Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 is in-process.
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Sediment transport investigations using three dimensional numerical modeling in a large Canal:Marala Ravi Link Canal (Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Khaled Kheder, Afzal Ahmed, Abdul Razzaq Ghumman, Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Muhammad AshrafSedimentation of canals is a big problem where the feeding rivers contain a large amount of sediments. Irrigation system of Pakistan is one of the largest systems fed by three large rivers; Indus, Jhelum and Chenab which carry a lot of sediment. Hence there is an acute problem of sedimentation and scouring in canals. Sediment transport in Marala Ravi Link Canal (MRLC) has been investigated in this paper. It is found that there is a serious problem of sedimentation for present conditions in the canal. The sediment deposited has to be removed at regular intervals. Numerical model “Sediment simulation in intakes with multi-block option” (SSIIM II) has been used for analyzing the sediment flow and finding an appropriate solution to the problem. In this model the Navier-Stokes with k-e turbulence model and sediment continuity equations are solved by Finite Volume Method on a three-dimensional grid. Van Rijn formula has been used for sediment transport modeling. The sediment and flow parameters used in the model have been estimated using the field data. Fine tuning of these parameters has been made by the calibration of the model. Provision of silt ejector has been studied and finally the non-silting non-scouring sediment conditions have been found using SSIIM.
A study on Environmental management practices in Rajkamal and Pace20 shrimp hatcheries P.v.t ltd at Thimmapuram near Bheemili of Visakhapatnam[Full-Text ] MVKSrivani, P. Brahmajirao, D.Ratnamani Producing young ones from eggs are called hatcheries or producing young ones from eggs by incubation or brooding. Fish, Prawn and other products of water have always been a staple part of diets in many cultures and it is not surprising that man requires some control over this in due course of time .Aquaculture industry faces many problems like stable supply of seedlings , disease control and adequate food supply or development of suitable artificial diets. Shrimps are now cultured in many areas and significant expansion of the shrimp aquaculture industry appear likely result in acute demand for shrimp seed which mostly come through intensified systems like hatcheries. Areas like Pace 20 hatchery Pvt ltd and Rajkamal hatchery Pvt ltd are selected from Thimmapuram near Bheemili The mother prawns take from sea if 7.5g to 200g and artificially grown prawn in hatcheries only has the size of 2.5 to 30 g. Rajkamal hatcheries produce 60 million production per year where as Pace 20 hatchery produce 125million production per year. This paper explains the environmental impacts of shrimp hatcheries its problems and the steps taken by the management to eradicate the problems.
Influence of Triboelectrification on Friction Coefficient[Full-Text ] Alahmadi A.The influence of triboelectrification of the contact surfaces on friction coefficient displayed by polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and high density polyethylene (HDPE) spheres sliding against polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and steel sheets is discussed. The effect of insulating the sliding surfaces on the friction coefficient is discussed at dry and water as well as salt water wetted sliding conditions. It was found that isolated test specimens showed relatively lower friction coefficient than that observed for the connected ones. This behaviour can be explained on the basis that sliding of PMMA sphere on PTFE surface generated positive charge on the PMMA surface and negative charge on PTFE surface.
Research on Strategic Transformation of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods products with respect to Chennai city[Full-Text ] Alexander cvj victoria, Dr. M. GanesanFast moving consumer goods (FMCGs) constitute a large part of consumers’ budget in all countries. With the gradually subsided of economic crisis, India’s FMCGs industry has present slow growth trend. But its market share is still not high. According to the characteristics of Chennai’s fast moving consumer goods industry, it is necessary to carry out the strategic transformation at certain stage. Thus, the retail sector for FMCGs in Chennai is in the process of a drastic transformation. New, “modern” retail formats, like chain stores and hyper/supermarkets, have rapidly diffused in almost all major urban areas, and increased their market share at the expense of traditional formats (grocery shops, green groceries, etc.) in the last couple of decades. This rapid transformation has raised concerns about competitive conditions in the sector. This study is aimed at to shed light on competitive conditions prevailing in the FMCGs retail trade sector in Chennai. Further, investigate how the structure of the market is being transformed in recent years by new retail formats. The work is focused on the analysis of competitive dynamics (inter-firm rivalry, pricing and non-price policies, barriers to entry, regulatory conditions, etc.) within the sector, and draws lessons for competition policy and to overcome the new strategic transformation model of the small scale industry products in Chennai City.
A Design of FIS Based Adaptive OFDM System for Optimized Transmission of Grayscale Images[Full-Text ] Anurag Mishra, Kanchan Sharma, and Asok DeIn this paper, we implement adaptive modulation in OFDM system using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to transmit grayscale images over AWGN channel. The value of QAM modulation order (M) is decided by using a Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System that meets a maximum predefined target of bit error rate (BER). In the beginning, grayscale image transmission using adaptive M-QAM in OFDM system is carried out successfully. To improve the system performance, we further apply (7, 4) Hamming block codes on image data to be transmitted using same FIS based adaptive OFDM system. The obtained result shows that a significant improvement in terms of high PSNR, BER, SSIM and better spectral efficiency can be achieved using Fuzzy Inference based adaptive modulation scheme used in the present work.
Enhancing Security in Service Oriented Architecture driven EAI using Aspect Oriented Programming in healthcare IT[Full-Text ] Neha Sharma, Usha Batra, Saurabh MukherjeeInformation security and privacy in healthcare IT have been a longstanding challenge in recent years. Technologies like data mining, private database, Role based access control, encryption etc. attain the goal at some extent but don’t provide a solution to resolve every aspect. Considering the extremely sensitive nature of medical records, in any attempt to transmit the data over the network; we need to make sure that any third party cryptanalyst can’t be able to access, modify or even understand the encrypted document sent over the network. This growing privacy and security needs in electronic-health records is the motivation for our approach. In this paper, we propose an approach for integration and exchange of medical records over the network in a service oriented driven framework using HL7 standard that provides an end-to-end security.
Data Security Algorithms for Cloud Storage System using Cryptographic Method[Full-Text ] Prakash G L, Dr. Manish Prateek, and Dr. Inder SinghCloud computing paradigm enables the users to access the outsourced data from the cloud server without the hardware and software management. For the effective utilization of sensitive data from CSP, the data owner encrypts before outsourcing to the cloud server. To protect data in cloud, data privacy is the challenging task. In order to address this problem, we proposed an efficient data security method using cryptographic techniques. Thus, the proposed method not only encrypts the sensitive data, but also detects the dishonest party to access the data using combined hash functions. We have analyzed the proposed method in terms of storage, communication and computational overheads. The result shows that the proposed security method is more efficient than the existing security system.
Implementing Web Mining into Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] C MayankaIn this paper different types of web mining and their usage in cloud computing (CC) have been explained. Web mining can be broadly defined as discovery and analysis of useful information from the World Wide Web [1]. It is divided into three parts that is Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining and Web Usage Mining. Each Mining technique is used in different ways in cloud i.e. Cloud Mining.
A Novel Authentication approach in Wireless sensor Network[Full-Text ] Swapna Naik , Dr. Narendra Shekokar, Rupali Yavale WSN consists of large number of Sensor Nodes where each Sensor Nodes in the network are connected by a wireless channels. The node will sense the environmental data and sends to the other sensor nodes or Base Station. During the transmission of data from one node to another node, different security techniques are used. To implement security, such as confidentiality, integrity and authentication, keys are needed. Key Management is important for implementing security in a wireless Sensor Network. Wireless Sensor Networks are believed to be the enabling technology for ambient intelligence. The common attacks that can be made on WSN are attacks like eavesdropping, man-in-the middle attack and passive attacks like replay attacks, DoS attacks, and cloning attacks. An authentication protocol can enable the senders to confirm that the packet was truly sent to authentic receiver. Our solution achieves proper authentication while keeping energy consumption at minimum . A separate key for each node to node communication is generated so that detection of malicious node is easily possible.The use of timestamping provides additional security.
Effect of polyester cross-section on moisture management properties of knitted fabrics[Full-Text ] G. Sai Sangurai, Dr.Y.C.Radhalakshmi, Dr.V.SubramaniamThis study reports an investigation of the effect of the polyester filament cross-sectional along with the lycra content variation on the moisture management properties of Rib knitted fabrics composed of them. The moisture management properties of various knitted structure were measured by using a SDL Atlas Moisture Management Tester. All the properties related to liquid transport in the textile material such as wetting time, Absorption rate, Maximum wetted radius, spreading speed, accumulative one-way transport index and overall moisture management capacity (OMMC), have been studied and analyzed to the polyester filament cross-section. It was observed that rib knitted structure having tri-lobal cross-sectional polyester filament shows increase in the spreading speed, accumulative one-way transport index and OMMC value.
Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Technique For Optimal Power Flow[Full-Text ] Leelaprasad.T, N.Vijaya Anand, CH.Padmanabha RajuThe Optimal Power Flow (OPF) plays an important role in power system operation and control due to depleting energy resources, and increasing power generation cost and ever growing demand for electric energy. As the size of the power system increases, load may be varying. The generators should share the total demand plus losses among themselves. The sharing should be based on the fuel cost of the total generation with respect to some security constraints. Conventional optimization methods that make use of derivatives and gradients are, in general, not able to locate or identify the global optimum. Heuristic algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GA) and evolutionary programming and PSO have been proposed for solving the OPF problem. Recently, a new evolutionary computation technique, called Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO), has been proposed and introd uced. In this paper, a novel Adaptive PSO based approach is presented to solve Optimal Power Flow problem to satisfy objectives such as minimizing generation fuel cost and transmission line losses. A hybrid OPF is proposed by combining the positive aspects of Interior point method and APSO.The proposed algorithms are tested on IEEE 30 bus system using MATLAB.
Double Dispersion effects on free convection along a vertical Wavy Surface in Porous Media with Variable Properties[Full-Text ] R. Bhuvanavijaya, B. MallikarjunaIn the present paper, we analyzed double diffusive free convection past a vertical wavy surface embedded in a fluid saturated porous medium with variable properties. The Darcy law is assumed to describe the homogenous fluid saturated porous medium. The temperature dependent variable properties (variable viscosity and variable thermal conductivity) are considered. The fluid flow, momentum, energy and solutal governing equations are transformed into boundary layer non-dimensional nonlinear ordinary differential equations with specified transformation and then solved with numerical technique. The results are reported for various physical parameters; variable viscosity, variable thermal conductivity, thermal dispersion and solutal dispersion and amplitude of the wavy surface on hydrodynamic velocity, temperature and concentration distributions as well as rate of heat (Nusselt number) and mass (Sherwood number) transfers. The numerical results obtained in the present method compared with previously published results and found to be in good agreement.
Line Loadability Improvement by using TCSC under Network Contingencies[Full-Text ] D.Naga Krishna Sumanth, D.Ragaleela, Dr.Ch.Padmanabha RajuHassled power system, either due to increase loading or due to severe contingencies, often leads to situation where system no longer remains in the secure operating region. Under these situations, it is primary objective of the operator to apply control action to bring the power system into the secure region. Any delay or unavailability of suitable control, the system may become unstable. FACTS devices can play very important role in power system security enhancement. The Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is one of the most effective Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices. It offers smooth and flexible control of the line impedance with much faster response compared to the traditional control devices. It may be used to enhance system performance by controlling the power flows in the network and to alleviate /eliminate the overloads on the transmission lines under network contingencies. The Newton-Raphson ac power flow method was used to perform the above studies. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested for IEEE-14 bus system. Programming of the power flow studies is carried out by using MATLAB.
Security and privacy in wireless LAN[Full-Text ] Raunak JoshiWireless data networks have spread between home users and companies in an increasing fashion. The main reason behind this fast adaptation is due to the nature of wireless networks where it provides the flexibility and freedom that wired networks lack. The increasing of bandwidth capabilities has inspired people to think seriously about replacing wired networks with wireless networks especially in places where it is hard or expensive to have wired networks. One of the main places that can benefit from these ideas are rural areas, where wired networks infrastructure is either difficult or impossible to create due to physical obstacles. With continual advances in technology, coupled with increasing price/performance advantages, wireless accessibility is being deployed increasingly. This topic discusses the security threats and risks associated with wireless networks, and outlines a number of best practices for deploying wireless networks and home Finally, a set of security tips is provided for end-users surfing the Internet using wireless networks.
Mitigation of Blast Propagation in Undrground Spaces[Full-Text ] Ehab Hanafi Mahmoud“Protection against Terrorism” is an emerging factor which influences the urban planning process offering a new dimension to town planning.In urban settings; such public buildings may be underground at the heart of major cities, offering closed or semi-closed collective spaces. In such spaces, enhancement of the blast waves can occur by reflection and the structures will receive multiple shocks. This paper presents the findings from a programme of research, which explores the opportunities offered by an effective town planning approach. Specifically it looks at the protection, which derives from using spatial forms to mitigate the effect of blast waves in underground spaces, as assessed with the AUTODYN simulation package 3D V3.0.07.