Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017.
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Erosion Control Using Bermuda Grass-Lined Channels: A Case Study of South Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Samuel O. Ihuoma, Kevin N. Nwaigwe & Christopher NzediegwuSouth eastern Nigeria has several cities that are ravaged by erosion with many others prone to erosion. The use of concrete channels, though recommended, is cost intensive. However, grass lined channels are cheaper and particularly Bermuda grass is locally in abundance and is neither an economic tree nor a food tree. This study is an investigation on the suitability of this particular grass as lining to designed channels for erosion control. Six experimental channels were developed and lined with Bermuda grass at the erosion runoff plot of Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. The channels were 15 m long and 0.8 m wide each, with bed slope ranging from 4 - 6 % and side slopes of 3:1 and 4:1. Results showed that mean soil loss for the channel grade 6% was 0.80 ± 0.08 kg and 1.00 ± 0.09 kg for side slopes 3:1 and 4:1 respectively, mean soil loss for channel grade 5% was 0.72 ± 0.08 kg and 0.60 ± 0.08 kg for side slopes 3:1 and 4:1 respectively, and mean soil loss for channel grade 4% was 0.7 ± 0.7 kg and 0.68 ± 0.05 kg for side slopes 3:1 and 4:1 respectively. One-way ANOVA test showed significant difference (p < 0.05) for the different channel grades, with the channel grade of 5% and 4:1 being the most stable to handle the natural concentration of runoff. This outcome validates the use of Bermuda grass as an alternative to concrete – lined channels.
Comparative Study of Zoned Roller Compacted Concrete versus Conventional Concrete Gravity Dam[Full-Text ] BirhaneGebreyohannes Hagos, I.S.Parvathi and T.V.PraveenIn the recent days, due to the development of computing computer packages, modeling and analyzing of structures like roller compacted concrete dams becomes interesting for concerned engineers and researchers. The most interesting focus of the present study will be emphasized on the modeling and analysis of zoned RCC gravity dam using ANSYS finite element software package. The Gilgel-Gibe-III roller compacted-compacted concrete (RCC) dam hydroelectric power plant on the Omo River in Ethiopia has been taken as a case study. The non over section of the dam section which is 214m high has four RCC zones with different material properties. The RCC gravity dam is analyzed by considering zoned roller concrete gravity dam section and a typical uniform grade of concrete strength using various loading conditions. Nonlinear static analysis is used by considering the nonlinearity of the materials and interface element (contact element) between the zones. An interface element is used to model the nonlinearities of interaction between each zone and at the dam-foundation interface. Thus, the Maximum and minimum principal stresses are computed for the typical uniform grade of concrete and the zoned RCC at different elevation starting from the bottom level of the dam. The stresses developed in the different elevation of the dam section are compared with the allowable compressive strength of the material. In both cases the results of the analysis shows that the stress con-centration in the entire section is safe and found below the allowable stresses of the concrete strength. Moreover the result of the analysis using the present study concluded that RCC gravity dam section is a convenient and economical than using uniform graded concrete gravity dam throughout the entire section.
GIS BASED LEAST COST PATH ROUTING MODEL FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE: CASE STUDY IN KUMBAKONAM, TAMILNADU[Full-Text ] T.Thangamani,M.Rajamanickam, Ashutose Das,Tesfaye Feye AdugnaThe purpose of the study area is to identify the shortest route for solid waste disposing.GIS technology can be used to find out optimal collection routes by corresponding real world travel conditions and patterns. To accomplish appropriate route by least cost path (LCP) method using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Since solid waste transportation is one part of waste management. In addition to that to active the objective of this research, seven very important factors have been used such are: master plan of the city, land use/land cover, road type, slope, aspect, source date sate and destination point using the method of Network analyst for all selected factors in GIS software. This research work is focal point on use of GIS model for current and proposed collection patterns using GIS Network Analyst. The GIS was used to determine optimal routes for small collection groups and outlines the workflow and best practices for future analysis throughout the Kumbakonam city.
An innovative approach of Rural Electrification via DC Micro grids in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shahid Zulfiqar, Usman Munawar, Muhammad Bilal JavedThe chronic and aggressively growing issues regarding global warming, environmental pollution and inversely decreasing fossil fuels. Renewable energy resources like solar energy and wind energy are best alternative resources earth possesses from its existence. This idea could specifically be implied to target rural and deserted areas where there is very limited or no electricity even in today’s world. There are a lot of unprivileged areas of Pakistan that are being deprived off the transmission lines just to enlighten their homes because of the soar economic condition of their country that could not afford to provide them this basic necessity. A solution is being devised to design DC micro grid that could provide them at least enough energy to enlighten their homes which runs through solar panel. It has been improvised by keeping track of the sun’s movement using Arduino board, a motor and some LDRs to attain maximum efficiency as compared to fixed mounted solar panel and urgent power supplier. By this way they could simply run their different DC loads directly without any conversion. This idea though specifically targets rural and deserted areas could bring a revolutionary change for small communities, businesses, and smart buildings because one way or the other the world has to come to renewable energy resources.
Data Collection Methods and Data Pre-processing Techniques for Healthcare Data Using Data Mining[Full-Text ] Uma K, M. Hanumanthappa Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) helps organizations and researchers turn their data collection into valuable information. Data collection and pre-processing are the most important and essential stages to acquire the fine and final data that can be taken as correct and suitable for further data mining tasks. Healthcare organizations that take advantage of KDD to lower the healthcare costs while improving healthcare quality by using rapid and better clinical decision making. The data collected by healthcare organization might be structured or unstructured and contains wide variety of data such as hospital details, physician’s details, patient records and so on. Healthcare data comprises multimedia content (text, numbers, images, and video). Integrating and transforming these heterogeneous data into single format needs an efficient pre-processing tools. This paper explores the data collection methods and data pre-processing methods and their advantages and disadvantages.
A Critical Review of Lean Project Management and Its Application in Construction Project Management[Full-Text ] Mohammed D M Alhalafi and Dr. Parminder Singh KangThere is a growing awareness of the importance of Lean project management within construction organizations. The main aim of Lean project management is helping organizations achieving the overall goals in a construction project lifecycle by adding end-to-end value. Lean project management is a production philosophy which has the potential of bringing innovative changes in the construction industry.
Modeling and the role of water activity, desorption isotherm and glass transition in drying of potatoes quality and shelf life stability[Full-Text ] Addisalem Hailu Taye, Hofacker W & Oliver HenselIn drying, evaluation of desorption isotherm of the sample is important to determine the optimum residual moisture contents of dried products at its stable water activity. Determination of glass transition temperature of the sample helps to decide to process the samples in its glass state for better quality product production. In this paper, the concept of water activity, desorption isotherms and glass transition temperatures related to product safety, stability and quality were reviewed. The desorption isotherm and glass transition temperatures of potato were also determined, and the experimental data were fitted to the existing models. The GAB model shows the best fit between experimental and predicted values of desorption isotherm data. Stable water activity and optimum residual moisture content of potato slices when the samples dried at different temperatures and a hint for drying the samples for better retention in product quality were presented in the result.
Building Sentiment analysis Model using Graphlab[Full-Text ] Mona Mohamed Nasr, Essam Mohamed Shaaban, and Ahmed Mostafa HafezSentiment analysis is called opinion mining which is the field of study that analyzes people’s opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes. Starting from the importance of the sentiment analysis generally for individuals and more specifically for gigantic organizations, we started digging in this paper. Graphlab was used to build the sentiment models. Many algorithms were used along with text features selection techniques to predict the positive and negative sentiments like “SVM”, “logistic regression” and “boosted trees”. The mentioned classifiers were applied to a Hotel reviews dataset got from Trip Advisor website to emulate real customer opinions. The results showed that using SVM classifier along with N-grams features selection technique was superior to others.
Enhancing the Durability of Self-Compacted Concrete Cast Using Recycled Aggregates[Full-Text ] Alaa a. Bashandy, Noha M. Soliman, Sherif S. KhadashA Self-compacted concrete is the one that can be placed in the form and can go through obstruction by its own weight and without the need of vibration.The main objectives of this research is studying the main properties of self-compacting concrete cast using recycled aggregates (crushed concrete, crushed red bricks, and crushed ceramic compared to dolomite) and to study the feasibility of improving its durability. The experimental investigation was divided into two stages. The first was performed to obtain the main fresh and hardened properties. The second was conducted to study the durability enhancement by using three improving materials. Durability was evaluated under sulfate attack and chlorides attack. The fresh properties of were obtained in the term of slump test. The hardened properties were introduced in terms of compressive, splitting tensile, flexure, and bond strengths. Test results indicated that using suggested enhancing materials improve the recycled aggregate self-compacted concrete. Using waterproofing powder improved the durability against sulfates and chlorides compared to other suggested materials.
IMPACT OF DIRECT CASH TRANSFER In LIEU OF PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: A POLICY REVIEW OF CHANDIGARH ,INDIA[Full-Text ] Neha SharmaDirect Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme has started in Chandigarh (U.T.) in lieu of Public Distribution System (PDS). Its main purpose is to overcome the deficiencies of PDS. The success of this new scheme crucially depends upon the extent of financial inclusion, financial literacy, and physical accessibility of food grains throughout the length and breadth of the country. The present study tries to report the satisfaction level of beneficiaries in Chandigarh from DBT scheme. The objective of this study is to find the gaps that why citizens are not accepting this project. It also aims to evaluate the impact of scheme on women dependency. The paper is based on the primary data collected from the various areas of Chandigarh. Perception survey method has been used to explain the views of the respondents. Three sets of respondents have been interviewed and their perceptions have been recorded. Those are Beneficiaries of DBT scheme, Depot Holder and Governmental Officials. The responses of the households indicate that efforts are needed to meet the pre-requisites of successful implementation of DBT. The research found that more than 52 percent respondents are neither getting cash nor they are getting DBT. 18 percent are still not registered with the scheme. The amount which citizens are receiving is not at all sufficient. 20 percent of the people have received cash in initial months and later on they didn’t receive. While an interaction with Depot walas, they stated that, after DBT scheme they become unemployed. A ‘Signature Abhiyaan’ has been conducted along with the help of citizens of Chandigarh to stop the scheme but nothing has been done so far. Overall, the study concludes that at implementation level, there still exists scope for improvement. Also, improvement in financial awareness can indirectly help in successful implementation of this scheme.
Lossy Compression in 2D Imageries[Full-Text ] J P Sati, M J NigamIn this paper a compression algorithm has been proposed and its results with respect to Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) are compared with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quad-tree decomposition method. Visual comparison is also carried out between the original and compressed images. The proposed algorithm gives the improved results as compared to DCT, DWT and Quad-tree decomposition method. The simulation results have been achieved in MATLAB R2009a
Comparative production of two mussel species (Perna perna and Mytilus galloprovincialis) reared on an offshore submerged longline system in Agadir, Morocco[Full-Text ] Mohamed Id Halla, Hassan Nhhala, Jawad Kassila*, El Mustapha AIT CHATTOU, Abdellatif ORBI et Abdellatif MOUKRIMThe principal objective of this study was to examine the first submerged longline system used for mussel farming in offshore of Agadir (Morocco). Furthermore, the growth performance of Perna perna and Mytilus galloprovincialis were compared, and the effect of season of seeding on their biomass production was investigated. The seeding with high densities, more than 4100 seed.m-1, resulted in important seed losses. The cumulative losses ranged from 86 ± 7 % to 88 ± 7 % in both species (p > 0.05). The results showed that P. perna achieved higher productions than M. galloprovincialis, reaching 23.0 kg per meter rope after one-year of culture. The productions of both species were affected by the time of seeding as mussels seeded in summer grew faster than those seeded in spring (p < 0.001 in P. perna and p < 0.0001 in M. galloprovincialis). The marketable productions in Perna perna and M. galloprovincialis were improved by 26% and 70% respectively when mussels were seeded in summer. Moreover, the culture period can be reduced by two months as more than 90% of mussels in both species reached the commercial size (≥ 60 mm) after 10 months of culture. These results indicate that the submerged longline system tested can be commercially convenient. The excellent productions of mussels during the present study may led to suggest that offshore cultivation is as an opportunity for commercial enterprises.
Role of Azotobacter sp. onNitrogenUptakeand Growth of Soybean (Glycine max (L.)Merrill) on Saline Soil[Full-Text ] Sofiana Rahmayani, Reginawanti Hindersah, Betty Natalie FitriatinBiofertilizationby using Azotobacterfor soybean on saline soils is needed to solve the problem of low soil fertility, especially in providing macronutrient nitrogen. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of Azotobactersp. inoculation on nitrogen uptake and vegetative growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) in saline soil as well as on viability of Azotobacter sp. in rhizosphere and available nitrogen in saline soils. The potexperiment has been set up inrandomized block design with seven treatments and four replicate each. The treatmentswas soil inoculation with different isolate and concentration of liquid culture of Azotobacter sp. as follows AzotobaterK4 0.5%,Azotobater K4 1.0%, AzotobaterS2 0.5%, AzotobaterS2 1.0%, K4+S2 0.5% and K4+S2 1.0%.The results showed that inoculation of Azotobacter sp. potentially increased N uptake,plant height, number of leaves, and shoot-root ratio of soybean grown in saline soil. SoilinoculationwithAzotobactersp. alsoincreasedavailable N in soil andpopulation of Azotobacter sp., in soybean rhizosphere.
Determinants of E-Banking Services Adoption among Commercial Banks in Ethiopia: Analysis of Banks' Customers Perspectives[Full-Text ] GadiseGezuThe prime objective of this study was to assess determinates of e-banking service adoption among commercial bank s in Ethiopia from the customers perspective. The researchers used cross sectional study was done on eleven commercial banks in Ethiopia. The study was a triangulation of both quantitative and qualitative research approach. The researchers were used primary source of data which is collected via questionnaire.
Studying green architecture factors in order to achieving sustainable[Full-Text ] Mohammad Reza GhaffariIn recent years, sustainability concept has become the common interest of numerous disciplines. The reason for this popularity is to perform the sustainable development. The Concept of Green Architecture, also known as "sustainable architecture" or "green building," is the theory, science and style of buildings designed and constructed in accordance with environmentally friendly principles. Green architecture strives to minimize the number of resources consumed in the building's construction, use and operation, as well as curtailing the harm done to the environment through the emission, pollution and waste of its components.
PRODUCTION AND INCOME RISK IN TWELVE PRODUCTION PERIOD OF BROILER PLASMA FARM IN SOUTH SULAWESI[Full-Text ] Basir Paly, Leunard.O.Kakisina, Andi Suarda,Jumriah Syam, Astati, and AwaluddinThis study was aimed to determine the production and income risk of broiler plasma. This study was conducted over 6 months, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sampling was conducted in three stages (1) the determination of the two samples in district level that have the largest broiler plasma farms, (2) the determination of plasma that maintain about 5,000-7,000 broilers, and (3) the determination of plasma randomly.Total samples observed were as many as 60 in twelve production periods. Data were collected by interview and observation of the production documents such as mortality, culture length, harvest weight, feed intake, FCR, PI, input prices, broiler prices, and total production cost. Data analysis was performed by using variance, standard deviation, Z-score, and the lower limit of income.The results showed that the risk of production was 27%, which means that each plasma productionperiodis always faced 27% of risk. The risk of income was1,032%, which means that any additional expected income by IDR 1, plasma will facerisk byIDR 1,032. Lower limit of income (L) received by plasma as many as IDR -27,923,896 showed that the highest loss that will be faced by plasma in the future will be as many as IDR -27,923,896.
Representation of Association Rule Mining of Apriori Algorithm using Graph Based Algorithm[Full-Text ] Md. Arif Rahman, Tithi Bose, Mst. Farhana Rahman, Naima Enam EshaOne of the most important problems in data mining is association rule mining. The Thesis aims at in depth study of Graph based approaches to find Association Rule Mining. The traditional Apriori algorithm uses an iterative technique. It scans the database several times.
Practical Insight into the Un-piggable Problem With Emphasis on Oil and Gas Pipelines[Full-Text ] Eng. Magdy TawfikPipelines considered as the safest methods used to transport all manner of fluids from one destination to another in all fields start from oil and gas to the food industry. Currently, there are more than 1.5 million Km of pipeline in services in the Oil and Gas industry. Of course these assets need to be integrated to keep a huge amount of investments especially for offshore pipelines. Pipeline operators are continuously working to improve pipeline safety with a goal of zero pipeline incidents
An Efficient Approach for Facial Expression using Beizer Curve based Features[Full-Text ] Harman Ali, Dr.DinesahKumar RajoriyaAspeoples use a huge amount of their time familiar with computers of one kind or a different way. In contrast, computers are expressively unsighted and uninterested to the emotional circumstances of their customers. Human communicate with computer which does not think emotions take no notice of a whole control of existing information.
Dual Inoculation of Azotobacter chroococcum andTrichoderma harzianumTo Control Leaf Blight (Rhizoctonia solani) and Increase Yield of Choy Sum[Full-Text ] Agusthinus Marthin Kalay, Reginawanti Hindersah, Abraham Talahaturuson, Andrias Izaac LatupapuaLeaf blightepidemic of choy sum(Brassica rapa L.) caused by Rhizoctonia solani is always happen in the intensive vegetable area of Ambon Bay during rainy season. The use of chemical pesticides for the control of leafblight diseases is not effective when diseases attack is massif. Biological control will be another way to supress diseases incidence and will play an important role in the future agriculture. The objective of this field experiment was to determine effect of biofertilizer Azotobacter chroococcum and biological agents Trichoderma harzianum on the change of diseasesintensity caused by Rhizoctonia solani, as well as yield of choy sum (Brassica rapa L.). Field experiment was conducted in Entisols, choy sum was sprayed by A. chroococcum and T. harzianum either in single or dual inoculation. The experiment showed that both single and dual inoculation of A. chroococcum and T. harzianumdecreased choy sum leaves dammage causes by R. solani. Controlling diseases by using of dual inoculation decreasd damage intensity up to 10,77%, but statistically did not increase yield. Change in both Azotobacter and Trichoderma population in soil after harvest showed that synergistic interaction was happen between the two beneficial microbe.
Design & Analysis of Orifice Bypass Arrangement System[Full-Text ] Dr. CHITRIKI THOTAPPA, Dr.G JAGANNATHA REDDY and SANTOSH KUMAR KA good design of the systemshould always ensureproper functioning and its safety. Due to advances in computer technology & numerical methods, simulation is feasible to check and improve the design of the system. In this project an existing Automatic Recirculation Control (ARC) valve has been replaced with a newly designed orifice bypass arrangement system. As the existing ARC system is complicated and it develops high pressure and velocity that leads to damage of the bearings, shafts etc. and it also involves high cost valve, to control the bypass of fluid flow for the safety of Multi stage centrifugal pump,a new orifice bypass system is designed to overcome the disadvantage of existing system.The newly designed orifice bypass system comprises 6 stages, which resist flow& pressure drop of the fluid so, as to the safe guard the centrifugal pump. This paperdeals with design and analysis of various stresses like Radial, Hoop and Vonmises stress of thedesigned model (orifice bypass arrangement system) using solid works software. The newly design Orifice bypass system will reduce the flow pressure from 210 bar to negligible outlet pressure and also reduce Velocity from 130m/sec to negligible velocity, keeping the inlet pressure constant for further process. Thus, the newly designed orifice bypass arrangement system functions effectively and also safeguard the centrifugal pump under no load conditions.
Primary Follicular Mucinosis: A Case Report From Saudi Arabia With Successful Treatment And Literature Review[Full-Text ] SalaimanAlsaiari, AwadhAlAmri, AmerAlmuqati, Ibrahim AllihibiBackground:Follicular mucinosis is an uncommon inflammatory disorder that characteristically presents as clearly defined, erythematous plaques or papules, with follicular projections, superficial scaling, and alopecia in terminal hair bearing areas, characterized histologically by mucin accumulation in pilosebaceous units (follicular epithelium and sebaceous glands) . The condition is generally divided into primary (idiopathic) and secondary forms in association with several conditions including benign and malignant diseases. There are many local and systemic treatments.
EFFECTIVENESS OF STRETCH RELEASE RELAXATION EXERCISE ON BLOOD PRESSURE AMONG PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSION IN SELECTED HOSPITAL AT CHENNAI[Full-Text ] Ms.C. Geetha, Dr. C. Kanniammal, Ms.LathaMangeswari, G.GowriObjective:The aim of the study was to find out the effectiveness of stretch release relaxation Exercise (SRRE) on blood pressure and associate with demographic variables among patients with hypertensionin selected hospital at Chennai.Methods: Anexperimental design was selected with a sample size of 60patients(study group30 and control group 30).
Development of Extreme Rainfall Based Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Dhaka City in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Imran Hossain Newton, Abir Biswas, Md Mohiuddin Sakib, Shamrita Zaman, Naw Safrin Sattar, Rabeya AkterThe continuous propagation of greenhouse gases in the hydrological cycle due to climate change is causing variations in intensity, duration and frequency of rainfall events in the third world countries. Due to the variation of rainfall intensity urban areas especially Dhaka city of Bangladesh often become water logged due to inadequate and poor drainage system. Therefore, Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curves for extreme rainfall events are effective for drainage design. The IDF curves were developed using daily rainfall data for different return periods i.e. (2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years) using the Extreme Value Type 1 (Gumbel) and Log Pearson Type III (LPT III) distribution considering rainfall intensity values of 24, 48, 72, 96,120, 144 and 168 hours respectively. The results obtained from LPT III distribution are slightly higher than the results obtained using the Gumbel distribution. Three different Goodness-of-fit (GOF) test were used to determine the best ï¬t probability distribution. Result shows that the Gumbel distribution is best for the prediction of rainfall intensity for Dhaka city.
Analysis of the Changes in Social Policy Since 1979 and It’s Impacts on Social Work in the 21st Century[Full-Text ] Hashim RazaAmid 1947-1979, the impact factor of cultural diversity in Britain become profound, which majorly comprised of Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims. After the second world war, the laws and regulations were reconsidered seriously to reshape the society into a civilized and modernized one. For such proclamations, the utmost necessity was the Social Policy; therefore, the policy makers were given a complicated task to accomplish concerning the integration of harmony, equality, and peaceful society. This paper has investigated such major changes throughout the period from 1979 onwards. Not only, this research has focused on the analyzation and changes in social policy; it further has reflected their impacts on the social work in the 21st century. Furthermore, this paper is aimed to briefly discuss, analyse, and assess each policy change under the umbrella of categories to further refine the research; such as, health programs, social security, social work and so forth.
Investigation of transmission loss in muffler by varying absorption material[Full-Text ] Ujjal Kalita, Sushil Kumar, Kirti SinghDue to the increase in the number of vehicles, the amount of noise and pollution is also increasing .So it is necessary to make an environment free from noise pollution. Noise control is the most important criteria as it will lead to friendly environment. It can be achieved by various techniques, out of which absorbing the sound coming out of the exhaust system of vehicles by using muffler is the most important technique. Porous and fibrous materials are widely used as sound absorbing materials. In this paper the amount of transmission loss occurring because of application of different sound absorbing materials are compared. Air flow resistivity which is one of the physical properties of absorption material is taken for the transmission loss calculation in muffler. Here the different mufflers are modeled and analyzed in ‘Comsol’ Multiphysics where the transmission loss is determined at various frequencies. This paper also reveals one of the effective designs of muffler that could be fitted in automobile industry.
The effect of melt shearing method on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of 700-series cast aluminum alloys[Full-Text ] Hossein AarabiIn the present study, a vertical screw was used to apply shear stress on the melted 700-series cast aluminum alloy for various times;also the effect of Sn and melt shearing process was investigated simultaneously.In the following, the effect of this process on the microstructure and corrosion properties was investigated. Optical microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) were used for analysis the microstructural changes. The experimental investigations showed that melt shearing with a vertical screw has a significant effect on the microstructure. When the shearing time increases, the dendritic grains change to equiaxed grains and also the large grains alter to fine grains. With increasing the shearing time, the coarse continuous intermetallic in the grain boundaries, change in to discontinuous fine intermetallic phases. In order to investigate the corrosion resistance of samples, the cyclic polarization tests were used. The results depicted that, when the shearing time increases, due to uniform distribution of cathodic and anodic intermetallic particles and reduction of their size, the corrosion resistance in artificialsea water increases considerably.
Chemical Stabilization of Expansive Dakhla Shale, Qena Region, Egypt[Full-Text ] Hesham A.H. Ismaiel, Mohamed M. Askalany, and Samar Y. AbdellateefThis study deals with a chemical stabilization of expansive Dakhla shale, which widely distributed on the surface at both West and East of Qena governorate, Egypt. Chemical stabilization program was used to enhance the geotechnical properties of the studied expansive shale using both lime and cement kiln dust (CKD). Optimum-Lime and -cement kiln dust (CKD) contents were determined using pH test according to Eades and Grimm method. Geotechnical properties of the natural and treated shale as plasticity, free swelling, ultrasonic velocity (Vp), and unconfined compressive strength (qu) were measured according to ASTM standard. The results showed that the studied samples mixed with CKD have a higher strengths and lower swelling potentials than those mixed with lime only or with both lime and CKD. Also the results approved that curing time from 7 to 90 days having a great effect on the geotechnical properties of the studied treated shale samples.
Evaluation of AgNOR Count as Diagnostic Marker of Prognosis and Proliferative Activity in Thyroid Neoplasm[Full-Text ] Rand Muhammed Abdul-Hussain Al-Hussaini, Asad A. Al-JanabiThyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic and prognostic significance of argyrophilic nuclear organizer region (AgNOR) counts in the cells of malignant and benign thyroid cancer. We analyzed paraffin-embedded tissue sections, from One hundred and two tissue samples were: 20 cases of normal thyroid tissue as control, 34 cases of thyroid adenoma, and 48 cases of thyroid carcinoma.Counting AgNORs helps with the differential diagnosis of thyroid cancers. AgNOR counts in control group ranged from 1.2 to 1.6 with a mean of 1.4± 0.01. In all the 34 cases of thyroid adenoma the AgNOR counts ranged from 3.2 to 4.1 with a mean of 3.65±0.58, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05) .In 48 patients with thyroid carcinoma, the AgNOR value ranged from 5.2 to 8.45 (mean 6.82 ± 0. 36), which were significantly (P <0.05) higher than the values obtained from the control group and from the patients with thyroid adenoma. AgNOR counts were also compared in the different grades of thyroid cell carcinoma. A progressive significant increase in the counts was observed with increasing grades of carcinoma and noted a significant difference (P <0.05) in AgNORs between the three grades. These findings strongly support the view that the use of The AgNOR number, as cell proliferative activity marker, can be recorded as an inexpensive and reliable diagnostic method and prognostic tool in assessment of thyroid neoplasm. And by use of nucleolar AgNOR staining we could distinguish different grades of thyroid carcinoma.
Advanced Integrated Future Vehicle Telematics System Concept Modelling[Full-Text ] Ashmika Agarwal, Vinay YadavA paper presented on the futuristic model of telematics system which will not only provide the vehicle user guidance, emergency or road side assistance or vehicle diagnostic/ health report on data captured but will also provide in much more deeper level a real time risk of any failure or service requirement in a vehicle. This prediction will be made by highly sophisticated and very well integrated failure predictions of all the components in that vehicle of the particular lot subjected the real loads due to driving behavior the vehicle was subjected from 0km till date.
Oral Cancer Prevalence among Tobacco Chewer Females in Terai Region of Nepal[Full-Text ] Pramod BhattaOral cancer is a major health problem of developing world including Nepal. The problem continues to get bigger due to adherence and continuation of risk behavior of chewing tobacco, smoking, etc. Other factors causing growth of oral cancer among both sexes might be attributable to poor education, poverty, lack of awareness on risk behavior etc. The above factors posed challenges in cancer care and prevention services in Nepal. Objective of the study was to assess the oral cancer prevalence among tobacco chewer females in Terai region of Nepal. The data was collected from record analysis of 800 samples of cancer patients at BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital (BPKMCH), Chitwan Nepal from year 2009 to 2013 AD. The study research design was quantitative, descriptive and cross sectional. The study data presented as frequency table and cross tables. Result showed 84% of the patients were married. Similarly 46.1% female oral cancer patients were tobacco chewer in Terai region of Nepal. The study urges the need of further exploration on female oral cancer and chewing tobacco habit along with other cancer risk behavior in the region.
A Perspective of Reliable and Accurate DEM Using World DEMs Data Fusion[Full-Text ] Mahmoud El Nokrashy Osman Ali, Ibrahim Fathy Mohamed Shaker, Nasr Mohammady SabaIn Egypt, most of the available topographic mapsneed updating. Also, there are large areas haven't mapped yet. Western desert is an example of these poor mapped regions. Most of its terrain is flat and it is difficult to have stereoscopic viewing during mapping operations. Globally, there are many sources of the elevation data in the form of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). These world DEMs are free of charge for users all over the world. In this study, Five world DEMs are selected for evaluation in order to find the best model for making up the shortfall of such information of the elevation data.
A Retrospective Study of the Epidemiology of Congenital Anomalies at The John F. Kennedy Medical Center[Full-Text ] Ayun Cassell III, Atem Geu, Patrick Okao, Peter Coleman, Samuel Freeman-LiberiaBackground: Congenital anomalies are a global problem. Every year an estimated 7.9 million children are born with serious birth defects and 3.3 million children under the age of five years die because of birth defects. Among those that survive, 3.2 million children may be disabled for life. Data on the prevalence of congenital anomalies among neonates in Liberia is lacking. Objective: To determine the prevalence of gross congenital anomalies among neonates treated at the John F. Kennedy medical center.
Standard ISO 9001: 2015 as a tool for measuring quality of product and costumer satisfaction[Full-Text ] Stole TrajkovThe huge competitiveness that exists between the organizations of the market at a time when virtually practically every customer needs to be attracted and an effort is made for he or she to be retained by the organizations, naturally there is a need for the organizations to accept and adopt the standard for quality management ISO 9001: 2015 as a tool for acquiring new and retaining the already acquired customers.In Macedonia, the trend of certification according to the standards for quality management is progressing but not as much as in the western economies.
An Empirical Investigation into Casual Relation of Spot and Future Markets and Hedging Effectiveness with reference to NSE Futures[Full-Text ] Dr. P. Sri RamThe investigation of the Co-integration and causal relationship between futures and spot prices is very significant especially in an emerging market economy like India. Indian capital market has witnessed significant transformations and structural changes due to implementation of financial sector. This paper examines the relation and impact of Spot prices on Futures prices of NSE Futures contracts and also investigates the optimal hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness of the contracts traded on CNX NIFTY INDEX in India using OLS Model, VAR Model and VECM Model. The Johansen-Juselius Co-integration test used in the study finds two Co-integrating equations indicating long run relationship between Futures and Spot prices of all Future contracts. The Vector Error Correction Model stated that apart from having a long run relationship the prices of Futures are influenced by the prices of Spot in short run in most of the cases whereas in few cases it is vice versa. From Impulse Response graph in case of Spot prices and all the contracts it was found that Spot and Futures markets are highly sensitive to each other’s shocks. From the Granger Causality test it was found that there is unidirectional Granger Causality running from Futures prices to the Spot prices for all contracts. This means that Futures plays an important role in explaining the movements in Spot prices. Also Ordinary Least Square Model which was used to study the impact of Spot prices on Futures prices showed a significance which means Futures is impacted by the Spot prices in all the contracts. The indication presented in this study strongly suggests that the Nifty Index Futures contracts are an effective tool for hedging risk.
Analyzing the Techniques to Exploit Instruction Level Parallelism Using a Simulated Five Stage Pipelined RISC Processor[Full-Text ] Amit Pandey, K. P. Yadav Any program whether it is using structural programming approach or object oriented programming approach must be executed instruction by instruction on the processor and all processors since 1985 are using pipelining to improve the performance by overlapped execution of instructions. The technique of exploiting the instructions by any possible overlapping is known as instruction level parallelism (ILP). There exist two different approaches to implement ILP. First approach is based on hardware and second is software-based approach. In the hardware-based approach, the ILP is exploited in run time, as the instructions are discovered and overlapped dynamically. On the other hand, to exploit ILP using software, static approach is taken to achieve parallelism at compile time. In this paper, we have discussed various approaches to exploit the ILP.