Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017.
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Study of the Electronic Charge Distribution for a Structural Configuration of the Liquid Silica Through Classical and ab-initio Molecular Dynamic Simulations[Full-Text ] G. Lopez-Laurrabaquio, M. E. Fernandez-GarcÃa, J. M. Montejano-Carrizales, C. DÃaz TorrejonA combination of classical and ab-initio molecular dynamics computer simulations will be done to a system of silica atoms in order to generate a structural configuration in the liquid phase. In the first method, the effective classical potential (B. P. Feuston and S. H. Garofalini, J. Chem. Phys. 89, 5818 (1988)) and in the second one, the pseudopotencials of N. Trouiller and J. L. Martins (N. Trouiller, J. L. Martins, Phys. Rev. B 43, 1993 (1991)), will be used. We will begin by melting one of the crystalline silica forms, beta cristobalite, to 3400 K and then it will be permitted to acquire a thermal equilibrium (equilibration) at this temperature; all of this will be done with classical molecular dynamic simulations. Later we will cool it at 2200 K, in order to obtain that we will perform a strategic and systematic combination of two methods. In the stage of the equilibration and cooling to the system will be placed in a geometric arrangement denominated “sandwich”, which will generate a surface-type structural configuration. This form of obtaining the surface will permit to make ab-initio calculations in a way that the properties of the surface can be analyzed in a detailed form.
Necrotizing Sialometaplasia of the Palate Mimics Intraoral Malignancy[Full-Text ] Tengchin Wang MD, Chiehjen Wu MDBackground : Necrotizing sialometaplasia is an uncommon and locally destructive benign lesion, the inflammatory necrotizing process of which can involve the minor and major salivary glands. It is predominantly found in the posterior hard palatal mucosa.
ADOPTING LAW AND POLICY AS TOOLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY IN THE NIGER DELTA AREA OF NIGERIA AND WORLD PEACE[Full-Text ] SYLVANUS ABILANigeria’s present countrywide strategy on environment and environmental protection largely is instituted on goals. Firstly, safeguarding the quality of the environment for health and wellbeing; secondly, preserving and using the environment and natural resources for the advantage of current and future generations; thirdly, reinstating, upholding and enhancing the ecosystem and ecological processes indispensable for the functioning of the biosphere to preserve biological diversity and the principle of optimum sustainable yield in the use of natural resources; fourthly, stimulating public awareness of the link between development and environment and fifthly guaranteeing international co-operation with countries and international organisations in the fortification of the environment. This paper makes a case for the adoption of law and policy as tools for environmental security in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria, safe global business environment and world peace.
A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL REGIME AGAINST CORRUPTION AS AGAINST THE INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES[Full-Text ] SYLVANUS ABILAThis paper undertakes a critical review of the ongoing war on corruption being undertaken by Nigeria’s Current President: Mohammadu Buhari, the modus operandi of the said war on corruption vis-Ã -vis the provisions of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, as amended and impacts on the rights and liberties of individuals under Nigeria’s existing domestic legal regime and international law.The Paper begins with an appraisal of (i). What Corruption is, (ii). Current efforts at dealing with the scourge of corruption under President Mohammadu Buhari regime, (iii). President Buhari’s war against corruption vs. Personal rights and liberties of Nigerians under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, as amended, other existing domestic statutory provisions and international law. This is followed by a conclusion. We shall now begin with an examination of the term corruption.
EMPIRICAL MODEL DEVELOPED FOR DUYVIS COCOA LIQUOR PRESS PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS DETERMINATION AND CONTROL[Full-Text ] Felicia O. Akerele, Leo. A. S. Agbetoyeand Basil O. AkinnuliEmpirical model was developed which was used to determine the effectiveness of cocoa liquor press (Duyvis as case study) in cocoa processing industries. The three major strategic decisions considered are: machine availability, performance efficiency and rate of quality of product. Used attributes to these strategic decisions were, for availability: running time per day and operating running time per day.
Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some selected medicinal plants around oil-producing Community of Asah, Abia State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nwaogwugwu C.J, Nosiri C.I, Uhegbu F. O, Okereke S.C and Atasie O.C.Air pollution causes harm to plants and other living organisms or damage to the environment. It may cause diseases, allergies or death in humans; it may also cause harm to other living organisms such as animals and food crops, and may damage the natural or built environment. Human activity and natural processes can both generate air pollution. Plants play a key role in the control of air pollution; hence they may be adversely affected especially in their phytochemical constituents which are the bedrock for their therapeutic uses as alternative medicines. In this study, four biochemical parameters (relative water content, total chlorophyll content, pH, and ascorbic acid content) were used to determine the air pollution tolerance index (APTI) of four selected medicinal plants around oil-producing community of Asaa, Abia State, Nigeria. The four plant species used were Mangifera indica, Anacardium occidentale, Azadiractaindica, and Carica papaya. These plants were selected based on their relative abundance in the area under investigation. The result showed the APTI values of the plant specimen as follows: Mangifera indica (7.38), Anacardium occidentale (7.41), Azadiracta indica (4.53), and Carica papaya (6.99). This indicates that the four plant specimen used were sensitive to air pollutants, hence can serve as bio-indicators.
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of two Copolymer of Alkyl methacrylate and Styrene as Viscosity index improvers for Lubricating Oil[Full-Text ] Abdul Halim A-K Mohammed, Mohammad.R.Ahmed, Maysoon.A.hamadDodecylmethacrylate and Octadecylmethacrylate and copolymers of each of them with styrene were synthesized and characterized. All products were characterized by FTIR, 1H-NMR and gel permeation chromatography (GPC).Viscosity index improver (VII) properties were tested with additive doped base oil in terms of viscosity index (VI) of the base oil - additive blends. VI values of the additive doped base oils depend on the concentration and the alkyl chain length of VI improvers and it was found that the efficiency of the prepared compound as viscosity index improvers increases with increasing the concentration of additives and with the alkyl chain length increasing.
Determination of agronomic performance, genetic parameters and association among grain yield and its related components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[Full-Text ] Ali Bakhsh and Allah BakhshAn experiment was conducted to determine the agronomic performance, genetic parameters and correlation among different traits in 72 bread wheat genotypes. Data were recorded for days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, peduncle length, spike length, number of tillers per plant, number of grains per spike, number of spikelets per spike, 1000-grain weight and grain yield per plant. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all measured traits. Wheat genotype Seher-06 was the highest yielder (26.05 g). Genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variations were high (20.43%) for number of tillers per plant. Higher heritability estimates were recorded for all the traits. High genetic advance values as percent of the mean were found for number of tillers per plant (35.22%) and grain yield per plant (25.44%). Correlation of grain yield was highly significant and positive with peduncle length and 1000-grain weight.
A detailed research on harnessing energy from the ionic concentration difference in fresh water and brine water as a new source of renewable energy[Full-Text ] Krishna PoddarThe purpose of this paper was to put forth a model which generates electricity from the ionic level difference in sea water and freshwater. An experiment was conducted to find how different parameter affect the voltage generated and how the electricity generated could be maximized. The results were then used to predict and conclude trends in the voltage generated.
A Review on Floating Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants[Full-Text ] Patil (Desai) Sujay S., Wagh M. M., Shinde N. N.The limited fossil fuel resources and higher energy demand concentrates on solar energy, which is free of cost and unlimited source of energy, eco-friendly and sustainable to the environment. But during the execution of the solar projects on land, problems are faced by the government and partners of the scheme such as land availability, land development & land acquisition, substation capacities, evacuation also timely clearances for the project on land and evacuation - these are hurdles for completion of the project. Most of the locations projected by the government considering solar radiation data in the country are hot and dry regions. Though at these locations the radiation appeared to be higher, the energy yield of these points is less due to heating of the solar panels and higher temperature of the surface of solar cells. To overcome these problems an innovative idea has come in front for installation of solar power plants on the water that is canal tops, water bodies, lakes, dam backwater and reservoirs, which generally belongs to the government. This paper reveals review regarding the floating solar PV power plants installed in the world.
Effect of vitamin E on liver dysfunction in male rat after exposure to nonylphenol[Full-Text ] Nessrin Kheirallah, Horeya Said Abdelgawad, Rouqia Awein and Hussein Khamis HusseinIn the recent decades, many environmental pollutants have received great attention due to their ability to mimic the actions of endogenous estrogens. These pollutants are referred as environmental estrogens and are suspected of causing health hazards in both humans and wildlife through disruption of the endocrine system. Nonylphenol (NP) is considered one of those which has severe estrogenic effects on organisms and consequently on different organs.
Investigating the mitigations of the effects wind turbines have on Air Traffic Control[Full-Text ] Hassan OyelajaThis project investigates the effects wind turbines have on air traffic control; whilst highlighting the current methods already employed to mitigate these effects, this research study also proposes another potential mitigation measure which is, the implementation of stealth blades in wind turbine design.
Profit Margin of Cattle Marketing In Maiduguri: An Economic Essential[Full-Text ] Baba Ali WakilIn this study we have examined profit margins in cattle marketing in Maiduguri, Borno state Nigeria. We have used the industrial market structure approach rather than actual profit margins accruing to participants in the cattle marketing channels. This method was preferred as a result of difficulties in obtaining actual price data at various levels in the marketing channels.
Pile-Raft-Soil Interaction Study in Piled Raft Foundation by Finite Element Analysis[Full-Text ] Soumya Roy In the present work, a raft supported on a centrally located pile has been analyzed by through a Finite Element Model to predict the interaction behavior pile-raft and soil in piled raft foundation composite. Attempt has been made to study the effects of soil modulus, raft to pile width ratio, pile slenderness ratio and raft thickness on load sharing characteristics of piled raft foundation. Analysis showed an increase in axial load on pile with higher pile slenderness ratio for a fixed raft to pile width ratio. Whereas, higher raft thickness does not show much effect on load sharing. Side resistance along the pile length increased up to the critical depth of pile. Radius of influence of pile also seems to higher for higher pile slenderness ratios for a thinner raft.
Periocular Biometrics for Human Recognition[Full-Text ] Nirgish Kumar, Dr. Vivek SrivastavaPeriocular Biometrics provides a secure method of authentication and identification. Biometric data are difficult to replicate and steal. Unique identifiers include fingerprints, earlobe geometry hand geometry, retina and voice waves iris patterns, DNA, and signatures. This paper is based on Periocular biometric human recognition, which is the appearance of the region around the eye. Periocular recognition may be very useful in applications where it is difficult to obtain a clear picture of iris for periocular biometrics or a complete picture of a face for periocular biometrics. Acquisition of the Periocular biometrics is demand high user cooperation and close capture distance. This region usually encompasses the eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, and the neighbouring skin area. Periocular biometrics encompasses the information of face recognition and iris recognition system. In this paper, the Local Binary Pattern and Histogram of Oriented Gradients are used for the feature extraction on the Periocular images. LBP is a type of feature used for classification in computer vision and a potent feature for texture. we will use different feature extraction techniques such as LBP, PCA, and ICA for pre-processing of periocular biometrics. Comparative Analysis with other competent technologies is also the essential part of this research work. For an effective classification and recognition of an authorized individual Back propagation neural network (BPNN) classifier is used.
Quality Design and Control Tools in Nanotechnology[Full-Text ] Maher T. AlshamkhaniThe rapid growing of nanotechnology in various fields around the world has encouraged different disciplines to develop an effective road map to improve its outputs by reducing Nano scale-wastes and errors which have significant impacts on product life-cycle. The value of these wastes and errors can be added positively to products if it is identified, measured, and controlled early in the first step of product design. Quality design and control (QDC) and their engineering tools have become a successful framework to be implemented in any industrial or manufacturing process to reduce waste and to minimize defects. Some research papers have reviewed how statistical tools have been implemented in Nanotechnology applications, but they are still few and spread around.
Study on Exploration and Evaluation of Novel phyto components Targeting DPP-4 Enzyme in the treatment of type-1 diabetes by Molecular Docking Analysis[Full-Text ] D.SivaramanIt is currently estimated that number of people with diabetes in India will reach 80 million by the year 2025. The incidence of T1DM especially in the young and active population is having negative impact in the economic up-growth of India and is hence a serious problem requiring immediate solution.T1DM is chronic pathological condition in which the pancrease is unable to secrete sufficient insulin. It is characterized by the failure of tissues to respond to a normal concentration of glucose available in the blood, resulting in reduced glucose intake into the peripheral tissue.
Petrography of the Barail Sandstones Occurring in and around Mandardisa, North Cachar Hills, Assam, India[Full-Text ] Sujata Sen, Manabendra Nath, Pradip Kumar Das, Mahananda Borah & Sorat KonwarPetrographic studies of the Barail Sandstone occurring in and around Mandardisa of North Cachar Hills, Assam, India have been carried out to determine the mineralogical classification, diagenesis, tectonic setting, palaeoclimate and provenance of the sediment. Quantitative mineralogical classification shows that the sandstones are mostly quartzose arenite and sub-litharenite types and are mineralogically sub matured to matured. These sandstones have shown all stages of diagenesis. Triangular plots of quartz, feldspar and rock fragment population in the sandstones show that the sediments were derived from recycled orogen provenance of a fold thrust province or a collision suture zone. From the climatic study, it is observed that the sediments suffered from subhumid to humid climatic conditions during deposition. From the provenance study, it is seen that the sediments of the sandstones were mostly derived from metamorphic and igneous source rocks transported from Eastern Himalaya and Indo-Burma ranges during Oligocene time. Few sediments were transported from Meghalaya Plateau of the neighbouring areas.
Study of Land Cover Change Analysis around Obajana, Kogi State, Nigeria: A Geoinformatics Approach[Full-Text ] AgeneJ.I. and HarunaA.IThis study is a research work carried out around Obajana Kogi State Nigeria to monitor the effects of industrialization in the area. The study area is located on longitude 6°24'E to 6°27'E and latitude 7°54'N to 7°56'N(Kabba Sheet 146 and Aiyegunle 226). The study area is particularly of interest because of the recent cement production in the area.Two sets of Landsat images of 1987; 2001and NigeriaSat-x image of 2012 underwent image processing and enhancement after which Maxim Likelihood Classification (MLC) was used to determine the changes over the past 25 years. The LULC analysis indicates a very high rate of land degradation and unplanned settlements over the past 25years (1987 to 2012) with an increase insettlements, bare surface, water bodies and a decrease in vegetation. From the land use analysis of the area, anthropogenic activities such as unplanned settlements and industrialization over the period of two decades (25 years) have affected the Land use land cover of the area greatly. Built-up in the study area witnessed anomalous increase up to 547.6% from 1987 to 2012 while vegetation decreased by 37.9 % from 1987 to 2012.
Instrusion Detection System Based On Support Vector Machine Using BAT Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ms Priya Sharma, Mr Anurag JainNow these day Computers becomes vital part of everyday life and hence use of internet becomes more and more. Due to internet, computers are becomes vulnerable of different kinds of security threats. Therefore it is required that we need to have efficient security method in order to avoid leakage of important data or misuse of data. This security method is called as Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Since from last two decades IDS becomes core area of many researchers and many methods are already presented for efficient intrusion detection and classification. Most of methods are out dated as many new attacks generated by hackers. In our project the main aim is to presented scalable and efficient method for intrusion detection and classifications. Evolutionary algorithm has recently been applied to the anomaly based intrusion detection in computer networks. Evolutionary algorithm is a new technique used to solve various problems in the field of information security. To overcome these deficiencies of the IDS, the network system, a new double detection of IDS based on the integration of Evolutionary algorithm BAT and SVM .The BAT-SVM helps us solve the problem and the correlation theory is proposed model solves the problem of the unknown and the rapid development of damaging attacks.
An unexpected case of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome in a 21 years old female: A case report[Full-Text ] Hatoon F. Hakeem A 21 years old female came to the hospital complaining of sudden left unilateral facial paralysis. After 2 months of different hospitals course, the patient was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: Which is an acute peripheral facial neuropathy associated with erythematous vesicular rash of the skin of the ear canal, auricle and/or mucous membrane of the oropharynx [1].
New Electro-phases with Tannin Bio-adhesive Produced by Photo cross-linkable Technique[Full-Text ] S Abdalla, A. Pizzi, Maryam A. Al-Ghamdi, and Reem AlwafiRapid cure reactions, low energy demands, solvent free requirements and room temperature use are the advantages of photo polymeri-zation methods compared to thermal techniques. In order to form macromer, tannin polycaprolactone (TPCL) was cross-linked via ultra violet power with 2-isocyanatoethyl methacrylate. Different methods of characterization was carried out estimation of swelling capacity, adhesive capacity (using aminated substrates), surface energy (by contact angle), and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared. In addi tion to these experiments, we carried out dynamical mechanical thermal analysis, thermogravimetry and thermo- rphology of TPCL.
Kinetics and mechanistic studies of the dissociation of anthranilic-diacetato-2,2-dipyridyl chromium (III) dihydrated in acidic media[Full-Text ] Ajit Virdi, A S Bali Acid catalysed dissociation of anthranilic-diacetato-2,2-dipyridyl chromium (III) dihydrated [Cr(atda)(dipyridyl)] hydrate has been studied kinetically in aqueous perchloric media over a temperature range 50-70º C, under these experimental conditions, the reaction occurs by acid assisted path only. According to the rate law: Rate = kH+ [Complex][H+], where kH+ is the rate constant for acid assisted path. Analysis of the rate data corresponding to kH+ path suggests that the reaction is first order in [HClO4] for the title complex and the chelate ring in 2,2-dipyridyl complex suffers one ended dissociation accompanied by protonation of the released end of the basic ligand which leads to a faster rupture of the remaining metal ligand bond leading to the complex loss of the ligand.
A Comparative Application of Shunt Capacitor and Load Tap - Changing Transformer (LTCT) tothe Optimal Economic Dispatch of Generation on Nigerian 330kV, 24-Bus Grid System[Full-Text ] Olakunle Elijah Olabode, Oluremi Adufe Arowolo, Muyiwa Paul ArowoloThis paper presentsa Comparative Application of Shunt Capacitor and Load Tap – Changing Transformer (LTCT) tothe Optimal Economic Dispatch of Generation on Nigerian 330kV, 24-Bus GridSystem. The Nigerian 330kV grid was optimized with Shunt Capacitor and Load Tap –Changing Transformer, a comparison was made at optimal dispatch of generation.In this work, the Newton Raphson iterative algorithm was adopted due to its quadratic convergence after a few iterations. A Sub-MATLAB based program was also used to evaluate transmission loss B –coefficients and the optimal dispatch generation for each generating unit. The results of the analysis showed that with the system reinforced with LTCT, the total cost of generation and the system transmission losses reduced by 0.97% and 4.02% respectively while the percentage reduction observed with the system reinforced with Shunt Capacitor are 0.83% and 3.3% respectively. A significant improvement occurred where voltage magnitude fall below the minimum acceptable range with the system reinforced with Shunt Capacitor and LTCT. In all LTCT gives better result than Shunt Capacitor in term of reduction in total cost of generation, total system losses and voltage profile enhancement.
Quantitative Study of Multi-residue Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils of Cocoa Farms in Ekiti State, South Western Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ibigbami O.A, Aiyesanmi A.F, Adeyeye E.I, Adebayo A.O, Aladesanwa R.DCocoa farmers in Ekiti State of Nigeria have actively used OCPs for decades without minding the possible residues on the farm products and soils. This study aim at investigating the occurrence and the levels of possibly used OCPs in soil of cocoa farms within the state. Soil samples from cocoa farms in Ekiti state, Nigeria were analysed for 14organochlorine pesticides residues using gas chromatograph (GC) coupled with electron-capture detector (ECD) after extraction and clean-up. The reliability of the analytical method was examined by spiking the soils with known concentration of the pesticides and analysed following similar procedures of extraction and clean-up. The percentage pesticides recovered from the spiked samples ranged from 82.2 to 93.2%. The analysed pesticides were predominantly present in the soil samples. The concentration of OCPs in the soil samples during the wet season ranged from below detection limit (BDL) to 487 µg/kg, while the dry season ranged from (BDL) to 894 µg/kg. Correlation analysis showed that the organic matter content of the soil samples appear to influence the retention of the organochlorine pesticides compounds as reflected in the significant positive correlation at (p < 0.05) between organic matter content and the mean total organochlorine pesticides in the soil. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant seasonal variation (p < 0.05) in α- BHC, lindane, δ-BHC, aldrin, endosulfan I, endosulfan II, endosulfan sulphate, p,p’-DDD and TOCP.
Factors of interior design of education spaces by emphasis on Environment psychology principles[Full-Text ] Sara DavarpanahEnvironment is the basis for creating many of the behavioral characteristics. Giving to educational spaces and relating to the principles and standards is led to creating an environment commensurate with the mental demand's students .form of classrooms, color, light and ventilation, interior decoration and etc affect on Educable of students. The beauty of educational space has a positive effect on student motivation. Among different strata of the society, students tend to be attracted to beauty more than others. When entering school, they look for and are attracted by beauties. So, it is necessary, to be built spaces aims to increase children's physical growth and their talent.
The impact of light in interior architecture Of Residential building[Full-Text ] Sara DavarpanahLight creates a feeling of emotions. The origin of light is natural light, which is also known as daylight. There must always be space for natural light; even when people design artificial light, they will want it to look like natural light.
Recent Developments in Hyperspectral Imaging and Chemometrics for Food Quality Assessment - A Review[Full-Text ] Ms. Rekha.CBy leveraging the technologies of imaging and spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging has been widely studied and developed. Hypersepctral Imaging concept is adopted as non-destructive, real-time detection tool for assessment of food quality. Hyperspectral imaging helps in simultaneously obtaining spatial and spectral information of the objects being studied. This has resulted in many successful applications in the food industry for quality and safety evaluation and inspection. These applications are categorized in to 4 main groups – Fruits and Vegetables, Meat, Dairy Products and Grains. In this review paper, the principle of the technique is introduced, followed by detailed discussion on some typical application examples to illustrate the advantages of applying the technique in the food industry. The potential and future work of hyperspectral imaging for effective food quality assessment is also discussed. Besides the paper also outlines the need of Chemometrics and its importance to overcome the challenges of Hyperspectral Imaging.
Visual Presentation of Sensitivity of Streetscape in the Heart of Sabzevar City, Iran[Full-Text ] Mehdi Fallahi Panah , Dr. B. ShankarPeople perceive an image and identity of the place within the amalgamation of built structures and layout based on the nature and character of activities, available materials, shape and function in the city. City image is important since the ability of recognizing objects within the environment is critical to human abilities to act and function. Thus, the ability of a city is somehow depends on its ability to be easily found and identified. Sense is one of the dimensions of determining the performance of city introduced by Kevin Lynch. Sense is how the citizens recognize the physical city. This paper tackles the dimension in detail and attempts to find out the user’s perceptions and the degree of fit between the Sabzevar CBD streets and the way people recognizing it as well as the sensitivity in the cognitive urban image.
Risk Analysis Facing potable and Waste Water Projects in Egypt (Owner View) [Full-Text ] Elsanabary, Mohamed H. Nema, Amira S, Tolba, Ehab R.3 and Hassan, Hassan M.Egyptian Government has increased its intention to support potable and waste water projects. One of the challenges facing these projects in Egypt is how to assess risks that affecting this kind of projects. Risks cause an increase in cost, time delays and lack of project quality. The purpose of this paper is to identify risk factors that affect waste water projects in Egypt and assess the impacts of such factors in waste water project's cost and time. The research study area was taken in Damietta, Egypt through five years' time frame from 2011 to 2015. Eight major risk factors were identified to study their impact on the cost and time of waste water projects. The study claims that cost and time related risks are most likely to occur and have the major influence on replacement and renovation of waste water projects. at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Annealing effect on the structural and electrical properties of LBMO thin films for uncooled bolometer applications[Full-Text ] Ch. Seshendra Reddy, A. Sivasankar Reddy, P. Sreedhara ReddyLa0.7Ba0.3MnO3 (LBMO) thin films were deposited on silicon (Si (100))substrates by electron beam evaporation technique. The effect of post-annealing at different temperatures on the properties of structural, morphological and electrical was studied. All the films exhibited pseudocubic structure, with increasing annealing temperature from 873 K to 1173 K, the crystallization continuously takes place, together with oxidization process.When the annealing temperature increases the electrical resistivity of LBMO films gradually decreases due to the effect of increased crystallite size and mobility and a decrease in grain boundary density. Annealing temperature 1173 K, suggesting the LBMO films is suitable for bolometer applications.
Soul Process[Full-Text ] Nishad T MIn this paper the concept Soul Process, Real Part of Heaven, Real Part of Hell are introduced with some examples. Algorithm to nourish soul and application areas of Soul Process are also introduced.
Impact of Hygrothermal and Pre-Loading Conditions on Flexural Modulus of GFRP Composites[Full-Text ] Sushma Singh and Khushmeet KumarComposites due to their extraordinary properties are used in many applications. Especially in ship building applications the use of sandwich and laminate composite is increasing progressively. This is due to the good resistance of composites under accelerated conditions of moisture and temperature for which ships are subjected in their life. This paper presents the experimental results on effect of Hygrothermal and preloading conditions on flexural modulus of GFRP sandwich structure. GFRP structures of two core thicknesses (8mm and 16mm) were submitted to two different exposure environments viz. immersion in water at room temperature and 45 ºC. Also three preloading conditions of 30%, 50% and 70% were applied for two durations of time i.e. 30 and 60 days. The results obtained are analysed for flexural modulus. The results show that the reduction in flexural modulus is more for 16mm core thickness; compared to 8 mm core thickness. It is also observed that the reduction in flexural modulus is directly proportional to exposure time, preloading conditions and exposure temperature. The maximum reduction of 52.95% in flexural modulus is found for 16 mm core thickness with 70% preloading, immersed in water at 45ºC temperature for two month duration.