Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016.
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A Novel Homomorphic Encryption Technique for Generation of Keys Using Cluster Classification for Cloud Security[Full-Text ] D.Chandravathi, Dr.P.V.LakshmiIn the past decade, Cloud Security has been the most promising innovation in the computing world. Related with critical data, its usage is still hindered with the concern of security. To bridge the security gap, the most widely used technique is encryption of remotely stored data. The security on cloud is still at big risk due to vast usage of data storage. Computing environments change. This change presents fundamental challenge of outsourcing computation, which motivates the computing power of asymmetry available. In recent computing scenarios clients are trusted (but weak), while computationally strong servers are untrusted. Homomorphic Encryption is a good idea which enhances the security measures of un-trusted systems or applications that stores and manipulates sensitive data proposed on cloud. It is the conversion of data into cipher text that can be analyzed and worked with as if it were still in its original form. It allows complex mathematical operations to be performed on encrypted data without compromising the encryption. This paper presents an effective solution to enhance the security in cloud by using RSA encryption scheme along with clustering of prime numbers for the generation of keys for encryption and decryption. The weakness of RSA lies in the generation of Prime numbers. This is achieved by a new classification technique. By classifying the keys, elimination of redundant messages is done on the same values of the product of two prime numbers. Hence, Security is enhanced.
IMPLEMENTATION OF A LOW COST ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Md. Ariful Hoque Sojib, Nurul Anwar TarekThe aim of this paper is to introduce a cost effective, low cost in fact, three lead ECG measurement system which can be used to monitor the ECG waveform and heart rate in real time. Beside it shows differences in ECG between two groups of people with and without diabetic. ECG signal that can be acquired is of milivolt range. The challenge is to pick up this lower signal by appropriate electrode. An instrumentation amplifier is used in order to both increase the signal fidelity and face the challenge of picking up the tiny signal. To avoid the mixing of noises with desired ECG signal, filtration is needed. Finally to interface the signal in computer, coding in MATLAB and Visual Basic is used.
On a Compromise Solution for Solving Multi- Objective Convex Programming Problems[Full-Text ] Alia Youssef GebreelThis paper presents an alternate method to find an evenly efficient solution for all weights of multi-objective convex programming problems with conflicting objectives. The main idea behind the proposed methodology is to combine the attractive features of both the hybrid method and normal- boundary intersection method. This approach is called Alia’s method, and its solution is expressed as Alia point. This point is the best efficient point or very close to it in the efficient front.
Top-K Strongest Strength Communities in Dynamic Networks[Full-Text ] Sushama Patil, Prof.Mansi BhonsleToday most of the networks are dynamic in nature such as Biological network, Social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. These networks contain a characteristic called as communities which are group of vertices having strong internal connections and weak external connections. Finding such communities and analyzing their progression from one timestamp to another is essential trend in data mining now days. This paper presents a two stage framework for community detection and community strength analysis in directed dynamic networks. Finding the evolution of community strength is helpful to understand the underlying behavior of community. This framework is also useful to find out top k strongest communities in directed dynamic networks. One can also find out what will be the change in community strength from one timestamp to next.
Heavy Metal in Agricultural Soils in The Sahel Region of Doukkala (Morocco)[Full-Text ] H. Mohcine, N.Saber and K. MoustarhferIn order to assess the environmental quality of agricultural soils in the region of Sahel of Doukkala, the concentrations of Cd, As, Pb and Zn were determined for a representative sampling point network. The indices relatively related to this assessment (indice of geo-accumulation, contamination factor and pollution load index) were calculated. The results showed high concentrations of cadmium ranging from 3.45 to 4.75 mg/kg. The contamination factor calculated could unveil a high contamination of these soils by cadmium (Cf =12.2 on average) and a moderate contamination by arsenic (Cf = 2.14). This is probably due to the massive and uncontrolled use of agricultural inputs and pesticides practiced in conjunction with highly developed market gardening in the region.
A Study on Production of Pulp from Ground Nut Shells[Full-Text ] Y N Ramgopal, M Reshma Chowdary, V Chaitanya In recent years, with the growing shortage of wood from the forest, the search for alternative fibre producing plant material has been initiated in many countries of the world. The generation of fast growing high biomass yielding plant is thought to be one of the solutions to meet the shortage of cellulosic material.
Effect of MMSE- STSA Algorithm in CELP and MELPSpeech Coders[Full-Text ] Ancy S. Anselam, Sakuntala S. PillaiThe role of speech coding is to reduce the bit rate by maintaining good speech quality. In order to improve the perceptual quality of degraded speech, different speech enhancement methods can be used. So, it is worthwhile to do research in joint systems (Speech Enhancement and Low bit rate speech coders). The work reported in this paper shows the improvement in the perceptual quality of speech coder outputs by incorporating speech enhancement technique. The simulation results of Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) and Mixed Excited Linear Prediction (MELP) speech coders with Minimum Mean Square Error Spectral Amplitude Estimator (MMSE-STSA) enhancement technique is analyzed in terms of objective quality measures and using PRAAT software.
Indices of Traffic Congestion on Major Roads in Akure, a Developing City in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Adewale Laoye, Adebayo Oladipo Owolabi, Samuel Akintomide AjayiIndices of traffic congestion on major roads in Akure, a developing city in Nigeria, were determined. The routes considered were Oyemekun-Oba Adesida, Arakale and Ondo roads based on the fact that they were major routes critical to movement of persons and goods. Data on traffic volume on the roads were collected during the morning, afternoon and evening peak periods while data on headway, spot speed, density and delay at intersections were collected with the aid of Cine camera during June, 2015 to August, 2015. The data were analyzed with Microsoft Excel 2010 version and Traffic Analysis Spread sheet 2010 version. Values of Volume-Capacity ratio (V/C), Minimum allowable speed (P15), Jam density (kj) and Critical delay (dcrit) were determined as indices of traffic congestion.
NETWORK-BASED MODELING AND INSIGHTFULL DATA MINIG OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR IMPROVING GUIDANCE[Full-Text ] Dr.Savithri.V & Ms. TamilarasiA Data offers many services to the end users such as software, infrastructure and platform go on. In this paper, we study about the intelligently extracting knowledge of social media has recently attracted great interest from the Biomedical and Health Informatics community to simultaneously improve healthcare outcomes and reduce costs using consumer-generated opinion. We propose a two-step analysis framework that focuses on positive and negative sentiment, as well as the side effects of treatment, in users’ forum posts, and identifies user communities and influential users for the purpose of ascertaining user opinion of cancer treatment. We used a self-organizing map to analyze word frequency data derived from user forum posts.
Implementation & Performance analysis of Effluent treatment plant for waste water treatment in the dyeing textile industries[Full-Text ] K. M. Faridul Hasan, Md. Shipan Mia, Md. Anwar jahid, Ashaduzzaman,Md. Abdul Mueeid, Dr. Weilin XuEffluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is one of the most important & prominent part of Textile dyeing sector. The discharged water is properly treated in the ETP plant to ensure that the discharged waste water is not harmful for nature. If the ETP is performed properly in the industry it ensures the smooth & ethical production operation of the manufacturing units. The ETP unit of some of Bangladeshi dyeing textile unit is taken into consideration for this research. After taking the raw water directly discharged from industry is taken for the parameter checking. Analyzing the acquired result it is clear that if the management of the dyeing unit becomes loyal to the environment with ethics & operate the ETP properly than most of the dyeing industry would perform best with ISO standard. The common measurement & procedures available in the dyeing factory is used to measure the characteristic of discharged waste water.
Welding Practices in Selected Metal Welding Industries in Ghana[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Adu, Andrews DanquahWelding is essentially a repair, maintenance, manufacturing and constructional engineering activity. In the last several decades, welding has evolved as an interdisciplinary activity requiring synthesis of knowledge from various disciplines and incorporating the most advanced tools of various basic and applied sciences. This paper discusses the current welding processes and investigates welding practices in some selected metal welding industries in Ghana. The project covers the categories of welding and welding techniques, welding quality control methods, welding process type used and general challenges that hamper welding productivity in Ghana.
Investigation of Vercital Column Discontinuity in Reinforced Concrete Buildings[Full-Text ] Ceyhun Aksoylu, OÄŸuzhan Öztürk, Ä°brahim Hakkı Erkan, Musa Hakan ArslanMost reinforced concrete buildings sustain significant damage or completely collapse after an earthquake due to structural irregularities. In this study, a set of investigations were conducted on the discontinuity of the vertical elements in building structures, a topic that to date has only been minimally explored. The investigation was carried out using an SAP 2000 model of an average-story height building with reinforced concrete frame. For analysis, by removing columns selected from certain floor sand axes, a total of seven load-bearing system models were formed, along with the reference model. In cases of discontinuity of the vertical element appearing in the different models, the variation in the internal forces and decrease of rigidity were comparatively analyzed. Additionally, some of the investigations were conducted using the capacity curves obtained from the periods of models, displacement rates, and nonlinear pushover analysis. The consistency and reliability of requirements given for these kinds of irregularities in the regulations were analytically tested against the results obtained from the models created in the study. As a result of the analysis carried out, it was determined that the necessities specified in the Turkish Earthquake Code (TEC – 2007) for these kinds of constructions were safe.
The effect of in-service training the bank knowledge of staff and performance of the branches of the Agricultural Bank of Hormozgan province based on the model of equal Scorecard card[Full-Text ] Alireza.badeleh, Alireza rezaee Abgholi The present study investigated the effect of in-service training the bank knowledge of staff and performance of the branches of the Agricultural Bank of Hormozgan province based on the model of equal Scorecard card. This is Descriptive and survey. statistical society of this study include all of Agricultural Bank staff of Hormozgan Province to 257 individuals that Which of these numbers , 155 persons is selected as sample usage Morgan table . Researcher questionnaire was used for data collection and Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire which is equal to 0. 77. The statistical method for analysis data was one-sample test t . The results of research showed that the effect of in-service training the bank knowledge of staff and performance of the branches of the Agricultural Bank of Hormozgan province based on the model of equal Scorecard card(BSC) is Favorable In view of growing and learning, internal processes and customer Orientation at a significance level of 0.000 But in terms of financial, in-service trainings has failed to satisfy the bank's financial goals so that the significance level of 0.000 is less than the average level.
Study of Speed Control of Direct Current Machine with Separate Excitation Torque Control[Full-Text ] Ndjiya Ngasop, Fankem Eric Dukcler, Haman-DjaloThis work focuses on the study of the speed control of a DC machine with separate excitation with torque control in order to regulate the speed of the latter. Forcing the output of a system to follow a prescribed trajectory, despite the hostility of a disturbing environment rarely achieved by a unique structure of the control loop. Therefore, it is generally used a structure also capable of implementing a suitable controller. To avoid a theoretical study, we developed a cruise control. This unidirectional and irreversible regulator has two cards namely the control board and the power. These two cards are fed into summer’s regulation chain. The measurements allowed us to high light the characteristics and performance of the speed controller studied.
A Survey on Various Data Replication & Applications in Cloud[Full-Text ] Supriya Kumari, Prof. Deepti DaveCloud computing provides scalable computing and storage resources. More and more data intensive applications are developed in this computing environment. Different applications have different quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. To continuously support the QoS requirement of an application after data corruption in the existing technique two QOS aware based algorithm are implemented. The first algorithm adopts the intuitive idea of high-QoS first-replication (HQFR) to perform data replication. Here in this paper a complete survey of all the techniques are analyzed and discussed here.
Rescue Copter[Full-Text ] S. Prabhu RamThere are many existing quadcopters in the present generation and many individuals, groups are putting their interest in these quadrotors, Y-copter etc., This proposal will be useful in this society for rescue teams. Quadcopter is used in many places like drone race, maximum thrust contest etc., and our main motive to bring it useful in the place of emergency. Nowadays the Quadcopter is also used in the field of military. It can be used to view the other country development. Still only the drone ambulance is existing in the field of medical but that also only in foreign countries specially designed for heart patients. This drone is more varied compared to our drone.
Optimal placement and sizing of DG based on Novel Index and PSO method for Minimization of Losses[Full-Text ] J.Sridevi, G.SravanthiThis paper presents mainly optimal placement of Distributed Generator (DG) and sizing based on novel index and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to minimize the losses .The index is mainly proposed for DG placement considering stable node voltages referred as power stability index(PSI). The PSO algorithm is proposed for DG sizing at a particular bus. The new analytic approach is adopted to visualize the impact of DG on losses, voltage profile and voltage stability. The proposed method is tested on 12-bus radial distribution system using ETAP.
Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Activity of Cardiac Tissue by Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] Tanzina Rahman and Md. Rezaul IslamThe main objective of this research is to simulate the electrical activity of cardiac tissue by finite element method. Electrical activity is responsible for the periodic contraction and relaxation cycle of the human heart. Mathematical modeling of heart provides a better understanding for the complex biophysical phenomena related to electrical activity in the heart. Various electro-physical models have been developed to simulate electrical properties of cardiac tissue. In this research work monodomain model which is coupled with the single cell FitzHugh-Nagumo model is used to simulation the electrical activities. Two dimensional monodomain model equations on a general domain with equal isotropy and no fiber orientation are considered. Finite element method which has been widely used as an analysis and design tool is used to deal with the complex monodomain model equations. The single cell simulation represents the behavior system by changing the parameters of single cell model. The outcome of the simulation represents the effect of applied current and threshold value on the model behavior.
Architectural problems in earthquake resisting buildings[Full-Text ] Purushothama.C.T, Dr.I.R.MithanthayaStructural Engineers greatest challenge in today's scenario is constructing seismic resistant structure. The challenge further increases due to the increased eye pleasing high rise structure with architectural problems. These architecturally pleasing structures with shape irregularity when subjected to devastating earthquake is a matter of concern. The behavior of a building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and geometry, in addition to how the earthquake forces are carried to the ground. Hence, at the planning stage itself, architects and structural engineers must work together to ensure that the unfavorable features are avoided and a good building configuration is chosen. This paper deals with architectural problems in buildings like Re-entrant corners, setbacks and building with heavy weight on one side.
Secure and Quality of Service Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Survey[Full-Text ] D.R.Jiji Mol and Dr.S.Behin SamA Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes without any infrastructure. Due to the limited transmission range of wireless network nodes, multiple hops are usually needed for a node to exchange information with any other node in the network. Owing to multi-hop routing and absence of centralized administration in open environment, MANETs are vulnerable to attacks by malicious nodes [1].Provisioning Quality of Service QoS) and securing data in routing is a challenging issue of MANET. The goal of MANET routing protocols are to improve delay, provide reliability, reduce overhead, maximize network life and support hybrid routing. This paper describes the review of existing secure and QoS protocol solutions.
A Survey on Fingerprint Compression techniques[Full-Text ] R M Aparna, Manoj Kumar GFingerprint recognition is commonly used for personal identification due to its uniqueness .A considerably large amount of fingerprints are collected and stored on a daily basis in a wide range of applications,including forensics and access control.Large amount of such data would consume large amount of memory.The solution for this problem is fingerprint compression.Already there are general image compression techniques like JPEG, JPEG 2000 etc:.Special compression algorithms targeted at fingerprints like Wavelet Scalar Quantization (WSQ) , Contourlet Transform (CT) etc: are mainly used for fingerprint compression.Recently fingerprint compression based on sparse representation has been introduced. This method works efficiently when compared to compression technologies like JPEG, JPEG 2000, WSQ at high compression ratios.
Translation Competence of Pre-Service Teachers[Full-Text ] Dolores Epie AlawasTranslation comes as a necessity to pre-service teachers in the elementary schools to prepare them in the development of learning materials for their pupils in the mother tongue. This paper identifies the lexical, syntactic and semantic competence of the pre-service teachers and their translation difficulties. An intervention to strengthen translation competence is also developed as an offshoot of the study.
A Cytomorphometric study of Cervical diseases and bacterial morphology with special reference to West Bengal[Full-Text ] Agniva Misra, Suman Chakraborty, Aurobindo Routray The purpose of this study was to measure some cytomorphometric parameters in different female uterine cervical conditions to study the progression of pathology from normal to neoplastic conditions. Using a computerised cytomorphometry cell measurement pro- gram, the study was based on a cross sectional study of smear cases diagnosed with different uterine cervical conditions from 2014 to 2015.From different kinds of microscopic image (Differential Interference contrast, Phase contrast, bright field microscopy) 100 pictures of normal cells and 100 pictures of pathological cells are selected. Then some cytoplasmic and nuclear parameters(Area, Perimeter, Convex area, Eccentricity, Major axis length, Minor axis length, Equivalent diameter, Compactness, Mean RGB value, Minimum RGB value, Maximum RGB value, Standard deviation of RGB value, Entropy of RGB value, Cooc features (Stats, contrast, stats, correlation, stats, energy, stats, homogeneity) are assessed. Among the cytoplasmic features area is lowest in dysplasia and highest in neoplasia, major axis length is lowest in dysplasia and highest in hypertrophied cervix, minor axis length is lowest in dysplasia and highest in hypertrophied cervix, Equivalent diameter is lowest in cervicitis and highest in neoplasia. Among the nuclear features area is lowest in hypertrophied cervix and highest in neoplasia, major axis length is lowest in cervicitis and highest in neoplasia, minor axis length is lowest in cervicitis and highest in neoplasia, Equivalent diameter is lowest in cervicitis and highest in neoplasia. Among bacterial cytomorphometric parameters Areas,convex areas, perimeters,major axis lengths,equivalent diameters are lowest in neoplasia,highest in hypertrophied cervix.Minor axis length is lowest in neoplasia,highest in cervicitis.
PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Eskinder Desta Shumuye, Tariku Niguse Keneni and Mikias Wondimu HundieSelf-Compacting Concrete as the name refers is the concrete requiring a very little or no vibration to fill the form homogeneously. Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is defined by two primary properties: Ability to flow or deform under its own weight (with or without obstructions) and the ability to remain Homogeneous while doing so. Flowability is achieved by utilizing high range water reducing admixtures. And segregation resistance is ensured by introducing a chemical viscosity modifying admixture (VMA) or increasing the amount of fines in the concrete. The study explores the use of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) to Increase the amount of fines and hence achieve self-compatibility in an economical way, suitable for Ethiopian construction industry.
Ranking the obstacles to integrating health insurance using the three- ramifications theory[Full-Text ] Mahdieh Sarani, Ebrahim Haddadi, Aleme KeikhaInsurance extension is one of the government solutions especially the Democratic and people oriented governments, achieving the healthy society with sustainable health. So in consequence of insurance extension and generalization, all sides of human life in society will be covered by the insurance. The aim of this study is determination and prioritization of health insurance system implementation obstacles. The primary model of study consists of three structure, context and behavior obstacles. This study has been done in both quantitative and qualitative procedures. The statistical society of study in qualitative procedure consists of 30 person of social security experts. Data have been gathered via the interview. After that, the interview content was analyzed, using the content analysis procedure. The sub-dimension of triple challenges then was recognized and after that the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and expert choice software were utilized. The results of AHP usage have shown that the inconsistency rate of this test is 0.03 that is less than 0.1 limit and therefore the stability of study tools approved. Also the results showed that context side has the highest priority with the weight equal to 0.582. The structure and behavior sides have the next priority with the weight equal to 0.279 and 0.139 respectively. In section two, after the recognition and prioritization of challenges, the effectiveness of obstacles on health insurance system was studied. So some questionnaires were distributed among the 250 employee, randomly. After the questionnaire gathering the data were analyzed using the Average Test
Effects of Chicken Manure and Nitrogenous Fertilizer on Growth,Yield and Yield Components of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech) under rainfed conditions[Full-Text ] Atif H. Naim and Nahed M. AbkerA field experiment was conducted during rainy season 2015 at experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Gadraif in Sudan. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of different sources of fertilizers (i.e. organic and inorganic) on the performance of okra under rainfed conditions of Gadarif State in Sudan. The experiment contained eight treatments, two levels of organic fertilizer; with and without application of chicken manure and four levels of nitrogenous fertilizers (urea) donated as 0N (control), 1N (80kgN/fed), 2N (160 kg/fed), 3N (240 kg N/fed).
Green Synthesis and Characterisation of Copper (I) Iodide nanoparticles using kidney bean seed extract and its anti-bacterial activity[Full-Text ] Anushya Vijayakumar, Revathy RajagopalCopper (I) iodide is highly versatile material having applications in solar cells, semiconductors, catalysis and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity. The present study involves the synthesis of copperiodide nanoparticles from the kidney bean seed extract that is rich in anthocyanin content. The synthesized copper iodide was characterized using X-ray powder diffraction and SEM. The size of the CuI from X-ray powder diffraction and SEM was observed to be in the nano range. It was found that copper iodide precipitated as nano flowers. The synthesized CuI was found to show good antibacterial activity.
Critical Analysis on Adopting Cold Asphalt Emulsion Mixtures in Hot Climatic Areas[Full-Text ] Abbas Al-HdabiAsphalt mixture produced at ambient temperature by using asphalt emulsion is known as Cold Asphalt Emulsion Mixture (CAEM). Also, it can be produced by incorporating various recycling road materials. Some cementitious materials such as cement and several waste or/and by product materials can be incorporated especially if those materials have cementitious or pozolanic properties to enhance the strength of CAEMs.
Implant Retained Auricular Prosthesis- A Case Report[Full-Text ] Ahmed Amin Moselhy, and Nasser AlyStatement of the problem: A 30-year-old man who partially lost the right external ear as a result of trauma. The purpose: This case report describes the clinical and laboratory procedures for fabricating an auricular prosthesis.
Faculty Performance Model Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)[Full-Text ] Raquel D. Quiambao, Elsie M. Pacho, Ralph Vincent E. AlambraFaculty members play an indispensable role in the enhancement and sustainability of academic excellence in higher education institutions inasmuch as they are the individuals responsible for implementing the tasks that are directly associated with the goals.