Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019.
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INNATE IMMUNITY AGAINST HIV AMONG HIGHLY EXPOSED SERO-NEGATIVE (HESN) FEMALE SEX WORKERS[Full-Text ] Joseph Akhator, James Jikdang, Ofure OmoikeIn 2010, the UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS) evaluates that the greater part surprisingly living with HIV/AIDS are women. It is assessed that, in Africa, ladies are twice as liable to contract HIV-1 through sexual intercourse involving vagina contrasted to men and are along these lines thought to be vulnerable persons in the population. The improvement of a female microbicide that gives security against HIV-1 infection is a promising preventive and precaution strategy.
Role of biotechnology to meet 2050 global demand of population growth in the current situation of livestock challenge in the Developing country: A Review[Full-Text ] Misikir Mengistu, Praveen Yadav, and Lema GemedaNowadays the facts indicate that’s the human population rise 7.7 billion as of April 2019 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by World meters beside the burden of demand daily on the production sector of livestock which hindered by the consequences of overpopulation and climate change that pushes land degradation, decrease in soil fertility which are challenges of getting recommended animal daily intake basically feed.
Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Bacteria emanating from Sawdust generated in Ahiake Saw mill, Umuahia,Abia State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Idu,E.G , Nwaubani,D.A, Inyang,M.PThe isolation, identification and characterization of bacteria from sawdust was carried out. Sawdust waste samples were collected from different spots in the Ahiake saw mill, Umuahia. The media used were nutrient agar for total aerobic plate count, McConkey agar for coliform count and cellulolytic media for cellulolytic count. The pour plate method was employed. Colonial morphology, gram staining and biochemical tests were used for the identification of the bacteria.
Activity of Inhibition Bacterial Pathogens from Symbiotic Yogurt of Yellow Yam Tuber with the Addition of Probiotics strains L. rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium ssp[Full-Text ] Febrindah Ester Tambalean, Afriza Yelnetty, Maria SumualThe advantages of yogurt products compared to others functional food is the inhibitory activity of pathogenic bacteria. The combination of bacterial culture in yogurt continues to be developed thus gaining a bacterial culture that can maximize health effects especially to prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria (normal microflora) in the gastrointestinal tract.
Students’ Performance in National Achievement Test using an Inquiry-based Science Teaching in Public Secondary Schools[Full-Text ] Mae V. CeblanoInquiry-based teaching encourages students to learn by themselves. Teachers help students generate their own content-related questions and guide the investigation that follows. This method of teaching enhances student engagement, academic achievement and higher order learning outcomes. In this study, the researcher assessed the performance of the fourth year students in Science in which inquiry-based teaching was applied.
A survey concept on Deep Learning[Full-Text ] S.BinnyArtifical intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasize the creation of Intelligence machines that work and react like human . ie, machine can learn and think .The team machine learning , deep learning and AI are interconnected with each other. Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning and machine learning is a subset of AI, which is an umbrella term for any computer program that does something smart. Machine learning is set of algorithms that parse data, learn have learning to make intelligent decision.
Exploring Batangas State University Graduates’ Perceptions on BS Chemistry Learning Outcomes[Full-Text ] Angelica A. Angeles-Macalalad, Bryan John A. MagolingThis research aimed to explore the perceptions of Bachelor of Science (BS) in Chemistry graduates on the knowledge and skills they have developed through-out their programme of study at the Batangas State University. In this study, graduates from the BS in Chemistry program of Batangas State University (n=46) were asked of their personal perceptions toward their initial skills at the start of their study, their improvement throughout the programme, and their current confidence level in applying these outcomes in their current jobs or posts.
Analysis of a 7-storied RC Building with Different Patterns of Cross Bracing System[Full-Text ] Captain Sheikh Rifat Iftekhar, Ehsanul Kabir, Tasnuva Farnaz In this study, the seismic analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with different bracing patterns namely, no bracing, full bracing, partial bracing, alternate floor bracing and alternate partial bracing is studied. The bracing is provided for peripheral columns and any two parallel sides of building model. A seven-storey (mid-rise) residential building situated in Dhaka city is analyzed for seismic zone II as per BNBC 2006 using ETABS 9.6.0 and ANSYS 10.0 softwares.
Mahogany Fruit Husk-derived Activated Carbon for Removal of Cr (VI) from Aqueous Solution[Full-Text ] Bryan John A. Magoling, Angelica A. Angeles-MacalaladLignocellulosic agricultural wastes, such as mahogany fruit husk (MFH), shows great potential as a precursor for the production of activated carbon (AC) because of its abundance in nature and great economic value. In this work, AC was prepared from MFH via chemical impregnation with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and thermal treatment. Response surface methodology (RSM) involving central composite design (CCD) was utilized to investigate the interactions among the adsorption parameters pH and adsorbate concentration, and their effect on chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution.
IoT Based Health Monitoring & Fall Detection System[Full-Text ] Noushin Jannat; M. Tanzeeb Rubaiat Haque The term IoT encompasses everything connected to the internet, however it is progressively getting used to outline objects that discuss with one another. Health monitoring and fall detection using IoT advantages can improve the daily lifestyle of elderly people. In this paper, we present an IoT based health monitoring and fall detection system for elderly people [1].
THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTIONS IN THE PRODUCTION OF SKILFUL WORKFORCE WITH REFERENCE TO LOWER, MIDDLE AND HIGH-LEVEL MANPOWER[Full-Text ] Fatima Baba Ciroma, Kabiru Sani Daroda, Stephen Zemo AuduDeveloping Nigeria in both economic and human resource capital represents a recurring theme in both National development and transformation plans of the country over the years. Technical education, with its emphasis on exploration of career options, support of basic academic, leadership and skill provision for industry-defined work represents a viable and urgent alternative in achieving these objectives.
LIPID PROFILE OF ALLOXAN-INDUCED DIABETIC WISTAR RATS TREATED WITH ETHANOLIC LEAF EXTRACT OF ERIOSEMA PSORALEOIDES[Full-Text ] Nduka, Florence O, Nwigwe, Juliet O, Nwaso, Chika B, Okolo, Ijeoma O, Okeke, Emmanuel S and Ogugua, Victor NAim: This study was carried out to assess the lipid profile of alloxan-induced diabetic wistar rats treated with ethanolic leaf extract of Eriosema psoraleoides.
APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK IN POPULATION PROJECTION OF PORT HARCOURT PRISON[Full-Text ] Anueyiagu Stephanie C., Daniel Matthias, Bennett E, O.Having carried out an extensive study on Port Harcourt Prison services, observations showed that no actual electronic representation of a formal record system for prisoners existed which had led to disappearance of case files of inmates. This has resulted to inmates spending more years in prison without appearing in court for one day, data inconsistency, data insecurity, lack of adequate back-up measures arising from irregularity of timely reports production, encountering of tough moments in accessing data and the underutilization of key personnel resources like time.
Studies on Particulate CowBone /SnailShell Hybrid Reinforced Epoxy Composite[Full-Text ] ADEYANJU Bayode Benson, ADEWUYI Benjamin Omotayo, OLADELE Isiaka Oluwole, BABATUNDE Olaniyi Gladius, OLAROTIMI Abosede, AISUEDION MartinsThe purpose of this work aimed at discovering filled epoxy with superior properties using naturally occurring particulate: cowbone, snail shell and hybrid (combination of cowbone and snail shell). The tensile and impact of cowbone, snail shell and hybrid reinforced composites were evaluated. The reinforcement(cow bone and snail shell) were ground separately and sieved using 38 microns sieve shaker.Cow bone and snail shell particles reinforced with epoxy (CBRPC and SSRPC) was prepared by varying the cow bone and snail shell particles from 0-25 wt% with 5 wt% intervals.
WELL-BEING AMONG SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GOING STUDENTS A COMPARATIVE STUDY[Full-Text ] SubhashiniAkurathi, Divya shanthi, prof.MVRRajuThe major objective of this research study was to explore the gender, age and type of school associated with well-being of school going middle adolescents and college students of early adulthoods. Total sample consisted 100(male =50 and female =50) of school and college, age which includes (10 to 24 age criteria).For the present study there has been used Scale of well-being was developed by Dr. Ashok K.Kalia and Ms. Anita Deswal and dimensions are Physical well-being, Emotional well-being, Social well-being and School/ College well-being.
Assessment of Textile Industrial Effluent by Wastewater Quality Standards[Full-Text ] Aijaz Panhwar, Khalida Faryal, Aftab Kandhro, Sofia Qaisar.The current study was conducted in textile industrial city Karachi, Pakistan, to assess the impacts of textile industries wastewater focusing on physico-chemical parameters such as temperature, color, pH, total hardness, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, turbidity, alkalinity, chlorides, carbonates, bicarbonates, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, oil and grease of the effluent.
Effect of in ovo inoculation on productive performances and histo-physiological traits in commercial birds[Full-Text ] Zubair Luqman, Saima Masood, Hafsa Zaneb, Khalid Abdul Majeed, Sajid Hameed, Usama Ikram, Syed Abdul Hadi, Waqas Haroon, Muhammad Zeeshan, Muhammad Farhab, Sumera Gulzar, Saima Ashraf, Hafiz Faseeh ur Rehman, Muhammad Altaf, Muhammad Ali, Imad Khan, Abdur Rehman.Our fast growing strains of poultry breeds which are genetically altered and need extra nutrients for their growth both in embryonic and growth phase of life (Gao et al., 2107). In ovo feeding of leucin metabolite -hydroxyl-methyl-butyrate had a 45% increase in jejunal villus surface area at hatch in comparison with the controls (Tako et al., 2004). In ovo inoculation is the source of nutrients for the developing embryo,
Antimicrobial role of Cladonia rangiferina against pathogenic microorganisms[Full-Text ] Devashree, Anand Pandey, Anupam Dikshit and Sanjeeva NayakaAn attempt was made to study the antimicrobial activity of foliose lichen Cladonia rangiferina under invitro conditions. The antimicrobial activities of Methanol, Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate and Acetone extracts of Cladonia rangiferina were assayed against nine pathogenic microorganisms using standard well diffusion method. The Ethyl acetate extract was found most effective antibacterial as well as antifungal against most of organisms.
SURVEY OF CROWD COUNT &DENSITY ESTIMATION METHODS: CONTEXTUAL, MULTI TASK/STAGE AND COLUMN-BASED CNN[Full-Text ] Pankaj Sharma, Mr. Harish Sharma, Dr. Sunita SinghalCrowd Analysis is an interesting topic in Digital Image Processing field. Crowd analysis is based on video imagery. In crowd analysis usually crowd density and crowd behaviour is estimated, crowd tracking, anomaly detection in crowds etc. Since the security of people is main concern in heavily crowd places like concerts, malls etc. Researchers are continuously working on this for the better results.
Effects of Animated Media Instructional Strat-egies on Achievement and Retention of Sec-ondary School Students in Computer Studies[Full-Text ] ANUSIUBA Ifeanyi Overcomer, OSUAFOR A.M., NWEKE Nkiruka MaureenThis study examined the effects of animated media instructional strategies on the achievement and retention of senior secondary school students in computer studies. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were tested. The quasi-experimental design was used, specifically the pretest posttest non-equivalent control group design. The population of the study is 4,873 SS2 students in Nnewi Education Zone of Anambra state.
LET Performance and Employment of the Bachelor of Elementary Education Graduates, University of Northern Philippines[Full-Text ] Glenda Chan-Rabanal, Flordelina A. Gallardo This study looked into the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) performance and employment of teacher education graduates. It also analyzed the relationship between the employment of these graduates and their performance in board examination. The respondents were the BEED graduates of University of Northern Philippines (UNP) for the Periods 2008-2012. This study utilized the descriptive method of research which is a combination of documentary analysis and correlational design.
Microwaved Activated Carbon from Mahogany Fruit Husk for Methylene Blue Adsoption[Full-Text ] Bryan John A. MagolingThe use of activated carbon from agricultural wastes has gained much research interest due to its great economic and environmental value. In this study, microwave energy was investigated as an alternative heat treatment in the activation of carbon from mahogany fruit husk toward methylene blue (MB) removal.
Accumulation trend of heavy metals in the surfacial sediments of Muthalapozhi near shore, south west coast of India[Full-Text ] Krishna R. Prasad, Limisha A.T, Arun T.J, Aneesh T.D, Silpa B.L, Sreeraj M.K and Reji SrinivasContamination of marine sediments with trace metals has become a great concern around the world as it is an important task in marine pollution research. Heavy metals entering the aquatic environment finally accumulate in human body causing harmful effects to the internal organs
Assessment of nature and types of solid wastes Generated in Nassarawa Local Government Area, Kano[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Faruk Gaya, Adamu Muhammad Kamaluddeen, Nenpanmun Temwa Molwus, Garba M. BandiSolid waste disposal is a problem of both developed and developing countries of the world. Every person is a potential producer of waste and also a contributor of such serious environmental hazards and the way and manner such generated solid waste is handled or disposed of is surely a different phenomenon.
Optimization of Methylene Blue Adsorption onto Swietenia Mahogani Activated Carbon using Response Surface Methodology[Full-Text ] Bryan John A. MagolingVisible color is a sign of contamination in wastewater and much interest have been put into using lignocellulosic-based actvated carbons in removing colorants from the environment. In this work, activated carbon was prepared from Swietenia mahogani fruit husk using chemical impregrantion with phosphoric acid and heat treatment using a furnace.
Kinetics and Isotherm Studies of Methylene Blue Dye Adsorption onto Microwaved Mahogany Fruit Husk Activated Carbon[Full-Text ] Bryan John A. Magoling, Angelica A. Angeles-MacalaladThere is a great demand for the development of more economical and environmentally friendly methods for producing activated carbons. Of such methods, the application of microwave treatment during activation process has shown to produce desirable surface morphology for adsorption applications. In this study, activated carbon was produced from mahogany fruit husk through chemical impregnation with phosphoric acid followed by microwave thermal treatment.
To explore and examine the Logical mathematical abilities of children with visual impairment and normal sight of higher secondary school students[Full-Text ] Madhavi.K, Dr. Sudhakar VenukapalliThe purpose of present study was to examine the relationship between Logical mathematical abilities of children with visual impairment and normal sight of higher secondary school students. The schools were randomly selected from Hyderabad district, telengana state, and India country.
The Education and Sociocultural Ecology of Sabah, Malaysia[Full-Text ] JULIE ANN SOLIVEN- BANEZThe researcher studied Sabah, northern part of Borneo because a part of which was once believed to belong to her native land. This research aimed to describe the education, beautiful spots in Sabah and the culture of the people. This study utilized the narrative, qualitative research method. The data were gathered through interview, observation, facebook chats, email and web mining. There were 35 respondents.
Bearing Across: Cultural Passages of Multilingualism and Translation[Full-Text ] Dr.S.Siraj AhmedThere have been many scholarly expositions to analyze the inextricable link between translation and multilingualism. It is possible to identify a wide ranging array of negotiations between translation and multilingualism through texts, institutions, cultures and societies which are interconnected with each other in many ways.