Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2021
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REVIEW OF LITERATURES ON THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF POTATO HARVESTING MACHINE[Full-Text ] Beimnet Hadish GebregzabhiarNow a day’s agricultural mechanization becomes mandatory in developing agricultural productivity hence a lot of research papers have been done on the mechanization of agricultural machineries all over the world amongst design and development of potato harvesting machine is one. The aim of this article is to give a brief information about the previous works in design and development of potato harvesting machine all over the world and the current potato harvesting culture in Ethiopia to motivate the researcher in adding values on the sector and reduce the effort required for harvesting root crops in addition to saving labor cost required for harvesting, especially for small scale farming by reviewing the literatures on the design and development of potato harvesting machine.
Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Status and Its Spatial and Seasonal Fluctuation in Amibara irrigated area of Ethiopia [Full-Text ] Lemma Mamo and Bobe BedadiIrrigated agriculture is a major human activity, which often leads to secondary salinization of land and water resources in arid and semi-arid conditions. Soil salinity is an enormous problem for agriculture under irrigation as it affects the growth and development of plants in Ethiopia; the problem is widespread in the rift valley areas where middle Awash and Amibara irrigated farms are present. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate spatial variability and seasonal fluctuation of ground and surface water quality. Based on the existing piezometers points, additional ground water monitoring holes were repaired and installed at the previous points. Totally, about thirty monitoring piezometers were used in this study, which are found in both Fluvisols and Vertisols areas.
Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Medical Imaging leaders at Workplace[Full-Text ] Atif Mehmood, Yasir Shahid, Maria umar The emerging theory of Emotional Intelligence in academia and profession has changed the future dimensions of leadership skills in the workplace and strengthen its role in the students’ performance and achievements. Emotional Intelligence is considered a concept that occupies ability, capacity, skills or a self perceived aptitude to recognize, appraise and deal with emotions of one’s self , others and of groups. Emotional Intelligence has been recognized a very important personality trait which is strongly recommended to develop in medical imaging students and professionals.
The Outcome of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Adults of Saudi Arabia in the year 2020-2021[Full-Text ] Arshi K. M, Nujud A. B, Khawla A. H, Hanin T. Z, Samar F. H, Hessa M.A, Wejdan S. ABackground Chronic complications of diabetes remain the chief problems in diabetic care. Studying factors associated with complications of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus can help in developing prevention strategies for Diabetic complications. The aim of the study is to evaluate the pattern of chronic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methodology This study is based on an electronic questionnaire that consists of 4 sections.
Review on Pen-Side Tests: Prospects in Animal Disease Diagnosis and Eradication Program[Full-Text ] Abdi Feyisa, Bethel BefekaduInfectious animal diseases have a great economic and public health impact in developed and developing countries of the world. Thus, early detection for early intervention as well as strategic prevention and control for successful eradication needs rapid and efficient diagnosis tests. Thus, this paper reviews the available pen-side tests and their features in veterinary disease diagnosis and eradication programs. Human and veterinary doctors use diagnosis that ranges from physical diagnosis to sophisticated molecular techniques to reach a reliable conclusion. However, these diagnostic techniques either conventional or modern have limitations in terms of time, cost, availability, portability, ease of use, and effectiveness. Nowadays, different pathogen or disease-specific pen-side tests have been developing to overcome such limitations.
Growth response of African giant land snail (Archachatina maginata) to cashew apple waste based diets[Full-Text ] Adebowale, B. A., Orimoloye P. O., Igbinadolor R. O. and MustaphaGrowth response of young African giant land snail (Achachatina maginata) fed sundried cashew apple waste (CAW) (otherwise known as cashew bagasse) was investigated with 96 snailets. Dwindling supply of and high prices of conventional animal feedstuffs in Nigeria urgently necessitate sourcing for solution through incorporation of emerging agrowastes into animal feedstuff. Four experimental diets were formulated, using grounded cashew apple waste at maize replacement levels of A(0%); B(10%); C(20%); and D(30%).
Applying Log-Linear Regression Models to analyse effect of Remedial Education on Students’ Academic Performance : A case study of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olopha, Paul OmohAdmission into undergraduate studies in universities all over the world have majorly been through qualifying examinations, most of which are conducted centrally by the appropriate government agencies. In Nigeria, like in some other countries of the world, competing modes of admission have sprang up over the years in many universities, most of which require additional learning known as remedial education, arranged by these universities for intending fresh intakes who were not originally found admissible into their courses of choice through the central examinations. In this paper, hierarchical loglinear analysis was applied to study the effect of mode of admission (with remedial education or not) on students performance using a Federal University of Technology in Nigeria as a case study.
Floor cleaning robot with autonomous and manual control using blynk application[Full-Text ] Sajal Menon, Lirin Thomas,Ishan Pathak,Smitha KNowadays people are looking forward towards autonomous and smart system that provides easier control and access to things. IOT has become one of the main aspects of autonomous system. Internet of things helps to connect applications to internet and helps to connect the user and the application from any location remotely .Manual labor is time consuming and not cot effective we are developing a low cost IOT based vacuum cleaner that can not only clean the surface but also provides a mopping on the floor hence it is easier and less time consuming.
The purposes of Islamic Jurisprudence[Full-Text ] Umeed Maalik Goraya Every existing fact and figure has some reason, purpose and logic behind. This is the undenied beauty of creation in this universe. The drive of each creation is well defined by The Creator. All divine revelations and particularly the last revelation tend to provide ease for humanity, relief from difficulty and protection of wisdom. Purpose behind is to give a way for the betterment of here and hereafter. To know and understand this is a basic need of a person in life. Not only to get guidance in routine matters but to define and adjust contemporary emerging issues in day-to-day life.
The Effect of Organizational Commitment, Motivation and Work Attitude on The Performance Employees in Wua-Wua District, Kendari City[Full-Text ] Kasman Kasim Marewa , Abdul Azis Muthalib , Bakhtiar Abbas This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational commitment, motivation, and work attitude on the performance of village employees in Wua-Wua District, Kendari City. The population in this study were employees in the Kelurahan in Wua-Wua District, Kendari City, amounting to 57 people. The determination of the number of samples in this study was by using the census method, which was all taken as a sample of 57 employees. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression using SPSS software.
Column Relief Valve – Estimating Relief Loads Using Simulation Method[Full-Text ] Savant Amit, Jalgaonkar Rajesh, Amale PradeepRelief load estimation is one of the most challenging engineering aspects for relief header sizing to protect process plant in emergency. Flare system is last line of defense in the safe emergency release system in refinery or chemical plants. Flare header size in process plant depends on emergency relief load. Flare header sizing is influenced by various upset overpressure scenario relief loads.There are various methods to estimate relief loads for fractionating columns are manual heat balance across relieving equipment, steady state simulation and mitigation of higher relief loads by dynamic simulation.
MATERIALS SELECTION FOR BRAKING SYSTEM IN GO-KARTING AUTOMOBILES[Full-Text ] M. YASHWANTH KUMAR, B. ABHIMAN, M.V. RAMANA REDDYBraking system is an integral part of automobile mechanism. For certain unique automobiles like Go-Kart systems, the braking system must be designed with accurate and material importance. This is done to keep in accordance with various parameters such as economy and weight of the automobiles etc. The braking systems have to provide enough force in order to decelerate by completely locking the wheels.
Reasons for students to fall behind in ICT Education[Full-Text ] HALEMA BEGUM “ICT in Education’’ means “ Teaching and Learning with ICT’’. Worldwide research has shown that ICT can load to improved student learning and better teaching methods. (https://ictcurriculum.gov.in/google) ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a “ diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, store, and manage information.” The positive impact of ICT use in education has not been proven. Positive impact more likely when linked to pedagogy .It is believed that specific uses of ICT can have positive effects on students achievement when ICTs are used appropriately to complement a teacher’s existing pedagogical philosophies.
Convergence of Gradient Descent after Homeomorphic Transformation[Full-Text ] Vatsal Patel Gradient Descent belongs to the class of optimization algorithms which is used to minimize a function. It is by far the most popular optimization strategy used in machine learning & deep learning. It is applied on a function obtained as a result of the error while training the model. Hence used to minimize the error. To approach this minimum at a faster rate is an important aspect of reducing standard computation time. To do the same we explore Homeomorphic Topological Spaces related to our function represented here as a topological space & perform gradient descent.
DEVELOPMENT OF MICROCONTROLLER BASED VEHICLE ALCOHOL DETECTION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Aluko O. A., Ibiyomi M. A., Oyebiyi A.J., The vehicle accidents on most of high ways in Nigeria which had caused a lot people to lost their life and many sustained injuries that made them to become handicapped has become worrisome over the years. In the recent times, roadworthy report presented early in 2021 by Federal Road Safety Corp’ data and information unit recorded that 80% of the fatal accidents which claimed life resulted from drunk driving. This problem necessitated the technical attention to alleviate this severity to bare minimum. The project presents the development of a vehicle alcohol detection system using ATmega328P Microcontroller. The section include; input section, control section and the output section, the input section consist of MQ-3 alcohol sensor which continuously monitor the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to detect the existence of alcohol in the exhalation of a driver.
Comparative Analysis of the Green Industrialization between Green and Non-green Garments of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] MD.TAIBUR RAHMANThe purpose of this study was to determine the extent of green industrialization of Ready Made Garment (RMG) in Bangladesh. Two green industries of Narayanganj District were purposively considered for the study. Data were collected from a sample of randomly selected 263 RMG Workers and Supervisors out of 840 from the mentioned two (2) RMGs. Simple and direct questions with different scales were used to obtained information. The study was conducted during the time from 02 June 2019 to 30 August 2019. Eleven (11) selected characteristics of the RMG Workers and Supervisors were considered as the independent variables.
ANALYSYS OF MARKET SEGMENTATION STRATEGY APPLICATION AT PT. MAKIN JAYA AGUNG KENDARI[Full-Text ] Arman, Rahmat Madjid, Nofal SupriaddinThis research aims to determine the application of marketing effectiveness through market segmentation strategy at PT Makin Jaya Agung Kendari. To answer the problems in a deep manner, this research used qualitative descriptive approach. Data analysis method used data qualitative analysis method by Miles and Huberman consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Results of the research show that market segmentation strategy taken by PT.
Qualitative Study on Perceived Classroom Distractions Affecting Student Performance[Full-Text ] Jesus M. Cababa, Jr., Nenita A. Pascual, Leah M. Donasco, Elvira M. TabinasClassroom distractions divert student attention that impede the teaching and learning processes. The study wanted to find out the perceived classroom distractions associated to teachers, students, learning environment, gadgets like smartphones and internal factors. Additionally, it sought to determine the effects of these distractions to student performance. The study used the qualitative research design using 20 students selected purposely from among the 4 levels of Letran Junior High School.
AVAILABILITY OF FOOD COMMODITIES THROUGH URBAN AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES: A STUDY IN DELHI[Full-Text ] Sanchya Makhija, Rupa UpadhyaySpace and population are the major problems of Indian Cities. It is making urban life increasingly difficult. Generally, the nutritional security is compromised in these areas because of non-availability of food, price fluctuations and poverty. However, in the recent years concerns about the quality of home-grown food has increased. Considering this change in the urban population, the study on Availability of food commodities through Urban Agricultural Practices was conducted in Delhi.
Solar Tracker Design and Efficiency Comparison with that of Conventional Solar energy harnessing Method[Full-Text ] Anuroop S Varma, Basil Shani, Adwin P Benny, Sethu Sidharth, Hitha P SThis paper proposes a Dual Axis solar tracker alternative which uses a simple arrangement which does not require any type of programming and computer to perform tracking. This tracker uses additional mini solar panels which control motors for movement in all axes. This paper also takes efficiency difference of solar tracker with that of flat panel arrangement. Hence paper is trying to find the practicality of solar tracker in domestic cases.
Forecasting the Trends and Patterns of Crime in San Francisco using Machine Learning Model[Full-Text ] Saad Rasool, Azhar Ghafoor, Zeshan FareedThe Crime Prediction Method is a systemic approach to preventing the detection and review of past crime data patterns and trends and uses it for future crime forecasting. This system is designed to predict the type of crime in a given region that is highly likely to occur and can view areas susceptible to crime. Crime analyzers are helping law enforcement officers to solve crimes with the growing advent of computerized systems. Using machine learning methods, we can derive information from past crime data that is unknown and useful before and can predict future crimes.
AI-enabled implementation of Autonomous Vehicle 4.0 for Smart Environment[Full-Text ] Kartik chauhanIn the Era of the Digital world, autonomous vehicles inform many developments. Now, we have a tendency to Reached up to level five with high integrated functions. However we have a tendency to cannot integrate the close object, therefore we have a tendency to enhance A level four autonomous vehicles in order that it are often configured as high automation as capable full automation within which containing a personality's ride continues to be AN possibility. Within the field of vehicles, varied aspects are thought of which create a vehicle machine-driven. Tesla, Google that performing on the sphere of autonomous and still developing new changes to offer a full new level to the machine-driven vehicle with some robust algorithmic rule and clearly with a high expansive model.
Quantum Interpretation (Physics) - Information Field[Full-Text ] Abhijit ManoharThe paper generalizes and extends the 5 parameters of qualia required to generate subjective experience to physics. It presents the localization parameter and its relation to the collapse of the wave function to arrive at the plausible nature of physical universe. Alternative interpretations are discussed against the merit of Information Field interpretation. Few important quantum experiments are reviewed in the contrast with information field quantum interpretation. Finally, postulates of information field are developed and listed towards the end of the paper.
Optimization of Concrete Mix with Tungsten Composite Materials as a Gamma- Ray Radiation Shielding[Full-Text ] A.M. Madbouly, Amal A. El- SawyThe current study aimed to enhance the performance of concrete as a shield for gamma rays by testing the addition of four different types of tungsten. The tungsten was added replacing 30% of concrete, either as, tungsten oxide S1, ditungsten carbide S2, tungsten carbide S3, or tungsten metal S4. The measurements were performed using a gamma spectrometer NaI(Tl) detector at 662 keV, while Phys-X/PSD software was used for theoretical calculations.
Kinetics Study of Cottonseed Oil Modified Alkyd Resin Poly-condensation[Full-Text ] Ezidinma Timothy Amaechi.An appropriate kinetics law that governed some important conditions of the reaction process for cotton seed oil modified alkyd resin has been developed. Kinetics experiments were conducted following a standard procedure. The classical third order conversion rate model was adopted in determining the rate parameters while the viscosity-conversion model suggested by the free-volume theory was applied for the viscosity kinetics studies. The kinetics models considered for this study adequately predict the reaction progress even beyond the actual gelation point.
Cost Implication of using a Petrol Generator and PV System in a Middle-Income Residential Apartment in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Mbamaluikem, Peter Obinna, Okeke, Henry SundayIn Nigeria, there is a yearning for an increase in the electricity supply to residential consumers. Hence, the need for an alternative source of electricity that would be sustainable and cost-effective. This study, therefore, carried out an energy audit for a middle-income residential three-bedroom apartment in Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria, to determine the load profile and power consumption in the apartment. The load data was collected by physical inspection. Two energy sources – solar PV and petrol generators- were considered based on the load demand and electricity consumption for a period of ten years.
Effects of note-taking on the performance of junior secondary two students in literature in English in Bwari Area Council, Abuja[Full-Text ] Udogu Chizoba Pauline, Nwobi Esther Uchenna, Ezeanolue Aloysius Okwuchukwu, Onuoha Juliana Nwanneka, Nwali Ruth Nkechi, Chukwuma Eucheria Onyinye, Agwuoke Stella Nkiruka. Background: Note-taking has its implications on students’ learning outcomes, education performance and academic success, cognitive ability of learners to achieve as well as better understanding of knowledge.
ENERGY AUDIT AND OPTIMAL POWER SUPPLY FOR A HOTEL BUILDING IN BENIN CITY, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Olaye OsayomwanboEnergy consumption is very important to human beings and there is the driving force to increase the amount of energy generated due to the type of development in terms of buildings, and the amount of energy required for the building. In Nigeria for example there are a high energy shortage and the frequent breakdown of generating stations down to the distribution of the energy in a given view of the high electricity demand. Lack of electricity brings about poverty in the country where business activities are short down due to the required energy to drive the economy. In this study, an energy audit of a two-story building hotel was performed to determine the nature and type of loads within the building.
An investigation on the correlation between rabbit femur bone with second order texture properties from Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix[Full-Text ] Resmi S.L, P.N DileepPrediction of BMD and Young's modulus of bones can highly enhance the scope for early detection and mitigation of untimely bone fracture and delay the associated difficulties that set in due to osteoporosis as one ages. It is demonstrated that microstructure and mechanical properties of bone can be derived from texture analysis of Computational Tomography (CT) images, using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method.
Proposing the use of Digital Currency in Hajj and Umrah[Full-Text ] Dr Walaa J. AlharthiDespite being the two major gatherings of Muslims in the two holiest cities of Saudi Arabia, Hajj and Umrah religious pilgrimages have come under scrutiny due to their numerous challenges. These challenges, including rising death tolls among pilgrims and soaring complaints about corruption and incompetence against pilgrimage managers, have instigated several debates over rival approaches to reforming the pilgrimages.
Impact of Financial Deepening and Foreign Direct investment on Economic growth: A Case study of Newly Industrialized Countries[Full-Text ] Maria Ali BuchaThe main aim of present study is to find a relationship among foreign direct investment and financial deepening on economic growth in case of newly industrialized countries by taking the time spanned from 2000-2014. This study argues that the financial deepening is a necessary condition of foreign direct investment, which plays significant role in economic growth. Existing study further elaborate that organized financial system of the host country is a main reason which attracts foreigners to invest in recipient countries, because through financial system resources are efficiently allocated and absorptive capacity of the host country improves due to foreign direct investment inflows.
Security and privacy in cloud computing[Full-Text ] Alma Hyra, Grigorina BoceSecurity and privacy are key issues on the Cloud platform worldwide. Problem and possible protection of different types such as security of resources, unauthorized access, data loss, etc. This article offers an introduction to cloud computing by describing the main features of this technology including the essential technical characteristics. Furthermore, the intention is to identify security and privacy issues in cloud computing and at the same time present the current solutions on these challenges. The main concerns to address in this article are lack of data control, lack of access trust, illegal usage of data and undefined authorities and responsibilities.
IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON ATMOSPHERIC AIR QUALITY: A REVIEW[Full-Text ] BIRMA, G. J, TAWARI-FUFEYIN, P, ISSA, B. R , ODENIYI, K. O, AGAJA, S. A, OGUNKEYEDE, A. O, IKPESU, J. E, NEVOH, G. OThe outbreak of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), started around December, 2019 in Wuhan city of China, has attracted world attention due to its rapid transmission. World Health Organization (WHO) code-named the deadly infectious monster as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) following preliminary investigation of the SARS-CoV. The disease caused by the virus results to severe respiratory infections with dry cough, high fever, body ache and fatigue as the associated symptoms. The mode of transmission of causative agent is primarily among human population through respiratory droplets or fluids from COVID-19 infected person.
The Role of HIV-1 Vif in SAPOBEC3G, A3G, Cellular core-binding factor β, G2 Cell Cycle arrest, causes Disruption immune system and in Progression of HIV-1infection, as potential target for vaccine development (Part Six-2)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueAccessory proteins, thought initially to be dispensable for infection, have now been shown to be important for efficient infection in vivo. HIV-1 Vif interacts with the cellular core-binding factor β (CBFβ) and counteracts the protective roles of certain human APOBEC3 (A3) proteins by targeting them for proteasomal degradation.
Crop Yield prediction using Machine Learning Models[Full-Text ] Nihar Ranjan Nath, MS Jemarani JaypuriaIndia's dependence on wheat grows day by day with increasing population. To forecast regional and worldwide food security and commodities markets, accurate yield forecasting is required. Machine-learning algorithms can properly estimate wheat output for the country two months before the crop matures, according to a recent study published in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Innovation Management for Sustainable Development Practices in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Amaeshi Uzoma Francis, Emerole IkechukwuTo provide new inferences on the relation between the management of technology information, sustainable development and the innovative performance of firms, a survey was carried out among Nigerian industrial enterprises with innovative characteristics. The study sought to understand how technological innovation management practices that take social and environmental responsibility into account influence firms' internationalization process. The independent and dependent variables suggest that there is a connection between managing technology for sustainable development and innovative performance.
Evaluation of Selected Properties of Beef-Tigernut Fibre Burger[Full-Text ] Sokunbi Fadeyinmi B., Olufunke O. EzekielTiger nut fibre is a by-product of tiger nut milk processing produced in high quantity with high content of fibre which allows its application in the formulation of foods rich in dietary fibre. Elaboration of Beef-Tiger nut fibre burgers were carried out by inclusion of different percentages (0%-control, 5%, 10% 15% and 20%) of Tiger nut fibre (TNF), in the formulation of beef burgers which were analysed for proximate composition, textural profile, physical and sensory properties. Statistically, beef burgers elaborated with TNF had higher proximate compositions. Carbohydrate and crude fibre content increased significantly in the 20%TNF sample.
A novel feature selection method in IDS system using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine for Smart grid Communication network[Full-Text ] G. Manisha, R. VijayanandIntrusion detection is a major security concern in neighborhood area network of smart grid. Intrusion detection system uses classifiers for detection purpose and it suffers from the irrelevant and noisy features of network traffic. Feature selection enhances the attack detection by selecting the most informative features of network traffic as input. In this paper, the task of identifying the relevant features is represented as multi-objective optimization problem with maximization of accuracy and minimization of number of informative features as objectives. This optimization problem is solved by applying Multi-objective genetic algorithm. In this work, the Support vector machine used with the optimization algorithm for the selection of diverse pareto optimal solutions. The proposed system was evaluated by the standard UNSW_NB15 dataset. The simulation results show that the proposed system finds multiple efficient solutions with high accuracy and less number of informative features and is suitable for the application of intrusion detection.
Agricultural Environmental Management Analysis In Taebenu Sub District, Kupang District, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Hendrik Ernantje, Soemarno, Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Amin Setyo LeksonoManagement of the agricultural environment will greatly determine the sustainability of an agricultural sector business. Therefore, to direct an environmental management towards sustainable it is important to analyze the management that is currently taking place at the farmer level. This research has been carried out with the aim of analyzing; 1. Agricultural environmental management by farmers in Taebenu sub-district; 2. What factors are related to the management of the agricultural environment. Spearman's rank correlation analysis was used to find factors related to agricultural environmental management.