Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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Analytical Solutions of 2D Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations for Time Dependent Pressure Gradient[Full-Text ] M.A.K.Azad, L.S. AndallahIn this paper, we present analytical solutions of two dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (2D NSEs) for a time dependent exponentially decreasing pressure gradient term using Orlowski and Sobczyk transformation (OST) and Cole-Hopf transformation (CHT) . To find the solution of 2D diffusion equation we apply separation of variables method.
Effects of Temperature, pH and Steeping Time on the Extraction of Starch from Pakistani Rice[Full-Text ] Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Tahir Ishfaq, Dr. Shahid Raza Malik, Bushra Ishfaq, Muhammad IqbalBroken rice such as KSK-133 is processed due to low quality and economic reasons. The effects of temperature, pH and steeping time on rice starch extraction from low quality rice KSK-133 investigated. Starch was extracted from rice by alkaline extraction technique. The main objective is to obtain high starch content from KSK-133. The independent variables are temperature, pH and steeping time. Rice starch was extracted at five different temperatures (22, 25, 30, 35 and 40oC). As well as rice starch was also extracted at five different pHs (7, 8, 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5). In a steeping process distilled water used with 0.1M caustic soda for required pHs, kept the steeping hours (18, 22 hrs.) in every trial for each pH and temperature. Maximum rice starch has been recovered that is (85-95.4) % for five different temperatures in both steeping hrs. at 9.5pH. At the higher temperatures and pH, starch damage was higher. At low temperature and pH, the percentage of starch recovery was low although the starch damaged was less. By increasing the steeping time, the starch recovery was increased. By taking all factors into consideration, 9.0pH at 30oC was selected as a best rice starch extraction condition for 18 hours steeping time. In case of 22 hours steeping time, 8.5pH at 35oC was selected best rice starch extraction condition.
Cost Comparison Between Rcc Slab & Steel Composite Slab Structure Of G+5 Storied Building The Overall Plan Dimension Of The Building Is 56.3 M X 31.94M[Full-Text ] Aniket Sijaria, Prof. Anubhav Rai, Prof. Y. K. BajpaiThe Project involves Planning, Analysis, Design & Cost Comparison of an Institutional Building with steel-concrete composite construction. The proposal structure is a G+5 building, with 3.658m as the height of each floor. The overall plan dimension of the building is 56.3 m x 31.94m.
Impact of human factors in effort estimation using COCOMO- II[Full-Text ] Meenakshi Gaur, T.N. Sharma, Vipin JainAfter 1970, software development is continuously progressing with one of the major industry in the world and presently it’s dominating the whole world. To gain an understanding of software, it is essential to inspect the characteristics of software that make it different from other things that human beings build. The differences can be defined in three areas.
Improvement the performance of IEEE 802.16d (WiMAX) Baseband system with Channel Estimation, Equalization and Timing synchronization under different channel models[Full-Text ] Qasim H. Kareem, Dr. Mahmood Abd. AlsattarAdvancements in wireless broadband and mobile communication have provided many features to its subscribers, such as high-speed data connectivity and good voice quality and video application services for economical rates. WiMAX is one of the wireless broadband access technologies which provide broadband and IP connectivity to last mile access, it is based on IEEE 802.16 standard wireless MAN. The WiMAX physical layer is based on OFDM technology that provides very good spectral efficiency and resistance to multipath propagation. This paper presents the model for simulating WiMAX physical layer in Simulink and studying the performance of the system in different channel conditions (AWGN, Rayleigh and Rician fading channel) with channel estimation, equalization (ZFE) and timing synchronization. System performance is evaluated using BER versus Eb/No curves, for comparing the results.
Current Mode Comparator Design for Biomedical Applications[Full-Text ] Apurva Gupta and R. S. GamadIn this paper, a new current mode low power comparator design is presented. In analog to digital conversion process, comparator is an important device widely used in the converting signals from analog to digital. Design is specially concentrated for biomedical device applications. The circuit includes two cascaded CMOS inverter with one diode connected transistors and another transistor (M1) used as a reference current. Due to this changing design has reduced power dissipation, increase gain and speed. The circuit is simulated in a 0.18 µm CMOS technology with supply voltage 1.8 volt. Comparator was implemented for biomedical application in 0.18 µm technology with 1.8 volt supply. A primary advantage of building this design is the case of scaling with technology, and the power and area reduction. The total power is consumed 45.42 µW.
Management of N and P through FYM for the ef-ficient use of energy in urdbean-wheat cropping system[Full-Text ] M.Ganajaxi, A. G. Vijayakumar, Kumari Basamma and. P. Y. KamannavarNitrogen (N) and phosphorus are essential for the normal growth of plants. All vital physiological processes are related to these nutrients. These must be supplied to the plant through inorganic fertilizer. Nitrogenous fertilizers are most energy consuming compared to P and K fertilizers.Under the present energy crisis situation, grain legumes (pulses) are the boon for agriculture sector. Hence in cropping systems, legume and cereal inclusion is very important. Hence this study was conducted to find out the possibility of reducing N and P doses of cereal and legume crops in cropping system. The experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station (MARS), University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during 2009 -2011 under rainfed condition to find out appropriate P and N dose for urdbean - wheat system. The treatments comprising two levels of organic manures (FYM @ 0 and 5 t/ha) and three levels of phosphorus to rainy season urdbean (0, 25 and 50 kg/ha) and three levels of nitrogen (25, 37.5 and 50 kg/ha) to winter wheat were applied. Common recommended dose of nitrogen (25 kg/ha) and phosphorus (25 kg/ha) to urdbean and wheat, respectively, was applied. Pooled data of three years indicated that the application of 5 t FYM/ha in rainy season increased the yield of urdbean and succeeding wheat significantly over 0 t FYM. Among the P2O5 levels, 25 and 50 kg/ha were on par with each other to have effect on both urdbean and wheat yield. Among the N levels of wheat, 50 kg/ha was significantly superior over the reduced doses of nitrogen (37.5 and 25 kg/ha) in wheat yield. When wheat equivalent yield, net returns, B:C ratio and energy use efficiency were considered, application of 5 t FYM/ ha was able to reduce the P dose to urdbean to fifty percent and N dose of succeeding wheat to twenty five percent.
Electioneering Process In Africa: A Proposed General E-voting Model (Case Study- Nigeria)[Full-Text ] Bakare Akeem B., Suru Salihu U., Ibrahim Nuradeen M.The incessant post election crisis that has plagued most of the elections in Africa has led to voters’ apprehension and apathy, hence the need for a better electoral system to ensure free and fair elections. The aim of this paper is to present an electronic voting system (E-Voting), optimistically, to be applied to the Nigeria electoral system and possibly other African countries elections. This paper wish to dissect the conventional system of voting in Nigeria, points out the merits and the demerits of the system, highlights the prospects of e-voting, thereby, propose an alternative e-voting model that will take care of the flaws in the conventional system. Several social and cultural issues peculiar to Nigeria system will also be integrated into the E-VS model in order to achieve an enhanced, speedy and accurate performance. It is about time that conventional voting in Nigeria gives way to E-Voting and hence simplifies the task for Electorates and the Legal constituted body responsible for conducting election in the country (that is INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION, INEC).
Isolation of Mangiferin from Different Varieties of Mangifera Indica Dried Leaves[Full-Text ] Mr. Sachin S. Shinde and Dr. Abhijit R. ChavanThe kinetics and structural changes in the solid were studied for solid-liquid extraction from plants. Soxhlet extraction technique has been developed to extract Mangiferin from Mangifera Indica Leaves. This research aims to develop for the first time the process of mangiferin extraction from the leaves of two mango varieties, i.e. Kesar and Hapoos by using soxhlet extraction with Methanol as an extracting solvent. The study involved sampling, storage, preparation, extraction and analysis for Mangiferin was done by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. The results found that Hapoos gave the highest yield of mangiferin as compared to Kesar.
Performance of Aluminium Silicon Carbide (AlSiC) Metal Matrix Composite as a Fin Material[Full-Text ] Adeyemi AdebisiThe paper investigates the performance of Aluminium Silicon Carbide (AlSiC) as a fin material against other traditional fin materials namely –aluminium and copper. Its performance is also compared to steel which is rarely but sometimes used as fin material. Theoretical approaches using the effectiveness number of transfer units e-NTU is used to obtain the rate of heat transferred. The results of the analysis and study shows that fin efficiency and heat transferred by AlSiC compares favourably with that of traditional fin materials while offering lesser weight and higher strength than any of these materials.
Design and Implementation of MIMO-OFDM us-ing Encoding and Decoding techniques on FPGA [Full-Text ] Mahendra Babu D.S , Vinutha M.R , Uma CIn this paper, we present a memory-efficient and faster convolution encoding and adaptive viterbi decoding imple-mentation technique for MIMO-OFDM communication systems on FPGA. A method for the 1/3 convloution encoder and Modified viterbi decoder design used for coding techniques on FPGA. Our design utilizes the minimum required on-chip memory for the MIMO-OFDM implementation. Using the proposed design method, the I/O rate for MIMO-OFDM based communication systems are doubled for 2×2 MIMO systems. The whole design is implemented using Xilinx ISE 13.4 using VERILOG on Vitrex 5 FPGA and simulated using Modelsim 6.3f.
Analysis and simulation of three phase sinusoidal PWM Inverter fed by PV array[Full-Text ] E. Hendawi, I. BedirMathematical analysis and simulation of a three phase sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) inverter fed by PV array is presented. Modeling of SPWM using MATLAB-Simulink is introduced based on MATLAB function and m-files. The inverter is supplied from a PV array through voltage controlled boost chopper to maintain the inverter input voltage within a specified range. Simulation results using MATLAB-Simulink introduce high performance of the system when a step change is carried out representing variation of PV array voltage.
Modeling The Influential Factors Of 8th Grades Student’s Mathematics Achievement In Malaysia By Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)[Full-Text ] Ahmad Nazim, Sabri AhmadThis research study the application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method in order to obtain the best fit model for a more efficient and accurate inter-relationship among variables findings and interpretation. For the purpose of this study, secondary data of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) was used. The questionnaire were distributed by using two stage stratified cluster sampling technique to 5733 eighth grades students in Malaysia. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Discriminant Validity and Path Analysis had been conducted to obtain the best fit model of SEM. At the end of the study, a best fit model will be obtained for a better accuracy and precision estimation in further analysis.
Missed Opportunities in Mobile E-Commerce Usability[Full-Text ] Ariyo Sunday Ajibola, Liela GoosenFundamentally, the development of mobile e-commerce has immense potential. While a minority of companies and organizations are improving their sites by making them more mobile friendly and functional for users, majority have failed to recognize the important differences existing between usage in this area and what is offered using standard internet access; a medium which was slowly adopted. This paper reveals that (using the m-commerce example), this is the case and business is slow to respond to such developments or changes, similar to what happened when the e-commerce opportunities were first made available. Although, this may bring enhanced benefits to the minority of ‘first movers’ in the market, the unresponsiveness and lack of attention by most companies indeed represents largely missed opportunities to participate in mobile e-commerce usability.
Application of Quality Function Deployment To Improve Customer Satisfaction In Hotel Industry[Full-Text ] Praveen Shrivastava, Dr Devendra S. VermaSatisfying customers is usually pursued by identifying their needs and translating their demands into design targets and thereby assessing the implementation of improvements on a continuous basis in order to attain the set targets. Quality function deployment is a planning tool used to fulfill customer expectations and in-depth evaluation of a product. The presented research aimed to get QFD model to improve service quality using customer needs priorities in a 5-star hotel of Indore. In the research customer satisfaction and importance degree of each need is investigated using survey method. Information was collected from the customers, employees and managers of the hotel to determine the factors affecting the customer satisfaction. After identifying the factors one questionnaire was given to the customers to rank their satisfaction received from the hotel. Selected sample size of the customers was 150. QFD team consisted of 5 managers and senior employees whose opinions were considered to determine the technical requirements to fulfill customer demands. Inter relationship matrix was constructed to evaluate the relationship between voice of customers and technical requirements. Co relationship matrix constructed to show the relationship among the technical requirements. Then customer competitive evaluation was done and finally competitive technical analysis was done to evaluate the degree of efforts by competitors to achieve customer satisfaction. Final results show that from view point of customers making bills correctly, Personal attention, Clean rooms, qualified food, Professional staff and affordable price are more important.
Adaptation of the AHP as Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach and Testing the Original AHP over Two Evaluative Criteria[Full-Text ] Shadab Khan, Aruna B Dulloo, Meghna VermaIn a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem, a decision maker (DM) often needs to select or rank alternatives associated with some usually conflicting attributes or objectives. These problems arise in many real-world situations. The final decision is based on the evaluation of a number of alternatives in terms of a number of criteria in many industrial and engineering applications. This Problem may become a very difficult one when the criteria are expressed in different units or the pertinent data are difficult to be quantified. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an effective approach in dealing with this kind of decision problems. This research paper is based on understanding working of the AHP technique in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making problems and examines AHP with respect to defined evaluative criteria.
Preternatural Low-Power Reversible Decoder Design in 90 nm Technology Node[Full-Text ] Neeraj Kumar Misra, Subodh Wairya, V. K. SinghIn Low Power VLSI Technology IC designers have encountered more constraints High speed, Small silicon area, and High throughput and Low Power dissipation. Designer is faced problem for this issue and technology doesn’t advance at the same rate. Reinvent a design for Building a great interest. Reversible logic gives a solution for this issue because it has ideally zero power consumption and prevents the loss of information which is the root cause of power dissipation. In this way and optimized low power decoder and two New high speed Reversible Gates ‘RG_1’ and ‘RG_2’are proposed by connecting this improvement of power dissipation. An epitome design methods is Reversible Gates, in reversible the number of inputs is equal to the number of outputs, allow for prevision of all succeeding states based on known retiring state, and the system ambit every potential state, termination is no heat dissipation. In this paper synthesis the reversible decoder using Xilinx platform and operative coded design is to be simulated on simulation software (e.g.Isim). Employed properly for dynamic input befitting output obtained and also reversible decoder is compelled on MOS synthesis using Tanner14 EDA tools
Effects Of Flyash On Compressive Strength Of M50 Mix Design Concrete[Full-Text ] SHANTMURTI UPADHYAYAThe Ordinary Portland Cement (Opc) is One of The Main Ingrdients Used for The Production of Concrete. Unfortunateluy Production of Cement Involves Emission of Large Amount of Carbon Dioxide Gas Into Atmosphere, A Major Contributer For Green House Effect And The Global Warming , Hence It is Invitable Either To Search For Another Material Or Partially Replace It By Some Other Material. The Search of Any Other Such Material Which Can Be Used As An Altrernative For Cement Should Lead To Global Sustenable Development And Lowest Possible Environmental Impact. Concrete Property Can Be Maintained With Advance Mineral Admixtures Such As Flyash As Partial Replacement of Cement 0 To 30%. Compressive Strength of Concrete With Different Dosage of Fly Ash Was Studied As Partial Replacemnet of Cement. From The Experimental Investigations, It has Been Observed That, The Optimum Replacement of Flyash To Cement Without Changing Much Compressive Strength is 10%.
EMPOWERING NIGERIA UNDERGRADUATES ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION FOR JOB CREATION AND NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF EBONYI STATE UNIVERSITY, ABAKALIKI[Full-Text ] Dr. (Mrs.) Uzoma Aja-OkorieThe study focused on the mandatory entrepreneurship education programme for undergraduate students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria with emphasis on EBSU students. The aim of the research was to assess undergraduates’ entrepreneurial consciousness towards their willingness to engaging in entrepreneurship ventures giving their exposure to entrepreneurship education. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was made up of undergraduates in the Faculty of Education in 2012/13 academic session. The sample size comprised of four hundred students. Instrument for data collection tagged, “Questionnaire on empowering Nigeria undergraduates on entrepreneurship education for economic national development (QENUEENED)”, was validated by three experts from the faculty and the reliability after test-retest coefficient yielded 0.78. The statistical tools used for data analysis were simple mean, standard deviations and t-test. While simple mean and standard deviation were used to test the research questions, t-test was used to test the hypotheses. The findings showed that entrepreneurship education strengthens the right skills and attitudes to talented and non-talented students despite their gender. It equally favourably disposes male and female undergraduates towards establishing their own business. Based on the findings some recommendations were suggested which include among others that adequate facilities should be provided to strengthen the programme and committed lecturers to ensure progression in building the confidence of students exploit entrepreneurship ventures.
Translation Norms and Universals[Full-Text ] Haidar N Mohammed AliThis paper ‘Translation norms and universals’ tries to deal with the concepts of norms and universals and their applications within the framework of descriptive translation studies (DTS). The paper, basically, starts with explaining the new notion of descriptive translation studies and how it works significantly in translation discipline on the both theoretical and practical levels, and showing how DTS is important to monitor translation process and assess the product of translation. Throughout the paper, the notions of norms and universals are discussed and the controversial tensions between these two important translational elements are highly focused. Worth mentioning that the research sheds a light on how norms and universals affect the equivalence choices in translation along with the monitoring system of DTS. In the conclusion, the fall out is that it is important to take those notions into account while we research translation and also when we practice translation activity. Thus, I am going to talk about descriptive translation studies, the norms, universals, and how they correlate together respectively.
Curbing Examination Malpractices in West African Senior School Certificate Examinations in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. (Mrs) Chinyere Agatha OmebeExamination occupies a very strategic position in our lives both in education and in industries. Teachers and counsellors rely on them for a comprehensive evaluation of their students and clients. To decide whether a student merits being promoted to another level. In industries, experts in human relations and employment bureau utilize tests in reaching a decision as to the employment of an individual. Despite the strategic importance of examination or test taking for diagnostic placement, classification and quality control in Nigerian institutions, the integrity and credibility of public examinations have been greatly eroded and corrupted with increasing incidence of examination malpractice, trends in examination malpractice in Nigeria, forms of examination malpractice, causes of examination malpractice, efforts made to eradicate examination malpractice and some recommendations were made. The paper concluded by pointing out the following as curbing strategies, appointment of renowned clergies as invigilators and supervisors, empowerment of teachers, less emphasis on certificates and paper qualification, moral upbringing of children, creation of learning friendly environment in schools, employment of qualified teachers at all levels of education and planting of secret cameras in the examination halls.
Cement Formula to Prevent Gas Migration Problems in HT/HP Wells[Full-Text ] Abdullah Al-Yami, Vikrant Wagle, Hisham Nasr-El-Din, Ahmad Al-HumaidiGas Migration through cement columns has been an industry problem for many years. The most problematic areas for gas migrations are in deep gas wells. To control gas migration, cement densities required to successfully cement the zone could be as high as 170 pcf (Pounds per Cubic Foot). As cement slurry sets, hydrostatic pressure is reduced on the formation. During this transition, gas can leave the reservoir and travel up through the cement column resulting in gas being present at the surface. The permeable channels, from which gas flows, cause operational and safety problems at the well site.
A Hybrid Approach of Compiler and Interpreter[Full-Text ] Achal Aggarwal, Dr. Sunil K. Singh, Shubham JainThis paper essays the basic understanding of compiler and interpreter and identifies the need of compiler for interpreted languages. It also examines some of the recent developments in the proposed research. Almost all practical programs today are written in higher-level languages or assembly language, and translated to executable machine code by a compiler and/or assembler and linker. Most of the interpreted languages are in demand due to their simplicity but due to lack of optimization, they require comparatively large amount of time and space for execution. Also there is no method for code minimization; the code size is larger than what actually is needed due to redundancy in code especially in the name of identifiers.
Rising Threat of Non Communicable Diseases in Metropolitan Cities[Full-Text ] Aditi GuptaToday the entire world is witnessing an era of “Epidemiological Transition” in which the non- communicable and life style related diseases are fast emerging as the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Within developing countries, this "epidemiological transition" reflects the higher proportion of adults in the population (due to declines in both fertility rates and infant mortality) who, over time, age and become ill from diseases that disproportionately affect adults. In addition, it reflects the rapid rise in behavioral risk factors including smoking and high-sugar, high-fat diets.
A New Method to Study the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Breast Cancer Patients: A New Model for Stress Physiology[Full-Text ] Neda Rahimi, Mina Mojtabaie, Safieh BehzadiCancers, especially breast cancer, are considerably prevailed in women. Actually, ailments like cancer are directly related to tensions; the longer the duration of illness induced tensions, the higher the psychological and physiological negative impacts of illness. This leads to loss of immune system performance of patient and difficulties arises in effective fight against illness. At the other hand, if the feelings rose in cancer patients are not profess, it is possible to result in stress, depression, hopelessness and trying to suicide. Many of cancer patients have stressful thinking and show the loss of focus and attention level. In other words, it is necessary to prevent affective disorders such as perceived stress in cancer patients since stress cause to loss of life quality and any measure to stress reduction can be improved the quality of life.
Disatrous Challenge due to Climate Change in Bihar, Developing State of India[Full-Text ] Dr Chandra Shekhar Singh, Dr. Kumari Anima, Prof. Bimal Kumar, Er. GautamAvailable evidence shows that there is high probability of increase in the frequency and intensity of climate related natural hazards due to climate change and hence increase in potential threat due to climate change related natural disasters in India, and Bihar is no exception to this. It is highly vulnerable to hydro-meteorological natural disasters, with North Bihar in general being highly flood-prone, and South Bihar being highly drought prone.
Heat and Mass Transfer in an Annular Vertical Porous Cylinder Considering Thermal Equilibrium with Internal Heat Generation[Full-Text ] Suhrid Dev, Vivek Shrivastava, Pavan Badami, Mukesh PatilThe present study is an attempt towards understanding heat and mass transfer as well as fluid flow behavior inside an annular vertical cylinder with saturated porous media subjected to the case of natural convection. A study was carried out for constant heat generation within the medium with constant temperature boundary conditions. Variation of Nusselt Number and Sherwood number was studied with respect to Rayleigh-Darcy number, radius ratio and aspect ratio. This work was carried out using the Finite element method.
Non-conventional soil stabilization techniques The way forward to an aggregate free pavement And a Cost effective method of Road Construction[Full-Text ] Purnima BajpaiThe decreasing availability or resources and the increasing cost of construction materials and uncertain economic climates has forced engineers to consider more economical methods for building roads. An obvious solution is to use locally available materials. As the road development projects are an integral part of a Country’s economic growth, costing almost 50% of the Country’s total investment in Infrastructure, a very careful evaluation of the alternatives is required which may proof to be beneficial to the economy.
Phytoremediation of diesel oil contaminated soil using seedlings of two tropical hardwood species (Khaya senegalensis and Terminalia superba)[Full-Text ] Olajuyigbe S. O., Aruwajoye D. A.Phytoremediation of diesel oil contaminated soils by tree species could be a cheap, effective and sustainable means of rehabilitating ecosystems in the tropics. However, little is known about tropical tree species with phytoremediation capabilities. In this study, we determined the effect of different levels of diesel oil contamination (25 ml (T1), 50 ml (T2), 75 ml (T3) and 100 ml (T4) ¬of diesel oil per kg of soil) on seedlings of Khaya senegalensis and Terminalia superba. For 12 weeks, the growth performance (number of leaves, seedling collar diameter and height) and biomass accumulated by roots, stem and leaves of seedlings in each treatment were measured, fortnightly. At the end of the study, heavy metal analysis was done to determine the concentration of Lead (Pb) and Nickel (Ni) in the above and belowground parts of seedlings in each treatment. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and anova at p <0.05. The diesel oil contamination had no significant effect on leaf production, collar diameter, height or biomass accumulated by both hardwood species. The K. senegalensis seedlings in the T1 (29.47 ± 13.69 g) had the highest biomass while T3 (16.33 ± 0.14 g) had highest for T. superba. The accumulation patterns showed that T. superba accumulated more heavy metals (Ni: 5.62 - 7.52 ppm; Pb: 12.63 – 17.82 ppm) than K. senegalensis (Ni: 4.71 – 6.34 ppm; Pb: 11.24 – 14.26 ppm) with roots retaining more than 50% of each metal in most of the treatments. The tolerance of diesel oil contamination by the two hardwood species indicates their potential for phytoextraction of heavy metals from hydrocarbon polluted areas in the tropics and further studies will be required to identify their tolerance limits. The two species are widely accepted timber species whose use for reforestation/phytoremediation of crude oil damaged sites could be beneficial for many oil producing tropical countries.