Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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A Cash-Oriented Subsidy System, A New Proposal for Food-Subsidy Delivery[Full-Text ] Ass. Prof. Magdy E. ElhennawyIn spite of the successful implementation of the FCS in achieving its allocated objectives, there would be a need to introduce an important modification and evolution to that system. It is the ability to deliver the food subsidy as its cash equivalent. The worldwide experience says that the sudden conversion from food subsidy distribution to the cash distribution is not recommended. A combined approach should be followed, which allows the family to receive his cash equivalent as a set of products with nearly the real prices or semi-supported prices. In this paper a proposal for the cash-oriented subsidy system approach will be discussed and introduced.
Optimizing the Formula of Composite Non-Rice Carbohydrate Sources for Simulated Rice Grain Production[Full-Text ] Iyus Hendrawan, Sutrisno, Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Y.Aris Purwanto, Rokhani HasbullahFood diversification program is becoming more importance to reduce the dependence on rice as a staple food in Indonesia. Simulated Rice Grain (SRG) made of non-rice carbohydrate sources was expected to be a subtitute of rice. SRG was formulated based on nutritional value and physichochemical properties of local Ciherang rice flour as a standard. Goal Linier Programming (GLP) was used as optimization method to formulate SRG using various non-rice carbohydrate sources, including arrowroot starch, canna starch, sago starch, sugar palm starch, beneng taro flour, white sweet potato flour, tapioca flour, white corn flour, sorghum flour and breadfruit flour. Optimization parameter used were nutritional value (protein,fat,amylose,amylopectin,carbohydrate,ash),and physical properties (color index,bulk density and angle of repose).The result showed that optimum composite non-rice carbohydrate sources for SRG (SRG flour) consisted of arrowroot starch (30 percent), beneng taro flour (42 percent) and sorghum flour (28 percent). The optimum SRG flour had a predicted nutritional value of 11.78 percent of moisture, 1.97 percent of ash, 1.32 percent of fat, 6.22 of percent protein, 1.28 percent of food fiber, 1.74 percent of crude fiber, 1.46 percent of total sugar, 22.52 percent of amylose, 63.48 percent of amylopectin, and physical properties of 39.01 degree of angle of repose, 68.59 percent degree of color, and 446.21 kg/m3 of bulk density. Our results showed that these predicted nutritional and physical properties value of SRG flour is similar to that of analyzed values.
Navigating the Learning Labyrinth of B’laan Students: A Phenomenological Study[Full-Text ] Sharyll Mae A. AlbonaThe objective of this study was to delve into the experiences, situations and realizations of B’laan students as they go through their learning labyrinth.There have been previous studies affirming the essentials of learning labyrinth on the success of schooling. Within the circle of this affirmation, the present study unravelled the learning labyrinth of B’laan students employing qualitative method, phenomenology in particular, among 19 B’laan students.
A Review on E-waste Management and Recycling Challenges in India[Full-Text ] Ms. Neethu LukoseElectronics industry is the world’s largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry. But the increase in sales of electronic equipments and their rapid obsolescence such as advancement in technology, change in fashion, style and status has resulted in generation of electronic waste which is popularly known as E-waste. E-waste contains many hazardous components that may negatively impact the environment and adversely affect human health if not properly managed. E-waste problem is of global concern due to the production and disposal of waste in a globalized world. In India, e-waste management has greater significance not only due to the generation of its own e-waste but also because of the dumping of e-waste from developed countries. This is coupled with India’s lack of appropriate infrastructure and procedures for its disposal and recycling. The challenge is to develop innovative and cost- effective solutions to decontaminate polluted environments due to E-waste , to make them safe for human habitation and consumption, and to protect the functioning of the ecosystems which support life. This paper discusses the different categories of E-waste, categorization of different hazardous components present in e-waste, methods of E-waste management and an innovative bioremediation technologies which have become an eco-friendly and fruitful method to conventional clean up technologies to decontaminate e-waste from the soil-water environment, the challenges in which India is facing for the management of E-waste and suggestion for a formal method of E-waste recycling in India.
Implementation of Automated Attendance System using Face Recognition.[Full-Text ] Mathana Gopala Krishnan, Balaji, Shyam BabuAuthentication is an issue in computer based communication.Face recognition is widely used in many applications such as system security and door control system.The paper describes how to take student’s attendance using face recognition.The face recognition is implemented with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm.The system will recognize the face of the student and saves the response in database automatically.The system also includes the feature of retrieving the list of students who are absent in a particular day.
Generation of UWB Waveforms with Adaptive Mitigation of Multiple Narrowband Interference in IR-UWB Systems[Full-Text ] Haydar M. AL-Tamimi and Hussein Ali HamzaOne of the main types of waveforms adopted by ultra wideband (UWB) system is Gaussian pulse in addition to other types of waveforms such as raised cosine pulse and Hermite pulse. Spectrum shaping in impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) network is a straightforward way for modifying the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the emitted signal in order to meet the limitations set by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) spectral masks for indoor and outdoor environments. Due to overlapping frequency bands, Narrowband (NB) (WiMAX, WLAN) and UWB systems. UWB signals suffer from multiple NB interferers with varying powers, which lead to a severe performance degradation. A combination waveforms consists a sum of 4th-4th, 5th-5th, and 4th-5th order derivative of Gaussian pulses with time delay interval between them for adaptive mitigation of multiple NB interference in IR-UWB systems has been presented in this work. This can be achieved by inserting frequency notches into the IR-UWB power spectrum at center frequency of narrowband signals to limit interference. The design and simulation of the pulse generators (PGs) was performed using Advanced Design System (ADS) in 0.25 µm RF CMOS process.
Synthesis of MOFs from Carboxylate Ligands and Its Industrial Application[Full-Text ] Saira Mansab and Uzaira RafiqueMetal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are widely employed as catalysts and semiconductors due to unique combination of crystalline and porous structure. The presence of polar and non-polar groups on organic linkers provides extra coordination sites for attachment of various metals. The topology of single and mixed organic ligands is tuned to higher surface area and increased porosity likely to serve as good adsorbents. The present study is based on synthesis of single and mixed ligand MOFs with Nickel as precursor. Oxalic and trimesic acid, representatives of di- and tri- carboxylates provides the organic framework. The characterization of synthesized MOFs by FTIR, XRD and SEM/EDX techniques reveal average crystallite size (0.2-3nm) and Ni is incorporated to mass percentage of 9-13%. Ni-O binding is exhibited at FTIR frequency of 493-500cm-1.The application of synthesized MOFs in batch experiment at varying adsorbent dose, concentration and temperature demonstrated adsorptive capacity for dyes in the sequence Congo red (80-92%) > crystal violet (52-70%) and methyl orange (18-20%). The in-situ remediation of dyes from textile waste is also significant (71% removal) under optimum operating parameters. The study recommends the Ni-MOFs as effective adsorbents and catalysts for removal of environmental pollutants in general and azo dyes in particular.
Pyrometallurgical Extraction of Tin Metal from the Egyptian Cassiterite Concentrate[Full-Text ] A. B. El Deeb, I. M. Morsi, A. A. Atlam, A. A. Omar, W. M. FathyThis study aims to investigate the Pyrometallurgical extraction of tin metal from the Egyptian cassiterite concentrate. The carbothermic reduction of cassiterite concentrate by char coal in the Na2CO3 - NaNO3 molten salt system was studied at the temperature range 850 -1000•C. The results showed that more than 95% of tin was successfully extracted at smelting temperature 1000 •C and after 60 mint. smelting time. The kinetics of reaction was found to follow the chemical reaction model. The activation energy was calculated 106 KJ/mol. After purification process the tin produced had a purity of 99.6 %.
Evaluation of Curing Process for Carbon-Epoxy Composites by Mechanical Characterization for Re-entry Vechicle Structure[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyThe curing of carbon/epoxy laminates has resulted the volume fraction of 71.35%. It has been found that at reliability 0.90 the survival tensile strength and flexural strength of carbon/epoxy laminates are 721.753 MPa and 557.380 MPa respectively. The occurrence of drop in flexural modulus was probably due to the fracture of the 0° fibers of the surface lamina. The void fraction is 5.49%. The interlaminar shear strength was very responsive to the presence of these gas inclusions. The fibre controlled fracture was observed in the high volume fraction of carbon fibers in the carbon/epoxy laminates.
Saving of Thermal Energy in Air-Gap Insulated Pistons Using Different Composite Materials for Crowns[Full-Text ] A.Chennakesava Reddy B. Kotiveerachari, P. Rami ReddyThe present work was aimed at an increase in the thermal energy using composite crown materials to the pistons. The heat loss to the coolant was minimum in the piston with crown made up of Si3N4/Al-alloy composite. The saving in thermal energy could increase the engine thermal efficiency.
Cause and Catastrophe of Strengthening Mechanisms in 6063/Al2O3 Composites Prepared by Stir Casting Process: Validation through FEA[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyThe present research has been focused to study causes and misfortunes of strengthening mechanisms in 6063/Al2O3 metal matrix composites. It was found that the tensile strength and stiffness increase with increasing volume fraction of Al2O3 particulates. The tensile strength and stiffness were decreased with increased size of particulates. After heat treatment, most of the coarse intermetallic phases are dissolved to form stable Mg2Si, Al3Fe, AlFeSi and AlFeMnSi compounds. A clustering of particulates was observed in the composites having very small particles. The wettability and uniform distribution of particles have improved the strengthening mechanism. The proposed formulae by the author for the tensile strength and elastic modulus could predict them very close to the experimental values of 6063/Al2O3 composites. The FEA results validate the occurrence of particle debonding, porosity, and clustering in the composites.
Artifficial Neural Network Modeling for AC conductivity Behaviour of PVA/acid salt Polymer Electrolyte[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Y. El-Bakry, Reda KhalilLevenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LM) and neural networks (NN) are combined to study the electrical properties of PVA /Acid Salt Polymer Electrolytes (PVA)(1-x)(MgBr2)x/2(H3PO4)x/2. The obtained function from NN model calculates and simulates the relation between the AC conductivity and the frequency for PVA/acid salt at different temperatures. The simulation results from NN-based model are compared with the experimental data. The obtained function of NN model has proven matching better for the experimental data. The results show that NNs are able to produce accurate results of the electrical properties for PVA/acid salt polymer electrolytes.
Molecular detection of ciprofloxacine resistance of Salmonella typhi[Full-Text ] Hazim A. N. Alhadrawi, Mahdi Hussain Al-Ammar , Hyder Lateef FarhanThe study was conducted to susceptibility to antibiotics and molecular level analysis of the cause of reduced sensitivity of Salmonella typhi isolates from patients in Babylon . Out of 50 blood cultures obtained during the study, 12 (14.0%) showed positive blood cultures were due to S. typhi and rests were mostly of S. paratyphi A. The prevalence was highest between the age group 3 - 15 year.. Among all S. typhi isolates, 41.4% were sensitive to ampicillin, cotrimoxazol and chloramphenicol, respectively. All isolates were sensitive to ceftriaxon and ceftazidim; 5 isolates were ciprofloxacin resistant, others were moderate to highly sensitive; whereas, only 2.2% isolates were sensitive and almost all (97.8%) were found resistant to nalidixic acid. The E-strip test among isolates showed the MIC value nearer to the sensitive between 0.125-0.5 and rest other isolates showed from > 2.0 µg/ml to very highly resistant. VNTR pattern of all ciprofloxacine resistant S. typhi was also same. Restriction fragment analysis of gyrase-A gene indicated point mutations in different loci that bear the cause of being resistant to ciprofloxacin.
Multiuser MIMO Downlink System Capacity Analysis In Wireless Communication for Time Varying Channel[Full-Text ] Md Mustafa Kamal, Kamar Iqubal shahiVery few technologies have shown as much impact on the trajectory of evolution of wireless communication systems as multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems. MIMO systems have already been employed in the existing 802.11n and 802.16e standards resulting in a huge leap in their achievable rates. A relatively recent idea of extending the benefits of MIMO systems to multi-user scenarios seems promising in the context of achieving high data rates keeping in the mind for future cellular standards after 3G. For applications such as wireless LANs and cellular telephony, MIMO systems will likely to be deployed in environments where a single base station must communicate with many users simultaneously. As a result, the study of multi-user MIMO systems has emerged recently as an important topic for research in future. Such systems have the potential to combine the high capacity that can be achieved with MIMO processing by using space-division multiple access techniques This paper aims at giving an insight into Multiuser MIMO downlink systems—its concept, capacity, and transmission techniques related issues. In this paper several approaches including linear and non-linear channel precoding are reviewed which analyze the capacity for multiuser MIMO downlink channel. We conclude by describing future areas of research in multi-user MIMO communications.
Effect of Foundry Slag as Substitute in the Formulation and Evaluation of Physical Strength Properties of Portland Slag Cement[Full-Text ] Kayode A. Idowu and Oluwaseun S. OgungbemiThis research deals with the formulation and evaluation of strength properties of Portland slag cement using local foundry slag. The relative substitution of about 10 to 50 % of ordinary Portland cement for slag as an alternative cement (slag cement) to the commonly available but highly expensive ordinary Portland cement in Nigeria market. The assessment of slag substitution in ordinary Portland cement – slag cement indicated that substitution could be done to about 40 % slag addition at which 0.0158 KN/mm2 (18 %) compressive strength was obtained as compared with 0.0152 KN/mm2 (17 %) compressive strength obtained from hardened pure ordinary Portland cement after 28 days curing time. This was achieved by the data obtained when varied the substitution of ordinary Portland cement for slag from 10 to 50 %. The data were presented by statistical tools and analyzed statistically. The strength properties of slag when mixed with Portland cement were observed to be higher. Therefore, slag should be used as an aggregate or further processed into slag cement.
Thermal expansivity of geophysical minerals at high temperatures[Full-Text ] Monika Panwar, S.K. Sharma, Sanjay PanwarA new model for investigating the value of thermal expansivity is presented. It has been found that the values obtained in the present study are consistent with the experimental data. The excellent agreement between results obtained and experimental data show the validity of the present work.
JOUM: An Indexing Methodology for Improving Join in Hive Star schema[Full-Text ] Hussien SH. Abdel Azez,Mohamed H. Khafagy, Fatma A. OmaraNow a day, Big data represents an important and complex Issue for information extraction/retrieval due to required analysis computation power. Also, Database Star schema is considered one of the complicated data models due to the using of Join queries to extract information and generate requested reports. These Join queries need to scan a vast amount of data (tera, peta, zeta bytes). On the other hand, HIVE is one of the important and efficient Big data SQL querying tools built on the top of Hadoop to translate SQL queries into Map/Reduce tasks. By using indexing data for Join queries could speed up HIVE Join query (map/reduce) tasks especially in Star Schema. According to the work in this paper, JOUM (Join once Use Many) methodology has been introduced to pre-join the star schema data and build an index for Joined data. Based on JOUM, SQL queries execution time in HIVE has been improved without changing HIVE framework. TPC-H benchmark has been used to evaluate the performance of JOUM methodology. The experimental result proves that JOUM methodology outperforms traditional Join execution time. Also, JOUM performance is improved by increasing data size. Generally, JOUM can be considered one of the suitable methodologies for Big data analysis.
Productivity Improvement in Semiconductor Subcontracting Company Using Simulation Modeling[Full-Text ] Gutierrez, Ma.Teodora E.The study aims to improve the existing production output of a semiconductor industry through simulation modeling. The study covers the front line process of back end semiconductor subcontracting firm. The focus is on the first step of the process which is the die attach. During observation, there were significant occurrences of unscheduled machine downtime which resulted in the interruption of production process. The machine downtimes were caused by man-machine interaction. The study shows that Frame Error in Input Bin and Frame Error in Output Bin in the die attach section contributes to the machine downtime. The simulation output revealed that there was an increase of throughput by 15, 600 production units per day, if the current situation of having an unscheduled machine downtime will be eliminated.
Real Time Driver’s Drowsiness Detection System Based on Eye Conditions[Full-Text ] Asad Ullah, Sameed Ahmed, Lubna Siddiqui, Nabiha FaisalThis paper presents a design of a unique solution for detecting driver drowsiness state in real time, based on eye conditions. Many ap-proaches have been used to address this issue in the past. But this paper presents a simple algorithm based solution with minimum hardware requirements. Under the controlled environment, the proposed system is successfully operated to generate results with approximately 90% accuracy. The system tends to use a web camera to capture a series of images. These captured images may further be stored as individual frames in our system. The frames so formed, are provided as input to face detection software. In terms, our required feature (eye) is extracted from the image. Individually working on each eye, the system establishes a condition and suggests a specific number of frames with the same eye condition that may be registered. The result of these images may be taken as input to obtain the level of drowsiness that a driver may encounter at any certain stage while driving a vehicle.
Heart Beat Charger[Full-Text ] Vikas ChibA stethoscope is a medical device for listening to the sound of heart and breathing in our body. The commonly used stethoscope is an acoustic stethoscope. The disadvantage of acoustic stethoscope is that the sound level is very low and this stethoscope is not very suitable to use in noisy environment, that's why in our research we use Electronic stethoscope electronically amplifies body sounds. In this device, sound waves from body are converted from analog to electrical signals and then amplified. The primary aim of this paper is to make a device which amplifies the output of the electronic stethoscope and that amplified signal is used to charge our mobile phones. In this paper we discussed the method, to using heartbeat for mobile charging.
Development of a Modified One-Strut Design Model for Shear Strength of Masonry Infilled Frames with Opening[Full-Text ] M. E. Ephraim and T.C. NwoforIn this paper, the results of a study on the effect of brick masonry infill panels with centrally located openings on the performance of reinforced concrete frames under lateral loading is reported. An equivalent diagonal strut was used to model the stiffening effect of the masonry panels. A strength reduction factor was developed as a function of the opening ratio in the form of an exponential function and incorporated in the one-strut model. The study was also extended to finite element micro modeling on structural specimens of infill panels with varying opening ratios of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in order to validate the modified one-strut model. The practical agreement of the outputs of the modified one-strut model with those of the FE model confirms the adequacy of the proposed model for prediction and design of the shear strength of infilled frame under lateral loading.
Mechanical Properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Based on Resin from Recycled Plastic.[Full-Text ] Ephraim M. E. and Adetiloye A.This paper presents the mechanical performance properties of glass fibre reinforced plastic GFRP, based on resin recovered from recycled plastic waste. The glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) had a fibre content varied by weight from 35 to 50% while the thicknesses of the laminate were 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm. The mechanical tests, conducted at room temperature, included tests for density, tensile strength, Izod impact energy, Brinell hardness number and tensile creep behaviour. The average experimental values of density, tensile strength and elongation fell in the range 0.91-1.2g/cm3, 43-57 MPa and 0-6.2 percent respectively. Practically all the strength characteristics showed maximum values at the fibre content of 40 percent. The results obtained in this study are in close agreement with the trend of variation of these parameters in GFRP, based on virgin resins. This confirms the applicability of GFRP based on recycled resin for structural uses. The successful application of plastic wastes in construction practice will generate multiple benefits of turning waste into wealth, preservation of environment, job creation as well as opening up opportunity for designing smart materials with predetermined mechanical properties.
Frequency response analysis of a Clamped Composite Plate with a Central Circular Cutout using ANSYS[Full-Text ] Kolaventi.sasikumar, B.V.S. Raghu Vamsi, P.N.V. Balasubrahmanyam, E.VekateswararaoEvery object vibrates because of unbalanced forces arise within it, at a particular frequency called as natural frequency. When this object is subject to the external force having the same frequency, the object vibrates with larger amplitudes and is said to be under resonant condition. For the safe working of any mechanical component, this operating frequency should be large and far away from the natural frequency. In this work, a clamped rectangular composite plate with a circular cut out at its centre subjected to clamped boundary condition is considered and its vibration characteristics are studied. The effect of various parameters like aspect ratio (l/w), diameter of the hole to the width of the plate (d/w), thickness of the ply, and the orientation of the fibers in the ply on the natural frequencies is observed. The problem is analyzed used the finite element software ANSYS. It has been found that the effect of these parameters is significant on the frequency ratio. The increase in l/w ratio and d/w ratio, orientation of layers resulted in increase of frequency ratio whereas with increase in no. of layers the frequency ratio remain unchanged even thought the frequency values changed.
STUDY ON WATER RESOURCE ACTION FOR MELUKOTE SUBWATERSHED –USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS[Full-Text ] Dr.K.J.SURESHA, DR.L.PRASANNAKUMAR, DR.PRAKASH NARASHIMA, K.N AND APOORVA KIRANKarnataka being predominantly a dry farming state, Irrigation development in the state as compared to other states and the country as a whole is low. Drought is a serious problem in the state. The development of watershed area adopting integrated approach is only the key answer and is no more a secret. The Melukote sub-watershed divided into two mini and twelve micro watersheds based on the origin and flow direction of water drains / streams. Water harvesting and drainage line treatment structures were located based on the analysis of both topo-sheet and imagery of the area and taking other factors into consideration (Soil, slope and type, land use / cover, waste lands, hydro-morphology, population (labors / SC & ST population), forest cover, command area, etc.) Micro-watershed prioritization plays key role in identifying the micro-watershed, which needs immediate attention these can be taken for development with available resources, an attempt has been made for prioritization of micro-watershed based on several criteria and the total weightage of marks given was 100. Data pertaining to these criteria were generated by remote sensing and GIS and other resources. The study also proves that remote sensing and GIS when synergistically used, provide ample scope for the integration of spatial and non-spatial data which can be successfully adopted to prioritize the micro-watershed in more scientific and un biased manner.
Allometric Models for Aboveground Biomass of Benguet Pine (Pinus kesiya)[Full-Text ] Jones T. Napaldet, Dr. Romeo A. Gomez Jr.Several authors recommend species-specific allometric models for accurate carbon sequestration accounting but mixed-species models are prevalent in the Philippines. Thus, in the study, species-specific models were developed for above-ground biomass of Benguet pine (Pinus kesiya). Diameter at breast height (D) and total tree height (H) were primarily used as the dependent variables. Wood density, with values ranging from 0.34 to 0.59 g/cm3, was also explored as a dependent variable but it yielded low correlation and models with low r2 values. This support other studies claiming that wood density is more apt in mixed-species than in species-specific models. Best-fit models for total above ground biomass (TAGB = 0.067D2.474 and TAGB =0.0000003855 (D2H) 2 + 0.023 (D2H) + 3.496) and for the other tree compartments for a total of 16 models were developed. These models have high r2 and adjusted r2 values of 0.87 to 0.99. Moreover, these models yielded more accurate estimates of Benguet pine biomass than mixed-species models of Brown & Schroeder (1999) and Chave et al. (2005). Thus, the study highly recommends these models for accounting Benguet pine biomass and subsequently, the carbon it sequestered.
A Frequently used Hand Gesture Recognition System for Daily Information Retrieval from Internet[Full-Text ] Sushma Laxman Wakchaure, Ganesh Dnyandev Ghuge,Dnyandev Sopan MusalePeople mostly get daily information from newspaper, Television and Internet such as weather condition, news and financial information. Users have to repeat same mouse and keyboard actions, inducing waste of time and inconvenience. In order to improve all these condition, we present in this paper the design of a system that can easily access daily information without mouse and keyboard actions and system making convenient. The aim of proposed system daily information accessed from internet by using hand gestures. These hand gestures captured by camera. The data recorded from camera send to pc for image processing. Hand gesture is recognized in pc and it is coupled with internet. So user can access information by using hand gestures. Gesture recognition is technology that achieves human machine interactions that do not require contact based input mechanisms like remote, mouse and keyboard.
Topological Structures on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multisets[Full-Text ] Shinoj T K, Sunil Jacob JohnIn this paper, we introduced the concept of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiset Topology. Mapping functions are defined to connect Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multisets defined on different sets. Subspaces and Continuous functions are discussed to study the topological structures of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multisets and their various properties are discussed.
Unstructured Big Data Processing: Security Issues and Countermeasures[Full-Text ] Shivasakthi Nadar, Narendra GawaiEvery organization has big data. This big data contains structured, semi structured and unstructured data. Social networking users are increasing so the data of the social networking sites are also increasing rapidly. Mostly these data consists of images, videos, audios, conversations and e-mails. They are unstructured big data. So there is a need to process this data intelligently. This paper describes the security issues, challenges, vulnerabilities, attacks and the counter measures of Unstructured big data.
Assessing of Tonga Lake Water Quality in the coastal basin of Northeastern Algeria[Full-Text ] Benslimane Farida, Labar Sofiane, Djidel Mohamed, Hamilton C. Mei-Ling, Djemai RachidTonga Lake, which situated in the north east of Algeria, is a Ramsar site and a part of the larger El Kala wetland system which is generally recognised as one of the four major wetland complexes in the Western Mediterranean. This seasonal freshwater lake is linked to the Mediterranean Sea. The principal objective of this study is to assess in a particular context, the impact of inorganic pollution induced by ammonium (NH4+), nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), and dissolved oxygen, on the quality of Tonga lake water. The samples studied to that end are those taken in 2013 and 2014 from the superficial waters of the Tonga Lake in far north-east Algeria. Results show that the nutrient and the degree of pollution varies by zone, as well as by month to month with contents often close to recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO). The protection of water quality and the reduction of the risk contamination are of great importance in the region to a reliable and sustainable this precious ecosystem.