Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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Functionals related to a to the Bitrace on Partial *O -Algebras [Full-Text ] Yusuf IbrahimWe consider functionals defined on some certain subspaces of a partial O*-algebra M (i.e, a standard, unital, subalgebra, of a partial *- algebras〖 L〗_w^+ (D,H) ). On these subspaces we define the right *-representations(resp., left *--representations) and using such representations we introduce the right (resp., left) regular functionals related to the Bitrace. Simple relations are given for such functionals.
Mitigation of Channel Impairment in Ethernet Wireless Local Area Network in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Eze, M. N, Eke, J., Onuamah, P.N.This paper focuses on mitigation of channel impariment in Ethernet wireless local area network. During the data collection procedure, the flowchart for the queuing behaviour of Ethernet was shown, the throughput data presentation as well as the MATLAB CODE were also presented in this paper. The major objective of this paper is to establish the influence of varying the traffic intensity and the network size of Ethernet quality of service (QOS). The network is developed and converted into MATLAB simulation model.
Pattern Block Emendation before Design Manipulation to get Accurate Garment Dimension According to Size after Washing and Finishing[Full-Text ] Umme Magreba Takebira Lira, Ishrat Ara MunmunPattern drafting provides the pattern block which provides the basic shapes for manipulation and development. Pattern drafting is a construction method, allowing the measurement of the body and minimum levels of ease to satisfy comfort and function. However, the block which provides the drafting method, we cannot use the same block for woven apparel design and also for knitwear design. So, the block depends on fabric characteristics. The research outlines methods and results to establish the system of pattern drafting and emendation pattern block according to fabric characteristics. Although ease is generally considered as an addition to the dimensions, it may also be subtraction and is dependent on many factors including body movement, fabric characteristics, comfort preferences and garment styling. To develop a block and then design enlargement, first we need to draft the pattern block with minimum ease and then need to develop the pattern according to fabric characteristics (shrinkage & elongation presentence).
Role Of Social Class In Shaping Thoughts And Actions In Organizations[Full-Text ] Emad MubarakThe role that social classes play in shaping the beliefs within the organizations was studied in this study. It was seen that education is one of the most prominent predictor that associates the label of different social classes with the employees working within the organizations. Moreover, the high cost of education from the esteemed organizations is also another reason behind the increased discrimination towards the lower social classes. However, individuals who have originated from lower social classes like Roger Enrico are also working on the prominent positions because of their untiring efforts and competitiveness. Still, discriminatory practices within the organizations can be seen on the major levels because of the certain associations that are attached with specific social classes. For that reason, top management should take stringent actions to eradicate these malign practices from their organizations.
A Comparative study between Contourlet and Wavelet Transform for Medical Image Registration and Fusion[Full-Text ] Akshata M, Aparna BV, Sathyasri Donthi, Nupur Jain and Saritha ChakrasaliContourlet Transform is an emerging technique which captures directionality and smooth contours that are predominantly present in medical images. Image Registration is a fundamental task used in image processing to match reference and sensed images taken at different times, from different sensors or from different viewpoints to bring images into geometric alignment. The term Fusion means in general an approach to extraction of information acquired in several domains. Both registration and fusion provide effective information to the specialists for diagnosis in the field of medicine. This paper aims at registration and fusion of mono modal and multimodal medical images using Contourlet Transform. A comparative analysis has also been made between the Wavelet and Contourlet transform for medical image registration and fusion.
Performance Analysis of OTDM and WDM Optical Communication System[Full-Text ] Sunita Rani, Dr. Amandeep Singh SappalOptical time division multiplexing (OTDM) is a technique used to accomplish the demand of large capacity. It is an alternative to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Capacity can be enlarged by enhancing the bit rate of already existing channel in time division multiplexing. In this paper, to compensate dispersion different dispersion compensation techniques are used. Optical Time Division Multiplexing (OTDM) system has large bandwidth and large transmission capacity as compared to Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) system. So, DCF techniques are employed on WDM and OTDM and both are compared in terms of Quality Factor and Bit error rate at 40 Gb/s bit rate.
Various Methods of Tunnel Lining Design in Elastically Embedded Soil[Full-Text ] Vijay Bhushan Gupta ,Dr. M.P.JakhanwalIn this research paper, the authors have dealt the various methods of Tunnel Lining design in elastically embedded soil and compared them. For the design of tunnel lining in elastically embedded soil , Zurabov and Bougayeva assume a continuous monolithic tunnel lining as a ring and thus take into account the support offered by the ground in the form of an elastic foundation. This method is considerably more accurate than the Davidov's method because has not considered the elastic subgrade reaction of subsoil. Davidov while calculating the stresses in ring neglects the effect of the lateral earth reaction and also the deflection at the horizontal diameter. Further A.M. Muir Wood and Morgan has also worked out empirical methods for solutions of ring design in elastically embedded soil. Out of the empirical methods in design of tunnel lining considered as a monolithic ring, Zurabov & Bougayeva method gives better approximate results, although for accurate results 3D Finite Element method may be adopted.
Integrated Geophysical and Geotechnical Subsoil Evaluation for Pre-foundation study of Proposed Site of Vocational Skill and Entrepreneurship Center at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Sw, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adejumo S.A,Oyerinde A.O,Aleem M.OAn integrated geophysical and geotechnical investigation has been conducted as pre-foundation study at the proposed site of vocational skill and entrepreneurship centre, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria. This is aimed at evaluating the competence of the the foundation materials in the near surface formation . The study involved twelve vertical electrical sounding (VES) using schlumberger electrode array and geotechnical laboratory test on six soil samples of the subsoil within the study area. Four distinct geo electric layers were delineated; the top soil, laterite, weathered layer and fractured basement. The layer resistivity and thickness ranges are 87.6-344.3ohm-m and 0.6-2.3m; 129.1-607.3ohm-m and 1.2-8.6m, 27.9-209.9 ohm-m and 6.3 -26..3m and 42.5-613 ohm-m for the four layers respectively. The overburden thickness in the area generally exceed 10m. The percentage passing 0.075mm, Liquid Limit, Plasticity Index, Linear Shrinkage, Natural moisture Content, Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture Content and Unconfined Compressive Strength ranges are 21.3-32.4, 30-38%, 6.4-8.9%, 0.8-5.7%, 7.5-11.7,1.68-1.83g/cm3, 16-18% and 130 – 145KN/m2 respectively. In the area the subsoil within or on which civil engineering structure can be placed are composed mainly of clayey sand and laterite with a mean resistivity value of 240 ohm-m and all geotechnical parameters were within specification for subsoil foundation materials. It can be concluded therefore that the subsoil within the study area are generally competent as foundation material to host the proposed structure.
3-Stage Authentication System[Full-Text ] Mrs. Dhanamma Jagli, Mrs. Geocy Shejy, Shrimant Gauda, Dinesh Makhijani3-stage Authentication system is a system which identifies the user who wishes to gain access to the system .Our proposed system overcomes the shortcomings of the current authentication system like textual password, graphical password etc and providing a cheap and effective solution for authentication by using digital watermarking and other techiques to hide the password. Here we have used the digital watermarking technique based on joint DWT and DCT transform.
An Efficient Technique of MRI Image Classification using PSO-SVM[Full-Text ] Priti Sahu, Prof. Sunita GondWith the rapid development of the medical science more and more medical images are generated rapidly like MRI, CT scan, X-ray etc. Due to that an efficient system is essential for the indexing, storing and analyzing such images. The analyzing cost of such images is very high. The analysis quality also differs and highly prone to errors. The classification of such images is a quite harder job. Hence it is essential to develop a strong system for classification of such images. The analysis of the medical images provides a way of detecting and predicting diseases in the images. Since various techniques are implemented for the analysis of images containing diseases. The existing technique implemented for the disease classification using manifold learning provides efficient detection and classification of diseases in MRI images [1]. But the technique implemented for the disease classification is based support vector machine based classifier which is less efficient and contains more error rate. Hence an efficient technique is implemented for the disease classification by the optimization of support vector machine using particle swarm optimization. The proposed technique implemented here provides efficient classification and detection of diseases in the image.
Modeling Sensitivity Using Constant Eddy Viscosity and Zero Equation Turbulence models (Case Study: 60 km Length of Ibrahimia Channel, Egypt)[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ibrahiem Ibrahiem Mohammed El-Gamal, Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Hady Eid In this research, a comparison between constant eddy viscosity and zero equation turbulence models using velocity and vorticity profiles was exerted. A 3D model called IRIC (International River Interface Corporative) based on an explicit finite difference method using upwind scheme was applied. Therefore, in order to calibrate and verify this model, velocities of five different cross sections of Ibrahimia channel, Egypt, were used. The hydrographic and riverbed bathymetric surveys of Ibrahimia channel were carried out by Hydraulics Research Institute “HRI” of the National Water Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt, using the provided echo-sounder light boat. The velocity measurements were carried out at locations of km: 6.0, km: 26.0, km: 41.0, km: 47.0 and km: 53.0 from the upstream boundary of Ibrahimia channel. It was determined from calibration process that the final calibrated Manning's coefficient was 0.027 that gave an excellent results compared with field ones. From this research, it was found that, the error between simulated velocities using constant eddy viscosity and field data ranged about from 0.0 % to +16.67 %, but this error varied between -5.8 % and +4.76 % using zero equation turbulence model. This means that, these models give a good simulation results and could be used, and zero equation turbulence model is more accurate than constant eddy viscosity model by about 12 %.
The impact of equivalence ratio on performance and emissions of a hydrogen-diesel dual fuel engine with cooled exhaust gas recirculation[Full-Text ] Miqdam Tariq ChaichanThe employment of hydrogen as a fuel in a diesel engine or dual fuel engine researched since mid 70’s of the last century. As an alter-native fuel, many researchers suggested hydrogen for two aspects: fuel economy and emission. In this study, the influence of cooled EGR on the engine performance and emissions of 4-cylinder duel fuel engine fueled with hydrogen and diesel investigated. The effect of the air-fuel ratio (AFR) at constant engine speed (1500rpm) and optimum injection timing is presented.
Overcoming Planar MOSFET Scaling Barriers Using 3D FinFET Technology[Full-Text ] Anoop KiranEvolution of electronics has brought down the size of a transistor from millimeter to micrometer scale.
HYPERHOMOCYSTEINEMIA AND LIPIDS ON THE ONSET ESSENTIAL ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION AND CORONARY DISEASE[Full-Text ] Doc.Dr.Sci. Med. Lutfi Zulbeari, MD,PhD, Prof. Dr. Nasir Behxheti,. Dr. Zamira Bexheti, Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr. Phar.Mirlind BehxhetiSummary: Cardiovascular diseases(CVD) still remain as main factor of invalidity, morbidity and mortality in developed and developing countries. Despite known factors (genetic predisposition, gender, age, arterial hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, C reactive protein) recently in the ethiology of CVD raised total Homocysteine (Hcyt) is considered also. Corelation between raised Hcyt and CVD was dissevered 25 years ago by Carson and Neil, who saw a defect of Hcyt metabolism in a patient with rasied Hcyt. In this cases is verified lack several enzymes which enable normal metabolism of Hcyt. Therefore as result of these metabolic disorders of Hcyt, clinical picture of raised Hcyt and its accumulation in blood-hyperhomocysteinema appears. Several studies have verified taht 15-30% of cases with CVD are result of hyperhomocysteinemia (1). Aim of this paper: Aim of this paper is to examine concentrations of Hcyt and lipid profile in patients with essential arterial hypertension and positive personal history for CVD, comparing them with the control group composed from healthy individuals. Our study aimed to verify the role of Homocysteine as new indipendent risk factor on the onset of early atherosclerosis (artherosclerosis prematura) and atheromateous processes in coronary arteries in patients with CVD and the impact of raised Hcy in evaluating arterial hypertension. This paper aimed to propose medical measures to corect and treat hyperhomocysteineia, which obviously would decrease the consequences of Hcyt on CVD and arterial hypertension.
Macroeconomic variables effect on All share price index in Colombo stock exchange of Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Mr.P.R.M.R.PereraThis study was done with the aim of finding the relationship between All share price index of Colombo stock exchange of Sri Lanka and the macro economic variables.
Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Concrete with Palm Kernel Aggregate Using the Artificial Neutral Networks Approach[Full-Text ] P. N. OnuamahIn the construction of engineering structures it sometimes becomes necessary to use light weight aggregate to reduce costs from forced use of heavy concrete mixes. In this paper, the artificial network method is applied to search for a simpler and quicker way of arriving at optimal mix ratio using light kernel shell aggregates. The method serves as an alternative to the time consuming experimental trial and error methods of arriving at the required lightweight aggregate concrete for construction. The work involves building a multi-layer perceptron neural network model whose input data are the same experimental data used to obtain the compressive strength values for the formulation of the concrete compressive strength regression model of palm kernel shell (PKS) aggregate. The result of the study is validated using correlation analysis between the ANN result and regression model result.
An investigation into cyber security in terms of costs, impacts and occurrence of current ICT issues in front of private sectors and electronic governments[Full-Text ] MSc. Karwan M. KareemInformation and communication services have too much vulnerability that produces a new type of crime, illegal behaviour and bad activities such as stealing, attack and broke data onto the internet and communication tools. The growing of information and communication technology elements such as hand held devices, network and computer has caused increasing the risk of cyber-attack. Therefore, cyber security becomes a big issue, for today to protect information, catch the attackers and decrease the risk of cyber-attack, especially in front of private sectors and electronic governments.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND THE MENACE OF CIGARETTE SMOKE: CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY[Full-Text ] Oluseyi Akinola Olagoke, Olusola O. BamisileAddiction is a strong or harmful need to regularly have or do something and the list of addictive habit is practically inexhaustible. Various researchers have attempted to explain why man has found it nearly impossible to break even from the habit of cigarette smoking (referred to as smoking in this research) and indeed doing that is obviously not within the limit and scope of this article.
Change Detection Analysis Using Geo-Spatial Technique: A Case Study of South Goa[Full-Text ] Anil Yedage, Nandkumar Sawant and Vishal MalaveRemote sensing is become more important in monitoring local, regional, Global resources and environment [4]. Remote sensing technique has been used to illustrate the land use/cover dynamics of the district of South Goa located between Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea. Land sat seven and eight (ETM+) images were acquired from glovis.usgs and were used to quantify the changes in south Goa from 2005 to 2015. Supervised Classification methodology has been employed using Maximum Likelihood Technique in ERDAS IMAGINE [13], [12], [9]. Land use of the study area were categorized into five different classes, viz. built-up area, vegetation, agricultural land, water bodies and barren land. The results reveled that there has been a significant increase cultivable land in the middle and central areas and a tremendous decrease in natural vegetation area. There has been an increase in built up area around major cities such as Margao and Vasco due to increasing population, upcoming industries and tourism related activities. This study highlights the importance of geo-spatial technology in change detection studies.
Comparative Analysis of G+1 Structure With and Without Floating Column[Full-Text ] Ashwin Sanjay BalwaikThis paper represents a comparative analysis of G+1 structure with and without floating columns. These days floating columns are used in multi-storey buildings. Some of the advantages floating columns has attracted architects to go for structures with floating column. The maximum bending moment of the structures are compared in this paper. The cost of the structure is mainly dependent on the maximum moments that are found out. Structures are designed for this maximum bending moment. A 2D frame analysis has been done using SAP 2000. The comparative analysis gives us the maximum bending moment that comes on structures with and without floating column. From which we can find out which of the structure will be more economical. SAP2000 is used for the purpose of analysis of 2D frame and analysis has been carried out.
A general paper on Design and cost optimization of Plate Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Jitendra Gupta, Yogendra saidawat, Dr. M.P.SinghA plate heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger that uses metal plates to transfer heat between two fluids. This has a major advantage over a conventional heat exchanger in that the fluids are exposed to a much larger surface area because the fluids spread out over the plates. This facilitates the transfer of heat, and greatly increases the speed of the temperature change. The plate heat exchanger (PHE) is a specialized design well suited to transferring heat between medium- and low-pressure fluids. Welded, semi-welded and brazed heat exchangers are used for heat exchange between high-pressure fluids or where a more compact product is required. The hot fluid flows in one direction in alternating chambers while the cold fluid flows in true counter-current flow in the other alternating chambers. The heat transfer surface consists of a number of thin corrugated plates pressed out of a high grade metal. The pressed pattern on each plate surface induces turbulence and minimizes stagnant areas and fouling. Unlike shell and tube heat exchangers, which can be custom-built to meet almost any capacity and operating conditions, the plates for plate and frame heat exchangers are mass-produced using expensive dies and presses. In this paper we designed the PHE for the required operating conditions. In the design we calculated the overall heat transfer coefficient of PHE. The heat transfer rate and the number of plates required for the PHE were also calculated. Cost optimization of the designed PHE was carried out and it has been found that there is a considerable drop in the cost of the heat exchanger.
In Vitro Study on the Effect of Treatment with Picralima nitida Seed Extract on Haemozoin Formation in Plasmodium berghei Infected Mice[Full-Text ] Nwankwo, N.E., Nwodo, O.FC., Ekwueme, F.N., Chime, J.O and Amalunweze, A.E.Haemozoin is among the targets in malaria medication and some antimalarials are known to inhibit this compound as the mechanism of their actions. The essence of this experiment is to determine the inhibitory effect of seed extract of Picralima nitida on β-haemozin. Seeds of this plant were collected, identified and were extracted using ethanol. Plasmodium berghei was cultured from blood of infected mice and cultures at the ring stage (12 to18 h) with parasitemia of about 5% were used. Different concentrations of the extract (80 μg/mL, 160 μg/mL, 240 μg/mL, 320 μg/mL and 400 μg/mL) dissolved with 3 % tween 80 were used for the assay. Parasitized red blood culture treated with chloroquine at 10 μg/mL was used as standard control while untreated parasitized red blood cell culture was used as positive control. Various concentrations of haemin standard dissolved in DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) were used to get a standard plot for the extrapolation of the amount of haemozoin formed. At various time intervals (0 h, 18 h, 24 h, and 30 h) spread over approximately 30 h, the cultures were harvested and haemozoin contents measured spectrophotometrically. The results of the haemozoin formation assay showed that at 18 and 30 hours time interval, all the test groups had significant (p < 0.05) decrease in haemozoin concentration compared to the positive control (culture without treatment) while at 24 hour time interval, cultures treated with 240 μg/ml and 400 μg/ml of the extract showed non-significant (p > 0.05) decrease in haemozoin concentration. When compared with the standard control and haemin solution at the various time intervals (18, 24 and 30 hours), all test groups had significant (p < 0.05) increase in haemozoin concentration. Therefore, the extract of Picralima nitida was observed to inhibit the formation of haemozoin in malaria parasite in a non dose-dependent fashion.
Selection of Optimum Temperature and Thin Layer Drying Kinetics of Maize for Production of Quality Seeds[Full-Text ] Mosharaf Hossain, Abu Sayed, Awal, M.A Hossain, M.A. and Mahdi HasanThis thesis presents the drying characteristics of maize seeds (Zea mays L.) using a hybrid drier. The hybrid drier provided with a flat plate concentrating solar collector and an air heater performed better than sun drying method as well as any other solar drier. The average air temperatures at collector outlet and inside the drier were found about 22.71°C and 17.22°C higher than the average ambient air temperature, respectively. The collector efficiency varied from 20% to 32% depending on the global solar radiation. The experimental data was fitted to nine thin layer drying equations. A non-linear regression analysis was used to fit the thin layer drying equations. The models were compared using the coefficient of determination, mean relative percent error, root mean square error and the reduced chi-square. The Page model showed a better fit to the experimental data as compared to other models. Here, the highest R2 (close to 1) and the lowest RMSE values indicate the highest grade point and highest average grade point ranked first. Samples dried in the hybrid drier were completely protected from insects, rain and dusts, and the dried samples were hygienic.
Performance Evaluation of Experimental and Simulated Differential Liberation Tests on Reservoir Fluid[Full-Text ] Ikechi Igwe, Awajiogak Anthony UjileDifferential Liberation (DL) test results, one of the standard experiments performed by Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) laboratories on reservoir fluid samples (black oil) are presented. The laboratory DL test data was simulated using Peng-Robinson Equation of State on HYSYS. The simulated results were compared graphically and statistically to the experimental data in terms of oil formation volume factor (FVF), solution gas-oil ratio (GOR), liberated GOR, gas compressibility factor (z-factor), and gas composition, with respect to pressure, respectively. The simulation result exhibited similar trends to the experimental data in terms of oil FVF, oil liberate GOR, oil solution GOR, and gas Z-Factor. The bubble point pressure from the experimental result is 3734 psig, while that of the simulation result is 3762.9 psig. This gave an absolute deviation of 0.774 %, a satisfactory match to the laboratory (experimental) data. This show that equations of state, when sufficiently tuned can simulate the PVT properties of reservoir fluids, and can minimize the need to perform complete set of experimental PVT tests (DL) on each and every new reservoir fluid
An efficient fairness between parties for contract signing using OTP[Full-Text ] Sumit Kumar Pandey, Umesh LilhoreContract signing protocol is a new way of interacting two parties online though communication devices. Since communication is done though internet or media so authentication is required between these parties to check the contract is done between right parties or not. The main aim of contract signing is fairness between parties. Although there are various techniques implemented to provide authentication and fairness between these parties such as by R. Song, but these techniques contains some issues, hence a new and efficient technique is implemented here to provide prevention from various attacks and fairness between parties.
Enrichment of TCP Fairness in MANETs using FSD Algorithm[Full-Text ] Varun Manchikalapudi, Sk.Khadar BabuA MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. The network is decentralized, where all network activity including discovering the topology and delivering messages must be executed by the nodes themselves, i.e., routing functionality will be incorporated into mobile nodes. As it is decentralized, the problem of fair distribution of available bandwidth among traffic flows or aggregates remains an essential issue in computer networks. Unlike wired networks, some unique characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks seriously deteriorate TCP performance. These characteristics include the unpredictable wireless channels due to fading and interference, the vulnerable shared media access due to random access collision, the hidden terminal problem and the exposed terminal problem, and the frequent route breakages due to node mobility. Undoubtedly, all of these pose great challenges on TCP to provide reliable end-to-end communications in mobile ad hoc networks. This paper focuses on fair distribution of bandwidth over TCP networks preventing packet losses and implementing congestion control for reducing bit error rates.
A Novel Approach to Cognitive Function: Memory and Nonverbal Conceptualization[Full-Text ] Reza Ahmadi, Shirzad KazemiIn the current study, “Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia” was used to improve sleep quality in depressed patients. First, all participants, according to the population, were randomly selected and after clinical interview, they were categorized in two groups. Then, pre-test was performed on each participant and after intervention (sleep management) on experimental group, post-test was performed. Finally, data were analyzed for statistically assessing the effectiveness of intervention. There were 30 participants in the current study, who were randomly categorized into experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. “Beck Depression Inventory”, “Insomnia Severity Index”, “Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS)” and “Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)” were used as measures. The investigation of the effect of sleep management on cognitive function (memory and nonverbal conceptualization) in MDD with insomnia. The aim of the present study was investigating the effect of sleep management on depression, insomnia, and cognitive functions (memory and nonverbal conceptualization). To test the research hypotheses, analysis of covariance was used. The results were indicated that there is no significant difference between the groups’ post-tests on the depression variable (P> 0.05). In addition, it was found that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups on the insomnia variable as the groups’ post-tests. The effect size, which is an indicator of the impact of the independent variable on the dependent one, was 0.24. Moreover, the results of covariance analysis for the cognitive functions (memory and nonverbal conceptualization) were shown that there is a significant difference between the groups’ post-tests on the memory sub-component (P< 0.05). However, the difference was not significant in the case of nonverbal conceptualization (P>0. 05). The effect size for the memory and nonverbal conceptualization was 0.30 and 0.01, respectively. To improve cognitive functions (memory and nonverbal conceptualization) in MDD with insomnia, we decided to manage sleeping in patients. We hypothesized that sleep management improve cognitive functions (memory and nonverbal conceptualization), depression and insomnia. Results were shown that only cognitive function (memory) and insomnia significantly improved by sleep management. However, depression did not shown significant differences. Moreover, we hope, sleep management along with other treatments reduces the possibility of recurrence in depressed patients. Nevertheless, it can be speculated that the findings from the present study may have implications for clinical treatment, rehabilitation and clinical research on patients with major depression.
Effects of Bouyancy Force and Fluid Injection/Suction on a Chemically Reactive MHD Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer over a Permeable Surface in the Presence of Heat Source/Sink[Full-Text ] J. A. Adigun, O.J. Fenuga, A.R. HassanThis paper investigates the combined effects of buoyancy force and fluid injection/suction on heat and mass transfer by a steady hydromagnetic boundary layer flow of a conducting incompressible fluid that is homogenously chemically reactive over a permeable surface in the presence of heat source and sink. The governing equations of momentum, energy and concentration balance were developed and transformed to a set of ordinary differential equations by method of similarity transformation and solved numerically. The influence of various pertinent parameters on the fluid velocity, temperature, concentration, skin friction coefficient, plate temperature, rate of heat and mass transfer are presented graphically and discussed quantitatively.
Optimal Osmotic Dehydration of Piece-form Mango in a Semi-continuous Operation[Full-Text ] Oladejo Duduyemi, P.O. Ngoddy, B.I.O. Ade-OmowayeOsmotic dehydration of mango fruits (Mangifer indica L.) is directed towards reduction of its seasonal losses at glut. Effects of sucrose concentrations; 40 to 65°Brix; temperatures; 30 to 50 ºC and time of immersion between 0 to 180 min were studied using samples of diced mango cubes of 2 cm3 dimensions. The measured response variables of water loss, solute gain and performance ratio were subjected to statistical analysis. The results were modelled and optimised on the premise of maximum WL and minimum SG and maximum PR as constraints using the modified distance approach of the response surface methodology (Design Expert 6.08). Optimal osmotic dehydration evaluated were 59.19oBx, 32.06oC and 156.min. of 53.03°Bx sucrose concentration yielded 42.32% WL, 3.41% SG and PR of 10.69 with a desirability of about 89.73%. The results showed that all the input process variables had a significant effect at 5% level of significance (P < 0.05). Optimal process conditions adopted in a semi-continuous pilot plant yielded about 47 (%) water loss and 7.1 (%) solute gain of the initial sample content. The system proved efficient in the treatment of mango with performance ratio in the range of 3 – 7 and could be used in the food industry for the preservation of fruits. More so, the model could be used to predict operational conditions for the OD of other similar fruits.
TRANSIENT PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF CPSS AND FUZZY LOGIC POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER BASED POWER SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Chander Shekhar, Anil Kumar, Sandeep DhundharaThis paper analyzed a comparative transient performance includes work on the development of a fuzzy logic power system stabilizer to enhance the damping of generator oscillations In order to accomplish a stability enhancement. Speed deviation (Am) and acceleration (Aw) of the rotor synchronous generator were taken as the input to the fuzzy logic controller. These variables take significant effects on damping the generator shaft mechanical oscillations. The stabilizing signals were computed using the fuzzy membership function depending on these variables. The performance of the fuzzy logic power system stabilizer was compared with the conventional power system stabilizer and without power system stabilizer. To achieve good damping characteristics over a wide range of operating conditions, speed deviation and acceleration of a synchronous machine are chosen as the input Signal to the stabilizers. The stabilizing signal is determined from certain rules for rule-based power system stabilizer. For fuzzy logic based power system stabilizer, the supplementary stabilizing signal is determined according to the fuzzy membership function depending on the speed and acceleration states of the generator.