Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019.
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Impacts of the Tanzanian 2013 - 2017 Glide path Implementation Phase on Telecom Voice Call pricing[Full-Text ] Asinta Manyele, Deograsias MoyoThe effects of reduction in mobile termination rates (MTR) on voice call pricing trends and mobile telecom market competitiveness in the Tanzanian for the third phase of glide path were evaluates using Tanzanian quarterly telecommunication statistical reports for year 2013 to 2018. The results reviled general increasing trends for prepaid voice calls prices for all mobile network operators (MNOs) in Tanzania as compared to that of 2013. Comparing pricing trends among major MNOs, the results indicated convergence of on-net and off-net prices at the end of year 2018.
Flexural Behavior of Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Innovative Semi-Ductile Hybrid FRP Bars[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abo Elyazed, Reham Eltahawy, Omar A. EL-Nawawy and Khaled S. RagabThis study introduces a new ductile hybrid reinforcement bar (Glass-Steel wires) fiber reinforced polymers (HFRP), steel hybrid bar with a core of steel wires, three types of the hybrid cross section with three different steel ratios of 6.25%,12.5% and 22% are considered. As a result of tensile tests, the elastic modulus of FRP Hybrid Bars is improved as 3.66% - 24.4% in comparison with the normal GFRP Bars. The bars are locally manufactured by double parts die template using local resources raw materials.
Influence of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on Work Achievement[Full-Text ] Rince Tambunan This study aims to: (1) Effect of compensation on employee work performance at the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Southeast Sulawesi Province. (2) Effect of job satisfaction on the work performance of employees at the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The sample used in this study was 55 respondents who were employees of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistical techniques and inferential statistics.
Influence of Auditor Competence, Independence And Professional Attitude On Audit Quality By Inspectorate Apparatus In Southeast Sulawesi[Full-Text ] Nasrullah DaliThis study aims to determine the effect of competency, independence and professional attitude towards the audit quality of the Inspectorate Officers in Southeast Sulawesi. The study population was all Provincial Inspectorate auditors in Southeast Sulawesi spread across 17 cities / regions and 1 Province totaling 576 respondents. While the sample number of samples is all employees of the Inspectorate in Southeast Sulawesi who meet the criteria: (1). Profession as an auditor, (2). Ever conducted an audit as a Chairman of the TEAM or member of the auditor at least 2 times, and (3).
Assessment of Automobile Induced Pollution in an Urban Area (A Case Study of Owerri City South-east, Nigeria)[Full-Text ] S.I. Okonkwo, V. O. Ezigbo and K.O. OkpalaStudies on the effect of automobile emission in an urban area (Owerri City South East Nigeria) was carried out for a period of one month. Locations noted for heavy traffic congestion in the city were chosen for the study and concentration measure for Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Hydrocarbon (HC) and Total Suspended Particles (TSP) were carried out in the morning (7.00-800am) and evenings (5-7pm), peak periods of traffic congestion using standard gas monitors.
Aspects on Modeling of Hydro-Turbine Speed Governor[Full-Text ] Gordana Janevska, Sotir Panovski The liberalization of the electricity market enforces the use of more productive and energy efficient technologies. Hence, the revitalization of some parts of the equipment in the existing power systems was required. Such a need is imposed on hydro-turbine speed governors. Governor play an important role in hydraulic turbine. It maintains the stability of the system frequency by controlling the speed of the system. The paper analyzes the standard control algorithm for turbine governors, the PID controller. The fundamental basics of PID controllers are illustrated, methods of tuning are considered in order to demonstrate the adaptation of these devices to the system, but also their limitations are highlighted. Finally, alternative control systems are also considered.
EVALUATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARDS OF DOOR HANDLES IN UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR COMMUNITY[Full-Text ] TIKU, D.R., BASSEY, I.U. AND ASIKONG, E.B.EThe study to evaluate public health hazards of door handles within Unical community was investigated. Eighty-five (85) swab samples from laboratories, offices and toilets within Unical community were analyzed. Sterile swabs were firmly pressed on the various door handles; up/down, left/right and diagonally. Samples collected were cultured and incubated at 370C for 24hours. Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria was done using standard microbiological procedures.
Increasing Productivity of Beam Fitment Machine[Full-Text ] Asst.professor Dhandin Ramesh and K P Vadan KumarDuring the project work study , time taken for each and every process step is analyzed and it was noticed that considerable amount of time was spent on the welding time and welding inspection of the web plate , carried out by manual ARC welding and calling for change of welding methods. Methodology used in the project is consisting of Defining of problem, using Problem solving techniques, study of Present Production system, identifying the problematic area in the present process, Proposing Production system, data collection of both existing process and suggested process and finally Results & Conclusion.
A Diagnostic Method for the Service Span of Oil - Immersed Transformer with EXCEL Application Software[Full-Text ] Ming-Jong LinFor the safety and reliability of operation in power systems, oil-immersed transformer’s service span needs to detect strictly on a regular basis for the purpose of transformer safety diagnosis. On the review of the existing diagnostic approaches of oil-immersed transformer for aging or deterioration of insulation material, the gases of CO, CO2, 2-Furaldehyde, 2-Furfuryl alcohol, 2-Acetyl Furan, 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde, and 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-Furaldehyde, are among the wildly used ones.
Reliable Route Discovery using Link Break Prediction Multicast Routing in MANET[Full-Text ] Bhavana Verma, Shivank Kumar Soni, Chetan AgrawalIn MANETs, there are several crucial problems like energy consumption, QoS (Quality of Service), exposure to attacks, link stability, etc. that require to be addressed for improved communication. ‘Link Stability’ or ‘Reliable path’ is important because radio links are likely to be unreliable due to node mobility. To extend the link stability, we need to solve the problem of link breakages in the networks. Because these link breakage problem causes high data loss and delay. In order to resolve these problems, the concept of link breakage prediction has appeared. In this dissertation, we have proposed a link breakage prediction algorithm.
Mechanical behaviors of joining AL-Alloys based FSW parameters and welding tool design[Full-Text ] Ahmed El-Keran, Rania Mostafa, Reham Al-MahdyFriction Stir Welding is a solid-state welding process with specially rotating tool design. The heat is generated due to the friction between the workpiece-surface and the tool shoulder. The core benefit of FSW joint is to weld the material without achieving the fusion temperature so it’s allows to join almost types of aluminum alloys, even the ones categorized as non-weld able alloy by the traditional welding process such as fusion welding because of the hot cracking and unfortunate solidification microstructure in the welding zone. FSW is used in aerospace, automotive, marine industries, electronics etc.
STUDY OF GLACIAL LAKE OUTBURST FLOODS AND METHODS TO PREVENT THEIR EFFECTS[Full-Text ] Budhaditya DuttaGlacial lakes are common in the high elevation of glacierized basin. They are formed when glacial ice or moraines impound water. These lakes normally drain their water through seepage in front of the retreating glacier. Flash floods caused by the outburst of glacial lakes, called as Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), are well known in Himalayan terrain, where such lakes are formed due to landslides.
MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF ESBLS PRODUCING ORGANISM CAUSING ANTIBACTERIAL DRUG RESISTANCE IN SOUTH-SOUTH NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Andy, I.E., Okpo, E.A., Tiku, D.R., and Mboto, C.I.Some members of the enterobacteriaceae were investigated for their ability to produce extended spectrum beta lactamases (ESBLs) implicated in inactivating the cephalosporins. Clinical specimens of urine, stool, sputum, blood, high vaginal, wound, pus and urinogenital swabs were obtained from health resource centers in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Delta, Edo and Rivers State, all in South- South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Double Disk Synergy Test (DDST) was used to detect ESBL production. Out of the 12 isolates of E. coli strains studied, isolate A, N, R and T had bands in TEM and SHV; M had bands SHV and CTX-15; S had weak bands in TEM and SHV but two strong bands in CTX-15; U had weak bands in SHV and CTX, while isolate J, K, O, Q and V had no band. For the second set of E. coli isolates; A5, A¬6, A8 had band in TEM; X had bands in SHV and CTX- 15; A11 and A12 had bands in SHV and CTX-15; A11 and A12¬ had bands in CTX-15 and SHV respectively, while A7, A13 and A14¬ had no bands.
Beauty of Agrivoltaic System regarding double utilization of same piece of land for Generation of Electricity & Food Production[Full-Text ] Dhyey D. Mavani, P M Chauhan, Viral JoshiIn order to meet global energy demands with clean renewable energy such as with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, large surface areas are needed because of the relatively diffuse nature of solar energy. Much of this demand can be matched with aggressive building integrated PV and rooftop PV, but the remainder can be met with land-based PV farms. Using large tracts of land for solar farms will increase competition for land resources as food production demand and energy demand are both growing and vie for the limited land resources. Land competition is exacerbated by the increasing population.
Evolving Role of Space Actors: from Space race 1.0 to 2.0 and a Model for Developing Economies[Full-Text ] Francis Chizea, Akachukwu Chichebe, Ovie EseOgheneSpace technology evolution continues to steadily draw inspiration from the private business sector. With older national space agencies changing their modus operandi towards outsourcing more of their activities, private companies that have come to be termed “new space” are stepping into the shoes left behind by the bigger government monopolies that participated in the first space race (1.0). This new paradigm is aimed at creating efficiencies in the end-to-end chain of space exploration activities such that governments can focus on the core aspects of space utilization while private space companies can provide needed services that support the work of governments.
Requirements Engineering: Elicitation Techniques[Full-Text ] Affifa KanwalThis paper is about the elicitation methods for requirement collection. Requirements engineering initial step is the most key phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC). If the first step in conducted in wrong way the whole project may fall down. The elicitation techniques are used to eliminate the barriers in communication of the user and the requirement engineers. In this paper we examine the strategies connected to name the necessities. We attempt to know the flaws and plus points of these practices and come up to a convenient or suitable technique amongst them.
Video To Text Analysis : Deep Learning[Full-Text ] Akshay Khatter, Dr. Namita Gupta, Keshav Issar, Nishant SardanaUsing Deep learning techniques, proposing a new approach that analyses a video and then present it in understandable language using NLP techniques. For most people, watching a brief video and describing what happened (in words) is an easy task. For machines, extracting the meaning from video pixels and generating natural-sounding language is a very complex problem.
WIND ENERGY POTENTIAL BASED ON WEIBULL AND RAYLEIGH MODEL[Full-Text ] Alfred Ba’amani Ba’am, Dr. Iliya Tizhe Thuku, Simon Samuel, Timothy Gambo, Peter Audu5The wind energy potential in Adamawa State were statistically analysed based on Weibull and Rayleigh Models using mean monthly wind speed data. The Rayleigh and Weibull model were used for selected locations and wind speed data at 10m, 25m, 30m, 60m and 80m height above the sea level. Assessment of wind speeds in Adamawa state was carried out in some locations such as Mubi, Michika, Numan, Mayo-Belwa, Guyuk and Yola, According to the assessment record obtained shows that, the results are good enough for wind energy generation in these Areas.
Determination of the Water Quality of Mini-Ngulo - A Fresh Water Stream in Isiokpo Ikwerre Local Government Area, Rivers State[Full-Text ] Eferegbo, F. U., Obunwo C. C., and Maduelosi, J. N.Mini-Ngulo stream like most fresh water sources globally has been threatened by pollution arising from domestic and industrial waste, urbanization and stormwater runoff releasing dissolved organic and inorganic ions which negatively impact their quality and create public health concern. In order to determine the water quality of Mini-Ngulo stream in Isiokpo Community, Ikwerre Local Government Area River State, surface water was sampled.
TOXIC METAL CONCENTRATION IN STREET DUST A CASE STUDY OF ARAKALE, ONDO STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Quadri Okiki N, Adeyemi Azeem A, Pelumi Dayo, Tomori Wasiu BDust is a form of pollution which have shown undaunted effect on the health and wellbeing of human and other forms of life. Looking in-depth into the component of dust have shown to consist of heavy metals which when inhaled by human, it has caused stunted growth, cancer and certain ill- state of health. Therefore, this research study the concentration of certain toxic metals in street dust along road construction site and relate the finding to the standard control measure to determine the extent to which environmental uncontrolled process can pollute the environment.
Experimental Evaluation of the Suitability of Local Agro Materials as a Potential Alternative to Conventional Sodium Asphalt Sulfonate in Fluid Loss Control[Full-Text ] Izuwa, N.C, Nwogu, N.C, Amaefula, R.C, Ihekoronye, K.KThe study focuses on using local agro materials as a possible filtration loss control in drilling muds. Colocasian esculenta (long cocoyam), Xanthosoma spp (short cocoyam) and Pennisetum glaucum (millet) were obtained as an alternative for the imported filtration loss control (soltex) used as drilling fluid additives. Oil based muds were formulated using the locally sourced agro materials and the conventional one (Soltex). Laboratory tests were carried out at different concentrations of 2g, 4g, 6g and 8g to determine the cake thickness and filtration loss control. The result of the study shows that Colocasianesculenta and Xanthosianspp showed a good filtration loss control at 2g, 4g, 6g and 8g when compared to existing one (soltex).
A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VALUATION AND SALES PRICE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN CALABAR METROPOLIS[Full-Text ] James Bassey Effiong, Ethel Asinya MendieThe study compared and analysed valuation estimates and sale prices of residential properties in Calabar metropolis. The study adopted the research survey design and purposive sampling technique to select all practicing estate surveying and valuation firms in Calabar. A total of seven firms out of fourteen firms provided valuations and sale prices of seven properties. The valuations were compared to the sale prices of the properties which show some level of variation from the valuation estimate when compared to the later sales price. Property 1 shows a variance of 10%, property 2, 25%, property 3, 10%. Only property 4 was sold at the estimated valuation price while property 5 was sold above the valuation price indicating a 4.3% increase.
Estimation of Earthquakes Factors using geotech-nical technique at Faris city, Aswan, Egypt[Full-Text ] Hesham A. H. IsmaielThe present investigation interested with the assessment of earthquakes factors of solar power station project constructing at Faris city, Aswan, Egypt using a geotechnical technique. The geotechnical tests were including grain size analysis, direct shear box (frictional angle and cohesion), and standard penetration test (SPT. To fulfillment this objective, nine mechanical wash boreholes were drilled at ten meter depth. Ninety disturbed samples were collected.
THE INCIDENCE, PREVALENCE, AND PATHOGENESIS OF MONOGENIC DIABETES SYNDROME[Full-Text ] RAJESH JAIN, SUSANNE OLEJAS, ANI RASHEL FEH, ALEXANDER EDWARDS, HINA ALI,1ZOONIFER KHAN,SATRUPA RAGOONANAN, NISHA BENOY, SHARMIN BADIEI, RACHEL DAVIESMonogenic diabetes syndromes result from a mutation of a single gene involved in the regulation of pancreatic beta-cell function. It is a rare condition, accounting for 1-4% of all paediatric diabetes cases. This gene defect is usually inherited, either autosomal or recessive, but a small percentage of spontaneous mutations have been found. There are over 40 subtypes of genetic mutations identified, each with its unique phenotypical characteristics (Rubio-Cabezas et al., 2014). Overall, it can be subdivided into two main categories: Maturity onset diabetes of the Young (MODY) and Neonatal diabetes (NDM). This report will discuss the incidence, prevalence, and pathogenesis of the MODY and NDM syndromes.
Characterization of Surface Water Quality along Ismailia Canal, Nile River, Egypt[Full-Text ] Mohamed Ahmed Reda HamedIsmailia Canal, one of the main branches of the Nile River in Egypt, is considered as one of the most important irrigation and drinking water source for Ismailia, Port Said and Suez governorates. The canal received industrial, municipal and agricultural waste water which caused deterioration in its water quality. To determine the spatial variability of Ismailia canal water quality and identify the sources of pollution that presently affects the canal water quality, the study scope of work divided into three main parts.
Arduino Based Automatic Irrigation through Wireless Sensor Networks Using IoT[Full-Text ] Saad Hanif, Mian Ali Mujtaba, Yasir Ali, Zain Ul Abidin, Saim Raza AmirThe main purpose of Arduino based automatic irrigation system is to conserve water and reduce the man power. This system has soil moisture sensors, pH sensors, humidity sensors, ZigBee devices, Motor, Relay, Weather forecast application, Bluetooth Module and WIFI Module which are interfaced with Arduino boards. The sensors and ZigBee module makes up a wireless network of sensors. This wireless network of sensors will sense the moisture content from the soil, moisture content from the air and pH of the soil and then send the data to the main unit which will further send this data to user’s mobile application using Bluetooth module and also to the web server using IoT through Wi-Fi Module.
A review on phytochemical constituents and pharmacological properties of Allium victorialis[Full-Text ] Sadia Khan, Mehdi Hassan Kazmi, Farah Inamullah, Itrat FatimaPlants have been the origin of a few standard meds everywhere throughout the world for a huge number of years and keep on giving new solutions for mankind. Aim of this review is to investigate the secondary metabolites isolated from Allium victorialis and its pharmacological importance. A. victorialis is a type of shrub consists of sulfur compounds, glycosides, alkaloids and saponins used in various ailments. The plant has effective pharmacological activity and shows promising future for further researches. This study on the plant A. victorialis is comprised of review of plant from pharmacological and phytochemical standpoint.
Ecotoxicological Consequences of Wood Saw Dust and Wood Ash on the Littoral and Neritic Environments of Ethiope River, Nigeria – A Case for Recycling[Full-Text ] Kenneth Abara Ibe, Doris Fovwe OgelekaWood saw dust and its combustion product, wood ash are becoming ubiquitous in the proximity of rivers where wood industries and wood markets are located. The cumulative health hazard this may pose had attracted very little or no attention. Therefore, the assessment of the ecological consequences of the wood saw dust generated by the operations of the Ogwanja wood dealers in Sapele, Delta State, Nigeria on the littoral and neritic environments of Ethiope River was undertaken. They were assessed using toxicological tests and the associated instrumental and classical determinations.
REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT WITH SILICA FUME WITH ADDITION OF JUTE FIBER[Full-Text ] The concrete is widely used construction material in the world. In conventional concrete, micro-cracks develop before structure is loaded because of drying shrinkage and other causes of volume change. When the structure is loaded, the micro cracks open up and propagate because of development of such micro-cracks, results in inelastic deformation in concrete. It has been recognized that the addition of small, closely spaced and uniformly dispersed fibers to the concrete would act as crack arrester and would substantially improve its compressive and split tensile strength properties. In this research, Natural available Jute fibers
Analytical Approach for Lateral Torsional Buckling Strength of Triangular Web Profile Steel Beams[Full-Text ] Mohammed Mansour, Sherif M. Ibrahim, Mohamed KorashyTriangular web profile (TWP) steel beam is special case of corrugated web profile where web follows seesaw configurations along the beam longitudinal axis. This triangular configuration of web allows minimizing web thickness and eliminate the need for transverse stiffeners. This paper develops a simplified analytical approach to calculate the elastic lateral torsional buckling of TWP steel beam. The elastic lateral torsional buckling is an essential input to estimate the inelastic strength of beam in many international codes such as Euro code.
CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT: A STUDY OF SELECTED LISTED CONSUMER GOODS MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Olaleye John Olatunde, Razaq SubairThe aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship that exists between Capital Structure and Earnings Management in Selected Listed Consumer Good Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria. Furthermore the Study tested the role of Long Term Debt Ratio (LTDR), Short Term Debt Ratio (STDR) and Total Debt ratio (TDR) in the relationship. Modified jones model on Discretionary Accruals was used as a measure of Earnings Management.
DOUBLING FISH FARMER INCOME THROUGH BLUE REVOLUTION[Full-Text ] P.V. Patel, A.M.Polara, V.H. Kachhadia, Dhey D. Mavani, A. A. VyasFisheries is a sunrise sector with varied resources and potential, engaging over 14.50 million people at the primary level and many more along the value chain. Transformation of the fisheries sector from traditional to commercial scale has led to an increase in fish production from 7.5 lakh tonne in 1950-51 to 107.95 lakh tonne during 2015-16, while the export earnings from the sector registered at around 33,441 crore in 2014-15 (US$ 5.51 billion). The sector registered an overall annual growth rate of about 4% during the 11th Five Year Plan period. It has contributed about 0.91% to the National Gross Domestic Production (GDP) and 5.23% to the agricultural GDP (2014-15). Constituting about 6.30% of the global fish production and 5% of global trade, India has attained the second largest fish producing and second largest aquaculture nation in the world.
Comparative evaluation of Indigenous traditionally used herbal tooth sticks (Datun) and toothpaste in cleaning of mouth microflora[Full-Text ] There are many plants, which are used as chewing sticks (Datun) in different parts of India and the world. Numerous studies have been reported on the antimicrobial effects of chewing sticks on oral bacteria. The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial effect of extract of seven different chewing sticks of India. The agar well diffusion Method was used to test the antimicrobial activity of seven Asian chewing sticks. It was found that at there was antimicrobial effect on pyorrhea causing bacteria at IC50 concentration of Kharijal (Salvadoraoleodes) from India.
A case study of Cow based organic farming System adopted by the farmer of Vadal, Junagadh, Gujarat[Full-Text ] P. V. Patel, A. M. Polara, G. R. Gohil, Dhyey D. MavaniThere has been a rise in consumer’s demand for safe and healthy food due to increasing concerns over the quality of food, contamination due to chemicals, serious health hazards and environmental issues. This increasing demand has given way to a new stream of agriculture, popularly known as Organic Agriculture. Since the use of huge quantities of chemical fertilizers in the Indian farming has been stopped since the Green Revolution, it has changed the structure of our land. Today, the fast-growing agricultural land is changing in the wasteland. And millions of crores of rupees are being spent on the chemical fertilizers.
Temperature Profile Study of Selected Natural Ventilated Greenhouses and Development of Temperature Prediction Models[Full-Text ] In India because of the least expensive cooling method of greenhouse, natural ventilated types of greenhouses are considered to be the most acceptable structures for growing of vegetable and flower crops. In natural ventilated greenhouse, the inside air temperature is affected by its geometrical dimensions, span, orientation, ventilation rate etc.
PROJECT OF DHYEY DHARMENDRAKUMAR MAVANI[Full-Text ] Water demand has significantly increased over the last decades while available water resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Climatic change is adding another dimension to this complex nexus of soil-water-plant-atmosphere. Looking to the problem of this region, project work carried out for cotton crop. In which crop was irrigated with the help of soil moisture sensors based drip irrigation along with mulch. Renewable source of energy i.e solar energy used to pump the irrigation water. Results revealed that around 60% irrigation water saved along with energy which help to reduce effect of global warming.
Design and Construction of an Ultrasonic Sensor Based System for Determination of Fuel Adulteration Content by Refractive Index Analy[Full-Text ] O.J Dada, E.O Oloyede, A.O Ayannusi, A.I OyedejiThe design and construction of a non time-consuming sensory device that can measure the refractive index of a fuel sample in order to check whether the fuel is adulterated or not is presented. In this research, three fuel samples were experimentally examined using an ATMega328 microcontroller based ultrasonic sensor with the help of combined lenses to determine their respective refractive indices, and thus, the percentage differences when compared to the theoretical value of the index of refraction of unadulterated fuel.
Awareness Of Rural Population About Ecotourism Centres In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Ore Town, Ondo State[Full-Text ] Ojokunle Adebusola and Akeredolu Olaniyi Inadequate level of awareness has militated against the development of ecotourism in Nigeria. A lot of people especially in rural areas place little or no value on the natural resources around them, and as a consequence, have depleted the biodiversity of resources in their ecosystem through poaching, illegal forest trees felling, pollution of natural waters with refuse, overexploitation of other beneficial forest resources e.t.c.
Rheological behavior of gum cordia, effect of temperature and concentration over its shear rate profile and non-Newtonian behavior[Full-Text ] Muhammad A. Haq, Zubala Lutfi, Mohib R. Kazimi, Faiza Shaikh, Zeeshan Akhtar, Anjum Nawab, Feroz Alam, and Abid HasnainGum cordia is extracted from the fruits of flowering plant Cordia myxa. The gum has been reported to be used as controlled drug delivery agent, edible films and coatings. The gum contains an anionic polysaccharide having good adhering property. In addition it contains ample foaming ability and great capacity to hold both oil and water. Due to these properties it wields massive industrial applications in chemical and food industries as a binding agent.
The Fault Current of Oil-immersed Power Transformer Draws Abnormal Gases[Full-Text ] Ming-Jong LinOil-immersed power transformers play an important role in power system. To increase the efficiency and reduce the operating tempera-ture, a large amount of insulating oil needs to be injected. It generates a very high temperature because after the fault current and thus escapes the flammable gases - hydrogen (H2), methane (C2H4), acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (CH4), ethane (C2H6), Carbon monoxide (CO). If the high temperature continues to reach the ignition point, it will cause a combustion and explosion.
Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Computer Vision And Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Akhil Dixit, Arush AgarwalA gesture can be recognized as a form of nonverbal communication in which certain bodily actions represent and communicate particular messages. These actions may be represented by facial features or by hand movement. The hand movements are conveniently deciphered to particular messages that are universal in nature.
Automated and Secure Monitoring System for Smart Home Application Using Internet Of Things[Full-Text ] M.Suganya , J.Aruna Jasmine, R.DayanaToday we are living in 21st century. It is necessary to control the home from desire location, Smart Home automation is the control of any electronic device in our home and office. It is implemented using python, OpenCV, raspberry pi and android application in a user friendly and intuitive manner. The appliances are controlled by the Raspberry pi server, which operates according to the user command received from the mobile phone. A unique door monitoring system is designed based on face detection and recognition from a camera installed outside the main door, which can be accessed from the phone using android application.
Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigation of Failed Section of Orsu-Ihiala Road Southeastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nnamdi J. Ajah, Zander C. C. Akaolisa and Osita C. Okeke The Orsu-Ihiala road failed shortly after repairs causing delay in trip time, loss of properties and life. This research employs Geophysical and Geotechnical method in investigating the causes of this failure. The study area is part of the Anambra basin consisting of Eocene Ameke formation, the Oligocene Ogwashi-Asaba formation and the recent Meander belt. 6 VES was carried out using Schlumberger array (maximum AB/2 = 55m), 2-D electrical resistivity was run using Wenner array and three (3) samples were collected at depth of 1.5m from the failed part of the road. The VES results show that the investigated area is underlain by top soil, clay, clayey-sand and sand.
Empowering healthcare IoT systems with hierar-chical fog-based computing architecture[Full-Text ] Wafaa M. Shosha, Reham R. Mostafa, Ahmed Abo ElfetohIoT-based healthcare systems are changing the way is healthcare delivered, improving the availability, quality, accessibility, and cost-effec-tiveness of healthcare. The vast amount of data generated by these systems, have to be collected, analyzed, stored, and appropriately shared. IoT devices cannot process this huge data volume. Moreover, sending data to cloud is not generally applicable.