Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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Handling High Dimensionality and Interpretability-Accuracy Trade-Off Issues in Evolutionary Multiobjective Fuzzy Classifiers[Full-Text ] Praveen Kumar Shukla, Surya Prakash TripathiFuzzy systems are capable to model the inherent uncertainties in real world problems and implement human decision making. In this paper two issues related to fuzzy systems development are addressed and solutions are proposed and implemented. First issue is related to the high dimensional data sets. Such kinds of data sets lead to explode the search space of generated rules and results into deterioration of interpretability and performance of the fuzzy classifiers. To deal with this problem several data clustering algorithms are developed, i.e. fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm, entropy based fuzzy clustering algorithm etc. The authors have proposed an integrated version of clustering algorithm by replacing the cluster center generation method of fuzzy c-means algorithm by entropy based method. MATLAB is used to implement the proposed fuzzy clustering. On the other hand, interpretability is the subjective feature of fuzzy system that quantifies its understandability. Interpretability can be improved at the cost of other, i.e. improvement in one leads to loss in other. This situation is called ‘interpretability-accuracy trade-off’. By handling this trade-off a number of fuzzy systems can be generated with different values of interpretability and accuracy parameters. Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization is used to deal with this trade-off by proposing a new fuzzy classifier ‘Teacher-Performance Fuzzy Classification System’. To implement fuzzy classifier ‘Guaje’ open access software is used and evolutionary multiobjective optimization framework is implemented using ‘MATLAB’.
Different methods of modeling a photovoltaic cell using Matlab / Simulink / Simscape[Full-Text ] Mehimmedetsi Boujemaa, Chenni RachidThe objective of this work consists on studying various models that exist in literature for modeling solar cells. Our effort is focused on modeling PV array Implemented in the Matlab / Simulink environment using the Toolbox Simscape / SimElectronics.
Effect of Mathematical Game on Students Achievement in Quadratic Expressions[Full-Text ] Okechukwu S. Abonyi, Nkechi M. Maduagwuna, Julius O. UgamaThis study was designed to investigate the effect of mathematical game on student’s achievement in quadratic expression. The study employed a non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental design. The sample for this study comprised of one hundred and ten J.S.S II students. The study was conducted in six secondary schools (2 male, 2 female and 2 co-educational). The schools were drawn through a stratified random sampling technique. In each school, one intact class was drawn for the study through simple balloting. Out of the six schools, three schools (one male, one female and one co-educational) were assigned to the treatment group while the remaining three schools were assigned to the control group. The treatment group was taught quadratic expression using the game approach while the control group was taught quadratic expression using the conventional method. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Quadratic Expression Achievement Test was used to collect data on the achievement of students. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA). The result revealed that the mathematical game approach is superior to the conventional method in facilitating achievement in mathematics. The study also revealed that although with mathematical game approach males showed higher achievement than the females, the difference in the mean achievement of males and females taught using the method is not statistically significant. There was no significant interaction between gender and instructional method on student’s achievement in quadratic expression.
Data Mining and Its Applications: A Review[Full-Text ] Kamlesh Kumar, Bhavesh Kumar Chauhan, J. P. PandeyAs in reference this paper begins with the definition of data mining classification and its application. This paper also includes knowledge resource; knowledge types and/or knowledge datasets; data mining tasks; and data mining techniques and applications used in knowledge management. The article first briefly describes the definition of data mining and data mining functionality. Then the knowledge management rationale and major knowledge management tools integrated in knowledge management cycle are described. Finally, the applications of data mining techniques in the process of knowledge management are summarized and discussed.
Mini Review: Artificial Neural Network Application on Fruit and Vegetables Quality Assessment[Full-Text ] Wasiu A. Balogun, Momoh-Jimoh E. Salami, Abiodun M. Aibinu,Yasir M. Mustafah, Sadiku Isiaka.B.SRecently, methods of quality assessment have gained impetus and substantial efforts have been made to develop systems regarding quality of fruits and vegetables. This paper examines latest works of using artificial neural network (ANN) for determining the quality of some selected fruit and vegetables. In this review, the theoretical background of ANN were ana-lysed and various application of ANN intelligent method with respect to fruits and vegetables were discussed. It is intended that the arrangement and discussion of evolving method will provide direction for easy future work.
A Study on LiFi – Light Fidelity Technology[Full-Text ] Prof. Vaishali JadhavAs man’s birth has taken place on earth he is developing. He has made considerable progress in the fields of science and technology. He has made technology for his comforts that ultimately resulting in saving his time. Even for data transferring and sharing between two or more machines he has invented technologies and techniques which give maximum throughput by consuming minimum time or having very low time complexity. His developments varies from wired communication to wireless communication to communication using transparent fiber made of glass or optical fiber. In this plethora of developments in wireless communication he has gone one step ahead and invented a technology of LiFi – Light Fidelity technology that enables data to be transferred through light as a medium of communication. It is also called as optical wireless technology or visible light communication. This paper aims to explore this technology and give a comparative study of LiFi with other wireless communication technologies.
Dry sliding wear behavior of MWCNT reinforced commercial purity aluminum composites[Full-Text ] L. Girisha, Dr. Raji GeorgeThe purpose of the present work is to investigate the hardness and dry sliding wear behavior of As cast and heat treated composite samples of multiwalled carbon nanotubes reinforced commercial purity aluminum composites fabricated by stir casting technique. Results indicate that, the hardness is increasing significantly in increasing the reinforcement and the heat treated composites shows much higher hardness compare to as cast samples. Wear test were conducted under dry sliding conditions on as cast and heat treated samples for varying loads from 10N to 40N with varying speeds of 100RPM, 200 RPM and 300 RPM and the sliding time of 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins and 20 mins. Wear rate is also shows improvement in heat treated samples compared to as casted samples.
Cloud Computing: Emergence, Evolution and Future in India[Full-Text ] Harshit Jhaveri, Mamta Agrahar, Hardik JhaveriThis paper broadly covers Cloud Computing – the different service models, its emergence, how is it relevant against the backdrop of the emerging Indian market and how can this technology be tapped so that its potential is leveraged to capacity for technological growth in the country. Cloud computing as a concept has been around for quite some time, but the recent years have seen it being utilized in various walks of life considering the various advantages it has. India is gradually becoming the forerunner in use and propagation of Cloud technology. This paper aims at outlining the crux of this technology, the key characteristics and to look for areas of improvement where the technology can be used and can be improved in the future.
A Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Investigation of Groundwater Quality for Domestic Supply, A Case Study of Temeke Municipal[Full-Text ] Miraji, H, Mgina, C.A and Ngassapa F.NThe access to adequate, clean and safe domestic water in major cities remains a challenge. To meet the current water demands, both shallow and deep wells are vigorously increasing. However, the quality of abstracted water was still unknown. This study focused in assessing the role of anthropogenic activities in the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater for domestic supply in Temeke Municipal. It was found that groundwater temperatures range between 29.5°C and 36 °C, while wastewater was far 38 ?C, which was above World Health Organization (WHO) allowable value. Water hardness, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia content were in conformity with WHO and TBS standards. Heavy metals and TSS were within permitted limits. On the contrary, turbidity in deep well from agricultural area was 7 NTU which was above WHO regulations. It was also revealed that total coliform and E. coli counts of deep wells were notably high. The total coliform in industrial wastewater was much higher than any source because of high amounts of organic wastes. Furthermore, a significant amount of electrochemical properties beyond standard guidelines was observed in all sources. Despite the quality of water found to be fairly acceptable for domestic use, thorough and continuous monitoring is important to account for any change in water quality parameters.
Determination of the Amount of the Exchangeable Ammonium-Nitrogen in Soil Samples from the University of Cape Coast School Farm.[Full-Text ] Doreen Amponsah, Godfred Etsey Sebiawu, Daniel Osei.The amount of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) were determined on two occasions (30th January and 30th March, 2012) to assess its level in various farm soils at the university of Cape Coast (U.C.C) school of Agric. Farm. The NH4-N was extracted from the soil with 2MKCl followed by steam distillation and titration against a 0.01MHCl.On 30th January, the amount of NH4-N at U.C.C school farm soil was high in citrus farm, followed by cassava, cabbage and pepper farms (11.0662, 10.1163, 9.845 and 9.7383mg/kg) respectively. On 30th March the amount of NH4-N at U.C.C school farm soil increased in citrus farm followed by cassava, cabbage, and pepper farm (11.2807, 10.3344, 10.0429,9.9260 mg/kg) respectively. The intake of NH4-N was less in citrus plants than that of cassava followed by cabbage and pepper plants respectively. Thus it is therefore advisable to practice crop rotation to ensure even distribution of NH4-N in the soil on U.C.C school farm.
Novel Grayscale Image Watermarking Using Extreme Learning Machine[Full-Text ] Anurag Mishra, Amita GoelA newly developed single Layer Feed Forward Network based Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is well known for its fast learning. It has been used for different application including those in the domain of image processing. However very few researchers are using it for image watermarking based application. In this paper, a novel and robust image watermarking scheme is proposed using Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) for four grayscale images. The proposed scheme trains the ELM by using low frequency DCT Coefficients which produces a sequence of normalized 1024 real numbers used as watermark. The visual quality of the host images is evaluated using PSNR & SSIM and is found to be very good. Computed high values of Similarity Correlation and Normalized Correlation establish that the extraction process is successful. Robustness studies are carried out by applying five image processing attacks. Extracted watermarks after attacks clearly indicate that the embedding scheme is robust against the selected attacks. The complete watermarking scheme is carried out in second time span which makes it fit for good practical applications required with fast time lines.
The influence of Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Innovation in Iraqi Higher Education: A Review[Full-Text ] Hussain K. Hussain, Noraini Abu Talib, Ishak Mad ShahThis paper presents the review of literature regarding transformational leadership, employees job satisfaction and organizational innovation in the context of higher education institutions in Iraq. The research highlights that transformational leadership is an essential ingredient to achieve organizational innovation. Further, innovation requires satisfied employees. Transformational leadership through its idealized influence, considerate behavior and intellectual stimulation not only help raise the morale of the employees but also empowers them to take critical decisions much needed for an innovative organization. There are numerous studies that discuss leadership styles, innovation and job satisfaction, yet it is rarely to see the research done on interrelationship between transformational leadership style, organizational innovation and employees’ job satisfaction. While empirical evidence exists regarding aspects of these variables, these gaps in the literature remain. Thus, the paper is an attempt to fill this gap.
Door Installing Fixture Of Car For Maintaining Gap And Flushness[Full-Text ] Arkya De, Chaitanya VaidyaManufacturing a car is just not welding, painting and assembling. There are many complexities added to it. This section reviews about the development of fixture for installing a door to maintain the gap and flushness. A systematic approach is to be maintained to obtain the best door gap in automobile body manufacturing.
Jojoba and Castor Oils as Fluids for the prepara-tion of bio greases: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] El-Adly R. A., Ahmed H. Bedier, Modather F. Hussein, Enas A. Ismail and Mahmmoud M. El-Emary.The search for environmentally friendly materials that have the potential to replace mineral oil in various industrial applications is considered a priority research in the fields of lubricants, fuels and energy sectors. Accordingly, vegetable oils seem to be significant potential base fluids and as a substitute for mineral oils as greases formulations. The aim of this study is to investigate the comparison of jojoba and castor oils as base fluids for producing bio- based greases. In this respect, the sulfurization of jojoba and castor oils was carried out at temperatures ranging from 110 to 170oC. The physicochemical properties of the sulfurized jojoba and castor oils were found be better than the non-sulfurized oils. The flow and the viscoelastic properties of these oils had been studied by the programmable Rheometer HADV-III ultra- system that was operated in either a steady rotation or in an oscillatory mode. The obtained data revealed that the flow behavior depended to a large extent on the nature of the aforementioned oils. Jojoba oils exhibited properties close to castor oil except for the oxidation stability which was better for jojoba oil. The influence of these oils and their sulfurized products on the properties of the prepared bio greases was studied. The data obtained in this investigation indicated that the prepared bio greases from the sulfurized oils had superior properties with respect to the dropping point and the consistency as compared to the non- Sulfurized oils. The prepared greases from the jojoba oil and its sulfurized product showed an improvement in the oxidation stability than the corresponding greases based on the castor oil or its sulfurized product. An opposite trend was observed concerning the consistency and the flow properties. It was concluded that the jojoba and castor oils showed appropriate properties to be used as fluids for bio lubricating greases. In addition, the performance characteristics of the obtained greases were largely dependent on the type of the base fluid.
EXTRACTION OF BROMELAIN FROM PINEAPPLE WASTE[Full-Text ] N. Lakshmi Narasimaiah, RajaRajeshwari B VibhutiThe Pineapple is most popular of all tropical fruits. It is a non citrus fruit and is grown in hot regions all around the world. Pineapple is the leading edible member of the family Bromeliaceae. In the present study the main focus is on utilizing the waste i.e., the Core, Crown, and peel to extract “Bromelain” which is proteolytic enzyme and has great value in the pharmaceutical industry.
Stability Analysis of an Epidemic Model with Limited Treatment[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. MuhseenThere are many factors effect on the spread of infectious disease or control it, some of these factors is (treatment). And there are other factors that help the evolution of infectious diseases, for example (Negligence of the disease or mistake diagnosis of the disease). The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of those factors on the dynamical behavior of a model. The impact of contact between of population and external sources of disease for example (air and other), on the dynamics of epidemic model is investigated. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of this model are investigated. The local and global dynamical behaviors of the model are studied. Finally, in order to confirm our obtained results and specify the effects of model’s parameters on the dynamical behavior, numerical simulation of the model is performed.
Friction calibration in die metallic interface and stress analysis of steel [AISI 1010] employing ring compression test under specified lubrication[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Libin Kochumman, Prof.M.R. SarathchandradasThe main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of barreling on the behaviour of friction calibration curves. In the metal forming process, a realistic frictional condition must be specified at the die/work piece interface in order to obtain accurate metal flow. Several methods are developed to evaluate friction in large deformation processes. This paper presents the concept of friction calibration map to determine different frictional conditions between interfaces of die and billet in the upsetting process. These maps are generated based on the finite element simulation studies. A series of ring compression tests were then conducted to obtain the friction calibration curve. According to the Male and Cockcroft the standard geometry (6: 3 :2)is modelled with outer diameter 30mm, inner diameter 15mm and height 10mm. The simulation were first conducted for the modelling material, steel [AISI 1010], and were simulated using nonlinear analysis finite element code (ANSYS). For different height reduction and friction coefficients is provided for simulation, the profile changes for inner surface node are investigated and friction calibration curve is obtained. Ring compression test is carried out experimentally and the results are compared with the numerical results and validated. The deformation and stress variation study is carried out for the inner radius of the ring and barrelling effect is defined by the deformation profile and stress variation analysis.
Monthly variation in percent root colonization and spore number in Ocimum sanctum and Mentha arvensis[Full-Text ] Gunwal. Isha, Mago. Payal ., Rana. Lata., and Awasthi. DeekshantMycorrhiza is a mutualistic relationship between plant roots and fungal hyphae. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal associations in majority of terrestrial plants are universal. The present studies enlist the prevalence of AM fungal colonization in Oscimum sanctum and Mentha arvensis. Field studies were undertaken to screen AM fungal (AMF) association and isolate interesting AM fungal spores. Ten to fifteen plants have screened for AMF which were grown in experimental plots in Department of Botany, Sri Aurobindo college, Delhi University during August 2012 to August 2013. Altogether five indigenous AM fungal spores are recovered from this study. There was variation in the mycorrhizal colonization and spore number. Therefore, the present study revealed that the genus Glomus was more predominant than others and Acuolospora was least amongst the recovered AMF spores. The presence of fungal components in the roots and the spore number in the soil had brought possible mycorrhizal association with varied per cent of colonization in Ocimum sanctum and Menthe arvensis.
Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Deepika Jaswal, Sowmya.V, K.P.SomanDeep Learning has emerged as a new area in machine learning and is applied to a number of signal and image applications.The main purpose of the work presented in this paper, is to apply the concept of a Deep Learning algorithm namely, Convolutional neural networks (CNN) in image classification. The algorithm is tested on various standard datasets, like remote sensing data of aerial images (UC Merced Land Use Dataset) and scene images from SUN database. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated based on the quality metric known as Mean Squared Error (MSE) and classification accuracy. The graphical representation of the experimental results is given on the basis of MSE against the number of training epochs. The experimental result analysis based on the quality metrics and the graphical representation proves that the algorithm (CNN) gives fairly good classification accuracy for all the tested datasets.
Design of Intelligent Position Control for Single Axis Robot Arm[Full-Text ] Ayman A. Aly, Farhan A. SalemThis paper describes design, modeling and control issues of a simple one DOF positioning robot arm. Mathematical and Simulink model of this electromechanical DC machine is developed. Different classical PD control strategies and structures are applied to return data to analyze the arm system performance and meet desired specifications. Also an intelligent PD employing the soft computation policy is also designed for this system. PD-Fuzzy inference parameters which include the rule base and the shapes of the membership functions are tuned via simulation for better control performance. The intelligent PD control system was compared with the classical PD controls. The feasibility of system is simulated and issue of implementation such intelligent control is established. It is seen that the use of the proposed strategy results in some desirable characteristics.
A Study of Energy Efficiency Location based Routing Protocols in MANET[Full-Text ] Sudhir Goswami, Mr. Chetan Agrawal, Mr. Anurag JainA Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile hosts that move in different location and mobility without the need to maintain connectivity with existing network infrastructure. If two mobile nodes are in transmission range with each other then they can communicate with each other directly otherwise the intermediate nodes in between have to forward the packets for them. It means every intermediate mobile node has to function as a router to forward the packets for others. Thus, routing is an essential operation for the MANET. Through routing procedure the number of mobile nodes in network are deliver the data in network. There are many routing protocols are proposed for mobile ad network and each protocol having a different category and function. The AODV (Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector) routing is established the connection in on demand manner means if the next node is available then in that case the sender has forward request to it and it happen till the sender is not found the destination. Energy is one of the crucial limited resources in Mobile Ad hoc Network. Nodes are in network are working in the presence of limited battery power also called energy or power then energy efficient routing is necessary for reducing energy consumption. Efficient energy routing schemes can really reduce energy consumption and extends the lifetime of the networks. Location aware protocol like DREAM is reduces the energy consumption because due to the awareness of location less number of routing packets are flooded in the network by that energy consumption are reduces. In this paper most of the most of the researchers are proposed solution of energy saving of nodes by efficient communication through them. The main aim of this research is to focus on the previous researches that had been done in field of location aware and energy efficient routing in MANET.
THE ROLE OF PARTIAL PEROXISOME PRO-LIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTOR ? AGO-NIST (PPAR-4) IN HIGH-FAT DIET-INDUCED OBESITY AND INSULIN RESISTANCE.[Full-Text ] Dwivedee Mithilesh; Ahuja Anil; Chaudhary Sumit; Dube AakankshaThe thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are a class of medications used for treatment and possibly the prevention of type 2 diabetes. We characterized the pharmacological profiles of PPAR-4 chemically known as (5Z)-5-[4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) methylene] thiazolidine-2, 4-dione), as a selective partial activator of PPAR?. PPAR-4 showed good in vivo pharmacokinetic profiles in C57BL/6J mice at 30 mg/kg oral dose with Cmax-26 µM, terminal elimination half-life— 2.5 h and bioavailability of 85%. Furthermore, PPAR-4 significantly improved hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in DIO animals when orally administered at a dose of 30 mg/kg/day for 45 days without significant weight gain. Overall, these studies suggest that PPAR-4 improves insulin resistance in such animal models through activation of PPAR?-mediated transcriptional activity and that it would be a new therapeutic candidate with potential for the treatment of type 2 diabetic patients.
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: An Optimization Model[Full-Text ] M. Asghari?, H. Shakouri G.Carbon capture, and storage (CCS) is a key technology to mitigate climate change. Since this technology is almost costly, utilization of the carbon dioxide captured by the system is proposed as a way to compensate its costs. Thus, attention has increasingly focused on how the captured CO2 can be optimally utilized or stored. Hereby, an optimization model is proposed in this research to minimize the costs of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology. Various carbon utilization and storage options including injecting it to mature oil and coal wells for enhancing oil recovery or coal bed methane recovery, selling it to several industries, and storing it in empty oil and gas wells, in saline aquifers and under oceans are considered in this research. Taking into account revenues of CO2 sale, emission reduction, and CO2 certificate along with distances of sinks from power plants and capacities of sinks, the model also decides whether the use of CCUS technology in a power plant is economical. The applicability of the model is examined through two different scenarios.
The Review of Blind Dyeing- the RFT Technique[Full-Text ] Mohammad Gias uddinBlind dyeing is an exacting service in terms of quality and speedy delivery, supported by advanced coloration technology, with a high level of expertise. The benefits of achieving right-first-time (RFT) production through blind dyeing are documented and include cost savings, increase in productivity with just-in-time (JIT) processing and a quick response (QR) to customer requirements. These benefits would not have been possible without the fulfillment of optimized laboratory requirements and would result in improved, controlled and systematic dye application techniques. A complete change in philosophy and management attitudes is required to the dyeing techniques. Similarity, many technical factors require tight control. In this paper, a review on blind dyeing as well as RFT technique, particularly blind dyeing principle and its concept of success, laboratory requirements for bulk reproduction, main controlling points for blind dyeing, costing and profit is being presented so that industry can get benefit to a considerable extent by adopting this concept.
Image Fusion for Improving Spatial Resolution of Multispectral Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Soumya B.S, Dr. Suresh M.BThis paper demonstrates implementation and evaluation of the image fusion techniques applied on the panchromatic and multispectral satellite images. The study area is chosen to cover different terrain morphologies. A good fusion scheme should preserve the spectral characteristics of the source multi-spectral image as well as the high spatial resolution characteristics of the source panchromatic image. In order to find out the fusion algorithm which is best suited for the panchromatic and multispectral images, fusion algorithms, such as PCA and wavelet algorithms have been employed and analyzed. In this paper, performance evaluation criteria are also used for quantitative assessment of the fusion performance. The spectral quality of fused images is evaluated by the Deviation Angle, Spectral Angle, Correlation Index, ERGAS, Q4 and RMSE. The analysis indicates that the DWT fusion scheme has the best definition as well as spectral fidelity, and has better performance with regard to the high textural information absorption. Therefore, as the study area is concerned, it is most suited for the panchromatic and multispectral image fusion.
COLOR BASED OBJECT DETECTION MATLABGUI[Full-Text ] Manpreet kaurObject Detection is based on Objective and Subjective dimensions where the objectivity is guided by the parameters like color, texture, shape, size and scale whereas the subjectivity is guided by the perception and cognition of the image interpreters. I aim to implement an object detection MATLAB GUI that can detect objects in variety of challenging real world scenarios. This paper deals with object detection using red color parameter both for still image and real time Images. The results of this processing can be used in numerous security applications such as intrusion detection and in Spy robots.
Performance Analysis of Best Replacement Optimization Model in Stock Market Forecasting[Full-Text ] Dr. T.Chitra kalarani and S.IndrakalaStock Price Prediction is one of the emerging fields of research and many method’s like technical analysis, statistical methods, time series analysis etc are used for this purpose. In this paper, we have presented a Best Replacement Optimization (BRO) approach to predict stock market data. S&P CNX Nifty Fifty indices are used as sample data set to validate the concept. The performance of this model is analysed by comparing with Hidden Markov Model and Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques.
Keystroke Dynamics Authentication based on Principal Component Analysis and Neural Network[Full-Text ] Dr.Shaimaa Hameed Shaker, Dr.Riyadh Jabbar Saydani, Mina Khidhir ObaidWith the ever increasing system threats and security demands to defeat these threats, the need arises to build robust security systems. Password-based authentication systems are vulnerable to password attacks. Keystroke dynamics authentication system is considered one of the alternative modern dependable solution due to its cheapness, non-intrusiveness and user-friendliness. In this paper, five timing features which are the key duration, up-down, down-down, up-up latencies and total typing are extracted from 10 users with 20 trials for each user, and combined to be used to verify the user using MultiLayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP NN) classifier with dimension reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results showed enhancement in system accuracy due to PCA reduction. Not only the False Rejection Rate (FRR) and False Acceptance Rate (FAR) are dropped to 24% and 6% respectively, but also the neural network Mean Square Error (MSE) and training time are decreased with PCA deployment.
Overuse Of The Country In An Effort To Execute The CompesationLaw On Corruption[Full-Text ] H. ADLY, SH., MH.Money has become a substitute for the most frightening specter for the criminals who have been senctenced by a criminal court is not corruption, variety of methods are used by the criminals in order to avoid payment of compensation which has been established by court decisions and one of the safest ways according to the corrupt is to replace it with an extra serving as a substitute when not have enough wealth, or by making arrangements with the executor / prosecutor, with a promise to repay the payment of compensation, and if it does not fulfill the agreements, then it is considered as a civil agreement between the criminals with state / prosecutor. And if successful wear these efforts, by the corrupt considered legal action will be done through a civil suit to the court which will take a long time, great expense or by the State / Attorney will spend an extra 2 (two) times, giving rise to the expense budget waste state. Though Money Substitutes are clearly in the realm of criminal law in a court decision that corruption should no longer required to carry out a legal action execution.
Structural, potentiometric and thermodynamic studies of hydroxybenzlidene and their metal complexes[Full-Text ] Ashraf A. El-Bindary, Sabry A. El-Korashy, Jehan A. Hasanen, Ibrahim M. El-Deen, M.A. Hussien, Shima M. Al-SayedA series of hydroxybenzlidene compounds p-[(2-hydroxybenzlidene) amino]- N,N-dimethyl aniline (HLI), p-[(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzlidene)amino]-N,N-dimethyl aniline (HLII) and p-[(3,5-dibromo-2-hydroxybenzlidene)amino]-N,N-dimethyl aniline (HLIII) have been prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, 1H NMR , mass spectroscopy and IR spectra. The IR spectral data indicate that, the compounds can exist in two resonance structures. Moreover, energy of HOMO & LUMO, HOMO–LUMO energy gap and electronic charge were calculated. In addition, absolute Electronegativities, chemical poten-tials, and absolute hardness have been calculated. Proton-ligand dissociation constants of hydroxybenzlidene compounds and metal-ligand stability constants of their complexes with bivalent (Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) metal ions have been determined potentiometrically in 0.1 M KC1 and 30 % (v/v) methanol-water mixture. The influence of substituents on the dissociation and stability constants were examined on the basis of the electron repelling property of the substitiuent. The order of the stability constants of the formed complexes was found to be Mn+2 >Co2+ > Ni2+ > Zn2+ > Cu2+. The effect of temperature was studied and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters (?G, ?H and ?S) were derived and discussed.
Geotechnical Evaluation for Onshore Pipeline Route Design at the Beach Ridge in Escravos, Western Niger Delta[Full-Text ] T.K.S Abam, S.A Ngah and H.O NwankwoalaThis study evaluates the sub-soil geotechnical characteristics and ground conditions prior to excavation and placement of pipeline requirement for the feasibility of the pipeline network at the onshore pipeline route at Escravos terminal, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria. Acquisition of soil samples for geotechnical studies was done by conventional boring method using light shell and auger hand rig. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory using standard analytical procedures. The study reveals that the stratigraphy of the superficial layers indicate a reasonable degree of uniformity from BH2 to BH12 with a top soft organic silty clay underlain by sandy clay that grades into loose to medium fine grained sand towards 10m depth. In BH1, the entire 10m depth consists of sandy formation of loose to medium dense relative density. The water table is close to the ground surface and the sections of the pipeline route are periodically submerged by seasonal and sometimes tidal floods. Results of this study constitute useful preliminary information and data required for future planning and infrastructural development in the area.
VORTEX FLOW ANALYSIS DUE TO JET IMPINGEMENT AND ITS EFFECT ON AIR ENTRAINMENT[Full-Text ] Swarnim Srivastava, Kshitij Vijay, Ambar SrivastavaThe aim of the paper is to determine the various factors effecting the angular velocity of vortex flow i.e. angle with the surface of water, velocity of jet, cross section area of nozzle and distance from center. These relations will further be used in enhancing the air entrainment in liquid and hence has the potential of being implemented in various industries, primary chemical and pharmaceutical industries. This project will include experimental data and determination of various relation derived from those data.