Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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An Efficient Technique of Information Hiding using Hybrid Compression-Encryption with LSB Watermarking[Full-Text ] Sonali Jaiswal, Apurva SaxenaWatermarking is a new way of hiding secrete information so that the information is not accessible by other users. Since various techniques are implemented for the security of these secrete messages such as using spread spectrum technique. But the technique implemented so far is not efficient in terms of bit error rate and watermark signal strength. Hence a new and efficient technique is implemented using Hybrid Encryption-Compression based watermarking for the secrete hiding of information. The proposed methodology implemented here provides efficient results as compared to other existing techniques implemented for Watermarking.
Vehicle Configurations for Sports Utility Vehicles and Small Cars[Full-Text ] Ajay Babu, S. AshokWorldwide transportation sector has witnessed dynamic developments in recent years. The motivation to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and to reduce the environmental impact caused due to this sector-paved way for the evolution of electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Today the world is looking at more advanced options like the plug-in electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. In this scenario, the economic aspects of these vehicles assume great importance, especially for the developing countries. This paper considers an internal combustion engine-driven Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a small car as the reference vehicles and derives equivalent electric and hybrid electric vehicle configurations for these. Further analysis indicates most economic configurations for the SUV and small car segments.
The Effects of Hydrogen Addition to Diesel Fuel on the Emitted Particulate Matters[Full-Text ] Miqdam Tariq ChaichanParticulate matter (PM) makes diesel engine exhaust contributes substantially to ambient air pollution. Many disease infections in the respiratory and the cardiovascular system are created by PM as proofed by several valuable articles. Particulate matters (PM) emitted from Automotives and stationary engines threaten the public health because PM carries polyaromatic carcinogenic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Several kinds of alternative fuels have been adopted and tested for diesel engines as an effort to reduce emitted PM from diesel engines.
EFFECT OF HEAVY METAL ON Brassica Juncea GROWTH EXPOSED TO DIFFERENT LEAD TREATMENTS[Full-Text ] Abdulrazak Ado, Sale Ali Ibrahim, Mohammed Tanimu Badamasi, Noshankhan Nazamuddenkhan, Prof. Rita Singh MajumdaraGeneral effect of heavy metal is worldwide problem that posed and render environment polluted by causing destruction to both biotic and abiotic substances due to the human activities both Industrial as well as Agricultural practice. The effect of lead (Pb) on growth of Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) was analyzed by mix contamination of 1kg of soil mechanically using variable concentration of lead as (0.3g, 0.6g and 0.9g) and (0.0) contained no external lead as control in the experimental garden. During plantation period of one month the plants was watered with deionised water throughout the experimental period in an alternative days to ensured maintenance of soil moisture near to the field capacity which followed by harvest at developmental stage. Shoot length, root length and fresh plant weight biomass was recorded.
Determination and Analysis of Geometric and Dimensional Tolerance for the Production of Bus Body Frame[Full-Text ] Dagmawi Hailu, Dr. Wassihun Yimer, Er. Mukesh DidwaniaIn this paper the main reason for designing welding fixture for Bishoftu Bus body frame, Ethiopia is to produce the body of the bus in Bishoftu Automotive and Locomotive Industry, Ethiopia. The bus is currently assembled in the industry by importing all components and subassemblies. It is a common practice to build bus body on a truck chassis by welding individual components to the chassis. This process has a big problem of repeatability and standardization in terms of shape and dimensional accuracy. The other practice is using a welding template or use of a replica of the actual product as a template placed on a heavy welding table supported with clamping devices. This method is easy fast and less costly method. The problem of this method is lack of accuracy and duplication of errors especially when manufacturing in large quantity. The other practice is using modular fixturing method like that of Demmeler modular fixturing system. This is the best methods, which provides all advantages gained from using modular fixtures. The only problem is its very high cost. The new design is composed of variable length square frame with dovetail guide ways machined on four faces along the length. Determination of geometric and dimensional tolerances for the Bishoftu bus body Frame is done by Variation of the process, variation of the fixture and variation of the parts. And we conclude that at minimum gap, which is maximum material condition (MMC), there will be interference, which practically is not acceptable. In case of (LMC) List Material Condition, which is the maximum gap, the gap extends beyond limit. Consequently, sizes are adjusted and corrected accordingly, and when changing equal bilateral tolerances in to unilateral tolerances some problems also will reduced. The rest of the wider gap in case of List Material Condition will remain unchanged.
Text Mining Using Natural Language Processing[Full-Text ] Dr. Emad S. OthmanThe World Wide Web today has a massive amount of widely distributed, interconnected, rich and dynamic hypertext data. One of the Text mining objectives is to extract knowledge from unstructured textual data. The contribution in this research is to design and implement a system combining morphology, synonyms, indexing and databases for Text Mining and Information Retrieval with different modes regarding morphology and synonyms. The used approach is based on preprocessing the Arabic text to convert it into semi-structured indexed database. A suitable indexing method and an appropriate searching mechanism are used to extract the required information. The proposed model is evaluated and it showed Average recall between 85% and 100% depending on the selected mode. It also showed average precision between 73.2% and 90.33% and average F-measure of 87.03.
Delineation of Subsurface Lithology using Two- Dimensional Geoelectrical Resistivity Imaging in Ologbo Area of Edo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Friday Ezomo, Justice .E. Adagbon, Ojeabu Akhirevbulu, and Ezekiel AbrikuIn this research work, subsurface lithology in Ologbo area of Edo state was delineated using two-dimensional geoelectrical resistivity imaging technique. The Petrozenith earth resistivity meter equipment was employed using the Wenner-Schlumberger electrode configuration. Two locations were investigated within the study area which includes Near Pipeline Route, off NNPC Road (line 11) and Lonestar Area (line 18). A total of seventy-eight Wenner-Schlumberger sounding were obtained in each of the area, while the data was inverted using the Zondres 2D software. The results show the presence of laterite, sand and gravel in the area.
Multiple People Tracking Using Non-iterative Tensor Voting Method[Full-Text ] Shipra Ojha, Dr. S.R. SakhareHuman tracking is an emerging research field in computer vision and video surveillance. Lightning changes and occlusion are the main challenges faced during tracking. This paper focuses on people tracking both in indoor and outdoor scenes. Our method is based on color modeling using tensor voting framework, which can handle these challenges. The lightning conditions are controlled by homomorphic filtering and occlusion is handled by modelling the color clothing of each individual. Tensor voting is non-iterative method in which only the scale has to be specified at beginning and is able to build number of clusters automatically. The experimental work shows that our method can track the person successfully and also handle occlusion by finding the centroid of a person.
Mystery of Fermat Number[Full-Text ] Debajit DasIf any number in the form of 2m + 1 produces a prime number then obviously m is in the form of 2n where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,.... In honor of great mathematician Pierre de Fermat, this number has been named as Fermat number i.e. Fn = 22^n +1. So Fermat number may produce prime number or composite number. By physical verification it is observed that Fn is prime for n = 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4 But for n > 4 it is found to be composite or a single factor with unknown character. There is no proof in favor of prime number for n > 4. With the help of Ns operation as defined in my paper published in IJSER, Vol-4, Issue-8, Aug-edition 2013 regarding ‘Mystery of Beal Equation’ it has been possible to prove that there is no existence of any prime for n > 4.
Energy Efficient WMSN for Virtual Sensor-Based Global Information Sharing using Mobile Cloud[Full-Text ] Sandip Roy, Aditi Sen, Tanaya Roy, Debabrata SarddarWireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN) have recently gained the attention of the research community due to their wide range of applications and are currently being used in several applications in which Multimedia Surveillance Sensor Network and Environment monitoring are important ones. These applications need to continuously capture images in order to monitor certain events. In this paper an energy efficient mechanism Energy Efficient Sensing and Web-based Sharing (EESWS) is presented in which the target detection capability is increased by means of rotation of IP camera sensor node in WMSN as it detects any target in its Field of View (FoV), rotates until the target moves out of CS’s FoV and activates the video module when either target stops or roaming around a particular position. Multimedia contents, captured by IP camera, can be viewed directly by remote user, through either making connection between IP camera and itself i.e. with mobile phones, PCs etc. or can be viewed after getting alert message from the network. The multimedia contents of target environment then can be uploaded to social networking cloud. On an average 47.13% energy efficiency is achieved in EESWS.
Implemntation of PLC based software prototype for 45.6 MHz, 100kW, ICRH DAC using EPICS control system[Full-Text ] Krupa Mehta, Ramesh Joshi, S V Kulkarni and Bhavesh SoniHigh power Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) system is an integral part of future fusion reactors and one of the prominent auxillary heating systems utilized for tokamak heating experiment.
Experimental Investigation Of The Use Of Local Clay (Abbi, Delta State, Nigeria) As A Substitute For Foreign Imported Bentonite Clay In The Formulation Of Aqua Base Drilling Fluid.[Full-Text ] Akinade Akinwumi, Afolabi FunshoNigeria is a major oil producer and therefore embarks on substantial drilling activities. The drilling activities for the development of petroleum and underground natural resources are indeed consuming large quantities of clay for drilling mud preparations, of which are being imported. In this research work, the rheological formulation of our locally sourced Bentonite clay in substitute for the imported foreign Bentonite clay was carried out by the comparative analysis of the parameters of the local mud with the stipulated API standard values of imported mud to ascertain the level of compliance in drilling operation. At the end of this laboratory analysis, it was obvious that most of the properties of the local clay such as: mud weight, gel strength, sand content, consistency index and power law index meet the standard specification of imported foreign drilling mud, while other rheological properties and mud pH needed a little treatment with additives to improve it properties to meet that of a foreign imported mud.
Wear Properties of Al Based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Prepared By Stir Casting Method[Full-Text ] Lunat Faiyaz Yusuf, Anuj Kumar, Dhruv KumarIn the past few years the global need for low cost, high performance and good quality materials has caused a shift in research from monolithic to composite materials. In case of MMC’s, aluminum matrix composite due to their high strength to weight ratio, low cost and high wear resistance are widely manufactured and used in structural applications along with aerospace and automobile industry. Metal matrix compositions (MMC) have become a leading materials and particles reinforced aluminum MMCs have received considerable attention due to their excellent mechanical properties like high hardness, high tensile strength etc. In this study, homogenized (2%, 4%, and 6%) by weight of alumina & (3%,6, and 9%) by weight of graphite aluminium metal matrix composite materials were fabricated and selected as work piece for experimental investigations of hardness, wear behaviour, XRD & SEM. X-Ray Diffraction test shows degree of angle is between 35 to 45. Scanning Electron Microscope test shows electron variation at different magnification it also shows the distribution of Alumina and Graphite particles in aluminium alloy. It has been observed that increase of reinforcement element produced better mechanical properties such as hardness & tribological properties such as wear. A pin on disc tribometer was used for wear test. Wear test were carried out by different sliding distance, speed and load. After wear test scanning electron microscope was used to examine the wear mechanism on the worn surfaces of the composites.
IDENTIFICATION THE SYSTEM OF SPACES UTILIZATION AT RIVERBANKS OF PAMPANG RELATED TO THE KINDS OF SOCIAL ACTIVITIES[Full-Text ] Andi Hildayanti, Endang Titi Sunarti BD, Sri Nastiti NESettlement in riverbanks of Pampang is located in a strategic point and near to the public facilities. This position changes the riverbank settlement area of Pampang to be rapidly developed. As its impact, the number of public spaces is decreasing. Otherwise, lack of public spaces encourages residents around Pampang to do many social activities at riverbanks and open space around the river, thus it influences the system of spaces utilization. This research identification the system of spaces utilization related to the diversity of social activities in Pampang. This is a descriptive research which uses cognitive mapping analysis to the social activity according to the system of spaces utilization with spaces mapping and activities of residents. So the research will find intact descriptions to the kinds of activities on each function of space within intervals of spaces’ utilities. This research concludes that the social activities can change form of spaces by making several additional elements to the public spaces, such as semi-permanent seats under the trees and gazebos for social interactions. Mostly the public spaces are put along the riverbank, so the river becomes more interesting with many activities around it.
Experimental Investigation of the Performance of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Refrigerant in A Vapour Compression Refrigeration System[Full-Text ] Oyelami S., Bolaji B. O.In this work, the performance of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which has zero ozone depleting potential and very low global warming potential, was investigated as working fluid in the vapour compression refrigerating system as a possible alternative. The LPG used for the study consist the mixture of propane and butane in the ratio 60/40% by mass. An experimental refrigerator was developed as test rig and the rig was charged with 50g of LPG. Tests were carried out at various ambient temperatures, producing average ambient temperatures ranging from 27.5 to 33.5℃. A steady-state process design and operational analysis simulation software, SIMSCI/PROII, was used to determine the enthalpy values for LPG refrigerant. The values obtained were then used to calculate important performance parameters. The results showed that as the ambient temperature increases, the coefficient of performance (COP), and the refrigeration capacity decreases, but the compressor power input increases. The average compressor power consumption of LPG was 12.5% lower than that of R134a, while the average refrigeration capacity and COP of LPG were 4.2% and 11.16% higher, respectively, than those of R134a. Finally, the results showed that, the system performed better with LPG than R134a. Therefore, LPG refrigerant can be successfully adopted.
Optical, Thermal and NLO actions of Pure and Neem Leaves Extract Doped Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystal[Full-Text ] A.Gandhimathi, O.N.Balasundaram, A.Elakkina kumaranAmmonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) (NH4H2PO4) is an excellent inorganic non linear optical material with different device applications. In this present work, ADP crystal and neem leaves extract doped ADP (NADP) crystal has been grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique. The grown crystals were characterized by powder X-ray diffractometion (XRD) method. The XRD pattern confirms the crystalline nature and the purity of the grown crystals. UV-Vis spectrum showed that good optical quality of ADP & NADP crystals. The functional group frequencies were identified and assigned from FTIR spectra.The emission spectra of the crystals were recorded using spectrofluorometer. The emission peaks of pure ADP and NADP were absorbed at 452 nm & 530 nm respectively.The optical band gap energy were estimated as 2.7468 eV & 2.3425 eV. Nonlinear optic measurement has been used to find the SHG efficiency. Thermal stability increases in ADP crystal by an organic additive of neem leaves extract has been determined by Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). Some novel results of a combined sequential study of growth spirals on the basal surface of the ADP and NADP crystals by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is presented and discussed. Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDAX), presence of element with weight percentage has been calculated.
Development of GUI for Spirometer and Calculation of different Spirometric Parameters[Full-Text ] Isha G. Sodhi, Aparna Lakhe, Jyothi Warrier, Rajesh Kumar Jain, Vineet SinhaSpirometery is the fundamental of Pulmonary Function Test that is used to diagnose various respiratory diseases. The inference of the disease is based on various Spirometric parameters that are derived from Volume-Time and Flow-Volume Curves. The aim of this work is to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) displaying Spirometric graphs and calculate important Spirometric parameters that depend on the type of the pneumotachometer used. The paper also presents a comparison between the developed spirometer and a reference spirometer.
Feature Based Approach For Segmenting Remote Sensing Images[Full-Text ] Neethu Treesa Jacob, Dinu Innocent, Renu GeorgeIn remote sensing, observation data are available with increasingly high spatial and spectral resolution, object-based image analysis approaches receive more and more attention. Object-based analysis uses regions or segments of an image as basic units. Segmentation provides building blocks for object-based analysis. Image segmentation partitions an image into non overlapping regions so that each region is as homogeneous and neighboring ones as different as possible. Multispectral (MS) images are the main type acquired by remote sensing radiometers. Here a bank of filters are used. So there uses local spectral histogram representation which consists of histograms of filter responses in a local window. To address the high dimensionality and boundary localization problems, proposed segmentation method is multivariate linear regression. Segmentation is linked to the scale issue. Meaningful structures and objects exist over a certain range of scales. Improper scales leads to oversegmentation and under segmentation.
TOILET CLEANING?...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Lathaase study shows that Toilet is considered as a medium for disposal of human excreta to the sewage system for better and comfortable human living system. The word toilet is also called in many names internationally like latrine, lavatory, water closet, comfort room. Indians have invented ancient toilet system ?...
Pattern Mining for Human Interactions in Group Discussions using Tree-based Mining Algorithm[Full-Text ] Samreen Sadaf Qazi F., Prof. Leena A. DeshpandeHuman-human interaction is one of the most important characteristics of any group activity. Group activities could be anything like meetings, group discussions, debates, panel discussions, presentations, and sports, etc. Research in such field generally includes: gesture, gaze, haptic, and the speech. But the human style of interactions and communication poses lots of challenges for researchers from technological perspective.
COMPUTER OPERATORS SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS IN WORKSTATION DESIGN[Full-Text ] Sociis T.A.Okolie and Osita C. OkolieNinety nine Computer operators who were staff of related workstations provided data for the study. An open ended questionnaire was designed on the subjects at the end of the workday. Subjects were asked to describe their feelings or how intense their feelings like vision problems and any muscle, back, or joint pain. Questionnaire responses were scored on four scales: eye irritation, eye fatigue, back pain, and neck-shoulder pains. Measures of workstation features were correlated with the feelings or complaints reported by the subjects. The predicting variables included contrast ratios from screen T.Ato near and far positions of the operator, and screen to copy work as well as time spent on the computer. The result of the analysis showed that the only variable that consistently correlated with reported complaints was time spent on the computer. These correlation ranged from r =.22 (p<0.05),between time on the computer and neck shoulder pain, while between time and back pain was r =0.32 (p<0.05). The sum of the complaints correlated with time at r =0.36 (p<0.01). Forty two subjects who reported no complaints spent an average of 42% of day working with the computer, while fifty one subjects who reported symptoms spent 60% of time working on the computer, t92 = 3.22, (p<0.01). The paper discusses these results and made useful inferences for the safety of computer operators. The result further showed that the operators with few complaints used preferred workstations with less than half of the days work with breaks in work schedule. It can also be inferred that workstation design features would predict specific complaints among operators who spend most of their workday at the computer. The result, however, suggest that work break schedule may be a better predictor of operator feelings than workstation design. Thus optimal computer operation workstations may be most useful for operators who spend most work day at the computer.
A Survey on Detection & Tracking of Travelling Target in Video Surveillance System[Full-Text ] M. P. Pawar, S. S. Unnibhavi, P. A. SatarkarThis paper presents a survey of various techniques related to video surveillance system improving the security. The goal of this paper is to review of various travelling target detection and target tracking methods. This paper pointing to detection of travelling targets in video surveillance system then tracking the detected targets in the view.Ttravelling target detection is first low level important task for any video surveillance application. Detection of travelling target is a challenging task. Tracking is required in higher level applications that require the location and shape of target in every frame. In this survey, I expressed Background subtraction with alpha, statistical method, Eigen background Subtraction and Temporal frame differencing to detect travelling target as well as I described tracking method based on point tracking, kernel tracking and silhouette tracking.
Use of CRDi/MPFi Technology in Automobiles[Full-Text ] Vikrant Dev RathoreThe use of CRDi and MPFi is becoming more and more significant in the automotive industry. Gone are the days when vehicles used to be only mechanical machines. CRDi (Common Rail Direct Injection) and MPFi (Multipoint fuel Injection) are intelligent ways of controlling the diesel and petrol engines respectively with the help of modern computer systems. CRDi and MPfi help to improve the power, performance and reduce harmful emissions from a car engine. Non CRDi/MPFi engines are sluggish, noisy and poor in performance as compared to CRDi/MPFi engines.
An Enhanced Approach to Responsive Web Design in Fluid Grid Concept[Full-Text ] Abdulrehman Mohamed, Dr. Cheruiyot W.K. PhD, & Dr. Richard Rimiru, PhDWeb design is a dynamic field which evolved around user viewing experience trends. The recent trends have revolutionized the web design approach technologies. The result of which, Responsive Web Design (RWD) concept was coined by Web Designer Ethan Marcotte in the year 2010. RWD is an approach of new paradigms and techniques to develop one single website which looks different for different screen sizes so that it is usable on any access web device. The core concepts of RWD are; media query concept, fluid grid concept, and fluid image concept. The study is inspired by the fluid grid concept. Lots of ink has been spilled on the concept, especially in areas of conversion of website’s fixed grid layouts to fluid grid layouts. However, these approaches involved heavy customization, resulting into slow adaption by web designers. Therefore, the study’s objective is to address this gap by implementing an alternative approach that will be non-customizable and accessible by a single line of code. Hence, study presented an enhanced approach to RWD by implementing an algorithm coined Liquidizer.js in a jQuery Framework. The study employed Matt Kersley RWD Tool: for testing Liquidizer.js, Bersoft Image Measurement (BIM) tool: for validating Liquidizer.js, and USE questionnaire for measuring usability: for evaluation of the Liquidizer.js algorithm in SPSS. The outcome of the study is threefold; to present the state-of-art survey of RWD technology, implement an algorithm Liquidizer.js that achieves an enhanced RWD, and register the Liquidizer.js in the jQuery Library under the GNU General Public License.
STUDIES ON BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM DIFFERENT MICROORGANISMS[Full-Text ] Richa ShuklaNatural products from microbial origin, either as pure compounds or as standardized extracts, provide unlimited opportunities for new drug leads because of the unmatched availability of chemical diversity and ease of simplicity. Due to an increasing demand for chemical diversity in screening programs, seeking therapeutic drugs from natural products, interest particularly by microbes has grown throughout the world. Botanicals and herbal preparations for medicinal usage contain various types of bioactive compounds. Bioactive compounds are synthesized by a number of microbial sources such as bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, microscopic algae etc. Some of them are associated with antibacterial properties while some with antimicrobial properties. Apart from this some microbes showed broad range of action having properties of inhibiting bacteria, fungi, yeast etc. A few of the important sources of microbes for secretion of bioactive compounds are bacteria (Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp.), Actinomycetes (Streptomyces sp.), Fungi (Penicillium, Yeasts, Slime moulds), Microscopic algae (Seaweeds, dinoflagellates, diatoms etc.). A number of Carbon sources, Nitrogen sources and various environmental conditions are responsible for maximum production of bioactive compounds using different isolates.
A review on the mechanical properties, tribological behavior and the microstructural characterization of Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs).[Full-Text ] Aakash Kumar, Prabhutosh KumarIn this present generation, due to extensive demands of low cost, high efficiency and performance along with superior quality has led to a decline in the simple and traditional research and new advance research has taken over. Hybrid composites have proved their great performance with excellent versatility. In case of Metal Matrix Composites of Aluminium, due to their high strength to weight ratio, high corrosion and wear resistance with relatively low cost are extensively produced and is employed in several applications like structural, aerospace, automobile sector due to its thermal stability and tremendous specific strength. These MMCs are advanced engineering materials which are reinforced with materials having improved mechanical and tribological behavior. Reinforcement like alumina, silicon carbide, TiO2, graphite and fly ash are mainly used. This paper presents a review on the mechanical properties and tribological behavior along with their microstructural evolution that is obtained after their reinforcement at various concentrations. Different reinforcements have different effect on aluminium composites like graphite addition enhances the tensile strength, elastic modulus, thermal and electrical conductivity due to its lubricating property. Alumina addition results in good tribological behavior. Fly ash addition caused an increase in tensile strength, yield strength and overall mechanical properties. Similarly other reinforcements have their particular effect on the Al composites.
Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric and Asymmetric Extrusion Process Using Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] S. T. Oyinbo, O.M Ikumapayi, J.S Ajiboye, S.A AfolaluThe deformation load is the most important parameter in the press design. The flow of metal, consequently load, is largely influenced by the geometry of the die and hence the geometric shape of the tools is the main factor by which an optimum load can be developed. In extrusion process the strain distribution, resulting from deformation load, and other important variables that influence material structure, such as a hydrostatic stress, are strongly dependent on the geometry of the die. In the present investigation using linearly converging die profiles, the extrusion of simple and advanced polygons such as circular, square, triangular, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, L-, T-, and H- sections from round billet have been numerically simulated. Mathematical equations describing the die profiles were evaluated. A solid CAD model for the linearly converging die profile was made using Autodesk Inventor 2013 software and numerical analysis using DEFORM 3D software for extrusion of the above sections from round billet was then performed to determined, for dry and lubricated condition, the load prediction, effective stress, effective strain, strain rate, velocity and temperature distribution during the deformation. It is found that the predictive loads for advance (asymmetric) shapes are found to be higher than that of the simple shapes. While there is no marked difference between the predictive load for simple (axisymmetric) shapes, the L-section has the highest extrusion load, followed by T-section and the H-section given the least pressure.