Volume 6, Issue 6,June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS OF EBOLA EPIDEMICS IN HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Ayeni Adebanji WThe current epidemic giant that has currently made HIV-AIDS of a less priority compared to its old standing among deadly virus is the Ebola Virus. What occurred as a small insignificant issue has currently gained the ability to slow the growth of developing economies at a fast declining rate. With its daily interference in the three most affected countries namely Liberia, Sierra-Leone and Guinea, there was a need for drastic measures to be taken for it not to replicate the cases among surrounding nation. With the aid of globalization, the Ebola virus made its way into Africa most populous nation, Nigeria. Though currently described as an Ebola virus free nation by the world health organization, this paper looks at the trend of the theoretical trend the Ebola virus around the world before landing and leaving its mark in the nation. Measures were prescribe to be available for such future occurrence with the basic knowledge that the virus is covert until a suitable host is found.
Spatial impact analysis Neyshabur Urban Sprawl on Land use in Merger Village[Full-Text ] MortezaTavakoli, Mahmud Reza Mirlotfi, Gharib Fazelniya, Nazanin naimabadiAmong the major implications of rapid urbanization, expansion of cities and their surrounding areas in corrosion villages and towns there. This phenomenon in the past half-century has been dominant. City Neyshabur, when growth quickened in the past two decades has been the increase in population and development. Sprawl constantly in this city so over the course of several villages with all the arable land, their surrounding tissue is incorporated. Neyshabur city is a model of multiple injuries suffered growth and spread of arable lands and orchards destroyed most important villages on the outskirts of the city. The present study sought to analyze the impact of Urban Sprawl Neyshabur place on village land has been integrated .GIS is used. The most important findings are:Neyshabur recent decades with the growth of urban spread and destruction of agricultural land has provided over the years 1996-2006, the results showed that agricultural land use changes to urban development Neyshabur users and services and these changes led to the agricultural lands surrounding villages have been destroyed.
ANALYSIS OF THE SIGNALS GENERATED IN A DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED MULTI-TONE ULTRASONIC RODENT REPELLER[Full-Text ] Nweke F.UA solar powered multi-tone ultrasonic rodent repeller was designed, constructed and characterized. The data generated during the simulation of the designed circuit using an oscilloscope of an Electronic Work Bench was investigated and analyzed. The plot of the data resulted to a rectangular pulses which confirms the use of 555 timer connected in astable multivibrator mode for generation of electrical signal, which is converted to ultrasound using a piezo crystal. The analysis of the pulses generated an ultrasonic frequency of 36 kHz which is used in repelling rodents. Also the Fourier analysis of the signal was computed and the intensity of the ultrasound was calculated, which infers that the intensity of the ultrasound is more on the rodents as it gets closer to the repeller. Therefore an ultrasonic frequency (which is frequency above 20 kHz) can be used to repel rodents.
Ethylene oxide Selectivity Enhancement from Oxidation of Ethylene on Silver Catalyst By Mathematical Modeling[Full-Text ] Adeyinka S. Yusuff, Abel A. Adeyi, Oseh O. JeffreyThe selectivity enhancement of ethylene oxide from oxidation of ethylene on silver catalyst at various operating conditions was studied. The effects of two factors on the ethylene oxide selectivity and its reactor performance were examined. The first was the variation of selectivity with flow rate for different total feed rates at constant temperature, while the second factor was the variation of selectivity with oxygen conversion for different flow rates at constant temperature. A kinetic model based on the definition of selectivity was introduced. It was assumed that oxygen is basic for conversion, flow pattern is ideal, constant pressure drop across the reactor and selective reaction is accompanied by side-reaction. It was found that ethylene oxide selectivity decreases with increasing total feed rate while increases with increasing volumetric flow rate and fraction conversion of oxygen. Also, it was more enhanced at low temperature. Therefore, the selectivity of ethylene oxide and its reactor performance could be enhanced by operating its reactor at high volumetric flow rate, low feed rate, high oxygen conversion and low temperature.
CLINICAL REPORT OF CASE OF ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER[Full-Text ] Muhammad Aqeel, Muhammad Yasin Khan, Zahra Batool Arbab, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Usman Zafar , Marriam Habib , Rubab Ayesha, Tayyaba Fida KayaniClient is 10 years old boy. He belongs to middle socio economic status. Client is a second born child and has one elder sister. He is studying in class five in a Sir Syed school in Rawalpindi. Client was brought to NIRM by his parents. . He came with the complaints of marked behavioral impairments (i.e. difficulty in organizing tasks and activities, difficulty in sustaining attention, Fidgets with the hands, aggression towards people etc). Client was assessed with the help of informal and formal assessment. Informal assessment includes history taking, interview and mental status examination. Formal assessment included House Tree Person (HTP), Child Problem Checklist (CPC), and Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM). According to DSM-5 criteria, results of the psychological tests as well as case history and behavioral observations seem to indicate that client is having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder. Therapeutic recommendations include parental training, behavioral treatment, and classroom management, suggestions for parents and teachers and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Analysis and ranking physical development indicators in the city of Zabol according to the role of urban management[Full-Text ] Gholam Ali Khammar, Mohammad Reza Piri Jor, Abdoulrahman Shaghozai, Gholam Ali SharafiDesirable management means to investigate the problems of planning, monitoring coordination of the different parts and how to provide and implement the projects and the public needs that deal with it from prenatal until death. In other words, management must try in direction of all the executive ways that the residing people of the city are contacted with and it must implement the affairs correctly and dispose the problems and meet the needs. The purpose of the macro-management of urban is creating a livable environment for all with social justice, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability and urban management is integrated in the areas of urban land and housing, social services and economic development and environmental infrastructure. The Purpose of this paper is Analysis and ranking physical development indicators in the city of Zabol according to the role of urban management. The results show that the Index (B): The situation of the network of passages and communication network: with a standard weight of (0.277): in the first place and Index (D): The situation of urban green space: with a standard weight of (0.208) in the fourth place.
Mobile Technology to enhance IT consulting practice[Full-Text ] Istikoma , Jamaludin IbrahimThe advancement of Mobile technology in IT consulting is essentially important to implement mobile devices with associated technology to improve IT consulting advice and services by using different platforms. IT consulting is giving more focus to offer professional advice and guidance to customers with provide various consulting services for enterprise and recommend solution, or other clients with markets affect the way we work, live and play on mobile technology as well as the strategy in order to get better solution such as analyze and assess the viability of new product, evaluate devices compatibility of the product and suggest suitable platforms for implementation, the prove of concept of product to ensure the product features can be implemented, technical and functional design and other services which the ways to achieve time to market and business objective.
EGG SHELL AND BIO-WASTE MANURE[Full-Text ] Two plants I have grown in different condition one grown with eggshell and bio waste manure and other plant grown without this manure . The Egg Shell added as an improvement to homemade fertilizer , eggshells restore Calcium sulphate helps Plants to form strong cell walls and transport molecules between Cells. Sprinkled manure on the ground around your plants, egg shell can also defer Pests. There are many factors that affect the overall quality of the egg shell and bio- waste manure. The egg shell consists of about 94 to 97% Calcium Carbonate. The other 3% is Organic matter and egg shell pigment. Forget spending money on bags of Fertilizers for your Garden. Ordinary Kitchen Scrap in that you discard everyday have the same Potential to nourish your Plants and prevents bugs and weeds without risks that synthetic fertilizer post to your plants and the local environment .After mixing them all we can make home made Fertilizer which can protect our Plants, helps in growth and can make them healthy. This we can use to grow other Plants and Crops
Fault detection of Boiler Tube Using Vibration Signature Analysis And Artificial Intelligence Techniques[Full-Text ] Sanjay Kumar Panigrahi, Mr. Rabinarayan SethiThe aim of the current research is to develop a diagnostic model for Fault detection of Boiler tube, which is the integral part of a power plant. There was a severe thickness reduction was detected in a boiler tube during periodic investigations. There are several reasons for tube failures in a boiler are Water side corrosion, Erosion and Fire side corrosion etc. Their failure could lead to tragic consequences and therefore Boilers have regular costly inspections. The highest safety could be achieved if the monitoring strategy covers the complete Boiler. Usually, this is not possible due to the related costs. Hence, early detection of the Fault present in the Boiler tubes helps in taking remedial measures to avoid catastrophic failures, which in turn prevent the loss of the property as well, saves the lives of human beings.
Development of an expert system for the repair and maintenance of bulldozer’s work equipment failure[Full-Text ] Olufemi B. Akinluli, Vincent A. Balogun, Temitayo M. AzeezThis work aimed to develop an expert fault diagnostic system for the repair and maintenance of bulldozer work equipment faults. An Expert System, ES is one of the many quick and efficient repairs and maintenance strategy that can be used on these machines. ES is a C# computer based programming software that can be adopted to extend the life span of equipments and reduce the cost of human expert for their repairs. In this work, an expert system was developed as a tool that will detect, analyse and proffer respective solutions to the bulldozer work equipment faults. A flowchart (logic chart) was also developed. The flowchart is a logical sequence for characterising and troubleshooting the causes of bulldozer’s work equipment failure. In this report, the solutions to the detected faults: low or high hydraulic valve pressure, abnormal noise in the control valve was documented accordingly. The preferred solutions to the various faults observed were also included with snapshots from each interface of the developed program in the report. The ES developed can be adopted in the construction industries for carrying out repair and maintenance of equipment for optimum performance at a highly reduced cost. This can also be used as a teaching aid in the department of mechanical and mechatronics engineering and other fields of engineering institute. This study will enable automobile and maintenance workshops to proffer solutions to maintenance of bulldozer’s work equipment failure and at the same time avoid costly damage and optimize the economic objective.
Performance degradation of SRAM cells due to NBTI effects[Full-Text ] Jai Viknesh Sankar NarayananSRAM cells play an important role in today’s world and the impact they have on memory designs is tremendous. Different types of SRAM cells have been designed till date but consistent efforts are still being made to look out for ways to improve their performance. One such thing that affects the performance of the SRAM cells is the NBTI (Negative Bias Temperature Instability). This paper uses a simple 6T SRAM cell to see what exactly NBTI does to these cells and what happens as a result of the same. This paper explains more about what NBTI actually is, how does it arise, how do they change the device behavior or characteristics and what exactly happens to these SRAM cells on account of this effect. Also, apart from the effect of the NBTI on SRAM cells, this paper also shows the leakage current that persists in the SRAM cell while the entire circuit is switched off (standby mode).
ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS AFFECTING PREVALENCE OF ANEMIA IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ADARABIOYO. M. I AND OLAYINKA. J. NThis research aimed at modelling a risk factors affecting anemia caused by malaria among children in Nigeria and determine the goodness of fit of the model and thereby proffering useful suggestions and recommendations. Ordinal logistic regression was used as a tool to model the risk factors affecting severity of anemia (i.e no anemia, mild and severe) among chidren with respect to maternal ages, region, place of residence, sex, educational level of mother, use of mosquito net, wealth index, had malaria two weeks before the survey and age in months of child. The data was obtained from NDHS dataset on malaria 2008. The study showed that severity of anemia is greatly affected by socio-economic variables, such as region, place of residence, educational level of mothers, gender, and wealth index. The study also revealed that age of mothers does not affect severity of anemia.
EFFECT OF COBALT DOPING ON OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SILVER COBALT OXIDE NANOFILMS DEPOSITED BY ELECTRODEPOSITION METHOD[Full-Text ] N.S. Umeokwonna, A.J. Ekpunobi, P.I. EkwoThis research is aimed at growing nanofilms of Silver cobalt oxide by doping with cobalt at various percentages using electrodeposition method. The films are to be analyzed for their optical properties with a view to ascertaining the effect of doping and ascertain possible applications.Silver oxide exists in different defined compounds namely; AgO, Ag2O, Ag2O3, Ag3O4, Ag4O4 and Ag4O3.
Analysis and Assessment of illegal immigration in urban security (The case study: The city of Zabol)[Full-Text ] Neda Golpayegani, Mohammad Reza Shojaee far, Hassan NorouziAs a social phenomenon, immigration has different economic, social, cultural, environmental consequences and reflections. Its relationship with the security, political, economic, cultural, environmental dimensions and etc is one of the main issues in the immigration debate. In this regard the aim of this study is to evaluate and analyze the role of illegal immigration in urban security by using of prioritized model of AHP in Zabol. The method of this study is descriptive-analytic based on field studies. The results show that the item of the impact of illegal immigration on economic security with the criterion weight of 0.319 is in the first place and the item of the impact of illegal immigration on environmental security with the criterion weight of 0.197 will be placed in last place.
Characterization and Statistical Analysis of Bioactive Compounds from Fruit Wastes[Full-Text ] Emon Chatterjee, Suba GA Manuel, Syed Shamimul HasanFruit consumption is no longer merely a result of taste and personal preference, but has become a concern of health due to the vital fruit nutrients content. In addition to essential nutrients, most fruits feature considerable amounts of micronutrients, such as minerals, fibers, vitamins and secondary phytochemical compounds. Increasing evidence shows the importance of these micronutrients for human health .Diets rich in phytochemicals, such as carotenoids and phenolic compounds, have been associated with a reduced risk of diseases such as certain types of cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular, cataracts, macular degeneration and neurodegenerative diseases.The preesnt study aims at extracting the bioactive components of fruit wastes like pecton, antimicrobial proteins and polyphenols.The satistical analysis of the compounds in respect to their correlation coefficients have been studied.’
EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT DISPERSING SOLUTION ON THE PROPERTIES OF SOIL PARTICLE DURING HYDROMETER TEST[Full-Text ] Arinze Emmanuel EmekaSoil particle less than 75 microns can be analyzed for the distribution of various grains sizes of silt and clay. This is achieved through hydrometer test. In this study the effect of different dispersing agents on the hydrometer test were studied. Four different solutions of dispersing agent and soil samples were prepared. The first solution was prepared using 35g of sodium hexametaphosphate with 7g of sodium carbonate (solution I). Second solution is prepared using only 40g of sodium hexametaphosphate per 1 litre of solution (solution II). Third solution is prepared using 40g of sodium carbonate (solution III) and the fourth is prepared without using any dispersing agent rather, the two soil samples used were dissolved in distilled water (solution IV).