Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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Effects of an endoscope and rotation on peristaltic flow in a tube with long wavelength[Full-Text ] G. A. Yahya and M. F. SanaaThe objective of this project is to study examines the problem of peristaltic flow in a tube with an endoscope subjected to rotation. The effect of an endoscope and rotation of the peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid through the cylindrical cavity between concentric tubes is investigated. The analytical expressions for the pressure gradient, velocity, pressure rise, friction force on the inner and outer tubes and shear stress are obtained in the physical domain. Effect of the non-dimensional wave amplitude, the rotation, the ratio of relaxation to retardation time, the radius ratio and the non-dimensional volume flow is analyzed theoretically and computed numerically. Comparison is made with the results obtained in the presence of rotation and an endoscope.
Enhancement of chromium plating by Nano ceramic particles[Full-Text ] MSc. Eng. Talib Abdulameer JasimCr- Al2O3 Nano composite coatings with various contents of Al2O3 nanoparticles were prepared by electrodeposition inoptimized Cr plating bath containing different concentrations of Al2O3 nanoparticles. Direct current electrocodeposition technique wasused to deposit chromium layers with and without Al2O3 nanoparticles on mild carbon steel. The effects of current density, stirring rateand concentration of nanoparticles in the plating bath were investigated. Energy dispersive analysis technique was used to verify the presence of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the coated layers. Thecorrosion behaviors of coatings were investigated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopymethods in 0.05 mol/L HCl, 1 mol/L NaOH and 3.5% NaCl (mass fraction), respectively. Microhardness measurements and pin-on-disctribometer technique were used to investigate the wear behavior of the coatings.
Optimal Design of High-Speed Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Using Bees Algorithm[Full-Text ] Amin GhaghishpourPermanent magnet synchronous machines become more and more popular due to their reliable construction and very good performance in mechatronics systems. Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are one of the most proper and efficient motors in electricity industries, which are good candidates for applications such as naval and space systems, electric vehicles and, etc. This paper presents a multiphysic modeling of an interior permanent-magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) dedicated to high speed, including magnetic, electric, thermal, and mechanical aspects. The proposed analytical models are verified using finite-element (FE) computations. The bees algorithm is used to optimal design of IPMSM for a high-speed compress or application that develops 30 kW at 20 000 r/min. The simulation results show that the proposed method has high performance.
Acid Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Content of Sawdust to Fermentable Sugars for Ethanol Production[Full-Text ] Adeeyo Opeyemi A, Ayeni Augustine O, Oladimeji Temitayo E, Oresegun Oyinlola MThis study evaluates the yield of glucose from acid hydrolysis of cellulosic content of sawdust, at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, and the effect of yeast concentration on its subsequent fermentation to ethanol. The method used involves acid hydrolysis of sawdust, with varying acid molarities of 18M, 15M, 10M, 5M and 1M. The product, consisting mainly of simple sugars, was subsequently fermented with varied concentrations of yeast of 0.5g/20ml, 1g/20ml, 3g/20ml, 5g/20ml and 7g/20ml in order to obtain ethanol. The result obtained shows that there is a gradual increase in the glucose yield with increasing acid molarity from 1M until a critical optimum point is obtained at a high acid concentration of 15M. Beyond the molarity of 15M up to the 18M limit, there exists a decline in the ethanol yield, from the optimum point. The ethanol yield from the fermentation of the resulting fermentable sugars gave the same pattern as the glucose yield irrespective of the yeast concentration used for fermentation. The evaluation of the concentration of yeast on the fermentation of hydrolsed lignocellulosic contents shows that the optimum ethanol yield is obtained at a yeast concentration of 3g/20ml for all the varying acid concentrations. A combination of acid concentration of 15M and yeast concentration of 3g/20ml therefore gives the optimum conditions, at moderate temperature and pressure, for the acid hydrolysis of sawdust’s lignocellulosic content and the fermentation of the resulting product.
LIVES ARE FLOWING IN ONE INDEPENDENT CHAIN[Full-Text ] SUNIRMAL ROYMainly nineteen cellular entities take place in mainly thirty chemical reactions in a cell. The cell is divided into two when the cellular entities are doubled at a time. In this way growth process takes place in a living body.
HOW TO KNOW AGE OF A POPULATION AND HOW TO VERIFY DARWIN’S THEORY OF EVOLUTION[Full-Text ] Prof. SUNIRMAL ROYWe knew the genetics of X-linked diseases for the population existing in reality in Roy,S. From this we have tried here to know the age of a popuation and to verify Darwin’s theory of evolution mathematically.
THE VIRTUAL GUIDE FOR ASSISTED TOURS USING CONTEXT AWARE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] M.Manisha, B.KavithraThe most important aspect that can make the experience of a tourist good or bad is the availability of relevant information about the place and the location. Right now the only source of information about various monuments and places is through human guides. The guides might not know the language of the traveller. This paper describes the development of a low cost portable device with the headphone connected, so that the tourists can carry with them when they travel. In this project a complete system will be implemented and demonstrated in giving accurate information to the users,in a language of their choice. This project will also provide the tourists with context aware information,that is relevant to the monument and the location the tourist. This described here will use a RFID technology and this can be used in many different locations like government offices and hospitals to give directions and information to users.
Conceptualization and Ergonomic Analysis of a Typical Unicycle[Full-Text ] M.V.Muthukumar, R.Rajesh, Arun Prakash RAn unicycle is a fast growing vehicle for undergoing transportation. Due to several advantages of unicycle when compared to other vehicles, an effort is made in this work to study the existing design of unicycle in the Indian market and provide the comfortable drive to the unicyclers. The existing design lacks on the prospects of stability and safety. The drawbacks identified in the existing design were concentrated as critical aspects in this work. The critical aspects include forward and backward stability, uncomfortable rider posture-handle bar -pedal relations. For maintaining the stability, continuous human attention and control is needed otherwise it may lead to the fatigue problems to the rider who rides the unicycle. The concepts were generated using freehand sketches to resolve the problems in existing design. The concept evaluation has been done using Pugh chart selection matrix. The selected concept is modelled using CAD software and ergonomic analysis is done using CATIA V5 using the Indian anthropometric data.
EFFECT OF PRE-TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION AND EARLY SEEDLING GROWTH OF MAESOBOTRYA BARTERI[Full-Text ] Omokhua G. E., Aigbe H.I and Uko I. J.Maesobotrya barteri is a neglected indigenous fruit tree in the tropics due to poor cultivation and lack of adequate knowledge of its silviculture. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different pre-treatments on germination and early seedling growth of Maesobotrya barteri. The pre germination treatments included soaking seeds in ethanol for 5 minutes(T1), hot water at 100?C for 5 minutes(T2), cold water for 24 hours (T3), hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes (T4) and untreated (control, T5). Three hundred seeds were used for each treatment. Seeds treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) commenced germination after 4 days and achieved 66% germination within 14 days which was significantly different (P < 0.05) from other treatments, especially the untreated seeds which had the lowest germination of 20.4%, and commenced first germination after 21 days and 22 days respectively. The results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in growth and biomass parameters between the treatments. Average survival percentages for all the treatments were 100% (H2O2), 90% (cold water), 80% (hot water and ethanol) and 60% (control). H2O2 was consistently the most effective treatment in terms of the mean value of growth and biomass production with 24.88cm (total seedling length), 2.00mm (collar diameter), 49.27 (seedling vigor index) and 0.58g (total dry weight). Results obtained in this experiment indicate that the pre-germination treatment of Maesobotrya barteri seeds by using H2O2 can enhanced germination of the seeds by breaking dormancy. Thus for the production of Maesobotrya barteri fruit, H2O2 can be used to promote germination of its seeds.
Design and Implementation of Efficient Energy Utilization and Distribution Management with Photovoltaic System[Full-Text ] Krishnapriya S, ShafiqMansoor JDue to increased interest for solar energy harvesting systems in recent years the number of developed system types is large. In order to choose the optimal one for future system development the analysis of common architectures being used for photovoltaic systems has been done. This paper proposes a high efficient maximum utilization and energy management system needs to consider both energy distribution and generation simultaneously to minimize the energy cost by requiring fewer solar panels. The reason of better performance is that distributed PV-systems have dual axis maximum power point tracking, therefore increase the harvest of energy by keeping the photovoltaic power generation process optimal and demand side energy management for a connected household to ensure efficient household energy management. Smart scheduling of electrical appliances has been presented.
The Future of Cloud Computing for Banking Industry[Full-Text ] Meshal AlabdulwahabCloud computing, being a need of today has become more and more popular because of the fact that it deploys groups of remote servers and those networks which allow centralized storage and online access to computers, laptops, and other such devices.
Wireless Power Transmission “A Potential Idea for Future”[Full-Text ] Engr. Muhammad Ahsan Javaid, Dr. Kamran Liaqat Bhatti, Engr. Zeeshan Raza, Engr. Umer Ilyas, Shan ul HaqIn this paper, we have presented the idea of cable-less power transmission. It is also stated that power can also be transmitted by wireless power transmission without using any kind of electrical conductors or wires. We have presented the idea of Microwave Power Transmission (MPT), which discussed that how power can be transmitted as microwaves. In our paper, we also included the introduction, brief history and recent work and developments in the field of wireless power transmission. The merits, demerits and applications of wireless power transmission (WPT) are also included. Many research papers and concepts on wireless power transmission are available but this technology is yet to be materialized for commercial use.
Self -Esteem as Determinant of Investors’Risk Tolerance: Mediating Role of Loss Aversion and Regret[Full-Text ] Muskaan Arora, Santha KumariThe present study investigated how self-esteem affects risk tolerance of the investors in their investment decision making through psychological biases such as loss aversion and regret. A total of 360 males (graduate and above) of the age group 25-40 years from northern part of India participated in the study. Loss aversion was measured by lottery choice task experiment and the level of regret was measured by giving regret inducing situation followed by decision regret scale. The extent of risk tolerance of the individuals was studied by eliciting information regarding their investments using a questionnaire. Conceptual framework was formulated and tested using AMOS 20. The results supported our proposed hypotheses. It was found that low self-esteem individuals showed more loss aversion and regret as compared to the higher self-esteem individuals. In addition to this, low self-esteem individuals prefer less risk as compared to the higher self-esteem individuals. It was also found that loss aversion and regret act as mediating variables between the effect of self-esteem on the risk tolerance of the investors in their investment decisions. These results have several important implications for investors, researchers, financial planners, advisors and others.
Enterprise Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing Environment -The African Case.[Full-Text ] Okwor Anthony NwachukwuEnterprise security and privacy in public cloud computing environment in Africa is a burning issue that presents the concept of cloud computing and risk factors associated with it. With the advancement in Information technology, cloud computing has made access to computing resources a lot easier, but with that convenience has come a whole new universe of threats and vulnerabilities. The security challenges that cloud computing presents, especially for public clouds whose infrastructure and computational resources are owned by an outside party that sells those services to the general public, are formidable. Hence, this article presents the technological impacts and threats associated with cloud computing in Africa. Review method was used in this work. Works of different authors and bodies were collated and analyzed to help x-ray data accessibility, information dissemination, data integrity, privacy, and data security in a public cloud computing environment. Since cloud computing helps to keep businesses growing beyond boundary in Africa, it is recommended that more security measures should be adopted to improve data security.
Soft Generalized Separation Axioms in Soft Generalized Topological Spaces[Full-Text ] Jyothis Thomas and Sunil Jacob JohnIn this paper, the concepts of soft generalized µ-T0, soft generalized µ-T1, soft generalized Hausdorff, soft generalized regular, soft generalized normal and soft generalized completely regular spaces in Soft Generalized Topological Spaces are defined and studied. Further some of its properties and characterizations are established.
Seasonal Variation in Heavy Metal Concentrations in Perna viridis from Batangas City, Philippines[Full-Text ] Bryan John A. MagolingThe concentrations of lead, cadmium, and mercury were analyzed seasonally in muscle tissues of Perna viridis (tahong) sold in the Old and New Public Markets in Batangas City, Philippines. Cadmium concentrations in Perna viridis collected from the Old and New Public Markets during wet season were significantly higher than in dry season. The mean cadmium concentrations in Perna viridis taken from Old and New Public Markets during wet season were significantly lower compared with the maximum allowable level set by the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). Based on a person’s average diet, the heavy metal concentration detected in the study are within the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) but can still impose detrimental health risksif continuous consumption is exercised.
Inheritance study of quantifiable characters in intraspecific hybrids of promising Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) lines under normal field conditions.[Full-Text ] Syed Ahtisham Masood, Zain Naseem, Zarish Khalid Awan, Humera Razzaq and Muhammad Mahran Aslam.Regions of the world with temperate climate are more conducive to wheat production and play chief role in the agricultural planning of any wheat producing nations. Food supply is inadequate to meet the requirement of the expanding population of world. To encounter the demand of contemporary and forthcoming, there is need to develop value-added cultivar with broad genetic base and high yielding potential. Existence of genetic diversity is preconditioned to develop a promising variety with yield stability and disease resistance. The proposed research was conducted in the research area of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics under normal field conditions on Triticum aestivum. Five wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes: i.e. 9459-1, 9492, 9489, 9488 and Punjab-11 were crossed in all possible combinations by following the complete diallel scheme. Twenty five crosses and their parents were sown under Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Data of morphological and physiological traits were recorded like: flag leaf area, plant height, spike length, spike density, number of grains/spike, grain weight/spike and 1000-grain weight. The recorded data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and general and combining abilities were estimates to identify potential parents and crosses. The results withdrawn from the research experiment are dynamic for creation of promising genetic combinations and outperforming genotypes can be utilized for further evaluation or could be incorporated in breeding programs to development high yielding cultivars.
Virus and Worm Control; Tips for Safer Computing[Full-Text ] Dr.M.E.EzemaThe internet today spans the globe and serves billions of users, providing an environment in which a single virus can conceivably cause rapid and widespread damage to systems throughout the world. Today new viruses sweep the planet in minutes and can corrupt data, slow networks down, or harm your reputation This paper work will look at different types of virus, virus detecting programs, common modes of transmission, prevention and control of viruses and worms. An overview of the major types of viruses and worms and how they function will be discussed. As the Internet expands its reach into more and more homes and viruses inevitably spread more rapidly, computer users have an increasing responsibility to be aware of these issues and their impact on the global computer community to avoid future disaster.
Preparation Sustainable Architectre For Energy Self-Sufficiency[Full-Text ] Doha Mohamed, Engy Atef, Ehab Hanafi MahmoudWorking our buildings into the cycle of nature will return architecture to its very roots. In recent projects for offices in the world, the specialists make efforts to explore the idea of energy self-sufficiency. This paper describes how the implementation of sustainability will revolutionize the form of buildings and how architects in order to humanize and beautify their buildings could exploit this approach.
Identity Management in Cloud Computing: Issues, Incidents and Solutions[Full-Text ] Ashanpreet Kaur, Ramandeep SinghCloud computing refers to computing over the internet. Here internet refers to as cluster of clouds. Cloud computing provides its customers with a virtual cloud. The World Wide Web is casted to a single virtual computer by the cloud. Cloud computing is a very vast term. It has grown in the recent past a lot. Due to the immense advantages of cloud came the limitations too. The major hurdle is the security in the cloud. To keep the customer in your grip you need to make them sure that the data stored over the cloud is absolutely in safe hands. But the user is still in shadow of doubt, is my data safe? What if it lands into the wrong hands? How about tempering of data by unauthorized person? What if the culprits find where my data is kept? God knows what all questions will be haunting the customer. Also this paper proposes the use of user identity to manage the data saved on the cloud. This will help to achieve a safe distance from security threats. This paper will help all those in traumas to narrow out different security models and ideas in thus to secure cloud computing.
Electric Vehicles - V2G Technologies[Full-Text ] Meenal Arora, Sandeep SinghElectric vehicle technology has become the integral part of grid operation. The vehicle is not only used as means of zero emission transportation but also as source of power. Over the time this concept has emerged and it is being researched and developed continuously which has led to emergence of reliable and low price electric vehicle. Many companies have launched their Electric vehicles like Reva by Mahindra which run on Vehicle-to-grid power (V2G) technology. V2G can also provide storage for renewable energy generation such as hybrid electric vehicle. In order to effectively tap the V2G technology it is necessary to combine the complementary strengths and to merge the complementary needs of the vehicle user and grid. The charging needed by the vehicle can be done in approximately four-five hours’ time in the parking lot, street side or in a garage. The payment collection system can be either RFID based or the money can be deducted automatically from the credit card when the card will be swiped. The paper focuses on the recent software development in measuring the range of an electric vehicle that can be covered before it needs to get recharged, the requirement of systems and processes which are needed to tap energy in vehicles and better implementation of V2G technology and the efficient development of payment collection system for electric vehicles.
Feature Extraction and Recognition Using Soft Computing Tools[Full-Text ] D. Aradhana, K. Karibasappa, A. Chennakeshava ReddyThe face is the primary focus of attention in social life playing an important role in conveying identity and emotions. A number of faces can be recognized learned throughout lifespan and identify faces at a glance even after years of separation. This skill is quite robust despite of large variations in visual stimulus due to changing condition, aging and distractions such as beard, glasses or changes in hairstyle. Computers that detect and recognize faces could be applied to a wide variety of tasks including criminal identification, security system, image and film processing, identity verification, tagging purposes and human-computer interaction. Unfortunately, developing a computational model of face detection and recognition is quite difficult because faces are complex, multidimensional and meaningful visual stimuli.
Investigation of Flushing Sediments from Large Reservoir Using Numerical Methods[Full-Text ] Dr. A.R Ghumman, Engr. Israr ul HaqSedimentation is a phenomenon in which eroded particles travelling with the water accumulates in the reservoirs due to change in velocities. These accumulations in reservoir reduce storage capacity and affect the service life of the project. Hydropower and Irrigation projects are considered as giants in countries economy therefore loss in storage capacity of large reservoirs due to sedimentation is very sensitive issue, in our country tarbela reservoir is facing the said problem and now have become burning issue. Pakistan government and WAPDA are working of solutions for sediment flushing of tarbela reservoir. In my Research work I have selected the reservoir just underneath tarbela that is being used to regulate the flow in Ghazi Barotha Power channel that is generating about 1400 MW of electricity. The reservoir length is 7 km and depth from 6m to 14m. I have taken seven crossections of the pound and applied the boundary conditions to these sections and performed hydraulic flushing simulations using HEC RAS 10.1 also used GIS and HECGEORAS for modeling of pond. After performing these simulations w.r.t to available water results have compared to original crossections to calculate the flushing efficiency. I have also calibrated my model by plotting original section at the time of construction of reservoir and performed simulation for 7 years from 2005 to 2011 and compared the simulated profiles to observed profiles obtained from Wapda from Hydrologic surveys performed at different years. The results I got without disturbing the barrage structure with available water we can get maximum efficiency of 25.71 %
Hierarchical state diagram and the transition to synthesis of telecommunications protocol automaton[Full-Text ] Osama Ahmad Salim SafariniThis article describes the approach to the organization computing in the telecommunications machine called serialization. It provides for a hierarchical DST partially formalized based automaton telecommunication specifications. Hierarchical DST described limited set of transitions allowable species-specific telecommunication systems. Implicit transitions and states are determined at compile time for DST implementation in the target system. On the basis of this approach we created a language specification of hierarchical DST, designed for quickly and efficiently create implementations of telecommunication automaton in target systems for various purposes.
Malic Acid Butane-1, 4-Diol-Glycerol Co-Polyester as an Enteric Coating Material[Full-Text ] Md. Shahruzzaman, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Moinul Haque, Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Dr. Md. Abu BakrA polymeric material – Malic acid butane-1, 4-diol-glycerol co-polyester (MBGC) was synthesized. The polymer was dissolved in volatile organic solvent (Ethyl acetate) to prepare coating solution. The coating solution is sprayed over the DS tablet in a small coating pan with continuous hot air flow. The coating pan is allowed to rotate until the solvent evaporated and the tablet dried. The percentage of drug release from dichlofenac sodium (DS) core and coated tablets (coated by Malic acid butane-1, 2-diol-glycerol co-polyester) in stimulated gastric fluid (pH = 1.2) and in stimulated intestinal fluid (pH = 7.4) was investigated and satisfactory result was obtained.
Performance Evaluation of AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols through Clustering in MANETS[Full-Text ] Prof. A Rama Rao, M Kalyani, B Sravanthi, K Pradeep Chandra, G N MohanA Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is self configuring network that eliminates the complexity of infrastructure and allows devices to communicate wirelessly. Messages are transferred from one node to another without any involvement of base station. Each device must maintain proper information of routing and packet delivery. As number of nodes increases, the complexity of MANET increases in various ways. This can be possibly achieved through cluster generation. Clustering provides more efficient use of resources in large dynamic networks. Clustering achieve communication scalability for a large number of nodes and high mobility. Through this paper we analyze the behaviour of AODV and DSDV routing protocols through cluster generation in MANETS NS2 provides a substantial support for simulation over wireless network.
Wireless Robotic Hand Using Flex Sensors[Full-Text ] Malav Atul Doshi, Sagar Jignish Parekh, Dr.Mita BhowmickRecent advancements in embedded systems have opened up a vast area of research and development of haptic technology. Surgeries with minimum invasiveness and high precision are becoming vital requisite. Surgical robots such as Da Vinci, Zeus and the Cardio-arm are able to perform various complex surgeries with ease, minimum invasion and high accuracy because of their precise controlled mechanism and technology. But these robots are extremely costly because of their sophisticated software and circuitries. This makes it unaffordable for various doctors and simple surgeries. This project deals with the design and development of a robotic hand with real time control, which is precise and cost-effective. This five fingered robotic arm mimics a small degree of dexterity and could be used for other applications such as prosthesis for leprosy patients. This will allow them to get a higher degree of freedom and will help in their day to day life.
Endoscopic Stent Graft Repair in Potentially Fatal Boerhaeve's Syndrome[Full-Text ] Muhammad Nadeem Iftikhar, Mureed Hussain, Sohail IqbalTo recognise the importance of timely intervention in saving lives from fatal Boerhave’s Syndrome.
Tuberculosis Related Sudden Death - An Unusual Case of Sudden Death[Full-Text ] Muhammad Nadeem Iftikhar, Mureed Hussain, Sohail IqbalTo be aware of an Unusual Cause of Sudden Death on Acute Medical Unit (AMU) - Tuberculosis related sudden death
A Hybrid Method for Blocking Malicious Nodes and Optimal Path Identication In Mobile Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] Diana P Varghese, Vinodh P VijayanIntermediary nodes play a great role in networking for smooth communication because they provide connectivity and work behind the scenes to ensure that data flows across the network. These nodes connect end devices to the network and can connect multiple individual networks to form an internetwork. This paper presents a hybrid mechanism which consist of Elliptical Curve Cryptography and Genetic algorithm. This method helps to improve the correctness and quality of the network. The new method aimed at improving the accuracy of misbehavior detection by identifying optimal path. Intermediary nodes in the network is analysed initially and identified the defected nodes using Elliptical curve cryptography. In the second phase optimal path for packet transmission is identified using genetic algorithm. The experiment is done using Network Simulator 2 (ns2). It indicates that this mechanism provide considerable improvements in the blocking of malicious node and optimal path identification thereby improving the performance of MANET.
Almost Contra aGS-Continuous Functions[Full-Text ] Md.Hanif PAGEThe objective of this paper is to introduce and study a new generalization of contra continuity called almost contra ags-continuous functions using ags-open sets. We discuss the relationships with some other related functions.