Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017.
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A Compendious Review of Enicostemma littorale Blume. Panacea to Several Maladies[Full-Text ] Vigneswaran M, Prem Kumar G, Sivakumar S, Siva G, Nandakumaran T, Lakshmi Prabha A and Jayabalan NMedicinal plants are playing a significant role in curing various diseases from ancient times. Among them, Enicostemma littorale Blume. is one of the perennial herb of the family Gentianaceae is cosmopolitan species occurrence in India. The bittery natural plant which is important indigenous medicine for treatments various ailments like laxative, tooth decay, obesity, curing fever, skin diseases, rheumatism, abdominal disorders, snake bite and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. E. littorale possesses valuable bioactive compounds including alkaloids, saponins, catechins, sterols, phenolic acids, triterpenoids, flavonoids and xanthones. In vitro studies and in vivo models have provided a simple bio-scientific justification for its various ethanopharmacological uses. The plant also contains minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, phosphate, carbonate, chloride sulphate and silica. Moreover, they also posses significant antimicrobial, anti inflammatory, hepatoprotective hypolipidaemic and hypoglycaemic properties. This review article encompasses botanical description, ethanopharmacological uses, phytochemistry and biological activities of E. littorale, for the period up to 2017 and provides a bird's eye view about its geographical distribution, physicochemical parameters, phytoconstituents and pharmacological properties. Possible trends and perspectives for future research on this plant are discussed, as well. Meticulous phytochemical studies and sustainable conservation of E. littorale could yield more reliable compounds of pharmacological significance for better healthcare.
Bond Graph modeling of automotive suspension system using a linear actuator[Full-Text ] Sihem Dridi, Ines Ben Salem, Lilia El AmraouiThis paper presents dynamic modeling of automotive suspension using the graphical approach: Bond Graph. The advantage of this active technology is the generation of the desired force acting between the unsprung wheel mass and the sprung vehicle body mass using a tubular permanent magnet linear synchronous actuator (TPMLSA). The dynamic suspension actuated by the TPMLSA is modeled by Bond Graph formalism. The simulation of this system is done under the software environment 20-SIM that is specific to Bond Graphs. The results of this study allow the evaluation of the suspension performance in terms of comfort and safety and effectiveness of the bond graph modeling.
Enhancing gas turbine plant performance in hot climates through fogging technique [Full-Text ] Aly M.El-Zahaby, Y.A.F. El-Samadony, Magda K. El-Fakharany, Ali A. GheathTemperature of the gas turbine inlet-air has a significant effect on power output and hence its efficiency. At high ambient temperatures, there is a significant loss in air mass flow rate, and hence leads to reduce the gas turbine produced power. In the present work, the effect of lowering the compressor intake-air temperature by means of a fogging evaporative cooling on the performance of gas turbine is studied numerically. Water is atomized through compressor intake to perform evaporative cooling. The effect of air inlet temperature and relative humidity, air and water mass flow rate, water droplet injection speed and water droplet diameters are studied. Unlike previous work, the effect of cooling the spray water injected droplet is studied. The results show that air to water thermal condition and water droplet size play an impotent role in evaporative cooling processes. Cooling inlet air temperature may increase in the turbine output power by approximately 1to 8.1%. Finally, a good agreement between numerical and experimental case study is obtained.
A STUDY OF AWARENESS OF PERMISSION MARKETING & IT'S INFLUENCE[Full-Text ] Prof. Ravneet Kaur, Prof. RavneetKaurPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the awareness about the Permission Based Marketing as well as the factors influences it.
NOVEL MULTI OWNER DATA SHARING GROUP KEY PROTOCOL[Full-Text ] MaheshKothuru,PraveenaPothina Cloud computing provides an economical and efficient solution for group resource sharing among cloud users due to the character of low maintenance. A challenging issue is sharing data in a multi-owner manner while preserving data and identity privacy from an untrusted cloud due to the dynamic nature of the membership. The proposed scheme provides privacy and complexity while handling the data sharing over cloud. To preserve data privacy, the basic solution is to encrypt data files, and then upload the encrypted data into the cloud. Unfortunately designing an efficient and secure data sharing scheme for groups in the cloud is not an easy task due to following reasons. First, the identity of the data owners must be preserved. Second, the data owner should be able to utilize all the services provided by the cloud storage service provider. Our proposed technique works with improved AES secret sharing group key mechanism and data can be uploaded to the server after the encryption of the content by using the secret group key. When a new member joined the group, new granted users can directly decrypt uploaded data files before their participation without contacting with data owners.
IoT Based Smart Projectors[Full-Text ] Arslan Ali, Sheikh Salman HassanThis paper advances a thought by applying the idea of IoT which concentrates on cost lessening and upgrading the nature of administration in the field of innovation supported educating. It proposes the utilization of Raspberry Pi and its web interface, to store records that have been sent from remote sources and view these power point records or Portable Document Files (PDF) on the projector. The proposed framework intends to substitute portable PCs with Raspberry Pi which won't just radically decrease the cost included, additionally will accomplish nature of administration as the framework will expend a littler measure of energy, yet will give an indistinguishable usefulness from whatever other comparable framework does.
Vulnerability Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Component Building Structure using Crack Detection[Full-Text ] Ganesh Ram Suwal, Roshan kojuAfter the earthquake, immediate entry into damaged building is necessary for variety of reasons, including emergency search and rescue, building stabilization and repair, and salvage and retrieval of possessions. However, there are always risks associated with entering damaged buildings and often, further structural collapse produces additional victims. In this paper image-processing technique that automatically detects and analyses cracks in the digital image of concrete surfaces is proposed. The image-processing technique automates the measurement of crack characteristics including the width, length, orientation and crack pattern. On the basis of the nature, orientation and behaviour of the crack present on the concrete surface, the vulnerability assessment of a building is done. Various edge detector algorithms are used to find the cracks. Connected pixel labelling are used for details analysis of the crack. So the vulnerability assessment of a RCC building using crack detection is done. Algorithm was tested with Gorkha earthquake affected building’s crack images. Results were compared with municipality's vulnerability decision and found highly accurate.
Change Management and Its Facets in Different Application Scenarios: An Empirical Review[Full-Text ] H.M.G.Y.J. HennayakeThe dynamic business environment noted in contemporarily business environment alarms the wider application of organizational changes across the globe. The way in which businesses manage change and their success depend largely on the nature of business, the change and the people involved.Therefore, it is essential to first understand some of the views and methodologies pertaining to change management. This paper reviews the notion of Change Management by referring to models and theories whilst context related matters are discussed. Accordingly, paper reviews the change management referring to public sector organizations, issues of small &medium enterprises, application of mergers& acquisitions and pattering changes in cross cultural perspectives.
Analysis of dynamic content of social networking sites for the purpose of monitoring and to bring out the suspicious cyber security issues[Full-Text ] Ritu Dahiya, Jagdish Pandya The cyber world is susceptible to sniffing, snooping, eavesdropping, botnets, Distributed Denial of Service attack, SQL injection and many other types of security threats. With the private data of users travelling across the network and various freely available and easy to use data mining and sniffing tools, there is growing concern for cyber security. With the growing users of social networking sites and enormous data flowing through the network, monitoring of the content across network and correct analysis of the OSN sites content flow can detect any suspicious activities from security threat point of view in the cyber world. This helps us to better understand what is happening on a network. A packet sniffer, a tool used to capture raw network data going across the wire, does this. [5]
Geochemistry, Classification and Geotectonic study of the Basement Rocks Around Orin -Ekiti, South West, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Obasi, Romanus AyoolaRock geochemistry, classification and geotectonic setting of the basement rocks of Ado Ekiti are studied using data analysed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) at the Central laboratory of Stellenbosch University, South Africa. The data revealed an unusually low (40.13--40.77%) and moderate (52.10--70.22%). SiO2 contents that correspond to approximately basic (40-52wt %) and acid ( > 66.0 wt %) rock compositions respectively in the rock suite. CaO contents range from 1.71 to 12.38. SiO2, CaO and Na2O + K2O relatively show a contrasting variation, where CaO decreases with increasing SiO2 and Na2O + K2O. Harker variation plots of oxides; NaO2 MgO, TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, CaO with SiO2, showed a negative trend while K2O showed a positive linear trends with SiO2. The variation in the trends suggest different sources of materials mixed up in the rocks during metamorphism. An analysis using the aluminium saturation index (ASI) defined by molecular ratio Al2O3/Na2O+CaO+ K2O reveal that the ratio (0.8 and 1.52) displays two contrasting data where four samples 1, 2, 3 and 10 are less than one (1.1) and six samples (4-9) are greater than unity (1.1) implying that some of the basement rocks are metaluminous ( I-Type) while others are peraluminous (S-Type) granitic rocks thus collaborating with mixed sources of materials. The rocks under study can be classified as calcic, alkalic and calc-alkalic based on the crossplots of Na2O+K2O versus SiO2. They are granite, quartz monzonite, gabbroic diorite and the granodiorite based on the plot of Na2O+ Na2O against SiO2. Some of the rocks are iron -rich (ferroan) while others are magnesium rich ( magnesian) . A plot of K2O/Na2O versus SiO2 classified the geotectonic setting of the rocks into the passive margin and the oceanic island arc .
Determination of Bond Work Index of Lucky Cement Limestone Pakistan[Full-Text ] Niaz Muhammad Shahani, Zhijun Wan, Abdullah Rasheed Qureshi, Muhammad Ali, Naseem AliThe Bond work index is a research methodology, which is widely used for the estimation of power required to grind the materials. Keeping in view the difficulty in determining this index, many alternatives to the standard method have been explored by the different researchers.
Analysis of Solutions Concerning Various Power Optimization Techniques for Low Power Embedded Systems[Full-Text ] A. Nazarudeen, P. JayaprakashThe proliferation of Anywhere-Anytime intelligent portable computing devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) has created an increasing demand for low power embedded systems, which has resulted in the fabrication of tiny high-speed processors with higher packaging density and powerful computing capabilities. These portable devices are expected not only to be small, lightweight and cool but also to provide incredibly long battery life. This requirement has presented significant challenges for managing the power in low power embedded systems, and it has shifted the designers' focus from traditional constraints to power consumption. Based on the various power profiling studies conducted, the embedded researchers have proposed many solutions and methodologies in terms of new power saving architectures as well as power optimization techniques. This paper analyzes in detail the various studies conducted and solutions suggested by the researchers for optimizing the power consumption in embedded systems.
MODELLING OF CHAMBER PRESSURE FOR ROCKET NOZZLE ALTITUDE COMPENSATION[Full-Text ] Humphrey Iortyer PhD, Nongo Sesugh,Kwaghger Aondona PhDThe optimum thrust of rocket engine is being delivered when the nozzle exit and ambient pressures are balanced. This poses a challenge with the operation of rocket engines when ascending altitudes since the ambient pressure decreases with the changing altitudes. There have been solutions designed to counter the effect of this variation in pressure with special rocket nozzles such as Aerospike nozzles, Deflection nozzles, extended nozzles, etc. However, these special nozzles add up to weight, mechanisms, rocket system engine staging and cost of production. This paper therefore looks at the rocket model that will enable thrust optimization along altitudes by determining (upstream) chamber pressure values with regards to the ambient pressure.
DRUGS AFFECTING ON CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Shubhra Pandey, Dr. Ashok Mishra, Dr. Ashutosh MishraThere is wide varieties of drugs which affects on central nervous system. This article emphasized on major two drugs which have potent action on central nervous system. The names of two major drugs are benzodiazepines and barbiturates, both have immense effect on central nervous system.
Indirect effect of Moringa oleifera supplemented diet on growth rates of pre-weaning Boer goat kids[Full-Text ] Morlu Korsor, Charles Ntahonshikira, Haruna M. Bello and Habauka M. KwaambwaThe objective of this study was to evaluate the indirect effects of feeding Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) supplemented diet on growth rates in pre-weaning kids. Namibia being a semi-arid and driest country in Africa south of the Sahel, lactating does are challenged with acquiring the required amount of forage in the rangelands to meet milk production and nutritional needs for their kids. This scarcity of forage along with the low nutritional quality of the available grasses and/or browses creates the need for supplementing lactating does with nutritionally-rich fodders.
An Algorithm (MSG) for Tumor Detection from Brain MRI Images: Soft Computing Approach[Full-Text ] Manorama Sharma, G.N.Purohit, Saurabh MukherjeeIn current scenario detecting tumor is a major problem faced by medical practitioners. A Tumor may lead to cancer, which is major leading cause of death worldwide. Presently the medical experts for correct diagnosis are dependent on imaging owing to its accuracy and less computation time. Automatic detection of tumor through MRI of brain is effective and consumes lesser time this reduces physician’s problem by providing useful imaging for diagnosis purpose.
HOW NURSING EDUCATION AFFECTS THE SOCIALIZATION OF STUDENT NURSES OF POST RN BSN IN IUH FSD ?[Full-Text ] Firdous Bibi , Miss Shafquat Inayet Professional socialization is a educational procedure that take place in a social atmosphere in which the learner is an essential element. Professional socialization is a procedure in which persons perform their desirable roles suitably by obtaining the focused information, skills, attitudes, ethics, norms, and interests. The respondents of the present study were students of post RN BSN . A random sample of 80 students is collected for the completion of above task from IUH. This study proves that nursing education affects the socialization of nurses by improving sense of belonging , high clinical knowledge , recovery rate of patients by applying evidence based nursing practices , , professional competences and values , and through increasing motivation .
Modeling and the role of water activity, desorption isotherm and glass transition in drying of potatoes quality and shelf life stability[Full-Text ] Addisalem Hailu Taye, Hofacker W & Oliver HenselIn drying, evaluation of desorption isotherm of the sample is important to determine the optimum residual moisture contents of dried products at its stable water activity. Determination of glass transition temperature of the sample helps to decide to process the samples in its glass state for better quality product production. In this paper, the concept of water activity, desorption isotherms and glass transition temperatures related to product safety, stability and quality were reviewed. The desorption isotherm and glass transition temperatures of potato were also determined, and the experimental data were fitted to the existing models. The GAB model shows the best fit between experimental and predicted values of desorption isotherm data. Stable water activity and optimum residual moisture content of potato slices when the samples dried at different temperatures and a hint for drying the samples for better retention in product quality were presented in the result.
Corrélationde quelquesparamètres morphologiques et la force explosive des membres inférieurs chez les footballeurs Algériens[Full-Text ] MIMOUNI N., D’BICHI MLe but de cette étude est de voir le bien fondé d’une corrélation entre les indices du développement physique et la détente verticale chez les footballeurs. Nous avons utilisé la méthode anthropométrique et les tests de détente verticale, chez les deux équipes de football dont 20 joueurs par équipes ont participé à l’étude : le premier groupe regroupe les étudiants de la spécialité football de l’Ecole Supérieure en Sciences du Sport (ES/STS), âgés de 29ans ± 7,97 et le deuxième groupe représente les joueurs de la Jeunesse Sportive Kabylie (JSK), de division 1, âgés de 27ans ± 3,34. Ils ont réalisé deux tests de la détente verticale « le squat jump (SJ) et le contremouvement jump (CMJ) ». Les mesures anthropométriques ont permis de déterminer les paramètres morphologiques suivant : le poids corporel, la taille debout, la longueur des membres inférieurs et supérieurs, la masse grasse (MG), la masse musculaire (MM) et la masse osseuse (MO), des segments de la cuisse (MSC c), la jambe (MSC j), du bras (MSC b) et de l’avant bras (MSC av b).Les résultats obtenus montrent une différence significative au niveau du coefficient de puissance (P1, P2 des deux équipes), la masse du segment bras (MSC av b), et de la masse segment jambe (MSC j) à P < 0,0001 ; la longueur membre supérieur (LMS) à P < 0,01 ; la masse segment cuisse (MSC c) à P < 0,05. Aussi une corrélation significative entre la détente verticale et les caractères morphologiques. Conclusion : Nous pouvons déduire que la comparaison entre les deux équipes (groupe ES/STS,JSK) a monté plusieurs différences significatives au niveau des paramètres morphologiques (LMS, MSC c, MSC av b, MSC j), de plus pour le coefficient de puissance.
Course Evaluation[Full-Text ] Dickson Kimeli RuttoTertiary institutions offer various courses; students enroll for any of the courses depending on their career choices and/or qualification. Courses done impact directly on an individual's career preparation, job placement and practice as such they should be relevant and adequate. Every training institution should have set standards for course evaluation at all levels. This paper gives vital information on course evaluation.
Pedagogical Theories[Full-Text ] Dickson Kimeli RuttoQuality instruction is key to educational processes; it heightens achievement of set objectives, aims and goals. The quality of instruction is dependent on pedagogy, thus teachers should employ relevant pedagogical strategies in their teaching. Pedagogical strategies stem from pedagogical theories; therefore each and every teacher should be knowledgeable about these theories. This article explores and gives vital information on pedagogical theories. It is aimed at equipping teachers with relevant pedagogical knowledge.
General Perspective of Teacher Evaluation[Full-Text ] Dickson Kimeli Rutto, Florence Jelagat ChelimoAchievement of national goals of education is dependent on many factors including constant evaluation. A number of evaluations can be carried out in an educational process, these include: instructional evaluation; course evaluation; evaluation of assessment; teacher evaluation, amongst others. Teachers play a critical role in an educational process and in the development of learners as a whole. As a result constant teacher evaluation is necessary in curriculum implementation. It seeks to establish the efficiency and effectiveness of teachers in service delivery.
Performance Analysis of 40Gbps Symmetrical TWDM PON using different Modulation Technique[Full-Text ] Sonakshi, DivyaDhawanTime and wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network (TWDM-PON) has been selected by the full service access networks as the primary solution for the next generation PON stage 2 (NG-PON2). In this paper a symmetric 40Gbps TWDM-PON is proposed with direct modulation and external modulation. The proposed system is modulated using different coding schemes like NRZ, RZ, CSRZ and duobinary. The results for various modulation techniques are compared in terms of BER, receiver sensitivity and power budget.
Use of Opening Range Breakout in an Online Trading System[Full-Text ] Neelansha TrivediThe goal is to build an online trading application for a global financial institution that invests in capital across multiple asset classes, where many a times challenges are faced in keeping track of all the investment decisions by various asset managers in the firm and also in maintaining accuracy of data which is shared by different users in the same office and also across geographies. For such an organization to earn significant profits, which deals in trading daily, it is important to make use of strategies in order to buy or sell securities. Thus, in order to help a trader to make transactions on the trading terminal we make use of a technique called Opening Range Breakout (ORB). Opening Range Breakout is a trading system which makes use of technical analysis for high accuracy results in the field of intraday trading as well as positional trading. ORB makes use of strict rules, indicators such as resistance, support, exponential moving averages etc. and good knowledge of the overall market in order to increase profit rates dramatically. Opening Range Breakout (ORB) is widely used by professionals and analysts who predict how the market will act for a particular day. However, in practice, for a global institution it is important to have their own thorough technical analysis to help portfolio managers and traders get profitable trading opportunities. In this project, we will try a novel approach which employs deep learning to tackle the problem.
Extraction and Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas Seed Oil[Full-Text ] Jock, A. A, Daben, J. M, Yilji, N, Sori, R. M, Ambayin, N. M, Ryemshak, A. S, Mbaya, I. ., Putshaka, D. JJatropha curcas is an agricultural product with a variety of applications and enormous economic potentials for its seed oil. It contains high amount of oil in its seeds which can be converted to biodiesel- an alternative to petro-diesel. In this study, extraction of oil from Jatropha seeds using n-haxane and production of biodiesel from the oil was performed. The physicochemical characteristics of the oil extracted gave oil yield 42.19%, density 880kg/m3, iodine value 121.82 gI2/100g, acid value 1.178 mgKOH/g, free fatty acid value 0.59 mgKOH/g and saponification value 84.15 mgKOH/g. The result obtained from the biodiesel showed that the properties determined closely conformed with biodiesel standard. This indicate that the oil can be used as a source of energy.
Asynchronous Programming for Big Data using K-Mean Clustering[Full-Text ] Md. Mizanur Rahman, Ohidujjaman, Mohammad Nurul HudaClustering is very problematic on big data set in synchronous programming as well as time consuming. Finding optimal result from big misaligned data set is precarious because lack of seamless data pattern. This study emphasizes on reducing time fact and deployment of asynchronous program rather than synchronous model on big data. However, we provide an easy and flexible model named UACM (Unified Asynchronous Clustering Model) for clustering on multi dimensional, misaligned and big data set. The UACM replica segments big data set for parallel processing depending on segmentation of microprocessor. This model uses small unit of process (thread) as per the data set. The UACM architecture is also cost minimizing regarding hardware. This model evaluates the time fact between synchronous and asynchronous programming on large and misaligned data set. However, we implement the UACM model in real-time platform without help of clustering tools.
A Simple Heuristic Algorithm to Solve the Bulk Transportation Problem[Full-Text ] Sungeeta Singh, Sudhir Kumar Chauhan, KuldeepA Bulk Transportation Problem(BTP) deals with the problem of minimizing the total bulk transportation cost. It differs from the Classical transportation problem in the sense that the total requirement of each destination is to be satisfied from only one source; however subject to the availability of the product at the source, a source can supply to any number of destinations. In this paper, the minimum cost of BTP is obtained by a heuristic method hence providing a simple and alternative procedure to obtain the minimum cost of the BTP.
Impacts of Light Pollution on Ecosystem[Full-Text ] Srinath Pandey, Ved Kumar Mishra and Prashant Ankur JainDue to urbanization, amplifying the artificial illumination gets to unwanted & unintended places. Especially the light predisposed towards skyline categorized as light pollution. Light pollution has proved catastrophic for ecosystem. Light pollution obfuscates skydome, leads to a surge in the energy utilization, interferes with astronomical investigation, perturbing ecosystems, and consequently health and well-being of mankind & nature. Light pollution augmenting the levels of carbon emission in the environment. Astronomical investigators have marked negative impacts on the ecosystem, and have proved it in many examinations. Due to an upsurge in the illumination of astral sky, magnifying the problem of viewing stars using unaided eye & immigrant birds that conform to stars could deviate from their migrating path because of the enhanced background light of the sky. Light pollution has proven detrimental to the population of some insects, mammals &reptiles.
An Intercomparison of Photometric Measurements in all Lighting Laboratories of a country. Case of study: Ecuador[Full-Text ] Carlos Velasquez, Francisco EspinThis paper presents the results on intercomparison of all photometric laboratories of Ecuador. Three laboratories were involved in the study, one established as conformity assessment body at national level belonging to an Investigation Institute, another one is a University Laboratory and, the last one is a company laboratory that designs and sells lighting fixtures. The lamps and luminaires used were chosen randomly from the larger groups in the exterior illuminating system of Quito. It was used two samples of different manufacturer. It was performed the intensity distribution matrix test with different types of goniophotometers belonging to each Laboratory. The analysis of the results was carried out from two perspectives: an analysis comparing the numerical values point to point and a study of road lighting simulations with DiaLux 4.12.
Analysis of Vanet Technologies[Full-Text ] Reshma S, Dr.Chetana PrakashRapid Development in wireless communication technologies and Vehicles have increased the growth of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) which solves various vehicular transportation problems like traffic congestion, shortest routing, accident etc. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET), is an integral part of ITS in which moving vehicles are connected and communicate through wireless technology. Wireless communication technologies play a major role in providing Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to Infrastructure (V2I) communication in VANET. This paper surveys some of the key vehicular wireless access technology standards which serve as a base for supporting both safety and non-safety applications and their comparisons.
AnchorsBonded in Concrete Under Sustained Loading[Full-Text ] Nimer MaqboolAnchors can be installed to pre or post to the structure, The Post installed anchors come in either mechanical anchors that develop their strength through mechanical interlock with the base concrete. The bonded anchors that develop their strength by bonding anchor rod to the base concrete.
Analysis of Five Bladed Helicopter Main Rotor & Optimisation[Full-Text ] Akash Roopkumar GunakiThe helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which the lift and thrust are supplied by main rotors. In this an effort has been made to carry out the analysis of helicopter main rotor parts for the identification of possible failure situations; any flaws in the design stage can be identified. The stress developed on the component can be understood and suitably reduce it by carrying out an optimization methods.
Customer Loyalty and Service Quality: A Case of Supermarkets in the South Market of Vietnam[Full-Text ] Tran Minh DucIn Vietnam, retail sector has experienced a phenomenal growth in the last decade due to changing tastes and preferences of consumers. This poses tight competition among the supermarkets as well as from the traditional standalone retail shops. Consequently supermarkets have appreciated the importance of attracting and creating a loyal customer base through provision of superior shopping experience with emphasis on excellent customer service and relationship retailing driven by strategy. This research attempts to examine the relationship between customer loyalty and service quality dimensions as well as establish the significance of each dimension in predicting customer loyalty among the supermarkets in Vietnam. The main purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine (1) The relationship between customer loyalty and service quality in retail service sector with respect to the service quality dimensions among supermarkets in the south market of Vietnam; and (2) the significance of individual service quality dimension in predicting customer loyalty among supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
A Critical Review of Distribution Substation System Reliability Evaluations[Full-Text ] Ayodeji A. Akintola and Claudius Ojo A. AwosopeThe significance of a reliable distribution system is hinged on the fact that even if the generation and transmission of a power system are highly reliable, an unreliable distribution system will mean that there will be poor supply of energy to the consumers. Therefore, there must be ways of measuring the reliability of power distribution systems according to given standards in order to help inform the system engineers on the causes of interruptions. This will in turn help in proffering methods of accomplishing a more reliable distribution system. There are established basic methods of assessing the reliability of this system and different researchers engage the one best suited for the analysis they intend to carry out. Moreover, going through previous published works on distribution system reliability evaluation, insight is given into why a distribution behaves below standard and how it could be possibly improved. This paper presents an overview of the basic methods used in reliability assessment with the frequently used reliability indices and a critical review of published works by authors in carrying out the reliability evaluation of different power distribution systems based on these various methods.
Kinematic Analysis of a Robotic Manipulator[Full-Text ] Apurva PatilThe kinematics of a robotic manipulator is discussed in this paper. The joint angles required to obtain the particular position and orientation of the end effector are determined using Inverse Kinematics. The paper analyses this method. The transformation between the base frame and the end effector frame is found out to solve the inverse kinematics. Further Jacobian is used to find the relationship between the joint velocities and the end effector velocities. Also the relation between the joint torques and the end effector forces can be found from the Jacobian. The trajectory generation, different types of curves of the trajectory and the trajectory planning with obstacles are also discussed.
A Study on the Preference for Tamil Dubbed Hindi Serials among Home Makers in Salem[Full-Text ] Dr. M Anuradha Television has brought a lot of changes in the daily life of people especially the middle class and lower middle class segment of India. They have rearranged their routine in accordance with their popular television programs. Cooking schedules are prepared so as not to miss the serials and homework is completed before their favorite shows. Eating habits also have changed to a great extent. In addition, television shows play an important role in introducing new trends in life styles, especially artefacts. These new hair styles, dresses, make up etc., become so popular that after the success of a serial, its fashion effects are visible on the people. Perhaps most affected of all areas of television viewing are the cultural changes that have come about over the years.
Experimental study of the Influence of the shock on composite material plates “Laminated”[Full-Text ] Zaoui Miloud, Chaoufi, Ali Much has already bleu realized in the fast dynamic field that is expressed in our case by the impact load that is still relevant. Associated with the various difficulties of the request of shock the problems of study of composite materials in particular their homogenization or characterization comes to be added. In this objective our present investigation is interested under investigation of the influence of the impact on composite material plates. For an impaction with weight falling a used. The selected structure is laminated plates. The tests of characterization carried out then made it possible to supplement the data necessary to the various applications carried out. They got results are treated to be accessible.
A New Technique for Preserving Thermal Conditions of Disasters Rapid Succor Shelters[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. /Mohamed A. Barakat, Ahmed F. GimieeNowadays, the need of temporary shelters rise rapidly for several purposes such as rapid host shelters against natural disasters, refugee camps, remote camps, construction sites, etc.