Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2021
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A Study of Knowledge and Practice about Oral Hygiene among Senior Secondary School Students in Bansa Village of Jaipur District of Rajasthan[Full-Text ] Rajendra Gora, Rajesh KumarContext: Several studies have shown that there is knowledge of oral hygiene among children but there is lack of practice to maintain the oral hygiene among children. This maintenance of oral hygiene is neglected among children as they feel it to be not important. Oral route is a door to all kind of diseases and oral health is the mirror of general health. In case of Rajasthan this field has been neglected. Although there is National Oral Health Programme going on in Rajasthan State for increasing the knowledge about oral health maintenance but still public awareness about maintaining oral hygiene is very poor. So, this study has been done to know the knowledge and practice about oral hygiene among school going students of Government Adarsh Senior Secondary School of Bansa village of Jaipur district.
Design & Simulation of an ANFIS MPPT Controller for Solar Power Application in MATLAB[Full-Text ] Shiwani Singh, Dr.Pratibha Tiwari In this paper we present an intelligent control technique for the MPP tracking of a photovoltaic (PV) system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) under variable solar irradiation conditions. For this a solar photovoltaic module and a DC/DC Boost converter is developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Initially, MPPT controllers were designed using Perturbation and Observation (P&O) methods. However, this conventional method cannot effectively track rapidly changing incident solar irradiation levels.
Experimental Analysis of Concrete for Replacement of Sand by Coconut Shell Crush[Full-Text ] Mr. V. P. Kumbhar, Mr. R.E. PawarIt is found that so many wastes which can be used in traditional concrete like e-wastes, rubber tyre waste, glass waste etc. The coconut shell is also a main waste which can be used in traditional concrete. Generally, coconut shells are used in traditional concrete in the form of viz., coconut shell aggregate and coconut shell fiber. This paper describes coconut shell crush are used as replacement of sand. The compressive and flexural strength test where taken on 10%, 20% and 30% replacement of sand to coconut shell crush. It is observed that the compressive strength of concrete is reduced in some extent and the flexural strength also reduced as replacement of coconut shell crush is increased, but upto the 20% replacement is possible to use in construction work and 30% replacement are possible to use for less important construction work under some conditions.
The Perceptible impact of globalization on English Language and Literature[Full-Text ] Ms. Priya KulkarniMajor part of this paper aims to represent the importance of English Language and Globalization, societial acceptance for the impacts of globalization and also the effects of globalization on English Language and Literature. English language plays the most prominent role in the processes of globalization to connect different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities.
A Review On Braking System In Automobiles[Full-Text ] PRASANNA VENKATESH.M, NAVEEN KUMAR.M, SARAVANAN.R, SHARAN.D.R, Dr.MANIVEL MURALIDARAN.VThe brake system in a car is the most critical system in the vehicle. There will be a crash if the brake fails, and people may be injured or even killed.All automobile brakes are friction brakes. When drivers use brakes, the control unit pushes brake shoes, or pads, against the spinning brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes and the drums or discs slows or stops the wheel, allowing the vehicle to be slowed or stopped.
Effects of risk perception on relationship between women self-efficacy and start-up businesses: Evidence from Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ayesha Seerat, Hamna Arshad, Sumaiya Javed, Bushra ZahoorPurpose – This paper intend to explore whether women entrepreneurs in Pakistan perceive more risks than men, and to check how Self efficacy of women lead to start up decisions, and how the relationship between women Self efficacy and startup decision influenced under moderating role of risk perceptions.
THE IMPACT OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM EDMODO-BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARDS STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILL[Full-Text ] Ika Puspitasari, Siti Masitoh, Miftakhul JannahThis study aims to compare the models of blended learning flipped classroom based on Edmodo and the LMS-based on students' critical thinking skills. The problem arised is to find whether there are differences in the dimensions of the two learning models on students' critical thinking skills. The independent variable (X) in this study is a blended learning type flipped classroom based on Edmodo (X1). While the dependent variable (Y) is the critical thinking.
ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITIES OF ANTISEPTICS AND NON-ANTISEPTIC SOAP ON Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis[Full-Text ] Rukayya Abubakar, Egwuonwu, K. C., Zubairu Ismail., Ibrahim UsmanAntibacterial activity of soap is defined as the ability to either destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Antibacterial effect of Antiseptic and Non-anticeptic soap against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis was evaluated. A number of (3) three samples were collected using swab stick from different parts of the body namely ear, nasal and skin using aseptic method to collect the samples. Swabs were streaked on appropriate agar and incubation temperature was done at 37oC for 24 hours. Agar well diffusion techniques were used.
Is Judiciary Compromised Or Is Justice Denied?[Full-Text ] Atul Kumar, Aulankret Gupta, Shiva PalThe Article mainly revolves around the Post Retirement jobs offered to Supreme Court and High Court Judges of India. Many allegations came in front regarding the independence of Judiciary by accepting such posts. Many news channels made allegations against judges that they give judgements in favour of government to get better jobs after retirement. The Post Retirement Nomination of Chief Justice of India Mr. Ranjan Gogoi came to limelight and he was highly criticised for accepting the nomination as Rajya Sabha Member. I have Justified the Post Retirement jobs and tried to answer the allegations made against Justice Gogoi for some of his landmark judgements.
Reforming The Democratic Space in Nigeria: A Philosophical Discourse On John Locke’s Social Contract Theory[Full-Text ] John Magnus Yatai, Raul Leandro VillanuevaThis study attempts to employ the socio-political theory of John Locke as a panacea for driving electoral reform and reinventing a new Nigeria. It gave a brief historical and critical exposition of the current state of Nigerian Democracy from the colonial masters to date. The study discovered that Consent is a key element in a democratic process that gives legitimacy to any democratically elected government.
A Comprehensive Website formulated for Farmer’s to Nurture crops to their Brimming Potential[Full-Text ] Loukik Naik, Raghav Gupta, Om Aryan, Ankit UpadhyayThe agricultural information system provides its users and research to get online information about, the crop, statistical details and new tendencies. The trends of the crops act so that these will be pretty important to the users who access these via the Internet. The main features of the information system include information retrieval facilities for users from anywhere in the form of obtaining statistical information about fertilizer, research institutes and research, land availability, diseases, suitable soil concentration for the corresponding crops, statistical information about exports and etc. In addition, this provides individual information about Intercrops related to main crops.
CFD Modelling of Underground Coal Gasification using ANSYS Fluent Simulator[Full-Text ] Devansh ShrivastavaUnderground Coal Gasification is a non-traditional, in-situ combustion process for converting coal into product gases. In this process coal is combusted and the produced syngas which basically contains CO2, H2, CO and CH4 is extracted to the surface with the help of drilled wells. In this study, with reference to a lab-scaled UCG experiment [1] and taking the experimental data as the basis for the research a two dimensional CFD reactor model was created and further studies were done to establish the activity at the different locations of the reactor.
Framework for Construction Cost Estimation Based on Formal Egyptian Bulletins and Contractor Data[Full-Text ] Abdel-Rahman El-Mohr, Mohamed Abdel-Monem, Karim El-DashCost estimation of construction projects is considered the basis for projects' life cycle cost management. Accuracy of project cost estimate depends on many factors such as the availability of labor and equipment prices and productivity rates, materials price availability, the accuracy of bidding documents provided by the client, and conditions of the market. The construction material prices form a high portion of the total project cost.
PROBLEMATICS OF THE APPLICATION OF BASIC LEARNING FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS (LEARNING STUDIES AT SDIT AR-ROHMANIYAH DURING THE PANDEMIC)[Full-Text ] Hasbullah, Mufarihah, Fatmayeni, Ucu Purnamawanti, Mohammad Givi EfgiviaIn the current pandemic, technology plays an important role in the development of education, technology and media that are specially designed to be able to have a very significant influence in the learning process that is effective in developing and reaching the highest potential of students.
Technological Developments Aiding Solid Waste Management[Full-Text ] Nehil Shreyash, Susham BiswasOne of the globally pertinent issues is to manage the wastes generated in an organized manner. Mitigating solid waste generation is important alongside efficient management of the generated wastes is paramount. Thus, recycling has emerged as a viable alternative. Solid Waste Management comprises steps like collection, transportation, and disposal, and in an efficient waste management process, it is essential to monitor and design each process scientifically. Disposal in landfills is a general practice however; owing to inefficient segregation before disposal the wastes are highly toxic with the potential to affect the hygiene of the earth. It is observed that half of the wastes disposed of are toxic and this underpins the importance of segregation before disposing of. Also, identification of appropriate sites for landfill development is important and it is preferred to build them in areas that are sparsely populated.
SHAHID theory of Quantum Gravity[Full-Text ] Shahid Samad ShaikhIntroduction : theory of quantum gravity explained that how gravity work in a subatomic universe. This theory explained the existence of gravitons or gravitational wave between two photons.
Comparison of Serum Lipoproteins with Lipidogram and Lp(a) levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus[Full-Text ] Dr.Ridhum Tuli, Dr.Robin TuliThis study compares the serum lipoproteins with Lipidigram and Lp(a) levels in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. More precise identification of serum lipoprotein components is needed for presumptive diagnosis of Type III hyperlipoproteinemia disorder and management of the patients. Serum lipoprotein electrophoresis is a reliable and accurate method which can be used in clinical laboratory for screening abnormal serum lipoproteins in Type 2 DM patients and when a more presumptive diagnosis of phenotypes is needed, it could be an investigation of choice.
THE EFFECTS OF EXCELLENT SERVICE AND BRAND IMAGE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT PT. JASA RAHARJA SOUTHEAST SULAWESI BRANCH[Full-Text ] Faturrahman, Hasan Aedy, Mahmudin A. SabilaloThis research aims to determine and analyze: (1) effects of excellent service and brand image on customer satisfaction at PT. Jasa Raharja Southeast Sulawesi Branch; (2) effects of excellent service on customer satisfaction at PT. Jasa Raharja Southeast Sulawesi Branch; and (3) effects of brand image on customer satisfaction at PT. Jasa Raharja Southeast Sulawesi Branch. Population in this research was the community facing traffic accidents served by PT. Jasa Raharja Southeast Sulawesi Branch starting from January- December 2020 namely there were 903 files. There were 90 files which could be used as these research samples based on Slovin formula. This research used probability sampling technique in the form of proportionate stratified random sampling. The analysis tool used multiple linear regression by using SPSS software. Based on results of the research, it can be concluded that (1) excellent service and brand image simultaneously have positive and significant effects on customer satisfaction; (2) excellent service has positive and significant effects on customer satisfaction; and (3) brand image has positive and significant effects on customer satisfaction.
The Effects of Operating Cash Flow, Funding and Investment on Financial Performance of Mining Companies in Metal and Other Mineral Sub-sector Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange[Full-Text ] Varrika Sari Rahma Mukadar, Andi Basru Wawo, La UtuThe hypotheses in this study are: (1) Does operating cash flow affect on the financial performance of mining companies in the metal and other mineral sub-sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2) Does the funding cash flow affect on the financial performance of mining companies in the metal and other mineral sub-sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (3) Does the investment cash flow affect on the financial performance of mining companies in the metal and other mineral sub-sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Theory of Labeling: Contemporary Concepts of the Sociological Understanding of Deviance[Full-Text ] Aleksandar Jovanoski Ph. D. Agron Rustemi Ph. D.The paper presents an overview of the emergence, establishment and current status with the latest development of labeling theory within sociological paradigms - especially in the area of sociological explanation of the causes of social deviations. In addition to the bioanthropological, psychological, medical, and criminological explanations for the causes of deviant behavior, the theory of labeling is one of several sociological theories besides the theory of anomie, the theory of differential association, the theory of self-esteem, and the theory of self-control.
Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Sociological Views of the Balkan Route[Full-Text ] Aleksandar Jovanoski Ph. D. Agron Rustemi PH. DThe paper is an attempt to present the genealogy and phenomenology of the Balkan route as a transit channel and final destination for prostitution and human trafficking. This route with different intensity was used in the past and today for smuggling people, narcotics, human organs and others. Here are the definitions and distinctions of the terms prostitution and human trafficking, a brief comparative overview of the legal regulation of these terms in some of the Balkan legislations and is given a sociological analysis of the etiology, phenomenology and prevention of prostitution and human trafficking.
THE INFLUENCE OF GEO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMME ON ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY IN EUROPE[Full-Text ] EMMANUEL MADUFOROThe purpose of this paper is to clarify and evaluate the influence of geography and language on analytic philosophy. This clarification and evaluation, it is envisaged will introduce that philosophical language in which fundamental philosophical problems could be resolved or dismissed through the application of a rigorous and logico linguistic science. The philosophical outcome here will provide us with a precise account of vagueness such that the field of vagueness itself is then accurately expunged.
Theory of Knowledge (Epistemology) and Application in Youth Livelihood Project: the case of Emmanuel Development Association, in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Tessema B. WoldegiorgisBefore we discuss the practices of knowledge in youth livelihood projects in EDA it would be relevant to define the philosophy of knowledge (epistemology) first. The philosophy of knowledge is Epistemology, and it is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. Epistemologists study the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues. Epistemology concerns itself with ways of knowing and how we know. The word is derived from the Greek words epistéme and logos – the former term meaning “knowledge” and that latter term meaning “study of” (Donald, 1967).
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TDES AND AES CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHM IN CASHLESS TRANSACTIONS[Full-Text ] AbhishekIn trendy day’s use of cashless/digital payments is increasing day by day thanks to its easy service and completely different modes of transactions available in the market. Due to increase in the cashless/digital transaction the question arises is how secure the online payments system is. To answer this question there is need of cryptography or information security. Derived unique key per transaction is a key management scheme which generates set of secure unique keys from combination of super secret key and device’s serial number one of which is used per transaction.
IOT and Machine Learning based Automatic Toll Collection System[Full-Text ] Anupriya Mandal, Divyansh Singh, Rachel Shukla, M.V.PatilAutomatic Toll Collection System is a wireless system which autmomatically collects the toll charge to vehicle at various toll booths in many metropolitian cities. It is very efficient and fast processing technology which will eliminate heavy congestion and over crowding of vehicles in cities. It accelerates hassle free toll collection system and traffic monitoring. This system detects the arrival of vehicle and then captures the image of number plate.
AI based healthcare chat bot system[Full-Text ] M.V. Patil, Subhawna, Priya Shree, Puneet SinghThe main purpose of the healthcare chatbot system is to provide services in rural areas and government hospital for those people who are not able to take appointment or medical information from the doctors. They can solve their problem with the help of chatbot. With increasing population of India, increasing birth rate and decreasing death rate due to advancement in the medical field it has been observed that number of doctors are less to serve the need of the increasing population.
CARACTERIZACION DE ECOTIPOS DE CHIRIMOYA (Annona cherimole Mill) CON APTITUDES COMERCIALES EN EL DISTRITO DE ACOBAMBA[Full-Text ] Efraín David ESTEBAN NOLBERTO, Dr. David RUIZ VILCHEZ, Marino BAUTISTA VARGAS, Jimmy Pablo ECHEVARRIA VICTORIOA natural riches possess Peru; Source of vital foodstuff for the subsistence of the Peruvian, from pre-Hispanic epoches the cherimoya fruit was a food in the Northerner population of the Peru. Therefore, the put a title to work Caracterización of ecotipos of cherimoya fruit ( Annona cherimola Mill ) with trade abilities at Acobamba's district; Located at Acobamba's and Región Huancavelica's Province, which aimed at determining the ecotipos of cherimoya fruit ( Annona cherimola Mill ) with trade abilities at Acobamba's District – Huancavelica and his specific objectives went : Identifying the characteristics of the fruit of the different ecotipos of cherimoya fruit with trade abilities, Identifying the characteristics of the tree of the different ecotipos of cherimoya fruit with loud productibility Justificación and importance.
The data reduction for different Speckle images using MATLAB and IMAGE pro-plus[Full-Text ] M.Karamanii, H-Elghandoor, H. RamadanWhen coherent light rays can be incident on an optically rough object it will scatter randomly through all directions. Interference of these scattered rays leads to the formation of a bright spots (constructive interference), and dark spots (destructive interference), these are called Laser Speckles.
Orthodontics practice evaluation in the prevention of cariology in children and adolescents[Full-Text ] Maria.Mtalsi, Fatima Ezzahra.Elgasmi, Khadija.Derhmain, Mouna.Hamza, Samira.ElarabiAim : evaluate the various preventive measures put in place by Moroccan orthodontists to prevent the development of caries lesions during orthodontic treatment in children and young adolescents. Materials and methods: The population studied is represented by 81 Moroccan orthodontists from the liberal, hospital and university hospital sector of the Casablanca Dental Consultation and Treatment Center (CCTD). A questionnaire was distributed to them on instruction in the oral hygiene and its follow-up, the prescribed dental brushing means and its adjuvants as well as the various professional and adopted prophylactic practices.
Financial Performance Analysis By Using Economic Value Added (EVA) Method at PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Plc In Period of 2017-2019[Full-Text ] Dewi Arimbi Wulandari Puspitaningrum, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, La UtuThis research aims to determine and analyze financial performance by using Economic Value Added (EVA) method at PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Plc. This research used descriptive quantitative analysis for secondary data namely in the form of financial statement of PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Plc. as a company listed in Indonesia Stocks Exchange (IDX) per 31 December during the period of 2017 – 2019.
The correlation between intelligence quotients, refractive error and other ocular factors.[Full-Text ] Subhanshi Singh,Susmita BanerjeePurpose: To evaluate the correlation between intelligence and myopia in children. The relationship between refractory errors and intelligence and the importance of axial length, corneal curvature and read book per week factors in such associations, were investigated in a group of emmetropic and myopic children.
IMPACT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON MANUFACTURING ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] ALIHASEN YACOBIt is important that the managers understand and plan strategies to obtain a greater performance. TQM as a management tool has been applied by many organizations around the world. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management system for an organization focused on quality, based on the participation of all its members with the aim of meeting or surpassing long term success through customer‘s expectations and benefits to all members of the organization and to society.
Design and testing the functionality of Electric Motor cycle[Full-Text ] Jalata Sori NegasaGasoline motorcycles have a number of drawbacks, including high running costs, pollution, noise, and need regular maintenance. As a result, the goal of this project was to convert a gasoline motorbike into an electric motorcycle that could address the issues mentioned above. This initiative aids in the transfer of technology as a transportation system, while also lowering emissions and operational costs. To accomplish the project's goal, applied research technique was used to demonstrate fully functioning EMC.
TRACING PERSON USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUE IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENT[Full-Text ] Shourya Singh, Vivek Kumar Maddeshiya, Pranav Goel, Sai Venkat RaparthiEvery day, a large number of people go missing around the world, including children, teenagers, mentally challenged people, elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease, and so on. The majority of them have gone unnoticed. This paper proposes a system that would benefit both the police and the general public by speeding up the search process by using face recognition (using Ultralight Model or Yolo face). In this project, we are going to trace the subject using machine learning techniques in the cloud environment.
The Role of International Defense Diplomacy in Maintaining State Sovereignty Related to the Internationalization of Papuan Separatism[Full-Text ] Beni Rudiawan, Amarulla Octavian, Rizerius Eko Hadi Sancoko, Wayan Nuriada, Buddy Suseto, Martinus Dwi Arjanto Widodo, Endah Sri RejekiThe problem of the High Social Gap in Papua which is the cause of marginalization and discrimination against the Papuan people, as well as the different perceptions of some Indonesians at home and abroad towards armed separatist conflicts are push factors to corner the Indonesian government. The internationalization of Papuan separatism began when the Papuan people voiced independence as a result of the issue of human rights violations which Indonesia claimed had not been resolved. This is then supported by separatist activists who seek support through other countries, where the South Pacific Region countries are the most vocal actors in bringing the issue of Papuan human rights violations to the UN session.
The Influence of Leadership and Work Motivationon Performance Through Career Development of Health center staff in Konawe Islands Regency[Full-Text ] Asnur Jaya, Andi Basru Wawo, Bakhtiar Abbas This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of leadership and work motivation on performance through career development of health center employees in the Konawe Islands Regency. The sample in this study were some of the employees of health center employees in the Konawe Islands Regency, totaling 95 people. This study uses PLS analysis.
Effect of Work Experience on Employee Performance With Individual Characteristics as Intervening Variables at The DPRD Secretariat Office of Konawe Regency[Full-Text ] Suriani Suhardin, Abdul Azis Muthalib, Abdul Razak This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of (1) work experience on individual characteristics of employees; (2) work experience on employee performance; (3) Individual characteristics on employee performance. (4) Work experience mediated by individual characteris-tics on employee performance. This research was conducted at the Secretariat Office of the DPRD Konawe Regency. This study took a total sampling that is taking the entire population as a sample, which is as many as 53 people. This research uses Path Analysis or Path Analysis using SmartPLS 3.0 software.
The Effect of Employee Competency and Government In-ternal Control System on The Quality of Financial Reports at The Regional Office Of The Ministry of Law and Human Rights Southeast Sulawesi[Full-Text ] Lapoku, Abdul Azis Muthalib, Bakhtiar AbbasThe purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of employee competence and internal control systems on the quality of financial reports at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi. This research approach is a survey with an explanatory research design. Data collection is done by using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The population of this research is all employees or financial management officials at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi. Determination of the number of samples was carried out using a census so that the research sample obtained was 70 respondents. The analytical tool used is Multivariate Regression Analysis with SPSS program package.
Live NAS Server with Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Lakshay ChawlaWith the growing use of computers in our daily lives, the craze of wireless domains and cloud storage is growing daily, with this project on LIVE NAS SERVER WITH RASPBERRY PI, the idea is to use Raspberry Pi as a low cost NAS Server, which can be used to access Network Storage seamlessly on the LAN Network and to achieve this with low cost and low data consumption.
A REVIEW ON ROLE OF BITTER MELON IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE[Full-Text ] Revathi. N, Gowri. A, Sowmiya. R, Akila. K, Muthuselvam. M, Siva Vijayakumar.T Alzheimer’s disorder is one of the not unusualplace disorder that confronted via way of means of our society, Dementia, Parkinson’s illnesses are the a part of AD. To triumph over the ones there are numerous clinical technology and medicines are nonetheless evolving. The forgetting disorder are the only which ends withinside the destruction of neurons and shortage of microglial cells and TREM gene activation.
The role of I.C.T in educational transformation[Full-Text ] Dr Rafiu Jimoh Ango, Adeyemo Yusuf TemitopeThe integration of information and communication technologies (I.C.T) as taken the activities of our day to day learning and research, this paper examined the teachers’ perceptions on how to improve teaching and learning model through the uses of I.C.T. A multiple case-study research methodology was employed from various sources, opinions shows, their were widespread views on I.C.T as a major factor in teaching and learning processes.