Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016.
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Design Aspects of a Motorised Travelling Tripper[Full-Text ] Saurabh Rane, Subhashis DeyIndustries and factories utilise conveyor systems for transport of goods, bulk materials and manufactured parts from place to place in order to save money, time and man power. Time and power are the governing factors for any industry or business firm to excel in the present market. Conveyors are efficient and prevent loss of excess material for transport over enormous distances. Travelling Trippers usually operate at the discharge ends of the conveying systems. Optimisation of these trippers will help arrest the power consumption and will result in better outputs for the efficient working of the system.
New families of Super Mean Graphs[Full-Text ] SELVAM AVADAYAPPAN and R. SINTHULet G be a (p, q) graph and let be an injection. For each edge e = uv, let if f(u)+f(v) is even and if f(u)+f(v) is odd. Then f is called a super mean labeling if . A graph that admits a super mean labeling is called a super mean graph.
Microstrip Interdigital Bandpass Filters: Design analysis[Full-Text ] Atul Makrariya, P.K. KhareConventionalmicrostriplowpass and bandpass filters such as stepped-impedance filters, open-stub filters, semi-lumped element filters, end- and parallel-coupled half-wavelength resonator filters, hairpin-line filters, interdigital and combline filters, pseudocombline filters, and stub-line filters are widely used in many RF/microwave applications. Modern RF and microwave communication systems, specifically mobile and satellite communications required high performance, wide band filters with linear phase. Most communication systems require an RF front end, where RF/microwave filters and low noise amplifiers perform analog signal processing. Microwave filters are commonly used in receivers and transmitters operating in 800 MHz to 30 GHz frequency range. A lot of research work has been done in design and analysis of RF/microwave filters such as, design of low pass, high pass and band-pass, and band-stop filters using lumped elements or microstrip techniques [1-3], application of DGS, EBG, in microwave filters [4-8], etc. Microwave band-pass filters are essential components in the development of wireless communication systems. The advanced performance of modern communication systems has imposed stringent requirements on filters including compact size, minimal insertion loss, low cost, and high selectivity.
IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF FACULTIES IN SELF FUNDED INSTITUTIONS IN TAMIL NADU[Full-Text ] B.S.Mahesh, S.PaneerselvamEmotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to separate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and conduct. In that respect are three models of EI.The Ability model, which concentrates on the individual's ability to process emotional data and utilize it to navigate the social surroundings.The Trait model which encompasses behavioural dispositions and self -perceived abilities and is measured through self-report. The final model, the mixed model is a combining of both ability and trait EI. It defines EI as an array of achievements and features that drive leadership performance. Surveys have indicated that people with high EI have greater mental health, exemplary job performance, and more potent leadership skills. Markers of EI and methods of developing it have become more widely coveted in the past few decades. In addition, subject fields have begun to offer grounds to help characterize the neural mechanisms of emotional intelligence.
Microbial Reduction of Chromium (VI) in Tannery Waste Contaminated Soil through Optimum Concentrations of Biomass, Molasses and Mineral Medium using Miniature Reactor[Full-Text ] A. Senthil kumar, K. Nagarajan and M. MoorthiSoil pollution by metals is essentially different from air or water pollution because the persistence of heavy metals in soil is reportedly much longer than in other compartments of the biosphere. Removal of heavy metals from polluted soil is difficult. Once deposited on the soil certain metals such as chromium may be virtually permanent. Tannery wastewater is mainly characterized by high pH, high salinity, high oxygen demand, high organic loading and specific pollutants such as chromium which pollute the soil by the continuous irrigation onto the soil. High levels of heavy metals can damage soil fertility and may affect productivity. The conventional treatment methods for removal of metals caused secondary pollution and adverse effects on biological activities, soil structures and fertility. In recent years there has been an increased interest in alternative and innovative technologies which will be of low cost, low maintenance and energy efficient. The search for new and cost effective and eco-friendly innovative technology has focused the attention on biotransformation of contaminated soil by microbes. The present investigation focused the effect of pH, Electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and hexavalent chromium of tannery contaminated soil using different concentrations of biomass (10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%), molasses (10ml, 15ml, 20ml, 25ml and 30ml) and mineral medium (10ml, 15ml, 20ml, 30ml and 40ml) on 10th and 20th day. The results inferred that the significant reductions were observed the pH, Electrical Conductivity and Total Organic carbon in all the concentrations of biomass, molasses and mineral medium except control. Among all the various concentrations of reactors, the maximum reductions of all the parameters were observed in 15% concentration of biomass, 25ml concentration of molasses and 40ml concentration of mineral medium.
A Study on the Security Issues , Algorithms and Schemes towards a more secure Cloud Storage[Full-Text ] Shanthi D.L, Sahana .P, Abishek .P, Shilpa A.S, Juhi KumariCloud computing provides access to system resources and information using remote servers connected via the internet. Cloud provides shared resources like networks, processing power and data storage space. Due to recent advancements in digitalization and computing power, huge volumes of data are generated by enterprises. Thus cloud provides a cheaper and efficient solution to tackle this problem. Since security in cloud is provided by a third party vendor it becomes important to confront with issues like trust, confidentiality and integrity. Various schemes and algorithms have been established to ensure secure cloud storage and sharing. A study of the issues regarding cloud storage is made .Traditional security algorithms are classified as symmetric and asymmetric are studied and compared .Various schemes proposed that pave the way towards a more secure cloud storage and sharing are studied and analyzed .This paves the way to study the evolution of security algorithms for cloud security from its roots via conventional schemes to its modern day interpretations .A conclusion is then drawn from the study.
International Business and Global Logistics[Full-Text ] Waleed BamousaThe pyramid strategy is quite effective in business, particularly in its marketing branch. Taking into account, every multinational enterprise thoroughly focuses on marketing plans and strategies, the pyramid one can be one of the approaches to use. As it sets the groundwork for the future methodology, this strategy helps to focus on the customer’s needs and market trends. There are several methods used in pyramid strategy and they ensure the successful outcome and the revenue maximization in the end. Subsequently, the multinational enterprises would be able to achieve their goals and priorities. The pyramid strategy is essential to move from traditional way of business activity and stay in touch with the progress and modern trends within the consumers as well as to expand into the new markets.
Investigation of Self-Frequency variation of Higher order Soliton in Optical fiber[Full-Text ] RajeevSharma, Harish Nagar, G.P SinghIn this paper, we present Intrapulse Stimulated Raman Scattering in optical fibers. To attain this purpose we used, , the Split-Step Fourier Method in our simulations. This technique is widely used to simulate soliton-like numerical solutions of the nonlinear Schrödingerequation (NLSE). thus, this is a principal method with a very high speed in calculations. During their transmission in optical fiber, soliton pulses are affected by the Raman scattering. Raman scattering is a process that has a substantial role in the higher order nonlinear effects. The Intrapulse Stimulated Raman Scattering (ISRS) is a phenomenon that appears for pulses with a wide spectrum. For these pulses the energy is transported from the high frequency components of the same pulse to the low-frequency components. The consequence of this process is that the pulse spectrum shifts in the direction of the red side of the frequencies. The shift toward the red side of the spectra is called self-frequency shift and its physical foundation is related to the delayed nature of the Raman response.
Minimization of Defect in Aluminium Alloy Wheel Casting Using 7 QC Tools[Full-Text ] Prashant k. Sharma, Ankit Jain, Pankaj BishtWith the increasing use of aluminum wheels in automotive industry, the aluminum foundry industry had to focus on the quality and reliability of the products. To produce good quality aluminum cast wheels, defects must be minimized.
Evaluating Kernel Effect on Performance of SVM Classification using Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Anand N.Khobragade, Mukesh M. Raghuwanshi, Latesh Malik Support Vector Machine (SVM), a statistical learning algorithm has proved its excellencies in almost every domain towards of Image classification on various data formats.
The differences among the traditional, interactionist, and managed views of conflict[Full-Text ] Abdulla AlfawzanConflict is an inescapable part of organizations. From top-level administration to little casual gatherings of people, authoritative conflict is available all over. As indicated by the traditional perspective, any conflict in an association is outright and awful, negative and destructive. The human relations and or managed view on organizational conflict fundamentally show us to acknowledge strife. It recognizes struggle as an imperative part of any organization, which just can't be wiped out. In the interactionist view, an association or group with no conflict will probably get to be static, non-responsive, firm and un-adaptable.
Quality Index to Determine the Optimum Utility of Some Egyptian Stones as Ornamental Stones[Full-Text ] A.M.Shohda, W.M. Draz, F.A.Ali, M. A. YassienA number of geotechnical analyses were carried out on selected samples from seven locations in Egypt. This was to assess the suitability of these rocks for ornamental uses. The analyses included uniaxial compressive strength, porosity, water absorption, hardness (SiO2 content), resistance to abrasion and durability. Evaluation of these stones on the basis of a quality index (QI) scheme show that granite is an ideal ornamental stone used outdoor and indoor where marble is suitable mainly for enclosed spaces and serpentine permits both interior and exterior application.
Accurate fuel level measurement system with tilt compensation using tilt sensor[Full-Text ] Partha Biswas, Arumugham SivakumarFuel level indication is very critical in automobiles, as it helps the user estimate the distance that can be covered with the available fuel. Inaccurate fuel level indications can lead to wrong estimations and cause inconvenience to the user. Conventional fuel level sensors, particularly in two-wheeled vehicles, are primarily variable resistance based; in these sensors, resistance changes with the amount of fuel in the tank. There are various other kinds of fuel level sensors, such as magnetic float and reed switch based or hall-effect based sensors. In these sensors, there is the possibility of error in the fuel level measured because the sensors only measure the height of the fuel level from a reference plane. For a given quantity of fuel, the fuel level height varies when the fuel tank is tilted. Conventional fuel level sensors account for neither the fuel tank tilt nor the vehicle tilt angle. This consequently produces wrong fuel indications when the vehicle is tilted. This paper describes how a single chip MEMS based tilt sensor can be used to determine accurate fuel levels by compensating for the error caused by the tilt of fuel tank or vehicle. Furthermore, data obtained from the same sensor can be used to monitor various other parameters, such as the vibration, yaw, and roll-over of the vehicle. This reduces the number of sensors used in a vehicle
PARAMETERS AFFECTING PERIOD OF VIBRATION OF SYMMETRICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS IN SEISMIC ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] PRAKASH SANGAMNERKAR, Dr. S. K. DUBEYIndian seismic codes provide empirical expressions to evaluate fundamental period of vibration of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings to derive design base shear. Empirical equation prescribed in the seismic design code is a function of height of the building alone and do not consider the effects of other structural parameters of the building. Fundamental period predicted by these expressions are widely used in the practice. It is therefore very important to use realistic values of time period in seismic design of the structures. This paper deals with the characterization of parameters which affects fundamental period of vibration of symmetrical RC buildings and derive improved period equation which incorporates the parameters like number of bays in either direction, base width / plan area of the building and stiffness of the structure, in addition to the height of the structure. Period equations were developed by performing nonlinear regression analysis on the results obtained by dynamic analysis of 180 various structural configurations.
METABOLISM OF APOLIPOPROTEIN C- II (ApoC-II) IN UREMIC PATIENTS TREATED WITH CHRONICAL HEMODIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Dr. DritonSelmani, Prof. Dr. Sci. Med. LutfiZylbeari, Mr Chemistry Hamdije Memedi, Mr. Dr, Gazmend Zylbeari, Zamira BexhetiThe high incidence of arteriosclerotic disease in patients with chronic renal failure seems to be due to certain peculiarities in their lipid metabolism. These are principally a disorder in the transportation of lipoproteins and a concomitant defect in triglyceride metabolism causing an accumulation of triglyceride-rich-lipoproteins which predispose to early atherosclerosis (1).We studied the disturbances in concentration of apolipoproteins, notably Apo C-II which modulate the activity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) without replacement therapy and in hemodialysis patients with and without hyperlipidemia. LPL hydrolyses triglycerides in the lipoprotein-triglyceride (LPRTG) core. The main lipid parameters were measured in patients with ESRD in comparison with healthy controls.
Adoption of Internet of Things (IoT): A way of Increasing Consumer Bargaining Power[Full-Text ] Faisal KhojaBuyer’s bargaining power outlines novel set of expectations for the IoT customer experience and calls for continuous industrial innovation across organizational processes, products, and services. This paper explores how the buyer’s bargaining power can be increased by the adoption of IoT.
An Empirical Study on Modern Agriculture, Rural Development in China and Future Prospects[Full-Text ] Abdul Rehman, Luan Jingdong, Imran HussainThe main objective of this paper is to determine and shows the modern agriculture and rural development in China and future prospects. In 1978 China introduced economic reforms and has become the manufacturing hub of the world, where its secondary sector including comprising industry and construction represented the major share of gross domestic product GDP. But in recent years, modernization of China pushed the tertiary sector and, in 2013, it became the largest category of gross domestic product (GDP) with a share of 46.2%, while the secondary sector still accounted for a generous 45.0% of the country’s total output. The grain output of China reached 571.2 million tons in 2011, 140.5 million tons more than the output in 2003. Major agricultural products, technologies and equipment have also increased.
Debt Financing In Business[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahA business or company needs to have a balance between equity and debt financing. The risks and advantages of using each of these methods of financing are analyzed in several ways and in this paper; we will analyze the use of debt finance. This is a case whereby the company or business borrows money to use in the business operations and later pays the money at a certain rate of interest. The financial distress is usually a challenge to many businesses and the threat is enough to bring down an existing business. A well-informed use of debt finance helps to mitigate the impacts of financial distress and helps many businesses to achieve their targets. The management makes the right corporate decisions after their analysis to determine how well to balance the debt and equity level, depending on the costs and benefits.
Impacts of Using Advanced Technology in Business[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahThe increasing challenges in the world including security are posing new requirements to the business managers to have better and secure ways to do business. One of the ways that the businesses can improve their operations is by embracing the many technology devices that improve their efficiency and effectiveness. The more advanced the level of technology used by a given business, the higher the chances of being more competitive. The traditional methods of doing business involve a lot of paper work, travelling and other tiresome and expensive methods as compared to the new era methods. This paper aims at analyzing the impacts of the technology, the good aspects some of the few challenges associated with it. The paper also gives several research insights that show the technological developments and effects in business.
RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES[Full-Text ] Yasser AlaqeelRecruitment is one of the fundamental elements or responsibility of Human resource department in any company they define job specifications and requirements. It is the duty of the HR to make sure they hire right candidate for the right jobs with best possible resources ensuring companies future in a better way now and for future. Bad recruitment affects companies overall performance, hiring good candidates leads companies towards reaching beyond the desired profits cost efficiency is increased with best employees company’s performance is in the hands of its employees how they choose to work.
Human Resources in U.S. Healthcare[Full-Text ] Badr AlsaadiWhether clinical or non-clinical, staff involved in the delivery of healthcare are part of the sector’s workforce and human resource. When a healthcare system is funded by the private sector, the workforce dynamics are often affected by the financial flow of these private entities. As such, any cuts in funding would mean limiting the ability to hire and sustain a skilled healthcare workforce. Nations have their own healthcare system and their workforce conforms to the needs and demands of that system. As in the U.S., its healthcare workforce is dictated by the uniqueness of the system. As such, some problems have risen and as perceived by the author, they are as follows: 1) recruitment and retention of professionals, 2) compliance with new standards, 3) incomplete data on migration of healthcare workforce in the U.S., 4) inadequate production levels to ensure workforce supply for future needs, and 5) the privatized nature of the U.S. healthcare system. Globalization has affected the workforce dynamics of the U.S. healthcare. It now sources employees from a global pool. This has opened the doors for people from all nations to jump at employment opportunities in the U.S. However, part of what these prospective employees look for is the wide room for growth often embodied, not just by promotion and incentives, but also by continuous learning and trainings. Because of this, many healthcare agencies have upped their programs on training, equipping people, and improving their current workforce and this has made them more attractive to the global pool of prospective employees. The downside is that, after having trained these employees, healthcare organizations are left on constant lookout for new employees as those they have trained usually move out for better opportunities, elsewhere. The same scenario prevails in the U.S. healthcare sector.
Secure Sharing of Data for Dynamic Group in Cloud Storage Application[Full-Text ] S.Sathya, Dr. B.Vanathi, K.ShanmugamData sharing is increasingly important for many users and sometimes an essential requirement, especially for industries and society’s used to gain proceeds. Sharing group resource among cloud users is a major problem, still the data privacy leak. The existing system Group Key Management method used for sharing Key Generation and distribution in the group member or users. Sometimes change to user one group to another group, the group key to enable authenticated users to access the files securely and efficiently is still a challenging problem. This problem to avoid that sharing data in group using the Time Based Group Key Management (TGKM) techniques for cryptographic cloud storage application , which Conditional Identity Based Broadcast Proxy Re-Encryption (CIBPRE) used to transforming the data’s(files) major process in cloud server. To Key Generation method for user a time based dynamic group Key which capably to make stronger in cloud security. Generally, security and performance evaluated that the proposed scheme is highly efficient and satisfies the security requirements for cloud based application.
Information Security (InfoSec)[Full-Text ] Waleed AleidInformation security (or InfoSec) is a collection of business practices that defends information assets from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, perusal, inspection recording or even destruction. It simply protects the information regardless of how the information is gathered and formatted or whether it is being processes, in transit or being restored. Moreover, it is not a simple technology but a strategy that composed of processes, tools and policies which are all necessary in preventing, detecting, documenting and countering threats digital and non-digital information. The InfoSec management has a wide array of security processes and policies, which include everything from mantraps to encryption key management and malware detection. It is important in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of different IT systems and businesses. Lastly, most of the companies have specific and dedicated security group to implement and maintain the organization or company’s InfoSec program. This is usually headed by the chief information security officer (CISO).
A Biological approach for energy management in smart grid and hybrid energy storage systems[Full-Text ] Paul Nicolae Borza, Indrajeet Prasad, Sofia Sanchez Mateo, Manuella KadarThis paper is a proposal and inspiration for the new era of technological advancement from the biological system of this world. The paper reviews the biological control systems which assures the stability and dynamic evolutions. In this paper the homeostasis and allostasis phenomena are presented with their considerate paradigms. The next chapter includes the overview of power network and energy systems. The structure of smart gird and its characteristics are also included in this chapter to compare with biological structure and control designs. In the next chapter, Example are presented related the configuration, sizing, design and control of the hybrid storage systems. And the similarities between biological system and energy storage systems is also presented in this paper.
DISTURBANCE OF APOLIPOPROTEIN IN UREMIC PATIENTS TREATED WITH DIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari MD.PhD, Mr. Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr. Dr. Zamira BexhetiAbnormalities in lipid metabolism occur in patients with all stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) (1-7). The most common dyslipidemia in CKD and dialysis is hypertriglyceridemia, whereas the total cholesterol concentration can be high, normal, or low, perhaps due in part to malnutrition (8). In contrast, the nephrotic syndrome is typically associated with hyper-cholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia.The pathogenesis of most lipid abnormalities in pati-ents with CKD primarily involves defective removal from the circulation. The diminished clearance of triglycerides, which can lead to hypertriglyceridemia, stems both from an alteration in the composition of circulating triglycerides (which become enriched with apolipoprotein C-III) and, perhaps later, from reductions in the activity of lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglyceride lipase, which are involved in triglyceride removal (9). Why lipoprotein lipase activity is reduced in CKD is not well understood, but has been thought to reflect increased inhibitor activity.