Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019.
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Visualisation of renal arteries using Time-SLIP and contrast-enhanced MR angiography technique[Full-Text ] Sabina Prevljak, Sandra Vegar-Zubović, Melika Bukvić, Adi Behmen, Fuad Julardžija, Jasenko Å ito, Merim Jusufbegović, Adnan Å ehićThe purpose of this study was to compare unenhanced MR angiography with contrast-enhanced MR angiography and visualisation of renal arteries with its segment branches using both techniques. We performed renal MRA on 22 patients using a 1.5T MRI unit. For renal MRA, a three dimensional balanced type steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequence (Time-SLIP, Canon) was used with respiratory gating and conventional CE-MRA sequnce (upisati taÄan naziv).
ROLE OF STRESS AND LOCUS OF CONTROL ON JOB SATISFACTION AMONG EMPLOYEES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY ie Dyna Filters[Full-Text ] Prof.Yogesh BhowteIt is but human to strive for satisfaction in every aspect of life, and in the organizational context this may be related to striving towards securing a good job, with a good pay and high job satisfaction. Satisfaction with job always had been an area of concern for both practicing managers and academicians, primarily because of the reason that job satisfaction significantly affects major organizational outcomes, such as individual performance, organizational productivity and employee absenteeism and employee turnover.
Gesture Recognition using Sensors for Physically Disabled Patients[Full-Text ] Arun S.Tigadi , Sneha Reddy, Ashwini Singadi, Ayisha Nadaf, Soumyashree AIn Today’s world many people are suffering from Physical disabilities and most of the physically disabled patients dependent on care takers. A physical disability is a limitation on a person’s physical functioning, mobility or stamina. In extreme cases, the patient may be speech impaired which makes it difficult for him to communicate with others and to express his needs. Providing solution to these inabilities is the prime motive of this proposed work. The physically disabled persons require special assistance from care takers or other persons to lead their normal life and even at home it is not convenient for them to control the home appliances according to their wish. Apart from this, it is also difficult to continuously monitor the health of the patient.
The Planetary Grid-Chemical DNA Mutation, Merkaba Reversal, and Cellular Transmutation[Full-Text ] Jere Rivera-DugenioThe information offered within this research briefing is part of a larger, body of suppressed intel containing hidden cosmology only imparted in the highest levels of top-secret, intelligence agencies and the industrial military complex. The current homo sapien-2 species has been biologically and energetically controlled in our organic evolution, as we have been genetically, hybridized, mutated and ensnared within continual cycles of re-embodiment within the Transharmonic-1 Earth system.
Factors Associated with Contraceptive Discontinuation among Women (15-49 Years) in Uganda[Full-Text ] Julius Sseninde, Allen Kabagenyi, Hellen NamawejjeContraceptive discontinuation is the dilemma behind full utilization of family planning services, leading to an unnecessary increase in fertility rates, unwanted pregnancies, and induced abortions. The objective of this work is to investigate factors associated with contraceptive discontinuation among women aged 15-49 years in Uganda. The study is based on secondary data set from Performance and Monitoring Accountability 2020 (PMA 2020) for PMA2016 Uganda Round 4, with a selection of a sample of 4047 women. The binary logistic regression is used at the multivariate analysis level.
INTERVENTION MODELING OF DAILY NORWEGIAN KRONER/NIGERIAN NAIRA EXCHANGE RATE[Full-Text ] VICTOR-EDEMA UYODHU AMEKAUMA, GEORGE SOKARI DANIELThis study specifically developed an appropriate intervention model for the daily Norwegian Kroner (NOK) /Nigerian Naira(NGN) exchange rate. The data with 180 observations (October 24th, 2017 – April 21st 2018) was sourced from Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The point of intervention is spotted at T=81 and was characterized by step function. The pre-intervention plot indicates that there was an initial negative trend and later an upshot to positive trend which did not favour the Naira. The plot further shows that the pre-intervention rates are non- stationary but became stationary after first difference was taken.
Surgical Correction of Congenital Macrostomia in Cattle Calf[Full-Text ] C. Rohit Kumar, Hidayat A. Shaikh, Anil V. Kandarpalle, Kartik AllureCongenital macrostomia is a very rare deformity of the mouth, and it is still rarer to see cases of isolated unilateral (right) macrostomia. The condition has not been reported in cattle calves so far. Although the creation of a symmetric neo-commissure is imperative, this presents a technical challenge. A review of the literature for surgical solutions revealed various techniques. This report presents the case of a 15 days old non-descript male cattle calf with isolated right unilateral macrostomia for whom straight line closure was performed. After one-month follow-up, the oral commissures are symmetric and no lateral migration of neo commissure seen.
Avoidance response in three ecologically different earthworm species exposed to heavy metal spiked soils of Cr and Zn: A comparative study[Full-Text ] V. Latha and P.M BashaAvoidance response in earthworms is considered as a potential tool for assessing soil toxicity involving minimal experimental effort. In this study three ecologically different earthworms [epigeic- Eudrilus eugeniea, aneic- Lampito mauritii and endogeic- Pontoscolex corethrurus] were used to assess avoidance response upon exposure to Cr and Zn polluted soils. The studied parameters include differences in their lethal mortality and avoidance response to spiked soils of chromium (Cr VI) and zinc(Zn) using a two-section avoidance test procedure.
COLLABORATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT’ CHEMISTRY RETENTION TESTS[Full-Text ] Bika, M. Joseph, Sule, AldutsitiyaThis study determined the effect of collaborative teaching strategy on chemistry secondary school students’ post and retention tests in Adamawa State. The sample for this study consisted of 114 subjects selected from population of 3543 SSII chemistry students in 118 public secondary schools. The sampling involved stratified purposeful and random sampling techniques. Instrument for this study was tagged chemistry achievement test (CAT) developed by the researcher. The instrument was validated by three experts and a reliability coefficient of 0.85 using K-R 20 formula was obtained. This study adopted quasi- experimental design which involves a pretest post-test non-equivalent control group design.
Design and Implementation of Petroleum Product Level Monitoring and Tracking System[Full-Text ] Engr. Enweliku David MaledoDistribution of refined crude oil by road transport is characterised by numerous constraints like thefts and accident on the high-ways. The need to monitor and track the location of the trucks conveying the petroleum product can’t be over emphases. This work is all about the design and implementation of petroleum product level monitoring and tracking system. The system incorpo-rates GSM/GPS module, Ultrasonic sensor and PIC16f877A microcontroller for data acquisition and processing.
Effects of X-Ray Irradiation on the Nutritional and Antinutritional Factor Contents of Ten Soybean Cultivars in Wukari, North-Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ibirinde, D. O, Balogun, K, Aremu, C. O, Oladokun, LThe use of traditional processing methods has fast eroded the nutritive, organoleptic and sensory characteristics of legumes such as soybean. Although soaking, germination, cooking and fermentation have been used to reduce antinutritional factors of legumes, irradiation remains the most reliable and safe method for the improvement and preservation of nutritional values of foods. Study was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farms of the Federal University Wukari, Taraba State between the 2017 and 2018 cropping seasons and harvested seeds were evaluated for trypsin, tannins, phytate, crude protein, crude fiber, carbohydrate, moisture, ash and oil contents.
Strength of the Slash-and-Burn Planting System in the Manikin River Basin, West Timor, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Max J. Kapa, Totok Gunawan, and Su RitohardoyoSlash-and-burn farming systems actually have high complexity. Slash-and-burn cultivation requires knowledge of location suitability, burning time, fire control, the timing of planting, erosion control, the combination of plant arrangements, and so on. The purpose of this study was to identify various factors that become the strength of the slash-and-burn farming system in the Manikin watershed. The method used was the survey method. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews with key informants, and through field observations.
A COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY AND ITS CAUSES[Full-Text ] Dr.Sana Iqbal, Dr.Sadaf Aslam, Dr.Khadija AsgharHypertension is the most common medical disorder encountered during pregnancy. Hypertensive disorders are most important clinical problem in pregnancy. Hypertension is one of the most frequently observed medical diseases, which considerably affects maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. There is a progressive increase in the incidence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy worldwide.
DEVELOPMENT OF SWIRL GENERATION IN INTAKE MANIFOLD TO ENHANCE PERFORMANCE OF THE ENGINE[Full-Text ] V. V. Naga Deepthi, Prof. K. GovindaRajuluNowadays Diesel engine plays a dominant role in the field of power, propulsion and energy with increase of its performance in the field of internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines are the weightier misogynist and reliable source of power for all domestic, large scale industrial and transportation applications. The fluid spritz dynamics plays an important role for air-fuel mixture in Uncontrived Injection Diesel engines, Turbulence is the way air fuel mixture moves inside a combustion chamber. If the turbulence of charge is more, then the air and fuel moves randomly inside the chamber.
A mathematical model for ascertaining same ciphertext generated from distinct plaintext in Michael O. Rabin Cryptosystem[Full-Text ] Md. Shamim Hossain BiswasMichael O. Rabin Cryptosystem can generate same ciphertext form different plaintext as well as multiple plaintext from single cyphertext. There are a number of techniues to reveal original plaintext. But none of them can seperate same cyphertext against each plaintext generated from modular reduction arithmetic. If question arises about how one can distinguish particular ciphertext against each plaintext, to answer those questions, I design a new mathematical model for identifying same ciphertext against each plaintext and it also facilitates message encryption and decryption.
LATERAL TORSIONAL BUCKLING OF PARTIAL CORRUGATED WEB STEEL BEAMS[Full-Text ] Mohammed Abbas, Sherif M. Ibrahim and Mohamed Mostafa KorashyA Partial corrugated web (PCW) steel beam is built up by welding flanges and a web composed of trapezoidal corrugated profile and flat web parts in the longitudinal direction of the beam. The shape of the beam web plate leads to the increase of the beam lateral stiffness when compared to flat web beams.
EFFECTIVENESS OF AMEDA STEP (ACTIVE MOVEMENT EXTENT DISCRIMINATION APPARATUS) AND AMEDA STAND ON JOINT PROPRIOCEPTION IN FOOTBALLPLAYERS WITH RECURRENT ANKLE INSTABILITY[Full-Text ] Imran Ahmed Farooqui, J.Uday RajThe ankle is one of the most frequently injured parts in sport, especially in soccer / football, which account for 24% to 54% of total injuries. Up to 70% of individuals with a history of ankle injury report ongoing symptoms of ankle instability or pain, of whom 40% report ‘‘giving way’’ as their main problem, resulting in a functional ankle instability (FAI).1 Athletes are always at a significantly higher risk of sustaining a lateral ankle sprain compared with syndesmotic and medial ankle sprains24, grade I and II sprains being frequent.
Comparative study on Optimized Moving Average types, Buy-and- Hold Trading Strategies[Full-Text ] Aru-Eze Okereke, Okechukwu Cornelius C., Ananaba Ephraim C.Forecasters in the financial market are of the opinion that past price and volume from Technical analysis make available important and useful information which can lead tosubstantial trading profits. This paper examines comparative study between Exponential Simple Moving Average (ESMA) Trading Strategy and the popular Simple Moving Average (SMA). We discovered that the initial conventional SMA crossover strategies have generated higher risk-adjusted portfolio return in contrast to the simple buy-and-hold approach.
Comparative study of Histogram Equalization Enhancement Techniques for Medical Images[Full-Text ] Ahmed N. Ismael, Noura H. Ajam, Zainab S. JumaaImage enhancement plays a fundamental role in vision applications. Enhancement is the manner of improving the superiority of an electronic digital stored image. Recently much work is completed in the field of images enhancement. Many techniques have previously been proposed up to now for enhancing the digital images.
A model to produce combined clean energy at any scale maintained by hi-tech artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IOT)[Full-Text ] Minhazul Haque Bhuiyan, Partha Sarathi KunduIt is unquestionable that we have a few limited sources of natural energies around the world and so we need to move toward producing and using renewable energies as much as we can. Now it’s important to focus on discovering more efficient ways to produce clean energy as well as enable hi-technologies like IOT, AI, ML in the renewable energy production systems.
Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite Fine Particles by Simple Co Precipitation Method[Full-Text ] Juliya Khanam, Rownok Jahan, Lutfor Rahman, Sabrina Mostofa, Nahid SharminAn innovative synthetic method for preparing magnetite (Fe3O4) fine nanoparticles was achieved by simple co-precipitation method using ferric and ferrous salt solution in alkaline medium. Magnetite fine nano particles were prepared by mixing and stirring of ferric and ferrous salt at the molar ratio of 2:1 at room temperature. The mixture was treated by adding 25% ammonium hydroxide.
Toxicological and Haematological Effects of Pyrene on Whit Taker Albino Mice[Full-Text ] O. E Nwanekezie and I. R NdukaThis study explores the effect of the haematological toxicity of pyrene (toxicant) on Whit taker Albino mice. The method for haematological toxicity was oral administration of different concentrations (50, 120,250 mg of pyrene kg/b.w.) using olive oil as diluent into adult male and female Whit taker Albino mice approximately 8-12 weeks of age.
Designing and Prototyping of Multi-Crop Solar Powered Harvester[Full-Text ] Getaw Ayay Tefera and Haileyesus Kebere AschenakiThe demands on the grains have been being increased radically in Ethiopia. The existing ways of harvesting grains are not differed from the ancient methods. In order to satisfy the needs our ancestors have been being applied their full money, power and times which leads financial and physical weakness and health problems especially on their backbones
Internet of Things: Current Trends, Architectures and Challenges[Full-Text ] Mohamed Osman Elbashir, Awad Haj AliThe Internet-of Things (IoT) revolution has gone a long way to reach the current state. This paper addresses the IoT general concepts and discusses the IoT building blocks. Furthermore, the IoT enabling IoT technologies are reviewed such as Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Mobile Communications technology and Wide Area Network (WAN).
Electrical conduction of chalcogenide Se90Te10-xAgx (x=0,2,4&6) films[Full-Text ] A .S. Farid, N. A. HegabFour different Se90Te10-xAgx (x=0,2,4&6) compositions were prepared by melt quenching technique. Thin film samples(165-711nm)were obtained from the studied compositions by thermal evaporation technique. The current –voltage(I-V) characteristics have been measured throughout the temperature range (298-323 K).
Effect Temperature On Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Via Spray Pyrolysis Technique[Full-Text ] Agbim, E. G, Ikhioya, I. L, Agbakwuru C. B , Oparaku O and Ugbaja C. MThe synthesis of fluorine doped tin oxide thin films were successfully deposited onto well cleared glass substrate by varying the deposition temperature. The XRD patterns of the films showed that the deposited films are polycrystalline in nature having the characteristic peaks of tetragonal structure of SnO2.The peaks observed are (110), (101), (200), (211) and the preferential growth along the (110) direction.
The Effect of Brand Image and Promotion on Purchase Decision and Implication on Customer Satisfaction in Mercedes Benz Car Indonesia (Case Study at PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia Jabodetabek Area)[Full-Text ] Cemy Kurniawan, Arifin SitioThis study aims to examine and analyze the effect of promotion and brand image on purchase decision which implicates the customer satisfaction of Indonesian Mercedes Benz cars at PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia. Sample were collected from 103 respondents to fill in the questionnaire submitted to respondents. Collection of data from the results of the questionnaire filling.
EVALUATING THE AWARENESS OF DEVELOPMENTAL COORDINATION DISORDER IN CHILDREN AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS OF SOUTH INDIAN CONTEXT[Full-Text ] Dr.U.Ganapathy sankar, Monisha.RDevelopmental coordination disorder (DCD) is explained, using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)1 . However American Psychiatric Association and WHO- World health organization has coined inclusion and exclusion criteria in describing and coining the term DCD and the condition is marked by a significant limitation in the development of motor coordination in children, which interferes with academic activities and activities of daily living (ADL)1.
DEVELOPING STAGE - DISCHARGE MODEL USING LEAST SQUARE METHOD FOR BARO GAUGING STATION[Full-Text ] NGBAA DORNU SIMEONDeveloped Stage-Discharge Models for Baro is presented based on the statistical method of least squares to estimate the potential discharge volume from the sub basin. Missing records were determined by the mass curve analysis for periods that stage and discharge records were not available. Test on time homogeneity showed that the interaction of stream Stage and stream discharge exhibited common profile but non-stationary.
Generalized Control Problems with Optimality Conditions under Generalized Univexity[Full-Text ] L.Venkateswara Reddy, Anju Singh, Dr. S.P. PandeyIn this paper, we introduce generalized multi objective programming problems. Further, we will derive optimality condition of Kuhn – Tucker and Fritz – John type under generalized univexity conditions.
Bilingual Education and the Factors of Success in South Africa and Australia[Full-Text ] Neha GanapathineediBilingual education is an academic setting where the curriculum is taught in two different languages. This implies the idea that students are taught in one language half of the time and another language half the time. However, this is not always the norm and in fact there are more situations along the lines of this: the students are taught in their native language and their textbooks are in their native language. The teachers will write on the board in a second language and make their students copy the notes down into their notebooks.
Content Based Image Retrieval by Pseudo-Hash in Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain[Full-Text ] Mitko KostovDiscrete wavelet transform is used to create pseudo-hashes based on content of images and they are stored in a database. The images are decomposed in few levels and the most important wavelet coefficients are selected. The pseudo-hash contains statistical parameters of the coordinates of the coefficients. When searching a large database for images that match a query-image, the similarity of images pseudo-hashes is considered instead of the images themselves.
Assay Value of Acid Mammalian Chitinase Activity in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients: Correlation with Non-invasive Markers of Hepatic Fibrosis[Full-Text ] Entsar A. Saad, Gamal E. Shiha, Mohamed E A TosonChronic hepatitis C virus run the risk of developing fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in later life. Aim: The aim is to assay acid mammalian chitinase (AMCase) activity in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients using a simple colorimetric technique and Correlate such activity with those of non-invasive markers of hepatic fibrosis. Methods: Blood samples were withdrawn to characterize viral infection, to estimate AMC activity, to count blood cells and to evaluate liver function tests. Beside, clinical investigation and transient elastography were done
Novel homozygous missense variant in CLCN7 gene causing autosomal recessive osteopetrosis type 4 in 11 days old Saudi girl presented with neonatal hypocalcaemia[Full-Text ] Saeed Alfadhil, Walid Fawzy, Osteopetrosis is a rare genetic disease that is relatively common in Saudi Arabia because of the high rate of consanguineous marriages. Hypocalcemia is a rare presentation of malignant infantile osteopetrosis ( MIOP). Here we are reporting a case of autosomal recessive malignant Osteopetrosis type 4 with a novel missense variant mutation on CLCN7 gene not reported before. This patient presented with symptomatic hypocalcaemia in the age of eleven days , which is a very rare and very early presentation for this disease.
ANALYSIS CAUSING AND IMPROVEMENT DEFECT BONDING ON SOCCER PRODUCTS IN PT. PDK USE DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT[Full-Text ] Kenny Halim, Andi Setyawan, Marinus Halawa, Sawarni HasibuanDefect bonding is one of the biggest problems in the assembling process in the shoe manufacturing industry which can be caused by internal factors and external factors so that detailed analysis is needed about the planned repairs that need to be done to minimize the defect. PT. PDK analyzes the biggest factors of defect bonding as well as alternative repairs made on Accelerator LS shoes using experiment design analysis.