Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018.
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Study on the Silica from Rice Husk Ash by XRD and XRF[Full-Text ] Dr.Ei Ei MonThis work presentented a laboratory studies on the preparation of rice husk ashes (RHAs) by burning temperatuers at 600ËšC for 3hr, 4hr, 5hr and 6hr. Consequently, silica content of RHA obtained from heating 6hr was 83.57%, RHA (from gasifier) obtained from heating 6hr was 93.44% and RHA obtained from leaching and heating 6hr was 89.24% by X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF- Quen X). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were applied for determination of crystallinity and analysis of mineral content rice husk ashes. In the process of silica, rice husk ash (RHAs) from rice mill with or without leaching with citric acid can get amorphous form, but rice husk ash (RHAs) from gasifier can get Amorphous Quartz form.
Different approaches in direct seeded rice system to avert weed infestation: Review[Full-Text ] Nasir Ali, Saba Durrani, Munawar Abbas, Imdad Ullah, Muhammad Ishfaq, Nadeem Akbar, Abdur Rehman, Abdul WaheedIn direct seeding of rice infestation of weeds is a major problem and it is a big task for the investigators, researchers and rice growing farmers. Different types of strategies, approaches and practices involving the prevention, cultural, manual, mechanical, allelochemical, chemical and biological control have been established and practiced by the growers on a large scale to overwhelmed the difficulty caused by weeds in direct seeding of rice while maintaining the environmental sustainability.
Effects of class-size on learning achievement of students at grade fifth private school level in Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Anila Raza,Kiran Pervez Ali Noorani & Nayab NaseerResearchers including other stakeholders have gone through the effects of class size on student achievement for years. Therefore, the size of classes presently is disturbing. In regards to class size research was conducted, based on several reliable constructs, including the relevant and integrated factors such as Discipline, Achievement level, on task approach, at risk pupil, class size across other disciplines.
ELECTRICITY AUDIT INCORPORATING NON-INTRUSIVE LOAD MONITORING[Full-Text ] Farah Andleeb Siddiqui, Syed Daniyal Fatmi, Wajahat HussainElectricity monitoring has become increasingly important as the concept of energy management and conservation has gained popularity, whether it be industrial, commercial or residential consumer or the utilities providing electricity. Despite being such an essential tool it is still practiced in an outdated style. The whole process is tedious, time consuming, completely manual with a trade-off on accuracy. The purpose of this paper is to provide an automated solution with a high level of accuracy, swiftness and proficiency using a technique called Non-Intrusive load monitoring. NILM provides an advantage of acquiring the complete data of a building at a single measuring point and then disaggregating the complete waveform into respective devices using artificial intelligence. To implement NILM, data acquisition module based on Arduino due was developed and then the disaggregation is done on MATLAB using K-means toolbox. The paper present one mode of disaggregating the waveform using steady state analysis of devices and the results were displayed on MATLAB.
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF POWER GENERATION MECHANISM USING SPEED BREAKER[Full-Text ] Roman Kalvin, Anam Nadeem, Saba ArifIn the current scenario demand of power is increasing day by day with increasing population. It is needed to sort out this problem with a technique which will not only overcome this energy crisis but also should be environment friendly. This research emphasizes on idea which shows that power could be generated by specially designed speed breaker. This project shows clearly how power can be generated by using Cam Mechanism where basically linear motion is converted into rotatory motion that can be used to generate electricity.
Shoreline Dynamics: An Assessment of Ndoni-Oguta Axis Shoreline of River Niger in the Southern Region of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Benson, Eze Benjamin & Hart, LawrenceShoreline is always very uncertain due to the fact that water level is always in a state of flux, constantly changing and very unstable. The Ndoni location shoreline is an all-important shoreline to the Nigerian economy. The aim of this work is to assess shoreline dynamics along the Ndoni-Oguta axis of River Niger. This work was carried out using remote sensing and geospatial techniques with relevant Landsat imageries that covers the study area.
STUDY ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE TECHNICAL RESOURCES FOR TOOTHED GEAR MECHANISMS OF MARINE AND AVIATION COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] Nikolay Petrov, Liliya Staneva, Yuliyan Petrov, Stancho EdrevThe reason for failure of most moving parts of technical systems in the machine-building and electronics industry, transportation and household equipment can be attributed to the wear and tear of their working surfaces, which are in relative motion. Therefore, the forecasting of the technical resources for toothed gearing is done by examining failures, determined in accordance with the wear criterion and involves the use of methods for calculating the wear of gear teeth (metal or plastic).
Experimental investigation of the performance of a horizontal ground source heat pump[Full-Text ] Mustafa Caner, Netice Duman, Ertan Buyruk, Ferhat KilincEfficient systems or using of renewable energy sources are intensely important for air conditioning. One of these systems is heat pump systems which uses energy in the nature as well. In this study, performance of ground source heat pump (GSHP) was investigated in province of Sivas, Turkey. For this aim, horizontal type ground source heat pump system was set up in energy home located in Cumhuriyet University campus in Sivas, Turkey. Underground heat exchanger composed of four lines with a total length of 370 m was placed in 2.5 m deep. The study discusses the soil temperature variations, variation of performance coefficients of heat pump and system with variation of inner and outer environment temperatures. The performance coefficients of heat pump and system were obtained in the range value of 2.18-2.05 and 1.90-1.76, respectively.
Acceptability and efficacy of IEC materials integrated with CCA and DRR concepts in science teaching[Full-Text ] Ramona Isabel S. RamirezThe study determined the acceptability and efficacy of the IEC Materials integrated with CCA and DRR concepts in science teaching. It determined whether the material is acceptable to the expected users as well as effective in improving CCA and DRR concept of teacher and student respondents.
Evaluation On The Use Of Ordinary Port Land And Portland Pozzolana Cements For Structural Concrete Production[Full-Text ] Bekele Arega Demissie, Sriharsha Baditala, Ashebir BeleteThis study focuses on evaluating the use of the Dangote Ordinary Portland Pozolana cement for structural concrete production and its production processes of Dangote cement factory with special emphasis to its property as ingredient of structural concrete with regards to quality,eniviroment and minimization of structural cross sections. However, most of the consultants who design structures are simply specifying the ingredients of concrete without enough description of type, reasonable content, and relations with other factors which have direct effect to the hydrolysis reaction of the cements.
Soft Switching Control for Observatory Window Shutters Movement over LAN-wifi and a GUI[Full-Text ] Shaibal Saha, Sreejita SahaThis article illustrates design & implementation of WiFi control of pre-assigned sequential shutters movements of an astronomical observatory dome for opening and closing of the viewing window. It is done around a wifi device, controlled over LAN-WiFi, through a suitable standalone Matlab graphic user interface in low current digital CMOS remote soft switching.
MORPHOMETRIC STUDY ON THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF THE AFRICAN STRIPED GROUND SQUIRREL (Xerus erythropus)[Full-Text ] Korzerzer, Rachel Mngu-suur , Babashani, Mohammed and Oladele, Sunday BlessingTen African striped ground squirrels were caught alive from the wild with the aid of specialized traps in Zaria and environs between the months of January and May, 2017 and transported in constructed cages to the research laboratory of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, where this study was conducted. The animals were acclimatized for a period of twenty one days, and during the period of acclimatization, they were fed with groundnut, sweet potato, cabbage, tomatoes and water ad libitum.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange Under UV Using ZnO as Catalyst[Full-Text ] M.I.H. Chowdhury, M.S. Hossain, M.A.S. Azad, M.Z. Islam, M.A. DewanDischarge of azo dyes by textile and allied industries to the environment is a growing problem. Research on photocatalytic degradation rate of azo dye such as methyl orange using ZnO in photocatalysis process was the main goal of present study. In this regard, the influence of the main operating parameters such a photocatalyst concentration, dye concentration, and temperature upon dye removal rate under UV irradiation was studied.
Response Of Lentils (Lens culinaris medik.) To Zinc And Manganese Soil Intake In The Dryland Rainfed Farming Of Abda Plains, Morocco[Full-Text ] OKBI Basma ,H. ABERKANE, and J. AMZILEThe lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) plays an important role in the cropping systems of semi-arid areas of Morocco particularly in Abda plain areas. Yields of this crop are very low due to rainfall and soil constraints. For the latest, lentil crop doesn’t benefit from fertilizer input in addition to the low Zinc and Manganese availabilities which limits crop performance in this area.
INTRUSION DETECTION IN META SEARCH ENGINE THROUGH HEURISTICS : HONEYPOT[Full-Text ] Priyanka, Prof. Ela KumarA honeypot is a supplemented active defense system for Network Security. It traps attacks made by third party, record the information about the activities and tools of the hacking process, and prevent attacks withdrawer the comprised system. To prevent, detect and react to intrusions without disturbing the existing system is the serve problem for the Network Security and Web Application. Hence, in this project an Honeypot is made for search engine to make its firewall stronger so that it can prevent and protect the internal network data. IDS work well on detecting and alerting attacks of known signature.
Climate Change Impact On Economy[Full-Text ] Maram Almuhisen, Hüseyin GökcekusThroughout history Earth’s climate has been changing, where the majority of these changes are accredited to very small disparities in the orbiting of Earth which results in variations of the amount of solar energy the planet receives. Climate change is the origin of all externalities, in which it is much larger, more intricate and more indeterminate than any of the other ecological issues.
Performance Analysis of CoAP, 6LoWPAN and RPL Routing Protocols of IoT Using COOJA Simulator[Full-Text ] Monishanker Halder, Mohammad Nowsin Amin Sheikh, Md. Saidur Rahman, Md. Amanur RahmanInternet of things (IoT) is one kind of system that interrelates computing devices, digital devices, animals or people that they have ability to transfer some amount of data over a network without requiring any human-to-human or any human-to-computer interaction. IoT composed of smart devices, communication technologies. It enables these devices to gather and interchange the data and information. Smart devices have wireless or wired connection. The wireless connection in IoT is the main concern.
Jefimenko Equations in Computation of Electromagnetic Fields for Lightning Discharges[Full-Text ] Pitri Bhakta Adhikari, Bishal BhandariThe practicality of the Jefimenko equations in computations of electric fields, from lightning, was analyzed. The general Jefimenko equations are derived from Maxwell’s equation. Different processes for the computations of electromagnetic fields due to lightning was compared with the generalized three dimensional Jefimenko equations. The applications of these generalized equations in the field of electricity and magnetism were assessed.
Design of Traffic Signal at Kundahallli Junction Bengaluru Karnataka[Full-Text ] Raghavendra S.Sanganaikar, Faisal Mehraj, Varun Leekha, Rimshi Khan,Ashiq HussainAbout 16 people die and 58 are injured every hour in India due to road accidents – the death rate, in fact, is equivalent to wiping out about 40 percent of the population of a small nation like the Maldives in a year. The worst accident hotspots are near flyovers and junctions without signals. The increasing of traffic volume at the intersection has been on the rise which has resulted in many problems like road accidents, conflicts, and congestions.The objectives of traffic signals are First, they enable road users to safely navigate through an intersection. Secondly, they give priority to a particular direction or mode of travel at different times.
Shoreline Dynamics: An Assessment of Ndoni-Oguta Axis Shoreline of River Niger in the Southern Region of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Benson, Eze Benjamin & Hart, LawrenceShoreline is always very uncertain due to the fact that water level is always in a state of flux, constantly changing and very unstable. The Ndoni location shoreline is an all-important shoreline to the Nigerian economy. The aim of this work is to assess shoreline dynamics along the Ndoni-Oguta axis of River Niger. This work was carried out using remote sensing and geospatial techniques with relevant Landsat imageries that covers the study area.
A New Approach in Feature Generation for Time Series Modeling and Forecasting[Full-Text ] Anthony NwachukwuThe modeling and forecasting of Time Series has great applications in life events particularly in Stock market prediction. Many mathematical models have been developed as well as Machine learning models. Particularly, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) from Machine learning has been gaining much ground and this requires input features in order to obtain the desired output (predicted values). Over the years, these features have been the data provided by the market industries. The aim of this work is to get the predicted values from mathematical models and use them as input features for the ANN. It was discovered that predicted values from the ANN given these new input features gave a better yield than when learning from the features provided by the market only.
POLICY IMPLEMENTATION ON LAND AND FOREST FIRE CONTROL IN BUNGO OF JAMBI PROVINCE (STUDY REGULATIONS OF BUNGO REGENT NUMBER 13 IN 2010 ABOUT THE COMMAND POST OF LAND AND FOREST FIRE CONTROL IN BUNGO REGENCY)[Full-Text ] Mela Sari; Ida Hayu Dwimawanti In 2015 Bungo Regency had some increasing significance of land and forest burnt with the 58.2% out of 340,5 hectares of the burnt lands. In controlling the land and forest burning, the government of Bungo Regency published the Bungo Regent Regulation Numbered 13 in 2010 about Command Site to Control the burning on Land and Forest in Bungo regency (POSKODALKARLAHUT). But sum of the land and forest burning kept increasing, even though, the regulation had been published.
In-Silico Structure-Activity Relationship and Molecular Docking Studies of Monosubstitted 6-Gingerol against Streptococcus pneumoniae Phosphomevalonate Kinase[Full-Text ] S. Cosmas, P. E Joshua, O.A Durojaye, V. I. Nnamani, I. N Amorha, R. O AsomaduBackground: Pneumonia is the second most common nosocomial infection. The most common cause of nosocomial pneumonia is microaspiration of etiological agents that includes gram-positive bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae. 6-Gingerol is isolated from the rhizomes or roots of the plant Zingiber officinale (ginger). Ginger has been widely used in the global herbal medicinal practices since ancient times for a wide array of ailments including dementia, fever, infectious diseases and helminthiasis.
REVIEW ON STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP (SAR) USING ANTIMALARIAL DRUG DESIGN AS A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] S. Cosmas, D.E. Ekpo, R. O. Asomadu, J.O. Assor, V. I. Nnamani, O. A DurojayeStructure-activity relationship (SAR) is a method used in the detection of the chemical and biological activity relationship of compounds. This concept therefore points to the link between the chemical structures and biological and the biological activities of compounds, which also includes the toxicity. Production of new drugs with a higher potency and limited side effects, but having structural similarity with the original drug is another application of SAR theory. The essence of the structure-activity relationships also cuts across the toxicological studies on a compound.
Workload Analysis in Firewood Collection Activities by Gender in Kailari Rural Municipality of Kailali District, Nepal[Full-Text ] P. Adhikari & M. Jaishi Lack of energy source alternatives and miserable economic condition is forcing Nepal to rely heavily on biomass fuel for a long time. Socio-economic set up in patriarchal society is one of the main causes of increased workload of women in unrecognized household and non-household activities which shows adverse effect in their health and socialism. In this perspective a study was conducted to analyze the workload among gender with respect to the firewood collection activities in three different wards of Kailali District, Nepal.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Cigarette Smoking Hazards among Young Males in Rural area Lahore[Full-Text ] Attiya Sana, Muhammad Azhar, Muhammand Afzal, Prof.Dr.Syed Amir GilaniThis Cross-sectional research conducted and assessed the knowledge attitude and practices regarding cigarette smoking hazards among young smokers in rural community of Lahore. Cigarette smoking is known as one of the commonest and avoidable cause of lung disease and at last death in developing countries. The increasing cigarette smoking is a sign of the current and incoming health of the world.
Optimization of Machining Parameters in Turning AISI 304 Using Taguchi Method and Principal Component Analysis[Full-Text ] Rifat Ahasan Siddique, Farhana Dilwar The present study focuses on the optimization of machining parameters in turning AISI 304 using taguchi method and principal component analysis. Turning operations are carried out on AISI 304 in dry condition using a coated carbide insert. L27 orthogonal array of taguchi method is used to design the experiment with three input parameters (Cutting velocity, feed rate and overhang length) of three dif-ferent levels to measure surface roughness and vibration amplitude.
APPROXIMATION OF FUNCTION ASSOCIATED WITH HARDY-LITTLEWOOD SERIES IN THE HÖLDER METRIC BY MEAN[Full-Text ] Sanjay Mukherjee,Dr A J Khan In the present paper we have studied the degree of approximation of a function associated with Hardy-Littlewood series using mean. Our result is analogous to the result obtained by U.K.Srivastava and C.J.Rathore [5].
IMPACT OF SCHOOLING ON THE COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF ENGINEERING GRADUATES AROUND PUDUCHERRY[Full-Text ] M.A. ISHRATH JAHAN, DR.N.O.NELLAIYAPPANSouth Asia has vast historical and traditional association with India. It’s diverse cultural heritage, shaped by people speaking several dozen languages. Despite these varieties we could certainly see interaction and communication among people, because they are comfortable with each other in common language ‘English’, which had introduced by Europeans during the British period.
Derivative in Rings with Ideals[Full-Text ] Owino J. Jagongo, Kewamoi C. Sogomo, Moses N. Gichuki, Marion N. NyongesaA ring is a set that has two binary operations of addition and multiplication. Moreover, for a set to be a ring it must be a group with respect to addition and multiplication should be distributive over addition. A ring homomorphism is a function that exists between two rings and respects the structure. In this paper, our aim is to define a derivative on rings with ideals and prove certain properties of the derivative on rings with ideals. The results obtained in this paper will be vital in obtaining optimization results in rings with ideals.
Factors Affecting Students Scores of Standardized Tests in Grade Sixth, Seven and Eight-Case Study of the Citizen Foundation Schools[Full-Text ] ANWAR ZAIB KHAN, DR SHAGUFTA SHEHZADIThe study is devoted to factors affecting Students scores of standardized tests in grade Sixth, seven and eight. Evidence of the citizen foundation schools. It focuses on Standardized test score of the TCF school students of grade 6th to 8th.
The effect of education on health status[Full-Text ] Aseda BanushajEducation is one of the most critical factors in a person’s economic and social position individual, as it is their consequence. There exist a lot of evidences about the strong relation between education and health status. Evidences suggest that people who have a high level of education develop healthier behaviors and manners, and they are less prone to vice and unhealthy behaviors. The influence of education in health status is apparent in multiple instances.
Medical Image Compression using DDCT, Ripplet Transform and their Fusion[Full-Text ] Waseem Abbas, Numan Khurshid, M. Haroon ShakeelMedical images contain very significant information so very high-quality images are used in the medical image domain. These high-quality images demand very high cost and bandwidth for storage and transmission. Therefore, image compression is very important in medical image processing. The main objective of the paper is to achieve high compression ratio and preserve 2D discontinuities/ singularities as well as provide a better representation of texture.
Some Classes of Log Type Estimators Using Auxiliary Attribute for Population Variance[Full-Text ] Shashi Bhushan and Chandni KumariThis paper introduces some new classes of log type estimators assuming that the information on an auxiliary attribute related with the study variable is given. The mean squared error of the proposed classes of estimators has been obtained up to the ï¬rst order of approximation. An empirical study is given as an illustration.
Wellness Fasting-induced Hyperketosis and Interaction by Intestinal Microbiota [Full-Text ] Shaw Watanabe, Izumi Utada, Takayoshi Hisada, Jun Mochizuki, Shoichi Mizuno, Satsuki Moriyama, Azusa Hirakawa, Seichiro Aoe β-hydrobutyrate (BHB), one of representative ketone bodies, increases by fasting. Fasting endogenously produces ketone bodies in the liver, kidney and astrocytes in the brain. We reported the case in whom increased BHB would come from intestinal microbiota by Koda’s fasting diet. Relationship between plasma BHB and intesti-nal microbiota has not well known. Sixty subjects were admitted in the ARSOA Wellness Fasting program. During a 4-day fasting period, they received a combination of very low-energy vegetarian diet, physical exercise, meditation, and lectures about healthy lifestyles. Peripheral blood was collected on days 1 and 4 for routine bio-chemical analyses and for the determination of serum levels of insulin, glucagon and other hormones. Glucose and BHB were measured every morning by finger tip blood. The stools were collected pre-,mid- and post-fasting, and profiles of microbiota were analyzed by the metanalytic cytotechnicon. All data were collated in an Excel file, and transferred to SPSS for statistical analysis. BHB in the blood increased from 0.3±0.2 mM at the day 1 to 2.0±1.2 mM at the day 4 of fasting, while the glucose level decreased from 5.6±1.6 mM to 3.9±1.3 mM. Increases in plasma BHB were assigned to 4 groups (less than 1.0 mM, 1.0-1.99 mM, 2.0-2.99 mM and more than 3.0 mM). Highest group of BHB showed significant association with family Enterobacteriaceae of prefasting microbiota profile. Further analysis of bacte-rial profile at the species level clarified that 15 species were directly or indirectly related to BHB level, such as Providencia vermicola, P. rustigianii, P. sneebia, Mor-ganella morganii, M. psychrotolerans, Proteus hauseri, Butyricimonas virosa,.etc. Five cases with very low Enterobacter presence showed lowest plasma BHB in-crease. Only one case with high BHB level did not show any attributable bacteria. Plasma concentration of BHB was related to Enterobacteriaceae directly or indirect-ly. The latter suggested syntrophic effects on Enterobacteriaceae. Known butyrate producing bacteria were suppressed by competitive interaction. It suggested that the metabolic pathway of butyrate synthesis and BHB production seemed to be done by different microbiota. Absorption of BHB from intestinal microbiota could be considered like the BHB supplement use, so dietary effects should be clarified more. Four days of fasting induced hyperketonemia with some metabolic changes. The possible absorption of BHB through intestinal wall could be accepted independent from butyrate production.
To explore and examine the Logical mathematical abilities of children with visual impairment and normal sight of higher secondary school students[Full-Text ] Madhavi.K, Dr. Sudhakar VenukapalliThe purpose of present study was to examine the relationship between Logical mathematical abilities of children with visual impairment and normal sight of higher secondary school students. The schools were randomly selected from Hyderabad district, telengana state, and India country.