Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018.
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Vision of future energy: Studying alternate sources of energy & its implication on human health & environment in a tertiary care hospital in India[Full-Text ] Reena Thakur, Sonali Shamdasani, Manish KumarIn recent years, there has been resurgence of going green, saving the planet and engaging in a sustainable lifestyle. There is a continuous need to find new and innovative ways of saving energy and to get the maximum performance with the available budget. Enormous energy savings are possible by using energy efficient equipments, effective controls, and careful designs. This study is aimed to replace conventional tube lights with energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in one of the multispecialty hospitals of North India.
Fake Peer Review & Fake Journals: Prevent Dr. Fraud from Publishing[Full-Text ] Zannatul Ferdous Shammi, Md. Mahadi Hasan, Md. Thuhid NoorThe purpose of the paper is to create awareness among young and prominent researchers especially newcomers. In this paper, we try to provide an overview of fake peer review and its associated facts so that everyone can look into this and justify the authenticity. We also recommend the researchers to have the clear understanding of authentic journals. Based on the recommendations, a researcher can clearly make a decision to an extent regarding any journal whether they are fake or not.
Floral identification and the physico-chemical parameter of honey from Yelwa, Bauchi and Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] J.A. Ibegbulem , D.N. Iortsuun, E. Kogi, P. I. Bolorunduro, A. A. Yakubu, J. O. Omeke Floral identification of honey from Yelwa, Bauchi State and Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria were investigated and their physico-chemical parameters reported. Microscopic examination revealed that the honey from Yelwa, had the plant family Anacardiaceae and Zaria Rubiaceae as major pollen sources. The major sugar in both honey samples was fructose (38.89, 39.14%) followed closely by glucose (32.46, 31.28%) which exceeded the standard limit of 38.5 and 31% for fructose and glucose. The moisture, ash and sucrose contents for both samples were within standard limits. Zaria and Yelwa honey samples showed 12.17, 10.89 ppm; 1.92, 3.07 ppm for calcium and chromium content. This quantity is lower than the expected quantity to be consumed per day.
Active Lip Localization Based on Lip Movements Recognition Using YCbCr and CIELa*b* Color Space[Full-Text ] Thein Thein, Kalyar Myo SanAutomatic lip reading was used for various purposes for speech training to facilitate hearing and improve speech recognition. Nevertheless, the recognition of the movement of the lips actively passes through research topics with a lot of improvements. Therefore, in order to extract visual information, reliable movements of the lips are required. The major challenge is to localize the movements of the lips accurately because of the many possible movements of the lips and forms of the lips. The accuracy and reliability of speech recognition systems can be better by using visual information from lip movements, and the need for the lip reading system continues to develop for each language.
CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDS OF EDUCATION LECTURERS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN UNIVERSITIES[Full-Text ] Dr. Nwabueze, Akachukwu I., Nwokedi, Onuekwuzunma C. U., Edikpa, Edith C.This study investigated the capacity building needs of education lecturers in ICTs in universities in Nigeria. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study, which adopted the descriptive survey design. A sample size of 320 education lecturers was drawn from four universities using stratified random sampling technique, representing 56% of the population. Questionnaire titled “HCBNELICTQ” was validated and the reliability established at 0.92. In analyzing the data, mean scores and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while z-test was used in testing the hypotheses.
Effect of addition ZrO2 nanoparticles to dental composites on the physical and mechanical properties[Full-Text ] Rafid M. Al BadrThe aim of the present has focused on effect of ZrO2 nano particles with different concentration on the physical and mechanical properties of dental composites. Six dental composites test containing different amount of ZrO2 nano particles 1,3,5,7,and 10wt% were mixed with a Bis-GMA/TEGDMA (70/30 wt%) matrix, and investigated using different tests The sorption, solubility and volumetric increase were measured after storage in water for 180 days. In addition, depth of cure and the flexural strength and modulus were measured using a three-point bending set-up according to the ISO-4049 and diametral tensile strength (DTS) were measured according to ANSI/ADA specification No.27 for cure resins. Measurements were taken and samples stored, immediately after curing, in water at 37°C for 24h.
The Effect of Negotiation Role-Play on Critical Thinking Skills[Full-Text ] Alex JonesCritical thinking is the focus of higher education institutions across the world. It is a crucial component in course preparation and accreditation agencies. This paper aims at highlighting the importance of critical thinking through a through analysis based on actual testing conducted on business major students in the undergraduate and graduate level. This work paper examines the effect of Negotiation Role Play could have on the level of critical thinking skills of students majoring in business studies. The author used a true experimental pre-test and post-test design with a treatment and a control group. The findings revealed that doing the Negotiation Role Play increased the treatment group's critical thinking levels significantly. Hence, the findings can be used to enhance the rigorous standards of colleges and universities to be able to deliver the adequate knowledge using critical thinking required for today's challenging labor market.
Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Enhancement from Trapezoidal Interrupted Pin-Fins[Full-Text ] Wajeeh Kamal Hasan, Mohammed Ali Mahmood Hussein, Ali Najim Abdullahin this paper, Steady-state external natural convection heat transfer from horizontally-mounted trapezoidal pin-finned heat sinks used in electronic devices is investigated numerically. The trapezoidal pin heat sink was designed to minimize the pressure loss across the heat sink by reducing the vortex effects and to enhance the thermal performance by maintaining large exposed surface area available for heat transfer. The energy equation was written under assumptions then solved numerically using finite element method. The heat transfer is examined for parameters of fin material, surface emissivity, external temperature and input heat flux. It was found that the heat transfer enhancement is more pronounced at high thermal conductivity, surface emissivity and low external temperature. All the results of the problem were presented in graphical form and discussed.
COMPARISON OF TENSILE PROPERTIES ON SILK AND COTTON NATURAL FIBERS REINFORCED HYBRID EPOXY COMPOSITE[Full-Text ] Mr. R MANJUNATHA, Dr. SANJEEVAMURTHYNow- a-days, the natural fibers from renewable natural resources offer the potential to act as a reinforcing material for polymer composites alternative to the use of, carbon and other manmade fibers. Among various fibers, cotton silk is the most widely used natural fiber due to its advantages like easy availability, low density, low production cost and satisfactory mechanical properties. For a composite material, its mechanical behavior depends on many factors such as fiber content, orientation, types, length etc., attempts will be carried to find the tensile, compression &bending properties for the specimen prepared as per ASTM standard.
Study Cost Design & Risks of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Resisting To Seismic Loads[Full-Text ] When environmental analysis is inaccurate, late or incomplete, it is tantamount to a risk for the construction process. In every project, environmental impact assessment is important. It is done prior to the commencement of the actual project so as to determine the specific ways in which the environment will be impacted. While some of the environmental implications are direct, others are indirect.
Design of Notch filter using Metamaterial Structure[Full-Text ] K Shambavi, Karan SharmaThis paper present the metamaterial features of Spiral Resonator on compact microwave devices. Any microwave device can have a rejection band by using the metamaterial factor of Spiral Resonator. Spiral resonator is known for their inductive property and easy fabrication due to their small size at electrical resonance. In this paper, rectangular shape of spiral resonator has been implemented in order to achieve band rejection for compact microwave devices such as Microstrip transmission line. Analysis is performed by shifting the location and changing the structure of resonator for which characteristic response is obtained. The stimulated result correlates with the notch filter whose frequency can be manipulate by change in length. The size of notch filter is 5.2mm x 3mm and 3mm I/O feed lines.
Design Of UWB Band Pass filter with Hexagonal Shaped EBG Structure and WLAN notch using Metamaterial Structure[Full-Text ] K Shambavi, Karan SharmaThis paper present the designing and stimulation of a bandpass filter operates under the ultra wide band(UWB) range. The filter design involves two interdigital coupled lines at the terminal and hexanol shaped EBG structure at the center of filter along with WLAN notch using spiral resonator as metamaterial structure. The hexagonal shaped EBG structure provide better return loss characteristics and provide a wide band rejection outside the passband. The bandwidth of the designed filter is 11GHz (2.225-11.25GHz).
Artificial Intelligence for Open Source Dialogue Based Natural Language Processing System[Full-Text ] Shakti PhartiyalThis paper is an overview of 'Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing' technologies along with 'Speech to Text' and vice versa to build a dialogue-based system.The objective of this paper is to idealize the implementation of Artificial Intelligence along with or in the form of Natural Language Processing to develop fully functional Dialogue Systems – which will be elaborated in the next paper of the series – to make the virtual world more user friendly.
A Reliable NJ Technique of Different Alignments[Full-Text ] Mina Basheer, Dr. Sawsan Kamal ThamerThe rapid evolution of DNA sequencing technologies and the high amounts of molecular data used for analayzing phylogenetic tree take a great consumption in the computational performance as well as the memory demands. The evolutionary tree design is required for determining the relationship between the DNA sequences based on the differences within their genetic characteristics in addition to the extent of divergence between species. The major objective of phylogeny reconstruction is to describe evolutionary relationships in terms of relative recency of common ancestry.
Concentration of Minerals in Milk of Cattle, Goat, and Sheep At Yelwa and Gangu Farms Bauchi Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gin, N. S., Buteh, D. S., Daniel, S. Muhammad, M. Miri, S. H.Milk samples were obtained from different farms, from Sheep, Cattle and Goats for analysis of their mineral contents. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) model (210/211VGP Buck Scientific) was used to determine the concentration of various mineral contents of the milk. The mean and standard deviation concentrations of Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Ca, Na and K were obtained in mg/kg. At Gangu farms, the following mineral concentrations were obtained from three (3) Animals (Sheep, Cattle and Goats).
Determination of Mineral Contents of Milk of Cattle, Goats and Sheep in Sabon Kaura and Mangas Villages, Bauchi,Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gin, N.S., Daniel,S., Buteh,D.S., Hassan,H., R. IbrahimIn this study the mineral contents determination of milk obtained from cattle, goats and sheep raised in Sabon Kaura and Mangas Villages, Bauchi, Nigeria was carried out. Quantitative analysis was done in triplicate for seven (7) metals; zinc Zn, manganese Mn, copper Cu, iron Fe, calcium Ca, sodium Na and potassium K using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Milk samples were collected at a fixed time intervals of the day after previous feed. Milks samples were collected manually from 8-10am for four (4) hours when there was no breast feeding. Milk samples were prepared according to the method described by Vidovic et al., 2005 from August to December 2013.
Concentration of Minerals in Milk of Cattle, Goat, and Sheep at Nasarawa, Ganjuwa Local Government, Bauchi Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gin, N. S., Buteh, D. S., Daniel, S. Muhammad, M. Miri, S. H., Abubakar, AMilk samples were obtained from sheep, cattle and goats in Nasarawa District of Ganjuwa Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria for analysis of their mineral contents. Atomic Absorption spectrometer (AAS) Model (210/211VGP Buck scientific) was used to determine the concentration of various mineral contents of the milk.
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE NETWORK THE TOURISM SECTOR. THE CASE OF KUKES DISTRICT[Full-Text ] PhD. c. Majlinda SHEHU Tourism in Albania is one of the potential sectors for the development of mountainous areas and with limited resources. Despite this fact, information on recognizing this activity in terms of destination and attractiveness at local levels remains limited.
Isolated form of left ventricular myocardium noncompaction - a rare cause for ischemic stroke. Case report[Full-Text ] Mihaela Lungu, Carina DoinaVoinescu, Violeta Sapira, Ana Cristina Marinescu, Nicuta ManolacheThe article reports the case of a 32-year-old patient with no pathological history, hospitalized with a left sensory syndrome and lateral left homonymous hemianopsia which were suddenly installed in full apparent health status. Neuroimaging investigations confirmed right carotid ischemia, while all the paraclinical examinations that were conducted to determine the etiology of the stroke remained negative. The examination that allowed for the detection of a cause for cerebral ischemia was the cardiac echography, which revealed typical modifications for left ventricular noncompaction.
Cytotoxic, Immuno-Boosting and Antibacterial Impacts of Assorted Ratios of Zinc oxide and Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles to Some Mammalian and Bacterial Cells (Vitro Study)[Full-Text ] Marwa. A.Abd Ellatif, Ashraf S. Hakim, Aly Okasha, A. M. IsmailThe fast-growing utilization of Nanoparticles (NPs) in countless industries unlocked the potential for more research on NPs possible toxicity of both normal and pathological cells. In the current study. We focused on the cytotoxic effect of Zinc Oxide NPs (ZnO NP), Titanium dioxide NPs (TiO2 NP) and the mixture of both NPs with three different molar ratios of ZnO / TiO2 1:1,1:2 and 2:1 to different types of cells (African green monkey kidney cells, human lung fibroblast and macrophagic cells differentiated from rat’s blood monocytes and epithelial carcinogenic cells.
Wireless Electricity can get from the wireless Internet[Full-Text ] Dr Subhankar ModakNow- a-days the electricity which is very much essential for the human life in every minute can be got from the Internet (G, 2G, 3G, and 4G etc).
We can get unlimited internet easily from the Wavelength Theory[Full-Text ] Dr Subhankar ModakInternet is very much essential part of our day to day life & working purpose. Without internet we cannot work easily. Download is the main thing for the internet for the study & any official purpose. So if we can get unlimited internet with very fast speed then it is so enjoyable & amusing. So we can discuss it as follows.
A Review article on pain management through vedanasthapana drugs after ayurvedic surgery[Full-Text ] Dr.Kamayani mishra, Dr.Vijeta barangeAfter any surgical procedure the most common post-operative manifestation is pain, because of which patients don`t won`t to undergo surgery, until and unless it is necessary. Excessive pain becomes unbearable and leads to other effects like sinking sensation, apprehension, sweating, nausea, palpitation and increase or decrease of blood pressure. Whereas adequate pain control leads to decreased manipulation of surgical site and thus reduces swelling, haematoma formation and infection. The greatest disadvantage in ayurveda is lack of use of effective analgesic in ayurvedic medicines. Amongst so many causes this is one cause responsible for downfall of ayurvedic surgery. Hence there is a constant quest for an ideal ayurvedic analgesic therapy i.e. vedanasthapanaupaya. Vata dosha is considered as the prime factor in manifestation of vedana. So drugs which pacifies vata will act as potent vedanasthapanaupaya. A holistic approach toward herbal drugs can reduce the cost and complications associated with opioid and non-opioid drug usage and dosage. Thus in this paper, an effort has been taken to spread light on conceptual part of vedanasthapana drugs and their use in post operative pain management.
CROSS FLOW HEAT EXCHANGER USING HYBRID NANO FLUIDS EXPERIMENTALY FOR IMPROVEMENT OF HEAT TRANSFER[Full-Text ] Swapnil Gangurde,Manish SharmaIn this paper, forced convective heat transfer in a water based nanofluid has experimentally been compared to that of pure water in an automobile radiator. Three different concentrations of nanofluids 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% of volume has been prepared by adding of TiO2Nano particles into the water. The test liquid flow through the radiator consisted of 34 vertical tubes with an elliptical cross section and air makes across flow inside the tube bank with constant speed. Liquid flow rate has been changed in the range of 100-600 LPH to have the fully turbulent regime.
Induced resistance in tomato to the gray mold Botrytis cinerea by Trichoderma harzianum and Azotobacter chroococcum[Full-Text ] Alshimaysawe and Sabah L. Alwan. .Ahmed A.AThe study was conducted to control the gray mold disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on tomato grown in plastic houses for the 2017-2018 growing season in the province of Najaf. Two bio-control agents, Trichoderma harzianum and Azotobacter chroococcum, were used in the aim of inducing plant resistance by increasing the plant defense enzymes including super-desimutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. Treatments were incorporating the two bio-agents individually with the pre-planting soil which was or not fertilized with organic compost while the pathogenic fungus was used as spray treatment at plant blossom.
Concentration of Minerals in Milk of Cattle, Goat, and Sheep At Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching and Research Farms Bauchi Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gin,N.S., Buteh,D.S., Daniel,S. Muhammad, M.Miri,S.HSeveral milk samples were collected from three different animals cattle, goats and sheep for their mineral contents determination in September 2015. The milk sampling was carried out at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Teaching and Research farms Bauchi, Nigeria. The mineral contents of the milk samples were determined with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS Model 210/211).
Concentration of Minerals in Milk of Cattle, Goat, and Sheep At Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching and Research Farms Bauchi, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gin,N.S., Buteh,D.S., Daniel,S. Muhammad, M.Miri,S.HMilk samples were obtained from two different farms, from sheep, cattle and goats for analysis of their mineral contents. Atomic Absorption spectrometer (AAS) Model (210/211VGP Buck scientific) was used to determine the concentration of various mineral contents of the milk. The mean and standard deviation of the concentrations of Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Ca, Na and K were calculated in mg/kg.
Driving Public Sector Innovation in Africa[Full-Text ] Dr Doreen Ninsiima Kasozi and Norah MadayaThe different crises African countries have been facing overtime motivated Governments to explore lasting solutions, for example through policy reforms and research studies, on critical issues affecting public sector management within organizations. As such, systematic reviews of public service procedures given the changing times were essential, which allowed for effective repositioning through balancing efficiency and innovation to improve service delivery.
Performing and Developing a More Efficacious Method of Electrolysis on Seawater Utilizing Chemical Compounds and Electrochemistry[Full-Text ] Aryan Jain and Rishit ThakkarToday, 95% of the ocean and 99% of the ocean floor remains unexplored as oxygen production, food supply, and other life or death factors require submarines to consistently resurface to resupply.The goal of this research project was to develop an efficient system of oxygen production that employed the most accessible resource found underwater - seawater - along with utilizing minerals to help process the water so that oxygen can be produced from it through electrolysis.
Efficiency of Water Hyacinth as Bio-Adsorbent to Uptake Methylene Blue from Wastewater[Full-Text ] Shahanaz Parvin, Md. Abdul Halim, Biplob Kumar Biswas, Al-Mamun, Md. Abdur Ruman, Md. Wasikur Rahman In the present study, the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution by batch adsorption technique using low cost adsorbent was investigated. Water hyacinth was used as adsorbent to determine the adsorption efficiency.
Hepatitis B Vaccination Awareness among female medical students at Taibah University in Madinah, KSA[Full-Text ] Samar Alremaithi, Alhanouf Alanazi, Bodoor Almotairi, Rehab Alrashidi, Marwa Mohamed ZalatBACKGROUND: Hepatitis B virus infection is a critical public health issue. About 30% of people around the world have positive serology of hepatitis B virus (HBV) Although Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was HBV endemic country, this later declined due to the HBV vaccination to newborns since 1989 but the risk remains for medical students and health care workers.
Arc Fault Detection in DC Distribution System by Wavelet Transformation[Full-Text ] Prof. Dipti D Patil, Prof. Priyanka R. TarmaleArc faults are significant with respect to reliability and safety concern for electrical systems which can cause stoppage in intermittent operation and electrical shock hazards which can even result in fire. Arc fault in such vast systems are random and challenging which makes the study of arc fault detection using arc signature difficult. The high-frequency content of the arc requires fast sampling, which are having long memory, which requires proper data storage for fast processing and analysing the arc.
Modeling, Design and Implementation of a Two-port DC-DC Converter with Synchronized PWM Control[Full-Text ] Betsy Maria Mathews, Mukti BaraiThis paper presents modeling, design and implementation of a two-port DC-DC converter with synchronized PWM voltage mode analog control. The proposed PWM control strategy provides simultaneous dual regulated output voltages for boost and buck modes of operation from a single input. The dynamics of the two-port DC-DC converter is modeled with small signal analysis. A type-II and type-III analog compensators are designed for the boost mode and for the buck mode operations of the converter respectively. The proposed control strategy is experimentally validated in an experimental setup for a boost output of 60V and buck output of 15V with an input voltage of 30V for an output power of 150W. The closed loop performance of the converter is demonstrated for a load change of 2A and input voltage variation of ±5V i.e., ±15% of line voltage variation.
Analysis And Design Optimisation Of 200mm-150 Class Globe Valve Body By Using FEA And Validation By Using Experimental Stress Analysis Method[Full-Text ] Ms. Pataskar Snehal Krishna, Prof. Mr. E.N.AitavadeGlobe valves are one of the oldest valve types used for throttling application for all sizes due to better controllability and range. This paper focuses on the design and analysis of 200mm-150 Class asymmetric globe valve with focuses on eliminating the problem faced by conventional globe mentioned above. Analysis of this globe valve takes place for high temperature applications.
Study of Induction Heating using Half Bridge Series Resonant Inverter[Full-Text ] Remya M N, Mukti BaraiThis paper presents study, design and implementation of an open loop induction heating system using a half bridge series resonant inverter. The resonant inverter is controlled using pulse density modulation (PDM) technique. The functionality of PDM and induction heating are presented with simulation and experimental results.
A Survey on Data Mining Techniques and Real Time Applications[Full-Text ] Anu MathewsWith the proliferating amount of information in the World Wide Web, data mining techniques are gaining more importance. Recommender Systems have gained importance in this realm, as they facilitate the extraction of relevant information by providing the users with information which has been filtered based on the user’s preferences. This paper describes the various data mining techniques and also different types of recommender systems prevalent today and also throws light on some of the real time applications of data mining and recommender systems.
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Antioxidant Activity of Phytochemicals in Selected Medicinal Plants[Full-Text ] Bushra Zaib, Sohail Ahmad, Amna Yaqub, Fareeha AmbreenMedicinal plants have great importance for human health. The value of medicinal plants lies in some chemical substances having physiological role in human body; the most important of these are alkaloids, polyphenols and flavonoids. In the current study, the distribution of these moieties in three medicinal plant extracts belonging to different families was assessed. The radical scavenging activities of the plant extracts against 2, 2 -Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) were determined through spectrophotometry. The effect of gamma irradiation was also observed on flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Results showed that antioxidant properties were significantly increased after irradiation. The study revealed an efficient effect of varying levels of gamma radiations, based on the pharmaceutical demand to enhance the accumulation and distribution of bioactive compounds such as phenolic and flavonoid compounds, fatty acids, as well as their antioxidant activities in the leaves of Viola odorata, roots of Nelumbonucifera (Gaertn) and Fruit of Carallumatuberculata.