Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021
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Molecular Identification of CTX-M-9 and PER gene in Extended Spectrum Beta lactamase (ESBL) Producing Bacteria from Clinical Isolates[Full-Text ] Alina Maharjan, Dharmendra Kumar Nath, Laxmi Sen, Anil Kumar Shah, Rajani Shrestha and Bhanu ShresthaIntroduction: Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) are enzymes that confer resistance to most beta-lactam antibiotics, including penicillins, cephalosporins, and the monobactam aztreonam. ESBL has spread threat in many regions of the world. This study is carried out to detect plasmid-mediated blaCTXM-9 and blaPER genes among the ESBL producing bacteria from different clinical specimens. Methods: A total of 397 clinical samples (urine, sputum, blood, pus, wound swab, tracheal aspirates, catheter tips, IVP tips) were collected and ESBL producers were screened.
Impact of Dollarization on Consumer Behavior and Panic Buying[Full-Text ] Natalie Sabbagh, Ghassan Abdel Kader, Roy MattaThe economic crisis of hyperinflation and dollarization in Lebanon, starting to boom in October 2019, has changed the consumer behavior incredibly. Though the dollarization case isn’t historically unique in Lebanon; however, the Lebanese case is economically unique to be held as it has accompanied with decades of financial corruption, small export sector, covid-19 outbreak and many other catastrophic internal and external reasons.
Channel Coding Technique for 5G to Improve Flexibility[Full-Text ] Annushree Kumari, Vinod Kumar Jadhav5G wireless network will take place after 4G. It will create many new issues. Some problems like, communication with low BER, and performance might be severe issue. In this thesis, coding methods are proposed in order to decrease the signal loss during the transmission process of data. Also, the LDPC system is explained in order to get good results with lower bit error rate over 5G standards by trying to compare it with systems like, LDPC, Convolutional and Turbo code system.
Restoration of Voltage Collapse in Ethiopian Electric Power Network by Using Model Predictive Control[Full-Text ] Mehari MEthiopia power network systems have been disturbed by unanticipated disturbances from time to time when numbers of consumers lose power supply at a very expensive cost. System protection and emergency control to respond this power system instability play an important role in our country power system operation. Driven by the industry need and improper protection mechanism to alleviate the effect of disturbances on system operation and improve power system security, this paper uses a general framework for system protection scheme based on Model Predictive Control. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is implemented to apply system protection scheme. A control strategy for maintaining voltage stability following the occurrence of an outage is stated.
Speed Control of DC motor using PWM Technique[Full-Text ] Arpit Harsh Lakra, Nishit Singh Gaur, Abhishek KumarThe project shows a closed loop system for controlling of speed of a DC motor using Pulse Width Modulation technique. In new generation the power semiconductor devices have completely renovated the control of drives, switches etc.
The Effect of Work Supervision and Motivation on Work Discipline and Employee Performance at The Transmigra-tion and Labor Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province[Full-Text ] Nawira, Hasanuddin Bua, Abdul Razak, FauzihThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of supervision and work motivation on work discipline and employee performance at the Department of Transmigration and Manpower of Southeast Sulawesi Province. This study uses SEM analysis. The population in this study were all employees at the Department of Transmigration and Labor Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The total number of em-ployees at the Department of Transmigration and Labor Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province is 140 employees. Researchers consider drawing a sample of 104 respondents. Determination of the sample of this study using a stratified cluster random sampling technique.
Hot pepper response to deficit Irrigation levels at different growth stages on yield and water productivity[Full-Text ] Wondimu Tolcha Adugna, Jemal M. Hassen, Nigusie A. Sori, Kebede N. Tufa, Fikadu R. BorenaThis study examines the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of hot pepper under fully irrigated field conditions during the 2018 to 2020 growing season. The design of the experiment was split plot design with three replications. The treatments have four crop growing seasons or stages (Initial, Development, mid-season and late season stages ) and three deficit irrigation levels for each growing stages ( 100 % Etc, 75% Etc, and 50 % Etc levels), in which the growing stages arranged as a main plot and the deficit level laid as sub-plot.
Assessment of the Solid Waste Dumping of Jahangirnagar University Campus in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Bibi Hafsa, Raju AhmedSolid waste management is a burning issue all over Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University campus is also facing serious problems; especially, open waste dumping. In Jahangirnagar University open solid waste dumping sites are increasing which is illegal and contradictory to the environmental protection act. Solid waste created a toxicant environment which could be affected to the natural environment. In this circumstance, to protect the natural environment modern waste management strategy “clean and green” concept has been accepted in many renowned Universities for the higher education of the world.
Bridging the Gaps in Krashen’s Monitor Model for Second Language Performance[Full-Text ] Meroua Senouci, Samar LarbiThe Monitor Model for Second Language Performance is a theory of second language acquisition developed by Stephen Krashen that attempts at explaining various aspects of second language performance. Although the model is considered to be one of the most influential theories in second language acquisition, it remains flawed. This study, therefore, aims at evaluating the Model and its fundamental hypotheses in an attempt to bridge all gaps for the end result of implementing the revised version in EFL teaching.
DEVELOPMENT OF A SOLAR POWERED PARABOLIC TROUGH FOR MINI POWER GENERATION[Full-Text ] Ajetunmobi David Tunmise and Ayanrinde Ayanniyi WoleThe need for alternative power supply, led to this work on the development of solar powered parabolic trough. The parabolic trough harness energy from sunlight, through a concentrator (mirror strips) lined on the parabolic trough. The mirror strips, then focuses the sunlight to the focal point of the parabolic trough with mild steel pipe placed along its linear axis. The focused radiation heats up the working fluid (methanol) inside the mild steel pipe placed along the linear axis of the parabolic trough.
Investigating the Specific Absorption Rate of Four Mobile Phones in Nigeria for Compliance with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Standard[Full-Text ] Enoh F. Akpojotor, Onoriode OyiborhoroThe widespread use of mobile phones has initiated research regarding the possible adverse effects of exposures to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). Poor implementation of laws aimed at regulating the import and sale of sub-standard mobile phones in developing countries results in the proliferation of products that are potentially non-compliant with laws on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards. Consequently, individuals in these countries are potentially exposed to dangerous levels of electromagnetic radiations emitted from fake mobile phones. I
PRACTICE OF FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION AMONG WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA[Full-Text ] ELIAS MUGUNA KATHURIMAAlthough female genital mutilation in Kenya is outlawed and there are strict legislations that prohibit the practice, some communities still practice it. This is attributed to ethnic and cultural diversity across the ethnic groups as it is used as a rite of passage. This research’s aim was to investigate the female genital mutilation practice among women of reproductive age in Mashuuru Sub- County, Kajiado County. The study specific objectives were; to determine the proportion of women who have undergone female genital mutilation, identify socio-cultural factors and the legal factors associated with FGM practice.
Performance Evaluation of Propagation Model in Fifth Generation Millimeter Waves[Full-Text ] Monzer osman, Ibrahim khider.The Mmwaves spectrum spans the range from 30 GHz–300 GHz thus arrange from 24 GHz to 100 GHz is a proposed for 5G. The importance of millimeter waves in 5G is that they use high frequencies, this provides us with greater and wider coverage, higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, more reliability. In this Paper we study and Perform Evaluate the Propagation model of 5G Mmwaves.
Impact of Features on Sentiment Analysis of Bangla E-Commerce Products using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Tokey Ahmmed, Ipshita Tasnim Raha, Nakib Aman TurzoIn Bangladesh, E-commerce is gaining more popularity day by day, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic. Among many e-commerce sites in Bangladesh, Daraz is one of the most popular e-commerce sites among general people. But biased reviews and comments often make it challenging to choose the best product. In this paper, we will focus on finding the most significant features for classifying the positive and negative reviews.
Awareness and features of PCOS in students of AlMaarefa University 2019 – 2020[Full-Text ] Husna K. Mirza, Norah A. AlRabeeah, Wesal S. Alotaibi, Mayar F. AlHudaib, Amjad A. Aldossary, Naseem A. AbuSharifah, Maryam M. Alwan, Anood W. AlShammariPCOS affects all women of reproductive age, especially adolescents. In KSA, the estimated prevalence of PCOS was 53.7%. The feasibility of conducting such a study justifies the need for providing an opportunity for early detection and prevention of morbidities among adolescents. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the awareness and features of PCOS in students of AlMaarefa University, Riyadh.
PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CLOVE OIL, EUGENOL AND EUGENYL ACETATE FOR USE AS BIO-ADDITIVES IN A SINGLE CYLINDER DIESEL ENGINE[Full-Text ] I.M. Hadi, H. Dandakouta, I.S. Sintali, A. TokanResearch on the potency of essential oils as diesel fuel bio-additives has been reported. It also has been found that clove oil, eugenol and eugenyl acetate have good potentials of decreasing Break Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) with significant improvement of the overall performance of the engine. Clove oil is an essential oil, the content of which is made of eugenol acting as the main component. Eugenol has a bulky structure of two oxygen atoms and can form eugenyl acetate from ester reaction.
INVESTIGATION OF THE TENSILE AND FLEXURAL STRENGTHS OF CONCRETE CONTAINING RICE HUSK AND SAW DUST ASHES[Full-Text ] L. O. Ettu, L. Anyaogu, I.D. Diboyesuku This work investigated the tensile and flexural strengths of concrete containing Rice Husk and Saw Dust Ashes. 36 concrete beams of 150mm x 150mm x 600mm were produced with OPC-RHA-SDA, 36 concrete cylinders of ø150 mm x 300 mm were produce with OPC-RHA-SDA. Rice Husk Ash and Saw dust Ash were combined at equal proportion of 50% RHA and 50% SDA at 0% (control), 5%, 10% and 15%.
Obesity and Menorrhagia: - Dependence, Causes & Financial losses[Full-Text ] Jaskaran S. Gill, Laraib Artaza, Alice Niangthianhoih, HimaniBody weight effect on Menstrual period flow currently faces a significant study gap. It is a well-established fact that Obesity/Higher BMI leads to oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea or irregular periods. The present study aims to verify this claim and further investigate the link between BMI (Body Mass Index) and menstrual flow volume.
SIMULATION OF MULTI-COMPONENT DISTILLATION FOR CONDENSATE STABILIZATION USING ASPEN HYSYS[Full-Text ] Eze Kenneth .A, Nkwor Prince .E, Madubuike Esther .I, Nwaishienyi Freedom .C, Onwumere Alex .C.Developing a Standard Multi-component system requires sensitive specifications to be properly executed. The simulation of the raw material feed for condensate stabilization was conducted using the Aspen HYSYS Software, so as to examine the condition and specifications that will give the best end product. Analysis of three simulated condensate stabilization units (C.S.U) which have different process routes, maximum values of Reid vapor pressure (RVP) 80kPa, 89kPa and 88kPa was obtained at the product stream compared to a previous RVP value of 1041kPa in the feed stream.
Hot pepper response to deficit Irrigation levels at different growth stages on yield and water productivity[Full-Text ] Wondimu Tolcha Adugna, Jemal M. Hassen, Nigusie A. Sori, Kebede N. Tufa, Fikadu R. BorenaThis study examines the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of hot pepper under fully irrigated field conditions during the 2018 to 2020 growing season. The design of the experiment was split plot design with three replications. The treatments have four crop growing seasons or stages (Initial, Development, mid-season and late season stages ) and three deficit irrigation levels for each growing stages ( 100 % Etc, 75% Etc, and 50 % Etc levels), in which the growing stages arranged as a main plot and the deficit level laid as sub-plot.
Power Factor Correction Technique for Power Loss Reduction in Trans-Amadi Distribution Network, Port Harcourt, Nigeria[Full-Text ] LUCKY, Nekabari Ezekiel; D.C. Idoniboyeobu; S.L. BraideThis work considered the power factor technique of reducing electricity loss in the Trans-Amadi distribution network for voltage drop analysis, line power loss determination and reactive power for voltage stability purposes. The supply has been taken to the Trans-Amadi distribution network from the Afam power generation plant.
Corrosion Assessment Effects of Structural Flexural Residual Capacity of Reinforcing Bars[Full-Text ] Ugo Kingsley, Charles Kennedy, Tobi Derebebeapade StanisslousThe research work evaluated the potency of Ficus sycomorus exudate / resin extrudes from tree as an inhibitory substances coated to reinforcing steel at varying thicknesses, embedded in concrete beam and exposed to corrosive media for 360 days and assessed the surface modifications, load carry capacity and other mechanical properties for the coated and non-coated samples. Comparative results showed that the maximum obtained values the flexural failure state are controlled -39.418% against corroded 68.290% and coated -38.904%. The results showed lower failure deflection loads in controlled and coated samples with decreased values over the corroded sample with higher failure deflection load and increased values compared to the reference range (controlled) and the coated samples.
Electrochemical Evaluation of Corrosion Potential and Electrical Resistivity of Rebar in Chloride Induced Media[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Igboka Maduabuchi, Bright AkobaThe Investigative work examined the use of treculia africana exudate/resin, tapped from tree trunks with potentiality of environmentally stable properties of non-hazardous. The resulting exudate/resin is coated directly with reinforcing steel of different thicknesses, embedded in concrete slabs, and exposed to sodium chloride (NaCl) for corrosion acceleration process and examined varying surface modification for 360days. The results of corrosion potential of maximum calculated percentile control value is -67.19% compared to the corroded and coated values of 227.89% and -62.95% and the controlled potential difference value is 5.21%, corroded 58.02%, and coated 6.55%.
Social Networking Effect: How Do Large Corporations use #Hashtags on Twitter[Full-Text ] G Aditya, Dr Subramanian S IyerTwitter, Corporate Social Media Communication, Hashatg, Big Data, Content Analysis, Corporate Communication, Social Network effect.
The mediating role of Employee’s job Satisfaction on the relationship between Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement among Academic Staff (Nigerian Universities)[Full-Text ] OGUN BABATUNDE SAMSIDEEN, Dr. VALLIAPPAN RAJU, IMRAN IBRAHIM, A.The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of employee’s job satisfaction on the relationship between organizational culture and employee engagement. The constructs utilized in this study are conceptualized from three different theories namely: Cameron and Quinn CVF model (1999), Job demands-resources theory and Social exchange theory. The target population for this study is the academic staff of Nigerian universities. The study utilizes positivism paradigm and collets primary data using survey questionnaire. Purposive sampling technique is adopted in the study.
Direction of Arrival (DOA) Estimation Based on Multi-layer Neural Network[Full-Text ] Kabiru N. Aliyu, M. H. Ali, A. MusaThe Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation in wireless communication enhances the communication quality through beam steering. Different algorithms of DOA estimation like beamforming, maximum likelihood, and subspace-based techniques failed due to sparsity and complexity of the system. To solve this problem, in this work, Deep Neural Network (DNN) is proposed for the DOA estimation of received signal.
Chloride-Induced Corrosion on Mechanical Interlocking Reduction of Reinforced Concrete Structures[Full-Text ] John A.TrustGod, Sornaate Lucky Easy, Charles KennedyThis study entails the coating of extruded exudates/resin paste extracted from plants on reinforcing steel. The experiment aimed at determining the potency of eco-friendly inhibitor substances in curtailing the damaging effect of corrosion attacks on reinforcing steel embedded in concrete structures with varying thickness of the coating and immersed in Sodium Chloride (NaCl) solutions and experimentally examined the surface modifications of steel resulting from the accelerated media. Obtained results of average values and summarized percentile values for differential performance characteristics of controlled, corroded, and coated concrete cube samples.
A Framework for Health Management System for Tropical Diseases in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sule Salihu Isa, Siman Emmanuel, Samuel Amachundi AddaThis project is a Health Management System for Tropical Diseases in Nigeria. It is aimed at developing a health management system that collects information on tropical diseases in Nigeria. The system is designed in such a way that information is generated from each patient that visits the hospital electronically over time. The system is also capable of querying the data base for some selected tropical diseases that are mostly common from health records of each state of the country. It adheres strictly to information privacy policies with respect to patient information.
THE IMPACT OF ACCOUNTING PRACTICES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS[Full-Text ] Adewole Oluwasanmi, Adewale Opeyemi Temilade, Oriola, Muibat OluwakemiAccounting is a service activity that functions to provide quantitative information primarily financial in nature about economic activities that is useful in making economic decisions. The church is a non-profit organization, whose main source of funding comes from members tithe, offering, special donation, levies and special offering collected. Therefore, religious organizations like churches are required to make financial reports to be accountable in front of her members, on resources received and expenses incurred. Hence, the study examined impact of accounting practices on the development of religious organizations.
Infinity Time Theorem[Full-Text ] Keerthivasan ChandrasekaranSpace is nothing but a dark area with three types of energy.
From Structuring System to Backyards: Transformation of Bengaluru’s Water Network[Full-Text ] Prathima. NCities like living organisms are in perpetual evolution. Human settlements are made of many interconnected interdependent systems and water network is one such system. Urbanisation alters connectivity of these systems. In case of Bengaluru, urbanisation had robbed the glory of the intricate water network traversing through the city with the tanks as the pause points. The hydrology landscape that evolved from the geography structured the settlements while functioning as provisioning system sustaining the rural settlements. There are many factors contributing to the transformation of the water network, ranging from indiscriminate disposal of waste into the tanks to diverting tanks for infrastructure projects; massive encroachments and severed network contributing to the degradation leading to current state of the water network.
Performance of a 5G MIMO Antenna for Detecting Damaged Lungs of Pneumonia Patients Related to Covid-19[Full-Text ] Afrin Binte Anwar, Rima Islam, Debalina Mollik, and Prodip Kumar Saha Purnendu, Raja Rashidul Hasan, Md. Abdur Rah-man, Md. Anwar HossainCurrently, world is facing COVID-19 pandemic where a huge number of people gets affected each day and dies. Various symptoms are visible in a COVID-19 affected patient. One of them is short and long-term effect on lung. Hence, in this situation conventionally people are using X-ray to detect lung affection. In this paper, the proposed antenna will help in faster detection of pneumonia affected lung due to COVID-19. In this paper, the proposed model inset fed multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) Microstrip patch antenna with a small size of mm is proposed for 38 GHz (Ka-band) which is in 5G frequency bands.
Threat-Vector Segregation for Endpoint Security[Full-Text ] Sagar G. M-Tech, RACE REVA.With X number of companies working for cybersecurity, Y number of products, and Z number of solutions,[1] till date we rely on restricting users from visiting any unknown/malicious websites or unknown/malicious links on the corporate machine [Laptop]. Considering the threat vector of an Endpoint connecting to the internet, [2] in this paper, we are formulating a solution for the problem, by segregating the threat vector from the endpoints and giving extended access to the user to perform all the activity.
Analysis of Historical Built Baradaris (Pavilions) Architecture in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Rabia Khaskheli, Weiping ZhangBaradaris (Pavilions) made by Ali Mardan Khan, one of the most important Persian nobles of Shah Jahan’s reign, Sikh era Pavilions, Pathan’s Pavilion, Prince Kamran’s Baradari and other nobles in the dynasty of Mughal was a significant contribution to the field of architecture and landscape design. Their lives Histories are documented, but their contributions in the context of Mughal architecture haven’t received adequate attention from scholars.
Framework for international business research: ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLES AND STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES[Full-Text ] MD. Fahim HossainThis article proposes that (cultural and institutional) context should be included in international business studies. It is based on the author's own research results, comments, and conclusions. The importance of (1) universalities, particularities, and singularities in cross-national management research; (2) the relevance of linguistic disparities as a topic for International Business studies and (3) the superior explanatory power of detailed descriptions of cultural differences over the mere provision of cultural distance scores are all highlighted.
Evaluation of groundwater quality for irrigation purpose.A GIS based study of Nankana sahib[Full-Text ] Arslan Afzal,Bilal AhmadSampling and analysis of groundwater of Nankana sahib tehsil, Pakistan has been made to determine and evaluate its suitability for irrigation purpose. three water samples from each twenty five villages were collected and analyzed for various physical and chemical properties like pH, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR),Residual sodium carbonate (RSC), calcium (Ca ++ ), Magnesium (Mg ++ ), sodium (Na + ), chloride (Cl - ), carbonate (CO 3 - ),bicarbonates (HCO 3 - ), sulfates (SO 4 - ).According to results 6.67% samples were fit, while 80% were unfit for the irrigation purpose while 13.33% were lies in the range of marginally fit after comparison with the standard value of the irrigation water used for the agricultural crops. The values of EC, SAR, RSC and chloride were ranged from 367-5080 µscm -1 , 0.23-25.86, 0.1-7 and 0.5-6 meqL -1 respectively. The classification of parameters due to which 80% samples were unfit showed that 5.33% samples were unfit due to EC, 4% samples due to RSC, 13.33% were unfit due to the EC+RSC, 2.67% were unfit due to EC+SAR and 54.67% sample were unfit due to EC+SAR+RSC. By relative frequency distribution 57 samples were unfit due to higher EC ( >1250) samples were unfit due to the higher SAR(>10), 54 samples were unfit due to the higher RSC(> 2.5) and 29 samples were unfit due to the higher Chloride value. In the light of results it is evitable to treat the ground water with management practices and amendments lining of watercourse with limestone, gypsum, dilution with canal water and new private tube well should be install after resistivity survey of groundwater and the farmer should also be get aware with the smart irrigation management practices through proper training.