Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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Studying the Effect of HIV/AIDS on Human Brain Using MRI[Full-Text ] Mazin M. Mohamed and Mawia A. HassanHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to a subset of retroviruses called lentiviruses (or slow viruses), which means that there is an interval between the initial infection and the onset of symptoms. Upon entering the bloodstream, HIV infects the CD4+ T cells and begins to replicate rapidly. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the final stage of HIV infection. The brain may be affected by a variety of abnormalities in association with HIV infection. About these issues, Researchers have found significant damage in the brains of HIV-positive patients whose viral load is effectively suppressed by anti-retroviral therapy. In one of the first studies of its kind, researchers from the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center (SFVAMC) used a combination of MRI brain imaging, recording of electrical brain activity, and behavioral tests to compare the size and function of brains of HIV-positive patients on antiretroviral therapy with those of healthy subjects.; The results of our study raise the concern of brain injury in HIV subjects who are on treatment, even among those who are virally suppressed [12],But It is unclear how HIV causes such brain injury. Understanding these mechanisms is important to develop appropriate neuro-protective interventions for those people in Sudan, Africa and all over the world. The main core of this paper is to develop an algorithm which can be used to explore the effect of HIV/AIDS on human brain based on Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) images, Compare the variations of brain cells between normal and abnormal cases and selecting the proper statistical features. This study, presented a statistical based method to study and analyze given MR brain images, statistical analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) proves that the effectiveness of seventeen’s of statistical features derived from forty of statistical features for assessment the normal and abnormal brain tissues on digital MRI. The statistical features achieved the best results which used for implementation algorithm for brain areas changes detection for positive HIV patients in comparison to negative cases with sensitivity of 83.1%, specificity of 88.1% , positive predictive of 87.5%, negative predictive of 83.9% and the overall performance of 85.6%. In this study, a computer-aided diagnostic system based on statistical features, used to study the effects of HIV on human brain in the digital MRI studies. This study shows the effectiveness of seventeen’s features derived from forty of statistical features for assessment the normal and abnormal brain tissues on digital MRI.
A NEW ALGORITHMIC APPROACH TO LINEAR MULTI – OBJECTIVE FRACTIONAL TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM[Full-Text ] R. Sophia Porchelvi and A. Anna SheelaIn this paper , a new algorithm is developed for a Linear Multi – Objective Fractional Transportation Problem ( MLFTP) starts with any initial Basic Feasible Solution and then checking its Non-Dominance character . Here, a Multi – criteria Simplex type iteration is considered for finding the Non-Dominated Basic Feasible Solution by using the Reduced cost . Numerical examples are provided to illustrate its feasibility.
Evaluation of Levinson-Durbin Recursion Method for Source-Filter Model based Artificial Bandwidth Extension Systems[Full-Text ] G.Gandhimathi, Dr. A. Hemalatha, Dr.S.P.K.BabuArtificial Band Extension (ABE) techniques are used to generate a wideband signal from the narrowband signal. Since most of the high frequency components and the fricative consonants were absent even in the narrowband representation of the sound, it is a challenging task to create those missing components in the wideband equivalent signal. Generally, there are different techniques of autoregressive (AR) modeling to find the filter coefficients which is important in source-filter based ABE. In this paper, the performance of two of autoregressive (AR) modeling methods namely 1. Autocorrelation Method (LPC), 2.Levinson-Durbin Recursion Method, were evaluated. Generally, these estimation methods lead to approximately the same results (same coefficients) for a particular autoregressive parameters. But, the small differences in such estimations will have a great impact on the quality of reproduced sound . In this work, we implemented a source-filter model based artificial speech bandwidth extension systems with the above two AR modeling methods and validated their performance with suitable metrics.
Light Intensity Meter Calibration System using Comparison Method[Full-Text ] Saurabh Rabade, Chaitanya Adkar, Miten Dandavate, Amita ShindeLux meter is a precision measuring instrument used in Lux value measurement under Quality Assurance and Testing. Lux meters are used in a wide range of industrial applications. Lux meter being an electronic instrument; it undergoes wear and tear during its operation which results in inaccurate readings and increased errors in measured Lux value. This can incur losses (monetary and material) and inferior quality of product. Hence, Lux meters need to be calibrated and repaired (if necessary) periodically. In this paper, a new calibration system is proposed for the calibration of Lux meters. The proposed system uses the comparison method for calibration i.e. the industrial Lux meter (Unit Under Test) is compared against the pre-calibrated Lux meter (Master) against a regulated source simultaneously. The master which is calibrated from the National Laboratory (Apex Laboratory) has 10 times better uncertainty. This makes the proposed system part of a continuous chain of traceable standard which will deliver the quality measurements and continuity to the end customer.
Pooled Error Mapping of Probe Type Coordinate Measuring Machine[Full-Text ] VA Kulkarni, Dr. B.B. Ahuja, Dr. (Mrs.) A.V. MulayBall plate made up of Zirconia-Dolerite material is developed for extracting error maping of coordinate measuring machine in the entire measuring volume. CMM is used for measuring a discrete point in 3D space. Therefore a point is most adequate artefact to the CMM, which advocates usage of Sphere.A high flextural strength of Zirconia delivers the special requirement of chipping resistance required in ball plate. Specially planned experimental setups, demonstrate geometrical error determination.
Disaster due to slope failure in the Pahartoli Area of the Chittagong city, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md Shofiqul Islam, Mosarraf Hosain, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, A.S. Daiyan Ahmed, Farjana Hoque, Shefa Ul Karim, Md Aminul IslamSlope failure disasters due to heavy monsoon rainfall are happening as the consequences of excessive hill cutting for urbanization and deforestation in the Chittagong city, causing fatal accident including the loss of lives and properties. In this paper, we present the main causes of landslides by determining the engineering and geological properties of the in-situ soil samples. The analyzed slopes are consisting of two types of formations where the lower part comprises of hard and compact silt/clay layer with high cohesion (2.08-2.17 KPa) and Young modulus (117-234 KPa) and the upper part consists of loose sand with relatively low cohesion (1.25-1.83 KPa) and Young modulus (12.51-25.02 KPa). At dry condition the sand layer has a higher friction angle of 45° whereas on the contrary, it has 25.9° at the wet condition. The mathematical modeling using both liquid equilibrium and finite element method shows that the analyzed slopes are relatively stable (Factor of Safety and Shear Reduction Factor is more than 1) at dry condition. However, at wet condition most of the slopes are vulnerable for landslide and need supports be stable for saving the people from accident and injury.
Privacy preseving sequential padding in web-based applications[Full-Text ] Divyabharathi.P, Sathiyavathi.RThese Encrypted traffic of many popular Web applications may actually contain disclose highly sensitive data, and lead to serious breaches of user privacy. Specifically, when searching for unique patterns exhibited in packets’ sizes and/or timing, a hacker can potentially find an application’s internal state transitions and the users’ inputs. A solution for preventing this type of side channel attack is padding packets such that each packet size will no longer map to the unique input. One extreme cases to pad all packets to the identical size, namely, maximizing. We design many heuristic algorithms for solving these PPTP problems in polynomial time with acceptable overhead.
Framework for reducing post production defects in software industry[Full-Text ] Divakar Harekal, Suma VSince, software has laid its impact on every field of operation, development of customer satisfied software is the prime hour of the day. In view of the fact that, defect is one of the major contributing factor to retain customer satisfaction. Production of software which is defect free is all the time the main objective of any software organization. However, accomplishment of the same is only plausibility. Though several defect management strategies exist in all IT industries towards development of nearly defect free software, yet there is a wide possibility of software to contain post production defects. This work comprises of a case study carried out in one of the leading software industry in order to explore the probability of post-production defect pattern. Hence, this research focused towards introducing an integration of a novel framework which ensures reduced post-production defects. In this framework, every activity of pre-production development of software has to be integrated with novel approaches to reduce post-production defects.
Securing patient data in the cloud using Attribute Based Encryption[Full-Text ] Chiedza Hwata, R.Subburaj Professor, Gladman JekeseCloud computing has attracted attention worldwide in all industries, including the medical field leading to the rise of electronic healthcare systems. Although it has brought about an improvement in the provision of healthcare in terms of information management, it also poses a lot of security and privacy concerns to the patients. This is due to the fact that personal and highly sensitive data is outsourced to a third party (Cloud Service Provider) for processing and storage. This paper seeks to improve security of cloud-based patient data in healthcare organizations by employing a Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) scheme. The proposed scheme provides data confidentiality and allows the patient to control who accesses her personal health data by encrypting it under a specified access policy alongside with her key. It also provides collusion-resistance, flexible and immediate revocation of users who are no longer allowed to access a patient’s data.
Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Series of 2-(4- Hydroxynaphthylazo)-5-Substitutedphenyltellutrium Tribromides and Ditellurides Compounds[Full-Text ] Adil A. Al-Fregi, Atared F. Al-Asfoor and Susan F. JabarA new series of 2-(4-hydroxynaphthylazo)-5- substitutedphenyl mercuric chloride compounds (I-IV) were prepared by diazo - coupling reactions of diazonium salts of 2- aminophenyl mercuric chloride , 2- amino -5-bromophenylmercuric chloride , 2-amino -5- methylphenylmercuric chloride and 2- amino -5- nitrophenylmercury chloride with a-naphthol , respectively. Reaction of compounds (I-IV) with tellurium tetrabromide in 1:1 moles ratio in dry dioxane gave the corresponding 2-(4-hydroxynaphthylazo)-5-substitutedphenyltellurium tribromide compounds (V-VIII) in good yield. Reduction of compounds (V-VIII) by ethanolic hydrazine solution gave the corresponding ditelluride compounds (IX-XII) in moderate to good yields. All the prepared compounds (I-XII) were characterized by elemental analysis, conductance measurements and spectroscopic data.
Synthesis and Characterization of Super Absorbent Polymers for Agricultural Purposes[Full-Text ] Enas M. Ahmed, Fatma S. Aggor, Samah S. Nada and S. I. HawashSuperabsorbent hydrogels (SAH) are very unique water- absorbing and water holding materials. Superabsorbent polymers are environmentally useful as water retention agents, for purposes such as agricultural applications and combating desertification. In this paper we investigate the preparation of SAH to reach highest yield with maximum swelling. Also effect of different operating parameters was studied. Bench scale results were used for design a pilot scale batch to produce 20 kg o SAH. The future objective of this study is the application of the prepared SAH in agriculture field. The product has already been launching in the cultivation of squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) and the initial results were promising.
Enhanced Remote Health Monitoring System with Secure and Privacy Preserving Authentication Services[Full-Text ] Arathi G, Ashwin Kumar MNowadays Mobile Phones or Smartphones are mainly used for communications and updating knowledge purposes, (i.e., voice call-ing, video calling, chatting with friends, relatives, browsing for news updates and so on). Mobile Phones or Smart Phones are not only used for Communications and also useful in many ways by using applications like healthcare monitoring, location finder, chatting applications, travelling applications and so on. With the help of wireless body sensor networks (BSN), healthcare monitoring application helps to monitor the health condition of medical users regularly with the help of health care centre. With the help of smart phones, a mobile healthcare application extends the operations of healthcare provider for enhanced health monitoring for patient. A mobile healthcare emergency service plays an important role but the data communication and privacy revelation is still a problem. However, the flourish of Mobile-Healthcare is still facing many challenges. Our proposed scheme aims to address the problems in the securities and privacy issues in Mobile-Healthcare emergency. The data is collected by the mobile phone and is transferred to the health care centre database in the encrypted format and a digital signature will be created and appended along with this encrypted data for authentication, integrity, confidentiality etc. Using the hash algorithm named Hash Round Function Algorithm and the self-certified public key system, a new kind of digital signature algorithm named Hash Round Function and Self-certified public key system Digital Signature Algorithm is used. The signature is verified by the trusted authority before taking any action on data. Finally, the users analyze the H-S DSA from two aspects of security and time-complexity. And, the results show that the new designed digital signature algorithm named H-S DSA not only has better security strength, but also has lower time- complexity and the information is more secure.
A Novel and Analytical Approach to Air Pollution and the Effects of Metro in Decreasing It: A Case Study in Qazvin as Capital of the Province of Qazvin in Iran[Full-Text ] Sadredin Alipour, Siavash Shamsipour SaraydashtyIn recent decades, transportation problems in Qazvin are the largest crisis of the city which one of its horrible consequences is air pollution. Economic losses induced by air pollution are more than billions of Dollars. Regarding the significant contribution of vehicles in air pollution in Qazvin, developing of rail transportation system is seems to be an inevitable option as the optimum method of passenger transportation. To solve traffic problem and its consequences, rail transportation is of more effective and continuous efficiency in energy consumption than other types of transportation while its environmental impacts are less than others. In the current paper, the law of public transportation development, energy consumption management and performance of Metro Company of Qazvin were analyzed in addition to study about the resources of contamination. Further, advantages of metro was introduced and its economic consequences were quantitatively investigated and finally, the relationship between metro and air pollution was modeled with system analysis approach.
Self-Protect Computing Systems Towards Model-Based Validated Autonomic Approach[Full-Text ] Karthi M,Sakthipriya KThis project an autonomic model-based cyber security management approach for the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems. The approach aims at realize a self-protecting system, which has the ability to together estimate, detect, and respond to cyber attacks at an early stage. Proposed model-based techniques including: 1) data analysis to recognize and categorize attacks; 2) real-time evaluation and baseline security controls to predict and eliminate potential cyber attacks; and 3) a multi criteria optimization method to select the most advantageous active response for deploying countermeasures while maintaining system functions. The model framework has been developed for configuring various platforms with a master controller virtual machine. Investigational results demonstrated the efficiency of this proposed approach in protecting a Web-based application against known and unknown attacks with little or no human interference. Here we reduce the recovery time from anonymous attacks by improving attack detection accuracy and learning1 procedures to further improve the false alarm rates.
Damage analysis of asphalt concrete mixtures modified with crumb rubber/CaCo3 Nanocomposite[Full-Text ] Farag Khodary, Y. Mohammed, A. WazeriFracture mechanices is one of the most important methodology that can be use to evaluate asphalt concrete mixtures resistance to crack propagation. Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) test is a fast and accurate three-point bending test, which was originally used in rock mechanics, and Viscoelastic material. Asphalt concert material is investigated using semi cracked circular specimen (50 mm radius and 63 mm thickness. Crumb rubber was used as asphalt concrete mixtures modifiers in research with by 10% of the weight of bitumen. CaCo3 was added to the crumb rubber modified heated bitumen by modification level namely 5%, 10%, 15%,20% and 25%. The result shows that crumb rubber/CaCo3 nanocomposite can be used as asphalt modifier and improve both Penetration and softening point for all modified bitumen. from the point of mechanical properties and fracture resistance modif8ied asphalt concrete mixtures with 15% crumb rubber/CaCo3 nanocomposite have higher than unmodified mixtures by 34.2% and it is appear that modified mixtures with 15% crumb rubber/CaCo3 nanocomposite have two times higher Critical Energy Release Rate (J1C) than unmodified mixtures that means the modified mixtures is more resistance to fracture.
Improvement of Octane Number of Naphtha Cut of Taq-Taq Crude Oil and Khormala Crude Oil Wells by Using Additives.[Full-Text ] Abdulsalam R. KarimGas condensate from khor-Mhor field and Naphtha cuts from Taq-Taq crude oil and Khormala crude oil have been fully analyzed and evaluated using ASTM standard test methods. Two Types of additives and pyrolysis gasoline have been blended with naphtha samples in different volumetric ratios. Octane number of each blend has been measured using three different octane analyzers.
IMPLEMENTATION OF FASTER AND LOW POWER MULTIPLIERS[Full-Text ] Mirishkar Sai Ganesh, G Chethana, Sanjay PanwarA multiplier is the important hardware in most digital and high performance systems such as FIR filters, digital signal processors and microprocessors. The design of multipliers offers high speed, low power consumption, regularity of layout and it also occupies less area, even combination of them in multiplier. Generally multiplication goes in two steps. Partial product and then addition. In this paper we have tried to design different adders and compare their speed and complexity of the circuit that the area occupied. And designed Wallace tree multiplier then followed by Booth’s Wallace multiplier and compared the speed and power consumption. When the design of adder is completed we turned to multiplier. The delay amount was reduced when carry save adder were used in Wallace Tree Applications. And turned to Booth’s multiplier and analyzed the performance of all multipliers. The results of this paper helps us to make a proper choice of different adders in different digital applications according to requirements.
Re-refining of used lubricating oil.[Full-Text ] Merai Yash P.Small amount pure lubricating oil can pollute major amounts of water eg: groundwater as well as the land on which it is spilled. Used engine oil itself contains a number of additives and is contaminated by impurities and residues resulting from the combustion process. Some of them are poisonous and carcinogenic like lead and PAH (poly-aromatic hydrocarbons). Also the oils used in transformers contains PCBs (poly-chlorinated biphenyls), which are highly carcinogenic as well. From various sources such kind of used lubricating oils are generated and are disposed improperly. The burning of used oil in kilns and incinerators produces lots of ash and carcinogens causing environmental pollution. Waste lubricating oil is a resource that cannot be disposed of randomly due to the presence of pollutants. In response to economic problems and environmental protection, there is a growing trend to regenerate and reuse waste lubricants. By proper recovery and refinement of it, a lot of valuable product can be obtained. The objective of re-refining is to remove the degraded additives and contaminants and to restore the properties of the oil identical to the standards provided by SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers).
Detect natural purification of mercury absorption in wells province of Sulaymaniyah - northern Iraq[Full-Text ] Kawa Issa Abdal-Rahman, Dr. Reyam Naji AjmiIn this research was detected from natural technique through follow elemental mercury in water samples from different heights from the bottom of the well of the city of Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq and study of the relationship between it and two types of common plants common in same area,Four main sites from Mount ( beerh micron ) were selected from the wells of different heights of the well. Mercury concentrations were within acceptable limits, reaching Mercury concentrations in leaf plant Ficus carica higher concentration than Juglans regia . no more than allowable limits. No significant differences concentration of mercury in Ficus carica P value >0.5 in our study .Reaching there was no contamination in the region is not detected element in the plant for not concentration in the plant leaf is high and also focus relatively little in the artesian water upon which the villagers for drinking and domestic uses and Agriculture.
Fracture Behavior of 6061 Al-Alloy Pipes under Bursting Loads with Crack Depth Variation[Full-Text ] D.U.M. Manikanta, A.Chennakesava ReddyIn this paper 3D finite element analyses were performed to obtain fracture behavior of 6061 Al-alloy pipes subjected to internal bursting pressure. It was observed that the large deformations have promoted the path dependence of the J-integral. It was noticed that the J-integral was dependent on the deformation and the crack area. The values of KII and KIII stress intensity factors along the crack-front were very small and, the, mode-I was the dominant fracture mode.
Analysis of factors influencing the performance of Cognitive Radio Networks[Full-Text ] J.SanthiyaThe increased number of wireless devices has led to spectrum hungriness. OFCOM and FCC found this and paved way for a new technology named Cognitive Radio (CR). The CR is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) that is self-organizing. This CR divides the spectrum into licensed band and unlicensed bands. The licensed band constitutes the Primary User (PU) and the unlicensed band the Secondary User (SU). The CR works eventually with managing frameworks like spectrum sensing, spectrum decision, spectrum sharing, and spectrum mobility. Of this, spectrum sensing is important since wrong sensing leads to inefficient spectrum usage. Hence it becomes mandatory to analyze the parameter that helps for proper utility of radio environment. Thus a CR has to be built keeping an eye over the parameters. Thus this paper rolls down the analysis over several parameters and the uplink and downlink transmissions.
Evaluating the effect of jammers on Cognitive Radio Networks using Markov Models[Full-Text ] V.NithyakalaCognitive radio (CR) is a promising technology to resolve the spectrum shortage problem faced by the wireless systems. The inherent capability of the CRs to take their decisions based on their view of the environment and to learn from the experience makes their operation susceptible to a variety of malicious attacks. Jammers can stop the communication between nodes by attacking physical, network or Medium access layer. Multiple layers can be attacked simultaneously. In a Cognitive radio network (CRN), attackers launch jamming attacks to disturb efficient spectrum utilization. The main objective of this paper is to mitigate the jamming attacks in cognitive radio networks. Existence of jammer, jammer type and location of jammer in CRN should be identified. Effect of jammer on the performance of the CRN is checked using markov theory based transmission model.
Attributes affecting energy of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage systems[Full-Text ] Engy Elshazly, Nancy Emam, Prof. /Nabil EltayebSuperconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil which has been cryogenically cooled to a temperature below its superconducting critical temperature.
Development and Performance Evaluation of an Orange Juice Extractor[Full-Text ] Adanu, E.O, Usman D.D, and J. N. MaduakoThe design and construction of orange Juice extraction was undertaken with the aim of achieving the extraction of pure orange Juice, free of squashed seeds and peels. The extractor consists of the cutting chamber which is made up of rotary shaft, knives attached at both ends and an inclined tray. While the squeezing chamber is made up of crankshaft, the rammer and a sieve. The machine has a shaft diameter of 12mm, torque and power transmitted as14252Nmm and 1.5kw respectively. The pulley has a linear speed of 10.74mls, the cross sectional area of the squeezing chamber (flat plate) was 12,000mm2 with a force of 5.32N on the plate due to pressure from the orange. While the net force acting on the plate was 3059N.The machine performance evaluation was carried out using tangelo and Tiv orange varieties. The actual efficiency of the machine was found to be 76.04% with a capacity of 6 l/hr (5.73kg/h). It was concluded that efficient Juice extraction would be better achieved with the use of this kind of machine than with a turning screw.
Cyber Crime a Rising Threat for Internet - Based Businesses in Western Region, Kenya[Full-Text ] Lutta V. O., Obiri J. F.In Kenya internet technology has fastened communication, information sharing and business networking including mushrooming of cash transfer initiatives. However, the flip side of this technology has been the rise of cybercrime that include fraud, account hacking, dissemination of offensive materials, theft of identities among others. In Kenya internet-based businesses are increasingly susceptible to cyber crime which is becoming a disaster to the micro and macro-economy. This study investigated the nature of cyber crime and its effects on internet-based businesses in the Western Kenya. Data was collected via questionnaire interviews and results indicated that internet-based businesses were negatively affected by cyber crimes such as malwares, fraud, cyber bullying among others. As a remedy internet-based business resorted to piecemeal strategies such as use of anti-viruses, public awareness creation, encrypted passwords, and registering new email accounts as old accounts got hacked. These strategies are not effective as businesses remain vulnerable. The study exposed the vulnerability of internet-based industry and recommends for a policy and regulation framework on cybercrime protection for internet-based businesses. This should be coupled with enhanced law enforcement particularly cyber crime information sharing between enforcement agents.
Development and implementation of Reflective Journals as an assessment tool[Full-Text ] Belal Chowdhury, Savitri Bevinakoppa, Susan Currie, and Beverley JonesReflective journals can be employed to enable students to record their thoughts and to consolidate new learning experiences and deep understanding of concepts. Reflective journals also broadly indentify students’ thoughts that can be improved and maintained to further progress their learning. In this paper, we outline how we developed a suitable reflective journal template and implemented a DEEP (Describe, Explore, Evaluate, and Plan) model relating to reflective journals that support student’s deeper level of reflection and learning. Based on students’ feedback, the concept is well received.
Survey on Anomaly Extraction System Using Featured Histogram and Mining Rules[Full-Text ] Mr. Sandeep J. Kamble, Prof.Sachin DeshpandeWith the Progress in anomaly extraction in backbone network, the networking demand for finding out anomaly is growing that also increases demand for finding out root-cause analysis, network forensics, attack mitigation, and anomaly modeling especially in backbone network. Also when its scope enlarges to rich traffic and very small number of false positive there will be need to maintain best method for mining. Numerous Techniques have been developed for anomaly extraction and data mining and purpose of this paper is to categorize and evaluate these methods. For finding out one that is abnormal or exception the best method will be discussed. Paper Also Summarizes several methods to ensure highly extracted data which includes Apriori algorithm, Fp growth algorithm, Enhance FP growth algorithm such a mining methods , Also with the rich traffic data and false positive rate of methods with Several scenarios will discussed.
Kinetic Approach to the mechanism of Oxidation of Hexamethylpararosaniline Chloride (Crystal Violet) by Periodate Ion in Acidic Medium[Full-Text ] Abdulsalam S., Idris S.O., Hamza S.A.The kinetics of oxidation of hexamethylpararosaniline chloride (hereafter referred to as CV) by periodate ion have been studied in aqueous hydrochloric acid medium under pseudo-first order conditions of excess [IO4-] at 28 ± 1°C, [H+] = 5.00 x 10-2 mol dm-3, and ionic strength, I = 0.5 mol dm-3(NaCl). The stoichiometry of the reaction was found to be 1:2 mole ratio of CV to IO4- ions. The redox reaction follows first order with respect to the reductant [CV+] and zero order with respect to the oxidant [IO4-] at constant hydrogen ion concentration. The rate of reaction increased with increase in hydrogen ion concentration. The overall reaction conforms to the rate law
DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTILEVEL SECURE DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Mohammed Waheeduddin Hussain, Prof. P. Premchand, Dr. G. Manoj SomeswarThe subject matter of Inference problem is basically the problem of users deducing unauthorized information from the legitimate information that they acquire. Our research work particularly concentrates on the inference problem which occurs in a multilevel operating environment. In such an environment, users are cleared at different security levels and they access a multilevel database where the data is classified at different sensitivity levels. A multilevel secure database management system (MLS/DBMS) manages a multilevel database where its users cannot access data to which they are not authorized. However, providing a solution to the inference problem, where users issue multiple requests and consequently infer unauthorized knowledge, is beyond the capability of currently available MLS/DBMSs.
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Alkali Modified Nigerian Sisal Fibres[Full-Text ] Hauwa Mohammed MUSTAFA & Benjamin DAUDAThe effects of chemical treatment on the surface characteristics of sisal fibres and their physical/mechanical properties have been investigated. The sisal fibre was extracted by manually beating the sisal leaves with a smooth edged stick followed by chemical modification of the fibres using alkaline treatment method with NaOH at different concentrations and time intervals and at a constant temperature of 65 oC. The surface morphology and physical and mechanical characteristics of the treated and untreated sisal fibre samples was studied. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrographs revealed the rough surface topography of the sisal fibres caused by alkali modification which increased with increased concentration. Furthermore it was observed that fibre tenacity increases with increase in NaOH concentration. However, beyond 20 % NaOH concentration, decrease in tenacity is observed. Fibre breaking extension increases with increase in NaOH concentration. Moisture regain decreases with increase in NaOH concentration.