Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017.
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Insights of Bit-Loading Algrorithms for Effective Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Chanda V. Reddy, Dr.Padmaja K.VResource allocation is one of the most essential operations in multicarrier wireless communication system. Although wireless networking technologies have been constantly improving but still there are various problems associated with the performance of resource allocation schemes over the wireless nodes that degrades the system efficiencies. This paper reviews all the significant studies of resource allocation schemes being introduced in last decade towards bit-loading algorithm in order to understand the effectiveness of the existing system with respect to next generation wireless networking system. The paper performs a critical evaluation of the essential techniques of bit-loading algorithms and power-allocation algorithm individually along with the combined study of joint implementation too. The paper contributes to identify the critical research gap for the existing literatures in order to highlight the need of the system improvement in wireless networks.
The role of Adhesion Moleculesin T cell Activation, Immunotherapy, and Adhesin-Based Vaccines to Block attachment and colonization of Antigens[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE Mucosal immune dysfunction include infections, dietary indiscretions such as excess refined sugars and lack of fiber, allergies and food intolerances, indiscriminant and overuse of oral antibiotics, disruption of lipid and fatty acid metabolism, and aging. All of these etiologies, most a product of modern lifestyle, can result in dysfunctional mucosal immunity.
The role of Regulatory cells as Potential target in Vaccine and Immunotherapy in Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE Regulatory T cells (Tregs) can mediate suppression through their effects on dendritic cells (DCs), such as physical inhibition of interaction between DCs and conventional T cells (Tconv) or deprivation of co-stimulation or soluble factors. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen (CTLA)-4 on Tregs interacts with CD80 and CD86 on DC with high affinity.
Real Time Optimization Model for Efficient Drilling Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry[Full-Text ] Adali E. Francis, Oriji A. Boniface and Adewale DosunmuDrilling optimization is the collection and analysis of drilling data or parameters and their interactions to achieve an improved drilling practice. Most of the models used for drilling optimization in the industry today are disjointed and complex hence the need for a more comprehensive and unified model in order to save time and money. Real time optimization of drilling operations model is a program aimed at improving drilling practices by optimizing controllable drilling parameters specific to a formation and a bit run. The model is divided into four sectors: the optimum time to pull the bit, drillability optimization, hydraulics optimization and the Bourgoyne and Young optimization Model. The model was programmed using a user-friendly Visual basic.NET program. Actual field data was used to validate the results from the model. For the optimum time to pull the bit, the cost per foot, Blick and Chukwu, and the bit failure techniques were compared against an actual data to obtain the best technique for the optimum time to pull the bit. The Blick and Chukwu technique gave a percentage error of 17.5%, the cost per foot gave an error percent of 33.7% while the bit failure technique gave an error percent of -14.28%. For Drillability optimization, the best combination of penetration rate, weight on bit and the rotary speed was modeled. For hydraulics optimization, the model computed the optimum flow rate, 281.35GPM, input horsepower, 606.06 Hp, hydraulic horsepower, 6.34 Hp, nozzle area, 0.24 square inch, average jet size, 10.1171, pressure on bit, 1313.68 psi, pump pressure percent, 43.79% and jet velocity, 383.27 ft/sec. The hydraulics optimization got the best hydraulics program for a rotary drilling operation. For Bourgoyne and Young optimization model, all parameters that affect penetration rate were combined into the model and the optimum penetration rate of 44.35 ft/sec was obtained. The model can serve as a formation finger print, which could be used for future drilling operations or as a hands-on real time drilling model to check drilling activities.
The role of JAK and STATs asimmune-regulatory and Transcriptional Regulatory, in immune system, as Potential Therapeutic and Preventive Target in Cancer and Autoimmunity[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE As our understanding of the mechanisms involved in innate immunity expands, new roles of STATs in these processes become evident. Currently the possibility of targeting the JAK-STAT pathway autoimmune disease has now become a reality.
The role of Androgens, in Immune regulation, inImmuneModulatory effects, in Inhibitory effects on T- and B-cell development and Cancer and Autoimmune diseases Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE Androgens are important sex steroid hormones for women as well as men. Androgens exert suppressive effects on both humoral and cellular immune responses and seem to function as natural anti-inflammatory hormones.
The effect of Imatinib, in combination with 1,25(OH)2D3, Inhibitory and as Potential Immunomodulatory in Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE Imatinib is highly active and has an acceptable level of toxicity when given alone for the treatment of chronic-phase CML and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Not only as therapy, Imatinib also acted as a tool for understanding the mechanisms of the diseases like CML and GIST. Various studies are ongoing to explore its benefits in other cancers also.
The effect of IL-2, in combination with 1,25(OH)2D3,Followed by Zinc as Inhibitory and Potential Immunomodulatory in Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] DR ZELALEM KIROS BITSUE The disrupted balance between regulatory and an effector T cell (Tregs and Teffs, respectively) is a characteristic of autoimmune diseases, and is dependent on homeostatic cytokines, including IL-2. All preclinical and clinical studies discussed emphasize the potential therapeutic benefit of low-dose IL-2 therapy of autoimmune disorders.
Disease Reporting; A professional, National and International Obligation: A Review[Full-Text ] Ayi Vandi Kwaghe, Columba Teri Vakuru, Gideon Mbursa Mshelbwala, Mohammed GidadoAdequate functioning of the Veterinary Health System requires a well-coordinated and articulated system for effective disease reporting which has to do with professional, national and international obligations. This will eventually take its toll on the prevention and control of diseases in the country. Various materials on disease reporting were sourced, collected and collated for the purpose of this study.
Characterization of the hydrosedimentary dynamics of the estuary of Ouémé River in Cotonou, Benin[Full-Text ] CODO Francois de Paule, and SENOU LaurisThe present paper aims to characterize the hydrosedimentary dynamics of the estuary of Cotonou, a small channel of the ouémé river. This channel is used as a link of communication between the NokoueLakeand the Atlantic Ocean. So, this channel is an estuary of Ouémé River which has been the focal point of all the hydraulic and hydrologic exchanges between the lake and the ocean. That channel, artificial estuary, was built in 1885 to evacuate the floods of Nokoué lake, and to restrict this exchange between the lake and the ocean. To limit that exchange, one dam was built on the estuary in 1979. The construction of that dam had created a lot of environmental problems and had provocatedachangement of the hydraulic boundary conditions of the channel.
Cyber Security and Cyber Terrorism - Threat to Critical Infrastructure in Energy Sector - Challenges in India[Full-Text ] Sampath Kumar V, Jagdish Prasad, Ravi SamikannuCyber terrorism and Cyber security are two synonyms. With advancement in ICT technologies and extensive use of it in ICS in energy sector, it has its pro’s and con’s. Energy sector does an excellent job of managing risks facing their operations. However, cyber security and terrorism remains opaque and stubborn to monitor, manage, measure. It is critical that the environment for this be analyzed. In this paper two aspects of Cyber security and cyber terrorism is brought into limelight and discussed with a special focus and StuxNet attack which is discussed in brief. Economic impacts of cyber warfare and attacks is also discussed. Precautionary measures, defense mechanisms is portrayed.
Modelling of Tsunami Intensity Using Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Inference Systems[Full-Text ] M.A.N. Dewapriya, W.P.S. Dias, T.G.S. PeirisA database compiled by V. K. Gusiakov was used to model tsunami intensity using various other parameters (i.e. earthquake moment magnitude, focal depth, tsunami efficiency, and distance to the nearest shore) as explanatory variables. For the modelling, artificial neural networks, adaptive network based fuzzy inference systems, and multiple linear regression techniques were employed. The modelling is used not so much for mathematical representation, but to explore the current knowledge about physical parameters related to tsunamis. We show that transforming the tsunami intensity values I to 2^I yields better correlations. Earthquake moment magnitude values greater than 8 cause substantial tsunamis, and the effects of the other explanatory variables are not very significant. There is a large scatter of tsunami intensity versus earthquake moment magnitude, justifying a two-valued prediction scheme, but this scatter reduces substantially with the increase of earthquake moment magnitude. The performance of artificial neural networks is better when compared with the other two modelling schemes; however, the changes in membership functions of the fuzzy inference system give us some genuine domain knowledge.
Structural Interpretation of the area around Obajana using Satellite Imagery and High Resolution Aeromagnetic data[Full-Text ] J.I. Agene and A.I. HarunaThe area covered around Obajana is located on Kabba Sheet 146 and Aiyegunle 226 and falls within Kogi State, Nigeria. The rock types in the area are mainly migmatites and porphroblastic gneiss. The purpose of this work is to interpret subsurface and subsurface structures that may serve as conduits for possible polluted effluents from the Obajana cement factory using high resolution aeromagnetic data and satellite imagery. A reduction-to-the-equator (RTE) operation was carried out on the data after which several data transforms/derivatives such as horizontal derivative, analytical signal, and tilt derivative were calculated to highlight subsurface boundaries and the major structures within the area. Several digital image enhancement techniques such as general contrast stretching and edge enhancement were applied to the SPOT 5 image in ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2 after which structures from the interpreted magnetic data and the image were mapped out on-screen using ArcMap 10. The results show that the RTE produced a more reasonable geological picture of the area. The structural analysis of the area revealed that SPOT 5 image is suitable in detecting surface/geological structures. Lineaments in the area could serve as potential conduits for possible pollutant to the surrounding environment.
Chemometric assisted spectrophotometric methods for the simultaneous estimation of Ambroxol, Chlorpheneramine maleate and Guaiphenesin in bulk and liquid dosage form[Full-Text ] Bhavana. Nagireddy, A. Elphine Prabahar, P.V.Suresh, Rama Rao NadendlaA simple UV-visible spectroscopic method was developed and Chemometric designs were applied for the simultaneous estimation of Ambroxol (AMB), Chlorpheneramine maleate (CPM) and Guaiphenesin (GPN) in bulk and liquid dosage form. The spectroscopic method was developed by using methanol as solvent for the three drugs and the data generated from the spectra were mined by using Chemometric methods such as trilinear regression analysis, Cramer’s matrix method, Method of least squares, Multivariate calibration methods such as partial least square regression(PLS) and Principle component regression(PCR).The wavelengths selected for all the above methods were 248 nm (wavelength of maximum absorption; λmax of AMB), 261 nm (wavelength of maximum absorption; λmax of CPM) and 274 nm (wavelength of maximum absorption; λmax of GPN).
Designing a dashboard for evaluating the performance of urban transport: Case of Balanced Scorecard[Full-Text ] Imane MOUFAD, Fouad JAWABThe problems of performance are increasingly critical, particularly in the urban transport sector. The involvement of several complex dimensions by multiple actors, and the need continues to provide quality transportation makes it difficult for the authorities. This article aims to develop an integrated frame for the assessment of the strategic performance of urban transport by using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The latter provides an integrated mechanism of a set of performance indicators that meet the diverse needs of actors in this sector. In this work, we present, at first an art status of the Balanced Scorecard, its architecture and pillars. We develop subsequently design methodology of BSC for urban transport. These include the identification of performance attributes, development of the strategic map and identification of performance indicators at each axis of the BSC. Finally, we present a demonstration of the BSC for urban transport in the city of Fez.
An efficient implementation of the German Tank Problem Statistical Algorithm in JAVA[Full-Text ] Joyjit ChatterjeeThe German Tank Problem is one of the most interesting problems in the history of Mathematics and Statistics. During the Second World war, the allies used a simple, but highly efficient statistical formula to identify the total number of German Tanks which were produced based on the serial numbers obtained from the sample of tanks which were captured. But today, this algorithm is not limited for solving only the German Tank problem but can be used for estimation of the total number of objects of any day to day articles based on the serial numbers of some of the articles. The same algorithm was used for estimation of the number of IPhones sold in 2008 which amounted to a huge 9 million. In the paper, the Statistical Algorithm is implemented using a simple, yet efficient JAVA Program which provides for an immediate result based on the user’s input.
Material Optimization and Dynamic Approach for performance criteria in application to Gas Turbine Blade to overcome resonance[Full-Text ] Kalapala Prasad, B.Anjaneya Prasad, M.AnandaraoGas turbine is the most important component producing mechanical power. In order to meet the present day power requirements, high speed turbine machines are used in the power plants. At higher speeds, the stability of the turbine blades is reduced and the resonance condition may occur. When natural frequency of the blade coincides with excitation frequency high amplitude vibrations occur resulting in blade failure. In the present research work Modal analysis of the turbine blade is performed using ANSYS V-14 to find the natural frequency and Campbell diagram is plotted from which resonance speeds can be found out.
Structural and optical characterization of Tb3+/CdS dopedTitania-Zirconia xerogels[Full-Text ] Karthika S,Sanu Mathew Simon,Sajana MS & Unni krishnan N VTitania-Zirconia matrix codoped with CdS /Tb3+ ions were prepared by sol-gel route. Structural properties of the matrices were characterized using TGA, DTA, FTIR and TEM studies. The incorporation of the CdS semiconductors as nanocrystallites was confirmed from the HRTEM measurements. The measurements yielded the size of the nanocrystallites to be around 8nm and the crystal inter planar spacing to be 3.533 A0. The size and optical band gap of the nanoparticles were calculated from the absorption spectrum. The fluorescence spectra reveal that the intensity of the characteristic emission of terbium increases considerably in the presence of CdS particles.
Provenance Variation and Morpho-Genetic Diversity Associated with the Ecology of Jatrophacurcas(L) in some Selected North-Central States of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Alanana A.J and Kwon-Ndung E.HA study was carried out on the provenance variation and morpho-genetic diversity associated with the ecology of Jatrophacurcas (L). Fifty seven provenances of Jatrophacurcaswere collected in some locations in north-central Nigeria using structured and constructive questionnaires to obtain information on farmers’ cultural and management practices. The fifty seven collections were laid out in Radom Complete Block Design (RCBD), with three replications, at the experimental and Research Garden of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Department of Biological Sciences, Nasarawa State University Keffi from 2011 to 2012 cropping seasons. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using descriptive statistic (ANOVA) and Principal Component Analysis to determine the pattern of variations. Cluster analysis was also carried out to determine the relationships among ecological collections. The paper discusses the results of farmer’s management practices in relation to the morphogenetic diversity observed among the accessions across locations and how this can be positively engaged in the breeding and selection of this energy crop.
An Analysis of Dividend Policy and Market Value of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Tharshiga.P, Velnamby .TIt is in the light of this that dividend decision ought to be evaluated with the aim of maximizing the value of the firm to its shareholders through market price of the shares and the current dividend. Shareholders’ wealth is represented in the market price of the company’s common stock, which, in turn, is the function of the company’s investment, financing and dividend decision. The study is an attempt to study dividend policy and market value of listed manufacturing companies. For the study purpose nineteen companies eight years data are drawn. Analysed results explores that dividend policy of the companies does not influence on market value and at the same time market value also does not granger cause dividend policy. Therefore the study consist with Irrelevance theory.
Assessment of Efficiency of Serum Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) and sTfR/ Ferritin Index Comparable to Stainable Iron in predicting iron presence in bone marrow ofanemic patients[Full-Text ] Nabila Ibrahim El-Desouki; Merveet Anwar Mansour, Nabeeh Helal Al-Fadaly and Eman Rashed MossaedThe current study is planned to distinguish between true iron deficiency anemia (IDA), anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) and coexistence iron deficiency anemia in patients with chronic inflammatory disorders (ACD/ IDA) by using new noninvasiveand sensitiveparameters as serum transferrin receptors and transferrin receptors – ferritin index (sTfR / Log ferritin) and assessment the efficiency of these measurements in comparison to histochemical examination of stainable iron in bone marrow aspiration which remains the most definitive method to distinguish between IDA and ACD.
Experimental Investigation on Corrosion Behaviour of RCC on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Foundry Sand in Alkaline Condition[Full-Text ] Fawaz Abdul Azeez, Michael Raj, Muhammed Muneer I PThis research studied the feasibility of partially or fully replacing normal concrete sand with chemically bound foundry sand in ordinary portand cement mixes. This was foundry sand bound with polymer binders to form moulds for iron casting. A series of tests were then performed to investigate the influence of foundry sand content on fresh and hardened concrete properties including workability, cube compressive strength, split cylinder tensile strength, elastic modulus in compression, modulus of rupture.
Seismic Analysis of Prefabricated Structures using ETABS[Full-Text ] Mohamed Muneer I P, Vishnu Varthan H, Fawas Abdul AzeezThis Thesis is about the comparative study of the analysis using software E-TABS and process of rehabilitating a shake table for use in seismic analysis of small-scale models in the School of Architecture. Lab view 8.0 Student Edition was used to write the controlling program for the shake table. Initially the frame was analyzed using the E-TABS Software.
Evaluation of the Critical Load Parameter: Prediction of voltage collapse under steady state system operation[Full-Text ] Oladeji I. R, Oyinlola A. OThe number of occurrence of power system blackouts as a result voltage collapse due to the operation of power systems close to their thresholds is on the increase annually. This paper presents the results of implementation of formulated algorithms to predict the event of voltage collapse using the load parameter. The critical load parameter of the modified IEEE 14 bus network is determined using continuous power flow Gauss Seidel algorithm developed and implemented on PSAT 2.19 toolbox on Matlab. An index of 1.522p.u and 1.61p.u was obtained using bus 1 and bus 2, 3, 6 and 8 as slacks respectively. The distance to instability can be increased by line reinforcements, implementation of FACTs devices and use of on-load tap changers, fast governor action and load shedding scheme.
Tele-HealthCare Tracking System Based on GPS for Diabetes Patient[Full-Text ] Ghaida A. AL-Suhail, Shahad Atif, Rafaa Qasim and Hussein A. HamzaThis paper presents a design and implementation of Tele-healthcare tracking system based on GPS and Cellular network infrastructure to monitor patients; especially the children with Type 1 diabetes. The system depends on remote tracking of patient health data and position wherever they might be. The monitoring process can be done by the parents, caretaker, and doctor in the home/school/hospital. This system is simple and inexpensive to be implemented and can be used easily to detect an urgent or abnormal case, for instance, when there is a highly deterioration in the blood sugar. As a result, the system can find the location of the patient using GPS and then issue an alarm to the parents/caretaker by sending urgent SMS including the location, time and the patient condition in order to intervene and save the life of patient with less delay.
Changes in the Cytoskeletal Intermediate Filaments of Testicular tissues of Rabbits related with age and the prophylactic Role of Vitamin E[Full-Text ] Nabila I. El–Desouki; Amal I. El-Refaiy; Dalia F. Afifi; and HananTalaatThe present study is planned to investigate the changeable of molecular structure of testes vimentin and cytokeratin of different ages of rabbits (young, adult and elder) by using immunohistochemical method and the prophylactic role of vitamin E on senescent animals. Male New Zeland rabbits were divided into four groups according to age.
Theoretical Design for a Zero Energy House in the Middle East[Full-Text ] Dr. Udaya Kumar, Dr. Udaya KumarRenewable energy and sustainable systems are of increasing importance in the current age of shifting away from fossil fuels, with a higher emphasise on green housing being given in the last 5 years. It is understood that truly sustainable housing is idealised as a Zero Energy house, i.e., one that produces as much power as it consumes in a given year thereby being able to completely sustain itself separate from the local power grid.
Experimental Study on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Using Fly Ash and GGBS[Full-Text ] S.SARANYASelf-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that has the capacity to consolidate under its own weight. The current trend all over the world is to utilize the treated and untreated industrial by-products, domestic waste etc. as a raw material in concrete, which gives an eco-friendly edge to the concrete preparation process. This practice not only helps in reuse of the waste material but also creates a cleaner and greener environment. This study aims to focus on the possibility of using industrial by-products like Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) and Fly Ash (FA) in preparation of SCC. This project presents the results of an experimental study aimed at producing SCC mixes of M30 grade by adopting different mix proportions, incorporating two mineral admixtures Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), as supplementary cementing materials and comparison of their performances.
Numerical Simulation of Laminar Flow Through a Pipe using COMSOL Multiphysics[Full-Text ] Hoai Nguyen, Thang HoangIn our contemporary life, it should be noted that using softwares to simulate fluid dynamic has become increasingly popular. There are many closed-source software packages used to model as well as simulate the fluid behavior, and COMSOL Multiphysics is one of the most powerful tools which many researchers prefer.
Special Training Centres (STC) in MCD Schools: A Perspective on Curricular Issues and Reflective Practices[Full-Text ] Ms Leena RattiThis paper aims to address the issues and concerns prevailing at the Special Training Centres that were established under the Section 4 of RTE Act 2009 in the primary schools of MCD. These centres aimed at a successful Academic and Psycho-social adjustment of the Out of School Children (OoSC) in the mainstream education, who are admitted in age appropriate classes under RTE Act 2009. This is done through the provision of a ‘condensed curriculum’ based Bridge course to these dropouts or first generation learners. It provides the opportunity to the OoSC to come at par with their respective peer group in the mainstream through Special Learning Support Material and relevant Transactional Strategies. This paper intent to present a significant perspective on these strategies and how they could solve the present curricular issues that pose a big hurdle in attaining the objective of a successful mainstreaming of the OoSC. It also puts light on the present scenario based on the first hand experiences of the scholar as a Primary teacher in one of the schools where such centres were operational; where the OoSC were unable to acquire the requisite literary and numeral skills necessary for an effective and successful mainstreaming. Along with that observations of the functional STC, Interviews of the stakeholders and achievement tests of the core subjects of the OoSC studying in the STC also helped in development of the perspective regarding the study. It also analyses the whole process, starting from the locating the OoSC for the STC till their mainstreaming. On this basis, it attempts to establish a significant link, between the academic and administrative issues, the transactional strategies and the reflective teaching and tries to state emphatically about how the process of reflective teaching by self or by peers could act as a milestone in achieving the aim of a successful mainstreaming of the OoSC at the STC. This paper also highlights the crucial role of the CRCC, BRCC, School and community in the efficient implementation of the bridge course, the evaluation and assessment and mainstreaming of those students and monitoring the effectiveness of the whole process in the light of reflective teaching and onsite assistance .
Farmers Perspective Adoption Hindrances of High Efficiency Irrigation Technologies in Punjab-Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sajid, Lv Tao, Liufeng, Muhammad Imran Khan, Manzoor Ali, Saif Ur RehmanPakistan is an agriculture country and irrigation plays an important role for better agriculture practices, about 90% of total agriculture is dependent on irrigation. Advanced irrigation technologies are a way to use limited water more efficiently. The main purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the adoption hindrances of advanced irrigation technologies in Pakistan for sustainable agriculture. Punjab province of Pakistan was selected for case study. Data was collected through open ended questions, interviews and additional field notes from 40 farmers. Data was analyzed by descriptive and qualitative analysis. Study findings revealed that adoption of water and energy conserving irrigation technologies highly affected by electricity availability, Technical assistance, Technology cost, Area based subsidy, lack of reliable information, supply and services companies expertise level, project completion time and non availability of technology parts. Study results will be very useful for water management planning unit of Pakistan and many other countries of the world working on high efficiency irrigation systems. This saved water will not only help Pakistan to improve agriculture land and production but also be very imperative for drinking and power generation.
EFFECT OF CAULIFLOWER GREENS PORIYAL SUPPLEMENTATION ON BLOOD HAEMOGLOBIN LEVELS OF ANAEMIC ADOLESCENT GIRLS[Full-Text ] R.Kaviyarasi, J. AbiramiAdolescence is the transition period between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence is characterized by the growth spurt, a period in which growth is very fast. The hemoglobin level of the adolescence 11-14g/dl. The fresh cauliflower leaves contains 4o mg/100g of iron. Prevention of anemia in adolescents is important as they are the future mothers. Among the green leafy vegetables cauliflower greens (Brassica oleracea varbotrytis) which has a high amount of iron.
Improving availability of EAF by avoiding mechanical delay[Full-Text ] Mr. Shankar Kalagi, Dr. Kori Nagaraj & Mr. Biswanath MaharanaThe EAF is a highly energy intensive process used to convert scrap metal into molten steel. The aim of this project is avoid the mechanical delays in EAF of Steel Melting Shop. This paper has main contribution to avoid delay due to adverse effect of EAF cooling system. Adverse effect of EAF cooling can be avoided by providing pressure reducing arrangements. Avoiding these major mechanical delays results with improved availability of the Electric Arc Furnace, and fulfill the objective of the project in order to increase productivity.
FinFET technology and its advancements-A survey[Full-Text ] Manisha Jayson, AnithaSenthil KumarPlanar CMOS transistor scaling presents several difficulties to secure an acceptable gate to channel control. Controlling current leakage when the transistors are switched off is important to minimise power consumption in computer and mobile applications .The in-use 20nm process node has introduced a new set of challenges, including double patterning and leaky transistors due to short channel effects. While the planar FET may have reached the end of its scalable lifespan, the semiconductor industry has found an alternative approach with FinFETs, which allows increasing the gate scaling above the planar transistor limits, sustaining a steep sub threshold slope, better performance with bias voltage scaling and good matching due to low doping concentration in the channel.
A Multi Functional Robot for Remote Surveillance in Military Applications[Full-Text ] Bagathi Santosh Kumar, Asst. Prof. Gouri Shankar SharmaThis paper describes the implementation of robotic surveillance system for remote area like warzone or border monitoring purposes. The system can substitute the solider in border to provide surveillance. The robotic vehicle is autonomous and has the ability to detect the human presence and send the information to the control station. Multi sensory capability used to detect humans, gases, fire, temperature and humidity at remote areas. Onboard camera on the system sends continuous visual data to the control station. This system is designed for surveillance as well for reconnaissance circumstances .The system uses GPS and GPRS to determine the position of the system. The robot is aided with GPS Receiver and GSM Modem, the GPS receiver obtains the location coordinates which are decoded and sent to control station using GPRS.PIR sensor detects human presence and triggers system to send alert messages to the control station. The sensor data, GPS coordinates, Images taken are saved to on board memory is continuously sent to control station. At the control station the GPS data is used to show the real time position of the robot using open source Google maps API, also the sensor data and images sent from the remote location can be seen on a webpage which can be accessible from anywhere.
A Study on Labour Market Among the Major Tribal Communities in Kerala[Full-Text ] Prashoba PAfter globalization the economy of Kerala has changed from the one dominated by the agriculture economy to the one dominated by the service sector over the years. This pattern of development based on urbanization and teritiarism opened wide avenues for non- agricultural employment even in rural areas. But there exists a severe mismatch between the talents and skills required for various sectors and skill sets possessed by the population. The forward communities in Kerala easily overcome the above said mismatch. Those who suffered most are the tribal communities in Kerala who are historically suffered with social disabilities, educational and economic deprivation and backwardness. Over the years several steps have been taken to bridge the gap between these groups and the rest of the population. But the gap still persists and the structural transformation taken place in India in general and Kerala in particular has little influence on the tribal communities of Kerala. Even within the tribal group the structural transformation has influenced different communities differently. So the present study focused on how the structural transformation, which is an outcome of golbalisation has changed the labour market of tribal communities in Kerala.
Correlation Between Compaction Characteristics and Atterberg Limits of Fine Grained Soil found in Addis Ababa[Full-Text ] Tesfamichael Tsegaye, Dr.Henok Fikre, Tadesse AbebeCompaction is a way of eliminating air out of the voids of a soil by mechanical means. Compaction is mandatory in different fields of civil engineering such as in highway, airfield, embankments, and dams; to reduce compressibility and permeability of a soil hence increases the shear strength and bearing capacity of a soil. A laboratory tests called standard Proctor and modified proctor tests were advanced to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of a soil. In this study standard compaction is used. However, in huge projects, conducting laboratory tests by using proctor tests consume time, money, a lot of effort or energy and required a large quantity of samples.
Collaboration Model for Software Stakeholders’ Collaboration during Software Development of Small Scaled System[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ahmad Shehu, Haruna Abdu, Malik Rufai AdeizaThe rate of demands of software development in various domains system is increasing due to software effective and efficient execution of processes. However, even with software development importance, it is also faced with complexities. And to minimize these complexities software engineering was introduced. To improve the practices of software engineering for further minimization of software development complexities various researches were carried out. However, among the complexities of software development is the fact that major software developed fails (software project failure) and among the reasons why software project fails is the lack of understandable collaboration between the software stakeholders. To minimize this issue of lack of understandable collaboration between the software stakeholders, this study developed a collaboration model that can be used for collaboration between the software stakeholders during software development of a small scaled system using the most suitable software development process model and replacing it’s processes (software process model stages) with their respective experts and the logical flow of interaction (using flow chart representation) between the experts.
Simulation Study on Organic Solar Cell consist of SWCNT in presence of Stone Wall Defect[Full-Text ] Ankit MishraIn this paper, we study the Organic solar cell property by introducing the stone wall defect in CNT. We use Graphene/ PEDOT: PSS / Perovskite / PCBM+CNT/Al as base structure. PEDOT: PSS and PCBM are used as Hole transportation layer and Electron transportation layer whereas Graphene is used as Transparent Electrode material in anode side and Aluminum in Cathode side. Electrical properties, Defects and Fermi level are discussed in detail. For the relative realistic study, we use ATLAS device simulator with intra-band and trap-assisted tunneling models in order to provide experimental guidance. We have also used Atomistix tool kit (ATK) to analysis the fill factor, Bandstructure, wavelength, and efficiency. Density functional theory (DFT) and Extended Huckel approximation method are used to analysis the work function, band gap and Density of state. The simulation results also indicate the difference between the efficiency in presence of Stone Wall defect and without the defect in CNT.
ANFIS COORDINATION OF CHANGES IN POWER OSCILLATION DAMPER PARAMETERS WITH VARIATION IN POWER SYSTEM OPERATING POINT[Full-Text ] Dr I. I. Alabi, Dr A. I. Araga, Mr Sabo AliyuIn this paper an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller was designed to adaptively adjust the parameters of a power Oscillation Damper as the power system operating point changes due to change in operating point in a large interconnected Network fitted with FACTS device and Power Oscillation Damper. As a foundational work the generalized mathematic model of multi-machine power system with embedded FACTS was developed. The results obtained clearly reveals the effectiveness of this approach.
Alternative Strategies for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Central Business District of Sabzevar City, Iran[Full-Text ] Ehsan Amini, Shankar BRapid urbanisation is a main feature of developing countries and this population needs to be spaced for mobility. In such circumstances, urban mobility is one of the main concerns among urban planners. But there's a reality which is of no symmetry between growth of population and vehicles and the growth of mobility infrastructure in numerous cities. Sabzevar city as the developing city and one of the largest cities in the territory in north-east of Iran, is one of those cities in which there is no mobility infrastructure especially in central business district. Instead, it has faced with a significant increase in vehicles. As a result there is vehicle and pedestrian traffic congestion in central business district. The paper discusses the problems of urban mobility and proposes strategies for improving mobility pattern in central business district of Sabzevar city.