Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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Investigation of Microwave Characteristics of M-type Ba0.5Sr0.5CoxRuxFe(12-2x)O19 Ferrite at X-band [Full-Text ] Rajvir Kaur, Naveen Dhillon, Rupinder Kaur, Charanjeet SinghThe microwave current voltage characteristics of Ba0.5Sr0.5CoxRuxFe(12-2x)O19 (x=0.0,0.2,0.4,0.8 and 1.0) ferrite have been investigated. The microwave characteristics reflected power (%) and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) have been investigated as a function of frequency and substitution in the microwave frequency range of 8-12.4 GHz, while current voltage (I-V) characteristics have been reported as function of voltage and substitution. The results indicate lower reflected power at in x=0.2, which makes it suitable for use in microwave absorber applications. The electrical current is small in the composition with x=0.2 and 0.4.
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS (CSFs) IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: CRITICAL REVIEW OF SECONDARY DATA[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman B. Alotaibi and Eng. Abdallah F. Al NufeiProject management research and literature has increased tremendously over the recent decades. Researchers and practitioners considered it likely that project management methodologies are not sufficient to deliver successful implementation of projects. Despite the vast amount of project management models discussed in literature and the potential practical advantages of such models, project critical success factors has become a habitual theme within the body of knowledge in project management to complement existing approach. This research explores what factors are most critical to project success and successful implementation of project management techniques or methodologies. The arguments in the research are negotiated on the theory of project management, project management methodologies and critical success factors in project management. In context, this research provides a critical appraisal of secondary data directly related to critical success factors in project management. The major contributions of the study lie in the fact that practitioners and researchers are made aware of the importance of CSFs and their implications for successful project implementation and research agenda.
MODELING THE KINETICS OF BIOGENIC GAS PRODUCTION DURING MICROBIAL ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY[Full-Text ] Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin Jacob This work presents a study on the reaction kinetics surrounding the formation of biogenic gases in a reservoir undergoing a MEOR process. Bacteria growth kinetics is modeled using the Monod and Michaelis-Menten equation. Chemical reaction equations of the biogenic gases are presented and subsequently solved assuming the formation of an intermediate complex, making the reaction system of a three-lump nature. The developed models are developed with special reference to a scenario of methane formation, adopting data from a laboratory core study. Sensitivity plots of the bacteria concentration, biogas formation and the crude oil concentration are presented. The growth plot shows a good linear correlation as predicted by the Monod model. The study is however limited by its assumption of a steady state scenario to ease the resolution process in the absence of a MEOR simulator.
Sensor Review for Trace Detection of Explosives[Full-Text ] Lama Mokalled, Mohammed Al-Husseini, Karim Y.Kabalan, Ali El-HajjThe detection of explosives covers a very important hazardous problem for people, due to the advancement of dangerous terroristic activities as well as of breakdowns in the production of these explosives
Image Encryption Using Chaotic Based Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Minal Chauhan, Rashmin PrajapatiCryptography is the science to transform the information in secure way. Encryption is best alternative to convert the data to be transferred to cipher data which is an unintelligible image or data which cannot be understood by any third person. Images are form of the multimedia data. There are many image encryption schemes already have been proposed, each one of them has its own potency and limitation. This paper presents a new algorithm for the image encryption/decryption scheme which has been proposed using chaotic neural network. Chaotic system produces the same results if the given inputs are same, it is unpredictable in the sense that it cannot be predicted in what way the system's behavior will change for any little change in the input to the system. The objective is to investigate the use of ANNs in the field of chaotic Cryptography. The weights of neural network are achieved based on chaotic sequence. The chaotic sequence generated and forwarded to ANN and weighs of ANN are updated which influence the generation of the key in the encryption algorithm. The algorithm has been implemented in the software tool MATLAB and results have been studied. To compare the relative performance peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and mean square error (MSE) are used.
Smart Water Tank Management System For Residential Colonies Using Atmega128A Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Yogita Patil, Ramandeep SinghIn this paper we present the idea of smart water tank management system operated with Atmega 128A microcontroller, which is the prime component of this project. A prototype has been made for this project. So, in this way manual intervention is not required for continuous water supply. This system can also be used for any other fluids in chemical industries or factories. The main aim of this project is to provide optimal water distribution and moreover reduce manpower involved in it.
Pervaporative Separation of Ethanol-Water Mixtures using Composite Membranes with Hydrophilic Zeolite fillers made from Ghanaian Clay deposits[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Godwin Ankudey and Mohammed Nafiu ZainudeenSeparation of ethanol-water mixtures by pervaporation was successfully performed using a PVA based composite membrane filled with zeolites made from Ghanaian clay. The substrate for the ultra-thin PVA composite membrane was made of polysulphone. The pervaporation cell was fabricated locally from scrap aluminium and feed concentrations ranging from 60 to 90 volume % ethanol were separated. The clay samples used in the development of the membranes were obtained from Abonku, Anfoega and Teleku-Bokazo and all experiments were carried out at room temperature. For all the feed concentrations, the final retentate concentrations after 10 hours produced relatively higher concentrations of ethanol. For a feed concentration of 87.5 wt %, the mixture was enriched to concentrations more than 95 wt% and a separation factor of more than 85 was obtained.
Generation of Genetic Maps Using the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Algorithm[Full-Text ] Divya Venkatesh, Tanmay Mishra, Vivekanand S GogiGenetic maps are the best guides available to traverse the genome of an organism. The challenge for geneticists is to generate the genetic maps from the huge amount of data, which has to be integrated in a concise and precise manner. The goal here is to obtain the best possible arrangement of genetic markers on the map and this necessitates the use of optimisation techniques. This paper elucidates the use of one such technique, Travelling Salesman problem (TSP) to generate genetic maps using recombination frequency values. Though softwares widely use this technique, not many research papers show the 'method' in detail, and this has been the motivation to write this paper. The traditional TSP algorithm yields multiple optimal solutions, whereas there can exist only one order of genes in a map and the programs need to resolve this matter as well. In this paper a possible constraint to achieve this has been explained. This paper also includes the validation of this technique with the criterion by using the crude data from already established genetic maps and mapping it back using our technique.
Computation of Various Ionospheric Constraints at GPS Operating Frequency Bands[Full-Text ] Dhiraj SunehraThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based navigation system developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The positional accuracy of Global Positioning System (GPS) is affected by several errors, the most predominant error being the ionospheric delay. This delay is proportional to the Total Electron Content (TEC). The accuracy provided by the standalone GPS is not sufficient for Precision Approach and landing requirements of civil aviation. In this paper, prominent ionospheric constraints affecting the performance of GPS are briefly described and typical values of these effects in the GPS operating frequency bands are computed. The estimation of ionospheric time delay using the Klobuchar model is presented.
A SURVEY OF LUNG CANCER DETECTION TECHNIQUES ON CT SCAN IMAGES[Full-Text ] JASPINDER KAUR, NIDHI GARG, DALJEET KAURLung cancer is the most acute type of cancer among all the cancers with less survival rate. It is very difficult to analyze the cancer at its early stage. In the past few years, many Computer aided systems have been designed to detect the lung cancer at its early stage. The most of work is implemented on the Computer Tomography (CT) scan images because of better clarity, low noise and distortion. In this paper, various techniques has been discussed for the detection of lung cancer and to classify whether it is benign or malignant.
Analysis of Solar Magnetic Field Using the Dynamo Model[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abdul-Razzaq Selman and Samar Abd Alkarem ThabitIn this paper we study solar magnetic field using solar dynamo model, utilizing the two main components, the toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields. Surya code was used for calculating the flux transport dynamo and toroidal magnetic field. The results showed that solar magnetic field was increasing as the distance increased from the center of the sun. That is, at R =5.05 the peaks of the main field value declined to 50% of its maximum value between latitude 1.49-1.67 degrees. Also, the poloidal source term effect appears at the maximum latitude and solar radius because it’s the same part of the toroidal part rising due to buoyancy.
Advanced Fibonacci sequence with Golden Ratio[Full-Text ] Megha Garg, Pertik Garg, Dr. Ravinder kumar VohraIn this paper identity in advanced Fibonacci Series by using the coefficient of this Series described. The Fibonacci Series is made from . A new Sequence is made by using the two digits 1, 2 which is . This formula represents a new sequence which is parallel to the Fibonacci sequence. The name given to this series is advanced Fibonacci sequence. The identity , has been proved by this series and the golden ratio of this sequence is .
Prediction of Post Translational Modifications of Salt Tolerant Plant Mangrove Specie Avicennia marina Glyoxalase: Implication of Casein kinase II Phosphorylation and N-myristoylation on the Enzyme Structure[Full-Text ] Uzma Jabeen, Arif Zubair, Rana kausar and RukhsarIn this current study, we performed sequence analysis and post translational modification of glyoxalase protein from Avicennia marina. It is important to analyze its sequence to improve our understanding of amino acids involved in glyoxalase functions. The conserved domains and functional sites of the Avicennia marina glyoxalase were predicted by ScanProsite. PROSITE entries consists of two Glyoxalase signatures, one N-myristoylation sites and six Casein kinase II phosphorylation site. Clustal alignment have shown Glyoxalase signatures-1 in N-terminal region consensus pattern: [HQ]-[IVT]-x-[LIVFY]-x-[IV]-x(4)-{E}-[STA]-x(2)-F-[YM]-x(2,3)-[LMF]-G-[LMF] in this sequence patch Met47 is present in Avicennia marina glyoxalase while Leu is present in place Met47 in most of glyoxalase family. However, the molecular mechanisms of plant stress tolerance are not fully understood and Glyoxalase signatures-2 is located in the central section of the protein G-[NTKQ]-x(0,5)-[GA]-[LVFY]-[GH]-H-[IVF][CGA]x-[STAGLE]-x(2)-[DNC] and contains a conserved histidine that could be implicated in the binding of the zinc atom.
Design and Simulation of Single-Phase Multilevel Inverter fed Asynchronous Motor Drive with Less Number of Circuit Components Topology. [Full-Text ] G.C Diyoke, O.A. EkweThis paper deals with study of single-phase three-level and four-level inverter fed asynchronous motor drive. Both three-level and four-level inverters are realized by an improved inverter topology with less number of circuit components. The poor quality of voltage and current of a convectional inverter fed asynchronous motor is due to presence of harmonic contents and hence there is significant level of energy losses. The multilevel inverter is used to reduce the harmonic contents but calls for high number of circuit counts. The inverter with a large number of steps can generate a high quality voltage waveform. The higher inverter levels can be modulated by comparing a rectified sinusoidal reference signal and multiple triangular carrier signals by the means of pulse width modulation technique. The simulation of single-phase three-level and four-level inverter fed asynchronous motor model is done using ?MATLAB/SIMULINK?^R (The math Works, Natick, Massachusetts, USA). The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrums of the outputs are analyzed to study the reduction in the harmonic contents.
Probing nutritional assessment of cereal and cowpea based weaning food[Full-Text ] Bushra Ishfaq, M.Iqbal, Faqir Muhammad Anjum, Imran Pasha, M.Tahir Ishfaq and M.usmanThe rationale of this article is to endow with ample impression of the preparation of squat cost weaning food to congregate the requirements of the infant which are affordable to stumpy income groups. Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) persist a serious syndrome of malnutrition. In developing countries it is the most important nutritional dearth distressing more than 170 million preschool children and nursing mothers. To combat Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) among weaning infants, inexpensive sources of protein are investigated, which are low cost and affordable to the largest population. Hulless barely elite line (B-03003), Rice (Super basmati variety) and cowpea seeds were used for the development of weaning food. After germination a. Hundred weaned male albino rats were acquired to determine the protein efficiency ratio, net protein utilization, biological valuenand true digestibility. After protein quality evaluation the best selected treatments were used for the development of weaning food. Finished product was also analyzed for moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract. The gross energy, bulk density and reconstitution index was also estimated. It was observed that malted and processed flour give better results among all prepared diets. Malting caused significant increase in digestibility of product. The TD was varied between 69.25-87.60% among malted and unmalted diet. BV varied between 65.34-90.23% among all diets but highest value was observed in diet prepared from autoclaved rice flour and malted cowpea flour. Weaning food prepared from autoclaved, malted cowpea and malted barley flour rank highest in nutritional and gross energy.
Providing Location Obscurity in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rashmi H PSource location anonymity is an attractive and critical security property. Most of prior works assumed a weak adversary model where the adversary sees only local network traffic, but here we consider source anonymity against a global eavesdropper. In certain applications, the locations of events reported by a sensor network need to remain anonymous. That is, When analyzing Network traffic unauthorized observers must be unable to detect the source of such events. The foundations of a formal framework, we propose a new model for analyzing and evaluating anonymity in sensor networks. The novelty of the proposed framework is twofold: first, it introduces the notion of “interval indistinguishability” that is stronger than existing notions; second, it provides a quantitative measure to evaluate anonymity in sensor networks. By analyzing current anonymous designs under the proposed model, show how mapping source anonymity to binary hypothesis testing with nuisance parameters leads to converting the problem of exposing private source information into searching for an appropriate data transformation that removes or minimize the effect of the nuisance information. Finally, we discuss how existing solutions can be modified to improve their anonymity.
Cost & Constructional Comparison Between Rcc & Prestressed Beams Spanning 16m.[Full-Text ] Ankit Sahu, Prof. Anubhav Rai, Prof. Y. K. BajpaiIn this Paper I am going to design and estimate of R.C.C. Beam and post-tensioned Beam of span 16 m and then comparing the results. The idea is to reach a definite conclusion regarding the superiority of the two techniques over one another.
Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) based on Clustering[Full-Text ] Aditya Kumar, Anand NayyarIn recent years, development of micro sensors for the purpose of tracking and monitoring has opened the door of numerous fields of sensor applications. A WSN is a collection of nodes which are organized into a network. Sensor nodes can gather the information from an unattended location and transmit to a particular user. In wireless sensor network, sensor nodes are operated with low power and small size batteries. Energy efficiency is one of the critical concerns for wireless sensor networks .There are a number of energy conservation algorithms like power scheduling algorithms, clustering algorithms and on-demand routing algorithms. Significant overhead energy consumption takes place due to tasks like processing, aggregation, message broadcasting, acknowledgement messages etc. Hence the sole purpose to design the energy conservation algorithms is that maximum energy should be consumed in transmission of sensed data to the base station and the overhead energy consumed should be minimized. Clustering is one of the robust approaches to energy-efficient sensor networking. Performance estimation of the clustering technique is the calculation of deviation from integrated optimization of different tasks like deployment, cluster formation, cluster-head selection, cluster-head rotation and data communication. The main objective of this paper is to highlight all the routing protocols which are energy efficient based on Clustering for WSN.
Study of QOS Parameters Using OFDM Based PHY[Full-Text ] Bakul Choudhary, Meenakshi Moza, Romika ChoudharyQuality of Service calls for consistent network data delivery and give some level of assurance for better network performance. In this work, details about the quality of service at the physical layer of wireless local area network (WLAN) IEEE 802.11, which uses OFDM technique, is studied. This study is based on simulation of IEEE 802.11 physical layer for QOS performance parameters. OFDM technique has been widely used in systems which use high data rates as IEEE 802.11 which is up to 54Mbps. OFDM increases the robustness against frequency selective fading or narrowband interference.
Proof of a conjecture: Sum of two square integers can produce infinitely many primes.[Full-Text ] Debajit DasAccording to Euclid’s theorem there exist infinitely many primes in our numbering system. But the distribution of these prime numbers is so irregular that nobody knows the relation among all the primes. That is why; it has borne the brunt of so many conjectures. One of the vital conjectures is regarding the fact that sum of two square integers, obviously in combination with odd and even, can produce prime and composite both as physically observed. Now the question is whether the produced primes are extended up to infinity or not? I believe that I have been able to give a proof in support of this conjecture with the help of N-equation published in Aug-edition, Vol-4 of IJSER.
Converting Existing LCD TV to Smart TV using BeagleBoard XM[Full-Text ] Sujith Kumar .S, Dr. Ramachandra .A .CEarlier days, in LCD TV we were able to watch only channels and sometimes built in games. If we do text messaging, online gaming, MMS, video charting, Old persons who does not know how to operate computer they can directly use this application to perform video conference with their far relatives by simply switch on the device etc... In separate devices it will be wastage of area, power, time, and money. So by keeping this issue we have developed a solution in this paper. The aim of this paper is to Converting Existing LCD TV to Smart TV Using BeagleBoard XM. This processor operating at frequency of 1GHz in order to improve the execution speed. ARM Cortex A8 processor is available in BeagleBoard XM in market. Beagle Board XM is designed specifically to address the Open Source Community. Hence its hardware design and details about the processor are completely available in websites. It offers high re configurability and portability. In this paper host operating system is Linux, target operating system is android, system software using c language and application software is developed using java language. The application developed in this paper is contributed as open source code to the society. In future every common people relay on Smart TV with android.
Using homogeneous fuzzy cluster ensembles to address fuzzy c-means initialization drawbacks[Full-Text ] Erind Bedalli, Ilia NinkaThe goal of clustering algorithms is to reveal patterns by partitioning the data into clusters, based on the similarity of the data, without any prior knowledge. The fuzzy approach to the clustering problem, where the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm (FCM) is one of the eminent representatives, provides more flexibility as it allows data to have partial membership into several clusters simultaneously. Despite the plethora of significant applications of FCM, there are several drawbacks which must be taken into consideration, as they may affect the accuracy and reliability of the obtained clusters. Sensitivity to initialization is one of the drawbacks, which is particularly relevant in the case of data characterized by a large value of variance. In this paper we are providing a cluster ensemble approach to address the issue of the sensitivity to initialization. Our methodology consists of the application of the FCM algorithm with several random initializations and several choices of the fuzziness parameter to obtain multiple partitions, which will be fused into the final consensus matrix by using a fuzzy t-norm. Finally we have experimentally evaluated and compared the accuracy of this methodology.
Mechanical Characterization & SEM Analysis of Calcium Silicate Reinforced Polyester Laminate[Full-Text ] Mr. Puttaswamaiah.S , Mir Shafiulla , Mohamed Haneef , Mahesh R HallurThe aim of this work is to determine & compare the mechanical characterization such as tensile test, compression & flexure test of calcium silicate mixed with polyester resin lamina. It is well known that inorganic filler particles enhance the mechanical properties of polymers. Calcium silicate with different percentage is added to the resin material in order to enhance the mechanical property. Calcium silicate helps the polyester resin to get the hardness to the certain level higher than the individual polyester resin. The Calcium Silicate (CaSiO3) is available in powder form and is known for its high strength & hardness. Test Specimen is prepared with different composition of calcium silicate in polyester resin. The results have been plotted & compared. The morphology of the calcium silicate added polyester resin laminate are observed in Scanning electron microscope. The surface morphology of the laminates reveals that well distributed particles of calcium silicate.
An Improved Authentication Framework using Dynamic Access Code and Biometrics in Distributed Systems[Full-Text ] Wasim AsadFor enhancing security in distributed systems this paper explains a systematic approach for authenticating clients by three factors, namely password, biometrics and dynamic access code. The reason for replacing smart cards with the dynamic access code is based on the limitations experienced by the clients while using smart cards. The proposed framework not only assures securing information at low cost but also protects client privacy in distributed systems with the high level secured environment.
A Simplified Method of Moment (MoM) Approach to solving nth Order Linear Differential Equations[Full-Text ] H. M. El Misilmani, M. Abou Shahine, M. Al-Husseini, and K. Y. KabalanThe Method of Moment (MoM) is a very successful tool in solving complex geometry electromagnetic (EM) problems, and is considered as the first computational approach in solving these problems. This paper approaches MoM in a very simple way and aims to produce a valuable procedure to solving boundary value problems, especially nth differential equations. Starting with the definition of the method, the problem is converted into its respective integral equation form, and then the unknown function is expanded into a sum of weighted basis functions, where the weight coefficients are to be found. The Galerkin method, which selects testing functions equal to the basic functions, is adopted. The problem then becomes a system of linear equations, which is solved analytically or numerically to find the needed weight coefficients. Two examples, a second- and a third-order differential equations, are considered to illustrate the application of the procedure, which can be used as well for the solution of other boundary-value problems. The considered examples show the detailed calculation process and make it easier to understand the solution procedure.
FPGA-Based 16-Channel Digital Ultrasound Receive Beamformer [Full-Text ] Mawia Ahmed HassanUltrasound imaging is an efficient, noninvasive, method for medical diagnosis. A commonly used approach to image acquisition in ultrasound system is digital beamforming. Digital beamforming, as applied to the medical ultrasound, is defined as phase alignment and summation of signals that are generated from a common source, by received at different times by a multi-elements ultrasound transducer. In this paper implementations of FPGA-based 16- channel digital receive beamformer for ultrasound imaging was presented. The system consists of two 8 channels block to implement the 16-channel and the reconstructed line block. The beamfomer was done by using Xilinx system generator (Xilinx, Inc.) and MATLAB simulink (MathWorks, Inc.). The system was implemented in Virtex-5 FPGA. The total power consumption equals 7875.66 mW and the device utilizationnwas acceptable. The hardware architecture of the design provided flexibility for beamforming.