Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017.
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Effects of information technology system in public sector hospital in Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Komal Zareen Anjum, Nosheen AnjumInformation Technology (IT) has the significant potential to support the improving access to care, and rationalizing working efficiencies in the health care system. It is a secure and confidential electronic system and can be used in hospitals to increase the quality and making care cost effective. The purpose of this study is to see the effects of information technology in public sector health facilities in Faisalabad. Cross sectional study design was used. Data was collected from 254 respondents selected from Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Simple convenient sampling method was used. Research tool was questionnaire. Each question of study was analyzed. For the most part information technology has great impact on quality of work, efficacy of care and documentation in the Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Result of the study was accepting alternative hypothesis and rejects the null hypothesis. Alternative hypothesis was that information technology has effects on public sector hospital in Faisalabad. In the study results demonstrated nurses are satisfied with the implement information technology and wanted to move on paperless system. It concludes that information technology has improved attendance, records has improved and enhanced quality of work and efficacy of care. This electronic system has made the all the information secure and confidential.
Accessibility and Utilization of Health Care Services in Rural and Urban Area[Full-Text ] Nosheen Anjum, Komal Zareen AnjumThe provision of curative, preventive, promotive, and rehabilitative care is the right of everyone in the world but the rural population is more deprived of health resources as compared to urban population. Accessibility and utilization to health services is the function of various variables including, lack of accessibility and utilization, cost, quality, ineffective monitoring and planning, cultural barriers, gender and the age. The purpose of this study is to compare the accessibility and utilization of health services in rural and urban areas. Cross sectional study design was used. Data was collected from 400 respondents, 200 selected from rural and 200 selected from urban population. Simple convenient sampling method was used. Research tool was questionnaire and data analyzed on SPSS 20. For the most part, rural area is more deprived of resources as compared to urban area. In the study, results demonstrated that people of rural area suffer from poor health due to lack of accessibility and utilization of health services as compared to urban area. It concludes that disparities have found on pure and socioeconomic level. Proper monitoring and planning of health services is needed and cultural issues must be addressed.
A comparison between Regular Square Grid and Basin or Sub-basin based analysis of Hypsometric Integral: A Case study for Maheshkhali, Inani & Dakshin Nhila Anticline of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Zakaria, Abul Kashem MajumderThis study aims to find out a comparison between regular square grid and basin or sub-basin based analysis of hypsometric integral: a case study for Maheshkhali, Inani & Dakshin Nhila anticline and their drainage basins of Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh. It is necessary to study the hypsometric integral (HI) of the study area because of its location and it has been occurred several landslide incident, flash flood and also the area experienced a major earthquake in 1999. SRTM DEM and GIS software used to study the hypsometry of the area. In order to identify the hypsometry indices, also it has been used surface geology, lithology and structural maps. The study area comprises 34 small and medium size drainage basins and divided into 62 square grids by 4.29×4.29 km area per grid delineated by GIS tools. HI values found ranges from 0.13 to 0.55 for basins and sub-basins based analysis and 0.09 to 0.54 for regular square grid of the study area. The HI contour map for basins and regular square grids comparison shows some similar range of values. The intensity of values is different in some area. The comparison showed that the Hi values in Ukhia Upazila have some similarities but regular square grid showed higher Hi value in Ramu Upazila. The basin based Hi value of southern Maheshkhali and northern Cox’s Bazar sadar shows higher than the square gird based value. But in case of northern Maheshkhali and Teknaf upazila, the HI value showed similar range of values and distribution. Also the distributions of Hi values are similar in Ukhia and Middle Maheshkhali upazila. In this case, the Hi value analysis on both basins based and square grid based have some similarities but basins based analysis are more accurate for this study area.
The Performance of Ground Aviation Systems[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Mohamed Naguib, Prof. Dr. Abd-Elhakim Elmenhawy, Eng. Seif ElrefaeyManagement scientists have classified that nuclear power, space shuttle and aviation systems as complex and critical systems because of the risk always around which is not easily expected causing unexpected crisis, as a result business will be lost at all in case of poor expectation to the potential risk. A critical system is any system whose ‘failure’ could threaten human life, the system’s environment or the existence of the organization which operates the system. The requirements of these systems change over time due to the technical development when the technical system is both complex and critical. Ground Aviation Systems play a great role in completing aviation processes, so it is very important to improve performance of ground aviation systems to be sure that all ground aviation processes are done correctly from the first time without any failures or wrong actions.
Effect of self management education on diabetic patients[Full-Text ] Madiha Manzoor, Co author Shafquat InayatDiabetic become global epidemic. irrespective of modern approach to control it ,its cases continuous increases .however, The diabetic individual need to knowledge and skill to make informed choice to facilitates self directed behavior change and ultimately to reduce the risk of complications, but by knowing its importance majority people not receive education yet now. However self management education proved effective for them, to access the knowledge, attitude and practice about self management or self care visiting Allied hospital Faisalabad, a cross sectional study was conducted. Sample sizes of 100 patients (29-70 year) were selected. Total 20 questions regarding self care activities were selected to know about self management of diabetic patients. The study revealed great variance amongst different degree regarding self care provided them. Overall result 89% patients have positive response about self care .they well know about management of diabetes and have less chance of developing complications .only 11% patients develop complication those were unaware about it. It proved best tool for prevention from complication. Diabetic education helped the patients understand diabetes, its progression, and possible complications.
Decompression of JPEG Document and Natural Images[Full-Text ] Miss. Punam Nagnath Kamble, Mr.Chetan J. Awati, Ms.Sonam S. KharadeJPEG Decompression methods are exceptionally helpful in 3G/4G based markets, handheld gadgets and frameworks. There are many testing systems in already proposed decompression techniques, as high computational cost, and overwhelming distortion in ringing and blocking artifacts which makes the picture imperceptible. To enhance the visual nature of the JPEG record pictures at low piece rate and at low computational cost, we have actualized the decompression technique for JPEG document and color images.
Comparative study of different payment Gateway[Full-Text ] Monika Verma, Prof.Pankaj JagtapThese Payment gateway is the access point of online Banking network. All online transaction passes through payment gateway for processed. The payment gateway act as a bridge between the user’s website and financial institution that process the transaction of the gateways process the different transactions between user and web browser. The payment gateway route and authenticate payment. Most of the population doesn’t trust on the local existing online payment gateway because it is not very secure. Mostly people want to adopt electronic payment system as it has lots of advantages. They need such a gateway that fulfill their all requirement and provide security privacy etc. In this paper we have focused on different payment gateway and also deep comparative study, analysis of different online gateways.
Improvement of Water Quality in Flooded Area Using Plant-based Materials[Full-Text ] Phyu Phyu Myint, Kyu Kyu HlaingThe aim of this research was to assess the water quality of flooded area and to set up the modified household water treatment system. In this study, the contaminated water samples were collected from flooded area in Yanbye Township (latitude 19° 05′N and longitude 93°52′E), Rakhine State, Myanmar and assessed the pollution level via physicochemical parameters and total bacteria count. Overall values of study area indicated that some minerals such as lead, iron and cadmium were found in high pollution level. Moreover, high mean count of total coliforms was also found in one of the water samples. The conventional treatment design for contaminated water from flooded area was modified by coagulation-filtration-disinfection approach. In the lab scale study, experiments with varying reaction parameters such as type of coagulant (Tamarindus indica, and Moringa oleifera seed kernels and alum), coagulant dose (5 - 25 mg/L) and coagulation time (30 -120 min) were conducted to study their effects on the coagulation process. In the filtration system, a dual-media consisting of sand and activated charcoal yielded good results in reducing contaminants from water. A full-scale household water treatment unit was also constructed. The system consists of 200 L capacity tank each for sedimentation and coagulation, and three filtration columns which were serially packed with gravel (4 to 5 mesh), sand (20 mesh), and activated coconut shell charcoal (8 mesh). This cost effective and modified household water treatment system has shown a significant removal of heavy metals, TDS, turbidity and total coliform bacteria.
A Machine Learning System For Recognition Of Vegetable Plant And Classification Of Abnormality Using Leaf Texture Analysis[Full-Text ] Sandhya Tippannavar, Dr.Shridevi SomaIndia being an agriculture major country, crop productivity plays a significant role towards the overall Gross Development Product (GDP) of the country. Vegetables are grown throughout the year under particular climatic condition and cultivation period in India. The vegetables may be affected by bacteria, viruses or insects. It is important to monitor the crops to control the spreading of disease, hence a novel machine learning based technique is proposed for vegetable leaf identification and abnormality detection based on leaf texture analysis. In the proposed method 500 leaf images of 6 different types of vegetables are used for experimentation. Median and tri-lateral filters are used for image enhancement. The leaf part is segmented from the background by threshold and morphological operation, texture and color features are extracted by Fractal feature and Color correlogram respectively. Two-level Classification such as vegetable identification and disease, disorder or normal leaf identification is done using machine learning techniques such as k-nearest neighbor and Probabilistic Neural Network. The accuracy of the vegetable identification and abnormality detection using k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) is 86.39% and 75.04% respectively and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is 75.70% and 71.24% respectively.
Voltage Level Shifter [Full-Text ] N. Minakhi, Priyanka KarmakarA Low Power Voltage Level Shifter is used as an intermediate between blocks and systems. This Voltage Level Shifter uses low-power to convert sub-threshold voltage level to above threshold voltage levels. This paper presents a Voltage Level Shifter which has an operating range from sub-threshold level to supply voltage. The Proposed Voltage Level Shifter uses a Modified Wilson Current Mirror and an Inverter.The circuit is able to convert a wide range of voltage levels to other levels. The circuit is designed in 180nm, 90nm and 45nm CMOS Technology in Cadence Virtuoso Simulator and simulation is done.The parameters such as power, delay, PDP and area is calculated. Propagation delay is decreased by 10% and power consumption by 12%.
Performance Evaluation of a Solar Thermal Combined Domestic Hot Water and Adsorption Cooling System[Full-Text ] Elekwa Hamilton Mishael, Wolf-Gerrit FrühTo promote sustainable heating and cooling application, a silica-gel and water pair based combined domestic hot water and adsorption cooling system incorporating solar radiation condition of Port Harcourt, Nigeria is studied. Numerical and analytical techniques were employed in evaluating the performance of the system.A novel configuration of the combined system is presented and optimization performed using POLYSUN software. Mathematical models governing the operating processes of the system were developed from the fundamental principle of thermodynamics and resolved to obtain the interactions and correlation between the system parameters incorporating heat recovery technique to improve system performance. An average Coefficient of Performance of 0.43 during hot periods of the day and up to 0.75 during sunset and sunrise hours were obtained from the system using 20 evacuated tube type collectors with total absorption area of 2.481m2 per collector operating under heat recovery mode. Financial analysis, energy savings and CO2 footprint reduction of the proposed system were also evaluated using software inbuilt packages and results obtained. Inference from system model results under heat recovery mode demonstrates that the proposed application, meets domestic hot water and cooling demands for the location under review under the model conditions.
A RECOMMENDER SYSTEM FOR ACADEMIC PROJECTS REPOSITRY[Full-Text ] Bolanle F. OladejoThe Academic Project Recommender System is concerned with providing final year students of degree programs with a plethora of past project reports related to different fields of interest. In a local library, project reports are stored and basically classified according to the respective year of submission, and type of programs, as either postgraduate or undergraduate. Hence, it requires painstaking effort to search for past projects based on specific areas of research since project reportsare usually indexed on title and keywords. In order to solve the underlying problem of difficulty in accessing specific research areas from project reports, this workaimed at development of Academic Project Recommender System. Content based recommender and map reduce techniqueswere applied to project reports to facilitate retrieval of a recommended topic. Final year students could retrieve project reports through search termsrelated to particular field of interest.A Map Reduce technique is used to check for the frequency of occurrence of the keywords in each project report. Consequently, it indexes project reports according to frequency. This ensures that the search results are organized in the order of relevance to the user’s search preference.The system promotes research continuity by providing students with several related projects through search and recommendationof project topics.
A Natural Language Processing Based Model for Quality Assurance of Software Requirements Document[Full-Text ] Bolanle F.Oladejo, Tosin Esther OlorunnisholaSoftware projects failure has been a reoccurring problem in software development domain. The advent of applying engineering principles to software development initiated the need to produce software products systematically to solve the problems of poor software quality, late deliveries, and cost overruns. Requirement engineering is the first phase in software development process and the major output of this phase is the Software requirements document. This document usually written in natural language contains both functional and non-functional system requirements. However, due to the informal nature of natural language, it is prone to a lot of errors, which if not detected early enough has an adverse effect on the success of the software project. Hence, this work aimed at the development of an NLP based model for quality assurance of Software requirements. Using two major techniques which are Natural Language Processing and information extraction techniques, the developed NLP model was able to assure the quality of software requirements based on testability metrics. This was done by performing syntactic and semantic analysis on requirements. A Software Requirement quality assurance system was developed using JAPE grammar rules to extract thematic roles and detect non-testability features of software requirements. We report on the performance of our model using datasets of Promise data repository.
Design and Implementation of KY Buck-Boost Converter with Voltage Mode Control[Full-Text ] Janjanam Naveen, Mukti BaraiThis paper presents a simple voltage mode analog controller for an improved KY buck-boost converter. The improved KY buck-boost converter comprises of a KY boost converter and a synchronous buck converter. The voltage mode analog control is designed by using a PI controller to regulate the output voltage of the converter. An experimental prototype of KY buck-boost converter of 30 Watt, 12 V output voltage, 10 kHz with discrete analog controller is designed and developed for an input voltage 10V-16V. The functionality of the converter with the controller under closed loop is demonstrated for the variation in input voltage.
Brand Differentiation in Industrial Sector Context: Empirical Review and Case Evidences in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Munasinghe, A., Dissanayake, D.M.RThis paperreviewstheories, models and empirical insights on brand differentiations alongside briefing to industry practices in Sri Lanka. Prior researches have provided a ground reviewing brand differentiation strategies, but this paper attempts to highlight the practice notions in Sri Lankan market in line with the empirical evidences. Literature review was the main strategy followed in building empirical explanations whilst industry-related cases were brought to the paper. Authors conducted some interview with industrial sector corporate managers and professionals to reveal the industry-related practices executed on brand differentiation in Sri Lanka. Besides the empirical evidences, it referred some research reports carried out by companies to provide industry-related research insights to rationalize some arguments. Managersin industrial and consumer durable sector organizations could associate the insights of this paper in patterning respective competitive strategies and brand building strategies to earn effective brand-related behaviors. Authors suggest future research propositions referring industry-related cases in the scope of brand differentiation.
Supercapacitor Power Managmenent Using Boost Converter Renewable Energy Fed DC Motor[Full-Text ] Doddabasappa N, G. Raghavendra, Santhosh GThis paper implements a smart boost converter fed DC motor which is powered by photovoltaic cells/ battery. A 220V, 0.8A universal motor which is driven by boost converter and Supercapacitor is used to deliver required power to the load during transient period. Large electric drives require advanced power electronic converters to meet the high power demands. With the shortage of the energy and ever increasing of the oil price, research on the renewable and green energy sources, especially the solar arrays and the fuel cells, becomes more and more important. How to achieve high step-up and high efficiency DC/DC converters is the major consideration in the renewable power applications due to the low voltage of PV arrays and fuel cells. This converter provides the constant output voltage irrespective of the PV panel output and load. The simulation and experimental results of this system are presented and compared. The performance of the converter is also compared with the conventional boost converter. This comparison reveals that the proposed converter system has the advantages of high gain and high efficiency with the minimum number of components. This thesis aims to explain the knowledge about the performance of the boost converter and the performance is analyzed by way of simulation. The variations at the load is overcome by using Supercapacitor and the balancing of Supercapacitor is done.
ON THE RELIABILITY OF INFORMATION AS A CYBERNETIC TECHNICO-ECONOMIC PROBLEM[Full-Text ] Nikolay Ivanov PetrovCybernetics looks at machinery, living (dead) organisms and the world society with its technico-economic problems as an organized integral formation (system). In the process of evolution this system, in its natural historical course or artificially, has reached to a certain level of organization, according to the relevant qualitatively determined structure or degree of complexity.
Review of Microscopic Image Processing techniques towards Malaria Infected Erythrocyte Detection from Thin Blood Smears[Full-Text ] Md. Jaffar Sadiq, Dr. V.V.S.S.S. BalaramIn order to diagnose malaria, the test that has traditionally been conducted is the gold standard test.The process mainly entails the preparation of a blood smear on glass slide, staining the blood and examining the blood through the use of a microscope so as to observe parasite genus plasmodium.Although these are several other kinds of diagnostic test solutions that are available and which can be adopted, there are numerous shortcomings which are always observed when microscopic analysis is carried out. Presently, the treatments are hugely conducted based on symptoms and upon the occurrence of false negatives, it might be fatal and may result into the creation of different kinds of implications. There have been a number of deaths which have been associated with malaria and as a result, there is the dire need to ensure that there is early detection of malarial infection among the people. This manuscript mainly provides a review of the current contributions regarding computer aided strategies, as well as microscopic image processing strategies for the detection of malaria. They are discussed based on the contemporary literature.
PEO Based Gel Polymer Electrolyte with Acetamide, KI/I2 Added Composite for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Applications[Full-Text ] B.Narasimha Rao, R. Padma suvarna, K. Susmitha, L. Giribabu, M. Raghavender, V. Ramesh kumarGel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) are synthesized by PEO with added acetamide, KI/I2 for dye-sensitized solar cells application (DSSC). The ability of the optimized gel polymer electrolyte was investigated by DSSC. GPEs prepared by addition of acetamide with various wt% in PEO (poly (ethylene oxide)) and PEGDME (poly (ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether) with KI/I2. The best performance is attributed for PEO/PEGDME with 5 wt% acetamide provides highest efficiency (η = 6.14%) under 100 mW/cm2 illumination and exhibits highest ionic conductivity as σ = 2.764×10-3 S/cm at 300c among all electrolytes, compared to PEO without acetamide (η = 5.11%). The short-circuit current density (Jsc) was increased for GPEs due to the increase in the recombination effect and electron lifetime by the adding of acetamide on the PEO. The power conversion efficiency is increased due to the growth in the ionic conductivity and amorphous nature of the GPE by the adding of acetamide on the PEO.
Study on Liner wear in Single Toggle Jaw Crushers: A Review[Full-Text ] Gideon Quartey, Kenneth Njoroge, John M. KihiuThis article presents a review and discussion of the causes of liner wear in single toggle jaw crushers. Literatures from different authors were sorted, reviewed and discussed. The various articles considered showed that the main cause of the rapid wear of jaw liners is the sliding interaction between the crushed material and the jaw liners during the crushing operation. Reducing the sliding interaction will therefore relieve the rapid wear of the jaw liners. Though some researchers have attempted to resolve the rapid wear problem by altering the material constituents of the jaw liners, it has not been able to yield much results. This is because the key aspect in resolving wear failures is to recognize wear as a system property or characteristic and not only a material property[1]. The sliding of the crushed material on the surfaces of the jaw liners can be reduced by changing the surface profile of the jaw liners.
Failure Analysis of FRP Composite Laminates Using Progressive Failure Criteria[Full-Text ] RENJIN J BRIGHT, SUMATHI MThe prime factors to be considered while designing a composite material are the stresses acting on the composite lamina and laminate. This could be determined by means of lamination theory and the failure stress region could be predicted by means of composite failure criteria. There are numerous failure criteria to predict failure of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite materials. However, traditionally used failure criteria such as the Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu failure criteria developed in the 1960s and 70s continues to rule the industries. Nevertheless, the fluctuating properties of composite materials in each direction demands much more developed failure criteria which could precisely predict the fibre failure and matrix failure respectively. Development of new failure criteria entails deep insight of the existing failure criteria, which is a tedious task. This work provides a brief outlook about the later developed and modified failure criteria such as Hashin-Rotem, Hashin, Rotem, Edge, Sun and Puck which could predict failure accurately. The failure predictability of these failure criteria has been assessed by comparing with the commonly used failure criteria and experimental data by means of generating failure envelopes, considering the case of a wind turbine blade. A software has been developed for easy admittance of the above mentioned failure criteria and to perform failure analysis of composite laminate with different ply orientation. The reliability of the newly developed software has been validated by performing failure analysis of a balanced and symmetric quasi-isotropic composite laminate (0°/ ± 45°/90°)S with the aid of empirical relations and by means of the finite element analysis package ANSYS.
Gratitude & Self Esteem Among College Students[Full-Text ] Asif AminThe study was conducted to conceptualize and find relationship between self-esteem and gratitude among college students. Data was collected through Rosenberg self-esteem scale and gratitude GQ6 questionnaire. 60 students from both genders were administered both questionnaires. The finding revealed that there was no significant relationship between self-esteem and gratitude. At the end, gender differences were analyzed by using t, test. There was no significant difference among male and female students regarding self esteem and gratitude.
Comparative study of Physicochemical characteristics of water quality in Bhama River & Bore well, Pimpari (Bk), Pune[Full-Text ] The physicochemical parameters of Bhama river water namely pH , turbidity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity and hardness, phosphate content, chloride content, chemical Oxygen demand(COD) and sulphate content have been derived for the half yearly period December . The purpose was to assess the quality of water from the sources in pre monsoon and monsoon season. The value obtained for these parameters are pH: 7.51, hardness17.4 mg/lit, phosphate .98mg/lit, chloride content:42.6ppm/lit, Chemical oxygen demand (COD)120mg /lit respectively. Coli forms microbial characteristics & mineral oils were not found in the well water.
THE HYDROLOGY OF AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN IVO-RIVER BASIN OF SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Obeta, Michael Chukwuma River basins have gained wide-spread recognition as relevant and suitable natural units for research; planning and development purposes. This paper examines the hydrology and opportunities for large-scale agricultural development in a rural; largely agrarian, medium-sized river basin in southern Nigeria. The objectives are to describes the natural water resources endowment of the basin; the physical and other opportunities for large-scale agricultural development; the factors which limit the utilization of the basin for agricultural development and suggest possible strategies which may aid the utilization of the inherent opportunities in the basin for large-scale crop production. Data on the basin morphology were extracted from both topographic and Google maps while data on other attributes of the basin were obtained through an elaborate field surveys, involving field observations, interviews, and consultation of published documents. The data were analyzed through diverse graphical and statistical tools. The results of the study reveal the basin's unique abundant, diversified and unique water resources, the agricultural operations and the opportunities and constraints which limit the use of the basin for large-scale farming purposes. Recommendations on how to overcome the constraints and the planning implications of the findings were discussed.
A Case Of Recurrent Rupture In Unscarred Uterus[Full-Text ] Dr.Madhuri Somani, Dr.Tejal Patel, Dr.Priyangi PurohitUterine rupture during pregnancy is an obstetric emergency.Its occurance may implicate a high morbidity and mortality rate in both the fetus and the mother.It is most commonly associated with a history of uterine scar performed for caesarean section,myomectomy or any hysterolaparoscopic procedure followed by multiparous patients with inadvertent use of oxytocics or obstructed labor. Upper segment uterine rupture is extremely uncommon before the onset of labor and in primigravida women.In our case, the patient had fundal rupture in first pregnancy at 26 weeks of pregnancy followed by spontaneous fundal rupture at 29 weeks in second pregnancy.
DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SOLAR ELECTRICAL VEHICLE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] M.V.RAMESH, G.VIJAY KUMAR, G.DIWAKARWith an increasing concerns on our environment, there is a fast growing interest in Electric Vehicle for all stakeholders and the development of electric vehicle technology has taken on an accelerated pace. The design and construction of Electric Vehicle is a pressing need for researchers to develop advanced electric vehicle system. In this paper, an overview for the fabrication of Electric Vehicle is presented, with emphasis on mechanical topologies and drive operations. Then, three major research directions of the Electric Vehicle systems are elaborated, namely, the design and building of chasis, axle, steering structure and erection of solar system for Electric Vehicle system. The Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor (PMBLDCM) is the main system for driving Electric Vehicle. PMBLDCM is used as electric variable-transmission system.
Production of Asbestos Free Brake Pad Using Periwinkle Shell as Filler Material[Full-Text ] Z.U. Elakhame, O.O Olotu, Y.O. Abiodun, E.U. Akubueze, O.O. Akinsanya, P.O. Kaffo, O.E. OladeleThe development of asbestos-free automotive brake pad using periwinkle shell particles as frictional filler material is presented. This was with a view to exploiting the characteristics of the periwinkle shell, which is largely deposited as a waste, in replacing asbestos which has been found to be carcinogenic. Five sets of brake pads with different sieve size (100-350µm) of periwinkle shell particles with 13% resin were produced using compressive molding. The physical and mechanical properties of the periwinkle shell particle-based brake pads were evaluated and compared with the values for the asbestos-based brake pads. The results obtained showed that compressive strength, hardness and density of the developed brake pad samples increased with decreasing the particle size of periwinkle shell from 350-100µm, while the oil soak, water soak and wear rate decreased with decreasing the particle size of periwinkle shell. The results obtained at 100µm of periwinkle shell particles compared favorably with that of commercial brake pad. The results of this research indicate that periwinkle shell particles can be effectively used as a replacement for asbestos in brake pad manufacture.
Principal component and cluster analyses of somatometric traits in four varieties of guinea fowls, Numidea meleagris galeata pallas, found in Sokoto State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Fajemilehin, Samuel Oladipo Kolawole and Salako, A.EThe population variability of four varieties of guinea fowl (pearl, lavender, black and white) was investigated using principal component and cluster analyses to assess the magnitude of genetic diversity and interdependence of morphological traits. A total of 1,272 adult guinea fowls: 425 pearl, 313 lavender, 271 black and 263 white varieties sourced from smallholders in Sokoto, Balle, Bodinga, Shagari, Goronyo, and Illela villages in Sokoto State, Nigeria were used for the study. Data on body weight (BW), head thickness (HT), helmet length (HL), helmet width (HW), wattle length (WL), wattle width (WW), keel length (KL), body circumference (BC), shank length (SL), shank thickness (ST), drumstick length (DL), thigh length (TL) and wing length (WGL) were collected and analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) procedure and cluster analysis. The PCA showed extraction of three patterns of variation in lavender, two in each of pearl and black and one in white variety. In lavender, the first principal component explained 61.16% of the generalized variance; in pearl, the first principal component explained 73.38% of the generalized variance; in black, the first principal component explained 67.09% of the generalized variance while the only PCA extracted for the white variety explained 84.48% of the generalized variance. The cluster analysis generated showed close similarities (85%) between the pairs of white and lavender and white and black. The black and lavender are 72% similar; white and pearl 65% similar; lavender and pearl 58% similar and black and white 45% similar. The similarities indices of 58%, 65%, 72% and 85% are sufficient to classify these varieties as one.
Comparative Analysis of Consumers' Patronage of Beverage Food Drinks in Enugu State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Emmanuel K. AGBAEZE, Justitia. O. NNABUKO, Chuka Uzoma IFEDIORA and Geoffrey.O. EKOJAThis study, comparative analysis of consumers’ patronage of beverage food drinks in Enugu state, Nigeria, comparatively studied two beverage food drinks which are Cadbury Bournvita and Nestle Milo with the broad objective to determine which is the most patronised by customers in Enugu State. The specific objectives were to: ascertain the factors that influence the buying behaviour of consumers, determine the health benefit of consumers’ choice, determine the influence of promotions on consumer purchase decision and ascertain the extent to which product taste affects consumer satisfaction and repeat purchase for Cadbury Bournvita and Nestle Milo. The study adopted the survey research design. The Cochran sampling formula was used to randomly select 384 consumers of both Cadbury Bournvita and Nestle Milo out of infinite numbers of consumers across Enugu State.. A five point Likert-scale structured questionnaire was used for the data collection and analysis was done with a confidence level of 5% or 0.05. The findings indicated that factors such as availability of product, packaging, quality of product, brand loyalty and promotion all affected customer patronage. Comparatively, the patronage rate for Milo could be determined by the quantity of product, packaging, Brand loyalty and Product offering, while patronage rate for the Bournvita depends on the availability of product, price, packaging and brand loyalty.The health benefit significantly influences consumer choice of products, though Milo enjoyed this factor than Bournvita.However, the packaging in various sizes significantly influences patronage of both Bournvita and Milo. The taste of products was found to significantly influence consumers’ patronage for both products. The study concluded that in spite of the fact that Bournvita had more consumers’ patronage than Milo, this difference is statistically insignificant, due to the fact that none of the two products enjoyed customers’ loyalty; this accounted for the products producers to keep up their various promotional strategies at varying levels to influence consumers. The study recommends among others for consistent and dynamic promotional strategies. Also, the producers of the two products were advised to consider varying packaging sizes that will reach and suit more Nigerian (individuals and households), due to the unpredictability and complexities in consumer behaviour.
Sensor Integrated PLC Based Smart Traffic Control System for a Busy Single Lane Junction[Full-Text ] Rifatul Islam Himel, Dr. Md. Aziz UlHuqTraffic congestion is one of the major stumbling blocks to socio-economic development of a country. The difficulty in road transportation system that people are continuously facing can be addressed successfully by implementing state-of-art technologies. In this paper, we are proposing a sensor integrated Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based traffic control system by using Siemens S7 200 controller. This system needs a PLC controller, traffic signal lighting system and sensors. The key objective of this paper is to illustrate how to build an effective and efficient control method that harnesses traffic flow by detecting the presence or absence of automotive within certain range by manipulating mathematical functions. The controller of this system analyzes the queue and recognizes the blockade of the streets in a junction with the help of string of sensors deployed at each side of the street. The PLC system allocates more time for high congested section according to Ladder Logic Diagram (LLD) program. PLC controller checks sensors status, follows logical commands and turns ON or OFF the red, yellow or green light to instruct thoroughfare users. This unit prefers to resolve main street traffic congestion over sub-street gridlock as one of the specialty of this module is high occupancy vehicle or HOV priority treatment. When traffic density regains its normal flow, this traffic controller operates traffic control lighting system sequentially like a usual time constant traffic controller.
Skill Development of Engineering & Management students for Employability Enhancement through Communication improvement- Issues, Challenges and Way out[Full-Text ] Rudra RS SrinivasSpeaking English clearly and confidently is an indispensable skill for any educated person, especially for the engineering students seeking employment. Teaching pronunciation to tertiary students poses specific challenges to the teacher in the classroom environment in the absence of well-equipped language labs. In order to improve the intelligibility of spoken English of rural students, teaching pronunciation, stress and intonation plays a crucial role. The large classrooms with varying levels of English language skills of students offer significant challenges to the language teachers and demand for innovative approaches for teaching the same.
EFFECT OF GRAIN MOISTURE CONTENT ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME SELECTED SORGHUM VARIETIES[Full-Text ] A. Adinoyi, H. A. Ajeigbe, I. I. Angarawai, and A. KunihyaDetermination of physical characteristics of grain of biomaterials is important in the design of harvesting, handling, and processing equipment. This helps in understanding the problem of separating grains from undesirable materials during threshing and winnowing, as well as in designing post-harvest handling equipments. Physical properties of sorghum grains from ten varieties (7 released and 3 breeding lines) were investigated under three different grain moisture content of 10%, 20% and 30% dry basis (d.b.). Results from the experiment revealed wide variation among the sorghum varieties on the physical properties measured. Arithmetic Mean Diameter ranged from 4.233 mm to 4.872 mm, while the Geometric Mean Diameter of the varieties ranged from 4.215 mm to 4.864 mm. Sphericity for the different sorghum varieties fall within the range of 0.86 to 0.96. It was also observed that the surface areas of the sorghum varieties are between 52.2 mm2 to 70.00 mm2. The results further showed that Aspect ratio ranged from 0.84 to 0.94 and the Angle of repose for the sorghum varieties were from 31.510 to 34.250. Result from the study revealed that, increase in moisture content led to increase in the surface area, arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, sphericity and angle of repose. Variety and changes in moisture content significantly affected the physical properties determined.
COMPARISON OF EFFECT OF DROTAVARINE WITH HYOSCINE-N-BUTYL BROMIDE AND VALETHAMATE ON RATE OF CERVICAL DILATATION[Full-Text ] SAINI SURBHI, KAUR BALWINDER, KAUR ARVINDERThe goal of obstetrics is a pregnancy that results in a healthy neonate and minimally traumatized mother. Methods that aim at minimizing the incidence of functional cervical dystocia and cutting short the active phase of first stage of labor are welcomed by both the patient and the obstetrician.