Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018.
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Nano-Power and High-Q CMOS Differential Active Inductor in Weak Inversion except the high-Q in strong inversion[Full-Text ] Boussetta Mostapha, Hamdaouy Ridouane and Slaoui KhadijaThis paper presents a novel 2-port high-Q differential active inductor in weak inversion and strong inversionDAI(WI, SI) using negative impedance circuit. The proposed 2-port high Q differential active inductor DAI(WI,SI) consists of the feedback parallel resonance circuits that comprises of negative impedance circuit and differential gyrator for stabilizer .
Auto Image Text Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] Elina Haider Shirazi, Khizar ShabazText data present in double contain useful information for automatic explanation, indexing, and structuring of trope. Origin of this information involves detective work , localization, tracking , origin , enhancement, and recognition of the text from a given image. However variations of text due to differences in size, dash, orientation, and alignment, as well as low image contrast and complex background make the problem of automatic text extraction extremely challenging in the data processor vision inquiry area . The proposed method acting compare two basic access shotes for extracting text realm in images: boundary -based and connected-factor based. The algorithms are implemented and evaluated using a hardening of images that vary along the dimensions of lighting, scale and orientation. Accuracy, precision and recall rates for each approach are analyzed to determine the succeeded and limitations of each approach.
CRISPR/Cas9 - A Buzz in Plant Biotechnology[Full-Text ] Faiza Unbreen, Ayesha MasoodRevolutions in the field of functional genomics and crop improvement has led to many advancements in the Genome Editing Technologies .CRISPR/Cas9 is a genetic engineering technology that is dependent on the complementarity of the guideRNA (gRNA) to a specific sequence and also on the Cas9 endonuclease activity .By the aid of this technology novel plant varieties have originated with the addition of significant traits and deletion of detrimental traits. CRISPR has increased advantage over other gene knock out technologies like ZFNs and TALENs and RNAi. It is an eye-catching technology that has grasped attention of many Plant Biotechnologists as by it various genetic manipulations like gene knockout, genetic modification, genetic engineering, and also activation and repression of gene of interest. This paper highlights the importance of CRISPR/Cas9 tools with surplus and specialized applications.
Impact of Urbanization and Energy Consumption on CO2 Emissions in Bangladesh: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach[Full-Text ] Istihak Rayhan, Khaleda Akter, Mohammad Safiqul Islam, Mohammad Amzad HossainThe aim of this study is to investigate the impact of urbanization and energy consumption on CO2 emissions under the theoretical framework of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. The EKC hypothesis for CO2 emissions reveal that at the initial path of economic development CO2 emissions increase with the level of development but start to decline after reaching a maximum point with higher level of economic development. Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root tests are performed to check the order of intrigation of the variables. ARDL bounds test approach has been employed for empirical works.
Air Pollution and Climate Change: Case Study National Capital Territory of Delhi[Full-Text ] Sachin KumarThe Ambient Air Pollution problem in National Capital Territory of Delhi is increasing at an alarming rate due to various anthropogenic activities and natural calamities; which significantly change the climatic condition and adversely influence the environmental condition.
PV system control simulation and stability using lypunov theory[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Farahat, Azza A. ElDesouky and Gamal. A. MahmoudWith the pervasion and remarkable increase of PV’ penetration on power system, the study of the leverage of its stability has become more urgent. Therefore, a modified control methodology of three phase grid connected PV system at different solar radiation and temperature is introduced in this paper.
LEAST SQUARES METHODS TO FORECAST SALES FOR A COMPANY[Full-Text ] Mohammad Abazid, Anees Abdulrahman, Siham SamineThe least square methods (LSM) are widely utilized in data fitting, with the best fit minimizing the residual squared sum. LSM can be divided into two categories, the ordinary or linear LSM and the nonlinear LSM, this depends on the residuals. To statistically analyzed regression, the linear LSM most have a solution that is closed form. Conversely, the nonlinear LSM is analyzed using the iterative refinement. In this paper, the best fit of the data that correspond to a company sale for the year 2019 and 2020 is evaluated using the LS method. The results revealed that the trend value for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 is found to be 10200, 27300, 44400, 61500, 78600, 95700, 112800 and 129900 respectively.
ENHANCING THE ENERGY ABSORPTION OF AUTOMOBILE BUMPER[Full-Text ] SATHIYA SEELAN G, SRINATH.P, GOTTMYERS MELWYN J, SUBIN EHSAN KPBumpers play an important role in preventing the impact energy from being transferred to the automobile and passengers. Saving the impact energy in the bumper to be released in the environment reduces the damages of the automobile and passengers. The goal of this project is to design a bumper with minimum weight by employing the Glass Material Thermoplastic materials and coil spring & hydraulic cylinder absorb the shock.
APPLICATION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF COMPUTER–BASED SALES FORECASTING IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATION[Full-Text ] Obianyo Obianuju .RAdvances in computer technology, statistical and mathematical models provide almost every business with the ability to execute complex data analyses, thus reducing the risks and pitfalls prevalent in the past. These advances have made the process and the cost of forecasting practical and easily affordable for any business organization. It has revolutionized business activities and is increasing as new technology emerges and current technologies expand.
THE PROMETHEUS; A SPECIAL PURPOSE METHODOLOGY[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, Anigbogu, S.O, Nwagu, Kenneth Chikezie, Anigbogu, G.NIn this paper we presented the Prometheus methodology for building agent-based software systems. Our objectives in presenting Prometheus as a special purpose methodology were to have a process with associated deliverables which could be used by industry practitioners and undergraduate students without a previous background in agents’ studies. Prometheus as an agent oriented methodology was developed based on the principles of Knowledge based engineering methodology. Prometheus comprised of three phases: system specification, architectural design, and detailed design. This special purpose methodology was used by industrial practitioners, taught at workshops at a number of conferences, and has also been taught to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as used in student projects.
Visual Analysis of Eye Movement Tracking Data[Full-Text ] Ali F. Rashid, Asst. Prof .Dr.Shaimaa H.ShakerEye-tracking movement studies are getting more important in world nowadays. Researchers often use different measures when publishing their results in eye-tracking movement studies. Even when the same metrics are used, they are given different names, causing difficulties in comparing studies.
Assessment of Numerical Groundwater Models[Full-Text ] Moharram Fouad, Enas E. HusseinThe numerical hydrological models which interested in the simulation and prediction the hydrological behavior were built relied on physically-based equations. The groundwater flow model was considered one of these models. The groundwater flow and contaminants transport model were used to monitoring, controlling, managing groundwater resources and forecasting the effects of varying both the recharge and groundwater abstract ion. Moreover, it developed a preventive planning to maintain the quality of the groundwater, identify flow patterns, and predict the future aquifer hydrodynamics.
Implementation of a Four-Floor Programmable Logic Controlled Elevator System[Full-Text ] KAMALU, U.A, OGUNLEKE, F.AThis paper is on the design and implementation of a 4-Floor Elevator control system using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). It involves developing a model of the Four-Floor and simulating the control using a SCADA system. The PLC in consideration is Siemens S7-200 with minimum of 14 inputs and 10 outputs, and the SCADA system in use is Intouch Wonderware, Schneider Electric product software.
Design and Development of Low actuation voltage RF MEMS switch using Elevated Coplanar Waveguides[Full-Text ] S.Kanthamani, Vamshi, K.N.Bhatt, S.RajuA low actuation voltage Radio Frequency (RF) MEMS switch using Elevated Coplanar Waveguide (ECPW) is proposed and reported. A 20 GHz RF MEMS switch is designed, fabricated and characterized. The obtained pull-in of the proposed switch is 2-2.8 volts which is much lower in comparison to the conventional CPW switches.
CYBERCRIME AS AN EMERGENT SECURITY ISSUE IN NIGERIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Ugwu Ude Dave, Bassey ObenThe advent of globalization facilitated by information and communication technology (ICT) launched Nigeria into the 21st century. As a consequence, Nigeria’s socio-cultural space today is one where local events are being shaped by external forces at varied spheres. Cybercrime is one of the low sides of the introduction of ICT transactions, which today encompass all sectors of the nation’s economy.
Numerical study of the nonlinear refraction by an optical Kerr effect thin layer in resonant regime near the critical angle of incidence[Full-Text ] R. Chifahi and R. MountasserIn this work, we have used the numerical Gaussian model to determine the profile of the local field (in three dimensions) within an optical Kerr effect thin layer and to applying this model also to study the nonlinear transmittance of a thin layer. The layer is illuminated by a Gaussian beam near the angle of total reflexion in resonant regime. Indeed, the nonlinear transmittance is very sensitive to the optical Kerr effect near the total angle of incidence.
PrevailingPakistan’s Education System (Federal, Sindh, Agha khan, and Cambridge) and its Impact on Students’ learning[Full-Text ] Khadija GulzarObjective of this study was to identify the problems, issues of prevailing Pakistan’s education system and its impact on students learning achievements. Education system dropping down in Pakistan is because of the Multiplicity/diversity in education system (Public and Private Sectors), Traditional Curriculum and Untrained teachers etc., are the main factors.
Modeling Mechanical Behavior of Nanocrystalline tungsten - Molecular Dynamics Simulation[Full-Text ] A.Tahiri, M. Idiri, B.BoubekerThe mechanisms of deformation in body centered cubic nanocristalline tungsten three dimensions subjected to uniaxial tensile loading is investigated using molecular dynamics simulation. Stress induced the motion of partial dislocation. Twinning boundary and ductile shear fracture were observed in the grain boundaries during the tensile deformation of nanocristalline tungsten.
Energy-Mass Cycle[Full-Text ] Vichar ShiwhaeLaw of Space, in the refrance of Time, Mass & Energy, (Energy-Mass Turning Point), Secret of Space Antropy and layer of Space Time which turned Energy into Mass
Toward Sustainable Campuses in Egypt Case Study Mansoura University[Full-Text ] Ahmed Eltantawy AbdallahThe transitions towards sustainable universities need multiple strategies and approach that apply and implement sustainable best practices for better performance and efficiency in curriculum, research, campus buildings, and community.
QOS evaluation in SDN and Ethernet networks[Full-Text ] Fatima LAASSIRI, Mohamed MOUGHIT, Noureddine IDBOUFKERTraditional network architectures, such as Ethernet, are not very satisfactory to its clients and users and do not meet their requirements. SDN (Software Defined Network) has completely changed the network architecture in terms of quality of service .In this respect, this article is a comparative study between the two architectures: SDN and Ethernet under Omnet4.6++, to determine the most appropriate technology.
The role of photovoltaic processors as an Approach to sustainable urban design of residential neighborhoods[Full-Text ] L. S. Al-Jezawy, M.A. Elwazeer and R. A. MOHAMEDrecently, -Since the Industrial Revolution, the world has observed vast technological achievements, population growth, and corresponding increases in resource use. So we are now facing increasing energy consumption in buildings and cities and dependence non- renewable energy resources.
Effect of Carboxymethylation on Porosity and Flow Property of Mango Starch[Full-Text ] Agwamba C.E., Maxwell T.K., Nwasuka S.Native Mango starch (NMS) was carboxymethylated in an organic slurry at constant temperature (30oC), and concentration of 2M NaOH, and SMCA but at varying time from 0.00 to 4 hrs. Seven (7) of carboxymethyl mango starch derivatives was obtained with varying degree of substitution. The result showed that DS is 3hours gave highest DS of 0.308 while CMS-1 was the lowest with DS 0.089. Carr’s Index (CI) and Hausner’s Ratio (HR) are indicators for flow property and Powder porosity of the derived carboxymethyl mango was further evaluated by measuring the tapped, bulk, and true density, and compared with NMS and commercial Carboxymethyl starch (CCMS). CMS-2 showed high powder porosity while. CMS-1 has the lowest value. Carr’s index and Hausner’s ratio value showed that CMS-5, CMS-4, and CMS-2 show good flowability. The result shows that modified Mango starch can be conveniently utilize as excipient in tableting.
Overloading of Transmission Lines Management by using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Manpreet Kaur , Er. Ravinder KumarThis paper proposes an algorithm for congestion management (CM) in a pool based electricity market based on Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA). The proposed approach effectively relieves line overloads with minimum deviations in generations from market settlement. Security constraints such as line loading and load bus voltages are effectively handled in the optimization problem using penalty approach. Numerical outcomes on modified IEEE 30 Bus system is presented for experimental purposes and results are also compared with the particle swarm optimization. The experiment results prove that GOA is one of the best method among the challenging optimization methods, which is capable of obtaining higher quality solutions for proposed congestion management problem.
Influence of the addition of citric acid on the physico-chemical properties of poly(sorbitol sebacate-co- butylene sebacate)[Full-Text ] Marta Piatek-HnatThe article presents the results of the physicochemical properties of poly(sorbitol sebacate- co-butylene sebacate) (PSBS) obtained with 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1 mol of citric acid (KC). It was shown that PSBS obtained with 0.25 and 0.5 mol KC is characterized by the most optimal mechanical and thermal properties. As a result of the study, it was found that the use of sorbitol and citric acid allows obtaining ester materials with properties that can meet the material requirements of products for mwdical applications (scaffolds, drug delivery systems). The poly(sorbiotol sebacate- co- butylene sebacate) are hydrophilic and, despite the high content of the gel fraction (high degree of cross-linking), are susceptible to hydrolytic degradation.
New and Emerging Trends in Platformization for Transforming the Telecommunication Value Chain[Full-Text ] NABIL Y. M. SALIH , HAMZA M. B. ALBAWINDIThere are massive changes in the internet world which in turn revolutionise the telecommunication business community. The various new technologies in applications such as social networking sites, mobile internet and grid computing have changed the scope and extent of the telecommunication industry. It has enabled easier sharing of resources, minimised errors, faster communication and ensured a better quality of service.
HELICOBACTER PYLORI AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES[Full-Text ] Sulaiman bin hamad althobaiti ,naif bin bandar bin darwishAutoimmune diseases vary significantly in their clinical presentations, but share same pathophysiological mechanism resulting from a loss of self-tolerance. Despite significant advances in our understanding and management of autoimmune diseases, factors leading to this loss of self-tolerance are still poorly understood.
Human Health probabilistic Risk Assessment of Achatina achatina (African Giant Snail) consump-tion as models of mining Activities[Full-Text ] Ubani Chibuike Samuel, Nwachukwu Justus Nmaduka, Osuji Chigozirim Akudo, Nweze, John EkeneMost anomalies and health challenges faced by individuals can be related to repeated exposures of copious amounts of heavy metals found in snails and consumed by humans. This research study was conducted to investigate the levels of heavy metals (As, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cu) in Achatina achatina (snails as burrowing organism in mining sites) and also to ascertain through probabilistic models and USEPA standards the extent of health risk and carcinogenicity to the inhabitants of the limestone mining area. In this study, 27 snail samples from three major sites were collected and analysed.
Hybrid Security Evaluation[Full-Text ] Mohamed Elfiky, Mohamed Azab, Magda Madbouly, Walaa Sheta and, Adel El-Zoghabi Cloud computing uses the internet in public cloud or intranet in private cloud, remote servers for manipulating data and applications hosted by cloud service providers CSP. The backbone of cloud computing is virtualization. Cloud computing security is the main concern for CSP and end users. The implication of cloud computing is security; virtual machines (VMs) surface flatness, share the same resources for different users. The virtualization security challenges are inherited either from traditional attacks like (flooding, DDOS) or virtualization specific attacks like (Virtual botnets).
Quantum Management - Quantum Quality model[Full-Text ] Rakesh KumariThis paper proposes the Quantum Quality Model (Q2M), a quality inventiveness, a merger application of Quantum science and Human psychology on Management science to improve/enhance the quality performance of managers/leaders/employees working in an organization. The foundational pillar to this model is Quantum skills model and Quantum Organization. Quantum skills model is the unification of physics, psychology and some glimpses of spiritual domain. And Quantum organization has following features - value-centered, all-inclusive, bottom-up, self-organizing, emergent, believes in the potentiality more than actuality, flexible and responsive in-on-out the chaos situations, follows adaptive evolution through multiple alteration, thinks that presence and participation of every employee affects the organizational success, considers human and non- human dimensions.
Automatic German-to-Arabic Text translation with Translation Post-Editing and translation Revision Systems[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Reda Houssine Abo Aleze, Prof. Dr. Mohamed fared Zaphlol, Prof. Dr. Ass. Salwa al said hamada, Prof. Dr. Ass. Ahmad Almahdy, Eng. Dahey Gaber anemAfter we make a translation errors analysis by pen and paper for the first eleven chapters of the first book of the A Song of Ice and Fire saga – called A Game of Thrones – that has been translated from German to Arabic by Google translation system. We devel-oped an automatic translation Post-Editing System (TPES) and translation revision System (TRS) to detect and fix these errors au-tomatically.
Cognitive German-to-Arabic Text translation with Translation Post-Editing and translation revision Systems[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Reda Houssine Abo Aleze, Prof. Dr. Mohamed fared Zaphlol, Prof. Dr. Ass. Salwa al said hamada, Prof. Dr. Ass. Ahmad Almahdy, Eng. Dahey Gaber anemAfter we make a translation errors analysis by pen and paper for the first eleven chapters of the first book of the A Song of Ice and Fire saga – called A Game of Thrones – that has been translated from German to Arabic by Google translation system. We developed an automatic translation Post-Editing System (TPES) and translation revision System (TRS) to detect and fix these errors automatical-ly.
Analytical Study of Different Techniques in Crowd People Counting Framework[Full-Text ] Htet Htet Lin and Kay Thi WinThe more increasing the world population, the higher the using of the surveillance cameras due to safe the behavior of people. The estimating numbers of world population of 2050 will grow to 9.4 billion. So, crowd analysis is more critical for peoples’ safety. This paper aims to gauge all main recent terminology of the people counting systems. This describes the problems faced by data sets and contributors' contributions. This paper has also been addressed the several techniques of counting people, compared them with the help of evaluation performance measures which are widely used for counting. The paper also highlights the analysis to find out the best strategies with some prominent existing methods for the researchers.
Preparation of Polymer Microcapsules by Using Biodegradable Aliphatic Copolyesters Based on Dimerized Fatty Acid[Full-Text ] Agnieszka KozlowskaThe article presents the results of research on the possibility of obtaining microcapsules by coacervation. The polymeric shells used were multiblock, biodegradable, aliphatic polyesters. These were copolymers based on succinic acid, sebacic acid and dimerized fatty acid. It was investigated how the mixing time affects the quality of the obtained microcapsules without the core, and then different types of capsule filling were used.
Potential reuse of pre-treated municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through geopolymerization[Full-Text ] Yahaya Yakubu, Jun Zhou, Zhu Shu, Yassin Mbululo, Sakinatu Issaka, Zimo Sheng, Yu ZhaoThis study confirmed that water washing pre-treatment is an effective way of reducing toxic metals and chloride in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, and for increasing its quantity in various mixtures. It applied only pre-treated municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in a geopolymer process, which produced a compressive strength of 4.67 MPa after 28 days of curing under ambient conditions, whilst a sample made up of 75 % of the same fly ash produced the highest compressive strength (4.68 MPa) using the same study conditions.
On the Temporal Dynamic of Land use Land Cover Changes over Lake Chad Basin, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Elijah Adesanya ADEFISANIn the past 50 years, West Africa has experienced large scale land-use changes including deforestation and increased irrigation (Li et al., 2007). Such land-use changes may have both immediate and long-lasting impacts on terrestrial hydrology, altering the balance between rainfall and evaporation. This will have a considerable impact on water resources which must be accounted for in water management plans (Jia et al., 2006). In addition, ongoing climatic changes are likely to also be influencing the regional water resources.