention due to the fact that it is more controllable and efficient, and has good power quality. As the demand of controllability of variable speed wind turbines increases, it is therefore important and necessary to investigate the modeling for wind turbine-generator systems that are capable of accurately simulating the behavior of each component in the wind turbine-generator systems. Therefore, this thesis will provide detailed models of a grid-connected wind turbine system equipped with a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). In order to control the power flowing from the rotor of the DFIG and the power network, a control law is synthesized using PI controller. The performance is compared in terms of power reference tracking. The power reference tracking was smooth and overshoot was negligible at the transient points.
Asymmetric Fission from Egg Shape Deformation and Comparison of Coulomb and Surface Energies for Fission Fragment Mass Combinations[Full-Text ] Mahendra KushwahaA symmetric fission from an egg shape deformation is studied for 235U nucleus. For neck formation in the fissioning process, the place of least curvature of deformed nucleus is taken into account. Geometry of an egg shape is expressed in terms of its major and minor axes, and variation of Coulomb and surface energies studied. In the symmetric and asymmetric fission fragment mass combinations, significant variation of about 4 to 10 MeV in Coulomb energy is observed which can affect the fission barrier height. For the asymmetrically deformed nucleus like an egg, the shell effects are discussed. It is found that parity is not a good quantum number for asymmetric shape hence the asymmetric shape like an egg is supposed to evolve at the crossing of opposite parity levels.
Design and Fabrication of a Compact G-shaped Dual Band Antenna for WLAN/Wi-MAX and RFID Applications[Full-Text ] U.S.Modani, Avinash GarhwalIn this paper, a G-shaped dual-band monopole antenna with a shorted strip fed by a coupling microstrip line for wireless communication in the wireless local-area network (WLAN) band has been designed and fabricated. The proposed antenna can provide two separate impedance bandwidths of 510MHz (2.29GHz-2.8GHz) and 1.92GHz (4.73GHz-6.65GHz) respectively. Consistent omnidirectional radiation patterns have been observed in both the frequency bands. The antenna is simple in design and compact in size. It also exhibits appropriate gain characteristics (>2.8dBi) in the RFID and WLAN/Wi-MAX frequency regions.
ENHANCING TRUST IN CLOUD COMPUTING USING MD5 HASHING ALGORITHM AND RSA ENCRYPTION STANDARD[Full-Text ] Mr.KATENDE Nicholas, Dr. CHERUIYOT Wilson, Dr. Ann Muthoni Kibe The clients concern about data security, data integrity, and sharing data with specific band of men and women must be addressed. You can find multiple means of achieving this, example encrypting data on client machine and then storing the information to cloud storage server, computing hash of the information on client machine and storing hash of data in client machine, client trying out the responsibility of sharing the trick key about encryption with specific band of people. The auditing capabilities of most existing systems focus on one-way auditability. In cloud computing, providers and users may need to demonstrate mutual trustworthiness, in a bilateral or multilateral fashion. This is a proactive measure that is aimed at improving the reliability of the information system applications operation, for both providers and their customers. The security audit of cloud service providers is an essential aspect of the security considerations for cloud consumers. Audits should be carried out by appropriately skilled staff, either belonging to the consumer or to an independent auditing organization. Security audits should be carried out on the basis of one of the established standards for security controls. Consumers need to check that the sets of controls in place meet their security requirement
Effect of Adding Nanostructured LaGdSmO2-Based Electrolyte on The Electric Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell[Full-Text ] Mohamed K. Hassan, Aymen El Ameen, Ahmed F. Mohamed, Mohammed Y. AbdellahThe electrolyte has an inventible role in solid oxide fuel cell. This work studies and investigates the effect of adding nano-structured of samaria and lanthania on the electric conductivity of (SOFCs). The chemical stability of La1-x-yGdxSmyO2-(0.5(x+y)-δ) with x, y = 0; 0.1 and 0.2 (LGS) as an electrolyte (SOFCs) was investigated during the electrochemical measurement. At low oxygen, partial pressure (0.003 atm), the LaSmO2, La0.6Gd0.2Sm0.2O2, and La0.8Gd0.1Sm0.1O2 (LS, LG, LGS) electrolyte partly decomposed due to the development of high over potential, and thus the induced reduction atmosphere near the cathode. The morphology of LGS grain near the cathode changed due to the formation of new phases. The main decomposition phases were LaO2, and LaGdSmO2. The polarization conductance increased due to microstructural change in LGS and thus the increase in the specific area of the LGS electrode. It is concluded that intermediate operating temperature, high power density and low cost SOFCs can be fabricated.
Comparative Assessment of the Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Efficacy of Cow Urine Extracts of Selected Plants and Microalgae against Microbes[Full-Text ] Aggarwal Amonika,Saxena Dr.GarimaObjective: Comparative screening of the phytochemical and antimicrobial efficacy of cow urine extracts from selected algae and medicinal plants against fungi and bacteria.
Shot Peening as a Process for Improving Fatigue life, Strength and Enhancing the Resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking[Full-Text ] Hashem S. Alkhaldi, Adnan I. O. Zaid, Shahnaz M. AlkhaldiShot peening is a surface treatment process in which an elastic-plastic sheet material is subjected to multiple impact by small size hard particles made of glass or hard steel in a defined and controlled manner resulting in a compressive stress which extends certain distance below the surface. This results in improvement of its fatigue life and strength. Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) may be defined as a degradation of the mechanical properties of a material under the combined action of tensile stress and corrosive environment of the susceptible material. It is a harmful phenomenon which might cause catastrophic fracture without a sign of prior warning. In this paper, the shot peening process, SCC, the parameters affecting it, the mechanism of the improvement of fatigue life and enhancement of stress corrosion cracking SCC and its limitation are given and discussed. Furthermore, the different harmful effects and damages caused by SCC are also given and discussed. Finally a novel method for increasing the resistance to SCC by grain refining the structure of the material of the component which is susceptible to SCC by using some rare earth refiner elements is presented and discussed.
Bioindicator Mercury of Aquatic Ecosystems in Iraqi Marshland by Using GIS[Full-Text ] B.Sc. Estabraq Mohammed Ati, Dr. Reyam Naji AjmiThis study was conducted to indicate Mercury of the Iraqi marshes by a software program using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to implement the comparing these elements with the environmental and biological factors with World Health Organization elements (WHO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), this study included access to geographical data in six main stations of the Missan governorate (Al- Auda Marsh, Al- Battat Marsh ) during October 2016 period.