Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021
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Challenges in Adaptation to the Impact of Climate Change and Variability in relation to Mangrove Forests Cover in Zanzibar, Tanzania[Full-Text ] Ali Said Ali and Narriman S. JiddawiZanzibar coastal areas are continuously affected by extreme events brought about by Climate Change and variability. The Government and local communities have been taking numerous strategies to adapt to this condition. One type of strategy is the use of mangrove forests in reducing the impacts of climate related events, such as erosion and storm surges. The objective of this paper is to assess the challenges of using mangrove forests cover in reducing the impacts of climate change and variability in Zanzibar.
DETERMINATION OF HEAVY METAL LEVELS IN LIPSTICKS SAMPLES SOLD IN AKILAPA MARKET, IBADAN, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] F.O Oyedeji, M.O Alagbala and A.B FawehinmiHeavy metals are known to be naturally occurring elements. They have high atomic weights and densities greater than that of water. They have wide applications and have been known to be generally toxic to plant and animal life even at low concentrations. Because of their high degree of toxicity, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, mercury and lead, are among the priority metals that are of public health significance. They are considered to be human carcinogens and are considered systemic toxicants which are known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure.
Non-Excusable Delays in Public Sector Highways Projects in Pakistan and Suggested Remedies[Full-Text ] Abdul Waheed Mangi, Dr. Naveed Raza Shah, A. Q Memon, Ghulam Rasool Siddiqui, Mansoor Ahmed MemonConstruction industry is so far a backbone of every developed and developing country. It changes the entire appearance of counties. In a growing need of urbanization, construction industry faces different challenges, from which non-excusable delays are the major factors affecting its serviceability. This study was aimed to obtained critical factors causing non-excusable delays in public sector highways projects in Pakistan and their suggested remedies through a questionnaire survey.
MANET SECURITY APPRAISAL: CHALLENGES, ESSENTIALS, ATTACKS, COUNTERMEASURES & FUTURE DIRECTIONS[Full-Text ] K.Divya and Dr. B.SrinivasanRight now, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) have developed as one of the fundamental cutting edge remote organization advancements. MANET contains portable hubs that are self-configurable, and each versatile hub acts as a switch for each and every other hub permitting information to move by utilizing multi-bounce network courses. MANETs connote a systems administration class that is significant and contrasts from customary frameworks.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GROUNDNUT OIL EXTRACTING MACHINE DEVELOPED FOR SMALL SCALE FARMERS[Full-Text ] Ogundahunsi O. E., Olasebikan Y. O. and Ayorinde T. AGroundnut oil extraction by a mechanical device has gained recognition in Nigeria but is limited to industrial use only and becoming inaccessible to local farmers due to the sophistication, complexity, and high cost of available oil extracting machines. A simple and low-cost groundnut oil extracting machine that is easy to operate and maintain at an affordable cost for local farmers was developed. This addresses the limitation of groundnut oil extraction in Nigeria, especially among local farmers. It was designed to run with a 3Hp single-phase variable-speed electric motor at a specific speed of 540rev/min.
Study on Piezoelectric Characterisation of Solvent Cast PVDF film incorporated with TiO2 and CNF[Full-Text ] Daffy Rebecca J, Kamala Devi A, Megharanjani R, Varsha N Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is one of the most outstanding semi crystalline polymers which generates piezoelectricity, when pressure or mechanical force acts on it. In the present study, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)/TiO2/CNF electroactive film was prepared through solvent casting method by coating the substrate with a Dimethyl formamide (DMF) and Polyethylene glycol (PEG) included polymer solution, which was evaporated at a room temperature.
Virtual Brain: Model-Based Framework for Dependable EEG Sensing and Actuation in Intelligent Brain IOT System[Full-Text ] S Mahin Sultana Virtual brain research is accelerating the development of inexpensive real-time brain IOT Systems. Hardware improvements that increase the capability of virtual brain analyze and Brain IOT wearable sensors have made it possible, several new software frameworks for developers to use and create applications combining brain and IOT. It also enables multiple sensory pathways for communications with a larger sized data to users’ brains. The intersections of these two research paths are accelerating both ï¬elds and will drive the needs for an energy-aware infrastructure
A Sensitive Approach Towards Captive Asian Elephants[Full-Text ] Ar.Varsha Vinod If a captive elephant could speak, it would have told us the tales of how it was captivated, how it was tortured at a very tender age, only to obey the command of the human species. Architecture, as we all know and believe, is one of the few professions, that has the power and ability to create and mould the society. But, is it only for the human race? Or can other species also be benefitted with it?
IRIS - Intelligent Resource Identification System[Full-Text ] Avinash Karthik Sundarraj, Vinod Kumar DThe fundamental idea behind the project is to scientifically identify the “Best fit, available resource for a project”. This plays a big part in solving the larger demand v/s supply problem in a projects scenario. Having established the end objectives, the project aims at improving operational efficiency and enhancing user experience which ultimately results in better client satisfaction