Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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Amazing Advances in Forensic DNA Analysis – past, present and the future[Full-Text ] ShettyCK, Dr Charan Kishor ShettyDNA fingerprinting, one of the great discoveries of the late 20th century, has revolutionized forensic investigations. Forensic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) analysis or DNA profiling has played a major role in the criminal justice system. New techniques and technologies for DNA profiling continue to evolve every year. This review briefly recapitulates 30 years of progress in forensic DNA analysis which helps to convict criminals, exonerate the wrongly accused, and identify victims of crime, disasters, and war. This paper reviews the literature reported during January 2011 through June 2013 in the field of forensic DNA analysis. Recent advances in almost all aspects of DNA analysis – which include sample collection, storage, and pretreatment, DNA extraction, DNA quantitation, quality assurance of DNA testing, and DNA databases are discussed.
Application of Genetic Algorithm to Solve Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows and Non-Identical Fleet[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed AbouhenidiIn this project, we developed a solution method for solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Non-Identical Fleet (CVRPTWNIF). The problem is known to be computationally hard-to-solve. Consequently, there is no known algorithm that finds the optimal solution in a polynomial time function of number of delivery locations. Hence, we propose a solution method based on Genetic Algorithm. We solve randomly created data sets using the proposed method and compare the results with those obtained using a commercial software application. Our computational results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in finding good solutions for the small-scale random problem instances.
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PNEUMOSIDEROSIS AMONG DIFFERENT METAL WORKERS WITHIN MALUMFASHI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KATSINA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Bashir A., Umar Z.D. and Steve J.OPneumosiderosis is an occupational lung disease acquired when metal workers are exposed to iron dust particles during their occupation. Sixty (60) sputum samples and ten sputum samples were collected both as test and control from different metal workers. The highest frequency of occurrence was recorded among blacksmiths with 15(25%), followed by aluminium pot makers with 14(23%), welders with 13(21.7%), grinders with 10(16.7%) and the least was recorded among Turners with 8(13.3%) frequency of occurrence. The age range 20-29 years recorded highest with 25(41.7%) frequency of occurrence, followed by age range of 30-39 years with 16(26.7%) and the least was from the age range of 40-49 years with 4(6.7%) frequency of occurrence for the test subjects. The length of the exposure to metallic dust particles revealed that; those exposed from 6-10 years recorded highest 21(35%), followed by 1-5 years exposure with 16(26.7%) and the least duration of exposure was recorded among the rest ranging from 21-40 years having 3(5.0%) each. Many iron deposits were detected in the sputum specimen giving positive reaction with Perl’s Prussian Blue method with 43(71.7%) frequency and only 17(28.3%) recorded as negative for test subjects. Consequently, 40% recorded as positive case for control subjects. Papanicolaou method was adopted for this research; some cytological findings observed were variables. Long-term exposure to metallic dust particles, inadequate working ventilation as well as the unawareness of its effects were among the risk factors that increased the infection, even among the apparently healthy individuals. The treatment is usually symptomatic; prognosis is generally favourable if strict avoidance of the iron dust is adopted.
Comparison between the properties of Amorphous and Crystalline - Nano SiO2 additives on Concrete[Full-Text ] Rami Joseph Aghajan SldozianIn this paper, the study included the comparison between amorphous silica and crystalline silica (quartz), and with nano scale size, two types of silica was added to concrete by ratios (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) as a replacement by the weight of cement. Destructive and non-destructive tests was conducted on the samples, the results show in destructive test the compressive and tensile strength increase in 15% ratio in both kinds of silica, but in amorphous silica was high than in quartz. The results of non-destructive tests show in (Schmidt Hammer) the 15% ratio in both kinds of silica show high hardness than other ratios. Ultra sonic (pules velocity) test, noted the better quality was in 15% ratio in amorphous silica and also show fastest pules velocity.
Dynamic Response Of 3D Steel Frame[Full-Text ] Sunil B and Prashanth SungarThe main objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic response of 3D steel frame with bracings under dynamic loads. A 3D steel frame with bracings is fabricated as per the design. The steel frame is tested for seismic loads using shake table. Tests are conducted to evaluate the performance of the bare frame and also the frame with additional mass (placing 270kg and 540kg on the frame) under similar seismic conditions. Strain gauges are mounted on the steel structure in order to find out the strain at the respective point. The dynamic properties and response of the steel frame for different shake table tests are obtained and attempt has been made to compare the experimental shake table test results with the numerical results obtained from computer software package, ANSYS 11.0. From this software, response at any location or point on the structure can be obtained in addition to parameters such as modal frequencies and mode shapes. Further, ANSYS 11.0 is used to study the performance of the 3D steel frame for seismic loading conditions corresponding to different zones as per IS: 1893(part-1): 2002 by response spectrum analysis and response of the steel frame is compared for different zones.
Infantile Sandhoff Disease with Hypothyroidism: A rare presentation[Full-Text ] Dr. Kundan Mittal, Dr. Preeti Raikwar, Dr. Shalini Aggarwal, Dr. Anupama Mittal, Dr ShailjaThis report describes an 18 months old baby with Infantile Sandhoff disease. This case report aims to increase the awareness of this condition among physicians to allow earlier clinical and genetic diagnosis and management.
Premature Failure of Distribution Transformers – A Case Study[Full-Text ] Ranjana Singh, A. S. Zadgaonkar, Amarjit SinghDistribution transformer is an essential link in the distribution system. Failure of distribution transformers causes capital loss and loss of revenue to the nation. The premature failure rate of distribution transformers is above 25% in some of the regions of the state of Madhya Pradesh (M. P.), India. This paper presents a case study of four distribution transformers which failed within the warranty period of three years, out of which three were installed in rural areas and one in urban area. Two transformers have same specifications but are supplied by different manufacturers. It is found that the main cause of failure of distribution transformer is overloading/unbalanced loading. The results are then verified by Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA). Transformer oil degrades due to thermal aging caused by continuous overloading. Hence, properties of oil are analyzed in failed distribution transformers. The oil samples of 27 distribution transformers of different kVA ratings, which failed within the warranty periods, were taken for this study. Breakdown voltage (BDV), Total Acid number (TAN) and Viscosity of the oil samples were measured and analyzed. The obtained results show that total acid number and viscosity increase significantly due to thermal aging and the breakdown voltage decreases substantially. Therefore monitoring of these parameters can appreciably reduce the premature failure of distribution transformers.
A Hexagonal Shape Microstrip Slot Antenna for Wideband and Multiband Applications[Full-Text ] Sujeet Kumar Yadav, Kirti Vyas, Sudarshan KumarHere in this paper a compact microstrip antenna having wide-slots of hexagon shape is fed by microstrip-line for wideband and multi band operations is proposed and studied. The proposed antenna resonates the 10-dB bandwidth from 0 to 6.0 GHz, and these frequency bands cover the standard IEEE 802.11b/g (2.4-2.485 GHz) and IEEE 802.11a (5.15-5.35 GHz) for WLAN applications and 2.5 GHz (2.5-2.69 GHz), 3.5 GHz (3.3-3.8 GHz) and 5 GHz (5.25-5.85 GHz) for Wi -MAX applications. Detailed design and experimental results are shown and discussed in this paper. The antenna is simulated using IE3D electromagnetic simulator. Here in this paper the improvement in multiband and wide band behavior is investigated & discussed with VSWR<2.
Privacy in Cloud Against Lack of Transparency and Disclosure[Full-Text ] Bajrang Prajapati K, Chidananda Murthy PCloud is a very hot topic currently being discussed in the new era of technology. Organizations step back from adapting cloud technology mainly because of the security and privacy concerns. Processing or sharing privacy-sensitive data sets on cloud probably engenders severe privacy concerns because of multi-tenancy. Lack of transparency attack where the flow of client’s data is not known and disclosure attack where identity of the client is disclosed, are two major concerns in privacy [9]. This paper proposes a methodology of privacy preservation in cloud against the lack of transparency and disclosure.
The most cited article in software engineering[Full-Text ] Citations and related work are crucial in any research to position the work and to build on the work of others. A high citation count is an indication of the influence of specific articles. The importance of citations means that it is interesting to analyze which articles are cited the most. Such an analysis has been conducted using the ISI Web of Science to identify the most cited software engineering journal articles published . The objective of the analysis is to identify and list the articles that have influenced others the most as measured by citation count. An understanding of which research is viewed by the research community as most valuable to build upon may provide valuable insights into what research to focus on now and in the future. Based on the analysis, a list of the 20 most cited articles is presented here. The intention of the analysis is twofold. First, to identify the most cited articles, and second, to invite the authors of the most cited articles to contribute to a special issue of Information and Software Technology. Five authors have accepted the invitation and their articles appear in this special issue. Moreover, an analysis of the most cited software engineering journal articles in the last 20 years is presented. The presentation includes both the most cited articles in absolute numbers and the most cited articles when looking at the average number of citations per year. The article introducing the SPIN model checker by G.J. Holz mann published in 1997 is first on both these lists.
A study on Mechanical and tribological properties of aluminium alloy (LM24), reinforced with mica, Al2O3, and graphite.[Full-Text ] Mr.Arunkumar, Mr.Guruprasad, Mr.Satish, Mr.veeranagouda.S.Patil, Asst.Prof.Sharanabasappa R P, Asst.Prof.Ritesh MulgeIn this studyan experimental investigation on composite materials using aluminium- alloy LM24 as the base metal (matrix) with graphite, mica and Al2O3 as the reinforcements.Induction furnace is used to melt the metal matrix. The stir casting method is used which enables the uniform distribution of reinforcements.Seven sets of composites with constant weight fraction of two reinforcements and varying weight fraction of one reinforcement and a base metal specimen. The main mechanical properties studied were the tensile strength,ductility, impact strength &hardness.Tribological property studied was wear test.The results reveal that the incorporation of graphite acts as self lubricating material and it reduces the wear. Al2O3 particles increase the tensile strength of the material and mica increases hardness of the material.
EFFICIENT DETECTION OF INTRUSION USING INNER AND OUTER BOUNDARY MODELS WITH TRANSDUCTIVE LEARNING CONCEPT IN MOBILE ADHOC NETWORK[Full-Text ] R.M.Chamundeeswari, Dr P SumathiIntrusion detection system (IDS) plays a very significant role for sensing different types of attacks in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). The main function of intrusion detection includes both monitoring and analyzing both the user and activities of the mobile network. Research works conducted on Dynamic Anomaly Detection (DAD) confirmed the uniqueness and topology of the network but was not feasible on analyzing intelligent detection schemes. Quantify Network Dynamism (QND) influenced the mobility from different perspectives but failed in effective designing of concrete data diffusion. QND plan still need to address the qualitative performance metrics on the mobility models. To obtain a feasible solution in analyzing the anomalies in MANET, Orthomorphic Analyst k-Nearest Neighbor (OANN) method and Report based Outlier Detection (ROD) mechanism is developed with i-boundary values in this paper. Orthomorphic Analyst k-Nearest Neighbor uses the mathematical mapping to analyze the correct angles of anomalies within the specified node range in MANET. OANN analyzes i-inner boundary values of the anomalies, and performs the intelligent detection in MANET. Diffused (i.e.,) spread intrusions on the outer i-boundary values are detected using the ROD mechanism. Reporting in ROD mechanism records the repetitive probabilistic dropping of data packets with outer ‘i’ boundary values in MANET. Finally, Transductive learning concept merges the OANN method and ROD mechanism into one single step to address the measures of reliability for the entire boundary values in MANET. With the analyzed angle by OANN and ROD applies transductive concept to calculate a score value and helps to identify whether an intrusion is detected or not. OANN and ROD with Transductive learning concept conduct experiments on the performance factors such as outlier detection accuracy in MANET, true positive value of transductive concept, the inner boundary analyzing efficiency, runtime for analyzing the outer boundary intrusions.
FIXED POINT THEOREM FOR FOUR WEAKLY COMPATIBLE MAPPINGS IN NON ARCHIMEDEAN MENGER PM-SPACES[Full-Text ] Poonam Lata Sagar, S.K. Malhotra, In the present paper we prove a unique common fixed point theorem for four weakly compatible self maps in non-Archimedean Menger Probabilistic Metric spaces without using the notion of continuity.
Symbols and myths in Diwan, Hadiqat, and Siyar al-Ebad of Sanai[Full-Text ] Dr. Amir Hossein Mahozi,Dr. Alimohammad Sajjadi,Dr. Mahnaz BazgirOne of the important characteristics of Sanai’s poems is its use of symbols and mythical elements through which the intuitional findings are declared. Moreover, they are used as a means of conveying mystical meanings. There are many elements; however, the present paper explains some of the elements such as blade, crown, throne, hat, khirqa (the cloak of the Sufi), rosary, girdle, and the symbolic word of Laa. The images associated with the mentioned elements, and their mystical points will be clarified, finally the mythical characteristics and symbolic points of the symbols will be studied. The main purpose of the present paper is to study symbols and myths in the works of Sanai (Diwan, Hadiqat, and Siyar al-Ebad). The purposes are achieved via studying and comparing the texts.
Synthesis and behavior of 4- arylphthalazin-1(2H)thione derivatives towards carbon and nitrogen electrophiles[Full-Text ] M.A.El-Hashash; A.H-Moustafa;R.S.Ali ;N.E.A.Abd-elsatar4-methylphenylphthalazin -1(2H)- thione (4-a) has been reacted with alkylating agents namely propargl bromide, allyl bromide, epichlorohydrin- 2,3,4,6-tetracetyl-ß -D-glucopyranosyl bromide, and peracetylated ribose and yielded the S-alkylated products. Interaction of 4-(3,4-dimethylphenyl) phthalizin-(2H)-one with D-glucono-1,5 lactone and 2,3,4,6- tetracetoxy-a- D-glucopyranosyl bromide yielded the N-nucleosides 10 and 11 respectively. Treatment of (3,4-dimethylphenyl) phthalizin-1- (2H)-thione(4b) with hydrazine hydrate afforded the hydrazine derivative 12. Hetero ring opening of D-glucono-1,5 –lactone by the hydrazine derivative 12 gave the N-nucleoside derivative 17. Furthermore, reaction of the hydrazine derivative with D-glucose gave the corresponding hydrazone 13. Treatment of hydrazone 13 with acetic anhydride followed by bromination gave acetylated cyclic C-nucleoside 15 which converted to free C-nucleoside via its reaction with ammonium hydroxide and methanol.
DESIGN AND COST ANALYSIS OF A 0.75 kW SOLAR POWERED WATER PUMPING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Nwobi E.U. Ajide O.O. and Abu R.Solar powered systems have been built for various applications ranging from public lighting to water supply units. Robust efforts have not been made in the systematic study of the effectiveness and viability of such systems as it applies to the Nigerian techno-economic situation. The objective of this study is to design a solar photovoltaic (PV) powered water supply system for rural areas in Nigeria using Onipe, a village in Ibadan without electric grid connection as a case study. The methodology adopted for this study involves field survey and detail system design and analysis. The design of the solar powered system was based on the estimated daily water supply rate of 15,000 litres with a view to obtaining a cost-effective and energy-efficient system to drive it. A review of pump technologies, alternative energy applications in some parts of the world and an assessment of the potentials of various alternative energy technologies in Nigeria and particularly in the study location was undertaken. The data gathered from the location which include the required water supply capacity and the likely depth of the borehole were applied in the design. This depth was estimated by a geo-physical survey using Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) techniques. Pipe sizing, pump sizing, power supply design and protective devices selection were all carried out during the design of the system. Finally, a cost-comparison analysis between the solar-powered system and generator powered system was done using Life-Cycle costing and analysis. Results obtained from the study showed that a 0.75 kW solar powered unit can supply the desired water quantity. Comparing the power supply costs of both systems over a 20-year life cycle showed that the generator powered system has a present value cost of over two times ( =200 % )that of the solar powered unit. In addition, the annual Carbon dioxide emission tonnage from the generator powered system is estimated to be about 3.2 tonnes whereas the solar powered system is emission free. The outcome of this study will find useful modularization applications in villages with similar characteristics and can also be easily adjusted to fit larger or smaller sized communities.
How some factors affects State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) percentage at level III Advanced of high school in Bexar County?[Full-Text ] Aml ZahidThe State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the new program of student academic testing. These tests were implemented in the 2011-2012 school year, in order to determine the performance standards in a more rigorous manner than previous testing approaches. The continual standardized testing format is to ensure that students are obtaining the necessary basic knowledge to perform better academically, which will help ensure that students obtain a basic level of performance that prepares the student for adulthood and further education.
Design and Implementation of Instant Messaging tool for Battle Field Management System in CVRDE[Full-Text ] Amandeep Singh, S.ChakravarthiInstant Messaging (IM) is a type of communications service over the Internet that enables individuals to exchange text messages and track availability of a list of users in real-time. The existing instant messaging technology does not provide built-in support for security feature as proposed idea. And also in Battle Field Management System the most commonly used as means of communication is Walky-Talky, which we feel is much unsecured. In this paper we propose a secured instant messaging system using identity-based cryptosystems which provide a strong authentication and secured communication for both IM client to IM server and IM client to IM client. Identity-based cryptography is a type of public-key cryptography in which a publicly known string representing an individual or organization is used as public key. The public key string can be IP address, domain name or email address.
Identifying and ranking of Factors Affecting the Success development of E-HRM in Qazvin Municipality[Full-Text ] Mehran Saeedi Aghdam, Masume Hafez Reza Zadeh, Ali peyvand, Mahdi ghanbari, Shiva Shahramfar The main objectives of this study were: identifying the key determinants of the development level of E-HRM applications in Qazvin Municipality. In order to achieve the research objectives, a conceptual framework was developed. The conceptual framework tied together the major factors proposed to determine the Qazvin Municipality level of development of E-HRM applications. A survey research was carried out where the sample was collected from Qazvin Municipality .The target population under investigation was all the Qazvin Municipality. The purpose of the paper is to use analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to ranking the effective factors on Electronic Human Resources Management. This research designed questionnaire for AHP. Questionnaires sent to 90 Manager in Qazvin Municipality. From the AHP results, we can understand that most important effective factor on E-HRM is Organizational culture. Moreover, the less important effective factor on is Attractive and friendly working environment At the end, the research has come up with several recommendations that were suggested for Municipalities in order to improve their level of development of E-HRM application.
DYNAMIC RESPONSE UNDER MOVING CONCENTRATED LOADS OF UNIFORM RAYLEIGH BEAM RESTING ON PASTERNAK FOUNDATION[Full-Text ] P. B. Ojih, M. A. Ibiejugba and B. O. AdejoThe dynamic response under moving concentrated masses of uniform Rayleigh beam resting on Pasternak foundation, with simply supported boundary condition, is investigated in this work. In order to solve the governing fourth order partial differential equation, a technique based on the generalized integral transform (GIT) is used to reduce the governing equation to a sequence of second order ordinary differential equations. A modification of Struble’s technique is employed for the solution of the reduced equation. Numerical results in plotted curves are presented. It is shown from the results that as the Rotatory inertia increases, the response amplitudes of the uniform Rayleigh beam decrease for both moving force and moving mass problems. Furthermore, the results show that the response amplitudes of the uniform Rayleigh beam decrease with an increase in the values of the shear modulus for fixed values of foundation modulus and Rotatory inertia . Similarly, as increases, the response amplitudes decrease but the effect of is more noticeable than that of Finally, for the same natural frequency, the critical speed for the moving mass problem is smaller than that of the moving force problem. Hence, resonance is reached earlier in the moving mass problem.
Estimation of some heavy metals in sediments of Tigris River in Nasiriya city/ Iraq[Full-Text ] Zainab Salim HadawiTopsoil samples (0–15cm) were collected from the sediments of Tigris River in April,2014.Total concentrations of five heavy metals, Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Palladium (Pd), Cobalt (Co) and Bismuth (Bi) were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry in order to assess their contamination levels of the sediments . Four stations were chosen in the Tigris at Nasiriya city. Results showed that the average concentrations of these h3wseavy metals in the sediments were significantly higher than those previous and similar studies. But the study showed no contamination for Mn, and Bi, in all stations. Location variations were detected in these metals. The highest conc. of Pd was (2.6µg/g) and the lowest (1.2µg/g) were recorded in sta.3,4 respectively, Pb revealed the highest conc. 6.3 µg/g at sta.3. The lowest (3.2µg/g) was recorde8d in sta.1.The highest conc. of Ni was encountered in sta.2 (76µg/g) ,while lowest values were recorded from sta.1 was (44 µg/g). Co showed increments in sta.3 (6.1 µg/g) and the lowest values were recorded in stas.1 was (3.2µg/g). Similarly, the highest conc. of Bi were recorded sta.2(0.2 µg/g) and lowest was (0.01 µg/g)at sta.1. The study showed that pollution with some of this metals compared with global standard request watching period and continue test in regular periods .
Econometric Analysis of Wind Power Generation in Five Selected Cities of South Western Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nze-Esiaga Nnawuike and Okogbue Emmanuel C.This study analysed the econometrics of wind electricity generation at five selected cities of south western Nigeria which are Abeokuta, Akure, Ikeja, Oshogbo and Ibadan using three wind turbine models of GE 1.5xle, AV 927 and AV 928. 51 years monthly mean wind speed data at 10m height obtained from the Nigeria Meteorological Agency. Results showed that potential exist for electricity generation of between 0.3 and 1.6GWh per month and between 1.5 and 16.8GWh per annum. It was also discovered that better potential exist for wind power generation in the wet season (0.3 - 1.7GWh) than in the dry season (0.2 – 1.5GWh). The minimum cost of generating 1kWh of wind electricity with the turbine models at the cities was estimated to be €0.01 with a maximum cost of €0.14.
Strength Characteristics Of Corrugated Roofing Elements Reinforced With Ground Granulated Furnace Slag & Polyester Fiber[Full-Text ] Mr,Arunkumar B.N, Mr, Santhosh patil k.gIn this paper artificial fiber namely polyester fibers are used as reinforcement in cement matrices for producing corrugated roofing sheets has been investigated and reported. Ground granulated blast furnace slag -based polyester fiber roofing sheets were cast manually and the strength of the corrugations of the above composite sheets in terms of splitting, due to direct and impact loads, were experimentally evaluated. It is found that the strength towards splitting of corrugations of the GGBS based polyester fiber corrugated roofing sheets due to direct and impact loads was improved as compared to the corrugated sheets without polyester fibers. Also it is observed that GGBS based polyester fiber reinforced sheets are comparable to the splitting of corrugations due to direct and impact loads of a commercial roofing sheet, as the fibers are the crack arresters and absorbs energy. The roofing tiles can be adapted particularly for hot climate due to its high insulation properties and therefore suitable to provide shelter for livestock by using the locally available waste materials for its production. Most of the corrugated roofing sheets have damaged due to tearing out at its corrugations by high wind loads and impact loads. The strength of these corrugations can be improved with fiber reinforcement. And also flexural, impact and water absorption testing on corrugated roofing elements.
Efficient Gui Development Using Windows Presentation Foundation Framework And Model-view-viewmodel Pattern[Full-Text ] Mrs.Sangita Oswal,Mr.Siddhesh D.KushteThe paper focuses on flexible GUI development for trade events viewer. Here we focus on tool for trading system developed using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern. MVVM architecture is an indirect successor of MVC pattern and it successfully overcome on flaws of latter technique by removing dependency between model and controller by synchronizing View with ViewModel. In Financial Industry, various applications require flexible GUI because market value of financial products continuously changes. This paper explains use of WPF and MVVM pattern in UI development of financial application.