Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2020
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Fuzzy Logic Design for Handover and QoS Control in LTE HETNET[Full-Text ] Zeinab A. aboelezz, Hala B. Nafea, and Fayez W. ZakiIn heterogeneous (HetNet) networks the handover is an important process that affects the Quality of service performance. The de-cision of handover is the objective rule in the handover process. Due to the fact that the handover is of primary importance in QoS for LTE networks, it is considered in the present work using fuzzy logic design procedure. To determine the handover decision for macro cell or small cell a fuzzy logic design with the following input parameters:
Design of Odour Trap for Waterless Urinal System[Full-Text ] Ms. Pranjali Laxman BidwaiBillions of gallons of water are used annually to flush toilets in the India. Consequences of this usage include consumption of natural resources and construction of new infrastructure to treat and transmit potable water and wastewater. Waterless, or no-flush urinals, may help mitigate these effects and offer other advantages, including lower utility charges, improved restroom hygiene, and decreased fixture maintenance. Waterless Urinals can be promoted at homes, institutions and public places to save water, energy and to harvest urine as a resource.
Bacteriology and Antibiotic susceptibility of community-acquired peritonitis in Hôpital Régional de Ségou (Mali)[Full-Text ] Beye S.A., Traoré A.M., Camara B.The objective of this study was to determine the susceptibility of bacterial pathogens isolated specimens collected from community-acquired peritonitis, in order to provide guidance to hospital practitioners on adequacy of antibiotic therapy.
Module Equipped Manipulative and Interactive Strategic Intervention Material (MI-SIM) in Chemistry 9[Full-Text ] Sheryl J. Contreras Variation in students’ learning makes the teacher creative in delivering lessons. To cope with the 21st century learners with different learning styles that learn best through experience, the researcher made an innovation, “Manipulative and Interactive Strategic Intervention Material (MI-SIM)”. MI-SIM is combination of manipulative and interactive instructional tool that aims to improve the Least Mastered Skills in Science. Purposive sampling was used for the selection of respondents at Manila Science High School.
Administration of the Drug to Effectively kill the Cancer cells Only, Without damaging the Healthy cells, in Effective cost using Nanobots[Full-Text ] Nirnimesh De, Souhardya Roy, Subham GhosalDrugs that target microtubules are thought to inhibit cell division and cell migration by suppressing dynamic instability, a “Search & Capture” behavior that allows microtubules to probe their environment. Here, we report that subtoxic drug concentrations are sufficient to inhibit plus-end microtubule dynamic instability and cell migration without affecting cell division or microtubule assembly.
Assessment of The Land Use Land Cover Change and Encroachment of National Forest in Lamahi Municipality, Dang District, Nepal[Full-Text ] Sagar Budhathoki, Saugat Thapa, Muna Giri, Sanchita BudhathokiLand-use Land-cover change is the change in the biophysical cover and use of land for different purposes. Urbanization can be considered as the observable transformation of the spatial pattern of LULC, such as the transformation of agricultural land into built-up area or the gradual transformation of rural landscape into urban forms. The transformation of rural landscape to urban landscape has caused various impacts on ecosystem structure, function, and dynamics. Knowledge about LULC has become increasingly important since it the driver of local, regional and global environmental change.
Smart Tank Water Monitoring System using IOT[Full-Text ] Miss.Shrutika A. Danole, Mr. Suhas Kulkarni, Mr. Swapnil KaravNow with the advent of Machine to Machine Communication which leads to devices communicating among themselves and accordingly analyzing the data intelligently, we here have developed an “Intelligent IoT based water level monitoring system” pertaining to storage tanks being used by railways sector. The microcontroller (ARM7) based Water level monitoring is used to indicate the level of water in the tank to agent. Sensor Based Water Level Detection, it will check the water quality by using these parameters such as the water level, turbidity, gas and temperature are measured in real time by the sensors and it will be monitoring by an agent.
Statistical analysis of the effect of cutting parameters on the Average temperature in hard turning of steel C 55 (DIN)[Full-Text ] Naim Ostergllava, Simeon Simeonov, Mevludin Shabani, Bujar Pira, Afrim LokThe paper considers one output parameter average temperature as a function of process cutting parameters speed of cut (v), feed rate (f) , depth cut (a) and insert nose radius (r) during machining of the stainless steel C 55 - DIN. The average temperature was measured by natural thermocouple and statistically processed by computer software CADEX developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje. Mat lab software was utilized for graphically presentation and calculation of experimental results, which has been obtained at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Metrology laboratory in Skopje. Four factorial experimental design was utilized at the data processing.
Unattended Baggage Detection System For Occlusive Complex Environment Using Collaborative Mask[Full-Text ] Pulkit Narwal, Rahul MishraIn today’s world, security at public places is main concern for authorities. Automated video surveillance is the answer to such situations where the designed system checks for security based on certain defined conditions. From this domain, unattend-ed baggage is a wide concern for security parameters. A baggage left unattended or abandoned baggage could pose serious threats to the security in public places. To minimize this risk, an advanced technological capability in video surveillance sys-tem could prove advantageous.
Racist Attitudes towards African Americans, Muslim Immigrants and Ethnic minorities[Full-Text ] Ali Zain CharoliaThe United States has a broad history; eras of ups and downs. But, despite having a history of celebrating civil rights activists and touting religious tolerance, the United States' general population continues to show racist attitudes toward Muslims and other ethnic groups and minorities. Racism against Islamic groups sparked the most after the incident of 9/11 where a Muslim-claiming terrorist group attacked the twin towers in New York, U.S.A.
Structural chemistry and biological activity of some pyrimidine compounds and their transition metal complexes[Full-Text ] Mamdouh.S.Masoud, Nadia.Z.Shaban and Mahmoud M.AhmedSome pyrimidine derivatives : 5-[Carboxy phenyl azo] thiobarbituric acid [L1], 5-[2hydroxyphenylide] thiobarbituric acid [L2] and of 5-[Carboxy phenyl azo] barbituric acid [L3] and their Cu[II] ,Ni[II] and Co[II] complexes were synthesized and fully characterized using elemental analysis and spectral methods including: H1-NMR, C13-NMR, FT-IR and UV-Visible spectroscopy . Phenomenon of tautomerism was discussed using spectral methods.
Empirical Correlation of Flow Characteristics of Ikpa-River Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] T.G Leton, Okon.B And C F IkebudeThis study present finding from the study conducted in Ikpa River in Uyo Local Government of Akwa Ibom State, in the South South of Nigeria. The method adopted for the study involved taking field measurement of the hydraulic geometry such as the depth and width of the river with a tape rule and a dumpy level. Other measurement taken was the velocity of the river using a current meter. The velocity of the river was taken at 5 depths (river bed level, 0.2d, 0.4d, 0.8d and 0.95d).
A design approach for evaluating Fenton process using Response surface method[Full-Text ] Wafa Guedri, Hanen GhanmiThe aim of the purpose study was to identify the optimal parameters of real and synthetic wastewater treated by Fenton process. The effects of temperature, pH, the ratio [H2O2]/[FeSO4] were explored using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Vinyl sulfonic and azoic dyes were used as model pollutants. Response surface methodology was applied to evaluate the influence of three factors on the color and COD removal.
Ensemble Learning In Traffic Incidents[Full-Text ] Mehwish Shabbir, Muhammad SohailTraffic accident detection is a significant area of research for intelligent transport cadres. Numerous methods have achieved great perfor-mance in detecting road accidents. Be that as it may, Strengthening these methods is not acceptable. In particular context, it is not neces-sary that by applying a method is applied against for another generating index, its performance is always get better, in fact, it had once even sounded very good in a collection of information.
Securing Organ Donation using Blockchain[Full-Text ] Anuradati Kulshrestha, Abhirupa Mitra, AmishaModern systems responsible for the collection, preservation, or transplantation of organs lack transparency. They are slow and are provided with minimum security requirements, resulting in the illegal trade of organs or other serious medical scams. We propose a secure platform to monitor and facilitate the process of organ donation by deploying it on a decentralized platform with the help of blockchain, thus in this process, ensuring security, integrity, and transparency and also eliminating the need for third-party moderators.
The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Mathematical Representation Ability In Term Of The Initial Capabilities Of Grade VIII Students Of Public Junior High School Pekanbaru[Full-Text ] Ike Nurjannah, Hendra SyarifuddinThis study aimed to determine the effect of problem based learning models on the ability of mathematical representation in terms of students' initial abilities. This type of research was experimental research. The study population was Public Junior High School students of class VIII Pekanbaru with medium school level. The sampling technique used random sampling. The research sample consisted of 34 experimental class students and 35 control class students. The initial abilities of students are categorized into three namely high, moderate, and low.
Existence of bounded solutions of linear first-order Kronecker product systems of differential equations[Full-Text ] Kasi Viswanadh V. Kanuri, Yan Wu, K. N. MurtyThis paper presents a criterion for the existence of bounded solutions of the non-homogeneous first order Kronecker product system. This study enables to discuss stability and asymptotic stability of two linear systems of first order in a single framework.
Ante Natal Care and Low Hemoglobin at Delivery; Significant Factors for low birth deliveries in Tharparkar District of Sindh Province, Pakistan, 2017-18: A Case Control Study[Full-Text ] Dr Sandeep Kumar Mehraj, Dr Naveed Massod Memom ,Dr Mudassar DomkiTharparkar is very hard dynamically and remote areas of the province. The hemoglobin level of the mother has major impact and causal relationship with the birth weight of the neonates .This is very first study of its type in the region to address old issue of region.
ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL AIR ON HEALTH OF THE WORKERS AND DWELLERS OF THE RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN OYO STATE[Full-Text ] AKINNUBI C. F. (Ph.D)This study specifically examined the air from the industries on the health of the workers and dwellers of the environment in Ibadan metropolis of Oyo State. Two hundred and forty respondents consisting of one hundred and twenty workers and one hundred and twenty residents around the industrial areas were selected using accidental sampling technique. A self-developed questionnaire that was validated with reliability coefficient of 0.84 was used for the study.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Work Ethics, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) Singaraja[Full-Text ] I Ketut Ngurah Arintasuta, Agoes Ganesha RahyudaThis study aimed to determine the effect of transformational leadership, work ethic and work motivation on employee performance at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha). This study used causality research design. The sample consisted of 85 employees of Undiksha
1999 – 2019: THE ANALYSIS & SURVEY OF MAJOR CYBER ATTACKS (The Impact of Cyber Attacks on Digitized World & Security Measures)[Full-Text ] Suriya Gharib, Somiya Zaman, Syeda Roshana Ali NaqviThe rapid development in technology enabled the use of computer systems for communication in all the sectors including governance, military, education, energy, and finance etc. The adversaries are easily attracted towards these sectors for disrupting, spying, & steeling information worldwide. So, in this era of digitized world where information is communicated and shared via electronic means security and privacy are at risk.
Adjusting Logit Model Estimation Results Obtained with Stated Preference Data[Full-Text ] Mina Hassanvand PhDStated preference (SP) surveys are commonplace in transportation engineering and planning. When the data from such surveys are used to estimate logit choice models, several refinements can be applied to account for limitations or departures from the assumptions made in development of the logit model and the estimation techniques used with it. This paper has reviewed three relevant refinements and has applied them in a case study using data from an SP survey where three of these adjustments are considered and the results are compared with the unadjusted results.
CLIMATE CHANGE / GLOBAL WARMING & POLLUTION - DEBATE: SOCIETAL IMPACT[Full-Text ] B. G. Shiva Prasad“Climate Change” & “Global Warming” have not only become hot topics researched by many researchers but also key issues in political contests in many countries, particularly in United States. It entered the geopolitical arena, when the UN set up an Intergovernmental Panel to conduct research and their Committee won the Nobel Prize also in 2007.
BIOPOLYMER TREATMENT TO UPGRADE FIBRE QUALITY OF IOCC FURNISH FOR STRENGTH IMPROVEMENT OF PACKAGING PAPER[Full-Text ] Rita Tandon, Satya Dev Negi & Kuldeep Kr. SharmaNaturally occurring polysaccharides based biopolymer are known to improve strength of paper when used as additives. These may or may not be chemically modified. The mechanism of their contribution to improvement in dry strength arises from their capacity to become adsorbed to the cellulosic fibres and enhance bonding through formation of hydrogen bonds. The recycled fibre furnish which is known to have become hornified upon drying showing low water retention value compared to virgin fibre has been found to improve the bonding strength with the addition of biopolymers.
Effect of Speed on Efficiency and Throughput Capacity of Cocoyam Peeling Machine[Full-Text ] Nnaemeka C. EzeanyaThe processing of cocoyam corms for both industrial and human use involves different operations of which peeling is the major task. This study aimed at the development and performance evaluation of a vertically-aligned cocoyam peeling machine. The cocoyam peeling ma-chine was successfully developed at Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. The peeling machine was operated at three rota-tional speeds of 98, 130, and 228 rpm.
GALENA MINING AND WATER QUALITY OF AMATA, SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ONUGHA, AUGUSTINE CHIMEEBERE The study investigated galena mining and water quality of Amata community in Ishiagu clan of Ivo Local Government Area, Ebonyi State southeastern Nigeria. The study adopted the completely randomized block design (CRBD) due to the similarity of the experimental points (i.e. sampling frames) where the water samples (i.e. surface and groundwater) are taken. Instruments like: multiparameter water quality meter, water analyzer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS), one liter plastic containers and GPS were used to collect, determine and analyze chemically if galena mining in any way impacts on the water quality in Amata community.
Relationship between Senior Secondary Schools Students’ Metacognitive Attitude and their Academic Performance in Physics[Full-Text ] Aliu Abdulrahaman, Kadir Rasheedat Bukky, Dr. Abdulrasaq O. AkanbiMetacognitive has been acknowledged that it has significant role on students’ academic performance in science. The concern of the present study is which aspect of metacognition has significant influence on students’ academic performance. Therefore this study correlated some aspects of metacogni-tion with senior secondary school students’ academic performance in Physics.
Need to integrate the operating phase into the life cycle of a Production Automated Systems (P.A.S)[Full-Text ] MABROUK MohamedFlexibility in production leads to more and more automation of production systems. These systems are heterogeneous and increasingly complex to design, implement and operate. Today, highly automated production systems are observed in which various technologies are used. This automation has made production systems quite complex. The constraints linked to the process are becoming increasingly strong.
COVID-19 EFFECTS ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF DEPARTMENTAL STORES IN RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ACEE-EKE, BEATRICE CHINYERE AND DR. OGONU, GIBSON CHITURUThe study examined COVID-19 effects on consumer buying behaviour of departmental stores in Rivers State, Nigeria. The quantitative study adopted the correlational research design. A sample of 240 staff of departmental stores (comprising 100 customer attendants, 80 product delivers, and 60 management) was selected from 20 departmental stores in the study area. A 38-item 2 marketing professionals or experts validated 4-point scale instrument titled “Covid-19 Effects on Consumer Buying Behaviour of Departmental Stores Inventory” (CECBBDSI) with a reliability coefficient of 0.813 was used to elicit data analyzed using regression analysis.
Technology-enabled last-mile delivery of banking services[Full-Text ] Govind Korekar and Dr. Anuja AgarwalThe purpose of this research paper is to study the technology-enabled last-mile delivery of banking services in India. The motivation of this paper is to outline the evolution of banking services in India and how they have drastically changed in the past few decades. As India goes hand in hand with the latest technological advancements across the globe, it's important to reflect the changes in all sections of Indian society. The banking sector in 2010 India was limited to a specific strata of society.
Development of Quality Management Model of Elementary School Principal Academic Supervision in Kendari City[Full-Text ] Nanik Hindaryatiningsih, La MashuriThe problems in this research are (a) how the implementation of quality management of elementary school principal academic supervision in Kendari City is, (b). How the development of quality management model of elementary school principal academic supervision in Kendari City is. Data collection techniques are in-depth interview, observation and documentation. Analysis of the obtained data in the preliminary study is coding technique y using NVIVO 12 Plus application. Model validity in the form of model conformity test is conducted in focus group discussion activity.
Cirrhosis: a Multistate-Disease due to its Complications, Which can be Prevented by Old Drugs with New Indications[Full-Text ] Alberto E. MuñozCirrhosis has been considered an irreversible and terminal disease. In this way, the natural history of cirrhosis comprised of two stages. The first one was an asymptomatic and, generally, a long period named "compensated cirrhosis." This period is followed by a usually rapidly progressing phase known as "decompensated cirrhosis." Decompensated cirrhosis was considered irreversible and currently had as its only therapeutic alternative, liver transplantation.
Information Hiding using Linear Recursion[Full-Text ] Ruchika Sharma, Dr.Vinay KumarPreserving the privacy of information has been always a challenge to the researcher community. Since the advent of Information Communication Technology, it has become even more challenging to maintain the privacy of information while transferring it over the public network. Many techniques have been developed and are being used for the purpose. Onlookers are also working side by side to break the techniques to breach privacy. Encryption provides a level of security however, it is not meant for hiding the very communication channel.
An Intelligent Diabetes Diagnostic Prediction System Using Ensemble Classifier[Full-Text ] Ogundele Israel .O, Sokunbi Michael .A, Akinsola Adeniyi .F, Akinade Abigail .O, Adebayo Adeniran .AHealthcare sector contains large and sensitive data that needs to be handled with care. Diabetes Mellitus is one of the growing extremely fatal diseases all over the world. Globally, the rate of diabetes is rapidly increasing and according to International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas, the global diabetes prevalence in 2019 is estimated to be 9.3% (463 million people), expected to rise to 10.2% (578 million) by 2030 and 10.9% (700 million) by 2045.
Identification of Ayurveda & Homeopathic Medicine for Clinical Management of Covid-19 need Clinical Trial[Full-Text ] JV’n Dr Panckaj Garg, JV`n Preeti SinghThe idea is to analyse the University Centre of Planning ,Integration & Correlation with Center of Integrative Health & Medical Science and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Ayurvedic Science & Faculty of Homoeopathic Science , Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur jointly made efforts to identify Ayurveda and Homoeopathy Medicines for Corona Clinical Management with modern medicine .
COVID-19: Opportunities and challenges in 5G-enabled Internet of Things[Full-Text ] Kamal Daw Ghanem and Nofal JavedThe Internet of Things (IoT) network is witnessing tremendous growth in the number of wireless technologies and smart sensors. In future, it is expected that trillions of devices will have ubiquitous connectivity. The existing communication technologies such as 3G and 4G will not be able to efficiently manage the massive volume of traffic generated from the IoT networks with achieving scalability and energy-efficiency.
USE OF CROP MODELS TO EVALUATE THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON WHEAT IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE AND CROP YIELD IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION[Full-Text ] RUGIRA PatrickClimate change is a very serious threat to the agricultural sector, and potentially brings new problems for the sustainability of agricultural production systems. This study aims to know the impact of climate change on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), growth management and yield by simulating changes in climate variables using AquaCrop, CROPWAT, and LocClim models, the case study was in the eastern province of the north-west coastal land of Egypt.
THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING ON STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICS DISPOSITION REVIEWED FROM GENDER[Full-Text ] Putri Wahyuni, Ahmad Fauzan, Yerizon, I Made Arnawa The purpose of this study was to determine the mathematical disposition of students who obtained the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with students obtained the conventional learning models in terms of gender (male and female) in MTsN Tanah Datar District. This type of research is an experimental study in which the research design used is Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling and a sample of 146 students was chosen
An Automatic System to Recognize Kannada Natural Sign Board Characters[Full-Text ] Pawan Kumar Ganjhu, Pallavi Pratik, Saurav Kumar, B V Gowravi and Dr. Purohit ShrinivasacharyaRight from the dawn of human civilization, people have started migrating from places to places for various reasons. Our Country; India being a nation with diverse culture and languages, people on moving away from their native may find it very difficult to understand different languages. Let us say a non-native speaker of Kannada language comes to the state of Karnataka may not be able to read the Kannada script. So, this system which we propose will read Kannada texts present in natural scenes with the aim to provide assistance to the non-native speakers of Kannada language.
Anonymity based clustering routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Alaa M. Ghazy , Hala B. Nafea, and Fayez W. ZakiThe wireless sensor networks (WSN) is a distributed network so that it helps in gathering the information in a particular area. This region usually deployed in accessible places to provide solutions to a wide range of applications such as environmental, medical and structural monitoring. The central node used for gathering information is known as the sink node. Two major obstacles are associated with developing WSN.
Application of Predictive Models for Evaluating the Compressive, Tensile and Flexural Strength Relationships of Botchem Concrete made with Kgale Aggregates[Full-Text ] Shodolapo Oluyemi Franklin, Franky Ikutura KangootuiThe work presented herein attempts to ascertain the accuracy or otherwise of some current prediction models for the tensile-compressive strength and the flexural-compressive strength relationships of concrete made with BOTCHEM cement and Kgale aggregates in Botswana. Towards this end, concrete of four different characteristic strengths ranging from 20 MPa to 50 MPa was manufactured and the compressive, split tensile and flexural tensile strengths were determined experimentally.