Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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Detection and Identification of a Putative Ade-nylosuccinate Synthetase Gene Responsible for Tellurium Tolerance In Streptomyces Annu-latus Isolated From an Egyptian Contaminated Site in Hellwan.[Full-Text ] Mohamed HF, El-meleigy MA, Salem MSTellurium-tolerant actinomycete was isolated from the soil sample collected from an Egyptian contaminated site in Hellwan City near to a cement factory. Isolate identification was done using morphological, physiological and biochemical characterization, chemical analysis of the cell wall, cultural characteristics using the recommended media of the international Streptomyces project (for actinomycetes) and with help of 16S rRNA sequencing.which revealed high identity 98 %, with Streptomyces anulatus strain MG 001 (GenBank accession number GU569951.1). The isolate showed high tellurite tolerance up to 0.6 % (w/v). Tellurite exerts a deleterious effect on a number of small molecules containing sulfur moieties that have a recognized role in cellular oxidative stress. Because cysteine is involved in the biosynthesis of glutathione and other sulfur-containing compounds, and because cysteine desulfurase (IscS), involved in cysteine metabolism, confers tellurite resistance in E. Coli, and other bacterial species, specific PCR was done to isolate this gene from the isolated tellurium resistant streptomyces annulatus. Sequencing analysis of the PCR product which should different size from that expected lead to another putative gene, adenylosuccinate synthetase also responsible for tellirium resistance in Streptomyces species. Further molecular and bioinformatic studies were done here to confirm the sequence of the gene.
Performance Simulation of an Active Solar Water Heating System under the Weather of Zaria Using TRNSYS[Full-Text ] Z.S Johnson, N.S Yohannab K.M PeterSolar radiation and weather data of a location which are important driving function for solar system design vary randomly according to location and time of the year. This random variation implies that the performance of a solar system could vary according to the time of the year. This research predicts the long term performance of an active solar water heating system for domestic hot water application under the weather condition of Zaria Nigeria latitude 11.2 oN and longitude 7.8oN using TRNSYS 16 software. The simulated system consists of a flat plate solar collector, having a total surface area of 2.2 m2 tilted at 120 from horizontal, a thermally insulated vertical storage tank of 100L capacity, interconnecting piping and a solar pump. The monthly average hourly performance of the systems for the recommended average days for the months was numerically simulated based on Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) weather data for the said location. TRNSYS components (TYPES) which represent each physical components of the real system are selected from the components library in the simulation studio. These components are then linked in such a manner that represents how the system works. The parameters describing each component (TYPE) of the system is then modified according the system characteristics. The result of the simulation reveals that the system is capable of meeting a daily domestic hot water load of 100 litres at a minimum temperature 61 oC at the end of the day (5; 00 pm) for most part of the year except the month of July where the tank temperature dropped to temperature below 34 0 C at the end of the day.
Optimizing Performance and Fuel Economy of Power Generation using Model Based Design[Full-Text ] Rakshith Shetty, D. V. Deshpande, K. Vasudeva KaranthThe energy supply to demand is narrowing down day by day around the world, the growing demand of power has made the power plants of scientific interest, but most of the power plants are designed by the energetic performance criteria. With introduction of electricity act 2003, power sector has been opened to private players. Many private players have added huge capacity of power generation. This has resulted in very competitive environment in the power sector. So to run the business, the cost of generation has to be less than cost of selling power. Hence In order to sustain, in this competitive environment it becomes imperative to focus on reduction in the generation cost. And ultimately fuel cost. With this background the project on Fuel cost optimization is taken. Fuel cost is governed by many variables. To optimize fuel cost, optimization of these variables is essential. For this purpose optimization model for each major factor is developed. These models are developed using Microsoft Visual Basic software. All the variables that affect the fuel cost are analysed. Seven different types of coal were taken for analysis and their suitability, costs, efficiency, Heat rate were obtained. A case study was taken keeping blending ratio as constraint and analysis of the seven types of coal was carried out and optimized result was obtained.title.
Near Field Communication Enabled Library[Full-Text ] Mr. Siddharth Jagtap, Mr. Pritam Bhange, Ms. Rutuja Gajwani, Ms. Pallavi Vishwasrao, Prof. Ramkrishna VadaliNear Field Communication enabled library will let user issue as well as return the book in a totally new perspective. This will in turn save the time and unnecessary wastage of paper and most importantly this will digitize the library. The Mifare tag will be deployed by the Library authority by embedding unique identification number (UIN) and user details into the tag. The Mifare tag can be attached to Identity card of user as well as books. Whenever the user will visit library and will chose the book for issuing, ID has to be checked at entrance Reader and same will be sent to server for verification. The server will check user details and if successfully authenticated, user can proceed further. After issuing book(s) and returning, SMS will be sent to user which includes transaction details.
Characterization of indigenous microalgae[Full-Text ] Vivek P. Pankaj & Mamta AwasthiGlobal threats of fuel shortages in the near future and climate change due to green-house gas emissions are posing serious challenges and hence it is imperative to explore means for sustainable ways of prevention the consequences. The huge need for sustainable energy has led to an increased interest in new energy resources, such as production of microalgae, for use as biofuel and its other application. There are various advantages to using microalgae, for example, land use is much less than in terrestrial biofuel production, and several algae species can double their mass in 1 day under optimized conditions. In this study, eleven microalgae sp were isolated from different location of Hamirpur (31.68°N 76.52°E) district of Himachal Pradesh state in India, and characterized by using some techniques i.e. Microscopic images, Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), for differentiate all microalgae sp morphologically and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques was used for potential of microalgae biofuel.
Structure and Stratigraphy of Azad Pattan, Panjar, Karat, Chanas, Dangali, Dadyal and Malikpur areas of Districts Mirpur, Sudhnoti Azad Kashmir and district Rawalpindi, Pakistan.[Full-Text ] Omer Iqbal, Mirza Shahid Baig, Shahab Pervez, and M. Iqbal SiddiqiAs Hazara Kashmir Syntaxes is the part of Himalayan Fold and thrust belt situated in sub- Himalayan and the studied areas i.e Districts Mirpur, Sudhnoti and Rawalpindi lies between its limbs. The Himalayan molasse deposits in Kashmir basin ranging from Early Miocene to Recent. These Himalayn molasse deposits present in the studied area included Chinji, Nagri, Dhok Pathan, Soan Formations (Siwalik Group) of Middle to Late Miocene to Pliocene while Mirpur Formation of Pleistocene and Kamlial and Murree Formations (Rawalpindi Group) of Early Miocene to Middle Miocene age are exposed in the studied area. These deposits originated from higher Himalayas and transported by paleo-river from north and are cover sequence of Indian plate. The studied area is highly deformed into 41 folds and 14 faults. The folds are northwest-southeast trending or southwest-northeast trending, asymmetric, tight to gentle in nature and southwest, northeast or southeast, northwest verging. Jhelum Fault is regional Fault which is Left lateral strike slip with subordinate reverse motion that truncates the structures on its eastern and western sides. The 13 other major splays fault of Jhelum Fault are also encountered during the course of study. These deformations are the consequences of northeast-southwest or northwest-southeast Himalayan compression in studied area. The facing had been marked on the basis of certain primary sedimentary structures like cross-bedding, Load coast and ripups and these sedimentary structures noticed during the course of study.
Security & Authentication of Web Browsers using FCM[Full-Text ] Harish Singh Baghel, Dr. Bharat MishraWeb security is an important field area where security and storage is important during the flow of data from the client to server. Although there are various techniques implemented for the security of web data especially at the client side in web browsers. Here in this paper an efficient technique for the security of web data is implemented using combinatorial method of clustering and classification. The web log data collected at the server side is used for the training and testing of classification of various attacks and anomalies in the packets send through internet. The Fuzzy C-means clustering is first applied on the web log data to divide into a number of clusters of similar groups and then these clustered data are passed to the classification algorithm to generate decision tree to get the final classification of attacks and anomalies.
Modeling of residual chlorine for water distribution network for a pilot village[Full-Text ] R. ShreedharWater is the most essential thing in this world for the survival of living species. The treatment of water is necessary before it is sending to consumer point. The treated water from the treatment plant travels through a water distribution network. Due to some chemical and biological factors of source water, lack of effectiveness and efficiency in treatment processes, improper way of maintenance and mixing of water from different sources within a distribution network and other hydraulic conditions in distribution, people are not getting good quality water. Especially in villages people are facing problems to get good quality drinking water and sometimes they face shortage of drinking water.Hence, the present study is taken to design the water distribution network of a pilot village in northern part of Karnataka state, India for the assessment of drinking water before it is used. For this, one of the standard software i.e., EPANET is used to analyze the water distribution network. Chlorine is injected at the tank with a constant concentration of 1.0 mg/l. Thus chlorine residual concentration values remain quite high (= 0.60 mg/l). For the considered water distribution network, the chlorine residual concentration values computed during the last two days of the simulation remain greater than the minimum admissible range of 0.3 mg/l.
In silico prediction and threading based epitope mapping of OmpA-like outer membrane Leptospiral Lipoprotein Loa22[Full-Text ] Angela Asir Ramasamy Victor, Sunil Abraham, Jebasingh Tennyson, Nityananda PradhanLoa22 is OmpA-like outer membrane protein from Leptospira interrogans characterized in the C-terminus domain which play an important role in the infection and immunological responses of leptospirosis. [1,2]. Phylogenetic tree was constructed for Loa22 by comparing it with Lipoproteins (LipL 71, 45, 41, 31, 32, 21 and 48) and with outer membrane proteins (OmpL 1, 47, 54, 36, 37). The comprising lineages of Loa 22 have largely varying rates of evolution. In the present study the physicochemical properties of Loa22 were assessed. The structure of Loa22 was predicted by threading method in RaptorX server and the structure was energy minimized and validated by using SAVES server. The stereochemical quality and the protein backbone conformations were done by Ramachandran Plot analysis. Four sequential and conformational B cell epitopes of Loa22 were found in Ellipro server and mapped to find the sequential epitopes. The same B cell linear epitopes was also predicted by ABC Pred, BepiPred 1.0 server. All these epitopes were found to be in higher values. The results of the present study will help to elucidate the function of Loa22 and epitope-based vaccine development for Leptospirosis.
AIR QUALITY ASSESMENT OVER YEARS ON DIWALI USING GIS APPROACH[Full-Text ] Joginder Singh Yadav, Amul PatwalActivities like cracker burning during Diwali, the religious festival of India has now become the problem of noise and air pollution. The study area was taken Delhi, the capital of India and 40 monitoring station data is analysed by using of Geographical information system approach. The trends for Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sulphur oxides (SOx), Suspended particulate matter (SPM), Respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and Carbon monoxides (CO) on Diwali days for 2003 – 2009 are seen. The decreasing trend is seen from 2003 to 2009 on Diwali day on most of the monitoring station for each of the pollutant. One of the major reasons may be health awareness among people due to pollution. SPM and RSPM average concentration were investigated around 2.5 times and 3.5 times of permissible concentration respectively at all the monitoring stations in 2009. NOx, SOx and CO concentration was seen within the permissible limit in 2009 on Diwali day.
Performance Evaluation of Power Efficient MAC Protocol for MANETs[Full-Text ] Sohan Kumar Yadav, D. K. LobiyalOptimizing battery power and enhancing throughout are the key factors to design an efficient power control MAC protocol. Since, Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are powered by batteries. Therefore power management in MANET is a critical issue. In MANETs nodes are mobile therefore the size of batteries is a big issue. This paper presents performance evaluation of a protocol, namely Power Efficient MAC protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. Here, protocol PEMAC protocol uses optimum power to transmit RTS instead of maximum power level. Here the optimum power level is predefined value, and it is noted that it is sufficient to reach the receiver. The receiver transmits CTS by using maximum power level. The data and acknowledgement packets are transmitted by using lower power level respectively which is calculated according the power level of RTS transmission. This protocol conserves energy as it uses less energy in transmitting RTS packet, and it also increases the spatial reuse in the network. It has been shown by the simulation result that the PEMAC protocol is energy efficient without degrading throughput.
Stem cell therapy compared to Hyaluronic acid in experimentally induced osteoarthritic rats[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Ameer, Abdel Wahab El-Ghareeb, Sahar Darwish, Samuel Melak, Dina Sabry, Sara mohamedOsteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease mostly occurring in the knee. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent stromal cells which can provide a promising treatment in tissue regeneration. Intra-articular injection of Hyaluronic acid (HA) has been widely used for treatment of knee OA. The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and (HA). Fifty albino rats were divided into five groups; group (1) served as control, groups (2,3,4,5) served as arthritic rats and given single intra-articular injection of 1 mg of monosodium iodoacetat. Group 3 injected with single dose of 2 x 106 stem cell (intraarticularly) while group 4 treated with the same dose but Interaperteonialy and group 5 treated with therapeutic dose of (HA). Radiological, biochemical, histopathological and histochemical analysis were performed before and after treatment. Biochemically there were highly significant decrease in C-reactive protein and osteocalcin. Radiological, histopathological and histochemical results showed marked improvement in MSCs treated group, the animals injected with HA revealed less degree of improvement compared to animals treated with stem cells. MSCs are an effective option for treating OA.
Automated Diagnosis System of Cardiac Abnormalities Using XML Ontology[Full-Text ] Nithya Jennifer.N, P. SelvarajElectrocardiography is the recording of the electrical action of the heart. Generally this is a translation of the electrical movement of the heart over a period of time. Existing philosophy concentrates on diagnosing the 37 cardiovascular irregularities by utilizing XML cosmology and ontological mapping to distinguish the sickness obtained. This system does not tune-up the picture of the ECG before transforming as the commotion rate deceives to the determination report. In the proposed procedure, a picture acceptance of histogram check is detailed to correct the clamour procured in the info ECG Image. The accepted ECG specimen picture has been measured with its tallness and plentifulness to quantify the irregularities utilizing XML philosophy. Along these lines the proposed framework defeats the clashes confronted in the current framework, the execution as far as time and precision has been imagined graphically.
Human Healthcare Monitoring Using WearableSensors and BigDataAnalytics[Full-Text ] P.Harini, R.Gayathri, M.SubbuLakshmi ,H.Shanmugapriya ,S.SatheeshKumarA wireless sensor networks(WSN) in healthcare monitoring is used for prevention of diseases. Wearable sensor consist of sensor with low power constraints and low cost which is used to measure temperature, pressure and to monitor activities. The sensed data in wireless sensor networks is transmitted to mobile apps through the interface. The sensed data is transmitted to the database server where constrained hidden markov model(CHMM) to generate a medical report by comparing it with a precalculated value .The medical report enables the user to lead a healthy life.
Experimental Investigation of Continuous Usage Stability of Organic Polymer Electret in Micro Energy Harvesting[Full-Text ] Akin-Ponnle Ajibike E., Ponnle Akinlolu A., and Falaki Samuel O.An electret is a stable dielectric material with a quasi-permanently embedded static electric charge or dipole polarisation. Theoretically, electrets should retain deposited charges for a long period of time. However, their charges are known to deteriorate with time due to polarising charge relaxation. There are organic and inorganic electrets. Cyclic Transparent Optical Polymer (CYTOP) is a good organic electret material with high charge density. Most studies on CYTOP charge stability has been concentrated mainly on storage, as it is believed that the same stability is exhibited in usage. We present the experimental investigation carried out, on storage stability, and continuous usage stability of CYTOP (grade A) electret. In this work, thin-film fabrication of four samples of CYTOP (CTL-809A) electret of same thickness was carried out; and corona charged with different voltages. One of them was stored and the others were used in vertical vibration based cantilever-electret micro-power generation for 52 days. Their surface charge decay (by surface potential measurement) with number of days was investigated. It was found out that the surface charges of the fabricated CYTOP electrets deteriorated faster with continuous usage than in storage.
Smart Governance: urban regeneration and integration policies in Europe. Turin and Malmö case studies[Full-Text ] Chiara Testoni, Andrea BoeriIntegration policies point out not only the objective of social cohesion but also the need to strengthen foreign community leadership, so that they can actively contribute to local socio - economic development. This implies a considerable degree of coordination between the public bodies, the communities, the social and economic operators. Local governments find it more and more difficult to manage the substantial immigration phenomena by efficient integration policies. The topic of integration of the foreign community, though part of Europe 2020 Strategy as concerns an inclusive growth, is not widely treated by smart cities, more inclined to work on smart and sustainable growth. The paper proposes some examples that can provide local authorities insights for the adoption of integration policies within an integrated development process and it illustrates the case studies of “Barriera di Milano” regeneration program in Turin (Italy) and of some neighbourhood regenerations in Malmö (Sweden). In particular, the paper discusses some tools of smart governance applied to urban regeneration interventions, such as community empowerment actions within a strategic planning process and community involvement methods through the practise of living labs and urban farming. The smart aspect of the operations consists of the adoption of integration policies functional not only to promote social cohesion but also to promote local economic development through immigrant community empowerment.
Evaluation of Teratogenic potentials of Bronchodilator drug on offsprings of Albino rats[Full-Text ] Abd El Wahab El Ghareeb, Hamida Hamdi, EL-Sayed Fahim Taha, Heba AliThe present study aimed to evaluate the teratogenic effects of the mucolytic and broncholytic drug (mucophylline) administered daily orally to the pregnant rats and nursing rats. The pregnant animals treated during the gestational period (5th – 18th day of gestation) with doses 30.83 mg/Kg and 66.61 mg/Kg the human equivalent dose (HED). On the 19th of gestation, the animals were sacrificed and the numbers of implanation sites, resorbed and live fetuses were counted. The fetal weight, length and tail length were recorded. Results showed decreased weight gain, fetal growth retardation during gestation period was dose dependent. Hematoma and anomalies of limbs were detected morphologically in the fetuses of maternally treated groups. Fetal skeletal abnormalities included lack of bones ossification as well as unossified centers of cervical, thoracic and sacral vertebrae and dumbelled shape vertebrae and bent ribs.
Intrusion Detection System using K2 Self Learning Algorithm and Open Attacking Plateform[Full-Text ] Md Tarik, Amandeep SinghThe goal of a this IDS is to identify malicious behaviour that targets a network or a host and its resources. Intrusion detection parameters are numerous and in many cases they present uncertain and imprecise causal relationships which can affect attack types. A Bayesian Network here used is a graphical modeling tool which used to model decision problems containing uncertainty. BN and K2 learning along with open attacking system is used here to make an automatic self-learning intrusion detection system based on signature recognition. But here is the goal to detect not only signature of attack also identifying the new pattern of new attack and storing its signature to database. Also here a host based IDS attached to backside of the network based IDS to provide security not only from outside but also from insiders.
Search Engine Optimisation Trends in 2015[Full-Text ] Sumeet MehtaSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) as the name suggests is optimising the webpages or contents of your website such that they are easily understood by search engines and also making the pages rank higher in unpaid or natural traffic. In simpler words, SEO is the process of getting your website rank higher on search engine results using various techniques called SEO techniques. SEO involves understanding what do people look for, how search engines work, actual queries, competitors ranking for the keyword among various other factors. One of the world's popular search engine is Google with around 68.75% market share as of 2014 and there are over 284 million domains registered as per Verisign. This makes SEO an important aspect of any online marketing campaign.
Multi-channel Image Deblurring using Blind Deconvolution[Full-Text ] Gururaju, Siddaraju KThe proposed restoration involves a DCT domain zonal filtering pre-processing followed by a post-processing step of time domain deconvolution. The technique applies to situations on which the scene consists of a finite support object against a uniformly black, gray or white and color backgrounds. Preliminary simulations in noise-free and noisy cases are conducted. The results are compared with standard Median filter for image denoising and the proposed blind restoration scheme is shown to exhibit improvement in SNR.
Area efficient FPGA based LDPC decoder using Stochastic decoding scheme[Full-Text ] Aquib Abdul Quadir Quraishi, Chitra K This paper demonstrates the FPGA implementation of area efficient LDPC decoder using stochastic decoding scheme .Error correcting codes in communication systems are of high importance to achieve stability in wireless communication system. This paper presents the overview of designing an area efficient LDPC decoding architecture using stochastic decoding scheme. The Implementation results of fully parallel LDPC decoder displays 1% of slice using Xilinx vertex-4, 4vfx12sf363-10 device. The implementation of decoder architecture using stochastic decoding algorithm has reduced the number of slices required thereby reducing reducing the number of resources used and thus increasing the area efficiency of the decoder. The decoding scheme has also reduced the interconnect complexity of decoder architecture.
Injecting Quantifiability to Promote Software Maintenance[Full-Text ] Engr. Syed Rizwan Ali, Azmat Khan, Muhammad Shahid Khan, Bilal Muhammad IqbalGenerally, the power of quantifiability is underestimated. Life cycle costs are dependent on software system maintenance costs. Systems engineering can improve with a more structured effort, by setting proper targets instead of applying conventional customs that seem right but in actual may not be sufficient. The maintenance process becomes more efficient once the maintainability process is quantifiable. All requirements should possess capability to be quantitatively measureable, which will eventually result in better software products. Targeted aims and software metrics are essential components to quantify software systems. The degree of software product maintainability is dependent upon several software metrics described in this paper.
Simulation-Based Approaches For Evaluating Load Balancing In Cloud Computing With Most Significant Broker Policy[Full-Text ] Kush Garg, Sachi PandeyCloud computing is an attracting technology in the field of computer science. In today era of cloud computing the most important process is load balancing which leads to faster response to requests of cloud users. Load balancing is dividing the amount of work that a computer has to do between two or more computers so that more work gets done in the same amount of time and in general, all users get served faster. Some of the algorithm will developed by using certain newer approaches that can be used to get a measurable improvement in the system response time The optimization of load balancing policies along with the service broker strategies such as overall response time, total cost of data center is also reduced. This paper provide a better experimental scenarios where the on-peak and off-peak hours of two or more data centers coincides and the data center configurations are also different can be considered by using the broker policy relevant to the load balancing policy in cloud computing using cloud analyst simulation toolkit.
Evaluation of the performance of a regional climate model to simulate West Africa climates: Case RegCM3 model[Full-Text ] Kouakou Koffi Eugène, Kouassi Amani Michel, Kouassi Francis Williams, Goula Bi Tié Albert, and Savane IssiakaThe objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the regional climate model RegCM3 to simulate the climate parameters such as temperature and rainfall in West Africa from the perspective of climate prediction . Based on physiographic and weather data ( EH5OM and EHA1B ) include several variables ( temperature, pressure, humidity , and fields of horizontal and vertical wind ) from the mainland and maritime party. The simulation was carried out in 1991-2000 in order to facilitate comparison between model outputs and parameters observed over the same period . The application of statistical methods can show that the model overestimates in most cases the climatic parameters in West Africa. Indeed, the average error due to climate model in the temperature estimate is 2.53% in the Sahel and 2.17% in the Gulf of Guinea . As for rainfall , they are simulated by the model with relatively large mean errors . Indeed , the comparison of observed precipitation ( CRU ) and those simulated by the model gives average errors ranging from 8.5% in Guinean zone and 48.9% in the Sahel. The results invite to consider more observation data in the realization of different scenarios of emissions in Africa.
Quality of Service based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network- A Review[Full-Text ] Spriha Johari, Charu WahiAn ad hoc network contains a group of wireless mobile nodes which together forms a momentary network having infrastructure less or decentralized administration. It basically works on the principle of multi-hop relaying. A Quality of Service(QoS) is the set of a services which is offered by the network to the client. Provisioning of QoS aims at attaining a network behavior which is more deterministic so that information carried by the network can be delivered and network resources can be efficiently utilized. The ad hoc network has limited bandwidth, therefore an efficient use of network bandwidth is very essential. Achieving guaranteed quality of service(QoS) in MANET is an issue than in wired networks because of mobility of nodes, multihop transmission, contention for accessing the channel, and a lack of centralized coordination. This paper presents current state-of-the-art of various QoS routing protocols proposed by eminent researchers to support QoS routing in MANETs.
A Review and Study on Fingerprint Based Gender Classification using Classified Techniques[Full-Text ] Ganesh B. Dongre, Dr. S. M. JagadeIn the era of technology and science, a gender classification have immense value. Fingerprint based gender classification helps to analyze the data in easy way and help to sort out the data. Now a days finger print based gender classification is seen in civilian, industrial, commercial, and unique Id of nation as AADHAR card. As the fingerprints are unique, gender classification helps to minimize the large data. It is utilized by using simple scanner which is available in affordable prices. This review study introduces various methods of fingerprint based gender classification, its limitations and strengths. After having study of this review we can try to increase the efficiency which will help for further research work also. This paper will help to design and develop an efficient algorithm for the fingerprint based intelligent gender identification system and after testing the samples, the performance efficiency of the proposed system found to be 88% for female and 78 % for male.
Effect of Flue Supports in the Analysis of Multiflue RCC Chimney[Full-Text ] Ms.Choppalli Kalyani R, Dr. Yogesh D PatilIt has been observed that most of the existing studies have focused on the load considerations for design of tall chimneys. To make a further contribution to this study, this paper presents the load parameters considered for the design of RCC chimney and focuses on one of the structural parameters of RCC chimneys viz. the effects of number of supports to the flue. A brief review on the types of supports is presented in this paper and analysis is carried out for different kinds of supports to the flue. The comparison of results is plotted. The software STAAD Pro and MS Excel sheets have been used for design.
A High Performance Algorithm for EMG Signal Denoising With Classification Using Multilevel Dwt[Full-Text ] Mangala Gowri S .G, Dr.Cyril Prasanna Raj PElectromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. An electromyography detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated. The signals can be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities, activation level, or recruitment order or to analyze the biomechanics of human or animal movement.Wavelet Transform (WT) has been applied for removing noise from the surface EMG. Gaussianity tests are conducted to understand changes in muscle contraction and to quantify the effectiveness of the noise removal process.Wavelets are functions that satisfy certain mathematical requirements and are used in representing data or other functions. In this paper we analyze the performance of different level DWT for EMG signal denoising and compare the results considering mean square error (MSE).The Denoising analysis concludes using bior multi level wavelet and the mean was optimal in nature for different global threshold.
Numerical Analysis and Simulation Implementation for SVPWM Based on a New Region Segment Configuration Method[Full-Text ] Abd Almula Gebreel, Longya XuThis paper proposes a new method to utilize four region segments for all sectors for a neutral point clamped (NPC) diode three-level inverter by using the space vector modulation (SVM) technique. This proposed method can be extended to more than three levels with appropriate modifications by generating appropriate inverter output voltage vectors. This paper also focuses on the analysis of the region segment configurations to realize three-level inverter operation in order to guarantee off and on equalization for all 27 switching statuses. Sectors and their regions are analyzed in order to explain the Vref movement around the original point. Segments for each region in all six sectors are configured by a new method to determine three-level inverter waveforms. There are 27 switching statuses for an NPC three-level inverter that are exploited to extract region segments, and the waveforms can be drawn manually. This study aims to explain, via simple and easy algebraic expressions, the operation of the Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) on the three-level voltage inverter. The theoretical study was numerically simulated using MATLAB-SIMULINK®.
Hierarchical Cluster-Based FIFO Asynchronous Data Transfer Technique for Reducing Congestion for Energy Efficient State Wireless Sensor Network-HAEEW[Full-Text ] Samuel Erskine, Khaled Ellethy, Linfeng ZhangThe applications of WSN can be quiet numerous. In applications like battlefield monitoring, grid power generation, health systems, sensors are deployed on large scale. During such deployment, energy efficiency must be proficient, which requires clustering, in the WSN architecture. Clustering architecture requires maintenance of sensor nodes due to malfunctioning of sensor which becomes depleted of energy. As some nodes leaves and some are being replaced, congestion is introduced in the network due the limited processing capability of memory, computations, and bandwidth condition.