Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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Big Data challenges and Hadoop as one of the solution of big data with its Modules[Full-Text ] Tapan P. Gondaliya, Dr. Hiren D. JoshiThis is an era of the tools, trend and technology. And these tools, trend and technology era is mainly depending upon the information. Or this information is called the data and that information is stored in database just like a My SQL, Oracle, Access and other many more database available in different companies. But problem is in our daily life we used tools and devices for the entertainment, websites, Scientific instrument, and many more different devices that generate a large amount of data and that is in zeta bytes or in Petabytes that is called big data and that data create a big problem in our day to day life. Very tough to organize or manage this kind of big data but through Apache Hadoop it’s trouble-free. Basically in this paper we describe the main purpose of Apache Ha-doop and how can Hadoop organize or manage the different kinds of data and what are the main techniques are to be used behind that.
Perfomance Improvement In The Congested Sensor Network Using MCAR Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mr. Rakesh Z. Vaikunthi, Miss. Pradhnya A. Kamble, Miss. P. A. DeshmukhData generated in wireless sensor networks may not all be a like: some data may be more important than others and hence may have different delivery requirements. In this paper, we address differentiated data delivery in the presence of congestion in wireless sensor networks. We propose a class of algorithms that enforce differentiated routing based on the congested areas of a network and data priority Also it can find the shortest path to avoid congestion. The basic protocol, called Congestion-Aware Routing (CAR), discovers the congested zone of the network that exists between high-priority data sources and the data sink and, using simple forwarding rules, dedicates this portion of the network to forwarding primarily high-priority traffic. Since CAR requires some overhead for establishing the high-priority routing zone, it is unsuitable for highly mobile data sources. To accommodate these, we define MAC-Enhanced CAR (MCAR), which includes MAC-layer enhancements and a protocol for forming high-priority paths on the fly for each burst of data. MCAR effectively handles the mobility of high-priority data sources, at the expense of degrading the performance of low-priority traffic. We present extensive simulation results for CAR and MCAR, and an implementation of MCAR on a 48-node tested.
High packet delivery ratio with low end to end delay using ICCBCC_AODV for multimedia applications[Full-Text ] Poonam N Gholap, Rinku ShahMeeting bandwidth demand successfully is one of the important issue for multimedia application. In this paper I have proposed a protocol of AODV routing protocol named as ICBCC–AODV (Integration of current bandwidth capacity calculation) protocol which calculates current bandwidth compares with required bandwidth and then forwards data to destination which is compared with QOS_AODV [11] for getting high pdr and low end to end delay.
Detecting Sinkhole Attack In Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Umashri Karkikatti, Dr. Nalini NWireless Sensor Networks (WSN’s) are a promising approach that are useful for variety of applications, such as monitoring safety and security of buildings and spaces, military applications, measuring traffic flows, tracking environmental pollutants, etc. Security for WSNs is a very serious and challenging task these days as they have very important personal or national security level information’s in them, mainly following are the challenges faced while designing for a robust secure WSNs, the devices in the sensor networks have severe constraints such as minimal energy, minimal computational and communicational capabilities. And secondly, there is an additional risk of physical attacks such as node capture and tampering, eavesdropping etc. Hence we need a technique which can detect the intrusion of any malicious node in the networks, which can create an alarm for taking appropriate steps to secure the information in the WSN. These techniques should be lightweight because of resource-constrained nature of WSNs[1].
Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using Image Texture Analysis[Full-Text ] Dalia N. Abdul-wadood, Dr. Loay E. George, Dr. Nabeel A. RasheedIn this paper a system that determines whether a given skin lesion microscopic image is malignant or benign is introduced; in case of malignancy, the system can specify its type; whether it is squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma (the two leading skin cancer types). In this work 80 images of skin tissue belong to the normal, benign and the two types of skin cancer (squamous and basal) have been collected and used us training and testing material. The samples were obtained from the Pathology Division/ Department of the Central Public Health Laboratory/ Ministry of Health as well as from other different Iraqi hospital pathology departments. The proposed system passes through two main phases: training phase and testing phase. For both of them, the system implies three main stages (i.e., preprocessing, partitioning & feature extraction). The preprocessing stage implies some image processing operations (including: enhancement, allocation of white smooth areas and quantization). The next stage is partitioning the skin tissue image into overlapping blocks (sub-samples). In the third stage a set of discriminating texture based features is extracted from each sub-sample to build the features vector. The minimum distance (similarity) was used to make the recognition decisions.
FIFO policy for Perishable Inventory systems under fuzzy environment[Full-Text ] Dr. T. Chitrkala Rani, P. Yugavathi, R. NeelambariThis paper studies the performance characteristics of perishable inventory systems with First In First Out (FIFO) selection policies in Fuzzy environment. It is assumed that the system has Fuzzy Poisson arrivals and Fuzzy Poisson demand epochs with known rates and non- deterministic shelf life. The performance characteristics derived for FIFO policy are spoilage rate, loss sales rate, mean time between stockouts, inventory level on hand and the distribution of age of items delivered. In particular, the dependence of these characteristics on the replenishment rate, demand rate and shelf life are evaluated theoretically.
Enhanced Geometric - Based Hand Recognition Using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Dr. Haithem A. AlaniPerson identification and verification using biometric methods is getting more important in today’s information society; Hand geometry techniques are simple easy and inexpensive in image acquisition. In this work hand image are preprocessed so that a simple hand shape is produced to extract hand geometry features, the features were normalized to eliminate the image size effect on the features. The average value of each feature in the database was used to binaries the feature, a feedforword neural network was used for hand recognition, the results obtained showed that the features which were extracted is very discriminative and good training to the neural network results in high degree of accuracy in recognition.
Ensuring Liability and Security in Cloud[Full-Text ] Piyush Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar Choudhary, Ankit Kumar SinghCloud 3)computing enables highly scalable services to be easily consumed over the internet on as need. In cloud computing services uses data is generally processed by online basis or remotely through unknown machines and unknown places. Due to this reason user or service provider is always in fear regarding data loss due to every day emerging new technologies. So ensuring data liability and security in cloud is very important . In this paper present a YAK 5) and encryption algorithm for data liability and security in cloud 6).
Heart Rate Variability Analysis of Normal Sinus Rhythm, Atrial Fibrillation and Supraventricular Arrhythmia Using ApEn, HRV Index and LFHF Ratio[Full-Text ] Vaishali Ingale, Dr Sanjay Nalbalwar, Narottam DasHeart rate variability (HRV) is the result of variation in time between two successive heart beats. HRV is the tool for investigation of healthy and diseased condition. It also reflects an influence of autonomic nervous system on function of heart. In this study, our aim is to distinguish normal sinus rhythm from atrial fibrillation and Supraventricular arrhythmia. Here the ECG signal is pre-processed and R-peak detection is done using Coiflet2 wavelet. HRV analysis is done by three statistical parameters such as ApEn, HRV triangular index and LF/HF ratio. The ratio between low and high frequency components (LF/HF ratio) of HRV spectra represents a measure of sympatho-vagal balance. But this parameter shows better results for short term recordings hence another parameters ApEn and HRV triangular index are considered to analyze HRV analysis for both long term and short term recordings.
Willingness to participate in a study and the factors that influence the decision in a south Indian population[Full-Text ] Rekha Raghavan, Vina VaswaniWhat is the understanding of a participant when he enrolls for a trial? What are the factors that influence or deter the decision to enroll in a trial? Very few studies have looked into the Indian participant’s perspective and requirements when he/she decides to enroll in a trial. The aim of the study was to identify some of the factors that influence this decision. After IEC approval was obtained the participants were divided into 4 groups based on their socioeconomic status and education levels and provided with a questionnaire containing closed end questions. The answers data was tabulated and compared. Analysis of data suggests that the factors influencing people varied according to their level of education, income and their expectations from the trial. People belonging to the low socioeconomic groups were more likely to trust their doctor and were more influenced by the offers of incentives. They were mostly unaware of the controlled trial scenario and were not much aware of any risk in trials initially. Hence we suggest that the informed consent should be strictly adhered to, which may control exploitation of people in the low socioeconomic strata and low education.
Impact of Coconut Fibre & Polypropelene Woven Fibre including Admixture on Concrete Mix[Full-Text ] Dr. Shubha KhatriIn this paper an attempt has been made to check the compressive strength of concrete cubes for M-20 and M-40 grade concrete mix design by doing an experimental study by using Coconut Fibre and Polypropelene Woven Fibre (PPWF) incuding Admixture in the form of Super-plasticizer as CONPLAST (G-8) 410. Results show that compressive strength of concrete cube increases with Admixture. Another study with Coconut fibre and PPWF including Admixture also proves that compressive strength of concrete cubes increases much more as compared to with and without admixture-concrete cubes.
Analyzing the Student’s Academic Performance by using Clustering Methods in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Sreedevi Kadiyala, Chandra Srinivas PotluriAnalyzing the engineering student academic performance is not an easy task for the community of high learning. The performance of student during their first year in college is a turning point in their educational path and usually encroaches on their final percentage in a decisive manner. The student’s evaluation factors like class quiz, internals, and performance in the lab will be studied. This analyzing will help the teachers to reduce drop out ratio to a significant level and improve their performance in the final exam. Statistics plays an important role in analyzing and evaluating the performance in college in order to make appropriate academic decisions. Academic decisions will result changes in their performance which need to be assessed periodically over span of time. The performance parameters chosen can be viewed at individual student, class, department and college levels. Major clustering methods are used to extract meaningful information and to develop the significant relationship among the variables stored in large data sets. In this paper, we present a procedure based on decision tree of data mining techniques and k-means partitioning of clustering methods which helps to enhance the quality of educational system by analyzing and improving student’s performance.
Analysis of Anthelmintic activity of Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & Fernandez against Earthworm ( Eisenia foetida )[Full-Text ] S Rehan Ahmad, Dr. Abul Kalam & Dr. Kishan PalAnthelmintic properties of saponin extract of Chlorophytum borivilianum sant. & Farnandez ( Liliaceae ) was studied . The present investigation was carried out to find out the effect of Root Extract of Chlorophytum borivilianum for its anthelmintic activity against the Indian adult earthworm , Eisenia foetida . Methanol , acetone , Chloroform and water were used to prepare the extract . In present study Methanolic extract ( ME ) , Crude saponin extract ( CSE ) and purified saponin fractions (PSF ) were taken as test solution . Piperazine citrate and 2% w/v gum acacia in distilled water were used as standard and control respectively. . Time of paralysis and time of death of the worms were considered as the parameters to assess the anthelmintic action. The result suggest that PSF found to be more active in compare to ME and CSE . The PSF confirmed paralysis as well as death of Eisenia foedita in less time as compare to piperazine citrate
Design And Development of A De-feathering Machine[Full-Text ] Tanimola, O. A, Diabana, P. D. and Bankole, Y.O. Consumption of poultry birds as a source of protein is on the increase due to the spate of the fast growing eatery, restaurants and festive periods in Nigeria. De-feathering of the birds is one process which is time consuming and cumbersome. It involves a process of removing the feather from birds and this is commonly done manually which results in waste of time, low output and injury. In order to make de-feathering process easy, a de-feathering machine was designed and developed. The machine consists of the frame, shaft, rotating drum and rubber spines, made of locally sourced materials thereby making it cost effective.
Design And Development of A Solar Powered Lawn Mower[Full-Text ] Tanimola, O. A, Diabana, P. D and Bankole, Y. O.Due to the continuous increase in the cost of fuel and the effect of emission of gases from the burnt fuel into the atmosphere, this necessitated the use of the abundant solar energy from the sun as a source of power to drive a lawn mower. A solar powered lawn mower was designed and developed, based on the general principle of mowing. The designed solar powered lawnmower comprises of direct current (D.C) motor, a rechargeable battery, solar panel, a stainless steel blade and control switch. Mowing is achieved by the D.C motor which provides the required torque needed to drive the stainless steel blade which is directly coupled to the shaft of the D.C motor. The solar powered lawnmower is operated by the switch on the board which closes the circuit and allows the flow of current to the motor which in turn drive the blade used for mowing. The battery recharges through the solar charging controller. Performance evaluation of the developed machine was carried out with different types of grasses. The machine was found to have an efficiency of 93% and a field capacity of 1.11 × 10 -4 ha/hr. No significant difference was observed with the height of grasses at 5% confidence level.
Approaches to the Basic Problems of Classroom Writing for Adult Competent Non-Native Students of English Worldwide[Full-Text ] Areen Ahmed Muhammed,Ikhlas Mahdi HasanOne of the most significant current discussions in supportive methodology is about the problems of writing for Non-Native Students (NNS)s. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the problems of writing in an English medium for Non-Native Learner (NNL). The purpose of the present study is to deal with the major problems of NNS`s writing in the classroom and to investigate some strategies for the solutions to these problems.
MHD Memory Convective Flow through Porous Medium with Variable Suction in the presence of Radiation and Chemical Reaction[Full-Text ] Suresh RanaA free convective unsteady visco-elastic flow through porous medium bounded by an infinite vertical porous plate with variable suction, constant heat flux under the influence of transverse uniform magnetic field along with permeability in the presence of radiation and chemical reaction has been investigated in the present study. The suction velocity of the porous medium fluctuates with time about the constant mean. Approximate solutions for mean velocity, transient velocity, mean temperature and transient temperature, mean concentration and concentration of non-Newtonian flow are obtained. The effects of various parameters such as Pr (Prandtl number), Gr (Grashof number), M (Hartmann number), ? (frequency parameter) and k0 (permeability parameter) and F (radiation parameter) and KC (chemical reaction parameter) on the above are depicted. Expressions for fluctuating parts of velocity ‘Mr’ and ‘Mi’ are found and plotted graphically and effects of different parameters on them are discussed. Skin friction amplitude and phase are shown with the help of figures and are discussed in detail.
Kinetics of oxidation of p-Toluidine by Sodium Dichromate[Full-Text ] Ritu Singh and Rajeev Kumar SinghThe Oxidation of p-Toluidine by sodium dichromate has been studied both iodiometrically and spectrometrically (530nm) in aqueous acidic medium. The Comparison of rate constants obtained by titration method, 0kt , with the rate constant obtained by absorbance method , 0kA , indicated that the pseudo first order rate constant, , 0kA was always greater. The reaction shows a complex kinetic behavior with respect to concentrations of p-Toluidine and hydrogen ion. It is suggested that a complex,C6 is formed between the oxidant and p-Toluidine, which breaks into two different inter mediate by intramolecular electron transition leading to two different reaction paths one of which gives the closed product (PC) and the other path gives the second product (P). The rate constants and activation parameters are calculated.
Triboelectrification of Flooring Polymeric Materials[Full-Text ] Elhabib O. A., Mohamed M. K., AlKattan A. A. and Ali W. YThe increase of polymeric materials in floors necessitates to study their triboelectrificationbehaviour during friction. Electric static charges built up on human skin and or clothes in direct contact with human body are very harmful and can create serious health problems. Experiments were carried out to measure the electrostatic charge and friction coefficient of bare foot and rubber footwear sliding against epoxy and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) floors were investigated under dry sliding condition.
LRS Bianchi Type-V Cosmological Model For Barotropic Fluid Distribution With Varying ?(t) In Creation Field Theory Of Gravitation[Full-Text ] H. R. Ghate, Sanjay A. SalveWe have studied the Hoyle-Narlikar C-field cosmology for LRS Bianchi type-V space-times with varying cosmological constant , when the universe is filled with barotropic fluid distribution. To get deterministic solution, we assumed that as considered by as in Chen & Wu (Phys. Rev. D, 41:695, 1990), where is a scale factor. The various special cases of the model (33) viz. dust filled universe and radiation dominated era , stiff fluid universe are also discussed. The physical aspects for these models are also studied.
Hindi Numeral Recognition using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Mahendra Choudhary, M.Hasnine Mirja, N.K.MittalHandwriting has continued to persist as a means of communication and recording information in day-to-day life even with the introduction of new technologies. The constant development of computer tools lead to the requirement of easier interface between the man and the computer. Handwritten character recognition may for instance be applied to Zip-Code recognition, automatic printed form acquisition, or cheques reading. The importance to these applications has led to intense research for several years in the field of off-line handwritten character recognition. ‘Hindi’ the national language of India (written in Devanagri script) is world’s third most popular language after Chinese and English. Hindi handwritten character recognition has got lot of application in different fields like postal address reading, cheques reading electronically. Recognition of handwritten Hindi characters by computer machine is complicated task as compared to typed characters, which can be easily recognized by the computer. This paper presents a scheme to recognize hindi number numeral with the help of neural network.
Offering a New Approach For Integrating In-formation Systems Based on Model Driven[Full-Text ] Beenazir GanjiToday, organizations use many software and programs for their business needs. Often the software and systems used by different languages are written in different technologies and capabilities. Maintenance and support of these programs in the long term can lead to excessive increases in the cost of poor response to customer.Thus, software systems integration and sharing of data and process is proposed as a strategic approach to organizations. The integration strategy instead of the IT organization, the "Information" is focused and Technology is only a tool in the service of receiving, processing and presentation of information is considered. The goal of this article is to focus on applying model driven architecture(MDA) in integration of systems. In fact we want to show how MDA facilities can cover aspects of integration, and how we should use these to reach an appropriate system.
Piperidine and Bispiperidine as Corrosion Inhibitor on Mild Steel in 1N Hydrochloric Acid Medium[Full-Text ] K. Kalaiselvi, N.Saranya and J. MallikaIn the present investigation of piperdine and bispiperidine have been synthesized and its inhibition action on the corrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl was studied by weight loss method, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance, Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), FTIR spectra, UV–adsorption spectroscopy. The inhibition efficiency increased with increase in inhibitor concentration. Temperature study was carried out and thermodynamic parameters such as change in enthalpy (?H), change in entropy (?S) and change in free energy (?G) were calculated. The results show that these compounds suppressed both anodic and cathodic process by adsorption on the surface which followed a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Polarization measurements clearly indicate that all the examined compounds act as mixed inhibitors. Solution analysis by AAS for mild steel metal showed decreased dissolution of iron in the presence of inhibitors. FTIR-spectra confirmed the formation of the compounds. The surface morphology of the metals in presence and absence of the inhibitor was studied by using SEM images.
An Interactive E-learning Approach to Wind Energy Concepts Using Low Cost Access Devices[Full-Text ] Archana Iyer, Qaish Kanchwala, Tanisha Wagh, Dr. Abhijit JoshiIn an age where technology is rapidly evolving, new and improved methods of teaching children through e-learning are being developed as well. Furthermore, using low-cost technology will allow the masses to access such educational resources. The application, ‘Wind Energy’ consists of two applications – the first imparts knowledge to students through a 3D interactive session about conversion of wind energy to electricity while the second teaches students about windmills and their internal working. Blender 3D for modeling, BlenderPlayer and LibGDX for deploying the application have proved to be the best frameworks for the creation of a user-friendly, interactive, free and open source application. By deploying this application on Low Cost Access Devices (LCAD) such as the Aakash tablet, students will be able to learn as well as test their knowledge in the area of Wind Energy. The application complements 2D videos and traditional blackboard teaching by incorporating life-like 3D interaction that makes learning a more interesting process.
MIMO-STBC a superb combination to increase spatial diversity[Full-Text ] Farha siddiquiSeveral wireless communication system include radio propogation(cellular and wireless LAN),satteite communication ,televissin communication needless to say mobile communication a are in terms of design quite challenging though the attributes of wireless communication and them attractive yet still the challenging task was the propogation environment which is time varying.The outmost requirement of the systems are high data rate,portable ,mobility ease of connectivity,must provide privacy and security ease of connectivity in wireless environment and of coure reliability without requiring extra power or providing additional bandwidth.MIMO with STBC(orthogonal structured codes) proves to be an outrageous combination to improve spatial diversity.In this paper work i would like to make you familiar with wireless propogating environment,MIMO(a smart antenna technology) and diversity techniques,which proves to be a key soution to wireless fading channel.
Quantum Chemical Study on Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency of 4-amino-5-mercapto- 1,2,4-triazole Derivatives for Copper in HCl medium[Full-Text ] Ephrem G. Demissie, Solomon B. Kassa, and Girma W. WoyessaThe inhibition of copper corrosion by three 4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole derivatives was studied theoretically using hybrid DFT functional (B3LYP/6-31G (d,p)). The chemical reactivity descriptors, such as electronegativity, global hardness, softness, electro-philicity, EHOMO, ELUMO, dipole moment, ?E Back-donation, Fukui functions of the investigated inhibitor computed from density functional theory were reported in this paper. In addition, Nucleus independent Chemical Shift Analysis (NICS) were introduced to further study the aromaticity parameter to describe the reactivity of these inhibitors at the Cu surface. The studies have shown that, 4-amino-3-ethyl-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole (AEMT) is the most efficiency inhibitor than 4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole (AMT) and 4-amino-3-methyl-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole (AMMT) for copper in HCl medium. The theoretical work was consistent with the experimentally obtained result.
Intelligent Leaning and Control of Autonomous Mobile Robot using MLP and RBF based Neural Network in Clustered Environment[Full-Text ] P.K.Panigrahi, Saradindu Ghosh, Dayal R ParhiThis paper deals with motion control of an autonomous mobile robot using an intelligent multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) neural network based techniques. Obstacle avoidance and target seeking are the two most important behaviors in the proposed research. The ANN based controller is trained using 100 training patterns so that mobile robot moves towards the target without collision with obstacles in unknown environment. The performance of the controllers are investigated keeping static obstacles in the environment by simulation using MATLAB.
Fabrication and Memory Behaviour of Al (6 mol%) Doped PbTiO3 Thin Film Devices[Full-Text ] Ko Ko Kyaw Soe, May Aye Khaing, Pwint Yee Thein, Khin Mar Lwin, Than Than Win and Yin Maung MaungThe polycrystalline perovskite structure of PbTi(1-x)Al(x)O3 (x=0.06), PTA6, was obtained by high temperature solid state reaction route. For the ferroelectric characterization and non-volatile memory effect, 100 kHz thermal hysteresis loops were observed by Sawyer-Tower circuit. The electrical properties, I-V tracing was measured and low voltage resistance (LVR), maximum diode current (Imax) and threshold voltage (VTH) were studied. From ln I-V linear relationship, ideality factor (?) and zero- bias voltage barrier high (?bo) were calculated. The C-V tracing was studied at 100 kHz under biased voltage from -4 V to 4 V. From the detail analysis, PTA6 layer on Si is quite acceptable for single capacitor (1C) of non-volatile ferroelectric random access memory device applications.