Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016.
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TLC and GC-MS analysis of Methanol extract of Root of Prosopis cineraria from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India[Full-Text ] Adnan Khokar and Ekta MenghaniThis study was aimed at analysis of potential bioactive constituents of root extracts of Prosopis cineraria Methanol were subjected to thin layer chromatography (TLC), Gas chromatography- mass spectroscopic (GC-MS) analysis. TLC analysis with Ethyl Methanol: Dichloromethane, solvent with Rf values 0.77, 0.75, 0.68, 0.58, 0.55, 0.35, 0.27 and 0.18. GC-MS analysis gave a spectrum of compounds with 15 major peaks corresponding to 3-Cyanobenzaldehyde, 1,4-BENZENEDICARBONITRILE, 2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol, Ethyl 2-hydroxybenzyl sulfone, 17-OCTADECENOIC ACID, METHYL ESTER, 1,2-BENZENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID, Hexadecanoic acid, 9-Tricosene, Eicosane, Methyl 13-phenyl-tridecanoate, 1-Heptatriacotanol, 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester, Squalene, Dotriacontane and Vitamin E. Most of which are bioactive compounds which may act as good antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents.
Biosynthesis, characterization and antifungal activity of the green silver nanoparticles synthesized by a marine alga Digenia simplex[Full-Text ] Tamim.A, Ibrahim .I.B.M and Siada Hashim NSilver nanoparticles synthesized biologically have been widely used in medicinal field, the synthesis of silver nanoparticles has been carried out by using the extracellular filtrate of the algal extract of Digenia simplex, The synthesis of silver nanoparticles was identified primarily by changing the color of the extracellular filtrate and confirmed with the help of the study of XRD (x-ray diffraction),UV visible analysis and IR spectroscopy, it was confirmed that the silver nano particles were constituted extracellularly by an extracellular reductase like enzyme. The results obtained from the study of antifungal activities of the silver nanoparticles are very significant and indicate that the synthesized silver nanoparticles may have an important advantage over conventional antifungal antibiotics.
ANEMIA MANAGEMENT IN UREMIC PATIENTS TREATED WITH CHRONIC INTERMITTENT DIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Nasir Behxheti, M-r.Dr. ZamiraBexheti, M-r.Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr. Pharm Mirlind Behxheti, Prof. Dr. Lutfi ZylbeariChronic kidney failure (Terminal Chronic Kidney Insufficiency-TCKI) is a pathological condition followed by physiological decrease of the kidney function or a gradual decrease of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR - Glomerular Filtration Rate). One of the most common consequence that appears in patients with TCKI, is renal anemia. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is widespread all around the world, and the number of patients that are affected is continuing to grow. In the United States, is evaluated, that till the year 2010- 2 million people were affected with Terminal Chronic Kidney Insufficiency.
EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON HYPERLIPIDEMIA[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Sci. Med. LUTFI ZYLBEARI,MD,PhD, Prof. Dr. Nasir Bexheti, Mr. Dr. Med. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr.Dr. Med. Zamira Bexheti,Mr.Pharm.Mirlind BehxhetiExcept factors with known (genetic predisposition, age, sex, hipertention pressure, smoking, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, disorders of apolipoproteins, high concentrations of fibrinogen, hyperhomocysteinemi, profession, mode of lifestyle, social conditions,...) in the etiology and high prevalence of cardiovascular disease presentation (CD) years important role is given to the psycho stress, especially physical inactivity as one of te factors predispose and risky on the rise in prevalence of CD. In the century that we are living, the manifestations of cardiovascular disease (CD), cerebrovascular (brain dysfunctions) brain stroke and diabetes have a very high prevalence of the consequences of their frequent appearance of acute myocardial infarction anginas pectoris, arterial hypertension due shocked by socio-economic life problems, psychological stress, etc. Therefore, physical activity, sports exercises, sports education should not imagine as a luxury or a privilege but as a necessity and the main postulate of the entire population in education, but also in increasing the number of hours of physical s breeding in all school levels. Physical inactivity in our country is responsible for 7 to 8.5% of the causes of chronic diseases and Cardiovascular. Recent year’s atherosclerosis counted as underlying causes and a number of mortality and morbidity in developed countries and developing countries (World Heart Organization, 2003). Coronary diseases are among the most common causes of disability and mortality in modern times, and in the era of the 21st century.
RHABDOMYOLYSIS AND ACUTE KIDNEZ INJURY[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Lutfi .Zzlbeari, P.Cakalaroski, Irena Cakalaroska, K.Cakalaroski, Mr.Dr. Gazmned ZylbeariRhabdomyolysis (Rh.) and myoglobinuria as a cause of acute intrinsic renal injury (AKI) are a well desribed, but uncommon (about 5% from the cases with AKI) con¬ditions in the last thirty five years. The complexity of variant etiologic moments involved in the production of high myoglobinemia, together with the insufficient basic and clinical knowledge-makes difficult the precise and early diagnosis of this syndrome. We expose our experiences with this type of AKI, presenting the cases with Rh. asso¬ciated acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in the 26 years peri¬od. The critical laboratory finding included in the diagno¬sis of Rh. in cases with AKI, was an augmented plasma ceatinin kinase activity (CK, values more than six times above the upper normal limit),with presence of myoglo¬binuria.In the 346 patients (out of 438) the presence of entity associated with Rh. appearance, have been observed (79.0%). In the rest of investigated group (n=92, 21%) the Rh. was not detected (the cases with urinary tract obstruc¬tion, tubulotoxic injury, hemolysis, acute pancreatitis, acute nephrotic, nephritic, interstial syndrome and aminoglicozides-related tubulopathy). AKI due to Rh. was noted in 84 patients (out of 346), that is one quart of our group or more precisely-24.3%.The association between Rh. and ARF was the most prominent in cases with polytrauma and crush syn¬drome (75-100%). The non-traumatic myonecrosis complicated with ARF was in strong relation to heroin abuse (66.7%), chronic alcoholism with nutritional hypophosphatemia (60%), eclamptic and barbituric In conclusion we may say that the association between Rh. and AKI series is about 20%, non underestimating the other factors included in the etiology of this syndrome.
To Chew or Nut to Chew: An Ethnographic Study of the Socio-Cultural Role of Betel Nut (Areca catechu) in the Life of the Ilocanos[Full-Text ] Germana Gloria V. MolinaThe habit of chewing areca has been mentioned in the manuscripts and used as food, medicine , social and religious purposes .The word Areca is derived from Malay word ”adakka” or from ilokano “ bua”. Areca nut is the fourth most commonly used social drug, ranking after nicotine, ethanol, and caffeine. Areca preparation and specific ingredients vary by cultural group and individual user. Areca nut taken along with tobacco is known to have a deleterious effect of the oral cavity to the extent of causing oral cancer. However, not much is documented regarding the advantage of chewing areca nut. Arecoline, the principal alkaloid in Areca nut, acts as an agonist primarily at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and stimulating effects of increased well- being alertness and stamina. It is known to improved concentration and relaxation, with other reported effects, including lifting of mood, a sense of well- being, heightened alertness, starving of hunger, aphrodisiac properties and as postprandial digestion .It has been also shown to have cariostatic property direct antimicrobial effect against bacteria, including Streptococcus mutants, Streptococcus salivarius and various other microorganisms in the oral cavity. Keywords: Areca nut.
On Optimizing the budget allocation to maximize the energy savings of a typical household in Tamilnadu - A linear programming approach[Full-Text ] R. Sophia Porchelvi, K. SathyaImproving energy efficiency in buildings is a major priority worldwide. Due to growing limitations on land use and awareness of sustainability concerns, the building retrofit market has faced increasing opportunities worldwide. This paper presents a linear programming method to maximize the energy savings of a household in Tamilnadu, India. For energy conservation we need to install photovoltaic solar panels, replacing regular windows with double glazed windows, replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs and replacing C-Energy class house hold appliances with A-Energy class ones. The result indicates that installing photovoltaic solar panels is the optimum choice throughout the entire budget range, as a result of the high energy savings opportunity. Lingo software is used to solve the linear optimization.
Studies of Bioactive Metabolites from Endophytic Bacterial Isolate[Full-Text ] Moti Lal, Neelam, Shiv Kr. Verma, Mira Debnath (Das)The microbial source, variety of producing species, functions and an assortment of bioactivities of metabolites. The probable numbers of metabolites may be discovered in the future, the problems of dereplication of recently isolated compounds as well as the new trends and prediction of the research are also discussed. Ten isolates were isolated from different plant parts (root, stem, leaves) of Adhathoda beddomei (adosa), a medicinal plant. Among ten isolates, one isolate exhibited highest antimicrobial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Recognition of endophytes was done on the basis of morphological characteristics. The antimicrobial activity was tested against Escherichia coli. Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Penicillium chrysogenum, Lactobacillus lactis, Bacillus subtilis and Candida albican. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of crude extract performed against microorganisms was determined. The controlling parameters the biosynthetic process of the antimicrobial agent formation including; different pH values, temperatures, incubation period, and different carbon source. NMR, FTIR, element and mass analysis of fractionated crude extract was carried out for functional group and experimental formula determination.
DESIGN OF AGING-AWARE EFFICIENT BOOTH MULTIPLIER USING ADAPTIVE HOLD LOGIC[Full-Text ] K.venugopalarao, D.Harihara santosh, P.Sirish kumarHigh speed and low consumption is one of the most important design objectives in integrated circuits. As multipliers are the most widely used components in such circuits, the multiplier must be designed efficiently. In this project the simple and efficient approach to reduce the maximum power consumption and delay, area in proposed. In this Existing system, negative bias temperature instability effect occurs when a pMOS transistor is under negative bias which increases the threshold voltage of the Pmos transistor and reduces the multiplier speed. Positive bias temperature in stability effect occurs when an nMOS transistor is under positive bias .both effects degrade transistor and in long term the system may fail due to the timing violations. New technique implements serial multiplier architecture with booth algorithm .In proposed system, design of aging –aware efficient booth multiplier using adaptive hold logic circuit is introduced. The AHL circuit achieves reliable operation under the influence of NBTI and PBTI effects with this proposed architecture 4x4 booth multiplier will developed and compare with contemporary architecture.
MEDIA OPTIMIZATION OF EXOPOLYSACCHARIDE PRODUCING BACTERIUM FROM MARINE SEDIMENT[Full-Text ] P. Maheswari and M. KarthigaExopolysacharides (EPS) are polymeric substances of microorganisms of high molecular weight and long chain composed of sugar residues secreted by them into the surrounding environment. The aim of this study exopolysaccharides producing strain was isolated from marine sediment in Parangipettai, South east coast of India. The strain shows mucoid growth on Zobell marine agar plate. It was identified as Pseudomonas putida by cultural, biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Maximum EPS production was observed at pH 9 and the temperature is 30°C. The maximum EPS production was observed in Adenitol as a carbon source and nitrogen source is Ammonium bicarbonate. Lysine as a soul source of aminoacid leads to the maximum EPS production. Among the tested metal ions, the maximum amount of EPS production was observed in Ferric chloride.
Anaerobic co-treatment of tannery wastewater and cattle dung for biogas production using a pilot scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR)[Full-Text ] Andualem Mekonnen, Seyoum Leta and Karoli Nicholas NjauThe anaerobic co-digestion of tannery wastewater and cow dung was investigated in a 100m3 pilot scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) under mesophilic condition (31±1.50c). The experiment was conducted at five different mixing ratios (100:0, 70:30, 40:60, 20:80 and 5:95) of cow dung to tannery wastewater. The results of the study indicated that the average biogas productions were in the ranges of 18.67 to 24.4m3 per day and the methane yield was ranged from 0.19 to 0.30 m3/kg COD removed. The removal efficiencies was 75-82% for COD, 70-80% for TS and 81-89 for VS. The highest methane yield (0.29 m3/kg COD removed) with COD removal efficiencies of 82 and 81% was obtained at 20:80 and 5:95percent cow dung to tannery wastewater ratio by volume while the lowest (0.22 m3/kg COD removed) was observed at 100:0 percent cow dung to tannery wastewater ratio.
DOWNSCALING OF WRF MODEL FOR IMPROVED CHARACTERISATION OF SEVERE DUST STORM[Full-Text ] Jaya Singh, Ajay GairolaSevere local convective storm is the most crucial weather event over the Indian subcontinent, because of its dynamic nature. It is a mesoscale meteorological phenomenon. It occurs over the Indian region during pre monsoon season i.e. mid March to mid June. This convective phenomenon is associated with dust storm, thunderstorm, lightning, hailstorm, squall line and tornado. This dynamical nature of SLCS is hazardous for lives and properties. The mechanism of SLCS produces a dust storm if sufficient moisture content is not present at the lower level of the atmosphere. This paper presents a case study of severe dust storm that occurred over NCR Delhi and neighboring region between 1630 hrs IST and 1730 hrs IST of 30th May 2014. Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 3.6.1 is used to numerically simulate and investigate the above said severe dust storm. Sensitivity experiments are conducted to study the impact of different domain resolution (9km and 1km) with the similar microphysics (MPs) scheme for the simulation of the event. The paper demonstrates that better structure and intensity of the dust storm are simulated by downscaling of WRF model
Beet Root Extract as a Corroison Inhibitor for Mild Steel in 1.0 M HCl Solution[Full-Text ] A.M.Nagiub, H.F.Y.Khalil,M.H.Mahross, B.N.A.Mahran and M.M.B.El-SabbahThe effect of aqueous beet root extract (BRE) on the corrosion of mild steel in 1.0 M HCl solution was investigated using both gravimetric and electrochemical techniques. The impact of temperature was also determined at temperature range from 298 to 328 K. A significant increase in the corrosion inhibition was observed with increasing of the BRE concentration. At inhibitor concentration of 0.3034 g/L, the percentage of inhibition reaches 83.79% at room temperature and 71.11% at 328 K. Adsorption study of BRE was found to agree with the Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm. The values of free energy of adsorption, heat of adsorption and activation energy were calculated. Polarization results showed that BRE acted as mixed type inhibitor. Surface analysis (UV-VIS spectra, SEM and EDAX) were also carried out to establish the mechanism of corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in HCl medium.
The Security Testing and Analysis of DDoS Attacks In Cloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] Krishnaveni S,Dr.Prabakaran, Sivamohan S,Kanngi Mahajan VijayChaitanyaDistributed Denial of Service attacks becoming a most serious security issues in cloud computing environment. In DDoS attack model Large number of compromised host are accumulated to send useless service requests, packets at the same time .DoS and DDoS attacks initiates the service degradation, availability and cost problems under cloud service providers. This proposed approach unified between HTTP GET flooding among DDOS attacks and Stealthy attack patterns are raised against applications running in the cloud. for a fast attack detection in cloud computing environment Slowly Increasing Polymorphic DDoS Attack Strategy (SIPDAS) can be used to detect the application vulnerabilities in the cloud. SIPDAS changes the message sequence at every successive infection to avoid signature detection process. This proposed approach enable to increase the high accuracy of the system, improve the performance and detection of HTTP GET flooding. In experiments, the processing time for performance evaluation compares with SIPDAS Detection method and Snort Detection method. According to the experiment result proved that the proposed SIPDAS Detection method is better than Snort detection method because processing time of proposed method is lower with increasing congestion. Moreover our approach can test and evaluate “cloud-to-end user” workflows and generate the vulnerability analysis report, it helps to eliminate vulnerability risk in cloud environment.
From The Architectural Point of View: Statistical Evaluation of the Existing and Strengthening Hospital Buildings[Full-Text ] H. Derya Arslan, Burak KökenAlthough over the past ten years many buildings in Turkey have been seismically strengthened, resulting architectural impacts have not been evaluated. In most cases, strengthening process of a building decided by civil engineer rather than architectural evaluation. In the present study 130 different hospital buildings in Turkey, which were subjected to seismic performance analysis in the last ten years, were studied. General building properties, seismic performance values and the preferred strengthening methods concerning these hospitals were interpreted in statistical terms. According to performance based analysis, a limited number of these hospital buildings were observed to be worth strengthening. It is obtained that infill shear wall and concrete jacketing are mostly preferred in the strengthening processes. In a limited number of 130 buildings that were decided to be strengthened. In these strengthened buildings, the architectural projects of the pre- and post-strengthening stages were evaluated. According to this evaluation, the ground floor plan of the buildings had changed for using strengthening members. Significant functional losses emerge with the strengthened. The main reason of this is observed to be the locations of the shear walls preferred and the reinforced concrete jackets. The results show that; in order to minimize the potential spatial problems that would emerge after the strengthening, spatial relationships of the hospital buildings shall be analyzed according to alternative strengthening projects and the method that would have the least effect on these spatial relationships shall be preferred.
Electronically switchable lowpass/bandpass Filter with Controlled Bandwidth using Pin Diode- Loaded stubs[Full-Text ] Hesham A.Mohamed and Ashraf S. MohraElectronically switchable and reconfigurable microwave devices such as filters are in great demand for wireless communi-cation systems. The switchable Lowpass/Bandpass filter (LPF/BPF) can be used to control the spectrum of proposed signals and support multiple information channels. The PIN diodes are used to achieve exchange between the lowpass filter and bandpass filter with tunable bandwidth. The lowpass filter concept is demonstrated by ninth-order Chebyshev-type using stepped impedance resonators. as the number of diodes used increase as the roll off at the two 3dB frequency for bandpass is modified, with a little decrease in the bandwidth due to the shift of lower 3dB frequency to higher value, while the upper 3-dB frequency is nearly remain constant around 11 GHz. The switchable LPF/BPF is designed, fabricated and measured. Experimental results are in good agreement with the simulated results for each of the lowpass and bandpass filters response.
Improving the Queueing of a Light Rail Transit[Full-Text ] Aritsotle R. Zabala, Wilbert M. Delica, Julius R. Bigornia, Herliene A. Adol, Joshua C. Ariaga, Alfred S. BautistaThis study will share enough knowledge and experience on how to deal with people and employees, at the same time it will broaden up their abilities in handling simple problems in their field of specialization. This study will help them to be more productive and to have more effective ways on how to prevent and to handle simple problem. This study can be their reference in future, it will be easier for them to identify common problems that may occur in the company. The coverage of this study is focus on the queing system of LRT Line 2 A particular Station. This Study will only cover the time starting from inter-arrival time to service time which is buying of ticket but delimit the process on queueing before entering the station and the process of checking of bags. The researcher also focus and conduct their study during 5:30 to 6:30 pm of The day (Tuesday), the researcher pick the said time because it is the peak hours during summer. The researchers conclude that the single server will not be good enough especially during 5:30 to 6:30 pm operation due to huge arrival rate in the system. The researchers also proposed that the multi-server which will compose of 2 servers will be more efficient taking 98.54% higher than the single server operation. Through the researchers proposal the waiting time in line will become 0.02 minutes per customer.
Aerodynamic Internal Pressure Loads Applied On Nonstructural Elements under Wind Gusts[Full-Text ] Sreenadh Chevula, Ãngel Sanz-Andres, Sebastián FranchiniVent holes can be used to reduce the aerodynamic pressure loads on nonstructural elements of buildings. The analysis of these loads applied on nonstructural elements of buildings (window panes, closure panels, etc.) with vent holes, under gusty wind conditions, have been studied both experimentally and employing a theoretical model. An experimental setup based on an open circuit, closed test section, and low speed wind tunnel, designed and built at the Instituto de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IDR/UPM) has been used. A mechanism in the wind tunnel generates sinusoidal gusty winds inside the test section.
REDUCE THE JAMMING ATTACKS USING GAME THEORETIC ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ghowse.M.E and Mr.E.S.K.Vijay AnandThe timing channel is a logical statement channel in which information is encoded in the timing between actions. A force- constrained malicious node performed has been planned as a countermeasure to reactive active jamming attacks using logical timing channel. In fact, while a jammer is able to interrupt the information contained in the attacked packets, timing information cannot be jammed, and so timing channels can be broken to deliver information to the receiver even on a jammed channel. Since the nodes below attack and the jammer have conflicting interests, their communications can be modeled by means of game theory. A game-theoretic model of the communications between nodes exploiting the timing channel to achieve flexibility and secure to jamming attacks and a jammer is derived and analyzed. More specifically, the Nash equilibrium is studied in terms of existence, individuality, and convergence under best reaction dynamics. Also, the case in which the communication nodes set their approach and the jammer reacts therefore is modeled and analyzed as a Stackelberg game, by considering both ideal and damaged knowledge of the jammer’s utility function. Extensive numerical results are presented, screening the impact of network limitation on the system performance.
Numerical Simulation of Bird Strike Damage Prediction in Single Piece Windshield[Full-Text ] Mr.N.P.Dhake, Dr.M.S.KadamABAQUS/Explicit are used to do numerical analysis of bird impact damage. Computational method used for the analysis is coupled Eulerian Lagrangian method. The ojectetive of the work present in this paper is to evaluate Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) approaches in ABAQUS Explicit suitable ap-proach for bird strike analysis on single piece windshield and also , to analyse response of windshield due to impact 4 lb bird at speed as specified in airworthiness specification which for our case is 1350 km/hr (375 m/sec) .Bird material is used as Equation of states (EOS) and bird geometry used is cylinder with hemispherical end.
Study on flexural behaviour of reinforce concrete beam with GGBS and steel fibre[Full-Text ] Dr. B. Vidivelli, M. Gopinath, T. SubbulakshmiThe present day research is focussed on development of alternative materials are incorporated with raw materials of Cement, Fine aggregate and Coarse aggregate due to scarcity of materials and enhancing the strength property with the production of concrete. This thesis is proposed a method for experimental investigation of concrete structural elements. A trial mix has been tried for CC, Trial mix1, Trial mix2, Trial mix3 and we selected trial mix3 replacement materials of GGBS 40% by replacement of cement and Steel Fibre 1% by replacement of cement, high range water reducing admixture Conplast SP-430 is used for casting the specimens and research it with 7 and 28 curing days. Experimental results are planned to report including compression and flexural properties of concrete specimens. The sizes of the cube specimen are 150mmX150mmX150mm, cylinder specimen of size 150mmX300mm and Beam specimen of size 3200mmX125mmX250mm. The specimens are planned to test including the cubes, cylinders and beams under static incremental loading in flexural behaviour and compressive behaviour of respective specimens. The result obtained by the replacement materials for mechanical properties are compared with conventional concrete. The result will be computed experimentally and analyzed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
Lightweight secure scheme for detecting prove-nance forgery and packet drop attacks by in - packet bloom filters, to encode provenance in wsn[Full-Text ] P.Divya, A.Srinivasa Reddy, Dr.V.GouthamLarge-scale sensor networks are organized in frequent application domains, and the data they assemble are recycled in de-cision-making for precarious organizations. Data are floit isd from numerous stheces through transitional processing nodes that amassed information. A spiteful challenger could host supplementary nodes in the network. Data provenance embodies a key factor in estimating the constancy of sensor data. Provenance management for sensor networks acquaints with several challenging requirements, such as low energy and bandwidth consumption, efficient storage and secure transmission. A novel lightit isight scheme to securely transfer provenance for sensor data has been provided. The proposed technique relies on in-packet Bloom filters to encode provenance. Extension of the secure provenance scheme with functionality to detect packet drop attacks staged by malicious data forwarding nodes and effective results has been provided with light it isight secure provenance scheme in detecting packet forgery and loss attacks.
Spectrophotometric Determination and Commercial Formulation of Tebuconazole Fungicide after Derivatization[Full-Text ] Kafeel Ahmad Khan, Farzana HaiderA spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of tebuconazole fungicide formulation. The method is based on the complexation reaction of ferric chloride with tebuconazole fungicide in acidic media and the purple colored complex was studied at 530 nm. The reaction conditions and other analytical parameters were optimized. A linear calibration curve between absorbance and concentration over the range from 0.2 to 20 μg mL−1 was obtained with molar absorptivity of 2.1 × 104 L mol−1 cm−1. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were found to be 0.05 and 0.2 μg mL−1 respectively. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the analysis of commercial formulation of tebuconazole fungicide. The recoveries of the method were found to be in the range of 92.16±0.06% to 96.66±0.18%.
Using GIS/GPS to Optimize Supply Chain Management and Logistics at Walmart[Full-Text ] Batool AlhenakiSupply chain management and logistics are becoming more sophisticated due to the escalating demand for effectiveness and efficiency within companies and their suppliers. Considering retailers, such as Walmart, delays in the chain is causing an increase in inventory costs while also experiencing a shortage in stock. In consequence, profitability is diminished, and losses crop in. As such, there is a need for an automated system that allows asset tracking, and therefore, adoption of GPS and GIS technologies is essential to curb these shortcomings.
Blood Concentration of Immunoreactive ,,C” peptide of Parathormon (c-iPTH and Clacitonin (CT) and Correlation Between the Number and Magnitude of Howship Lacunes (HL) in Ptients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Treated and Non-Trated With Regular Haemodialysis[Full-Text ] Doc. Dr. Dorontina Bexheti, Mr.Pharm. Arta Dauti, Prof.Dr. Sadi Bexheti, Prof. Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari, Mr.Dr. Gazmend ZylbeariSeventy-one patients (71) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) [21 men and 18 females non-treated with hemodialysis and 19 men, respectively 13 females treated with regularly repeated hemodialysis ] are investigated.The mean clearance of creatinin in investigated group were 0.17 mL/sec (10.2 mL/min).The average age of non-dialyzed group were 40.3 years, and in the dialyzed patients – 38.6 years. The transfixant iliac bone biopsy is commitd in two patient’s group (non-demi-neralized sections; Goldner coloration).
RESEARCHES REVIEW OF OPTIMIZATION OF ASSEMBLY LINE OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD FOR IMPROVEMENT[Full-Text ] Kamal Alzameli, Dr. Daw R. AlwerfalliThe goal of this paper is to understand and assess the most significant research that helps researchers in academic or industrial field about optimizing the assembly line of printed circuit board for improvement. Background information is categorized based on a related research topic and the most relevant subjects of optimizing PCB assembly line. This paper also includes comparing researches that are related to each other.
BIOMETRIC KEY COMPUTATION USING HANDWRITING FEATURES[Full-Text ] MORADEYO Oluwatomilola Motunrayo and OLANIYAN Abolade ShekinahBiometrics is the measurement of a biological characteristic such as fingerprint, iris pattern, retina image, face or hand geometry; or a behavioural characteristic such as voice, gait or signature. It can also be said to be the science of using matchless human characteristics for personal authentication based on a person’s biological and behavioural characteristics. Therefore, the process involved in transforming a piece of live biometric data into a biometric key is biometric-key computation. In this paper, biometric keys are to be generated from a behavioural biometric variety - handwriting biometric. Although, behavioural biometrics are not unique enough to deliver steadfast human identification; they have been shown to provide suitably high accuracy identity verification. They also exhibit several qualities that make them attractive for key generation. For example, whereas an adversary can passively extract physiological biometrics, behavioural biometrics do not provide themselves as easily to deceitful capture as they require a user to consciously perform an action. The signals enrolled from this biometric feature are concatenated to form one single signal and each signal is then compressed with the Discrete Wavelength Transform – Discrete Fourier Transform (DWT-DFT). Intra and inter class analysis are going to be carried out on the keys generated from handwriting captured from users.