Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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ASSESSMENT OF TREE BIODIVERSITY OF TWO TROPICAL RAINFOREST IN CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Aigbe H.I, Adeyemo T. O and Oyebade B. AIn this study, the status of biodiversity conservation was assessed. Multistage sampling technique was used for the study. The sampling entailed primary, secondary and tertiary sampling units. Tree identification and detailed growing stock were determined within the tertiary sampling plots (40m x 50m). Biodiversity status was assessed using Shannon-Wiener diversity (H'), species evenness (E) and Simpson dominance index. In addition, species similarity index of the two forest reserves was determined using Sorensen’s indix (based on qualitative and quantitative data). The study revealed that dominant families in Afi River Forest Reserve are Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, Euphorbiaceae and Meliaceae while for Oban Forest Reserve, Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, Moraceae and Papilionoideae were the dominant families. The species similarity index of the two forest reserves was 84%, implying very high floristic similarity in their constituent tree species. The species richness index were 10.44 and 10.61 for Afi River and Oban Forest Reserves respectively while the values of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (HI) for Afi River Forest Reserve and Oban Forest Reserve were 3.827 and 3.795 respectively. The species diversity was higher in Afi River Forest Reserve than Oban Forest Reserve. More studies aimed at providing qualitative and quantitative assessments are required in order to further close the existing information gap in the study area.
ENHANCED SECURE ROUTING WITH ENERGY EFFICIENT LINK ESTABLISHMENT AND DISTRIBUTED TIME SEQUENCE ROUTING (DTSR) IN MOBILE ADHOC NETWORKS[Full-Text ] A.Ayubkhan, A.R.Mohamed Shanavas Ph.D., Dr. Khalid Idrissi, A. Mohamed Ashar AliThe ability of mobile adhoc networks in co-operative routing has more chance of getting variety of attacks. To overcome the problem of routing attacks , there are many approaches has been discussed and we propose a novel distributed time sequence routing (DTSR) approach with energy efficient link management for mobile adhoc networks. In this approach, the nodes uses the secret key generated by Diffie-Hellman approach and shares between them. We are also growing the DTSR routing with both network size and node density. The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange is one of the more popular and attractive methods of key allocation. It is a public-key cryptographic system whose sole principle is for distributing keys, whereby it is used to switch a single piece of in sequence, and where the value obtained is general used as a session key for a private-key scheme It enables that adhoc nodes can correspond each other securely. The key allocation to adhoc nodes is done by means of two layer process. This paper proposes a key distribution scheme, based on intrusion detection method for using a data broadcast from source to destination on the network. It based high level security and more energy efficient data transmission on their network.
An Efficient Approach to enhance the clustering and classification ensembles technique based on RBF and SOM Network[Full-Text ] Kirit Singh, Prof. Sitendra TamrakarIn this paper we proposed a novel method for mixed data classification based on clustering and classification ensemble. Ensemble learning is a commonly used tool for building prediction models from data classification, due to its intrinsic merits of handling large volumes data. Despite of its extraordinary successes in stream data mining, existing ensemble models, in stream data environments, mainly fall into the ensemble classifiers category, without realizing that building classifiers requires labor intensive labeling process, and it is often the case that we may have a small number of labeled samples to train a few classifiers, but a large number of unlabeled samples are available to build clusters from mixed data. Ensemble clustering-classification aims to combine multiple clusters together for prediction. For a given test set, each cluster will derive a label vector. Noticing that some label vectors may conflict with each other, most state-of-theart ensemble clusters models employ a equiledian distance metric to minimize the discrepancy between each pair of label vectors. Although such a label vector based consensus method performs well on mixed dataset. Our novel approached divide into three sections first on ECC method second one is ECC with SOM network and finally ECC –RBF.
Comparison of Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in Optical Fiber with Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Dispersion Compensation Fiber (DCF) for 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps[Full-Text ] M.Tosson, Walid S. El-Deeb, A. E. AbdelnaiemThis paper analyzes the effect of chromatic dispersion at 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps for 100km distance of optical fiber. In this paper, two different techniques to compensate this kind of dispersion have been introduced; Dispersion Compensation Fiber (DCF) and Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG). The simulation is performed in two different kind of fiber cables; NDSF (G.652) and NZDSF (G.655) using Optisystem (7) Simulator. Different comparison parameters have been considered in this analysis such as Bit error rate (BER), Q-Factor and Eye height.
Energy Saving Through Green Infrastructure in textile sector[Full-Text ] Engr. Aftab Khan Masood , Engr. Shazia Shabbir , Engr. Hammad Altaf , Engr. Usman Hafeez , Associate Engr. Wasi Ullah and Associate Engr. Faisal ShabbirPakistan is facing a serious energy crisis affecting all economic sectors. Energy Audits were conducted in Textile sector to identify energy saving potential areas. It was observed that, due to lack of local R&D on the Green infrastructure concept and awareness regarding relation between Energy Efficiency and Green Infrastructure, the sector has followed the old & inefficient infrastructure without considering energy efficiency aspect of the building. Which has resulted in high energy input, low productivity and low product quality. By introducing Green infrastructure concept we can utilize recyclable / useful waste energy and the natural energy. It will lead to optimize the energy consumption, reduce GHG emissions and help in cleaning the environment.
Various Semantic based Models and Text Analysis- A Review[Full-Text ] Swati Gautam, Hansa Acharya, Prof. Anurag JainIn this paper is to here, a lot of topics cover up in a document are more frequently than not related to the context of the document, evaluate topical ideas within circumstance can potentially make known many interesting theme patterns in classify to progression of text precisely and efficiently. In the text analysis, typical algorithms are not good enough for the reason that requisites frequently were assumed self-sufficient, which was be acquainted with as an extraction model. But, the extraction model suggests a relatively make poor illustration of the data for the reason that it compensate no attention to any correlations between the conditions.
Two Factor Authentication System using Intervened password and Color Pattern[Full-Text ] Katta Shyam Prasad, Dr.Aruna Varanasi, Ummaneni Vinay KumarAuthentication is a key pillar for secure systems and enterprises are more and more aware that simple text passwords are not a strong form of authentication. A text password is inherently weak. Using text passwords for authentication, as it is commonly done, has quite a few security drawbacks: passwords can be guessed, forgotten, written down and stolen, eavesdropped or deliberately being told to other people. A better, more secure way of authentication is the so called "two-factor" or "strong authentication", instead of authenticating with a simple password. Strong authentication solutions using two identification factors require often an additional device, which could be inconvenient for the user and costly for the service providers. To overcome the difficulties we introduced a two-factor authentication which doesn’t require any hardware device such as an authentication token or a hardware device to authenticate the user. The first factor is an Intervened text password more secure than a traditional text password and the second factor is a grid of Color Pattern.
Experimental Performance and Neural Network Modeling of Solar Dryer for Drying Bamboo shoot strips in Thailand[Full-Text ] J. Piwsaoad, C. PusumpaoThis paper presents experimental performance and artificial neural network modeling of a solar dryer for drying of bamboo shoot strips. The dryer consists of a polycarbonate sheets on a metal sheet floor. The dryer is 1.5 m in width, 1.0 m in length and 2.0 m in height. Two 15-W DC fans powered by 50-W PV module were used to ventilate the dryer. To investigate its per-formance, the dryer was used to dry ten batches of bamboo shoot strips. For each batch, 10 kg of bamboo shoot strips were dried in the dryer. Results obtained from the experiments showed that drying temperatures varied from 31 à¹C to 50 à¹C and the use of the dryer led to a considerable reduction of drying time, as compared to the open air sun drying. In addition, the qual-ity of the product from the dryer was high-quality dried products. A multilayer neural network model was developed to predict the performance of this dryer. The predictive power of the model was found to be high after it was adequately trained.
Viewing angle improvement of integral imaging three-dimensional display system using horizontal and vertical multi-directional projections and elemental image rearranging method with pepper and salt noise reduction[Full-Text ] Md. Shariful Islam, Md. Tariquzzaman, Md. Abdur RazzaqueThis paper presents the viewing angle improvement of integral imaging (II) three-dimensional (3D) display system using horizontal and vertical multi-directional projections and elemental image (EI) rearranging method with pepper and salt noise reduction. Through this way, each elemental lens of micro lens array gathers horizontal and vertical multi-directional illuminations of multiple EI sets and produces multiple point light sources (PLSs) at the different positions in the focal plane and the positions of PLSs can be controlled by the projection angles. The viewing region is comprised of multiple diverging ray bundles that is broader than the conventional method owing to horizontal and vertical multi-directional projections of multiple EI sets. On the other hand, a conventional system provides a viewing area using only a single set of horizontal or vertical multidirectional EI projection. As a result, the viewing angle and the image quality of the 3D reconstructed image is enhanced.
An Authenticated Approach towards the Confirmation of Tolerance and Susceptibility against Zinc Stress Toxicity in Reciprocal Introgression Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)[Full-Text ] AIJAZ AHMED SOOMRO, Zhang JianThe acid soils and lands of zinc mining areas are mostly contaminated with zinc toxicity. Therefore, keeping in view the importance of cultivation of rice in such Zinc contaminated areas, this study had been conducted to observe the ill-effects of Zinc (Zn) toxicity on the growth of rice and Zinc content in root and shoot of rice plants and to develop the zinc biofortified rice. Two parents MH63 indica and 02428 japonica along with six reciprocal introgression lines of each highly tolerant and highly susceptible from both of the respective backgrounds to zinc stress brought under study in green house conditions. Zinc in the form of ZnSO4.7H2O at the rate of 200 ppm and control was consequently applied to the rice seedlings for 21 days in hydroponic culture. A decrease in all parameters of the treated seedlings was observed. The highly susceptible RI lines had more content than highly RI tolerant lines. However, the phenotypic performance of tolerant RI lines was better than highly susceptible RI lines. Therefore, rice crop has been brought under further study to know its complete mechanism for zinc toxicity tolerance.
Design of Universal Test Rig and Virtual Experimentation of Hydraulic Circuit for Testing of Line Replacement Units[Full-Text ] Narendra Rathore, M.R.RameshThe proposed test rig is meant for testing of hydraulic elements used in aircraft except pump & actuators. It is used to check the performance of the hydraulic elements for pre-installation check before mounting on the aircraft. Line replacement units used in the light combat aircraft have important role to transfer pressure energy and fluid from pump to actuators. These units are used in the functioning of the flight control system and the main pump of aircraft. These are electrically operated hydraulic elements, hydraulic valves and landing gear accessories. The hydraulic pressure in the hydraulic circuit is built by the hydraulic pump, and that pressure is distributed along the pressure line with control system like line replacement units. The test rig design involved design of hydraulic circuit, selection of hydraulic elements, design of test rig which include mechanical items like test bed test stand, test chamber & hydraulic elements mounting bracket etc. The test rig will be capable of testing the various hydraulic elements on distinguish pressure and flow. There is facility to test electrically operated hydraulic elements by actuating them by means of electrical supply. It will have additional power pack which will provide hydraulic power and required work input in terms of pressure and rated flow. Also analysis is conducted on automation studio for every hydraulic circuit for pre installation check. Results have been compared with the manually calculate pressure losses and the results are presented. There is only 5-10% variation in virtual result in compare to analytically calculated results.
Filtering of the output signal of dynamically tuned gravimeters[Full-Text ] Igor Korobiichuk, Olena Bezvesilna, Michał Nowicki, Roman SzewczykIn this paper, we present the gyroscopic gravimeter state algorithm, with digital processing of sensor orientation information. We researched errors in gyroscopic gravimeter state assessment and typical errors influences on the gyroscopic gravimeter law of motion. The algorithm allows efficient filtration of most random and systematic errors.
Microbial biopolymers: A initiative step towards green plastic[Full-Text ] Sonal J Wani, Sohel S Shaikh, Riyaz Z SayyedAt every stage of existence of synthetic plastic i.e. manufacturing, use and disposal it creates toxic pollution. Recent issues concerning the global environment pollution, human health and solid waste management have created lots of concern for the development of biodegradable plastics. In this regards Poly-β-hydroxy butyrate (PHB) has been found as green and biodegradable thermoplastic having similar properties to various synthetic polymers. Moreover, under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, it is fully degraded to water and carbon dioxide. This review article focuses on the screening, production and degradation of biopolymer for its possible use as biodegradable and eco-friendly polymer to hazardous synthetic polymers.
Extent of DNA damage and changes in eGFR in hypertensive patients[Full-Text ] Jithesh T K, Sreekanth P G, Shifa K, Parvathi K Warrier, Riju Mathew, T VijayakumarHypertension(HTN) increases the risk for stroke and coronary heart disease and is a main contributor to mortality. Sustained HTN for an extended period of time can lead to DNA damage due to the oxidative stress or various other reasons. The genetic instability include mutations, chromosomal aberrations and/or unscheduled DNA synthesis. The GFR is the product of filtration rate in single nephron and the number of nephrons in both kidneys. Several formulae were developed for calculating GFR based on serum creatinine and other markers. Estimated GFR using creatinine was calculated by MDRD formula, Cockcroft – Gault formula and CKD – EPI cystatin equation. The GFR values were calculated using creatinine and compared with the eGFR using the newer biomarkers CysC. In vitro mutagen sensitivity analysis showed that the mean number of chromatid breaks per cell (b/c) was significantly higher in hypertensive patients than in controls. The mean number of chromatid breaks per cell (b/c) value correlated well with the eGFR values suggesting the influence if DNA damage in the pathogenesis in HTN.
Converting the transitions between quantum gates into rotations[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevThis report describes an approach for generation of rotation through quantum operators. The approach of the proposed method transforms the transitions between quantum gates in rotary operations. Operations with qubits are very similar to the rotation, but with an added phase coefficient. This fact is used to create a process for rotation between unitary matrices.
Ensuring a spare quantum traffic[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is examined an algorithm for ensuring a spare quantum traffic, which requires the exchange of only one pair of qubits in order to be reached to a solution of the problem related to ensuring a spare traffic. Here we show two different approaches of the unitary dynamics that can enable the directional control, enhancement, and suppression of quantum transport. This opens new prospects for more efficient methods to transport a quantum information.
Quantum algorithm for non-local coordination[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is considered an algorithm for quantum non-local coordination. The algorithm for non-local coordination have been implemented as a quantum logic circuit, which include paired qubits, which can be represented as unitary matrices. The solution can be found through the constraints, on which these matrices must comply. The proposed quantum circuit opens new perspectives for more efficient methods for non-local quantum coordination.
Quantum circuit for spatial optimization[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevThis paper present a divide based simultable quantum circuit for spatial optimized coding, which is using only elementary quantum gates. The proposed approach provides the techniques for spatial optimized quantum algorithms. This approach might be useful only as a tool for spatial optimization of quantum algorithms, it is not particularly valuable for saving bandwidth.
Universal quantum operators[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this research it is demonstrated that there is an existing universal set of elementary gates, which can emulate any other operation. The universal set of quantum operators is sufficient to satisfy all computational needs. In this formal research are reviewed the basic quantum gates and is demonstrated why they form an universal quantum gate. This particular set of operators is examined because some of the difficulty simulating quantum concepts are distributed evenly between those gates.
Design of Compact Printed Ultra Wideband antenna with notch band characteristic[Full-Text ] Abdul Wahab Khan & Dr Irfan ZafarThe research thesis is aimed towards the designing of a compact printed ultra wideband antenna (UWB) with dual band notched characteristics. It is a planar monopole micro-strip fed designed antenna structure. The radiating patch is rectangular in shape with a partial ground plane. The 3.0 GHz Wi-max band is rejected in addition to the 5.0 band used in Wireless Local Area networks (WLAN’s). Simulation is done using the “High Frequency Structure Simulator” and the measured values are analyzed. The results obtained after using the optimized parameters depict UWB characteristics while rejecting the two bands frequencies.
Students’ Motivation Is “Realistic Challenge”: Online Courses[Full-Text ] Nehad T. Ramaha, Ahmed Dheyaa Basha,Wan Mohd. Fauzy Wan Ismail,Irfan Naufal UmarAmong the academic specialties, business has led the way in display Internet courses to its students. In this respect, online classes give students additional opportunities and flexibility in their universities to integrate courses into their daily schedules, a lot of fears have developed from this form of distance education. Research on distance education, pointing to that, the keys to effective online versus traditional classes involves the development of new teaching methods, repeated and timely interaction via email, the utilize of collaboration among student groups, weekly discussion boards, and an appreciation for students with multiple backgrounds and experiences. All of these “keys” are practical and factual; however, the researcher considers that intrinsic motivation can play a key role in online student success. This research paper was designed to (i) exam literature related to the importance of online courses, (ii) discuss some educational indicators that support the concept that intrinsic motivation is attributable to student success in an online course; and (iii) provide important strategies that may be utilized to increase intrinsic motivation in online courses.
Parametric design study of 500m2 Salt Gradient Solar Pond[Full-Text ] G. S. GunasegaraneSolar pond output is characterized by the magnitude and temperature of the thermal energy stored which in turn depends on the pond depth and the surface area as well as the local climatic conditions. Hence, the design of a solar pond involves determining the zone depths matching to a given load. This paper deals with the development of a numerical model to optimize the design parameters of a 500 m2 salt gradient solar pond. The design optimization gives the optimum depth of each zone namely upper convective zone (UCZ), non-convective zone (NCZ) and lower convective zone (LCZ) based on the local weather conditions. Results from the numerical model shows that the thickness of the insulating zone (NCZ) depends on the monthly average hourly solar radiation as well as on the temperature of the LCZ. The thickness of the NCZ is determined as 1.2m for UCZ=0.2m thick.
Design and implementation of multiport memories for re configurable devices[Full-Text ] Arun S.Tigadi, Deepti. S.P, Hansraj Guhilot.The included block RAMs in the fabric have typically only two ports, so the multi-ported memories have become challenging to implement with FPGAs. Only by using logic elements or by combination of multiple block RAMs, the multi-ported memories can be designed. A new design is proposed in this paper called Live Value Table. This design has more number of read ports and write ports compared to other methods. The other method called XOR based approach is also introduced ,this requires more area compared to Live Value Table based approach.
Closed Loop Control of Zero Voltage Switching DC-DC Converter to Generate Three Outputs[Full-Text ] J.Sivavara Prasad, Y.P.Obulesh, Ch.Sai BabuHard switching specifies the stressful switching behaviour of the controlled switches. During the turn-off and turn-on processes, the power electronic device has to withstand high current and voltage simultaneously, resulting in high stress and switching losses. The switching loss is directly proportional to the switch frequency, thus reducing the maximum switch frequency of the power electronic converter. The concept was to incorporate resonant tanks in the converters to create oscillatory (usually sinusoidal) voltage and/or current waveforms, so the zero current switching (ZCS) or zero voltage switching (ZVS) conditions can be achieved for the power control switches. The Soft-switched power converters are generally utilizing the resonance condition. Resonance condition is generally occurred just during the turn-off and turn-on processes, so as to create ZCS and ZVS across each switch. The Regulated three and five multiple-output dc-dc converter under zero-voltage switching (ZVS) condition is proposed. The converter is consists of three outputs altogether. With the help of two asymmetric half bridge converters, the first and second outputs are controlled. Based on the phase shift between two asymmetric half bridge converters, the third output is controlled. At high switching frequency, these multiple-output dc–dc converters can give higher efficiency. The various stages of operation, soft switching condition and controlling schemes are also explained. A closed loop and open loop control techniques of the three multiple output converter is explained.
Pixel-Based Morphological Technique for Breast Tumour Detection[Full-Text ] Adepoju T. M., Ojo J. A., Omdiora E. O., and Olabiyisi O. S.Breast region segmentation is the process of splitting mammogram image into breast region and background to focus and limit the search for abnormality on the breast region without the effect of the background on the results. In addition, performance of existing Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems for detection of malignant tumours in breast tissue have been limited by the methods of segmentation. Image segmentation is a multi-objective problem where multiple criteria must be considered for extraction of breast region. The developed segmentation technique in this paper considered intensity of pixel for image binarization (using Otsu thresholding) and shape for image boundary refinement (using mathematical morphological processes), to detect exact location of tumour in breast tissue. The developed technique was evaluated using Kappa agreement scale (Hit, Miss and Over-hit). A moderate value of 0.59 in Kappa agreement scale was achieved for the segmentation. The Two-stage Segmentation Technique is efficient to extract the locations of breast tumour with low level of false positive.
Stegnography as a SecurityEmbeddment[Full-Text ] ShrutiThis paper reviews the concept of Cryptography and stegnography (2 main pillors of security) including their difference also in a way of passing the information from one end to other. Stegnography is an art of hiding data is examined by Wavelet Approach. Under this approach with help of an algorithm a block dig. Is examined with encrypted message and disseminated abstractedly over the internet with the belief that stego-image carries confidential message which is not visible to intruder/un-authenticated person.
Split-Step Fourier Method In Modeling Dual Core Nonlinear Fiber Coupler[Full-Text ] James Raja.S., Peter Francis Mathew.E.Ultrafast soliton switching in a two-core fiber coupler is studied by controlling the coupling coefficients of the fiber. The numerical investigation of all optical soliton switching is done by using split step Fourier transformation algorithm. An extended study is done for coupled mode NLSE and the behaviour of the launched pulse is studied by controlling the coupling coefficient (k)and it is found that faster switching takes place by rightly controlling the coupling coefficient of the fiber coupler.
Lifting and Handling Precast Tunnel Segments[Full-Text ] Vijay Bhushan Gupta, Dr. M.P.JakhanwalIn this research paper, the authors have dealt the design criteria for precast tunnel segments handling and lifting both in the factory as well as at the site of Tunnelling mostly done with the help of TBM now a days. Tunnel lining segments have to be handled from the factory or storage site and carried to the tunneling site for placing the lining segment at the right place in the underground tunnels with the help of TBM. Therefore, lifting, moving, handling and placing the tunnel lining segment without any damage and with full safety, is a major challenge for site engineers. In this research paper an effort has been done to calculate the max. Moments and shear forces that develop in tunnel lining segments while lifting and handling them in various combinations as per the need at site. If the moments /shear force induced in segment while handling them is known, the engineers can procure the correct type of tunnel handling equipments of required capacity in order to handle the movements of lining segments without compromising the safety standards and thus avoiding any mishap at site.