Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015.
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An Investigation about the Effects of Two Doses of Vitamin C on the Serum Concentration of Copper and Activity of Ceruloplasmin Enzyme in Healthy Men[Full-Text ] Mahshid Afghan HajiAbbasiVitamin C is irregularly and immethodically used due to its availability and low cost and as it is prevailed that mega doses of Ascorbic Acid have useful effects on preventing some diseases and treatment of those. However, there are concerns about the some adverse effects of this vitamin. The current study aims to determine the effects of two doses of Ascorbic Acid on the serum concentration of Copper and activity of ceruloplasmin enzyme in healthy men. The current research was performed on 36 non-smoking healthy volunteers with average age of 22±3 years with double blind clinical trials method. The volunteers were resided in hostelry for six weeks. They were randomly categorized into three groups as (1) with daily receiving of 500 mg dose Ascorbic Acid, (2) with daily receiving of 1000 mg dose Ascorbic Acid, and (3) control group. Fasting blood samples were collected before the start of the research and at the end of the research. The concentration of Copper serum was measured by means of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer while the activity of ceruloplasmin enzyme serum and blood Ascorbic Acid were measure by colorimetric method. The daily pattern of food consumption was recorded and evaluated at the start and the end of research through 24 hour food recall questionnaire for one day. The collected data was analyzed by Wilcoxon and Kruskal Wallis tests. The average level of Ascorbic Acid in blood at the start of the study were 0.75±0.24, 0.74±0.22 and 0.73±0.17 milligrams per deciliter for group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The observed increase at the end of study were 23% (P=0.04), 76% (P=0.001) and 67% (P=0.001) for group 1, 2 and 3, respectively, which was meaningful from statistical point of view. The average enzyme activity of ceruloplasmin at the start of study were 1.10±4.83, 21.04±1.98 and 20.69±2.13 milligrams per deciliter for group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The observed decrease in the group of 1000 milligrams of Ascorbic Acid, 17% (P=0.001), was meaningful. The average serum concentration of Copper at the start of study were 88.25±15.26, 78.04±8.14 and 86.04±16.83 micrograms per deciliter for group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The observed decrease in all three groups at the sixth week was not statistically meaningful. Ascorbic Acid receiving caused a meaningful decrease in enzyme activity of ceruloplasmin which was dependent on dose. Therefore, it cannot recommend this vitamin with 1000 and 500 milligrams doses based on the current information. It seems that more studies are necessary.
An Investigation about the Serum Conditions of Calcium and Vitamin D in Diabetes Type 2 Patients[Full-Text ] Mahshid Afghan HajiAbbasiDiabetes mellitus is accompanied by decrease in mineral content of bones and increase in urinary Calcium and Phosphorus excretion. In addition, there are Calcium, Phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism disorders in diabetic patients. The aim of the current study was investigating the serum conditions of Calcium and vitamin D in diabetes type 2 patients. 61 diabetic people (35 men and 26 women) in the range of 35 to 65 years old were studied at the middle of spring where the level of vitamin D serum is at its seasonal drop. The serum amounts of 25-OH-D lower than 20 ng/ml was considered as shortage of vitamin D and total serum Calcium amounts lower than 8.8 mg/dl was considered as shortage of Calcium. The average level of 25-OH-D serum was 10.87±10.59 ng/ml. The average level of 25-OH-D serum in men was meaningfully (P<0.002) lower than women. 48 people (78.7%) were suffered from shortage of vitamin D and only 13 people (21.3%) had natural level of vitamin D. The average level of serum Calcium was 9.45±0.23 mg/dl. The levels of serum Calcium were natural in all patients. The average level of serum Calcium of men was higher than women but this difference was not meaningful. The results of this study are shown that shortage of vitamin D may be common in diabetic patients in Iran and possibly, the shortage in men is considerably higher than in women.
Simultaneous Measuring of Serum Lycopene and Beta-Carotene Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography[Full-Text ] Mahshid Afghan HajiAbbasiLycopene and beta-carotene are carotenoids with high anti oxidant property, which are basically entered to the body through vegetable and fruit. Measuring the serum level of carotenoids is used to evaluate anti oxidant condition of body and to determine validity of questionnaires of studying vegetables and fruits consumptions. The current study aims to set up a valid, relatively fast and cheap laboratory method based on high performance chromatography to measure serum level of lycopene and beta-carotene. In the current study, after examining various conditions of chromatography, proteins of serum were firstly precipitated by ethanol and then, lycopene and beta-carotene were extracted by hexane. Organic phase was evaporated at 40º C under nitrogen gas and the remained article was solved in a combination of mobile phase (methanol: acetonitrile: tetrahydrofuran, volumetric ratio 50:45:5, containing 0.01 percent of butylated hydroxyl toluene) and diethyl ether (volumetric ratio 2:1) and 20 µL of it was injected to Novopack C18 column. Retention times of lycopene and beta-carotene at the flow rate of 1.5 mL/min and wave length of 472 nm were measured as 5.1 and 8.6 min, respectively, and total time of chromatography was measured as 11 min. Mean and standard deviation of recovery percent of lycopene and beta-carotene in numerous tests were obtained as 95.5±7.8% and 95.2±7%, respectively. Intra- and inter-assay variations for lycopene were 1.6% and 5.75%, respectively, and for beta-carotene were 3 and 3.5%, respectively. Quality control tests were indicated that this method is of high sensitivity and accuracy. While low time consuming and low cost of the test makes it a suitable test for research purposes, especially population studies, at the same time, this method also has some limitations similar to any laboratory method. For example, it is not clear that how many analites can be simultaneously measured by this method. Clarification of this problem needs to more studies.
Evaluating the Knowledge Level of Interns, Residents and Fellows of Internal Medicine and Surgery, Anesthesia and Pediatrics in Tehran University of Medical Sciences about the Fundamentals of Nutrition and Regimen[Full-Text ] Reza Abdollahi BaktashToday, medical science is closely related to nutrition science. In the other words, one of the main principles of care and treatment of patients is representing an appropriate and scientific diet to meet nutrition demands of patient. Representing nutrition services and following an appropriate regimen in hospitals is an important factor for faster improvement of patients, decreasing recovery time and even preventing from diseases. If nutrition and regimen is ignored in hospitals as one of the bases of patients' health and or have a colorless role in the process of treatment, not only leads to dissatisfaction of patients, but also causes to disorder in treatment process of patient due to adverse conclusions of ignoring nutrition of regimen.
Long Term Load Forecasting Using Soft Computing Techniques[Full-Text ] Dogra Sonika, Sidhu Darshan S, Kaur DaljeetLoad forecasting is very important for power system planning, its operation and control. It has vital importance in electric industry. There are many applications of load forecasting which includes energy purchasing and generation, load switching, contract evaluation, and infrastructure development. It is very important for energy suppliers, financial institutions, and other participants in electric energy generation, transmission, distribution, and markets. It is helpful for peak demand levels and energy consumption patterns. It is also very helpful for an electric utility to make important decisions in power system. Forecasting means estimation of active load at various load buses ahead of an actual load occurrence. A good forecasting model has to capture some important features like economy, climate, weather, human activities, interactions etc. Planning and operational application of load forecasting requires certain lead time known as forecasting intervals. Depending upon the time interval it is divided in to three categories i.e. Long term load forecasting, Medium term load forecasting, Short term load forecasting. A good forecaster takes in to account the various demographic factors which will affect the future load e.g. population, temperature, humidity etc. In case of long term load forecasting, population will affect the most, the other two factors will have more importance in short term load forecasting. For load forecasting different methodologies are adopted. The various methodologies are Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Fuzzy Logic Models and Genetic algorithm.
Preliminary Evaluation of Wiry love grass (Eragrosti atrovirens) for Pulp and Paper Production[Full-Text ] O. Otitoju, T.K. Fagbemigun, O.D. Fagbemi, E.Mgbachiuzor, C.C. IgwePerennial grasses have been identified as close substitutes for hardwood trees for pulp and paper making; Wiry love grass (Eragrostis atrovirens) is an erect, tufted perennial grass that grows up to 100 cm high which reproduces from seeds. It is also often found in bush re-growths and road sides. It is particularly abundant in Nigeria. The physico-chemical analysis of wiry love grass was determined using standard procedures for the determination of Cellulose, Hemi-cellulose and Lignin contents. The grass had cellulose and lignin contents of 49.2 and 19.5%, respectively. The pulp yield obtain using soda process, was 49.5%. The fibre length determined using Zeiss microscope was 1.41mm. The corresponding Kappa number was 12 and Ash contents obtained is 3.87%. These characteristics demonstrate the suitability of wiry love grass for pulp and paper production.
Formation of Salmonella Enteritidis Biofilm on Various Surfaces in Food Industries[Full-Text ] Mahshid Afghan HajiAbbasiSalmonella enteritidis is an important food infection pathogen bacteria. This bacteria is very strong in the environment and is still the major reason for many gastroenteritis infections in human. Salmonella enteritidis forms a biofilm on many surfaces in contact with foods. Formation of biofilm of bacteria on such surfaces is considered as a potential resource of contamination, which increases the possibility of transferring bacteria and breaking out of diseases. In the current study, biofilm formation of Iranian species of Salmonella enteritidis on various surfaces in contact with foods and medical materials was studied. Firstly, hydrophobicity of surface of Salmonella enteritidis cell (RITCC 1624) was determined by MATH (Microbial Adhesion to Hydrocarbon) method. Then, its biofilm was formed on various surfaces including steel (Type 304 no 2B), polyethylene and glass and was measured by drop plate method after 2, 4, 8, 16 and 20 hours. Results were shown that Salmonella enteritidis with hydrophobicity of 73% is able to form biofilm on the three above mentioned surfaces. The amount of biofilm formed during 2 hours on glass and steel surfaces were meaningfully (P<0.05) higher than polyethylene surface and by increasing time to 20 hours, biofilm formation on varios surfaces was not meaningful (P>0.05). In addition, the highest amount of Salmonella biofilm on these three surfaces was formed in the interface of liquid and air phases. Formation of Salmonella biofilm on such surfaces increases the possibility of transferring the bacteria, which is very important from hygienic, and disease spreading points of view.
A Survey - Software Ecosystem in Telemedicine[Full-Text ] PRAVEENKUMAR SELVAKUMARAN, BHUVANESWARI AMMA N GThis paper is the survey about the software ecosystem in telemedicine. Telemedicine provides the health care at the farness; minimize the cost and improving the quality of health care system. In this paper we analyzed the existing software ecosystem and the design of the new software ecosystem towards the telemedicine environment. The software ecosystem mainly focuses on the major areas like defining the system that captures organization, software aspects and business of the software ecosystem. In telemedicine software ecosystem brings a new way of approach that provides the existing access of the telemedicine across the globe.
Reduction in the Cholesterol of Butter Oil Using Soybean Lecithin[Full-Text ] Mahshid Afghan HajiAbbasiCardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and the risk of such disease increases with increasing the level of blood cholesterol. Foods containing high amount of cholesterol increase the level of cholesterol in blood. Limiting consumption of such foods or reducing those cholesterols lead to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. There are various methods to reduce cholesterol of foods. The aim of the current study was reducing the cholesterol of butter oil using soybean lecithin. 20 ml distilled water and various amounts of soybean lecithin (5, 7, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20%) were added and stirred to 100 grams of butter oil. Then, hydrated lecithin was separated by centrifuge. In addition to lecithin concentration, the effects of stirring speed (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 rounds per minute), stirring duration (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes), centrifuging speed (2000, 2200, 2400, 2600 and 2800 rounds per minute) and duration of centrifuging (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes) on reduction in cholesterol were investigated. Chemical (acid, peroxide and saponification numbers) and physical (refractive index and melting point) characteristics of low cholesterol butter oil and original butter oil were compared with each other. Increasing the lecithin concentration up to 17.5% and increasing the stirring duration up to 75 minutes were led to more reduction of cholesterol but by more increasing the stirring duration, the magnitude of cholesterol reduction was meaningfully decreased (P<0.05). The results were shown that there is a linear correlation between reduction in cholesterol and stirring speed, centrifuging speed and duration of centrifuging. Among the physical and chemical characteristics of low cholesterol butter oil, only acid number was meaningfully higher than that of original butter oil and other characteristics had not meaningful difference. The appropriate condition for cholesterol reduction was identified as 10% lecithin concentration, 45 minutes stirring duration, 600 rounds per minute stirring speed, 15 minutes duration of centrifuging and 2400 rounds per minute centrifuging speed. Under this condition, the 78.6% of butter oil cholesterol was reduced.
Data Traffic and Bandwidth Analysis Hybrid model to combine Peer to Peer & Client Server models[Full-Text ] Venkata K. Kishore. Terli, Abhinav Risal, Sundeep B. Chavali, Kailashnathan Thirupathur V. R., Anvesh K. Pedakotla and Omar AbuzaghlehThis paper addresses current data and bandwidth problems by re-organizing few limitations of server-client and peer to peer communication model so that a hybrid model would solve issues related to both of them. The current infrastructure has some issues in catching up with the vastly increasing speeds and requirements of clients. Following these trends, the existing infrastructure needs to be completely revamped in order to successfully meet the current requirements and also the requirements of the near future. Here arises a need to meet the current flow of demands while also buying time in order to get the new infrastructure in place. In order for that to happen, there exist some factors that can be manipulated so as to optimize the current system to meet the demands and provide a time buffer. Here these factors are researched upon and conclusions are drawn from this research so as to get the ways to manipulate and use these factors/resources in a correct manner for managing data traffic.
Facilitate Device to Device Communication Using Cellular Networks: Challenges and Performance Aspects[Full-Text ] Radheshyam Bhupathi, Omar Abuzaghleh, Eshwar Sai Kumar Gopishetty, Vikhyat Gupta, Cilusani Nishanth, and Akkula Shiva SamratCellular networks facilitate the most important aspect of human life, communication. There is a serious need to cater to the tremendous growth of traffic on these networks; Device-to-Device (D2D) communication using cellular network attempts to provide answers to the above problem. D2D communication ensures high spectral efficiency by directly connecting devices without hopping through the base station. There is a herculean growth in some cellular applications like distribution of content, data download, control function, and switching function with cellular networks in D2D communication. Cellular networks share resources using uplinks and downlinks. This paper looks at how D2D communication takes place using these sharing methods and consequently will analyze the associated performance issues. This paper assesses the allocation problem to maximize network with spectral efficiency, power efficiency, performance with quality-of-service (QoS) among both the D2D users and cellular users (CUs). The paper also discusses interference management, multihop D2D communications, and D2D interchanges in heterogeneous systems with an effective performance evaluation.
Implementing racing application using GPS and GPRS/GSM device[Full-Text ] Poonam Gulab Bhogade, Dr. Vandana S. InamdarIntegration of GPS and GSM technologies is flamboyant solution for many unsolved problems and which made them popular in their own context. This paper gives idea that to provide an effective application for vehicle tracking as well as personal tracking, the integration of GPS and GSM technologies into one system is used. To implement real time racing application, use of GPS and GSM technologies can be made. For tracking and tracing of multiple movable objects at a same time, this real time racing application is used which is also termed as Multi-Tracking System. For vehicles live tracing and tracking, GPS is used and GSM using sms or GPRS which is useful for controlling its subsystem parts. GPS can be used in banking, mobile phone operations. In this paper, the proposed solution contained that there is GPS and GPRS/GSM enabled device assigned to each vehicle (Bike, Jet Ski) participating in a race. That device will send the data containing, the speed, latitude, longitude and time of each vehicle (Bike, Jet Ski). Using this data received from the devices, we will calculate the real time results. We can also watch the live race over the internet. We can see the replay of races as well by using the data recorded. This paper describes that GPS & existing system of Jet Ski race is a manual one and time consuming. To make it faster and efficient this use of combined GPS & GSM/GPRS is helpful.Using Microsoft .Net Technology, we have implemented the whole system. C#.net is used for system components and ASP.net is used for web based parts.
Modeling of Copper Ions Adsorption on chemically modified Bio-waste material[Full-Text ] Shipra Sachan, Hemant KumarBiowaste materials obtained from Azadirachta indica plant have shown potential towards adsorption of heavy metals like copper. In this work, Cu (+2) ion was adsorbed from synthetically made copper salt solution on chemically activated Neem sawdust (Azadirachta indica). Effect of Initial concentration of copper ions on percent removal and adsorption capacity was studied at four concentrations viz. 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg L-1 at constant adsorbent loading of 4 g L-1 and stirring speed of 150 rpm. The high value of adsorption capacity of 21.875 mg Cu (+2) per gram of adsorbent was obtained at 100 mg L-1 at 301K. Three different equilibrium isotherms namely Freundlich, Langmuir and Temkin were fitted and the best models representing the experimental results were founded as Langmuir and Temkin models with regression coefficients as 93 and 92% , respectively where Langmuir model represents monolayer adsorption of copper ions and Temkin model confirms the physical adsorption by the heat of adsorption b=288.04 J. mol-1. The Kinetics of the adsorption process was best described by pseudo first order.
Effective Method Development on Wool Dyeing by Using Fl Based Cotton-reactive Dyes[Full-Text ] Ratul Rehman, Ashraful Islam, Md Ahsan Habib, Sakil Mahmud, Jiang HuiyuWool fibre is one of the most important fibres in textile technology. The coloration of wool fibre is usually being done by Acid dyes. Many experiments has been done on different protein fibres like silk fibres and wool fibres dyeing with reactive dyes. In this paper the coloration of wool fabric was conducted through Fl based Reactive dyes (Liyuansol® FL & LANASOL®). An efficient dyeing method has been applied for wool dyeing with Fl base Cotton - reactive dye. For the assessment of dyeing quality, dyed samples were conducted with several tests like wash fastness, rubbing fastness, effect of pH, Alagal B (Levelling agent) and Na2SO4 on dye uptake% and K/S value. Comparison also done among Reactive dyed samples and Acid dyed (Lanacron) samples and all of the results came up with good results and shows an impressive prospect on wool dyeing with cotton-reactive dyes.
Providing Security for storage and auditing of cloud data[Full-Text ] Pooja Patil, Ram JoshiCloud computing is gathering of existing system and advances, bundled inside another framework standard that offers enhanced adaptability, versatility, business skill, quicker startup time, decreased administration costs, and without a moment to spare accessibility of resources. Cloud computing is an Internet-based figuring and utilization of computer technology which gives access to resources as an administration, for example, storage, system, server and processors and so forth. By moving information into the cloud offers incredible straightforwardness to clients. By and large, server farm in cloud holds data that clients have put away on their machines. The security concerns emerge in light of the fact that the outsourced information is utilized by the client. Cloud computing is the developing field now a days. The stage gives help to decrease the expense and additionally make the powerful usage of the equipment and also programming. Information storage is the fundamental most alluring part of the cloud computing, however it accompanies some security challenges as well. The end clients store their information on cloud server are constantly in stress that either their information put away is secure or not? As the information put away is extensive enough so clients can not check its uprightness intermittently. Off and on again cloud administration suppliers may carry on unhonestly and erase clients information Or they neglect to roll out improvements on the information which is redesigned by the clients regularly. So to conquer these difficulties the Trusted Third Party Auditor assumes the crucial part in the interest of clients. As they guarantee to clients that the information facilitated on the server is secure. TPA gives more simpler and reasonable route for clients to their capacity accuracy in cloud, which likewise supportive for the cloud administration suppliers to enhance their cloud based administration stage. In other way we can say reviewing plan assume a critical part in foundation of secure cloud stage in clients personality and expand the cloud economy, where clients gets to the danger and apply their trust in the cloud to store information all the more accurately.
Measuring the Impact of Personality Attributes of Consumer on Internet Buying Behavior[Full-Text ] Rashid Jehangiri, Hira Anwar MirzaThis study explores “Measuring the Impact of Personality Attributes of Consumers on Internet Buying Behavior”. More specifically the study intends to find out whether personality factors would have more favorable impact on online shopping behavior. It is descriptive research using the deductive methodology. For this dissertation four personality characteristics that are introversion/extroversion, consciousness/unconsciousness, emotional stability/ emotional instability and materialistic/non-materialistic are selected and each personality impact is seen with information search behavior, reference groups, internet related factors and product characteristics. A structured questionnaire was developed to attain the responses of consumers. Point Bi-serial correlation technique, ANOVA and T-test was applied in order to examine the relationship between studied variables. The survey was conducted on a total of 300 respondents including students of business professionals and non-professionals. However, research is done on actual online purchase and also from those who want to purchase in future. Studies found a moderately positive relationship between personalities attributes of consumer and identified Internet buying behaviour such as quality, brands, reference groups i.e. friends, customization and privacy. The study suggested that it is beneficial for mobile industry. It can be proved valuable for marketers if they work and focus on those variables that have strong impact for online shopping behavior. One limitation was this study should have been completed with restricted period of time.
Entropy Management Along With Energy Management for Sustainability[Full-Text ] Vanita ThakkarClimate change and Energy security issues are addressed mainly by interrelationship between Energy, Ecology and Economy, affecting Employment and Equity. But increasing economic growth of nations has only increased gap between rich and poor. Two more parameters, Entropy and Ethics play important role. The paper brings forth role of these parameters, using fundamentals of Thermodynamics and explores better solutions for handling such issues.
Existance of Intermolecular relaxation and Stokes-Einstein-Debye relation in supercooled D-arabinose[Full-Text ] Lokendra P. SinghBroadband dielectric spectroscopy has been used to study the different relaxation behavior in the supercooled state of Darabinose over a wide frequency (10-3 – 107 Hz) and temperature range (120-360 K). In addition to the main relaxation process (α) which is responsible for the glass transition phenomena, two more relaxation processes viz. β- & γ- were also observed below the glass transition temperature. The slower secondary relaxation or β-process has been identified as true intermolecular relaxation and faster one (γ-process) is probably the rotation of hydroxymethyl (-CH2OH) side group attached to the sugar ring. The temperature dependence of various dielectric parameters viz. Ï„α, Ï„β, Ï„γ and τσ have been critically examined. The current experimental result shows that, log10 σdc vs. log10 Ï„α dependence is nonlinear and hence can be described with the fractional Stokes-Einstein-Debye relation.
Empirical Modelling and Optimization of PAME Reactive Distillation Process Using Minitab[Full-Text ] Abdulwahab GIWA, Abel Adekanmi ADEYI, Saidat Olanipekun GIWAThe development and optimization of an empirical model of a reactive distillation process producing palmitic acid methyl ester (PAME), with the aid of Minitab, have been carried out in this work. In order to achieve these, Box-Behnken technique of response surface methodology was used to design experiments that were carried out in a prototype plant of the process developed with the aid of Aspen HYSYS using Distillation Column Sub-Flowsheet as the column type and Wilson model as the fluid package. The results obtained from the analysis of the developed full quadratic model revealed that reboiler duty was not having any significant effect on the process as its probability value (P-value) was obtained to be greater than 0.05 that was chosen, based on the confidence level of 95%.This was found to justify the fact that no reaction was occurring in the reboiler section of the column. Based on this, the full quadratic model developed was modified. Although the R-squared value of the full quadratic model was found to be better than that of the modified one, the latter was found to be better in prediction because its predicted R-squared value was discovered to be greater than that of the former. In addition, the optimum values of the factors estimated with the aid of Minitab were found to be valid ones because the measured optimum mole fraction of palmitic acid methyl ester was found be in good agreement with the predicted one given by the Box-Behnken technique of response surface methodology.
CHEMISTRY OF POTABLE WATER DURING STORAGE: THE NORTH-WESTERN NIGERIA PERSPECTIVE[Full-Text ] Ogbozige, F.J., D.B. Adie and F.B. IbrahimTwo sources of potable water (tap water and borehole water) were stored in twelve water storage reservoirs (six for each water source) for a period of six weeks. The reservoirs include black plastic tank, blue plastic tank, green plastic tank, coated steel metal tank, uncoated steel metal tank and clay pot. The water quality parameters examined were Temperature, Colour, Total solids, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chlorine residual, Chloride, pH, Total hardness, Alkalinity, Manganese and Total Heterotrophic Bacteria (THB) which were all analyzed at a sampling frequency of seven days interval. Results shows that the growth rate constant of Manganese concentration in water stored in: plastic tanks, coated steel metal tanks, uncoated steel metal tanks and clay pots are 0.0163mg/L per week, 0.0200mg/L per week, 0.1150mg/L per week and 0.0550mg/L per week respectively. Colour of both water sources stored in uncoated steel metal tanks ranges from 5TCU - 20TCU, which is above the permissible limits set by W.H.O Standard (15TCU). On the other hand, values/concentrations of pH, Manganese and THB in all the storage reservoirs were found to exceed the permissible limits set by W.H.O Standard during certain periods (weeks) of retention for both water sources; respectively ranging from 5.8 - 8.7, 0.099mgL - 0.817mg/L and 2.0×102CFU/100mL - 1.56×104CFU/100mL which is contrary to the allowable permissible limits (6.5 - 8.5, 0.0mg/L - 0.2mg/L and 0.00CFU/100mL - 1.0×104CFU/100mL in that order).
Implementation of Spintronics in Plasmonsters for optimal power consumption (Spin Plasmonsters)[Full-Text ] Janani.RPlasmonster is a three terminal plasmonic device with transistor like properties. Plasmonsters possess the high data transmis-sion rate of photonic devices while retaining the minuscule size of electronic devices. But one of the biggest challenges is the loss due to the imaginary component of the permittivity of the metals used in the construction of the device. Further, plasmonsters require pumping of power and the operation to be carried out at temperatures usually well below the room temperature. The utilization of electron spin in plasmonsters-spin plasmonsters is derivatively shown to reduce this imaginary permittivity thus improving the gain. Additionally, power pumping at room temperature can be achieved by the use of multiferroic bismuth ferrite in the electro-optic substrate of the plasmonster.
Comparative Study of Restoration Algorithms ISTA and IISTA[Full-Text ] Kumaresh A K, Kother mohideen S, Bremnavas IOur prposed work is to compare iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (ISTA) and improved iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (IISTA) for image restoration of linear inverse problems. This class of problems results from combining a linear observation model with a non-quadratic regularizer e.g., total variation regularization. Number of iterations, Regularization parameters and Regularization functions are used for comparsion.Thsese algorithms are performed through a recursive application of two simple procedures linear filtering and soft thresholding.Experimental results shows better performance of IISTA than ISTA.
Implement Lean Thinking in Automotive Service Centers to Improve Customers' Satisfaction[Full-Text ] Nesreen M. Ahmed, Mahmoud A. El-Sharief, Abo Bakr A. NasrIn industrialized countries, most of the companies deployed lean manufacturing techniques in order to minimize the wastes and consequently maximize the overall benefits. In the present work, the lean manufacturing techniques are applied in automotive service centers to measure the customers’ satisfaction. Moreover, the impacts of such technique on the overall business environment are evaluated. Results indicate that both the leading time and takt time are significantly reduced by about 69.4%, and 52.0% respectively. In addition, the service center's layouts are improved. Accordingly, the closeness rate of the production department increases and the total distance travelled is reduced. The customer satisfaction index is improved by 74.1%. The obtained results encourage the industrial companies to use the lean thinking approach in services and production departments in order to greatly enhance the productivity, competitiveness and overcome the industrial obstacles.
An Analysis of Effect on Surface Roughness & Their Dynamic Properties and Performance on Interface Material Contact Stress Area for Vehicles Engine Rubber Mount[Full-Text ] Manoj Kumar SharmaThe first model of contact surfaces for the two rough surfaces was developed by Greenwood and Williamson. Using these rough surfaces the contact area and contact stresses for an interface material were determined. The present work focuses on developing new model, in order to determine the contact area and the contact stresses for a passenger car engine rubber mounts with reference to the model developed by Greenwood and Williamson. The mathematical model employed to represent the vehicle incorporates wheel rotational degrees of freedom and relationships expressing the longitudinal and lateral tire shear force components as analytical functions of tire normal load, sideslip and inclination angles, and longitudinal slip. The results obtained from the ANSYS software are compared with Greenwood Williamson results. Any rubber mount surfaces can be characterized as more or less randomly rough and these surfaces are used by technologists in their automotive sector. Usually some irregularities will be present in all solid surfaces. On account of this the contact between any two surfaces is Discontinuous and the real area of contact is a small fraction of the nominal contact area. In addition to contact area and contact stresses, the effect of orientation, surface roughness and interface material on contact area and contact stresses are also determined. APDL commands are used to create the program in the ANSYS
A Secured On-Demand Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network - A Literature Survey[Full-Text ] K.Vinayakan, Dr.M.V.SrinathThe essential feature for Ad-hoc networks is security in-terms of communication. It is the major requirement for a network. Due to mobility and wireless nature of nodes, this secure communication becomes critical. In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, for the purpose of stronger privacy protection various schemes were introduced. The security features provided by MANET to the mobile users are authentication, confidentiality, integrity, anonymity and availability. In this paper, we have made a detailed theoretical study on efficient unobservable routing scheme that provides complete unlinkability and content observability for data packets and control packets. We have also analyzed some existing routing scheme and proved the unobservable routing scheme is very efficient. It ensures high packet delivery ratio and average packet delivery latency.
Anti Diabetic Effect of Artemisia.sieberi In Rabbits that Induced Diabetic by Alloxan[Full-Text ] Hussein Ali Khayoon , Ali Hasanain Ali , Taisir Abdulelah Kadhim, Haider Abdulameer Abdulhadi The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of some of the material extracted from the plant Artemisia . sieberia and their impact on the reduction of diabetes in rabbits that have been injected with alloxan induced diabetic rabbits , Where was the study on rabbits, which were divided into three groups, each group of three rabbits group 1 normal rabbits received 1ml day -1 of dimethyl sulphoxide [control ]; group 2 diabetic rabbits received asingle dose [80 mg kg -1 b.wt.] of essential oil aqueous extract of Artemisia .sibberi ; group 3 diabetic rabbits received single dose [80 mg kg -1 b.wt.] of essential oil coholex extract of Artemisia.sieberi .all treatments were orally administered once aday for three weeks .changes in blood glucose concentration ,body weight and food and water intake were measured and the data obtained were compared with that of control .the essential oil extract significantly [p0.05] lowered blood glucose level as well as food and water intake in diabetic rabbits accompanied by an increase in body weight again with no apparent side effect when compared with untreated diabetic rabbits .these effects were found to be closely similar to that of aqueous extract and coholix extract and a metaphormin ,acommon anti diabetic drug .on other hand ,no apparent improvement on body weight again in diabetic rabbits treated with metaphormin . in addition , for all parameters measured , the oil extract showed no effect in normal rabbits .in conclusion ,the essential oil of Artemisia . sieberi exhibited anti diabetic activity in alloxan –induced diabetic rabbits . In recent times it has become dependent on medicinal plants as a treatment for diabetes in humans and various types of diseases and published research on the plant Artemisia .sibberi proved that
Design and Implementation of Electronic Measurement System for Velocity of Detonation of Explosive[Full-Text ] Aruna D.Tete, Dr.Amol Deshmukh, Dr.Rajendra YerpudeThe rate at which the detonation wave travels through an explosive column is the Velocity of Detonation (VOD). It is one of the most important property of explosive on which its performance is dependent. In this paper design and implementation of VOD measurement unit is discussed. This unit has to be compatible with sensor designed earlier and has to work in synchronism with the detonation wave as sensed by the sensor in real time. A high speed event capturing unit based on high frequency stable clock, signal acquisition hardware to capture fast rising/falling edges of the event and long line driving capability are some of the basic requirements of the unit. This paper offers a design of an unit which has a low cost sensor, is easy to install/ setup, has reduced susceptibility to electrical noise, design and algorithm sufficient enough to be able to calculate and display VOD directly without compromising accuracy. To aid the discussion some commercially available VOD meter comparison is also presented. After review of the existing units available commercially and study of their respective merits and demerits, feature of an ideal system for the given requirement is proposed and implemented.
Performance Evaluation of Mobility Effects on Various Transmission Modes in the LTE Network[Full-Text ] Mohana H K, Mohankumar N M, Suhas K R, Devaraju J T Long Term Evolution (LTE) system uses Internet Protocol (IP) based network architecture and advanced multi-antenna techniques to provide higher system throughput and high user mobility, intern to support low delay multimedia services such as voice, real time video connections and effective internet connectivity without any disruption. Hence in this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the impact of mobility on the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as average throughput, average jitter and average delay of a LTE network for various transmission modes such as Serial-Input Serial-Output (SISO), Transmit Diversity, Receive Diversity and Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing (OLSM).
EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON MIXTURES AS THE NEW REFRIGERANT IN DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] DEEPAK PALIWAL, S.P.S.RAJPUTConversion of R134a systems to eco-friendly ones will be a major thrust area for refrigeration sector in the present day. As and when an existing system of R134a has to be recharged it is suggested to retrofit the system with new/natural and alternative refrigerants. Presently in market some hydrocarbon mixtures and pure hydrocarbons are available to replace R134a. But what will be ratio and mass fraction to be used for better and safe performance of the system is only given by some researchers. This investigation focuses on mixture ratio of pure hydrocarbon R290 and R600a uses in 200 liter domestic refrigeration system by certain changes in condenser and capillary. The outcome of this work is 80g mixture of R600a/R290 (60/40 by wt%) give better performance than 80g mixture of R600a/R290 (70/30 by wt%). COP of R600a/R290 (60/40 by wt%) mixture is higher in the range 22%-26.3% than mixture R600a/R290 (70/30 by wt%) for capillary of 3.5m length and 0.036 inches diameter. During the experiments it is found that 0.036 inches dia. capillary is more suitable as expansion device than 0.031 inches dia. capillary at all length . It is also find out that by increasing the length of capillary in the system hydrocarbon mixture give better results. The R600a/R290 (60/40 by wt%) mixture can be consider as a drop- in replacement refrigerant for HFC134a.